El 399 VOL. 5 Public Disclosure Authorized



Public Disclosure Authorized 'ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT Public Disclosure Authorized

Changjiang Water Resources Protection Inst.

April 2006 Public Disclosure Authorized TABLE OF CONTENTS



















5.8SUMMARY 113











Table 1.6-1 List of EIATeam Table 1.6-2 Schedule of EIA (Institutional Arrangements for EIA Team) Table 2.2-1 Construction plan of urban sewage treatment projects Table 3.1 -1 Designed qualities of inflow and effluent of Phase C Table 3.1-2 Statistics of Actual Sewage Quantity Treated Table 3.1-3 Statistics of Inflow Quality and Effluent Quality of Each Month of 2002 Table 3.1-4 Statistics of Inflow Quality and Effluent Quality of Each Month of 2003 Table 3.1-5 Statistics of Inflow Quality and Effluent Quality of Each Month of 2004 Table 3.1-6 Eligible Rates of Effluent Quality Table 3.4-1 Water Consumption Forecast Table 3.4-2 Forecast Result of Received Sewage Quantity Table 3.5-1 Designed Inflow Quality of the WWTP Table 3.5-2 Designed Effluent Quality of the Sewage Treatment Plant Table 3.5-3 Schedule of Pipe net of Wenchangsha WWTP Project Phase[ Table 3.5-4 Schedule of Pumping Station of Wenchangsha WWTP Phase [0 Table 3.6-1 Permanent land occupation of Phase L-]Project of Wenchangsha WWTP Table 4.1-1 Noise Monitor Result of Project Location Table 4.1-2 Water Monitoring Result Statistic Chart of River in 2003 Table 4.1-3 Water Monitoring Result Statistic Chart of Tiansha River in 2003 Table 4.1-4 Water Monitoring Result Statistic Chart of Jiangmen River in Low Water Period in 2003 Table 4.1-5 Water Monitoring Result Statistic Chart of Tiansha River in Low Water Period in 2003 Table 4.1-6 Water Quality Monitoring Result Statistic Chart of the Jiangmen River and

III the Tiansha River in 2005 (Yearly Average) Table 4.1-7 Water Quality Monitoring Result Statistic Chart of the Jiangmen River and the Tiansha River in Low Flow Period in 2005 Table 4.1-8 Weather Condition in Monitoring Period Table 4.1-9 Monitoring Result Statistic Chart of Air Quality Unit:mg/m3 Table 4.3-1 Actuality of landuse in Jiangmen City Table 5.1 -1 Identification Matrix of the El Factors of the Project Table 5.2-1 Standard of Ambient Air Quality ( GB3095-1996 ) Table 5.2-2 Integrated Standard of Air Pollutant Emission (GB16297-1996) Table 5.2-3 Standard of Odor Pollutant Emission and Standard of Pollutant Emission from Municipal Sewage Treatment Plants Table 5.2-4 Standard of Ambient Noise Levels in Urban Areas (GB3096-93) Table 5.2-5 Noise Limits for Boundaries of Construction Sites (GB12523-90) Table 5.2-6 Standards on Environmental Quality of Surface Water (GB3838-2002) Table 5.2-7 Integrated Standard of Sewage Discharge (GB8978-1996) Table 5.2-8 Standard of Pollutant Discharge from Municipal Sewage Treatment plants Table 5.2-9 Limited Values of Water Pollutant Discharge of Table 5.2-10 Standard of Agricultural Sludge Pollutant Control Table 5.2-11 Standard Values for Identification of Lixivium Toxicity Table 5.3-1 Noise Origin Source Strength of Primary Machines in Wenchangsha WWTP(O1) Table 5.3-2 Attenuation Forecast of Machines Table 5.3-3 ConstnrclionAreaNoise Forecast Value of Wenchangsha WWTP Table 5.3-4 Pipe ConstnctionAraNoise Forecast Value of Wenchangsha WWTP Table 5.4-1 Contamination Emission of Wenchangsha WWTP (O) Table 5.4-2 Forecast Results of Impacts on Water Quality of the Tiansha River Table 5.4-3 Forecast Results of Impacts on Water Quality of the Jiangmen River Table 5.4-4 Forecast Results of Impacts on Water Quality of the Jiangmen River Table 5.4-5 Fetor Resource strength of Wenchangsha WWTP Table 5.4-6 Wind Speed Frequency in the Urban Area of Jiangmen between 1998-2003 Table 5.4-7 Stability Grade and Frequency in Jiangmen City Table 5.4-8 Monitoring Result around Aeration Basin in Jizhuangzi WWTP Table 5.4-9 Monitoring Result and Fetor Level of Gongbei WWTP Table 5.4-10 Health Protection Distance of Wenchangsha WWTP Table 5.4-11 Deodorization System of 1 Sewage Pumping Station Table 5.4-12 Deodorization System of 3# Sewage Pumping Station Table 5.4-13 Deodorization System of Wenchangsha WWTP Table 5.4-14 Noise Origin Source Strength of Primary Machines in Wenchangsha WWTP(O) Table 5.4-15 Noise Origin Source Strength attenuation Forecast of Wenchangsha WWTP( O]) Table 5.4-16 Forecast Value of Wenchangsha WWTP Boundary and Sensitive Spots Table 5.5-1 Sludge of Wenchangsha WWTP in Running Stage

IV Table 5.5-2 Routine Detection Result of Sludge Table 5.5-3 Detection Results of Sludge Lixivium Table 6.1-1 Comparisons of Contamination Gross Discharged into Water Body Table 6.3-1 Present Worth Comparison of Different Craft Table 7.2-1 Summary Sheet of Environment Protection Measures Table 7.3-1 Monitoring Equipment List needed in Wastewater Treatment Plant during Operation Table 7.4-1 Environment Management Plan Table 7.5-1 Environmental Monitoring Plan Table 7.5-2 Expense estimate of each sub project monitoring Table 7.6-1 Schedule for Environmental Protection Personnel Training Table 8.2-1 Questionnaire for Wenchangsha WWTP Phase El in Jiangmen Table 8.2-2 Details of the Surveyed People Table 8.2-3 Results of Public Participation Table 8.3-1 Details of the Surveyed People of the Second Public Participation Table 8.3-2 Results of the Second Public Participation PHOTOS

Photo 3. -1 Wenchangsha WWTP Phase El Photo 3.1-2 Obligated Land for Wenchangsha WWTP Phase El Photo 4.5-1 Relative Location of Wenchang Chinese-Englsh School and Wenchangsha WWTP Photo 4.5-2 Wenchang Chinese-English School FIGURES

Figure 4.1-1 Noise monitor spots Sketch Map of Wenchangsha WWTP Figure 4.1-2 The Water Quality of Main Water System in Jiangmen City in Rainless Period Figure 5.4-1 The Water Quality of Main Water System in Jiangmen City in Rainless Period in Operation Stage Figure 5.4-2 Frequency Rose Figure of Jiangmen City Figure 6.3-1 Process Chart of A/O Figure 6.3-2 Process Chart of A2/O Figure 6.3-3 Process Chart of Improved A2/o ANNEXES

ANNEX A REFERENCES ANNEX B SOME OTHER APPENDIXES Appendix 1: Inception letter of Wenchangsha wwtp sludge by qiganshi sanitary landfill Appendix 2: Opinions statistics of Public participation












1.1 Project Background

Since 's reform and opening up policy in the late 1970s, economic growth in the Pearl River delta (referred as PRD) has continued at a rapid growth rate. According to statistics data, the average annual GNP growth rate during the period from 1990 to 2000 was 14.7%. The PRD has become a manufacturing base in the whole world.

There is a well-developed water system in the PRD, with crisscross rivers, ditches and canals distributed in the water network. Major surface waters passing through this region include the Pearl River and its tributaries including Xijiang, Beijiang and Dongjiang, which flows from north to south and empties into the South China Sea. The water system is referred to the Figure.

Rapid economic growth in PRD is accompanied by ever increasing environmental pollution. The deteriorated environmental conditions result in serious water pollution. Water qualities in many branches belong to or are below Category V, especially those around , and . Major water pollution sources include domestic wastewater, industry wastewater, and agricultural surface pollution sources. Water pollution in the PRD poses a serious thread to the South China Sea.

The South China Sea is one of major large marine ecosystems in the world. In order to improve the global environment, the GEF has agreed to help coastal countries to achieve sustainable development. With the cooperation of GEF/UNDP/IMO East Asian Marine Environmental Management and Global Environmental Loan/UNEP, the GEF-financed study has analyzed the major risks by the trend of environmental deterioration in the South China Sea and the Thailand Bay, and identified land-based pollution as the most significant transboundary pollution source in the South China Sea, and the PRD is identified as a "hot spot" of land-based pollution and the largest land-based pollution source from China. To mitigate land-based pollution from the PRD is helpful in dealing with such special thread to the South China Sea and reverse the trend of environmental deterioration, which will generate huge environmental benefits and benefit millions of people living here and their health. IN order to solve the issue of environmental pollution in the PRD, Guangdong Provincial Government and the local government intend to apply for a World Bank loan for PRD Urban Environmental Improvement Project.

This project comprises a series of subprojects, including Phase I-environmental improvement in Guangzhou City, mainly the sewage treatment and collection system, which are under implementation, and Phase II - environmental improvement in Foshan and Jiangmen. Foshan Subproject consists of (1) dredging of drainage system, (2) rehabilitation on the south bank of the Fengjiang River, (3) sludge treatment center, and (4) Zhen'an sewage treatment plant and collection network, while Jiangmen Subproject comprises Wenchangsha Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase II (referred to as the "Project") and sewage collection network.

1.2 Need for Project

The length of polluted rivers in the PRD is still increasing. Water pollution is so serious that water quality in some urban reaches is worse than Category V. As indicated by statistical data, there was a total sewage volume of 11.5 million m3/d in 2000, which is expected to reach 12.3 million m3/d by 2010, including 2.1 million m3/d industrial wastewater. Geographically, 25% was from Guangzhou and 25 from Jiangmen and Foshan, so it is extremely important to enhance water pollution control in Jiangmen and improve the water environmental quality in the PRD.

Jiangmen City is in the west part of the PRD. Major rivers flowing through this city include Xijiang and Tanjiang. The local government is greatly interested in water pollution control. Recently, the following measures have been implemented for industrial pollution control:

(1) Improve discharge reporting and registration procedure: To have a full and correct understanding of pollution sources, discharge reporting and registration procedure were completed by Jiangmen in 2001, and 1530 industries were included to ensure their effluent discharge compliance

(2) Ensure the effluent from the industries reaching the discharge standards within required time: This measure covers 310 major industries in chemical pharmaceutical, paper mill, electronic integrated circuit, textile and dyeing, plastic processing, tannery, brewery, machinery, and other manufacturing industries. For instance, Jiangmen Xinhua Paper Mill, a big pollution source, tried hard to seek advanced treatment technologies within the required time limit and adopted efficient shallow flotation devices designed by Wuhan Design Institute under the Ministry of Light Industry and produced by Wuxi Hudong Machinery Plant, which can remove a large percentage of SS, COD and BOD and enabled reuse of treated wastewater.

(3) Control additional pollution sources by strictly following "three at same time": It is required by Jiangmen City that any project with environmental impacts is subject to the environmental protection authority's approval before the registration of the project can be are completed. Recently total of 2,740 application were received, 119 of them were rejected, that is 4.34%; the total investment is 11.704 billion RMB, including 358 million RMB for environmental protection, that is 3.06%. The system of "three at same time" was adopted in 518 schemes, which was 100% of the project numbers in

2 the year, and 966 projects were accepted in the year, the additional pollution sources is controlled effectively.

(4) Abandon out of date equipment and processes, shut down the industries which can not meet the discharge standards: Jiangmen City has developed a thorough inventory of the "small" enterprises and measures were taken for those which failed to reach the discharge standards in the required time limit, as result 3 factories and 35 small coal kilns were banned and 15 factories were asked to shot down in the city.

(5) Promote cleaner production: ISO14000 and cleaner production are conducted properly to promote the compliance with the standards. For instance, Jiangmen ABB Low-voltage Switch CO., Ltd. has saved electricity by 25% and water by 15% in the first year by introducing IS014001 standard. The resulting higher resources utilization ratios and lower operation costs represent considerable economic benefits.

(6) Strengthen pollution source monitoring and punish the illegal discharge: Forceful efforts were made for inspecting enforcement for industrial pollution, including key enterprises and ordinary ones. It is required to improve internal management, establish environmental regulations and responsibility systems, maintain pollution control facility in good order and monitoring records, issue order of correction to the enterprises if failing to meet the standards, and exercise administrative punishment on the enterprises for violating the law. In the recent years, the environmental authorities deployed 8,071 person times for 5,263 inspections, issued 106 administrative punishment, levied 0.7552 million RMB penalty on the enterprises, all of these were exposed to the public by the media.

With these measures implemented and joint efforts made by the responsible parties, the all key 1,530 enterprises have completed pollution management, among those, 224 meeting the standards by pollution control measures within the required time, 329 meeting the standards by pollution control measures, 890 meeting the standards by implementing correction measure, 10 meeting the standards by eliminating the polluting processes, 64 was shut down themselves, 7 was ordered to stop production, 5 was shut down according to the law, and 1 was agreed to be accepted later. By this effort, the total volume of industrial wastewater is reduced from 125.2377 million tons to 111.881 million tons/a.

The next step of pollution control will focus on ensuring all major pollution sources to meet the national and local standards. According to the "Guangdong Provincial Action Plan for Compliance Discharge of Major Pollution Sources", 150 enterprises in Hangmen will be included in the list of compliance discharge, including 8 provincial key enterprises, 25 city key ones, 100 electroplating ones, and 17 district key ones. On-line monitoring equipment will be installed in the outfalls of these enterprises, and be connected to the environmental

3 protection authorities to carry out adequate monitoring. The effluent from these enterprises will be tested more than 4 times a year.

While industrial pollution control is strengthened, "green water and blue sky" schemes are implemented in combination with urban flood control and overall management measures in Tiansha and Zishui Rivers to improve water pollution.

Jiangmen and Tiansha are major rivers passing through the city property of Jiangmen City, were included in the priority pollution control list in Pearl River water environmental management in 2002. Despite of a series of measures implemented in water pollution control and industrial pollution control, since there are (except ) only 2 wastewater 3 3 treatment plants (Wenchang and Fengle) with the capacity of 50,000 m /d and 40,000 m /d respectively, which is considerably less than the existing wastewater generated of 300,000 m3/d, and additionally the development of sewage collection system lags behind, large quantities of wastewater is discharged into the Tiansha and Jiangmen Rivers, which caused serious pollution to a varying extent. At present, water quality in Tiansha River belongs to Category V, and water quality in Jiangmen River belongs to Category IV and is below Category IV in dry seasons. According to water quality objectives proposed by Comprehensive Control Planning of Water Environment for Jiangmen City of Guangdong Province, water qualities of the Tiansha River and the Jiangmen River should meet or be better than Category IV of the Surface Water Quality Standard. So, the water quality in these rivers fails to meet the objectives of corresponding functions.

As required in the "Outline of Environmental Protection Plan for PRD" [416], the rate of municipal sewage treatment will be over 70% by 2010 and 85% by 2020, with secondary treatment processes in order to remove the phosphorous and nitrogen. Based on this, it is 3 required to have a sewage treatment capacity of 1.48 million m /d by 2010 and 2.01 million m3/d by 2020. The existing capacity is inadequate to meet the requirements of the overall water environmental management and water quality objectives. Therefore Jiangmen urban environmental improvement, as an important component of the PRD Urban Environmental Improvement Project - Phase II (referred to as "PRDII"), should be considered as priority.

1.3 Purpose of EIA

The Project, as an important part of overall water environmental management in Jiangmen City, is a public utility for the purpose of environmental protection. When completed and put into operation, it will greatly reduce the pollution load into the Jiangmen and Tiansha Rivers and ease the water pollution in the urban reaches. On the other hand, during the construction and operation of the Project, the odor and sludge generated will inevitably cause some impacts on the physical environment, social environment and ecosystem.

4 The purpose of this EIA report is to predict the environmental improvements in Jiangmen City and PRD and the adverse impacts by the Project on the aquatic ecosystem, landscape, public health, land use, and social development by investigating the environmental setting in the Project area and analyzing the Project's role, carry out overall assessment of the possible adverse environmental impacts caused by effluent, odor and sludge, recommend mitigating measures for both construction and operation stages, thus provide a sound basis for environmental management and feasibility study preparation responsible authorities, IA and DI.

1.4 Processes and Methodology of EIA

1.4.1 Process of EIA

EIA of the Project is prepared in 5 stages:

Stage 1 - preliminary planning: to carry out initial analysis of the Project components, review the Project file, work out work plan, and prepare basis for EIA;

Stage 2 - preparation: to conduct initial analysis of the Project role through office work and field work based on the Project file, survey on the environmental setting, collect baseline data such as the "Outline of Environmental Protection Plan for PRD" and "Overall Plan of Water Environmental Management in Jiangmen City", conduct first round Public Participation to receive public opinions and suggestions, and prepare EIA ToR;

Stage 3 - formal work: to evaluate the policy and regulation/management framework on the basis of the overall survey of environmental background in the Project area and the EIA ToR, analyze the provincial policies and regulations, initially assess the institutional arrangements during construction and operations phases, work out initial environmental management framework, identify environmental impacts and determine environmental protection targets on the basis of experience and lessons from similar projects, review the World Bank safeguard policies, analyze the environmental impacts from the Project, make recommendations on optimizing Project components, and propose initial environmental protection measures, environmental monitoring plans and environmental management plans;

Stage 4 -report preparation: to improve the environmental impact analysis, environmental protection measures, environmental monitoring plans and environmental management plans on the basis of the activities completed and the findings from Public Participation in Stage 3, analyze and summarize the information and data collected in the previous stage, reach conclusions and complete the EIA report (draft) on this basis, carry out the second round Public Participation, disclose report to the public, and conduct pre-appraisal;

5 Stage 5 - finalize report: revise the draft report and finalize the reports based on the comments from Project Management Office and the World Bank's Pre-appraisal Mission.

1.4.2 Methodology of EIA

Considering the fact that the Project is for environmental improvement, its aim is to improve the water environment and the people's living standards, promote sustainable social development and establish a harmonious society. As the environmental impacts during construction will be minor and short, but impacts during operation will exist all the time, the methodology adopted has the following characteristics:

(1) The study area covers pipeline installation areas, pump stations, and treatment plant, the focus will be on the plant;

(2) Due to the considerable difference in management and operation modes and environmental impacts during construction and operation, the environmental impacts, mitigating measures and environmental management plans will be described separately for both construction and operation periods.

(3) As the Project is for environmental improvement, the EIA will be focused on the analysis of positive impacts due to implementation and the impacts during operation.

(4) In addition to the above, the EIA includes analysis of the applicable policies, regulations and relevant plans, Public Participation, and environmental risk management.

1.5 Relationship with Feasibility Study

As stipulated in the national "Regulations for Environmental Protection and Management of Construction Projects", an EIA report should be prepared as an important part of the project feasibility study report and one of the mandatory documents to be submitted, EIA conclusions are an important basis for justifying the project feasibility, and acceptance of the EIA report is a precondition for approving the overall feasibility study report.

An EIA report in the feasibility study stage must include environmental protection measures for different project stages, namely, (i) design, including contract documents, (ii) construction, and (iii) operation, including environmental monitoring plans, environmental management plans, and institutional arrangements. The EIA report must comply with China's applicable laws/regulations and the World Bank's EIA Guidelines. The EIA report will be pre-reviewed by the relevant government authority before finally reviewed by the environmental protection authority.

6 1.6 EIA Team

This report is prepared by the Yangtze Water Resources Protection Institute as guided by the World Bank experts and Metcalf & Eddy Inc. and assisted by the relevant parties. The EIA team is established by the Institute. Table 1.6-1 lists the members and responsibilities of the team and Table 1.6-2 is for the schedule of EIA.

Table 1.6-1 List of EIA Team Name Subject Education Responsibility EIA, environmental protection Gorpy clg,si Lei Alin plan, soil conservation, water conservateon Organization, coordination resources management EIA, enviromnmental protection Aquatic ecology, soil Task manager, review of Jiang Guzheng plan, soil conservation, water conservation report in Chinese and resources management English Ma Jing'an EIA, soil conservation, water Meteorology, hydrology Technical manager ______resources_mnanagement ______Li Yingxi EIA, soil conservation, water Hydrology, soil Technical responsibility resources management conservation Cao Wenying EIA, soil conservation, water Architectural engineering, Sections 3, 5, 7, 8 Y______resources management water resources Ba Yadong EIA, soil conservation Environmental monitoring, Sections, 1, 2, 4, 5, summar ______soil conservation

Cai Jianqing EIA, soil conservation Microbiology, soil Sections 1, 2, 5, 6

Wang EIA, soil conservation environmental engineering Sections 1, 5, 6, 7

EIA Environmental monitoring, Sections 6, 8, 9 Liu Yachun water resources Zhang Ning EIA, soil conservation Archoitectural enginmeerig, Sections 2, 10, drawing 1environmiental economy Wang Junling EIA, soil conservation Sociology Sections 3, 4, 10, drawing Table 1.6-2 Schedule of EIA (Institutional Arrangements for EIA Team) Responsibility Main Activity by EIA Team 1. Introduction LAL, JGZ, MJA, BYD, CJQ 2. Policies and regulations LYX, BYD, WXY, ZN,CJQ 3. Project description LAL, MJA, BYD, CWY, WJL 4. Environmental setting in surroundings JGZ, BYD, LYC, WJL 5. EIA and enviromnental protection measures JGZ, MJA, BYD, CWY, WXY, CJQ, LYC 6. Economic evaluation JGZ, CJQ, LYC,CJQ 7. Altematives JGZ, LYX, CWY, WXY, LYC 8. Enviromnental management plan JGZ, MJA, CWY, WXY, LYC 9. Public Participation and information release JGZ, MJA, BYD,LYC 10. Conclusions and recommendations JGZ, ZN, WJL WXY Drawing ZN, WJL Executive sunumary JGZ, CWY, WXY Annex A: References LYX, LYC Translation JGZ, CGR, WXY

I I I~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: EIA team members: BYD=Ba Yadong, CGR=Chen Guirong, CJQ=Cai Jianqing, CWY=Cao Wenying, JGZ=Jiang Guzheng, LAL=Lei Alin, LYC=Liu Yachun, LYX=Li Yingxi, MJA=Ma Jing'an, WJL=Wang Junling, WXY=Wang Xiaoyuan, ZN=Zhang Ning

1.7 Organization of Report

1.7.1 Main Report

The organization of the EIA report is arranged as follows:

Main report:

(1) Table of contents;

(2) Executive summary: a brief description of the main report, which summarizes the main contents, conclusions and recommendations. Also when necessary a few pages of summary will be prepared for review by superior officials;

(3) Sections: refer to the Table of Contents.

1.7.2 References

Main references in the report are numbered 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 respectively, and attached to the texts and figures/tables to indicate the source of information.

1.7.3 Organization by Sections

The first part of each section describes the specific organization, which is texts and then followed by figures and tables.

1.8 Acknowledgement

Our thanks go to Tom Zearley, Li Dahong and experts of the World Bank, Metcalf & Eddy Inc., Jiangmen Public Utilities Bureau, Jiangmen Environmental Protection Bureau and other departments, Wenchangsha Wastewater Treatment Plant, and Central and Southern China Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute for their great support and assistance.

1.9 Summary

Section 1 includes the following parts:

8 (1) Project Background: For the purpose of water environmental protection in the Pearl River basin and land-based pollution mitigation in the PRD, Guangdong Provincial Government applies for a World Bank loan for the PRD Urban Environmental Improvement Project. PRD2 is an important component of the project.

(2) Need for Project: Water environmental pollution in the PRD is serious, the total wastewater discharge was 11.5 million m3/d in 2000, including 25% from Guangzhou and 25% from Jiangmen and Foshan. Therefore, to enhance water pollution control in Jiangmen is of great importance to environmental improvement in the PRD. A series of measures have been implemented to improve water pollution control and industrial pollution control in the recent years, yet water quality in the Jiangmen and Tiansha Rivers still fails to meet the objectives of standards. Therefore Jiangmen urban environmental improvement, an important component of the PRD2, should be considered as a priority.

(3) Purpose of EIA: This EIA report is prepared to meet the World Bank requirements. Investigation on local environmental conditions and prediction on how the Project will impact and improve the water environment in Jiangmen and the PRD during construction and operation periods, including the odor and sludge impacts on Jiangmen during operation. Mitigating measures are recommended also.

(4) Process and Methodology of EIA: The EIA includes 5 stages: preliminary planning, preparation, formal work, draft report preparation, and finalize the report. The methodology includes: baseline data collection by overall survey, survey, and field investigation; analysis of the possible environmental impacts and provision of mitigating measures in design, construction and operation stages of the Project; preparation of environmental management plans to ensure implementation of proposed environmental protection measures.

(5) Relationship with Project Feasibility Study: This report is an important part of the Project feasibility study, rather than an addition.

(6) EIA Team: The team members, responsibilities, profession and inputs are discussed in brief.

(7) Organization of Report: The table of contents is explained. This report is prepared to meet the World Bank requirements.

(8) Acknowledgement: For organizations and individuals who greatly helped the EIA team.


2.1 Implementation of Environmental Regulation and Guidelines

The preparation of EIA and EMP follows the national and local policies, law and regulations systems constituted by the Constitution, environmental protection law, and environmental protection codes and various environmental standards.

2.1.1 Environmental policies

(1) Basic state policy

Environmental protection is state policy of China. Its strategic goal is: to alleviate the environmental pollution, to arrest the deterioration tendency of environment, to improve urban and rural environmental quality especially for big and middling cities and important areas and to complete laws, policies and management system of environmental protection adapted to socialist market economy system. The report takes the requirements of "improving urban and rural environmental quality especially for big and middling cities and important areas" into account.

(3) Sustainable development strategy

This strategy requires that the sustainable development should be embodied when the planning and schemes of the socioeconomic development strategy is prepared. Environmental protection should be included into relevant economic policies, economic indicators. The environmental protection is confirmed in this report according to the strategy.

2.1.2 Constitution and environmental laws, codes and criterions

The report mainly follows the national laws, codes and criterions:

(1) Constitution of the PRC [401]

Article 26 of the Constitution indicates that the state protects and improves people's environment and eco-environment, prevents and controls pollution and other public hazards. The above description on environmental protection confirmed by the nation is adequately embodied in the compilation of this report.

(2) Environmental Protection Law of the PRC [401]

Article 13 of the Law indicates that environmental impact assessment report on a construction project must assess its impact on the environment and recommend the

10 preventive and mitigation measures; The report shall, after initial examination by the authorities in charge of the construction project, be submitted through specified procedure to the environmental protection administration for approval. These requirements are considered in the course of the report preparation.

(3) Environmental Impact Assessment Law of the PRC [403]

Article 1 of the Law indicates that this law is formulated for the purpose of implementing sustainable development strategy, preventing negative impacts on environment caused by planning and construction project and promoting the harmonious development of economy, society and environment. Article 2 indicates that the environmental impact assessment refers to analyzing, predicting and assessing the environmental impacts caused by the implementation of planning and construction project, stipulating measures for preventing or mitigating the negative environmental impacts and measures and systems for monitoring.

Article 16 (1) of the law indicates that for the project that would cause significant environmental impact, environmental impact assessment report should be compiled and the caused environmental impact should be comprehensively assessed. These requirements are considered in the course of report preparation.

(4) Ordinance on the Environmental Protection Management for Construction Project [408]

Item 9 of the ordinance indicates that environmental impact assessment report should be submitted for approval by the construction unit in the feasibility study period... Item 16 indicates that environment protection facilities required should be designed, constructed and put into operation at the same time with the project. The above provisions are adequately embodied in the compilation of this report.

(5) Water Law of the PRC [401]

Article 6 of the Law indicates that every unit should strengthen the prevention and control of water pollution in order to protect and improve water quality. The people's governments at various levels should strengthen the supervision and management of prevention and control of water pollution according to the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution. Compilation of this report is under the Law. And relevant measures for preventing water pollution are constituted in the environmental management plan.

(6) Land Administration Law of the PRC [401]

Article 23 of the Law indicates that construction unit must possess design documents approved by State Council or governments above county level according to the basic

II construction procedure of the nation or other authorized documents when land requisition is necessary for the construction. Article 27 indicates that land compensation should be paid by the unit using the land when land requisition is necessary for construction. Article 28 indicates that subsidy for resettlement should be paid properly by the unit using the land beside land compensation when land requisition is necessary for construction. Article 33 indicates that field for piling up of materials, road for transportation and other temporary facilities that are necessary for construction of the project should be arranged within the acquired land. Building of permanent structure is prohibited on the land occupied temporarily. When the use on temporarily occupied land completes, the construction unit should resume the production condition of the land and return the land in time.

(7) Law of the PRC on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution [401]

Article 13 of the Law indicates that relevant national regulations on environmental protection management of construction project must be followed when building, expanding or rebuilding construction projects or other facilities on water that discharge pollutants to water body directly or indirectly. The Article also indicates that environmental impact assessment report for construction project must assess its potential impacts on water pollution and eco-environment, recommend the prevention and control measures, and then submit to corresponding environmental administration authority for approval according to the procedure.

According to the above regulations, this report recommends that the construction contractor should build and operate water pollution control facilities. And tasks of construction contractor should be supervised by environmental management office. Construction contractor should also monitor the pollution that may be caused in the operation period of the wastewater treatment plant, to ensure both the water environment downstream of the outfall would not be affected by the effluent of treated water and the water environment will be improved after the operation of the project.

(8) Law of the PRC on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution [401]

Article 10 of the Law indicates that relevant national regulations about environmental protection management of construction project must be followed when building, expanding or rebuilding construction projects that emit pollution to atmosphere. The article also indicates that environmental impact assessment report of construction project must assess its potential impacts on air pollution and eco-environment, recommend the prevention and control measures, and then submit to corresponding environmental administration authority for approval according to the procedure. Protective measures of ambient air quality are recommended in the report for design, construction and operation phases. Implementation of the measures will be supervised by environmental management office.

12 (9) Law of the PRC on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Noise Pollution [401]

Article 13 of the Law indicates that all the construction projects should take noise control measures similar to the control of water and air pollution, and these tasks should be implemented by construction contractor.

(10) Law of the PRC on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste [4011

Article 3 of this law indicates that for prevention and control the environmental pollution caused by solid wastes, the principal is to decrease the production, utilize and dispose of solid wastes in sanitary way. Article 12 indicates that relevant national regulations on environmental protection management of construction project must be followed when the project constructed will produce industrial solid wastes and projects are for treatment and disposal of solid wastes. Article 29 indicates that unit that produces industrial solid wastes should set up responsibility system of prevention and control of environmental pollution and take measures to prevent and control environmental pollution caused by industrial solid wastes. This report recommends the management and control measures for solid wastes in construction period; corresponding measures are also recommended according to the characteristics of sludge produced in operation period.

(11) City Planning Law of the PRC [402]

City Planning Law indicates that utilization of land and constructions should proceed according to the city planning.

(12) Ordinance of Environmental Protection of Guangdong Province [417]

Item 2 of the ordinance indicates that the this ordinance shall apply for protecting and improving people's environment and eco-environment, preventing and controlling pollution such as waste gas, wastewater, solid waste, dust, odors, radioactive substances, noise, vibration and radiation of electromagnetic wave and other hazardous waste in the district of Guangdong Province. Item 3 indicates that the people's governments at various levels should be responsible for the environmental quality of the areas under their jurisdiction. The system that leaders should be responsible for the environmental quality will be implemented and objectives and tasks of environmental protection in both office term and each year should be carried out to ensure the environmental quality meeting the planned standard.

(13) Ordinance of Water Quality Protection for Pearl Delta of Guangdong Province [424]

Item 14 of the ordinance indicates that centralized urban wastewater treatment facilities should be constructed in cities (cities and towns set up by the nation according to

13 administrative organization system). Centralized wastewater treatment facilities should also be constructed according to local requirement of water quality protection planning in villages and towns with population more than 10,000 population. Treatment rate should be no less than 40% in 2005 and no less than 70% in 2010. Item 17 indicates that centralized wastewater treatment units should keep the treatment facilities operate normally and ensure the effluent quality meet national or local discharge standard. Centralized wastewater treatment units should monitor the quality and quantity of effluent, report periodically the results to local environmental protection administrative agencies and conduct sanitary treatment for sludge. When discharged effluent quality from the centralized wastewater treatment unit can't each the discharge standard, government at the same level should order the unit to improve in a limited period and the unit should pay a penalty for non-compliance. Implementation of this project follows this requirement. The environmental management plan is included in this report.

2.1.3 World Bank's Documents

The report follows World Bank relevant guidelines:

(1) Word Bank's guidelines on environmental assessment [501]

According to the World Bank's guidelines, compilation of the report is to ensure the project planned is reasonable and applicable in the aspect of environment and ensure any of the environmental impact is predicted before the construction of the project, at the same time it should be included project design. Environmental assessment includes determination of the environmental improvement caused by the project, measures to reduce the negative impact and mitigation measures. Environmental impact assessment of the project follows the requirements of the guidelines.

(2) World Bank's Operation Policies of Environmental Assessment [502] (OP4.01)

Item 1 of World Bank's Operation Policies of Environmental Assessment indicates that World Bank should implement environmental assessment for projects using World Bank funding in order to ensure the projects are environmental friendly and sustainable, to improve decision-making ability.

(3) World Bank's Working Process of Environmental Assessment [503](OP4.01)

Item 1 of World Bank's Working Process of Environmental Assessment indicates that it is the responsibility of borrower to implement environmental assessment for projects using World Bank financing.

14 2.2 Analysis of Coordination with Relevant Planning

2.2.1 Analysis of Coordination with Outline of Environmental Protection Planning in the

Pearl River Delta Area

Through more than 20 years development, the socioeconomic development in Pearl River Delta has obtained great achievement. With 0.4% of the land and 3% of the national population, Pearl River Delta generated 9% of the GDP in 2002. At the same time, with the high-speed economic development, a lot of improvement on environmental protection and ecological system has been achieved, and preliminary effect of the integrated rectification for Pearl River has been observed. Water quality of the river sections that flow through the cities has been improved. However, the whole environmental situation is still severe. The Outline of Environmental Protection Planning of Pearl River Delta [416] (Outline for short) indicates that water quality of the mainstreams in Pearl River Delta maintains good level of Category II or Category III, but domestic wastewater discharge is large, industrial wastewater discharge is mainly from some key industries, the pollution from livestock and poultry is severe. As a result, the length of polluted river still has tendency of increase, water pollution of most river sections that flow through cities is severe, water quality in part of the river sections is worse than Category IU and normal living and production of inhabitants along rivers are affected. Water supply and drinking water sources of some cities are affected, and transboundary water pollution is becoming serious problem. Advantage of abundant water resources in some areas is now transiting to the disadvantage of water shortage caused by poor water quality.

Planning goals of the Outline are: to by 2010 environmental pollution and ecological destruction will be controlled effectively, discharge of main pollutants will be decreased significantly, water quality of mainstreams and tributaries in Pearl River Delta Basin will maintain a good condition, frequency of acid rainfall will decrease obviously, Integrated indicators of environmental protection of each city will exceed score of 90, all of the cities will reach the requirements of national environmental protection model city, and a national environmental protection model city group will be set up... Water pollution control should be strengthened in severely polluted areas. Strict engineering measures must be adopted to decrease pollution load effectively, even measures such as water transfer will be taken to meet the requirement of ecological flow, and riverway dredging could be adopted when necessary, especially for the Pearl River month, Shiqiao Watercourse in Guangzhou, River, Qianshan River in City, Jiangmen River and Lile River in Jiangmen City, Foshan Watercourse, Qijiang Watercourse in City and Dongyin Canal and Shima River in Dongguan City, and so on.

The wastewater treatment projects in the region have been planned in the Outline. 74.5 billion yuan (investment before 2002 is not included) will be invested in Pearl River Delta to

15 construct wastewater treatment plants and relevant pipe networks. The wastewater treatment capability will reach 16.56 million m3/d, wastewater collection rate will reach 70% and treatment rate of urban and town domestic wastewater will reach 70%. Detailed planning is presented in Table 2.2-1.

At present, there are three wastewater treatment plants in Jiangmen City (including Xinhui District). The treatment capability is 130 thousand m3/d, far from the requirement in the Outline of 1.48 million m3 /d in 2010. The implementation of this project will increase the treatment capacity and improve the water quality of rivers flowing across Jiangmen City. Both Hangmen and Foshan components belong to Pearl River Delta Urban Environment Improvement Project .Phase II, The project is an environment-improving project with the purpose of improving the water environment of Pearl River basin, and follows the Outline.

Table 2.2-1 Construction plan of urban wastewater treatment projects 2010 2020 City Scale of trelment Investment ( of trea )e(tbInvestment ncaleiof tramend estimation Scalleiof tramendestimation ( ) ~~~~~billion yuan) (ilomI) (billion yuan) Guangzhou 3.84 17.3 5.17 24.8 Shenzhen 2.68 12.1 3.62 17.4 Zhuhai 0.55 2.5 0.79 3.8 Foshan 2.01 9.1 2.72 13.1 Dongguan 2.36 10.6 2.92 14.1 1.28 5.8 1.80 8.6 Zhongshan 0.93 4.2 1.19 5.7 Jiangmen 1.48 6.6 2.01 9.6 1.45 6.5 2.07 9.9 Total 16.56 74.5 22.26 106.8

2.2.2 Analysis of Coordination with Planning of Wastewater Treatment for Pearl River Delta of Guangdong Province

Continuous economic development in Pearl River Delta has made the area become one of the most economically active areas in China since the reform and opening up policy. However, the water pollution has become the obstacle that restricts the development of the local economy. Therefore, government of Guangdong Province developed the Plan of Wastewater Treatment in Pearl River Delta of Guangdong Province [427], The plan considers the overall situation of environment protection of Pearl River Delta and forms the scheme of integrated control of water environment in Pearl River Delta area. The goal of the improvement and control is that in 2005 water environment of some heavily polluted river sections within cities and towns would be improved significantly and the phenomenon of blackness and odor will be eliminated basically; the landscaping on both shores of rivers will be completed, and temporary structures affecting the landscaping will be removed; 85% of industrial wastewater discharge should meet the standards; treatment ratio of urban domestic wastewater should

16 exceed 40%, and this ratio should exceed 60% for big cities and 50% for cities in Pearl River Delta. In 2010: Water quality of mainstreams and tributaries of Xijiang River, Beijiang River, Dongjiang River and Pearl River would maintain a good level; Organic pollution of the river sections within cities would be improved significantly, landscaping on both shores of rivers would become the sightseeing spots for citizen and tourists; 90% of industrial wastewater discharge should meet the standards; treatment ratio of urban domestic sewage should exceed 60%, and this ratio should exceed 70% for cities in Pearl River Delta and special economic zones. The plan requires 163 wastewater treatment plants, with the total treatment capability of 12.23 million m3/d, for main urban and towns along the Pearl River in the short and long terms.

In order to realize the goal, Phase I project of Wenchangsha WWTP and Fengle WWTP were constructed in Jiangmen City. And the water environment quality of Jiangmen City has been improved to a certain degree. In order to meet the treatment goal confirmed by Plan of Wastewater Treatment for Pearl River Delta of Guangdong Province [427], water pollution control of Jiangmen City and of Jiangmen City is further planned by both Master Plan of Jiangmen City[301 3 and Comprehensive Control Planning of Water Environment for Jiangmen City[306]. Phase II project of Wenchangsha WWTP planned is one of the projects in Comprehensive Control Planning of Water Environment for Jiangmen City. So this project follows the goal of Planning of Wastewater Treatment for Pearl River Delta of Guangdong Province.

2.2.3 Analysis of Coordination with Wastewater Master Plan for Jiangmen City (2005-2020)

According to the Wastewater Master Plan in Jiangmen City, the general goals are:

Short term (in 2010):

Water quality of main drinking water resources will meet the requirement of the their functions; phenomenon of blackness and odors of river sections within cities will be eliminated basically and the water quality of these rivers will meet the requirements for general industrial use and for use of recreation that contact human body indirectly; 90% of industrial wastewater discharged should meet the standards and treatment ratio of urban domestic sewage should exceed 60%.

Long term (in 2020):

100% industrial wastewater discharged should meet the standards, treatment ratio of urban domestic sewage should exceed 95%, water quality of the rivers in the area should meet excel Category IV or III of the Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water. Advanced treatment should be implemented in WWTP.

17 At present, there are only three WWTPs in Jiangmen City. And the treatment capability is only 130,000m 3 /d, far from the goal planned. The construction and operation of this project will improve the situation of wastewater treatment of Jiangmen City, reduce the pollution load of rivers that flow across cities and improve the water quality of the rivers. So the construction of the project follows the wastewater master plan of Jiangmen City [1O1].

The drainage system is also planned in the Plan, in which it is pointed out that sewage collecting system in the constructed city should be use one of following three systems: (1) intercepting combined system; (2) separate system; (3) combined system. The intercepting combined system is usually used in old city.

Pipeline networks of Wenchangsha WWTP Phase II will be mostly laid in the main city of Jiangmen City and separating stormwater and wastewater is rather difficult. The project service area includes old city, Baisha industrial estate, Lile industrial estate, Beijie section and Henan section where is still mainly combined system, so the intercepting combined system will be used according to the requirement of the wastewater master plan in Jiangmen City.

2.3 Brief Summary

The following sections are included in Chapter 2:

(1) Relationship with domestic systems and policies: This chapter descries how the feasibility study report of the project and the current report follow the laws, codes and standards enacted by Chinese govemment, analyzes management framework and policies affected in project area, relating to environmental protection, strategy of sustainable development, drainage basin, land, planning and management, and illustrates the constraints and benefits for implementation of the project.

(2) Relationship with relevant planning: relationship between the project and relevant plans on environmental protection, sewage treatment and sewage planning of Pearl River Delta and Jiangmen City.


Name of the project: Wenchangsha WWTP Phase II

Scale of the project: 150,000 m3/d

Location of the projection: Lile Wenchangsha of urban area of Jiangmen City

Components of the project: Construction of the trunk interceptors on both near shores of Tiansha River and Jiangmen River, expansion of Wenchangsha WWTP.

Geographical location of the project is presented in Figure 2.

3.1 General Situation of Wenchangsha WWTP Phase I

3.1.1 General Situation of Project Phase I

Wenchangsha WWTP Phase I receives wastewater from the east area of Pengjiang Island (an area enclosed by Tiansha River and Jiangmen River) of Jiangmen City, with the area of 4.6 km2. The drainage system is combined system with interception. Sewage of the old city flows by gravity from north to south and enters the main intercepting pipe on the northwest shore of Jiangmen River. Then sewage flows southwestward to Jiangzui, where is the boundary of Jiangmen City and Xinhui City and a lifting pumping station is set up there. Designed capability of Phase I project is 50,000m3 /d and the treatment process adopted is A 2/0. The effluent discharges into Jiangmen River and the interception ratio is 1.

Designed qualities of inflow and effluent of Phase I project are presented in Table 3.1 -1.

Table3.1-1 Designed qualities of inflow and effluent of Phase I Unit: mg/L Items CODcr BOD5 SS TP TN Inflow 250 150 200 4 305 I Effluent 60 20 20 1.5 15

Phase I mainly includes three sections. The first section is the plant itself including structures of oxidation ditch, secondary sedimentation tank, air blower room, flow collection manhole, sludge pumping station, confluence chamber, thickening tank, aerated grit removal tank, disinfectant contact tank, dewatering tank, substation, sludge tank, maintenance workshop, administration building, gate, boundary wall, roads and landscaping; the second is the structure of lift pumping station at Jiangzui and cross-river pipes; the third is the structure of sewage collection pipe networks. The total length is about 5km and the diameters of the pipes are DN1400, DN1600 and DN1800. Pipes are laid along the dyke and collect sewage from old city that used to be discharged into Jiangmen River. Then the sewage is sent to Jiangzui

19 pumping station. The structures such as administration building, air blower room, sludge pumping room, thickening tank, dewatering workshop and maintenance workshop have been constructed according to the scale of 200,000 m3/d, and most of the equipment has been installed according to the scale of 100, 000m3/d.

3.1.2 Introduction of the Operation of Phase I

Wenchangsha WWTP Project Phase I was prepared to construct from April 1995, and was approved by Provincial Planning Committee in 1997. The project started construction in March 1999, the installation and commissioning of equipment were completed in the mid October 2001. Trial operation with raw sewage started on 25th October, and the operation has been all right so far.

(1) Actual wastewater quantity treated

According to monthly operation reports of Wenchangsha WWTP in past two years, the plant treated 46,700 m3/d of sewage averagely, with the maximum of 86.300m3/d in 2004. The actual sewage quantity the plant treated is presented in Table 3.1-2.

Table 3.1-2 Statistics of Actual Wastewater Treated Unit: 10 4 m3 /d Month 2003 2004 1 4.03 4.08 2 3.92 3.90 3 3.32 3.54 4 3.45 5.14 5 5.41 5.73 6 5.57 5.27 7 5.67 6.13 8 6.20 5.42 9 6.01 5.06 10 4.62 4.49 11 3.67 3.70 12 4.90 3.58 Average 4.73 4.67 MaxuIal day 7.86 8.63

(2) Actual qualities of inflow and effluent

According to daily operation reports of Wenchangsha WWTP from 2002 to 2004, monitoring data of inflow and effluent quality are presented in Table 3.1-3 to Table 3.1-5.

20 Table 3.1-3 Statistics of Inflow and Effluent Quality in 2002 Unit: mg/L

Item CODcr BOD5 Ss TP NH3-N TN Month Influent Effluent Influent Effluent Influent Effluent Influent Effluent Influent Effluent Inht Effluent 2 169 67.0 83 19.1 91 39.9 2.6 1.8 18.3 14.0 3 213 45.3 94 11.3 106 32.8 3.8 1.4 28.6 24.0 27.0 19.7 4 213 28.3 96 8.5 186 22.0 4.2 0.8 29.2 9.1 29.4 13.9 5 195 21.9 72 11.7 155 25.2 4.1 0.5 19.5 3.4 24.1 9.1 6 272 20.8 111 8.5 246 6.1 6.9 1.1 15.3 1.5 25.7 8.6 7 190 17.7 90 6.3 174 15.0 4.4 0.7 13.1 0.7 19.8 7.0 8 77 12.9 37 4.2 59 12.0 1.6 0.6 10.5 0.3 12.7 6.4 9 118 13.6 53 2.1 75 7.6 2.3 0.5 14.4 0.5 17.8 7.3 10 163 16.8 72 2.8 77 9.3 2.8 1.1 18.2 0.3 22.1 8.4 11 224 44.9 102 11.7 120 19.7 4.3 1.9 20.3 11.9 27.0 17.2 12 177 35.0 90 15.9 80 18.0 4.3 1.1 18.9 1.6 24.7 11.2 Average 178 36.4 79 12.3 129 30.1 3.8 1.0 18.8 6.1 23.0 10.9 MMXiflfl1 1006 179 333 66 1394 726 12.3 3.5 46.8 32 60 27.8 day Table 3.1-4 Statistics of Inflow and Effluent Quality in 2003 Unit: mg/L

Item CODcr BOD 5 SS TP NH3-N TN Month Influent Effluent Influent Effluent Influent Effluent Influen Effluent Influent Effluent Influent Effluent 1 272 40.7 143 29.8 116 21.4 5.1 1.2 22.1 6.0 29.4 12.7 2 450 34.6 279 13.7 296 14.7 10.6 1.7 25.7 7.8 37.7 12.7 3 234 33.2 108 12.7 100 14.4 4.8 1.7 26.1 2.0 29.3 11.9 4 243 24.9 110 8.6 121 8.3 4.3 1.7 23.9 2.1 26.2 8.7 5 150 22.2 52 5.4 83 9.5 3.1 1.5 18.4 2.5 20.8 9.8 6 130 18.4 53 3.5 80 9.5 2.5 0.9 15.0 2.7 17.6 8.2 7 139 23.7 63 3.4 73 13.4 3.0 0.8 17.6 2.2 21.9 9.9 8 142 22.3 66 5.4 68 9.4 3.1 1.3 18.0 2.0 23.8 9.6 9 143 23.0 60 5.9 59 7.3 3.0 0.8 17.6 2.2 23.0 9.6 10 191 21.0 91 5.7 72 9.2 3.7 1.1 23.4 0.8 30.3 13.7 11 236 31.7 109 16.3 126 20.2 5.0 1.2 20.5 8.5 31.6 17.3 12 194 38.6 97 23.7 84 19.9 3.9 1.2 20.7 12.9 29.5 19.6 Average 210 27.9 103 11.2 107 13.1 4.3 1.3 20.8 4.3 26.8 12.0 Maximail 194 97 84 3.9 20.7 29.5 38.6 23.7 19.9 1.2 12.9 19.6 L_day 11 1

Table 3.1-5 Statistics of Inflow and Effluent Quality in 2004

21 Unit: mg/L

Item COD,, BODs SS TP NH3-N TN Month Influent Effluent Influent Effluent Influent Effluen Influent Effluent Influent Effluent Influent Effluent 1 246 26.8 126 11.4 132 9.5 4.5 0.3 22.3 0.6 33.2 12.7 2 320 26.1 178 11.2 188 9.6 6.6 0.6 23.3 0.8 37.2 13.8 3 294 26.1 169 9.8 160 9.3 5.6 0.6 25.2 0.3 37.7 14.1 4 194 20.8 86 7.5 107 8.1 3.3 0.7 16.6 0.6 25.2 11.3 5 159 17.2 74 8.4 70 6.7 3.1 0.9 15.1 1.0 23.1 9.9 6 159 18.6 82 5.6 86 6.1 3.4 1.2 17.8 0.5 26.2 11.5 7 152 17.0 78 6.0 146 8.6 3.8 0.7 15.1 0.4 22.1 9.6 8 171 17.9 73 5.2 114 6.8 3.0 1.0 18.2 0.4 24.4 11.1 9 150 13.7 75 3.5 84 5.0 2.9 1.2 18.0 0.3 24.1 11.4 10 163 18.4 68 4.0 93 5.2 3.3 1.7 24.8 0.5 26.4 13.5 11 190 18.1 85 3.0 77 4.1 3.9 2.1 27.2 0.3 31.4 15.1 12 225 19.8 100 4.5 93 5.2 4.1 2.1 27.3 0.4 34.6 16.1 Average 202 20 100 6.7 113 7.0 4.0 1.1 21.0 0.5 28.8 12.5 Maximal 545 48.7 439 19.0 402 21.0 15.6 3.0 31.0 4.9 53.2 19.1 Minimal 54.5 4.9 36.9 1.9 46 1.2 1.7 0.05 8.4 0.02 13.6 7.4 DayIII Monitoring data of recent 3 years of Phase I project indicates that the effluent quality has been improving year by year, according to Class 1B of the Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant, the compliance rate for effluent quality for parameters such as BOD5 , CODCr, SS, NH3-N and TN was from 99.3%-100%, but the rate for TP was less than 50%. Table 3.1-6 shows the details.

Table3.1-6 Compliance Rates of Effluent Quality (%)

Water quality COD,, BOD SS TP NH3-N TN parameter ______5 2002 86.2 91.7 67.9 63.6 81.5 93.9 2003 97.6 84.7 82.8 44.4 94.9 94.5 2004 100 99.7 99.3 46.0 100 100 Average 94.6 92.0 83.3 51.3 92.1 96.1

3.1.3 Existing problems

The operation of the Phase I project indicates that Wenchangsha WWTP has not imposed serious impact on environment. Since the plant started operation 2 years ago, no complaint about environmental impact caused by odor, effluent, noise or sludge has been received by relevant branches. Operation of the plant has been all right, no accidental discharge of sewage happened, and the management measures and organization meet the expected results.

22 The main existing problems include:

(1) TP content in effluent cannot meet the standard;

(2) There is no sludge digestion facility, and no sludge treatment in the plant.

23 2 photos

24 3.2 Service Area of Phase II Project

According to the wastewater master plan of the main city of Jiangmen City, the main city could be divided into 9 catchments. One sewage treatment plant is planned for each catchments. The service area of Wenchangsha WWTP covers Pengjiang Island, Baisha industrial estate to the east of Tiansha River, Jiaotou and Jiaobei areas of Jianghai District. The Phase I project receives sewage from the area enclosed by Donghuayi road, Gangyi road, Zhongqu Road, Xiqu Road, Huanshisan Road and Jiangmen River. The Phase II project will receive sewage from the area of 19.5km2 including following five 5 sections:

(1) Section to the east of Tiansha River: the area enclosed by Tiansha River, Gangyi Road and Xiqu Road;

(2) Section to the west of Tiansha River (Baisha industrial estate): the area enclosed by Xihuan Road, Jianghe freeway and Tiansha River;

(3) Lile Wenchangsha section: the area enclosed by Wuyi Road, Jiangmen River and Lile River;

(4) Section to the north of Jiangmen River: the area enclosed by Fengle Road, Tiansha River, Jiangmen River and Xijiang River, that is the service areas of the existing Lianghua pumping station and Sheshan pumping station.

(5) Section to the south of Jiangmen River: the area enclosed by Jiangmen River, Lile River, Wuyi Road and Jinxing Road.

3.3 Task and Scale of the Project

3.3.1 Task of the Project

According to the plan, the Wenchangsha WWTP will receive sewage from the areas including Pengjiang Island that is enclosed by Jiangmen River and Tiansha River, Jiaobei to the east of Jiangmen River, Jiaotou Road and Lile Wenchangsha. The present quantity of sewage is about 170,000m 3/d. At present, however only less than 25% of sewage is collected and treated, which mainly comes from part of the old city enclosed by Jiangmen River, Tiansha River, Gangkouyi Road and Xiqu Road. Most of sewage is discharged into Jiangmen River and Tiansha River directly without any treatment. Yearly average water quality at Jiangmen River is Category IV. In dry flow seasons, the water quality there is worse than Category IV or even Category V. There are many sewage outfalls distributed along both the shores of Tiansha River. All of the sewage discharged into Tiansha River directly without any treatment, which cause middle level pollution in Tiansha River. Yearly average water quality at Tiansha

25 River is Category V, and in dry flow seasons is worse than Category V with odor and blackness. The riverway is blocked with growing weeds and grasses.

In Phase II project of Wenchangsha WWTP, main sewage intercepting pipes of Tiansha River and Jiangmen River will be constructed to collect sewage into the sewage treatment plant. Thus, the pollution loads into the rivers will decrease, the water pollution will be effectively controlled, and the water environmental quality of the central city will be improved, which will ensure the health of residents and improve the general water environment of Jiangmen City.

3.3.2 Scale of the Project

According to the sewage quantity analysis of the service area of Wenchangsha WWTP, the sewage entering the plant will bel8l,200m3/d and 195,900m 3 /d in 2010 and 2020, respectively. The designed treatment capability of Phase I project is 50,000m3 /d, so scale of 131,200m3/d to 145,900m3 /d is required to be expanded. The expansion scale of Phase II project is determined to be 150,000m3 /d, which are almost the predicted quantity in 2020 in flood reasons. The reason for that is that firstly the sewage entering the plant in 2010 and 2020 will be similar, secondly, the designed treatment capability of the plant could be a little higher than the value predicted, thirdly, the land left within existing plant is limited.

According to the scale of the sewage treatment plant, 3 treatment trains will be built with the capability of 50,000m3/d each. In this manner, the treatment structures could not only meet the demand of increasing sewage quantity, but also ensure the continuous operation of sewage treatment when one of the trains stops treatment for maintenance.

3.4 Analyses for Water Consumption and Sewage Quantity

3.4.1 Analyses for Water Consumption

Total water consumptions in 2010 and 2020 in the service area of Wenchangsha WWTP are forecasted by per capita integrated water consumption parameter method and water consumption rations classification method respectively. In order to reduce the error, mean of the above two results is adopted as the result of the final water consumption prediction. Table 3.4-1 is referred for details.

Table 3.4-1 Water Consumption Prediction Unit: 104 m3/d _ 1~~~~~~~Ya2010 2020 Per capita integrated water 22.72 23.40 consumption parameter method . Water consumption ration 23.04 23.46

26 classification method l l Mean 22.88 23.43

3.4.2 Analysis for Current Sewage Quantity

According to relevant codes and the construction experiences of other cities, urban sewage quantity should be confirmed by the water consumption, discharge coefficient of urban sewage, collecting rate of sewage and ground water infiltration rate into pipe networks. Based on the similar cities, integrated sewage discharge coefficient is preliminarily selected as 0.80. According to the master plan of Jiangmen City, collecting rate of sewage will be 90% and ground water infiltration rate is selected as 10% of sewage quantity in dry season in 2020. Sewage quantity received to Wenchangsha WWTP is shown in Table 3.4-2.

Table 3.4-2 Predicted Inflow Quantity Water Discharge Ground water collecting ratio Sewage Year consumption coefficient of infiltrating ratio of sewage water quantity ( 10'm/d sewage (%) (%) ( 104 m3 /d) 2010 22.88 0.80 10 90 18.12 2020 23.43 0.80 10 95 19.59

3.4.3 Analysis for sewage quality

Wastewater received by Wenchangsha WWTP is mainly municipal sewage, with some industrial wastewater. According to data from relevant departments, factories with severe pollution discharge have been moved out of the city, other factories are equipped with wastewater treatment facilities. Before entering the urban sewage system, wastewater should be treated at site and the quality of effluent should meet the discharge standards of Guangdong Province. So no serious impact on the operation of Wenchangsha WWTP will be caused by industrial wastewater.

The service area of Phase II project is similar to that of Phase I project. Designed quality of inflow is presented in section 3.5.4 of this report.

3.5 Overall Scheme of the Project

3.5.1 Sewage System

The sewage system of the old city, Baisha industrial estate, Lile industrial estate, Beijie section and Henan section is mainly combined system. And combined interception system will be adopted in the project. Separate system should be adopted as much as possible when new zone is built or old city is reconstructed.

27 3.5.2 Interception Rate

The final confirmation of the interception rate will be affected directly by the current condition of the sewage system (include pipe networks, pumping station and sewage treatment plant). Because the interception ratio is selected as 1 for existing sewage pipe networks in the old city of Jiangmen City, including the sewage interceptor of Phase I, Jiangzui pumping station, the structure within the plant and connecting pipes, the interception rate of the project is also selected as n=l.

3.5.3 Receiving Waterbody

The effluent from Phase I project is discharged into Jiangmen River. According to the distribution of surrounding water bodies and the general layout of Phase I project, the effluent from Phase II project will also be discharged into Jiangmen River.

3.5.4 Designed Qualities of Inflow and Effluent

Based on the actual inflow quality of the existing sewage treatment plant, considering the improvement of sewage pipe networks, the gradual improvement of living standard and the increase of pollutants' concentrations, the inflow quality of the plant is predicted and shown in Table 3.5-1.

Table 3.5-1 Designed Inflow Quality of the WWTP

Parameters pH BOD5 CODc, SS TN NH3-N TP Values (mg/L) 7.50 150 300 180 40 30 5.0

The effluent from Wenchangsha WWTP will be discharged into Jiangmen River. According to the comprehensive control plan of water environment of Jiangmen City, water quality of Jiangmen River should meet the requirement of Category IV of the Standard in 2010. Therefore Class II of Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant[415] (GB18918-2002) seems acceptable. However, since there is the Beijie gate in the upper reaches of Jiangmen River, the exchange ability of the water body becomes poor. Therefore, the effluent quality should be improved and Class 1 of Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant is recommended. By combining Water Pollutant Discharge Standard of Guangdong Province[ 4261 (DB44126-2001), designed effluent quality of the project is decided and shown in Table 3.5-2.

Table 3.5-2 Designed Effluent Quality of the Sewage Treatment Plant

CODcr -N TP Fecal coliform Parameters pH BOD5 SS TN NH3 group 4 Values (mg/L) 6.5-8.5 20 40 20 20 10 0.5 10 ( cfu/L)

28 3.5.5 Sewage intercepting pipe networks and pumping stations

(1) Sewage intercepting pipe networks

According to the natural condition of the service area of the sewerage system, the collection area of the sewage treatment plant could be divided into 5 sections, i.e., east section of Tiansha River, west section of Tiansha River, north section of Jiangmen River, south section of Jiangmen River and Lile Wenchangsha section. Five sewage intercepting pipes will be laid, one in each section. Besides, three new sewage lift pumping stations will be constructed and Jiangzui pumping station will be expanded. The schedule of sewage intercepting pipe is presented in Table 3.5-3, and the layout is shown in Figure 5.

(2) Pumping station

When the pipes are buried 7 to 8m deep, the lift pumping station should be considered. According to the plan and corresponding altitudes, three new lift pumping stations should be built, and the existing Jiangzui pumping station should be expanded at the same time.

29 Table 3.5-3 List of Pipelines of Wenchangsha WWTP Project Phase II Number Name Specification Material Unit Amount Remarks 1 Drain DN300 HDPE m 542 2 Drain DN400 HDPE m 1693 3 Drain DN500 HDPE m 454 4 Drain d600 HDPE m 2312 5 Drain D700 HDPE m 1569 6 Drain d800 Reinforced concrete m 2124 7 Drain D920x10 Steel tube m 146 river crossing 8 Drain d900 Reinforced concrete m 709 9 Drain dlOO Reinforced concrete m 3652 10 Drain dl200 Reinforced concrete m 3175 11 Drain D1220x10 Steel tube m 272 river crossing 12 Drain d1350 Reinforced concrete m 3978 13 Drain dl 500 Reinforced concrete m 1789 14 Drain d1600 Reinforced concrete m 76 Total m 22491

O pumping station 1#

Pumping station 1 will be located in the west bank of Tiansha River and greening belt between Tiansha Road and Tiansha River. This pumping station will consist of bar screen room, pumping room, substation and on-duty room. Average flow in dry season will be 567 L/s and the maximum flow is 1134 L/s, with the lift for 8-10m. Four vertical submersible pumps will be chosen. Capacity of each pump is 986 m3/h with the power of 34kW. Two pumps will be in operation in dry seasons and all four of the pumps wlli be in operations in raining season.

An electric crane with the hoisting capacity of 2t, will be set up in the pumping room for installation and maintenance of the pumps.

Dpumping station 2#

Pumping station 2# will be located in Huaqingli east to Huoli Road and south to Fushan Park. This pumping station will consist of bar screen room, pump room, substation and on-duty room. Average flow in dry season will be134 L/s and the maximum flow is 268 L/s, with the lift for 8m. Three vertical submersible pumps will be chosen. Capacity of the each pump is 320 m3/h with power of 11 kW. Two pumps will be in operation in dry seasons and all three pumps will be in operations in raining season.

An electric crane will be set up in the pumping room for installation and maintenance of the pumps.

30 lpumping station 3#

Pumping station 3" will be located at the riverside of Jiangmen River near the crossing of Jiangbei Road and Paotai Road and to the southeast of the existing Lianghua drainage pumping station. This pumping station will consist of coarse bar screen room, sewage pumping room, substation and on- duty room. Average flow in dry season will be 382 L/s and the maximum flow is 764 L/s, with the lift for 8m.

Four vertical submersible pumps, including two high-power pumps and two low-power pump, are chosen Capacity of each the high-power pump is 850-1050 m3/h with the power of 30 kW, and capacity of the low-power pump is 280-360 m 3/h with the power of 11 kW. Two high-power pumps will be in operation in dry seasons and all four of the pumps will be in operations in raining season.

E Expansion of Jiangzui pumping station

Jiangzui pumping station is the part of Phase I of Wenchangsha WWTP. The station is located at Jiangzui coal yard in Jiangzui Road, opposite to the WWTP across the river, with the distance of 130m. Coarse bar screen room, sewage inflow pumping room and substation are set up in the pumping station.

Original design scale of Jiangzui pumping station: scale of the first stage is 50,000m3/d and long term scale is 120,000m 3/d. The design scale of the project is required to expand it o 140,000m 3/d. Average flow in dry season will be 1620 L/s and the maximum design flow of 3240 L/s, with the lift for 14m.

The space for three high-power pumps has been reserved in the pumping room. Three other high-power pumps are considered to be installed in this project. In raining season, the pumping capability could reach 11 700m3/h, which can meet the requirement.

The list of pumping stations of Phase II project is presented in Table 3.5-4.

Table 3.5-4 List of Pumping Station of Wenchangsha WWTP Phase II No. Name Specification Material Amount 1 Sewage pumping stationl Designed maxium Reinforced concrete 11 34L/sRenocdcnrt 1 2 Sewage pumping station2 # Designed maximum flow: 268L/s Reinforced 1 concrete 3 Sewage pumping station3 # Designed maximum flow: 764L/s Reinforced concrete 1 Designed maximum flow: 4 Expansion of Jiangzui . Reinforced concrete 1 pumping station 324OL/s

3.5.6 Sewage Treatment Technology

According to the prediction of sewage quantity and the analysis of project scale, the

31 designing scale of this project is 150,000m 3/d and the total designing scale of the plant is 200,000m3 /d. The treatment scale is correspondingly large and the land left is limited, so improved A2/0 technology will be adopted.

The improved A 2/0 technology has disadvantages of complicated technological flow, more structures and high cost; but it also has advantages of good treatment effect, high ability of tolerating the fluctuating loads and stable effluent quality. The operation mode could be adjusted to enhance the removal of N or P according to the inflow quality and requirement of effluent quality. The biologic-chemical system has a great ability of treating mixed wastewater and could decrease the overflow of mixed wastewater greatly in raining season and thus decrease the pollution load into Jiangmen River effectively. The requirement for automation in this system is not high, with high reliability and little maintenance needed. The system is also easy to fit with Phase I .

' I~~~~~~~~u Air blowerroom


ol~ ~~~~~~~hnia doin roo

Raw sewage Aerated grit A /0 Secondary Disinfectant jiangen River removal biochemical tank sedimentation tank contact tank I Sludge returned

t t Transportation of cake |FSudge pumping room --| -3-

Figure 3.5-1 Process flow of sewage and sludge treatment

3.5.7 Technology of sludge treatment

After the completion and operation with full load, the treatment capability of the sewage treatment plant would reach 200,000m3/d and the sludge produced would reach 100-120t (containing 80% of water).

The sludge treatment technology of Phase II project will be the same as that of Phase I project. Technology of gravity thickening and mechanical dewatering is adopted. In order to solve the problem of the release of P from thickened sludge, chemical dosing pump will be considered to set up in the sludge dewatering workshop and PAC will be added to the supernatant. After sedimentation, the supernatant will be discharged into the sewage pumping room in the plant area.

32 Most sludge produced by Phase I project is sent to Datuishan Sanitary Landfill of Jiangmen City for disposal and a small part of the sludge is used for landscaping. Sludge of the current project would be sent to the landfill and then disposal with scientific and rational mode after mixing with municipal refuse in proper proportion (5%). To ensure the basic configuration of sludge cake and working requirement, and enhance the mechanical property of sludge, aggregate (such as coal powder and calces) of certain proportion could be added into sludge, when necessary.

According to relevant data of Municipal Public Utility Management Bureau of Jiangmen City, the proposed Qiganshi Sanitary Landfill of Jiangmen City will be completed and put into use in 2007. The current project will be put into operation in July 2008, so the sludge produced by the project could be sent there for disposal.

Treatment process diagram of sludge and sewage is shown in Figure 7.

3.5.8 Accessory Structures

Existing accessory structures of Wenchangsha WWTP include guard room, administration building, substation, maintenance workshop, ware house, canteen, bathroom and so on. All above structures have been constructed according to the scale of 200, 000m 3/d to meet the requirement.

Because the power load and sludge quantity will exceed the previous design values and the workload of chemical transportation will be increased at the same time, one substation for sewage lift pumping station and one garage will be built. The construction areas are:

Substation of sewage lift pumping station: 200.Om2

Garage: 100.0 m2

3.5.9 WWTP layout

Wenchangsha WWTP is located to the southwest of Xinhua Paper Mill of Jiangmen City, the east bank of Jiangmen River and the north of Guangzhu freeway. The area occupied is about 8.34 ha. There are lands reserved for expansion in the north side of the existing treatment system and the south side of accessory structures. No land requisition is involved in the project. Structures will be distributed from west to east in sequence according to the process flow, which is referred to Figure 6 for details. Total loss of water head through the process flow will reach 2.90m. Water supply for the plant will be provided by municipal waterworks, and the separate system will be used within the plant. Sewage produced in the plant will be collected and transferred to the pumping room, and then lifted to the headwork for treatment. Stormwater will enter the municipal sewer towards southeast.

33 A outfall D1420x12 crossing dyke has been laid in Phase I project, the effluent is discharged into Jiangmen River directly and the designed scale is 100,000m3/d. Another steel pipe of D1420x12 for discharging effluent is considered to be laid in the project, designed scale is 100,000m3/d. This discharging pipe will be laid near the disinfections tank. The elevation of the pipe at the dyke will be 1.55m. A flow meter and on-line CODCr monitoring meter will be installed on the outfall, and the locations for sampling and monitoring will be reserved and a sign of environment protection will be set up.

3.6 Land occupation and affected population

3.6.1 Permanent Land Occupation

Wenchangsha WWTP will be located to the southwest of Xinhua Paper Mill of Jiangmen City, the east of Jiangmen River and the north of Guangzhou Motorway and the area of the plant is about 8.34 ha. There are lands reserved for expansion of Phase II project in the northeast and southwest of the existing structures. Construction of Phase II project will use lands reserved in Phase I project and no land requisition will be involved. 2.1 mu lands will be required for the construction of three new pumping stations, which are state land. Details about permanent land occupation are presented in Table 3.6-1.

Table 3.6-1 Permanent land acquisition of Phase II Project of Wenchangsha WWTP Survey of Location Area Owner Remark project ______Southwest of Xinhua Paper Mill of Jiangmen City, 125 use land Plant area east of Jiangmen River, north of Guangzhou mu reserved Motorway # west bank of Tiansha River, in greening zone 0.54 State owned It Ibetween Tiansha Road and Tiansha River mu ; 1 2# Huaqingli, east to Huoli Road, 07 State owned # Riverside of Jiangmen River in south of Jiangbei 0.83m 3 Road, west of Lianghua drainage pumping room u State owned To tal 127.1 mu

3.6.2 Temporary Land Acquisition

Construction of Phase II project of Wenchangsha WWTP will use the land reserved in Phase I project and no temporary land requisition will be involved.

The pipeline network will consist of five main sewage intercepting systems located in east Tiansha River, west Tiansha River, north Jiangmen River, south Jiangmen River and Lile Wenchangsha. Total length of the pipeline will be about 20.38km and the diameters of the pipes will be DN300 - DNl 500. Because pipes of the project will be laid along the river dykes, there will be a few existing roads along the river and relatively far away from existing structures, open excavation will be adopted to lay the pipe with diameter less than 700mm for

34 depth of less than Sm, and pipe jacking will be adopted to lay the pipe with diameter more than 800mm for the depth of more than 5m.

Construction of the pipe network will temporarily require 96.53 mu of state owned land.

3.6.3 Affected people

No land requisition and directly affected people will be involved in Phase II project of Wenchangsha WWTP. And no resettlement will be involved.

3.7 Construction Schedule and Project Investment

The project will star construction in July 2006 and will be put into operation in July 2008.

Total construction investment of the project is 315.52 million yuan.

3.8 Economic analysis of the project

According to relevant terms of the Temporary Regulation on Usage Fee for Using Drainage Facilities issued by Ministry of Construction, the fee levied from the wastewater tariff will generate certain economic benefit for the Project.

Though no obvious direct economic benefit is involved in the project, indirect economic benefit of the investment is comparatively important. It is represented by reducing economic losses of society caused by wastewater pollution. r For industrial enterprises, associated investment, operation and management costs for separate on site treatment facilities will be reduced.

r For urban water supply, the water treatment cost would increase (increase in chlorine dosing) if urban drinking water source of lower reaches of Jiangmen River is polluted. After the implementation of the project, this risk will decrease significantly.

ri For agriculture, livestock and fishery, water pollution may cause reduction in output of crops, livestock and aquatic products and then cause economic losses. After the implementation of this project, the water quality of Tiansha River and Jiangmen River will be improved and the above economic losses will be decreased. With the operation of the project, output of crops, livestock and aquatic products will increase step by step and bring indirect economic benefit. r] For human health, water pollution will cause the increase in waterbome diseases, and

35 medical care cost, and decrease productivity. After the implementation of the project, living environment of local residents will be improved, incidence of diseases will be decreased. These are beneficial to public health.

3.9 Analysis of the project

3.9.1 Analysis for environmental impact

Wenchangsha WWTP is an environment-improving project and an infrastructure to improve the serious water pollution of Jiangmen City. Operation of the project will increase the collection and treatment rates of wastewater in Jiangmen City, control the pollution discharged into Tiansha River and Jiangmen River, improve the water quality of the Rivers, and then control the pollution of Pearl River basin caused by domestic wastewater from Jiangmen City. These will enhance the integrated environment quality and improve the investment environment of Jiangmen City, follow actively the environmental protection plan outline of Pearl River Delta and the basic state policy on environmental protection.

Main contents of the project include laying sewage intercepting network, constructing three new sewage lift pumping stations, expanding Jiangzui pumping station and WWTP. The impact on environment is mainly during operation period. Operation of the project will decrease the quantity of pollutants discharged into Tiansha River and Jiangmen River, and thus improve water quality of the two rivers. However, pollution such as odors and sludge will be produced during its operation. So this chapter will analyze systematically the impacts on environment caused by construction activity, and both advantageous and disadvantageous environmental impacts caused by operation of the project, then predict the degree and characteristics of the impacts at different stages of the project, and finally identify major Environmental Impact Factors.

3.9.2 Factors analysis of the project

Main structures of the project include fine bar screen room, aerated grit removal tank, A - A2/O oxidation ditch, secondary sedimentation tank, flow manhole, disinfectant contact tank, sewage intercepting pipe, pumping station and so on. The impacts on environment are in both construction and operation phases.

(1) Construction of the project

In construction period, the impacts on water, air quality, acoustic environment and soil erosion would be caused by construction activities. Environmental impacts in the period have the characteristics of comparatively short period, in limited area and reversibility. These impacts will disappear when the construction activities end. The degree and extent of the

36 impacts in the period are closely related to environmental protective measures taken by construction contractor (CC). The main construction activities are construction of sewage intercepting pipe, pumping station and structures in WWTP. Major impact includes:

1) Construction wastewater

Construction wastewater is mainly produced by pipe jacking, maintenance and wash of construction machines, concrete mixing and domestic sewage discharged by workers on site.

2) Construction waste gas and dust

Main sources of construction waste gas are oil-burning machines and transport trucks. Construction dust mainly includes dust from excavation for laying pipe, backfilling of earthwork and transportation of trucks. Emission of waste gas and dust will decrease the environmental air quality and cause impact on environmental sanitation and public health.

3) Construction noises

Noises caused by construction activities include the followings: fixed and continuous noises caused by machines used for pipe jacking and excavation for laying pipe, potable noises caused by transporting waste, soil and other construction materials. Noises mainly cause impact on workers on site and a small numbers of residents living near the construction site.

4) Solid wastes

Some solid waste will be produced in the sewer construction, excavation in the plant and domestic garbage from workers. Improper disposal of waste and domestic garbage will destroy vegetation, affect landscaping, cause soil erosion and destroy city appearance.

(2) Operation of the project

Impacts on environment in operation period are mainly in three aspects.

1) Improving water quality of Tiansha River and Jiangmen River

After the operation of Phase II project of Wenchangsha WWTP, urban domestic sewage used to be discharged into water body without any treatment will be intercepted and transferred to WWTP and then discharged after treatment. Then total quantity of pollutants discharged into the rivers would be decreased, which would be helpful to the water quality improvement of Tiansha River and Jiangmen River.

2) Impacts on environment from operation of WWTP

37 In operation stage, the effluent will affect the quality of receiving water body and increase the loads of BOD5, COD and ammonia nitrogen. And the odors from treatment facilities will affect ambient air, staff of the plant and local residents. Sludge from treatment plant will impose impacts on environment. Noises from pumping stations and air blower will also cause impacts on environment, and staff of the plant and residents nearby.

3) Impact on environment of accidental effluent

Accident is another impact source in operation period. According to the experiences from construction and operation of urban sewerage and sewage treatment projects, accident risks in operation period have unexpected characteristics, the main reasons and harm are as follows:

] Sewage will pollute the receiving water body directly, caused by damage of sewerage system. Various pollutants accumulated in sewerage system, facilities or structures would produce poisonous gas (such as H2S) with the action of microorganism. The concentration of the gas may become high because of poor ventilation, which might poison the maintenance workers.

E Abnormal operation of sewage treatment facilities, caused by malfunction of machines or power, would result in effluent quality below the standards or even facility lost treatment ability, which could pollute receiving water body.

E Force majeure, such as natural disasters including earthquake or typhoon, might destroy the treatment structures, which may induce water pollution accident.

3.10 Brief summary

This chapter introduces the component, scheme, layout, land occupation, schedule and investment of the project, project analysis and economic analysis.

Component of the project:

Phase II project of Wenchangsha WWTP mainly includes constructing of sewage treatment structures in existing plan, laying 20.38 km pipeline network, building three sewage lift pumping stations and expanding Jiangzui pumping station.

Scheme of the project:

Interception ratio of the project is 1, the sewerage system is combined system, and the receiving water body of effluent is Jiangmen River. Modified A2/O technology will be adopted for sewage treatment. This technology has advantages of good treatment result, high ability of tolerating fluctuating load and stable effluent quality. Technology of gravity

38 thickening mechanical dewatering is adopted for sludge treatment.

Land acquired and affected people

Construction of Phase II project will use the land reserved in Phase I project and no land requisition will be involved. 5.12 mu lands will be required for building three new pumping stations, which are stated owned. Construction of sewerage system will temporarily need 96.53 mu of state owned land.

No land requisition and directly affected people will be involved in Wenchangsha WWTP Phase II. And no resettlement will be involved in the project, either.

Schedule of construction and investment of the project:

The project will start construction in July 2006 and will be put into operation in July 2008.

Total construction investment of the project would be 287.92 million Yuan.

Economic analysis of the project:

Indirect economic benefits of the project are comparatively important, and it is represented by reducing economic losses of society caused by wastewater pollution. Li Decrease in associated investment, operation and management costs for on site treatment facilities for industrial enterprises. [] Decrease in water supply risk of cities in lower reaches. ElImproving the water quality of Tiansha River and Jiangmen River, increasing output of crops, livestock and aquatic products step by step. ElImproving living environment of local residents, decreasing the incidences of diseases. These are beneficial to public health.

Analysis of the project:

The project is an environment-improving project. Analysis for Wenchangsha WWTP indicates that the environmental impacts would mainly occur in operation period. Impacts in construction period is small, mainly on water quality, air quality, acoustic environment, municipal utilities and traffic. This kind of impacts will disappear when the construction activities end. Environmental impacts in operation period mainly come from the effluent discharge, sludge treatment and odors emitted from various facilities, these impacts have long-term characteristics.


Jiangmen City is located in the central and southern part of Guangdong Province, in the west of the PRD. The city adjoins Shunde City, Zhongshan City and Doumen County on the east, borders on Yangdong County and City on the west, neighbors with Xinxing County, Gaoming City and Nanhai City on the north, and overlooks the South China Sea on the south, is adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao. The city is in 21°27'-22°51'N and I1l159'"-113°15'E. This is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of the province, with a total area of 9,541 km2 and a total population about 3.8 million. Administrative areas governed by the city include 3 districts and 4 county-level cities, namely, Pengjiang, Jianghai, Xinhui, Taishan, , and Heshan. As a famous hometown of overseas Chinese, it has a total number of more than 3 million overseas Chinese and compatriots in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other countries.

The area of Jiangmen City accounts for some 1/4 of the PRD. The length of coastlines (islands) is 615 km, which is 1/5 of the provincial total and represents rich marine resources and great potentials.

Being located in the Asian-Pacific economic and trade circle which is witnessing the highest economic growth in China, and also in the golden delta between the mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong, Jiangmen is an important foreign-trade port of Guangdong Province and one of the key cities to be developed in the west part of the PRD. Along with the reform and opening up policy and the rapid economic growth, the GDP of Jiangmen has among the 50 in large and medium cities in the whole country.

Jiangmen City won the title of "National Sanitary City" in 2003 and started the "green water and blue sky" project in 2004 by taking advantage of the opportunity of building a national model city of environmental protection. Water environmental management has begun to take effect and drinking water sources are put under effective protection. In urban areas, 100% water quality of drinking water sources meets the standard and air quality maintains good, with 98.9% days of fine air quality in the year. Sanitary treatment of all medical waste and domestic solid waste is achieved. Urban ambient noise levels are lower than the national standard. Jiangmen has achieved a remarkable progress in urban environmental management and succeeded in building a "national model city of environmental protection".

The Project is located in Wenchangsha Wastewater Treatment Plant, in the area reserved in Phase I, downstream of the Jiangmen River, east of the Jiangmen waterway, and south of Xinhua Paper Factory. There are 5 interceptors under the Project.

The Project is intended to intercept and manage the sewage from the downtown area, so as to improve the water environmental status. Therefore, the study area is divided into an ordinary

40 and a key project area. The former covers the downtown area, whilst the latter includes the area to be involved in the Project during construction and operation periods.

According to the design report, the key area is further split into pipeline study area, plant and pump station study area, and water environmental study area. In particular, they are arranged as follows:

Pipeline study area: extend 200 m on both sides of the pipes;

Plant and pump station study area: extend 200 from the plant boundary;

Water environmental study area: Jiangmen River, Tiansha River, and the PRD water system.

4.1 Physical Environment

4.1.1 Climate

Jiangmen has a subtropical marine monsoon climate, with abundant rainfall. It is temperate and wet all the year, with a long frost-free period. There is an annual average temperature of 21.8°C (record maximum of 38.20 and minimum of 0.1°C), a total solar radiation quantity over 110 kilocalories/cm 2, an annual total number of sunshine hours of 1,719-2,430 h, a frost- free period of 33-363 d, and an annual average rainfall of 1,789.3 mm (maximum of 2,781 mm, minimum of 1,133.2 mm, and 24-h maximum of 266 mm). The rainfall in the period of April to September takes up 68%-86% of the total in the year. There are obvious raining and flood seasons. Due to the obvious effect of monsoons, wind directions shift as the season changes, with winds by south blowing in summer and autumn, and winds by north in winter and spring. There is an annual maximum wind speed of 16.3 m and a record maximum of 31.8 m/s. The long-term prevailing wind directions are NNW and SSE, and the secondary wind is southeasterly. This area is susceptible to the effect of typhoons during May-October period of the year, and gust of 12-force winds has ever occurred.

4.1.2 Topography and Geology

The terrain declines from northwest to southeast. Mountains and hills are widely distributed in the north and northwest parts, while riverine terraces, alluvial plains and delta plains are extensively found in the east, middle and south parts, with hills areas and terraces in between. Sandbanks are well developed along the shorelines. These form a complicated multi-element topographic landscape. Mountainous areas higher than El 500 m account for 1.77% of the total land area, including 9 mountains higher than El 800 m, mostly with a NE-SW strike. Mount Tianlou in the northwest parts of Enping and Kaiping, with a length of 70 km, NE direction, and elevation of 1,250 m, is the summit in the whole city. There are abrupt mounts

41 and V-shape valleys in the north and east parts. Hills and terrains contribute about 80.34% of the total land area, mostly in the periphery of mountainous areas although occasionally found in the alluvial plains in Kaiping, Taishan and Jiangmen. Hilly areas are free from peaks and fluctuate as gentle slopes, which are covered by Quaternary accumulations. Riverine alluvial and delta plains take up some 17.89% of the total land area, including 500 km2 delta plains formed by the Xijiang and Tanjiang Rivers in the south parts of Xinhui and Jiangmen, and 300 km 2by the Dalongdong and Douhu Rivers in the south parts of Taishan. Riverine alluvial plains downstream of the Xijiang and Tanjiang Rivers assume a zonal distribution, shallow in the middle and wide in the lower reaches, mostly fertile farmland.

The geologic structure in the city is predominated by neo-cathaysian structural systems. The main part is NE Enping-Conghua fracture, which cuts through the whole city from Enping and extends outside via Hecheng. Along the Xijiang valley is Xijiang major fracture. These 2 fracture zones form the basic structural frame. Strata in the Sinian, Cambrian, Ordovician, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, lower Tertiary and Quaternary Periods are found in the city, especially the most extensive Quaternary ones. Invading rocks were formed in Jialidong, Jialixi-Haixi, Yinzhi and Yanshan period, especially the most developed and the extensive ones formed in Yanshan Period.

According to "China's Block Plan of Dynamic Earthquake Parameters" (GB18306-2001), Jiangmen is at the rear edge of the middle part of the southeastern coastal seismic zone, in the inner zone, with a design earthquake intensity of degree VII.

4.1.3 Acoustic Environment

The regional ambient noise sources in urban areas mainly include domestic noise and traffic noise. According to the "Report of Environmental Quality in Jiangmen", there was a good acoustic environmental quality in built-up parts of the city proper in 2003, with an equivalent noise level of 55.5dB, which is better than the national daytime noise level for Category 2 areas and represents minor noise pollution.

To understand the acoustic environmental quality in the Project area, acoustic environmental monitoring was carried out by Jiangmen Environmental Monitoring Station in July 2005.

(1) Arrangement of monitoring points

Altogether 5 monitoring points were arranged along the boundary of the Project (refer to Figure 4.1 -1 for the distribution of monitoring points).

42 Xin HuaXin ~~~~~N Paper Jiang 5 Mill

[ / /~~Wastewater/ | | / ~Treatment/ Men Plant

Rver 2 2#

Figure 4.1 -1 Noise monitor spots Sketch Map of Wenchangsha WWTP

(2) Monitoring results

Field monitoring was conducted at 10:00 and 22:30 during the period of July 18-19, 2005. Monitoring results are presented in Table 4.1-1.

Table 4.1-1 Noise Monitoring Result of Project Location Unit: dB(A) Spots Time Day Night Number Time Measured Normal Measured Normal Remarks Number Value Value Value Value # 2005-7-18 48.8 60 42.8 50 2005-7-19 47.9 60 42.6 50 2# 2005-7-18 48.5 60 43.1 50 2005-7-19 49.0 60 43.1 50 Categorydofthe 3# 3# 2005-7-18 47.2 60 44.6 50 AmbientStandard Noise of 2005-7-19 48.3 60 44.4 50 Levels in Urban 411 2005-7-18 47.0 60 46.4 50 Areas 2005-7-19 48.2 60 45.3 50 5# 2005-7-18 54.6 60 42.9 50 2005-7-19 52.7 60 43.0 50

(3) Assessment

Table 4.1-1 indicates a measured noise level 47.2-54,6dB(A) in daytime and 42.6-46.4dB(A) in nighttime at the boundary, both meeting Category II of the "Standard of Ambient Noise Levels in Urban Areas"[420 ] (GB3096-93). This indicates a good acoustic environment in the proposed site.

43 4.1.4 Surface Water

(1) General

There are crisscross rivers in the city, including the Xijiang, Tanjiang and their branches and other coastal brooks. Refer to Figure 4.1-2 for the distribution of water systems. The major water systems flowing through the city proper include Xihai, Tanjiang, Jiangmen and Tiansha, all contributing to Xijiang which cutting through the east part of the city. The Jiangmen River reclines through the center, splitting the city into south and north haves. There is an annual 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 average runoff of 1.22 million m3 and a total water availability of 1.45 million m , which are respectively 5.7% and 6.8% more than the provincial averages. The per capita availability of water resources is 3,500 m3 .

The Xijiang River includes a length of 76 km and a drainage area of 1,150 mi2 in Jiangmen City, flowing through Heshan, Jiangmen city proper, Xinhui and Modaomen, from north to south, before finally empties into the sea. The waterway into the sea is wide, with small gradients and slow currents, but well-developed shallows.

The Jiangmen River contributing to the Xijiang water system reclines through the city proper in the southeast, receives the Tiansha River, splits into 2 channels (Jiangmen and Lile) at Wenchangsha, turns to the south, and empties into the Yinzhou Lake at Dadongkou, Xinhui, with a drainage area of 313 km 2, a total mainstream length of 23 km, and an average gradient of 0.5%. This river is a secondary waterway, with a width of scores to hundreds of meters, average water depth of 3-5 m, normal water level of 1 m, maximum control level of 3.06 m, average flow of 180 m3/s, and maximum control flow of 600 m3/s. Due to the joint tidal effects of Modaomen and Yamen, the hydrology is rather complicated. This river will receive the effluent from the Project.

The Tiansha River is located in the northwest part of the city proper and on the right bank of the Xihai waterway, the mainstream of the Xijiang River. This is a river rising in Mount Guanyin in Yayao Township, Heshan City, with a total drainage area of 290.59 km2 and mainstream length of 48.5 km. There is a complicated topography in the river basin. The river is split into 2 branches at Yudai Bridge, Wuyi University, one reaching Dongpaotai via Bachong and joining the Jiangmen River (upper mouth), and the other receiving Duyuan and joining the Jiangmen River at Jiangzui, Xinhui District (lower mouth).

(2) Water quality

(2.1) Status Investigation

Routine water quality monitoring sections are arranged at Xiasha and Shangqiankou on the Jiangmen River, and Bachong sluice and Jiangzui on the Tiansha River. The statistical results

44 obtained from these 2 rivers in 2003 are summarized in Tables 4.1-2 and 4.1-3, while the monitoring results from the Jiangmen River and the Tiansha River during the dry season are provided in Table 4.1-4 and Table 4.1-5, respectively.

(2.2) Assessment of water quality

The Jiangmen River and the Tiansha River are two important rivers that pass through the center of Jiangmen City, of which the main functions include drainage, flood prevention, tourism, recreation, landscaping and so on. According to water quality goals brought forward by Comprehensive Control Planning of Water Environment for Jiangmen City of Guangdong Province, water qualities of both the Jiangmen River and the Tiansha River should meet Category IV of the Surface Water Quality Standard. Based on the monitoring results shown in Table 4.1-2 and with reference to the "Standard of Surface Water Environmental Quality"[ 4101 (GB3838-2002), water quality (yearly average) in both sections on the Jiangmen River meets Category IV water quality standard in 2003, while COD and BOD in Xiasha section exceeds the standard by 4.2%, and permanganate value, COD and BOD in Shangqiankou section exceeds by 4.2%, 4.2% and 12.5% respectively. However, the annual average values are all within the standard.

Upstream area of the Tiansha River belongs to a mountainous area, slope gradient of the riverway is steep, vegetation of the two banks is fine and the river water is so clear that the bed is visible; middle and lower reaches of the river belong to plain and river network areas and slope gradient of the riverway is gentle, most of the reaches flow through cities and towns and receive various municipal and industrial wastewater and the water quality is poor. As judged from the monitoring results in Table 4.1-3, water quality (yearly average) in both sections on the Tiansha River meets Category V water quality standard only. Figure 4.1-2 shows the main water system and water quality status in Jiangmen City.

According to water quality monitoring results in dry season shown in Table 4.1-4 and Table 4.1-5, water quality of the Jiangmen River during the dry season is even worse, water quality indicators such as COD and BOD are below Category IV of water quality standard. According to estimation, water quality of the Jiangmen River is below the standard for about 120 days. Water qualities of the Jiangmen River and the Tiansha River in dry season are presented in Figure 4.1-3.

The average water qualities and water quality monitoring results in low flow periods of the Jiangmen River and the Tiansha River in 2005 are presented in Table 4.1-6 and Table 4.1-7. Water qualities of the Jiangmen River and the Tiansha River belong to Category IV and Category V respectively. Water quality of the Jiangmen River in low flow periods has improved and could be up to Category IV because of the abundant rainfall in the year.

(2.3) Analysis of pollution sources

45 Based on the investigation of water pollution sources, major water pollutants in the Jiangmen and Tiansha Rivers included untreated sewage and industrial wastewater. In 2003, there was a total sewage discharge of 68.263 million tons, including 35.193million tons industrial wastewater and 33.07million ton domestic sewage, i.e. 51.6% and 48.4% of the total.

(3) Main causes of water environmental pollution

The main causes of water environmental pollution include the following:

(3.1) The primary reason for the serious pollution of the Jiangmen River and Tiansha River is the discharge of industrial wastewater and municipal sewage. Because of less municipal sewage treatment capacity, delayed drainage system development, and inadequate sewage collection capacity, there exist only 2 municipal sewage treatment plants in the downtown area, one at Wenchangsha and the other at Fengle, with a capacity of 50,000 m3/d and 40,000 m3/d respectively, only taking up 30% of the existing quantity of about 300,000 m3/d. With industrial pollution control enhanced over the recent years, some major industrial pollution contributors have passed the compliance acceptance, while others have been shut down, which has reduced water pollution to a certain extent. Due to the effect of domestic sewage, however, organic pollution is still quite significant.

(3.2) Aggravated water pollution due to adverse hydrodynamic conditions: There is a little net discharge in both Jiangmen and Tiansha Rivers. Being blocked by the tide, sewage retains in the course for long, especially during the dry season, and the concentration is reduced by diffusion only.

(3.3) Need to improve the sewage treatment facilities of some industries.

(3.4) Inadequate management systems.

46 Table 4.1-3 Water Quality Monitoring Result Statistic Chart of Tiansha River in 2003 (Annual Mean) Unit: mg/L (Except Water temperature, pH, Fecal coliform group)


0 tj~~~~ CD EL 0 6+ 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ x;TTota 0 T'ec CC P

00 0STota 1212121212121210 101010 10 12 12 12 12 12 1212121010 10

, ea 223.97.20 3.2 8.0 25 8.0 1.611 0.245 0.0032 0.03 0.01 0.00146 0.0028 0.00003 0.00023 0.002 00050 0.003 0.003 0.018 0.08 0.012 24500

Classify IV IV IVVJIV IV I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V '00 Mean 23.9 7.24 32. 9.9 28 8.6 1.809 0.2452 0.0049 0.03 0.01 0.00192 0.0031 0.00004 0.00045 0.002 0.0065 0.0031 0.006 0.118 0.12 0.035 23300 TSpots 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 10 1010 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 1212 10 10 10 Classify IV IVJIV V IV IV I I I I I I I I I I I IV I I V

48 Table 4.1-4 Water Quality Monitoring Result Statistic Chart of Jiangmen River in Low Water Period in 2003 Unit: mg/L (Except Water temperature, pH, Fecal coliform group)


X13.8 7.82 3.1 9.8 32 6.5 1.450 0.291 0.0040 0.09 0.01 0.00360 0.0049 0.00005 .000700.002 0.0070 0.002 0.006 0.070 0.13 0.023 18000

- V0 v V I I I I I-VI I I iV IV_ _ IV Iv I -- Ir I __ I I I I I IV I I IV

Bt13.8 7.57 3.4 11.2 33 6.5 1.490 0.290 0.0090 0.10 0.01 0.00480 0.0047 0.00005 0.000700.002 0.0120 0.05610.010 0.30010.12 0.070 18000

49 Table 4.1-5 Water Quality Monitoring Result Statistic Chart of Tiansha River in Low Water Period in 2003 Unit: mg/L (Except Water temperature, pH, Fecal coliform group)

0 C

70 0 .5 0 pH DO - 0 TP Cu Zn Se As Hg Cd C? 6 Pb < z

13.7 7.49 4.2 12.9 39 9.8 1.823 0.397 0.0040 0.08 0.01 0.00461 0.0049 0.00007 0.0007 0.002 .0070 0.006 0.009 0.040 0.20 0.035 3500 water lock Iv V V V V V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V

13.7 7.97 4.5 14.8 40 9.9 1.991 0.400 0.0070 0.11 0.01 0.004600.00580.000080.00160 0.002 0.0100 0.173 0.014 0.320 0.29 0.126 35000 Jiangzui _ IV V V V V V I I I I I I I I I I I IV I III V

50 Table 4.1-6 Water Quality Monitoring Result Statistic Chart of the Jiangmen River and the Tiansha River in 2005 (Yearly Average) Unit: mg/L (Except Water temperature, pH, Fecal coliform group)

o -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>q

~ w Tr x0 .CD TP48 CUSp Se As Hg Cd 48 4 48 CD 10~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

CD ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Total CD 48 48 4848 48 48 48 484848 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 4848 4848 4848 !-- Spots

Mean 24.1 .61 4.5 5.5 23 3.7 0.985 0.186 0.003 0.03 0.29 0.00098 0.0004 0.00005 0.00007 0.002 0.0039 0.003 0.003 0.014 0.07 0.006 15844


s ToStl 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 2424242424242424

s- Mean 24.4 .5 3.0 8.3 30 6.3 1.511 0.261 0.0048 0.05 0.46 0.0012 0.0015 0.00007 O.0001 0.002 0.0048 0.012 0.004 0.036 0.16 0.002 30371

Classi IVrv rv V V rV I I I I I I III I I I 11 III I I I V

51 Table 4.1-7 Water Quality Monitoring Result Statistic Chart of the Jiangmen River and the Tiansha River in Low Flow Period in 2005 Unit: mg/L (Except Water temperature, pH, Fecal coliform group)


6 DOX 0 R pH0 TP Cu Zn ° Se As Hg Cd Cr + Pb ei n 0

The 16.7 7.81 3.4 8.8 27 5.7 1.315 0.258 0.0037 0.02 0.35 0.00102 .0021 0.00004 0.00005 0.002 .0038 0.003 0.003 0.013 0.12 0.013 16688 Jiangme River IV IV IV IV IV IV I I I I I I I I I I III I I I IV The 17.5 7.75 4.3 12.7 35 9.5 1.799 0.290 0.0045 0.02 0.64 0.00125 0.0021 0.00007 0.00005 0.002 0.0048 0.028 0.006 0.039 0.24 0.003 025 Tiansha- - -- - _ _ _ _ _ River = - Iv- V V V V - I I I I I III I I I II IV I IV I V

52 * ts

Figure 4.1-2 The Water Qualiti6fMain Water--System in JiAn'ginen City in Dry Period

53 * Il

4.1.5 Groundwater Groundwater resource in Jiangmen City is abundant and the multi-year average reaches 2.737 billion mi3 . Groundwater is mainly from atmospheric precipitation and the infiltration of surface water, and the former takes the primary part. The water level of the groundwater is comparatively shallow. 4.1.6 Air

According to the "Report of Environmental Quality in Jiangmen City", the daily average 3 3 3 concentration of SO2, NO2 and IP in 2003 was 0.04 mg/mi , 0.05 mg/m and 0.085 mg/m respectively in the city proper, all better than Level II of the national "Standard of Ambient Air Quality" (GB3095-1996). This suggests a good ambient air quality.

To further investigate the status of ambient air quality in the Project site, ambient air quality monitoring was conducted by Jiangmen Environmental Monitoring Station as entrusted by the Yangtze River Water Sources Protection Institute in July 2005.

The Project is located at Wenchangsha in Lile. According to the topography in the site and the environmental conditions, a monitoring point was arranged at the proposed site for S02,

NO2 , TSP, wind direction and velocity monitoring, the results are provided in Tables 4.1-8 and 4.1-9.

Table 4.1-8 Weather Condition in Monitoring Period

Time Tempe~Aratr Air Pressure Wind Wind Speed ( C ) (Hpa) Direction (m/s) 7-11-2005 29.6 1007 SW 0.9 7-12-2005 29.8 1007 SW 1.1 7-13-2005 30.0 1008 SW 1.2 7-14-2005 30.5 1008 SW 0.9 7-15-2005 30.6 1007 SW 0.7

Table4.1-9 Monitoring Result Statistic Chart of Air Quality Unit:mg/m3 Item 7-11 7-12 7-13 7-14 7-15 0.013 - 0.011 - 0.010 - 0.010 - 0.013 - One-off Concentration S02 0.037 0.013 0.019 0.016 0.025 Daily mean 0.023 0.011 0.013 0.013 0.016 0.007 - 0.007 - 0.007 - 0.007 - 0.007 - One-off Concentration NO2 0.019 0.014 0.028 0.039 0.023 Daily mean 0.011 0.010 0.015 0.015 0.014 TSP Daily mean 0.030 0.032 0.041 0.032 0.041

As known from Tables 4.1-8 and 4.1-9, the hourly and daily average concentrations of SO2

and NO2 and also the daily average concentrations of TSP all meet Level II of the "Standard of Ambient Air Quality" (GB3095-1996).

54 4.1.7 Solid Waste

Solid waste includes industrial solid waste and domestic waste. In 2003, a total amount of 185,200 ton industrial solid waste was produced, including 181,100 ton was reused, 2,400 ton was disposed, and 1,800 ton discharged. The amount of domestic solid waste was 129,000 t, which was totally collected and sent to treatment plants for sanitary treatment, with an actual treatment percentage of 100%.

4.2 Biological Resources

The Project is located in the downtown area of Jiangmen City, subject to frequent human activities. Vegetation in the area where pipelines will be buried is essentially artificial, mostly common species. The ecosystem in the site is mostly artificial, with predominant re-vegetation and artificial vegetation, without any original surface vegetation. Pump station construction area is covered by artificial vegetation. There is little wildlife in the area involved in the Project, mainly small mammals, without any wildlife to be protected.

Familiar economical fish in Xijiang water system are 30 kinds or so, such as grass carp, black carp, bighead, chub, carp, crucian etc. according to Fresh Water Fish Records of Guangdong Province. The arrest quantity is 2,846t of which fish is 823t, seashell 1992t and carapace 31t in 10 towns through which Tiansha River, Xijiang River (Jiangmen City reach) and Jiangmen River flow in 2004.

4.3 Economic Development

4.3.1 Industry and Agriculture

Since the reform and opening to the outside world, Jiangmen has achieved a high economic growth rate. The gross output value in 2004 reached 83.456 billion RMB, raking fifth in the province with per capita total output value is 21,000 RMB. The overall strength is among the top 50 cities in the whole country.

According to the Jiangmen Statistics Bureau's communique on national economic and social development in 2004, there was a total output value of 84.456 billion RMB and a growth rate of 12.2%, the highest over the recent 8 years. The living standard was improved steadily. The workers in employment earned a per capita income of 17,735 RMB and the rural residents earned 5,159 RMB, with a growth rate of 10.7% and 4% respectively. The urban residents had a per capita disposable income of 11,957.8 RMB, which was increased by 8.25%.

Steady industrial development was achieved also, with a gross industrial output value up to 13.4606 billion RMB in 2004. The structure of industrial development is initially

55 established, including fundamental industries such as textile, chemical fiber, clothes, foodstuff, chemistry, building material and paper mill, backbone industries such as logistics, tourism, catering, banking and real-estate, and boosting high-tech industries such as electric machinery, apparatus, electronic and communications equipment manufacture.

Agricultural production was steady and internal structures were further optimal, with a gross agricultural output value of 13.658 billion RMB in 2004.

4.3.2 Land Use

Land source is abundant in Jiangmen City with 9,541.1km2 acreage occupied 1/4 of the Pearl Delta. Woodland occupies 46.96% of total area of Jiangmen City, which is the main landuse. Actual landuse is referred in table 4.3-1.

Table4.3-1 Landuse in Jiangmen City Unit:km2 Item Area a Plantation 2076.1 21.76 Garden plot 286.2 3.00 Woodland 4480.5 46.96 Grassland 2.86 0.03 Residential area and industry &-mining area 703.2 7.37 Traffic area 94.5 0.99 Water area 1372.9 14.39 Not using area 525.7 5.51 Total area 9541.1 100

In order to find out land use actuality along Jiangmen River and Tiansha River, relevant departments of Jiangmen City researched residents, industry, business and recreation along Jiangmen River and Tiansha River in March, 2006. The proportion and unit price are referred in Table 4.3-2.

Table4.3-2 Land Use Questionnaire along Jiangmen River and Tiansha River Unit Price of Tenement Type Proportion (%) (Yuan/m 2) Dwelling House Land 30 2100 Industry Land 15 1500 Jiangmen Business Land 20 13000 River Recreation Land (including park, 35 pleasure ground) Wasteland Dwelling House Land 30 1800 Industry Land 30 1300 Tiansha Business Land 10 8000 River Recreation Land (including park, 30 pleasure ground) Wasteland

56 4.3.2 Infrastructure and Transport

Jiangmen City is important traffic corridor in west of Guangdong Province with convenient land and water transport. There is a lot of ports connected to Hong Kong and Macao. Land transport is extended in all directions with No. 325 national highway running through the city. Fokai and inshore Highway have been operated, Jiangzhong and Guangzhan Highway are under design.

4.4 Social and Cultural Resources

Jiangmen City governs a total land area of 9,541 km2 , with a total population about 3.8553 million. As of the end of 2003, there was a total population of 1.3245 million and a total built-up area of 77.74 km2 in the city proper.

Health services have developed steadily and public health has improved further. There is a total number of 931 health organizations, including 124 hospitals, with 9,359 hospital beds and 17,094 medical staff, including 14,229 technical persons.

Education has developed on a full scale, with 1 college, 26 polytechnic schools, 271 middle schools, 31 vocational schools, and 962 primary schools. The level of compulsory education is further increased, with 99.9% schooling children enter schools.

The Project will not involve any historical relics, heritages and sites or natural protection areas.

4.5 Sensitive Environmental Objects

On the east side of Wenchang Water Purification Plant is Wenchang Chinese-English School, which covers a plot area about 10 mu and comprises a junior middle school and a primary school, with a total of 800 students and 70 teachers approximately. There is a 25 m wide road between the school and the Project. Refer to Figure 8 for the location.

In addition, sewer pipes will pass beneath the downtown area, with office buildings, living quarters, and business districts are distributed on both sides of the alignment. These will be also environmental sensitive objects under the Project during construction.

57 2 photos

58 4.6 Summary

This section mainly discusses the environmental condition in the affected area, including study area, physical environment, biological resources, economic development, social and cultural resources, and environmental sensitive objects, etc.

Physical environment: The physical environmental aspects in the study area include climate, topography, geology, acoustic environment, water environment, ambient air quality, and solid waste.

The study area has a southern subtropical marine monsoon climate, with abundant rainfall. It is temperate and wet all the year, with a long frost-free period.

The geologic structure is predominated by neo-cathaysian structural systems, at the rear edge of the middle part of the southeast coastal seismic zone, in the inner seismic zone, with a design seismic intensity of VII degrees.

Solid waste includes industrial solid waste and house refuse, with a total amount of 185,200 t industrial solid waste produced and 129,000 t house refuse removed in 2003.

Biological resources: The Project is located in the downtown area, subject to frequent human activities. There is no original surface vegetation and little wildlife in the area to be affected by the Project, without any wildlife to be protected. Due to significant water pollution, there is nearly no cash fish in the river reaches involved in the Project.

Economic development: Since the reform and opening to the outside world, Jiangmen has achieved a high economic growth rate. In 2004, there was a gross output value of 83.456 billion RMB, the fifth in the province.

Social and cultural resources: Jiangmen City governs a total land area of 9,541 km2 and a total population about 3.8553 million people. Recently, health and cultural services have developed steadily. The Project will not involve any historical relics, heritages and sites or natural landscape protection areas.

Environmental sensitive objects: On the east site of Wenchang Water Purification Plant is Wenchang Chinese-English School, which is an environmental sensitive object under the Project.


5.1 Identification of Environmental Impacts

Based on the activities which will have impact on the environment directly during construction and operation of the Project, and considering the Project features, environmental impacts are identified by matrix method in terms of the Project nature and the environmental impact factors during the construction and operation periods. The Project natures include construction and operation, while the environmental impact factors include water quality, surface water, groundwater, ambient air quality, acoustic, environment, solid waste, public health, landscaping, socioeconomy, and urban infrastructure, etc. Environmental impacts are grouped into minor and major categories in terms of the their degree and sensitivity. Table 5.1-1 shows a matrix used to screen the environmental impact and assessment factors.

Positive and negative environmental impacts are analyzed according to the Project features during construction and operation, with the environmental condition taken into account. The negative impact will be in both construction and operation periods, while the positive impact will be in operation period. Significant factors that may cause major impacts are surface water, solid waste, ambient air, and urban infrastructure, while common factors are noise, water quality, groundwater, land use, vegetation, aquatic habitat, and public health.

60 Table 5.1-1 Identification Matrix of the El Factors of the Project Environmental Factors Physical Environment Social Environment Water Ecosystem

Legend o >

A MinorIpact 0 ~000 '' A Great Impact _ _ CD

Construction A A A A A Drainage Pipes A_ AA A A A A Excavation Concrete Mixing A EarthworkAA Backfill - - T = - A CD E&M Equipment o0 Installation Transportation A A _ _ _ _ > Workers A A

0 o Concreting A A A Sandstone A A A A Mixing Machine cn ~ Maintenance A A A Waste storage A - _ _ -= AA A Permanent Land A A A Project Use roject Temporary Land A A

_____ Use Project Sewag Plant Operatio pewag APlant*A_A A A A A A A

Screen A AI Results AAAAAAAAAAA A AAI 5.2 Standards and Assessments

5.2.1 Ambient Air

(1) Environmental quality standard

8 Level II of the "Standard of Ambient Air Quality"[40 ] (GB3095-1996) is applied to ambient air quality in the Project area. Refer to table 5.2-1 for details.

61 Table 5.2-1 Standardof AmbientAir Quality ( GB3095-1996 ) ( mg/m3 ) Standard of Class 2

Item______SO 2 TSP NO2 Annual Mean 0.06 0.20 0.08 Daily Mean 0.15 0.30 0.12

Hour Mean I _I _ 0.24 (2) Pollution control standard

Waste gas emission is assessed using Class II of the "Integrated Standard of Air Pollutant Emission"[409] (GB16297-1996). Refer to Table 5.2-2 for details.

Class I of the "Standard of Odor Pollutant Emission""4 1 4 ] (GB14554-93) and the "Standard of Pollutant Emission from Municipal Sewage Treatment Plants"[415] (GB18918-2002). Refer to Table 5.2-3.

Table 5.2-2 Integrated Standard ofAir Pollutant Emission (GB16297-1996) mg/L ( excepted pH1) Item Maximum emission Maximum Non-organization Item permitted Emission permitted

SO2 550 0.40 NO, 240 0.12 Particulate Mass 120 1.0

Table 5.2-3 Standard of Odor Pollutant Emission and Standard of Pollutant Emission from

Municipal Sewage Treatment Plants No. Controlled item Unit Class I

Standardof Odor Pollutant NH3 mg/m3 1.0 3 Emission H2S mg/m 0.03 3 Standard of Pollutant NH3 mg/i 1.0 Emission from Municipal Sewage Treatment Plants H25 mg/n 0.03 5.2.2 Acoustic Environment

(1) Environmental quality standard

Category IV of the "Standard of Ambient Noise Levels in Urban Areas"[407. (GB3096-93) is applied to the construction areas along traffic lines involved in the Project, while Category II is used for other construction areas and Category I for hospitals and schools among other environmental sensitive points. Refer table 5.2-4 for detailed information.

62 Table 5.2-4 Standard ofAmbient Noise Levels in Urban Areas (GB3096-93) Leq [dB(A)] Item | Category I Category II Category IV Day | <55 <60 <70 Night :5<45 <50 <55

(2) Pollution control standard

Noise pollution control in the construction areas is to be performed according to the "Noise Limits for Boundaries of Construction Sites"[40 71 (GB12523-90). Refer Table 5.2-5 for details.

Table 5.2-5 Noise Limits for Boundaries of Construction Sites (GB12523-90) Leq [dB(A)] Construction Main Noise Resource Noise Limit Stage Day Night Earthworks Bulldozer, Grab, Mechanical Loader.etc 75 55 Piling Several Pile Drivers.etc 85 Not allowed Vibro Pole, Electric 7 StructureStructure Concrete Blender,Saw.etc 70 55 Decoration Crane, Elevator .etc 65 55 5.2.3 Surface Water

(1) Environmental quality standard

According to the functions of water, the water environmental quality in the Xijiang River was assessed based on Category II as defined in the "Standard of Surface Water Quality"[410] (GB3838-2002), while that in the Jiangmen and Tiansha Rivers was assessed based on Category IV. The standard details are given in Table 5.2-6.

(2) Pollution control standard

Wastewater generated during construction is assessed using Level I of the "Integrated Standard of Sewage Discharge"[ 407] (GB8978-1996). Refer to Table 5.2-7 for details.

The effluent was assessed using Level IB of the national "Standard of Pollutant Discharge from Municipal Sewage Treatment Plants"[415 ] (GB 18918-2002) or Level I of the provincial "Limited Values of Water Pollutant Discharge"[426 ] (DB44/26-2001), the stricter one will be adopted. Refer to Table 5.2-8 and 5.2.9.

63 Table 5.2-6 Standards on Surface Water Quality GB3838-2002 ) mg/L( except pH1) Item LIV |N| pH 6 - 9 DO >6 Ž3 >2 Permanganate Index <4 <10 <15 COD <15 <30 <40

BOD5 <3 <6 <10

NH3 -N <0.5 <1.5 <1.5 TP <0.1 <0.3 <0.2 Volatile phenol <0.002 <0.01 <0.1 Petroleum <0.05 <0.5 <1.0 As ( As4 + ) <0.05 <0.1 <0.02 Hg <0.00005 <0.001 •0.001 Pb <0.01 <0.05 <0.1 Cd 50.005 <0.005 <0.01

Table 5.2-7 Integrated Wastewater DischargeStandard (GB8978-1996) Unit: mg/L (except for pH)

Lvl Item pH Ss COD BOD 5 Oils NH3-N TP

Level I 6-9 •<70mg/L 100mg/L •20mg/L <5mg/L <15mg!L 0.5mg/!

Table 5.2-8 Standardof Effluent Dischargefrom MunicipalSewage Treatment

64 Plant mg/L(Except pH) Number Basic Controlled Parameter Class 1B Standard 1 COD 60

2 BOD5 20 3 SS 20 4 Oils from animal and plant 3 5 Oils 3 6 Anion Synthetic Detergent 1 7 TN ( Counted on N ) 20

8 NH3-N ( Counted on N) 8 (15) 9 TP (Counted on P ) 1 10 Chroma ( Dilution Multiple ) 30 11 pH 6-9 12 Fecal coliform group 104

Table 5.2-9 Limit of Water Pollutant Discharge in Guangdong Province mg/L (Except pH) Number Pollutant Class 1 1 pH 6-9 2 Color 50 3 SS 20

4 BOD5 20 5 COD 40 6 Oils 5.0 7 Oils from animal and plant 10 8 Volatile Phenol 0.3 9 Total Cyanide 0.3 10 Sulfide 0.5

I1 NH3 -N 10 12 Phosphate ( Counted on P) 0.5 5.2.4 Sludge

Sludge is assessed against the "Standard of Sewage and Sludge Discharge from Municipal Sewage Treatment Plants"'[412 and "Standard of Agricultural Sludge Pollution Control"[413 1 (GB4284-84). Refer to Table 5.2-10 for details.

In the "Standard of Sewage and Sludge Discharge from Municipal Sewage Treatment Plants", it is indicated that:

(1) sludge from municipal sewage treatment plants shall be properly treated and

65 disposed on the principle to enable comprehensive utilization, turn disadvantage into advantage, protect environment, and benefit the people;

(2) sludge from municipal sewage treatment plants is preferably stabilized by economical and reasonable methods in light of the local conditions;

(3) sludge from municipal sewage treatment plants, when stabilized in plant, is preferably dewatered, with a water content less than 80%;

(4) treated sludge from municipal sewage treatment plants, if used for agriculture, shall meet the standards of GB4284, or, if used for other purposes, shall meet the current regulations as applicable;

(5) sludge from municipal sewage treatment plants shall not be discarded willfully, or discharged to any surface waters, river banks, valleys, karst caves, and any place other than the designated sludge stockpile areas, and, if discharged into the sea, shall be handled as stipulated in GB3097 and other regulations published by the marine management authorities.

Table 5.2-10 Standard ofAgricultural Sludge Pollution Control Maximal Permitted Content Controlled Factor ( Counted on dry sludge, mg/kg ) Acid Soil Neutral and Alkali (pH O6.5 D Soil ( pH16.5) Cd and its compound ( Counted on Cd) 5 20 Hg and its compound ( Counted on Hg) 5 15 Pb and its compound ( Counted on Pb) 300 1000 Cr and its compound ( Counted on Cr) 600 1000 As and its compound ( Counted on As ) 75 75 B and its compound ( Counted on water-solubility B ) 150 150 Mineral Oil 3000 3000 Benzopyrene 3 3 Cu and its compound ( Counted on Cu ) 250 500 Zn and its compound ( Counted on Zn ) 500 1000 Ni and its compound ( Counted ori Ni ) 100 200 Standard on Identification of Toxic Solid Wastes (GB5085-1996) is implemented when identifying the toxicity of sludge leached. If any leachate from the sludge exceed the standards in Table5.2-11 below, the sludge is classified toxic.

66 Table 5.2-11 Standard Values for Identification of Leachate Toxicity Maximal Permitted Content for Item Number Leachate, mg/L 1 Organic Hg can't be detected 2 Hg and its compound ( Counted on total Hg) 0.05 3 Pb (Counted on total Pb) 3 4 Cd ( Counted on total Cd) 0.3 5 Total Cr 10 6 Cr6+ 1.5 7 Cu and its compound ( Counted on total Cu) 50 8 Zn and its compound ( Counted on total Zn) 50 9 Be and its compound ( Counted on total Be ) 0.1 10 Ba and its compound ( Counted on total Ba) 100 11 Ni and its compound ( Counted on total Ni) 10 12 As and its compound ( Counted on total As) 1.5 13 Inorganic fluoride (Not include Calcium 50 13______Fluoride) 50 14 Cyanide ( Counted on CN - ) 1.0 5.2.5 Methods

Due to the considerable difference in management and operation modes and environmental impacts during construction and operation, the environmental impacts, mitigating measures, and environmental management plans are separately discussed in terms of construction and operation periods.

(1) EIA methods for construction period

According to the nature and degree of environmental impacts during construction, qualitative analysis method is used for assessing urban infrastructure, traffic, water quality, ambient air quality and solid waste, while quantitative analysis method is applied to noise in accordance with the relevant clauses of the Guidelines and the recommended formula.

(2) EIA methods for operation period

The Project Benefits and solid waste during operation will be analyzed qualitatively. Since odor pollution prediction and analysis are not covered by the Guidelines, ambient air quality will be assessed by analog analysis. Water environment is analyzed qualitatively by applying the special formula for tidal rivers. Quantitative analysis of noise impacts will be conducted according to the Guidelines and the relevant formulas.

67 5.3 Environmental Impacts and Mitigating Measures during Construction

5.3.1 Impact on Urban Infrastructure and Traffic Urban infrastructure impacts

The pipelines included in the Project, mostly follows the main roads in the downtown area, will be preferably constructed by pipe jacking method which will need to excavate working wells in the process of construction. With a pipe diameter of 1,000 mm, for example, the dimensions of working well will be 9,000 X 3,000 mm, and the number will be not certain because the length of pipes constructed in a single time is dependent upon the field conditions and construction technologies. Construction of the working wells will in turn need to excavate some of road sections, which will cause adverse impacts on urban infrastructures. Mobilization of large construction equipment will damage the road surface and part of the vegetation on both sides.

Where field conditions are simple and pipe diameters are small, pipes will be laid in open ditches. This method will cause damages to roads and green belts in the vicinity during construction.

As the pipelines will be totally buried in the downtown areas, the excavation of the working wells and open ditches will disconnect or disrupt the normal operation of the water supply pipes, power cables, and gas pipes and other public utilities distributed long the roads, and subsequently affect water supply and other services. Traffic impacts

The pipelines included in the Project will be mostly distributed in the downtown area, their construction by pipe jacking or open excavation will occupy some roads, which will result in traffic block or congestion, and considerably affect the urban traffic. Further to this, operation of the hauling trucks in various types will increase the urban traffic load and contribute to traffic congestion, causing inconveniences to the communication of some residents.

Traffic impacts due to construction of the pipelines will disappear as construction activities complete. Environmental protection measures

(1) Public facility protection measures

Prior to construction, the contractors will ask the municipal departments on the location of power cables, optical cables, water supply pipes and gas pipes in the areas where the pipe networks will be constructed, and advise to construction workers, to avoid possible failure

68 or damage during construction. Any failure or damage during construction will be reported to the responsible departments without delay, and urgent repair is required.

(2) Traffic impact mitigating measures

* Provide warning signs: Warning signs will be provided for main road crossings in pipe and pump station construction areas, to remind drivers to change the roads.

* Build temporary roads: Construction of the pipe networks will inevitably cross some roads, the excavation will significantly affect the traffic. While developing the construction schemes, the contractors will pay adequate attention to this factor, and provide temporary roads where there is busy traffic.

* Carry out construction by sections: When pipelines construction will take place in main roads, the construction needs to be implemented section by section to ensure the excavation, pipe laying and backfill completed in the shortest time.

* Take diversion measures: Where there is busy traffic, construction activities and hauling trucks will be arranged to avoid rush hours (e.g. construction in nighttime to ensure smooth traffic in daytime).

* Minimize occupation of roads: Waste soil from excavation will be used for backfill, the surplus, if any, should be removed in a timely manner, to minimize the occupation of roads and to maintain access of the roads under excavation.

5.3.2 Water Quality Analysis of pollution sources

Wastewater sources during construction will include construction wastewater and domestic sewage. The former is from equipment cooling and washing, site cleaning, building material cleaning, concreting, maintenance and washing, as well as a certain amount of foul and mud. Domestic sewage contributed by construction workers will contain a certain amount of organic matters and pathogenic bacteria. Additionally, surface runoff from working areas during the wet season will contain mud and high-concentration of SS. Assessment of impacts

(1) Construction wastewater

69 Since the pipe networks and the site are located in the city proper, an equipment maintenance area can be arranged in where it is relatively close to the construction areas and there exist sewage interceptor system. The wastewater resulting from equipment maintenance can be collected and pumped to the sewage treatment plant for proper treatment, without causing major impacts on the water environment.

The wastewater from sand-gravel processing plants used for the structures and the 3 midway pump stations, their SS concentrations is as high as 4.2X 1XI mg/L, will cause some impacts on the waters if discharge directly, especially in the water close to the shores.

According to analysis of similar projects, wastewater from batching plants generally has SS concentrations of 5,000 mg/L and pH about 11. Due to the small volume and intermittent discharge, this part of wastewater will not cause major impacts on waters.

(2) Domestic sewage

Since construction areas are in the city proper, most construction workers will rent houses, all of which are connected to sewage collecting systems. Domestic sewage contributed by workers will be collected in the municipal sewer systems and sent to sewage treatment plants for proper treatment, without causing water environmental impacts. Environmental protection measures

(1) Wastewater produced during construction will be collected with the special sewage systems, transferred to the intake well before the coarse screen, and then treated together with municipal sewage, to achieve discharge standards.

(2) The sand-gravel processing plant used for the construction of pump stations, with a limited capacity and water consumption, will produce little wastewater during construction. Considering the features of construction, it is proposed to have a simple sedimentation tank at the working area for each of the 3 pump stations, where the washing water will be settled naturally before discharged.

(3) Wastewater from the expansion of Jiangzui pump station will be collected, transferred via sewage collection system and reach the coarse screen in the pump station, and pumped to the WWTP for proper treatment. 5.3.3 Solid Waste Analysis of pollution sources

(1) Construction waste

Construction wastes during construction will mainly include waste from the construction

70 activities, including waste steel, packing bags, cutoffs, and waste bricks, etc. In addition, waste packing bags and waste materials, if discarded, will cause some impacts on the environment also.

(2) Spoil

Foundation excavation and other activities of the working wells and lift pumping stations will result in a certain volume of spoil.

(3) Domestic refuse

Domestic refuse will be produced by the construction workers. According to relevant statistic data, it is expected that each of them will produce about 1 kg per day. Assessment of impacts

Solid waste will result from construction activities, mainly including spoils, construction waste, and domestic refuse, and, if stored at will, will affect the urban landscaping and the surrounding environment.

(1) Spoil and construction waste

The Project includes 20,378 m sewage pipes along Tianhezhong, Tianhexi, Jiangbei and other roads. The excavation is required before the pipes laying and result in soil in large quantities, which will be partly used for backfill, but most of them need to be disposed. Since the pipes follows the main roads, the excavated soil will affect the city appearance, traffic and ambient air quality if not removed in a timely manner.

Waste bricks, stones, ceramic segments, glass and other construction materials produced during construction of the sewage treatment and pump stations will be mostly inorganic matters, without major direct impacts on water and air quality, but they will occupy the land and cause secondary pollution. Therefore, they need to be treated promptly and recovered, wherever possible, or used to backfill.

(2) Domestic refuse

Temporary accommodation facilities will be required for construction workers in construction areas, which will inevitably cause domestic refuse, mainly including foodstuff waste, food residue, slag, plastic, and glass. These will partly give off a peculiar smell or odor, and partly rot and give off an odor with the effect of microforms and bacteria, which will lead to growth of mosquitoes, flies and pathogenic bacteria, and become an important cause of epidemic diseases. Domestic refuse, if not removed in a timely manner, will pollute the environment.

71 Environmental protection measures

(1) Forceful efforts for promotion and education: The contractors are asked to make forceful efforts for education and ask their personnel not to litter, so as to ensure good working and living circumstances.

(2) Removal of solid waste: The employer and the contractors are asked to contact with the neighborhood health units, to ensure prompt removal of domestic refuse everyday.

(3) Waste soil reuse: The employer will prepare waste soil disposal plans together with the local government authorities, some of the waste soils can be used for road construction and land formation, etc.

(4) Disposal of construction waste: Construction wastes will be delivered to designated areas or landfills.

(5) Treatment of hazardous wastes: When the toxic and harmful wastes are found, construction will be suspended immediately and the local environmental and health authorities will be informed, the measures need to taken as necessary before the work can be resumed. 5.3.4 Ambient Air Quality Analysis of pollution sources

Major air impacts during construction will result from fugitive dust, and NOx, CO and THC produced by power equipment operation. Fugitive dust will largely come from foundation excavation of structures in various types, land formation and excavation of pump stations, excavation of working wells for pipe jacking, piling in temporary stockpile areas, spilling of excavation materials during transportation, and the secondary dust from transportation, etc. Dust is totally emitted in a disorderly manner. The volume of dust is related to many actors, including status of field conditions, level of management, degree of mechanization, construction season, quality of soil, and weather. Waste gas from the fuel will be mainly exhaust from construction equipment and means of transport in various types.

Ambient air impacts by fugitive dust will be characterized by the following:

* Locality: The range of dust impacts will be limited to given construction areas;

* Portability: The range of dust impacts will change as the work area advances from time to time.

* Short duration: Dust impacts will largely occur in the construction period, and

72 disappear upon completion of construction.

Dust will mainly result from the following steps during construction:

(1) Foundation excavation of structures and pump stations; (2) Excavation of working wells for pipe jacking; (3) Excavation of open ditches for buried pipes; (4) Temporary stockpile areas; and (5) Transportation of materials. Assessment of impacts

According to relevant information, dust mainly comes from transportation, excavation, backfill, loading/unloading and mixing. The volume of dust is related to lots of factors, including but not limited to depth of excavation, relative height between excavator bucket and ground, wind velocity, gradation and water content of soil, especially construction methods and physical conditions. Dust size ranges from 3 to 80 um, mostly spherical particles with a specific gravity about 1.2-1.3. Dust settles, ascends and diffuses in air due to the effect of gravity, buoyancy force, and airflow, can reach several hundreds of meters away. Based on relevant information and the scenarios of similar projects, the range of dust impacts by the Project will be generally 150-300 m, the concentrations beyond 300 m can meet Level II of the national standard.

Major pollutants produced by trucks and machines during construction will include CO,

NO2 and S02. Their contributions to the local ambient air quality will considerably less than the pollutants discharged by large numbers of vehicles on the main roads in the city proper. Such pollutants will not cause any obvious increase in the degree of local ambient air pollution, yet they will cause adverse air impacts around the construction areas. As a result, necessary precautions will be implemented to minimize such impacts.

Dust and exhaust gas will cause limited air impacts, and subsequently affect the local people's health and quality of life, as well as soils, crops, waters and building surfaces. Environmental protection measures

(1) Reasonable schedule: Construction of pipe networks along Tianhezhong, Tianhexi, Nanpaotainan, Tianyi, Tianning and other main roads will be scheduled properly to enable dust reduction by implementing construction by sections, backfilling as early as possible, and minimizing excavation time wherever possible.

(2) Regular watering: As shown by investigation results, watering 4-5 times a day

73 would reduce the amount of dust by 70% and the range of TSP pollution by 20-50 m. It is recommended to water or cover the surface of waste soil regularly during continuous fine days in order to prevent dust. Main roads such as Tianhezhong, Tianhexi, Nanpaotainan, Tianyi and Tianning will be watered at regular frequency.

(3) Prompt removal: The contractors will remove waste solid as planned, and keep the roads clean in the construction areas, remove any construction material spills as early as possible.

(4) Traffic dust reduction and control: Dust-prone materials will be wetted properly or covered with canvas at the time of loading, cement bulking sealed adequately, bag cement covered and enclosed, and lorries cleaned regularly. Also, lorries leaving the site will be cleaned with water in order to remove sludge and dust and reduce dust impacts outside.

(5) Waste gas reduction and control: Construction equipment and vehicle management will be enhanced. All machines engaged in construction will be equipped with smoke and dust removal devices, and checked and maintained on a regular basis, in order to ensure that all environmental parameters will meet the exhaust emission requirements.

(6) Health protection: Individual protection measures, the instance dust masks will be arranged for construction workers exposed to dust pollution, for example, batching plant operators and others working in the site. 5.3.5 Acoustic Environment Analysis of pollution sources

The main components to be performed during construction include: excavation, site formation and sewage treatment plant and pump station foundations; construction and installation of sewage inflow/outflow pipes, sewage treatment facilities, power supply systems, monitoring systems, associated facilities in plant, infrastructures, and sewers; and excavation of working wells for pipe jacking. Construction equipment to be used include: bulldozers, excavators, roller, mixers, pilings, lorries, and vibrators, which will be the major source of noise pollution, generally with noise levels in the range of 70-93 dB(A). Details are referred to Table 5.3-1.

Table 5.3-1 Noise Strength of major Equipment in Wenchangsha WWTP Phase II Unit:dB(A)

74 Noise Origin Sound Level Noise Origin Sound Level Concrete Mixer 70 - 79 Air Compressor 92 - 105 Vibratory 92 - 100 Lift 86 - 95 Cutter 95- 105 Excavator 112 Hydrostatic Piling 80 - 90 Pressurised Excavator 80 - 93 Machine Heavy Truck 88 - 93 Medium Truck 85 - 91 Light Truck 82 - 90 Bulldozer 78 - 96 Road Roller 80 - 85 Assessment of impacts

(1) Major construction equipment and noise intensity

Major components of the Project include: sewage treatment plant, sewage pumping station, and interceptor sewer, etc. Major items of construction equipment are bulldozers, mixers, vibrators, pilings, excavators, and trucks. Based on the analysis of pollution sources, the noise levels produced by these machines will be generally in the range of 70-105dB(A).

(2) Prediction of acoustic environmental impacts

(2.1) Noise prediction model

Noise attenuates due to transmission divergence, absorption by air, and reflection and barrier of obstacles while transmitted from the source to the receiving point. Noise produced by the construction equipment is largely medium and low-frequency noise. Based on the features in the construction areas and the experience in analyzing the environmental impacts by similar projects, attenuation due to transmission distance is considered only and the following model is used to predict the noise levels at difference distances from single equipment:

LA(r)= LA(ro)-201g(r/ro)

In which,

r, ro - distance from noise source, m;

LA(r), LA(rO) - noise level at r, ro, dB(A).

(2.2) Analysis of acoustic environmental impacts

Maximum values of the noise source intensity at a distance 1 m from trucks, bulldozers, pilings, excavators, mixers and vibrators are considered here as follows: 9OdB(A), 96dB(A),

75 nighttime. At a distance of 40 m northeast of the site is Wenchang Chinese-English School, which will be affected during construction. Also, equipment noise will cause major acoustic environmental impacts in the 20 m radius, mainly affecting field workers and superintendents. b) Sewers

According to the "Feasibility Report"[1 03], new sewer will be arranged considering the urban roads and existing sewers. Construction activities will mainly include excavation of pipe channels, laying pipes, restoration of road surfaces, which will be performed with trucks and excavators, etc. These two types of equipment are selected to calculate superimposed noise source intensities and to predict the attenuated noise intensities of superimposed noise source intensities at difference distances. Calculation results are referred in Table 5.3-4.

Table 5.3-4 Pipe ConstructionAreaNoise Prediction of Wenchangsha WWTP Distance(m) 20 40 60 80 100 150 200 Noise dB(A) 68.7 62.7 59.2 56.7 54.8 51.2 48.7

Construction areas for the sewer are mostly distributed along main roads. Noise impacts are assessed based on Category IV of the "Standard of Ambient Noise Levels in Urban Areas"[4 20](GB3096-93). As shown in Table 5.3-4, noise levels in daytime and night meet the standard at a distance of 20 m and 40 m respectively. Equipment noise will mainly affect the workers and superintendents working in the field. c) Pumping stations

The Project will need the construction of 3 pumping stations and the expansion of Jiangzui pumping station. These pumping stations will include the following structures: coarse screen, pump house, transmission/distribution room, and gate guard's room, etc. Due to the spread work areas, limited work quantity, and short duration, noise impacts by construction will be minor. Environmental protection measures

(1) Use low-noise equipment: Low-noise equipment will be selected wherever possible, for instance, hydraulic static pilings instead of punching piling.

(2) Install sound-proof wall: A temporary sound-proof wall will be provided on the side close to Wenchang Chinese-English School, to reduce noise impacts by construction.

(3) Arrange work time properly: In order to mitigate noise impacts on the local

77 residents, work will be suspended in the range of 200 from any residential site during the period of 11:00PM to 6:00AM the next day.

(4) Protection construction workers: Adequate efforts will be devoted to improve labor protection, improve working conditions, and arrange work time properly, with anti-noise earplugs, earmuffs, helmets and other apparatus provided for the workers exposed to major noise impacts.

5.4 Environmental Impacts and Mitigating Measures during Operation

5.4.1 Analysis of Project Benefits Environmental Benefits

The Project is for environmental protection. Implementation of the Project will improve the city's appearance and investment environment, improve the people's quality of life, and secondly reduce wastewater discharge into Jiangmen and Tiansha Rivers. Furthermore water quality improvement in these rivers and other waters will enable restoration of the aquatic ecosystem and greatly help maintain the ecological balance.

(1) Improvement of water quality in Tiansha and Jiangmen Rivers

Due to the inadequacy of existing interceptor sewers in the city proper, sewage overflows disorderly or flows into the Tiansha and Jiangmen Rivers directly. Although 50,000 m3/s treatment capacity was achieved in Phase I, untreated wastewater is still discharged into the Jiangmen River directly and caused water quality pollution of the Tiansha River. Yearly average water quality of the Tiansha River belongs to Category V, water quality of the Jiangmen is slightly polluted and yearly average water quality belongs to Category IV and is even worse in low flow seasons. The growth of economy and population is accompanied by the increasing sewage volumes. Without adequate collection and treatment, sewage will further deteriorate water quality of the Jiangmen River and Tiansha River.

Based on initial calculations, the Project, when completed, will reduce BOD5, CODcr,

NH3-N and TP by 7,117.5 t, 14,235 t, 1,095 t and 246.4 t respectively, which will show effective environmental improvement and pollutant reduction in the rivers.

The Project, when implemented and operated together with water diversion to the Tiansha River and drainage facilities to be implemented in the south, will improve the environmental quality of the rivers and make the city more beautiful, to provide necessary conditions for economic development. When all projects is completed, the river water quality will be obviously improved and meet Category IV standard and meet the requirement of city landscaping.

78 (2) Improvement of aquatic habitats and organisms

Water quality in the Tiansha and Jiangmen Rivers is Categories V and IV respectively, with relatively rich biomasses and limited aquatic products found in the upper reaches only, but a high degree of eutrophication in part of the lower reaches, where blackness and odor are encountered, and Eichhomia crassipes distributed. Aquatic organisms in the lower reaches are predominately lower forms of algae, without aquatic products.

With sewage intercepted and completion of the Project, the water pollution of these two rivers will be reduced, so will the pollutant concentrations. This will be followed by the recovery of self-purification ability of waters, improvement of water quality, recovery of aquatic habitats and organisms, and increase of aquatic species and populations year by year.

(3) Positive contribution to water environmental improvement in the Pearl River basin

The Project, when completed and put into operation, will greatly reduce the total amount of pollutants into the Jiangmen and Tiansha Rivers, lower the possibility of water pollution in the Xijiang River, and mitigate the risk of safe water supply for Zhongshan, Zhuhai, Macao and other downstream cities, greatly contributing to water environmental improvement in the Pearl River basin. Social benefits

(1) Effects on economic development

As the pace of urbanization and industrial development is accelerated, and the people's living standard is constantly increased, the volume of municipal sewage is increased dramatically and large quantities of untreated sewage are discharged directly. This has resulted in water pollution in the Jiangmen and Tiansha Rivers, and affected the people's living environment and investment atmosphere.

The Project will reduce the total amount of pollutants into the Jiangmen and Tiansha Rivers effectively, arrest the trend of water quality deterioration, improve the environmental quality, improve the integral environment, upgrade the infrastructure and investment environment, boost the overall image of Jiangmen City, and attract more financial and human resources, to maintain the sustainable economic development.

(2) Effects on municipal infrastructures

Municipal sewage treatment plants are an important part of the municipal infrastructures and an important index for measuring the level of development. The degree of municipal

79 sewage treatment, an important sign of civilization, is not only related to the appearance and water quality of a city, but also to the environmental health and safe water supply of the residents.

According to the plan of sewage works in the downtown area, a total amount about 170,000 m3/s was produced in the service area of Wenchangsha Wastewater Treatment Plant. At present, less than 25% of municipal sewage is treated in the whole city. With the Project implemented, 20.38 km additional interceptor sewers will be available and the treatment capacity will reach 240,000 m3/d. The existing sewage will be collected by the municipal network, which will increase the sewage interception and management capacity, significantly reduce the pollutant loads into the water courses, further complete the infrastructures, and in turn improve the investment environment. This is very important to the development of the city's infrastructures.

(3) Effects on livelihood

With the Project completed, sewage will no longer be discharged into waterbody directly, which will improve the water quality in the rivers, reduce adverse psychological and visual impact, improve landscaping, decrease the probability of disease transmission, increase the quality of material and cultural lives, improve the living standards and beautify the people's life.

(4) Effects on tourism

According to the plan of tourism development included in the "Plan of National Economic and Social Development in the 10th Five-year Period", great efforts will be devoted to urban cultural tourism, leisure tourism, and suburban recreational activities, to form a multi-element tourism structure comprising rivers, temples and scenic areas. The Project, together with water diversion to the Tiansha River and the drainage works in the south, will improve the river water quality, remarkably improve the landscaping and water environment in the city proper, and turn the river environmental as a new scenic spot.

(5) Effects on land prices along the rivers

When the Project is implemented, sewage interception will be achieved along most of the Tiansha and Jiangmen Rivers, which will improve the water quality step by step, eliminate the blackness and odor, and provide a desirable access to the water. As a result, land prices will go up and various development activities will start, which will promote supporting facilities in various types and provide new job opportunities.

When the water environment is improved, the areas previously unsuitable for residence or development will become the places suitable for residence or great potentials for

80 development.

(6) Job opportunities

With water quality improved in the Tiansha and Jiangmen Rivers, water-access platforms will be established on the banks for the development of tourism and commercial activities, which will be followed by catering and other services, thus providing more job opportunities.

5.4.2 Surface Water Analysis of pollution sources

(1) Tiansha River

The Tiansha River originates from the Zaomu Mountain in Heshan City and is split into two branches at Yingbin Bridge in the north suburb of Jiangmen City, one reaches Dongpaotai via Bachong and joins the Jiangmen River (upper mouth), and the other joins the Jiangmen River at Jiangzui (lower mouth). Water resource of the lower watercourse of the Tiansha River mainly comes from the upper reaches of Yingbin Bridge of the Tiansha River and Duruan. According to Master Plan of Sewage Engineering of Jiangmen City, Tangxia Wastewater Treatment plant will be constructed to collect wastewater discharged into upper and middle reaches of the Jiangmen River, Duruan Wastewater Treatment Plant will be constructed to collect wastewater of Duruan. After the construction of the above two wastewater treatment plants, no sewage will be discharged into middle and lower reaches of the Tiansha River, but a small quantity of sewage will still be discharged into the Tiansha River before the completion of Tangxia Wastewater Treatment Plant because no sewage intercepting pipes have been laid in some reaches of the right shore of the Tiansha river.

(2) Jiangmen River

Water resource of the Jiangmen River mainly comes from the Xijiang River and the 3 Tiansha River, flow of upper reaches of the Jiangmen River in dry seasons is 20.7m /s. According to the overall arrangement of the sewage intercepting pipe networks, after the implementation of this project, wastewater at both shores of Jiangmen River will be intercepted and pollution source enters into the Jiangmen is only effluent of Wenchangsha WWTP (water from other branches and Jiangmen watercourse enters into the Jiangmen River caused by flood tide is not taken into consideration).

3 Systematical effluent discharge during operation of the Project, 150,000 m /d in amount, will increase the pollution loads in lower reaches of the Jiangmen River. Refer to Table 5.4-1 for pollutants information.

81 Table 5.4-1 Information on Wenchangsha WWTP Phase II

Item Unit BOD 5 COD SS NH 3 -N TN TP Concentration of Inflow mg/L 150 300 180 30 40 5 Collection Quantity kg/d 22500 45000 27000 4500 6000 750 Concentration of effluent mg/L 20 40 20 10 20 0.5 Removal Rate O 86.67 86.67 88.89 66. 67 50.00 90.00 Reduction Quantity kg/d 19500 39000 24000 3000 3000 675 Reduction Quantity t/a 7117.5 14235 8760 1095 1095 246.4 Discharge Quantity kg/d 3000 6000 3000 1500 3000 75 Assessment of impacts

(1) Water environmental impact prediction model

The project locates in river networks with tide affect and the water quality impact prediction of the Tiansha River and the Jiangmen River is uncertain because the complexity of water system in river networks and affected by factors such as flood tide and ebb tide. The total mixing model is selected to calculate the water quality after implementation of the project. It is assumed that the impact of tide does not exist and pollutants are mixed entirely with the water body, and then the following quality equation is established:


in which, C-concentration of pollutant (mg/L);

Qp discharged flux of wastewater (m3/s);

Cp- discharged concentration of wastewater (mg/L);

3 Qh flux of river (m /s);

Ch-concentration of pollutant from upper reaches (mg/L);

(2) Selection of prediction factors

Wenchangsha WWTP is located on the south bank of the Jiangmen River, in Wenchangsha subdivision of Lile, Jiangmen City. Phase I was put into operation in October 2001. The service area covers the eastern part of Pengjiang Island (an area enclosed by the Tiansha and Jiangmen Rivers), about 4.6 km2. Sewage is treated with A2/O oxidization ditch technology, with a capacity of 50,000 m3/d. The plant is now in normal operation.

According to the feasibility report, Phase II is proposed to provide a capacity of 150,000

82 When the Wenchangsha WWTP is under normal operation and the discharge of effluent reaches standard, discharge velocity is selected as 2.3m3/s, and concentrations of COD,

BOD5, NH3-N, TP and fecal coliform group are 40.0 mg/L, 20.0 mg/L, 10.0 mg/L, 0.5 mg/Land 10000 cfu/L, respectively.

(3.3) Hydrological parameters

In order to determine the hydrological parameters of the receiving water, the hydrological parameters and results of the model applied to the typical Jiangmen subdivision included in 309 the "Study of the Water Environmental Capacity of Typical River Networks in the PRD"E 1 are utilized for the purpose of this EIA.

The typical low flow is considered as design flow, with an average net discharge of 25.7 m3/s. Typical average net flows of lower reaches and upper reaches of the Jiangmen River in dry season are selected as 25.7m3 /s and 20.7m3 /s, respectively, and that of the Tiansha River is selected as 5.0m3/s.

(4) Prediction of water environmental impacts

(4.1) Prediction of impacts on water quality of the Tiansha River

According to the investigation, total quantity of urban sewage discharged into the Tiansha 3 River (section of the old city zone) in 2004 was about 92,300 m /d. After the implementation of this project, 80,000 m3/d of the sewage will be sent to Wenchangsha WWTP and the rest will be sent to Tangxia WWTP for treatment according to the Master Plan of Sewage Engineering of Jiangmen City. So prediction of water quality of the Tiansha River is analyzed upon the two scenarios of overall interception and partial interception.

C Partial interception of the Tiansha River is implemented

If overall interception on the right shore of the Tiansha river could not be implemented after the completion of the project, a small quantity of sewage will still enter the Tiansha River and the total quantity will be about 12,300 m3/d.

It is supposed that the pollutants are mixed entirely with the water body, and then the following quality equation is established:


in which, C-concentration of pollutant after mix (mg/L);

3 Qp- discharged flux of wastewater enters the Tiansha River ( m /s ) [1

84 Cp-discharged concentration of wastewater enters the Tiansha River (mg/L ) 1

3 Qh-flux of the Tiansha River ( m /s ) El

Ch- concentration of pollutants from upper reaches of the Tiansha River (mg/L ) [E

Prediction results are presented in Table 5.4-2. From the table it could be known that if overall interception of the Tiansha River could not be completed after the implementation of this project, water quality of the Tiansha River in dry season could not reach water quality standard of Category IV.

Table 5.4-2 Prediction of Impacts on Water Quality of the Tiansha River Items COD BOD5 NH -N TP Fecal coliform Items (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)3 (mg/L) group (cfu/L) Prediction Value 31.89 8.76 1.97 0.38 20817 Water Quality Standard of 30 6 1.5 0.3 20000 Category IV I I

[1 Overall interception of the Tiansha River is implemented

According to the Comprehensive Control Plang of Water Environment for Jiangmen City of Guangdong Province, water quality of the reaches from the Yingbin Bridge upstream of the Tiansha River will reach Category IV water quality standard. Because the overall interception of sewage on both shores of the Tiansha River will be implemented after the completion of Tangxia WWTP and no pollution sources will enter the Tiansha River, if water quality of the reaches from the Yingbin Bridge upstream of the Tiansha River could reach Category IV water quality standard, then water quality of the reaches between Dongpaotai and Jiangzui of the Tiansha River could also reach Category IV.

2 ) Prediction of impacts on water quality of the Jiangmen River

Because water quality of the Jiangmen River is directly affected by water from the Tiansha River, water quality prediction of the Jiangmen River is analyzed upon two scenarios, too.

3 Overall interception of the Tiansha River is implemented

According to the principle of the impacts under worst scenario, water qualities from the Tiansha River and the Xijiang River are considered as the worst water qualities of Category IV and Category II water quality standard. It is supposed that pollutants are mixed entirely with the water body, and then the following quality equation is established:

85 C=(CpQp+ChlQhl ELCh2Qh2)/(Qp+Qhl EIQh2)

in which, C-concentration of pollutant (mg/L);

Qp- discharged flux of wastewater (m3/s);

Cp--discharged concentration of wastewater (mg/L);

Qhl- flux of water from the Xijiang River (m3/s);

Chl concentration of pollutants in water from the Xijiang River (mg/L);

Qh2-flux of water from the Tiansha River (m3/s);

Ch2 concentration of pollutants in water from the Tiansha River (mg/L).

Prediction results are shown in Table 5.4-3. From the table it could be known that after implementation of the project, water quality of the Jiangmen River in dry season will reach Category IV water quality standard. Water quality prediction result of the Tiansha River and the Jiangmen River in dry season are presented in Figure 5.4-1.

Table 5.4-3 Prediction Results of Impacts on Water Quality of the Jiangmen River COD BOD NH -N TP Fecal coliform Items (mg/L) (mg/L)5 (mg/L)3 (mg/L) group (cfu/L) Prediction Value 19.73 4.93 1.46 0.17 5871 Water Quality Standard 30 6 1.5 0.3 20000 of Category IV 30 6 0

® Partial interception of the Tiansha River is implemented

Concentrations of pollutants in water from the Tiansha River are calculated according to the prediction values in Table 5.4-2. Refer Table 5.4-4 for the results.

86 Figure 5.4-1

87 Table 5.4-4 Prediction Results of Impacts on Water Quality of the Jiangmen River

ImCOD BOD5 NH3-N TP Fecal coliform Items J (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) group (cfu/L) Forecast Value 20.07 5.42 1.54 0.18 6017 Water Quality Standard 30 5 1.5 0.3 20000 Value of Category o

The above prediction is analyzed based on the assumption that pollutants are mixed entirely with the water body, and the decomposition of organic matters and NH 3-N and impacts of tide have not been taken into consideration. If all the factors were considered, water qualities of the Jiangmen River and the Tiansha River would have some differences, and concentrations of pollutants in the effluent of Wenchangsha WWTP might be higher than the predicted value. In the event of emergency discharge, i.e. collected sewage is directly discharged into the Jiangmen River without treatment, the water quality in the urban reaches will be somewhat better, but obvious water quality deterioration will be experienced in the lower reaches of the Jiangmen River. The Project will significantly reduce the domestic pollution loads into the Jiangmen River. Considering that there will be little possibility and frequency of total failure, the plant is generally considered favorable for protecting and improving the water quality of Jiangmen River. But practical emergency measures must be provided to ensure compliance effluent discharge.

In a word, after the implementation of the project, water qualities of the Jiangmen River and the Tiansha River will be improved to certain degree. In order to materialize the benefits of the project sufficiently, sewage interception pipe networks of the Tiansha River should be completed and Tangxia WWTP and other sewage treatment projects should be constructed as soon as possible. Environmental protection measures

(1) Establish the permit system of pollutant discharge according to "Law of Water Pollution Control, PRC"E401 3 and other relevant regulations, control and monitor the pre-treatment and compliance discharge of industries strictly according to the national and provincial discharge standards and total amount control requirements.

(2) Set up reliable monitoring systems, including on-line monitoring systems to monitor the discharge and CODCr (pH as necessary) index at the outfall of key enterprises with a daily discharge larger than 500 mi3 ; install on-line monitoring and warning systems in sewage treatment plants, adjust operation parameters in the event of any unusual information feedback, submit report to the environmental protection agency for field inspection, and effectively avoid improper discharge.

(3) Considering the low percentage (an average 51.3%) compliance TP discharge

88 during operation of Phase I, and the same technology for Phases I and II, it is recommended that the Project design study the phosphorous removal process to solve this problem.

(4) Respond to the national policies and conduct water reuse step by step for (i) fire protection, (ii) construction, (iii) environmental protection (including but not limited to toilet flushing, street cleaning, and road watering), (iv) landscaping (fountain, artificial waterfall and stream), and (v) greening (flower/tree irrigating).

5.4.3 Air Quality Analysis of pollution sources

In the process of decomposing organic materials in the biochemical treatment tank of WWTP, organic high-molecular polymers such as protein, carbohydrate, fat and other organic are decomposed into low-molecular organic acid in the stage of anaerobic hydrolytic decomposition, with NH3, H2S and others produced at the same time. Resultant malodorous gas is predominately organic or inorganic volatile materials containing sulphur, nitrogen and oxygen, mainly including hydrogen sulfite, methyl sulfhydrate, dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulphide, ammonia, trimethyl amine, etc., all of which have bad odor. As defined in the "Standard of Odor Pollutant Discharge"[414] (GB14554-93), odor from a sewage treatment plant is non-organized pollution source, which mainly originates from inflow and sludge treatment sections.

Based on analysis of malodorous gas monitoring results from other municipal sewage treatment plants, NH3 has the highest concentration of all compositions, NH3 the second, while methyl sulflhydrate shows the highest intensity, H2S the second. The following are the characteristics of odor:

(1) Odor mainly originates from sludge storage tanks, thickening tanks, dewatering tank, aeration tank, and screen.

(2) Main compositions of odor include H2S, NH3 and methyl sulfhydrate (all pollutants included in the national "Standard of Odor Pollutant Discharge"[4141), the measured values of which are higher than the concentration limits and constitute odor control targets.

(3) The intensity of odor differs from one technology to another. Concentrations of odor produced by long age sludge treatment technologies are lower than those by short ones.

Based on an analysis of similar sewage treatment plants, the odor source intensities of the

89 Project are calculated and shown in Table 5.4-5. Considering the fact that Phase I will be operated during operation of the Project, Phase I is included in source intensity calculation.

Table 5.4-5 Odor Resource strength of Wenchangsha WWTP Unit: g/s Odour Resource ContaminationToa Screen Aeration tank Sludge thickening

H2S 0.005 0.0005 0.005 0.0105

Phase I NI-h3 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.09 methyl sulfhydrate 0.0005 0.0008 0.0010 0.0023

H2S 0.014 0.0014 0.015 0.0304

Phase II NH3 0.06 0.10 0.13 0.29 sulfhylrate 0.0015 0.0022 0.0029 0.0066

Total H2S 0.0409 Total NH3 0.38 Total methyl sulfhydrate 0.0089 Analysis of pollution meteorology

Northeast winds prevail in the year, and winds by south prevail in summer, with a static wind frequency of 12.4% and long-term average wind speed of 2.4 m/s. Table 5.4-6 provides wind statistics, while Figure 5.4-2 shows a wind rose.

Table 5.4-6 Wind Speed Frequency in the Urban Area of Jiangmen between 1998-2003 ( Unit:CI ) WDirjndN INNE|NE|ENE| EESE|SEISSEISISSWISWIWSWIWIWNW|NW|NN| Direction Imwary18.7112.316.612.713.6 4 14.815.615.61 4 13.71 3.5 11.7 0.8 .9

On the basis of the long-term wind direction, speed and total cloud quantity data provided by Jiangmen Meteorology Station, the atmospheric stability frequencies by year and season are obtained, as shown in Table 5.4-7, the atmospheric stability classification method is determined in the national standard. N


WSW ; AS E S ESE Figure 5.4-2 Frequency Rose Diagram of Jiangmen City

Table 5.4-7 Stability Grade and Frequency in Jiangmen City(Unit: L) Stability Grade A B C D E F Winter (Jan. ) 1.26 6.09 7.35 69.89 8.24 7.17 Spring (Apr. ) 0 3.15 3.15 84.62 6.67 2.41 Sunmmer (Jul. ) 0.18 4.3 13.26 69.58 9.5 2.87 Autumn (Oct. ) 1.97 13.08 24.01 41.58 7.89 11.47 Annual Mean 0.86 6.68 12.01 66.35 8.08 6.01

As can be seen from the table above, the annual average includes 19.56% instable (A, B, C), 66.35% moderate (D), and 14.09% stable (E, F) frequencies. Moderate frequencies predominate in the whole year, with a maximum of 84.62% in spring and a minimum of 41.58% in autumn. Extremely instable frequencies are in the range of 0 -1.97%, and stable ones in the range of 2.41-11.47%. Prediction and analysis of odor impacts

(1) Prediction method

The quantity of the odor emitted from the sewage treatment plant is related to various factors, such as sewage volume, BOD5, DO, sludge quantity and storage, and pollution meteorology. Odor attenuates due to physical dilution and chemical destruction as a result of sunshine ultraviolet effects. Due to the multi-element composition and complicated attenuation mechanism of odor, it is hard to correctly quantify the source intensity and the damping decrement, thus our assessment of odor impacts is mainly based on investigations. Based on the source intensity of malodorous materials produced by various structures, comparison is made for the municipal sewage treatment plants to facilities in similar size and technology, for the purpose of overall assessment of ambient air quality impacts during operation of the Project.

(2) Comparison investigation

(2.1) Wenchangsha WWTP- Phase I

Modified A 2/O treatment technology is applied in Phase I, the sludge is treated by gravity thickening and mechanical dewatering, no sludge digestion processes used.

The EIA team members visited the sludge treatment in WWTP and sense the odor in different directions on a windy fine day in July, with 2-3 force wind. Minor odor was sensed within 10 m downstream of the tank, but no beyond 40 m, and can sense the odor in 20 m eastward, which was because that the direction is immediately adjacent to the

91 thickening tank. Odor was not sensed within 10 m on both west and south sides of the tank.

Other structures such as secondary sedimentation tanks and modified A2/O treatment tanks showed a trace of odor on the side of tanks, but no beyond 10 m.

(2.2) Fengle Sewage Treatment Plant

This plant has a daily capacity of 50,000 m3/d. The process uses aeration oxidization ditch technology, including mechanical thickening and mechanical dewatering processes, but without digestion process.

While walking around the treatment plant on a windy fine day in summer, in the presence of force 3 wind, the EIA team members did not sense odor except for the range of 8 m outside the dewatering tank, but no beyond 20 m. There was no odor 10 m beyond other structures.

(2.3) Measured data from Jizhuangzi WWTP in Tianjin Municipality

This plant has a daily capacity of 200,000 m3/d and adopts aeration treatment technology, with sludge treatment by high-temperature anaerobic digestion. Odor intensities are calculated on the basis of the measured data.

Monitoring results are shown in Table 5.4-8 below.

Table 5.4-8 Monitoring Result around Aeration tank in Jizhuangzi WWTP

\Item 1H2S NH 3 Thiol sulphide 3 3 3 LocationLocationmg/i ~mg/m mg/m3mgr mgrmg/m3 Total Bacteria Fecal coliform Around Aeration tank 0.05 0.43 00.002 1080 50m downstream 0.03 0.18 E0.002 240 El 100m downstream 0.005 0.14 00.002 520 E 150m downstream 0.001 0.10 E10.002 200 Clean Area Clean Area GB14554-93 Class I 0.03 1.0 0.004 0 - 300 should be not I I I I~~~~~~30 detected Weather condition: air temperature was 350, Wind Direction south and wind speed was 1.2-1.4 m/s. As known from this table, higher values of hydrogen sulfide and total bacteria were detected beside aeration tanks, but malodorous pollutants (mainly H2S and NH3) attenuated quickly as the distance increases, with concentrations below Level I standard 50 m beyond the source.

(2.4) Investigation of existing odor intensity at Gongbei WWTP

92 The plant has a daily capacity of 30,000 m3/d at present. South China Sea Institute of Oceanology carried out investigation and monitoring of odor intensities and NIl3 and H2 S concentrations at this plant. The investigation conducted on a fine day in the presence of the following weather conditions: 27°C maximum temperature, 10°C minimum, 3-4 force wind, northeast wind direction, and 40%-70% relative humidity. Investigation results are as follows:

The investigators sensed obvious odor beside the aeration tank, slightly sensible odor about 50 m away on the south side (downstream), none about 15 m on the north side (windward), west side and in front of the office building (east side), obvious odor beside the coarse screen and inside the dewatering tank, but none 10 m outside the tank and around the plant boundaries (80-100 m away from aeration tank). Also, samples were taken from the sampling points around the tank. Monitoring results were used to calculate the odor intensity at each point. Refer to Table 5.1-9.

Table 5.4-9 Monitoring Result and Odor Level of Gongbei WWTP Spots 1# 2# 3# 4_# Locatio 2m above aeration 50m to odour 200m to odour 300m to odour r Location tank Source Source Source

Concentration H2S 0.098 - 0.208 0.002 - 0.033 0.02 0.002 3 (mgn ) NH3 0.036 - 0.262 0.002 - 0.189 0.002 - 0.150 0.002 - 0.048 Odour itensity 3 - 3.5 2 - 2.5 0 0 (L evel ___ __I_ __ I______I______

(2.5) Summary of comparison investigations

The main structures emitting odor includes: grit removal tank, aeration tank, primary sedimentation tank, thickening tank, dewatering tank, and sludge shed. Most important sources are: aeration tank, primary sedimentation tank, thickening tank, and sludge shed.

Odor from sludge sheds at thickening and dewatering tanks reaches a maximum distance about 50 m downstream in a fair wind (i.e. the time of major odor impacts and unfavorable for diffusion) in summer (with temperature of 35-36°C), and, if aeration tanks and primary sedimentation tanks are adopted, a maximum distance can be up to 110 m downstream.

(3) Prediction and analysis of odor impacts

(3.1) Wenchangsha WWTP - Plant area

The source of odor and the degree of impacts are directly related to the treatment technology adopted by the WWTP and the level of operation and management.

A2/O technology is applied in Phase I, with sewage flowing through the grit removal tank

93 into the anaerobic/anoxic tank directly, without a separate primary sedimentation tank, in order to avoid major odor producing process. Also, modified A 2/0 technology allows a long retention time and produces less sludge, which reduces odor in the subsequent thickening and dewatering processes in comparison with other technologies of equivalent size.

Phase I includes 2 thickening tanks, which will meet the demand of both Phase I and Phase II operation simultaneously. As shown in Figure 8, these tanks are located in the northwest corner, with the Jiangmen River on the west and the proposed Jiangzhong Expressway on the south. The prevailing wind direction in the year is northeast wind (NNE frequency of 12.3%), and that in summer is wind by south, with an average wind speed of 2.4 m/s.

With a low temperature in winter, the metabolism of some microorganism in sludge decreases and the speed of sludge decaying slows down, with less odor produced accordingly. Northeast winds prevail in winter, odor from all sources goes with wind and affect a larger area, but the concentrations around the sources are lower. Moreover, on the southwest side of the plant is the proposed Jiangzhong Expressway, thus odor in winter represents minor environmental impacts in the proximity.

As the temperature is high in summer, when microorganism in sludge are vigorous and produce more odor comparing with other seasons. Odor affects a larger distance in the presence of a wind by south. On the north side of the plant is the waste paper and straw stockpile area of Xinhua Paper Mill, without any environmental sensitive receivers. Generally speaking, the environmental impacts by odor are not significant.

In the presence of a static or small wind, it is meteorologically urifavorable for the diffusion and transmission of pollutants, so there are higher concentrations around the structures emitting odor. Accordingly, there are lower concentrations comparing with those in the presence of a wind.

Based on the actual situation and local meteorological conditions, the higher possibility of odor impacts goes to the north and southwest areas of the plant, especially in the range of less than 50 m away the odor sources, but the degree of such impacts quickly reduces as the distance increases.

(3.2) Pumping station

1) Pumping stations #1

Location of pumping station # 1 is shown in Figure 5. There is no environmental sensitive point at #1, which has a small flow, will produce less odor and major environmental impacts during operation. As being immediately adjacent to a road, it will affect pedestrians to some extent.

94 2) Pumping station #2 and #3

There are some resident around #2 PS. The location of #2 has no alterative option because of city plan, so it will use odor removal device in the project.

Refer to Figure 5 for the location of pumping station #1, which has design capacity of 33,000 m3/d. With a small volume of sludge, the odor emitted is limited also. There are no environmental sensitive receivers in both right and left, the environmental impacts during operation will be concentrated on the opposite residential site where is located in the southeast of the pumping station and downstream of the prevailing wind direction, will be subject to relatively less odor impacts.

To prevent the said residential site from odor impacts from pumping station #3, it is proposed to install odor removal device in this structure. With this measure, the odor will be minimized, without any significant impacts on the environment. Analysis of impacts on Wenchang Chinese-English School

This school is located to the east of the plant (refer to Figure 8 for the relative location). In terms of the time of establishment, the school was built after the plant, with a road about 25 m wide in between. The structures which will emit odor include grit removal chamber and sedimentation tank, A 2/0 tank, and dewatering tank, respectively at a distance of 270 m, 150 m and 220 m to the school.

According to the layout of structures in the plant, the nearest one is the secondary sedimentation tank (35 m from the school boundary), which is the least contributor of odor. Further to this, the school is located downstream of the southwest wind direction, which takes up 0.9% of the annual wind frequency only, so the plant has never received any complaint from the school during operation of Phase I. According to our random interview, none of the teachers and students claimed any odor impact.

With Phase II completed, however the capacity will be enlarged from 50,000 m3/d to 200,000 m3/d, with a substantially increase of odor emission, which may affect the school. To minimize such possible impacts, it is proposed to provide odor removal measures so that the school will not be adversely affected during operation of Phase II. Health protection distance

Based on the health protection distance identification methods set forth in the "Specifications for Preparing Local Air Pollutant Discharge Standards" (GB/T13201-91), the distance for odor protection under the Project is calculated in the following mode:

95 2 5 - 1 (BLC +0.25r )O LD C0 A

In which,

Qc-controlling level which amorphous let quantity can reach, kg/h;

r -equivalent radius of working unit located amorphous let source, m;

Co environment standard, mg/m 3;

L -Health protection distance needed by plant, m;

A. B , C. D -calculated coefficient without dimension, chosen by GB/T13201-91.

The health protection distance of Wenchangsha WWTP are shown in Table5.4-10.

Table 5.4-10 Health Protection Distance of Wenchangsha WWTP Source Health Protection Operation Strength(g/s) Distance(m)

1H2S 0.0304 197 Phase NH3 0.29 90 Methyl sulfhydrate 0.0066 32

Phase Hand H2S 0.0409 232 Phase NH3 0.38 102 I operation together Methyl sulfhydrate 0.0089 92

According to the above mentioned document, where the health protection distance is over 100 m but less than or equal to 1,000 m, the interval should be 100 m. Based on this, the distance is set at 300 m when the Project is completed and put into operation with Phase I. Therefore it is suggested to build any building, hospital, school and kindergarten 300m away from the plant boundary. So it not suitable to build dwelling house, hospital, school and kindergarten etc. within 300m of the Project. Environmental protection measures

Wenchang Chinese-English School is close to the secondary sedimentation tank that produces the least odor. As a result, no complaint has ever been raised by anybody since the plant was put into operation. Nevertheless, since bigger capacity will result in a considerably larger amount of odor, it is proposed to install odor removal device in inflow PS, coarse screen and fine screen, thickening tank, dewatering tank, and sludge shed, to

96 minimize possible environmental impacts from the odor.

Major odor removal processes available in China include: wet absorption-oxidization, activated carbon absorption, ozone oxidization, soil deodorization, incineration, biological deodorization process, ion deodorization, etc. Biological processes have a long history of application and have many examples. Due to one reason or another, e.g., the process of high consumption of water, chemical solution and power, and production of secondary pollution, or having less desirable effect of treatment and operation, have been replaced by new biological ones recently. Biological processes involve less investment and pollution, without secondary pollution, but need more energy consumption, land use, high biological filtering material consumption, and high operation cost. What's more, the working air quality and the working environment of operators are yet not improved effectively, so many aspects are to be further studied theoretically and improved practically on the basis of experience.

To treat gas pollutants by ion deodorization is a proven and effective process abroad, but still a new practice in China. This process eliminates pollution from the source, and improves the room air quality and the working environment of operators. Based on sanitary and adequate environmental protection, it is proposed to adopt the ion deodorization process for the plant area and pumping stations #2 and #3.

The odor removal systems in different structures are listed in Tables 5.4-11 to 5.4-13.

Table 5.4-11 Odor Removal System of 14 Pumping Station Location Ventilation Facilities Bar Screen House 400m3 GW-WS-20, GW-WE-20 Pump House 4000m3 GW-WE-35 System Power:3Kw

Table 5.4-12 Odor Removal System of 3# Pumping Station Location Ventilation Facilities Bar Screen House 400m3 GW-WS-20, GW-WE-20 Pump House 4000m3 GW-WE-35 System Power:3Kw

Table 5.4-13 Odor Removal System of Wenchangsha WWTP Location Ventilation Facilities Sewage Pump Station Bar GW-WS-20, GW-WE-20 Screen House Sewage Pump Station 3 Pump House 4000m Sludge Concentrated Tank 4000mr3 GW-WE-35 Sludge Concentrated and SDg ed and 64000m3 6 GW-WS-70x,4 GW-WE-70x Dried House

97 System Power:25Kw

(5) Other measures

The school is located windward of the prevailing wind direction, if considering based on the worst scenario, however, it is recommended to take the following protection measures in addition to 1 facilities, to avoid possible significant impacts:

* Provide adequate management and control sludge fermentation during operation: remove dewatered sludge as soon as possible, clean dewatering machine regularly, clear screenings and clean foul in a timely, avoid long storage of any solid waste inside the plant, and promptly remove accumulated sludge on the bottom of tanks when operation is suspended for repair and maintenance;

* Make efforts for greening: plant Nerium indicum and palm among other nuisance- resisting arbors and shrubs around major odor sources, and plant Ficus, microcarpa, mango, privet and other pollution-resisting arbors around the plant boundary, to purify air and reduce odor while beautifying the environment; provide isolation greenbelts and plant different species of trees around sludge areas, to establish multi-level protective isolation belts and reduce odor pollution to the minimum.

* It is forbidden to build dwelling house, hospital, school and kindergarten etc. within 300m of the Project.

5.4.4 Acoustic Environment Analysis of pollution sources

Major noise sources during operation of the Project include sewage pumps, sludge pumps, dewatering machines, and blowers, with the highest noise level produced by Roots blowers, about 105 dB(A). Refer to Table 5.4-14 for details.

Table 5.4-14 Noise Source Strength of Major Machines in Wenchangsha WWTP Phase II Unit:dB(A) Noise Origin Sound Level Noise Origin Sound Level Lift Pump 85 - 90 Submersible pump 60 - 70

Sludge Pump 85 - 90 Centrifugation blower 90 - 119 Roots blower 105 Grit removal machine 82 - 90 Air Compressor 85 Belt press 90 Analysis of acoustic environmental impacts

(1) Characteristics of noise sources

98 According to the Project features, the noise sources that may cause environmental impacts during operation will be mostly located in the sewage treatment plant and the pumping stations, including sewage pumps, sludge pumps, dewatering machines and blowers in the plant, the source intensities are in the range of 75A119 dB(A). The major noise in the PS is from the pumps.

(2) Prediction of impacts

(2.1) Noise prediction model

Noise impacts by the Project comes from several noise sources simultaneously. The noise levels at each receiving station in the sound field are the superimposed results of joint. effects and background values of multiple sources.

According to the feasibility study report, blowers, dewatering machines, sludge pumps and sewage pumps will be all located in enclosed buildings with sound-proof walls. Major noise sources, e.g. Roots blowers and the equipment installed in the dewatering building, can be regarded as noise sources, the noise transmitting from machine rooms is approximately considered as diffusion in a semi-free sound field, and predicted in the following models by the method recommended in the "Technical Guidelines for EIA - Acoustic Environment"[406. (HJ/T2.4-93).

L,(r)=LWA -201gr-8-TL

In which: LA (r) A sound level to sound source r(m);

LWA A sound power level (dB);

r the distance of monitor spot and sound source (m);

TL sound insulation quantity of house (dB);

It can be calculated sound level using sound energy plus:

Lle, =lOlg 0l)L

In which: L __forecast sound level, dB;

Li -pulsed sound level, dB;

n -n sound pressure level.

99 High-noise equipment can be furnished with soundproof barrier for the purpose of noise reduction during operation. Blower noise consists of aerodynamic noise and mechanical noise, the former comprises rotation noise and vortex noise and radiates from air inlets and exhaust outlets. The latter mainly radiates from motors including enclosures and pipe walls. Also, solid noise radiates through foundation vibration. Blower noise control will be achieved with mufflers and sound/vibration insulation techniques, with appropriate mufflers mounted to inlet and outlet pipes to reduce mechanical noise levels by lOdB(A). Damper rubber will be placed under pump foundations for the purpose of shock absorption, and also applied to inlet and outlet pipes.

(3) Double sound-proof windows, sound-proof doors, and solid brick walls for pumping stations (including those in the sewage treatment plant) and air compressor stations, for the purpose of good sound insulation effects

In particular, the following measures will be implemented:

(3.1) Blower room

Blower units can be housed in enclosed soundproof shields, with dampers placed beneath, to insulate the noise radiating from the blower enclosures, pipes, seats, and motors. Natural ventilation can be applied to the shields, or, if this type fails to meet the requirement, forced mechanical ventilation can be used for the purpose of heat radiation.

(3.2) Dewatering tank

Mechanical damping can be used for the dewatering building to reduce noise, e.g., soundproof shields/barrier for equipment, asbestos and insulated fiber added to the building. This soundproof shields and mufflers measure is also applicable to Roots blowers, e.g., soundproof shields and mufflers. Inlet pipes can be lined with sound absorption materials and covered with soundproof materials. Double doors and windows will be installed between the night shift rooms and machine rooms, and sound absorption materials installed inside, to keep noise levels in the range set forth in the "Standard of Noise Health of Industrial Enterprises" (issued by the Ministry of Health and the State Labor Administration), and keep the workers physically and mentally healthy.

(3.3) Pumping stations

Mechanical damping will be used for the lift pumping stations, with soundproof shields added to pumps, double walls used for building, no or small windows installed, sound absorption materials installed inside, and arbor-shrub-arbor soundproof belts provided outside, in order to minimize PS noise impacts on the environment. Noise impacts by PS will be considered at the time of planning and developing any future project, with an

102 Project decreases compared with that of Phase I Project.

According to the Master Plan of Jiangmen City (2003-2020), main city of Jiangmen will be divided into the central group, Jianghai group, Xinhui group, Binjiang group, Tangxia group, Duruan group and Hetang group. The central group includes the former old city of Jiangmen and the newly developed new north area, and spreads to Beihuan Road of the north, Chaolian Island of the east, Pengjiang River of the south and Xihuan Road of the west. Six neighborhood offices of Huanshi, Chaolian, Beijie, Didong, Canghou and Shazaiwei in are included in the group. The central group is the political, economic and cultural centre of Jiangmen City. Service areas of both the two phases project of Wenchangsha WWTP are in the central group. Part of the industrial enterprises used to locate in the city are now moving to the suburb, villages and towns gradually because of planning, land prices, management cost and so on. The industrial enterprises which are not suitable for relocation have reduced its discharge after the implementation of cleaner production measure. Because the land resource in the main city is limited and the zone is planned to be the political, economic and cultural center, no new industrial enterprises with pollution discharge will be constructed in or moved into. But there is still an enterprise that discharges large quantity of sewage in the service area of Phase II, that is, Jiangmen Sugar Sugarcane Chemical Plant (Group) Ltd. For wastewater treatment and sludge, wastewater discharged by this kind of enterprises will impose no serious impact on municipal wastewater treatment and has less possibility of qualitative change of sludge generated.

As discussed above, no enterprises with heavy metal pollution are included in service areas of both the two phases project, sewage from existing enterprises will enter into municipal pipe networks after pretreatment in the sewage treatment station within the plant and meet Class 1 Standard of industry standard in the Discharge Limits of Water Pollutants, and no enterprises impose serious pollution or large-scale industrial enterprises will be constructed in or moved into the service area of Phase II Project, so sludge of Phase II Project after its operation will be similar to that of Phase I Project.

5.5.3 Sludge Testing and its nature analysis

Since this project is the expansion of Phase I Project of Wenchangsha WWTP, the two projects is consistent in engineering and industrial enterprises in service areas of the two projects have similarity in environmental impacts. The sludge impact from Phase II Project will be discussed by based on the that of phase I under the circumstances of Phase II Project has not been constructed. Sludge Sampling

According to investigation on industrial enterprises in service area of the project and analysis of sewage discharge characteristic, sludge sampling was taken on December 14,

104 2005 (Wednesday) and December 18, 2005 (Sunday). For the sampling time, on Wednesday most of the industrial enterprises in the service area are in operation, various kinds of industrial wastewater, after treatment in the wastewater treatment station within the plant, are collected into Wenchangsha WWTP for treatment and sludge produced then could represent sludge characteristics from industrial wastewater. On Sunday most of the industrial enterprises in the service area are shut down, sewage enters into the plant is mainly municipal wastewater, sludge produced then could represent sludge characteristics from municipal wastewater. So sludge sampling was taken on Wednesday and Sunday.

In order to analyze environmental impacts that might be imposed by sludge better, regular sampling and leaching testing are carried out on sludge sample. Routine testing and analysis

Routine detection data of the sludge is presented in Table 5.5-2..

Table 5.5-2 Routine Testing Result of Sludge Unit: mg/kg

I zed p TP TN *Hg As Pb Cd Cr Ni Zn Cu Sample Name Sludge ( 05.12.14 ) 1.59x104 2.51xl04 1.07 0.091 2.31 0.121 1.89 2.01 11.0 11.7

Sludge ( 05.12.18 ) 1.49x104 2.36x104 1.11 0.110 2.27 0.132 1.91 2.12 13.1 10.6

Average 1.54x 104 2.44x 104 1.09 0.100 2.29 0.127 1.90 2.07 12.1 11.2 Standard of

Agricultural Sludge ___ 15 75 1000 20 1000 200 1000 500 Pollutant Control (alkaline soil)

As shown in Table 5.5-2, contents of heavy metals in sludge from Phase I Project are small and are much less than the alkaline soil control value given in the "Standard of Agricultural Sludge Pollutant Control", and the sludge contains high content of N and P and abundant nutrient elements. Sludge leaching testing and analysis

Leaching testing results of sludge 1 are presented in Table 5.5-3.

Table 5.5-3 Leaching Testing Results of Sludge Unit: mg/L Fecal Coliform I 6 Anted sample BOD CODcr NH3 -N *Hg As Pb Cd Cr + Ni Group Sample Name I\____ ( cfu/L) Sludge ( 05.12.14 ) 106 451 15.2 0.015 0.07(L) 0.30(L) 0.0003(L) 0.21 1.12 3400 Sludge ( 05.12.18 ) 112 487 16.8 0.014 0.07(L) 0.30(L) 0.0003(L) 0.24 1.37 3500

105 Average 109 469 16.0 0.015 0.07 0.30 0.0003 0.23 1.25 3450 Standard on Hazardous E E E 0El 0.05 1.5 3 0.3 1.5 10 a E Wastes Identification The maximum permitted discharge concentration of Category I in Integral EElO IiEa L E 0.05 0.5 1.0 0.1 1.5 1.0 El E Standard of Sewage Discharge Class 2 of limits of domestic refuse leachate dischargeinStandardof 150 300 25 ElO l O ] OEO OIE [ ELl Domestic Refuse Landfill Pollution Control Note: Data followed by (L) mean results within detection limit.

Table 5.5-3 indicates that contents of heavy metals in sludge from Phase I Project are much less than the limited value in Standard on Hazardous Wastes Identification (GB5085-1996), so sludge from Phase I Project belongs to ordinary waste without any hazardous waste in it.

By comparing the testing data of sludge leaching with the maximum permitted discharge concentration of Category I in Integral Standard of Sewage Discharge and Standard of Domestic Refuse Landfill Pollution Control, it can be seen that contents of heavy metals such as Hg, As, Pb, Cd, Cr in sludge leachate of Phase I Project are less than the maximum permitted concentration of Category I pollutants in Integral Standard of Sewage Discharge,

only Ni failed to meet the standard. BODs5 NH3-N could meet Class 2 of limits of domestic refuse leachate discharge in Standard of Domestic Refuse Landfill Pollution Control, and CODcr could meet Class 3 standard.

Because Phase II Project has not been constructed, in order to ensure there is no serious impacts on environment, sludge testing could be enhanced during operation when Phase II Project is completed, in order to understand the sludge nature comprehensively. If toxic substances is detected, corresponding measures should be taken to avoid the impacts on environment.

5.5.4 Analysis of Sludge Disposal Analysis of Disposal Method

Sludge disposal methods currently used for the sewage treatment plant include: stabilization, high-temperature composting, incineration, sanitary landfill or agricultural use. The former 2 methods are still in the stage of experiment in China, and existing stabilization facilities are basically imported from abroad. Incineration costs 2-4 times as much as another method, and is mainly used for 2 cases: (1) the nature or large quantity of sludge are not suitable for agricultural use; (2) the existing sanitary landfill capacity is inadequate. Based on the actual situation, the economical and effective method is agricultural use or sanitary landfill.

106 Sludge of the project contains less heavy metals, much less than the alkaline soil control value given in the "Standard of Agricultural Sludge Pollutant Control", but much TP and TN, and abundant nutrient elements, suitable for the plants. According to the analysis of sludge compositions, sludge of the project is suitable for agricultural use.

Generally, sludge to be disposed on land need to have sanitary treatment, otherwise the pathogenic bacteria and parasites (egg) among other harmful materials contained will cause secondary land or water pollution. As the Project is to be expanded in the existing plant, with a limited area, sanitary treatment is impossible at present. Sludge containing numerous pathogenic bacteria and parasites (egg) is not safe for agricultural purposes, but it can be partly used for urban greening.

For the option for sludge reuse in city landscaping, the system and method have not been set up in Jiangmen City, so this kind of reuse could not be confirmed at the moment. Furthermore, if the utilization area was far from the plant, the cost of transportation will be high, and then sludge used for landscaping is improper. No digestion is taken on sludge of the project and the sludge contains large quantity of pathogenic bacteria, so the sanitary landfill method is considered comparatively reasonable and effective.

After the completion of Phase II Project, sludge quantity of wastewater treatment plants in Jiangmen City will increase substantially, so it is suggested that special study should be implemented, once the opportunity for landscaping reuse is mature, part of the sludge could be used for that purpose. Analysis of Landfill

Phase I Project of Wenchangsha WWTP has been operated, the produced sludge was transported to Datuishan Landfill for sanitary landfill. After thickening and mechanical dewatering and the dry sludge contains 71% of water, the sludge was transported to Datuishan Landfill for sanitary disposal, and small amount of the sludge was used for landscaping. No digestion treatment was taken in Phase I Project.

Nowadays, there is only one sanitary domestic solid waste landfill in the city proper (Pengjiang and Jianghai Districts), i.e. Datuishan landfill. As appraised by the provincial and national departments, this is a landfill in Category II, and treated leachate meet the national standard. The landfill was completed and put into service in July 1998, with a total investment of 27 million RMB, design daily capacity of 250 t, daily leachate of 200 t, and total design storage capacity of 1.05 million m3 . It can accommodate 710,000 t domestic solid waste for a period of 13 years. The initial daily capacity was 220 t only. Due to the quick increase of domestic solid waste over the recent years, the present daily capacity reaches 500 t, which considerably shortens the envisaged service life. In early 2004, the landfill was expanded, the capacity was increased by 450,000 m3 . This landfill is

107 anticipated to last until the end of 2007, when a new landfill must be in place.

Site selection of the new landfill was started in 2004. Through field investigation and consultation with relevant parties, and submission to the city government and the planning commission for review and approval, Qiganshi is identified as the new site.

This site is located in Liantao Village, Duruan Township, Pengjiang District, surrounded by hills on all sides, with good topographic cover, convenient water/power supply, easy access, and moderate transport distance. The total area is about 84.87 ha (i.e. 1,267.05 mu), including 1,207.05 mu forestland and 60 mu farmland and reservoir area. There is distance about 14 km from Jiangmen and 24 km from Xinhui. It is planned to build 3 waste disposal areas here, with 629,900.8 m2 for domestic waste landfill, 52,412.49 m2 for industrial waste landfill, and 36,806.41 m2 for excrement treatment plant respectively. Given sanitary landfill method and design capacity of 1,000 t/d, the domestic waste landfill site will serve 27 years; given a design capacity of 600 t/d (for Pengjiang and Jianghai Districts only), it can serve 41 years.

Design and construction of Qiganshi Landfill will be managed by Municipal Public Utility Management Bureau of Jiangmen City. According to the programming of Qiganshi Landfill, one of the main functions of the landfill is to receive the sludge from Wenchangsha WWTP, referring Appendix 1 for details. At present, Qiganshi Landfill has not started construction, it is suggested that the problem of sludge disposal in Wenchangsha WWTP should be considered by government and designing institute of the project, and a special sludge landfill or an area for sludge landfill should be planned in Qiganshi Landfill.

This facility will be a representative large-sized modem and comprehensive solid waste treatment center in the PRD. At present, the relevant departments are investigating the mode of treatment and construction, determine the final treatment mode that represent least environmental impacts, best cost-effective, highest safety, and best consistence with the actual conditions. After disposal in Qiganshi Landfill, sludge from the operation of the project will not impose serious impacts on environment.

5.5.5 Impact Assessment of Sludge

(1) Screening and grits

The constituents of screenings and grits are complicated, mainly including abandoned plastic products, packing materials, fruit peal, and vegetable, etc. The plastic waste accounts for a large proportion. Main constituents of grits are sand, slag, and so on, including an amount of organic. Grits, if not removed and treated in a timely manner, will rot and produce NH3, H2 S and other kinds of harmful gas, thus contaminating the environment. Also, screenings and grits will cause adverse impacts on the landscape. Under

108 the available conditions, sanitary landfill is economically and technically available way to dispose them. With strict management, timely removal and proper treatment, they will not cause significant environmental impacts.

(2) Sludge

1) Malodor

Sludge itself smells malodorous and affects the ambient air quality. Large quantity of sludge from operation of the Project will emit malodorous gas and adversely affect ambient air quality. The sludge shed is located northwest of the plant area, rather close to the Jiangmen River and the straw stockpile area of Xinhua Paper Mill, the malodor will not cause major impacts in the vicinity, but people working in the field will be affected considerably.

Apart from this, sludge will produce malodor and somewhat affect pedestrians nearby.

2) Groundwater

The impact on groundwater by sludge are discussed in Subsection 5.6 below.

5.5.6 Environmental protection measures

(1) Dewatered sludge will be piled in rainproof and impervious places, and removed as early as possible to avoid long retention time.

(2) Good flocculating agents will be selected and optimal dosing determined for centrifugal dewatering, with the rotational speed and speed discrepancy controlled properly to reduce the water content of the sludge.

(3) Due to the high water content and malodorous smell of sludge, precautions will be taken to prevent leakage or spill in the process of transport, the route of transport should be properly arranged to avoid rush hours and environmental sensitive receivers such as schools and hospitals.

(4) The existing sewage treatment plant has an area of 8.34 hm2, where the reserved land is inadequate to accommodate sludge digestion and disinfections facilities. It is recommended that additional sludge digestion and disinfections facilities be provided in full account of all considerations.

(5) Sludge with large amounts and high water contents, if disposed by sanitary landfill method, will take a large portion of the storage capacity of the landfill site. When the Project is completed, plus Fengle and Jianghai Sewage Treatment Plants, the sludge

109 disposal will be a big issue which should be considered and solved. Thus it is recommended that the relevant departments consider this aspect as soon as possible in termns of disposal and reuse. The economic benefits will be achieved if sludge reuse can be accomplished..

(6) Issues of sludge landfill should be considered sufficiently in design of Qiganshi Landfill. A special sludge landfill or an area for sludge landfill should be planned in the landfill and leakage control measures should be taken properly.

(7) It is suggested that relevant departments of Jiangmen City should implement investigation and study on sludge reuse in landscaping and agricultural use, in order to find the solution in landscaping area, approaches and systems, and utilize sludge from urban wastewater treatment plant as soon as possible, alleviate the pressure on the landfill caused by sludge sanitary landfill and extend the operating life of the landfill.

5.6 Groundwater

5.6.1 Analysis of impacts on groundwater by sludge

(1) Impacts on groundwater in landfill

Most of the sludge resulting from the Project will be finally sent to Qiganshi landfill site for sanitary landfill. The leachate prevention lining and leachate collection system for central treatment will be installed. Referring to experience and conclusions from landfill site operation at home and abroad, the linings are normally safe and effective for leachate control, the majority of them are collected, but a small portion enters into groundwater. Moreover, the leachate from the Project will be basically free from toxic and hazardous materials, and will not cause significant groundwater impacts.

Besides, if a special sludge landfill or an area for sludge landfill was planned, the designer would install lining according to sludge characteristics and enhance the prevention measures, and then the possibility of infiltration into groundwater caused by sludge leachate will decrease to a large degree and there is no impacts on groundwater.

The proposed landfill site is surrounded by hills on all directions, without any residential site, large industry, and intake for industrial, agricultural or municipal water supply in the vicinity. Thus, leachate will not produce any significant impact on groundwater.

(2) Groundwater impacts by sludge storage

Sludge, if stored for long, probably will produce leachate and subsequently will impact the groundwater. Since the sludge from the Project will not contain toxic and hazardous materials, the leachate, if any, will not cause major impacts on groundwater.

110 The thickening and dewatering facilities for the Project were all completed during Phase I. As understood in the field, hard ground is built for all structures including the sewage treatment process, will have the probability of leaching. Dewatered sludge will be loaded and moved out directly, rather than retaining for long, so the process of storage will not cause groundwater impacts.

5.6.2 Analysis of Groundwater Impacts

During operation of the Project, wastewater will stay for some time in such structures as the A-A2/O tank and secondary sedimentation tank, which is likely to cause the leaching of untreated sewage into groundwater.

Because industrial wastewater in the service area of the Project is not allowed into municipal sewers if it does not meet Level I of the "Limits of Water Pollutant Discharge" published by Guangdong Province, and the pollutants contained in sanitary sewage are generally CODcr, N and P, etc., there is little possibility of toxic and hazardous materials in the effluent from the Project, and, even if leaching into groundwater occurs, the pollutants will not cause significant groundwater impacts.

On the other hand, wastewater has to pass through the rock formations of various geological structures on the seepage path. These formations have certain structures and thickness, and the fine particles can filter or absorb some polluting materials, thus a larger proportion of the polluting materials are removed before reaching groundwater, no major impact on groundwater is expected.

As analyzed above, the retention of wastewater in the structural will not cause groundwater impacts during operation of the Project.

5.6.3 Environmental Protection Measures

(1) Remove sludge as early as possible, to avoid prolonged storage;

(2) Strengthen landfill management, to ensure effective operation of lining.

5.7 Environmental Risk Evaluation

During operation of the Project, equipment breakdown, power failure and other emergencies will result in direct discharge of untreated sewage, and also the effluent will not meet the standards if the industrial wastewater fails to meet the connection standards.

5.7.1 Risk of Direct Sewage Discharge

According to investigations of foreign and local sewage treatment plants in operation, there

111 are cases of direct discharge of untreated sewage from service areas as a result of equipment breakdown and power failure. In the even of any pumping station failure during operation of the Project, there will be possibility that sewage is not conveyed to the treatment plant in time and is discharged directly.

The Project is designed to have 3 groups of structures, with a capacity of 50,000 m3 for each to be operated separately. This arrangement will ensure continuous operation if one of the groups is suspended for maintenance, thus increasing the system reliability. In the event of power failure, however, there will be still risks of direct discharge of untreated sewage.

If any natural disaster is encountered, there will be possibility that the operation of sewage treatment facilities is stopped and untreated sewage is discharged directly.

To sum up, there will be risks of direct discharge of untreated sewage due to equipment breakdown, power failure and natural disaster during operation of the Project. The probability of such risks is related to various uncertainties.

5.7.2 Risk of non-compliance effluent

There exist some industrial enterprises in the service area of the Project. As required by the relevant authorities, all of these enterprises have built their own sewage treatment stations, with industrial wastewater discharged after treatment to meet the applicable standards. Therefore, the discharge of industrial wastewater will be immediately related to the quality of effluent from the Project. If industrial wastewater discharge can not meet the standards, the inflow of the Project may exceed the design concentrations and subsequently cause risks of effluent quality. Meanwhile, the content of heavy metals in inflow will directly constitute potential risks to normal operation of the Project. Forceful efforts will be devoted to monitoring and supervision of industrial wastewater discharge from the service area during operation of the Project, to reduce the risks of non-compliance effluent and poor operation due to abnormal inflow water quality.

5.7.3 Mitigation Measures

(1) Enhance equipment maintenance;

(2) Provide own power supply, to considerably reduce power failure impacts;

(3) Make adequate efforts for education in respect of risk control;

(4) Arrange adequate technical training to avoid accidents due to improper operation or error;

(5) Strictly control the quality of industrial wastewater discharge into the sewers, to

112 avoid non-compliance effluent due to considerably fluctuating inflow water quality;

(6) Provide safety operation specifications, practice the system of job responsibility, set up complete management systems, identify responsibilities by persons, and arrange regular inspection;

(7) Provide emergency measures and operation procedures in the event of risks, provide necessary emergency equipment and materials, carry out water environmental monitoring in the vicinity of a major accident, and assess the nature, parameters and consequences, provide a basis for decision making by relevant departments.

5.8 Summary

This section is to: (1) identify environmental impact factors relating to the Project by matrix method, (2) discuss the environmental standards and methods used for this EIA, (3) predict the environmental impact factors, and provide necessary mitigating measures.

Positive and negative environmental impacts during construction and operation of the Project are analyzed on the basis of the Project features and in consideration of the environmental background in the city proper. Negative impacts will cover both construction and operation periods, while positive ones will mainly come from operation period. The major environmental factors that may cause key impacts include water environment, solid waste, ambient air, and urban infrastructure, while ordinary ones are noise, water quality, land use, vegetation, aquatic habitat, underground, and public health, etc.

The environmental standards used in this EIA include national "Standard of Ambient Air Quality", "Integrated Standard of Air Pollutant Discharge", "Standard of Odor Pollutant Discharge", "Standard of Ambient Noise Levels in Urban Areas", "Noise Limits for Construction Site Boundaries", "Standard of Surface Water Environmental Quality", "Integrated Standard of Sewage Discharge", "Standard of Pollutant Discharge from Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant", and Guangdong Provincial "Limits of Water Pollutant Discharge", etc. The methods used for the EIA mainly include quantification, qualification and comparison.

Environmental impacts to be encountered during construction will be in the following aspects: urban infrastructure, traffic, water quality, air quality, solid waste, and noise. This part of the report provides mitigating measures against these possible impacts, when these measures are implemented, there will not be significant impact and these impacts will disappear upon completion of construction activities.

During operation of the Project, environmental impacts will include the following aspects: effluent discharge into the receiving Jiangmen River, sludge disposal, and odor. It is

113 concluded that if the effluent can reach the standards, the Tiansha and Jiangmen River water quality will be greatly improved, and effluent will not cause any major impacts on the reaches downstream of the outfall. Sludge, when thickened by gravity and dewatered mechanically, will be sent to Qiganshi sanitary landfill sit, without causing major environmental impacts. As for odor, major impacts will not be produced when odor removal facilities are installed. During operation of both Phases, a health protection distance of 300 m will be maintained. Also, mitigating measures against the possible environmental impacts during operation are proposed. These measures, when implemented, will minimize the environmental impacts during operation.

Environmental risk analysis is discussed also. The main environmental risks during operation of the Project include direct sewage discharge due to equipment breakdown, power failure and natural disasters, and also non-compliance effluent discharge due to heavy metal concentrations in the industrial wastewater connected. Necessary measures and requirements are provided for risk control.


6.1 "Without Project" Alternative

Water quality in the Tiansha and Jiangmen Rivers is poor at present, in Category V and IV respectively. The Project will intercept 22 sewage outlets along the Tiansha River and 14 along the Jiangmen River. Without the Project, sewage discharge into the rivers will continue, the degree of water pollution in these rivers will increase, the overall water environment in the city will deteriorate further and fail to meet the "Outline of Environmental Protection Plan for PRD"[4 16] and the "Plan of Overall Water Environmental Management in Jiangmen City" 306 ], the target of treatment rate of municipal sewage treatment as required in the "Outline of Environmental Protection Plan for PRD"1 416 1 can't be met. Table 6.1-1 Comparisons of Pollutants Gross Discharged into Water Body Unit:kg/d \ otamination BOD 5 CODcr SS Dischare No Project With Project No Project With Project No Project With Project Tiansha River 13848.9 1846.52 25851.28 3693.04 24004.76 1846.52 Jiangmen River 12929.9 1723.98 24135.72 3447.96 22411.74 1723.98 Decreased Rate( O 86.67 85.71 92.31 Contamination TN NH3-N TP Discharged int No Project Construction No Project Construction No Project Construction Tiansha River 3693.04 1846.52 2769.78 923.26 600.119 46.163 Jiangmen River 3447.96 1723.98 2585.97 861.99 560.2935 43.0995 Decreased Rate ( El 50.00 66.67 92.31

The amounts of pollutant discharge under "without Project" and "with Project" scenario compared as shown in Table 6.1-1. As seen from this table, the amount of CODCr into the Tiansha and Jiangmen Rivers in the "without Project" scenario is 25,851.28 kg/d and 24,135.72 kg/d respectively, when the Project is implemented, those can be reduced by 3,693.04 kg and 3,447.96 kg, i.e. 85.71%. This means effective reduction of CODcr and other pollutants can be achieved. 6.2 Adequacy of Site Selection

6.2.1 Sewage Treatment Plant

Wenchangsha WWTP is located on the south bank of the Jiangmen River, in Wenchang subdivision of Lile, Jiangmen City, the Phase I was completed and put into operation in October 2001. The service area covers the east part of Pengjiang Island (the area enclosed

115 2 by the Tiansha and Jiangmen Rivers), about 4.6 km . Phase II is designed to increase the existing capacity by 150,000 m3/d.

The site of Phase II will use the reserved land in existing Phase I, with Xinhua Paper Factory on the north, Jiangzhong Expressway on the south, Jiangmen River on the west, and Wenchang Chinese-English School on the east (built after Phase I). This site is easily assessable and immediately close to the Jiangmen River, favorable for effluent discharge, so site selection is considered reasonable. Phase II was already included in the Phase I at the time of land acquisition, without the need for additional land acquisition. As the school was built immediately east of the completed Phase I, and the Project will be air and noise pollution sources in the plant when completed and put into operation, the school may be somewhat affected. With environmental protection measures implemented as proposed, however, the Project will not cause any major impacts on the school during construction and operation.

The site is flat and easily accessible, and power supply is adequate. House relocation and land acquisition among other sensitive issues are not involved. The effluent will be discharged into the Jiangmen River, a major river with a fairly large environmental capacity in the city.

In summary, site selection of the Project is reasonable.

6.2.2 Pumping Stations

The Project includes 3 new lift pumping stations. Based on overall consideration of the depth of sewer pipes, need for resettlement, collection of wastewater/sewage, and method of construction among other factors, 3 sites have been selected.

(1) Pumping station #1

According to layout of main wastewater pipeline, it is a must to be build a lift PS around Shengli Road of Tiansha River east area. Three site options are available for this PS: Fengxili, Southwest to Shengli Road gas station and west bank of Tiansha River,

o) Fengxili

Fengxili is located in east bank of Tiansha River, southeast to the crossing of Shengli Road and Tianning Road. If #1 is here, the wastewater pipeline can be connected to it without traversing Tiansha River and pipeline will be smooth and construction condition is good. According to land using plan of the City, this site belongs to the No.3 hospital to be expanded. It is very hard to use this site since 6 houses need to be relocated.

() Southwest to Shengli Road gas station

116 This site is located in Southwest to Shengli Road gas station and has no building it. But this area is acquired by one real estate developer, it is hard to buy it back and wastewater pipeline should cross Tiansha River 2 times,

®I West bank of Tiansha River

This site is on west bank of Tiansha River in greening zone between Tiansha Road and Tiansha River, there is no building on it. The site is long and narrow which may be hard for construction and pipeline should cross Tiansha River 2 times.

With these factors taken into account and consultation with some departments of Jiangmen City, the site on the west bank is considered suitable and reasonable.

(2) Pumping stations #2 and #3

The former is in Huaqingli where is east to Huoli Road, while the latter is on the Jiangmen River close to the crossing of Jiangbei and Paotai Roads, southeast of the existing Lianghua Drainage Pumping Station.

The site of #2 has no building on it and the depth of pipes is appropriate, but there is some resident in the vicinity. Based on the city planning, there is no suitable site to fit #2, by taking odor removal measures to avoid the effect on the residents, this site for #2 is reasonable. Pumping station 3# is immediately close to a road, without any sensitive receiver on either sides, except for the opposite residential site. Since there is no appropriate altemative site in the proximity, it is proposed to include odor removal measures in this facility, to mitigate the environmental impacts during operation. With measures implemented as necessary, this site is feasible also.

6.3 Alternative Sewage Treatment Technologies

As detergents are applied widely and the percentage of sanitary sewage is increased, the concentration of N and P is increased accordingly. Phosphorous removal is an important subject of modem wastewater treatment. The appropriate treatment technologies can not only reduce the investments, but also is also helpful for operation and management of the WWTP, reducing routine operation costs, and ensuring stable effluent quality.

Considering the high degree of sewage treatment of the Project, in order to remove COD, BOD5, SS, TP, NH3-N and TN by more than 93.3%, 75%, 92.9%, 92.9%, 77.1% and 55.6%, different sewage treatment technologies have been compared through inflow and effluent water quality analysis against the current national "Design Specifications for Outdoor Drainage"E4"1 (GBJ14-87, 1997 Edition). It is finally determined to adopt biological phosphorous and Nitrogen removal technologies.

117 Available Nitrogen removal methods are grouped in biological and physiochemical categories. Generally, municipal sewage uses biological phosphorous removal with the help of chemical processes, to ensure that P concentrations of effluent meet the standard. Chemical phosphorous removal results in larger quantities of deposits, lower concentration of pollutants, larger volumes of sludge, higher degrees of difficulty in sludge treatment, and higher costs for sludge treatment and disposal. Biological nitrogen is currently the principal method, which is an economic and common practice of municipal sewage treatment. Physiochemical nitrogen removal method is appropriate for large sewage treatment plants in the view of both economy and management. Therefore, biological nitrogen and phosphorous removal will be employed.

In the view of the principle of biological denitrification and phosphorous removal, biological nitrification needs adequate sludge ages and low sludge loads, and biological phosphorous removal needs higher sludge loads, which are contradictory to each other. Adequate carbon sources are needed for both methods, but BOD5 /TN and BOD5/TP values of inflow will not be so high, thus it will be hardly possible to achieve high percentages of denitrification and phosphorous removal by biological processes only. On this basis, considering the fact the effective phosphorous removal methods are not many, it is required to first meet the carbon demands of denitrification, thus ensuring the nitrification effect of biochemical treatment systems, and then improve the effect of biological phosphorous removal, wherever possible, under the condition that the TN concentration of effluent water is met. If necessary, chemical phosphorous removal can be added to further decrease the TP concentration of effluent, in order for TN and TP to meet the standard at the same time. Selection of treatment technologies is mainly based on the following concept: ensuring the effect of nitrification first by biological processes, with the focus placed on removing phosphorous and organic matter, then increasing the effect of biological phosphorous removal wherever possible, and adding chemical processes as necessary, to meet the designed effluent quality indexes steadily.

(1) A/O technology

As the phosphorous source of inflow under the Project will not totally meet the demands for nitrification and phosphorous removal, and the demanding requirements for effluent TP will hardly be achieved by biological processes only, A/O nitrification process will be adopted to remove TN. This process can remove some phosphorous, but a very low percentage of removal, the removal of TP is mainly dependent upon chemical processes. The typical flow chart is illustrated in Figure 6.3-1.

118 Influent Anoxic Oxic Basi secondary Effluent Basin (A) (0) Sedimentaon Tank

Returned Water Returned Sludge

Figure 6.3-1 Process Chart of A/O

(2) A2/0 technology

A 2/0 is a typical phosphorous removal and denitrification process. The biological reaction tank consists of 3 sections: anaerobic, anoxic, and oxic. Refer to Figure 6.3-2 for the typical flow chart. This is a plug-flow predenitrificaiton process with definite and clear-cut anaerobic, anoxic and oxic functions. Time-space ratios and operating conditions of the 3 sections can be created and controlled artificially, according to inflow conditions and effluent requirements, to achieve high percentages removal upon adequate carbon sources.

This process shows 3 disadvantages: (i) nitrate in the return sludge causes adverse impacts on the preceding anaerobic section, (ii) the anoxic section placed in the middle puts denitrification in an unfavorable position in the distribution of carbon sources, which affects the effect of denitrification; (iii) due to the existence of internal circulation, only a small part of remaining sludge from the conventional technological system actually undergoes a complete process of phosphorous releasing and absorption, and the rest enters into the oxic section directly almost without going through the anaerobic state, which is detrimental to phosphorous removal. |Anaerobic| Anoxic |Oxic Basin _Secondary [Efflunt BasinA) ~Bsin (A) | (O) SedntimentfTank

tReturned Wate|

Figure 6.3-2 Process Chart of A2/o

(3) Modified A 2/0 technology

In order to improve the effect of phosphorous removal, A 2/0 technology is modified in such a way that an anaerobic/anoxic regulating tank is inserted in front of the anaerobic tank as shown in Figure 6.3-3, which illustrates the modified flow chart. In this modified process, the returned sludge from the secondary sedimentation tanks and about 10-20% inflow water are led to the regulating tank and retained for 20-30 min, with return nitrate nitrogen removed by microbes by making use of organic materials in some 10-20 inflow water, to eliminate negative impacts on the anaerobic tank and ensure stability thereof.

119 Returned Water

Influent |Denitrification Anaerobic Anoxic | |Oxic Basin Secondary Kone Basin (Aasin (A) (0) Sedimentlifon Tank

Returned Sludge

Figure 6.3-3 Process Chart of Improved A 2/0

(4) Comparison of alternatives

All of these 3 altematives meet the design requirement for water quality. Technically, A/0 process is the simplest and has the best effect of denitrification, worst effect of phosphorous removal, largest amount of chemicals needed, and large volume of sludge generated. A 2/0 process is the second in the effect of denitrification, effect of phosphorous removal, demand of chemicals, and volume of sludge. Modified A2/0 provides the highest overall effect of denitrification and phosphorous removal, the best effect of phosphorous removal, the smallest amount chemicals needed, and the smallest volume of sludge generated. Economically, modified A2/0 requires the largest amount of one-off investment, 1.88 million RMB and 7.56 million RMB more than A2/0 and A/O respectively, but the least routine operation costs, 0.259 million RMB and 4.454 million RMB less than A2/0 and A/O respectively. Given a depreciation rate of 8% for 20 years, modified A 2/0 has the lowest present value, indicating that this is the most economical alternative. Thus, modified A 2/0 is herein recommended. Table 6.3-1 compares the overall costs for these alternatives.

Table 6.3-1 Present Value Comparison of Different Options Item A/O A2/0 Modified A2/0 Construction Investment (L0 4 Yuan) 30796 31364 31552 Operation Cost per Year ( Ll04Yuan) 3308 2908 2863 Present Value (ll04 Yuan) 75753 70884 70461 6.4 Alternative Sludge Treatment Technologies

Sludge is a result of the sewage treatment process and an important part of sewage treatment. The purpose of sludge treatment is to reduce the water content and volume of sludge, stabilize and ready for further disposal and overall utilization.

(1) Digestion

120 The process of sludge treatment with digestion generally includes: thickening--digestion--> dewatering-*disposal.

Sludge digestion needs a series of additional structures and equipment for digestion, heating, mixing, and methane gas treatment and utilization.

The process without digestion generally includes: thickening-+ dewatering-*disposal, with thickened sludge dewatered to a low water content before final disposal.

Digestion is to further decompose organic materials in sludge and stabilize the microorganism. This process allows energy recovery. Also, digestion by high and median temperature by aeration or anaerobic methods can remove the quantitative pathogenic microbes and parasites in sludge, which is beneficial for the subsequent utilization of sludge.

Digestion treatment, if any, will need a series of additional structures and equipment for digestion, heating, mixing, and marsh gas treatment and utilization, and also a large amount of additional investment costs. Furthermore, the limited area will not support a digestion treatment system. The Project will not include any digestion tank, sludge will be thickened and dewatered directly.

(2) Thickening and dewatering

Biological denitrification and phosphorous removal will be used for sludge treatment under the Project. As determined by the characteristics of phosphorous removal technology, the sludge decrement treatment process should be as simple and quick as possible, to avoid phosphorous releasing back in this process (including thickening, digestion, and dewatering). To this end, it is very important to thicken sludge quickly. There are generally 2 methods of thickening and dewatering: gravity thickening + mechanical dewatering, and mechanical thickening + mechanical dewatering.

The cost estimates of both alternatives are similar, but the latter is obviously better in the aspect of land use, environmental protection, and ensured effluent quality. The former needs a larger area, has a lower efficiency of thickening, and needs a larger equipment capacity because of phosphorous re-release in sludge. In principle, mechanical thickening + mechanical dewatering alternative will be employed.

At present, gravity thickening + mechanical dewatering technology is adopted. There are 2 thickening tanks with a diameter of 18 m, meeting the capacity of 200,000 m3/d. In order to make full use of the existing structures, considering the equipment layout and operation management, this technology will be continuously applied to the Project.

121 (3) Comparison and selection of final sludge disposal

According to the analysis in subsection 5.5 of this report, sludge from Phase I Project of Wenchangsha WWTP belongs to general waste, Phase II Project is the expansion of Phase I Project, the two projects have interrelationship in engineering and industrial enterprises in service areas of the two projects have similarity, so sludge from Phase II Project has similarity with that of Phase I Project in property. According to the present monitoring results, sludge from Phase II Project is considered to be general waste, too. So landscaping and sanitary landfill could be adopted in the final disposal of sludge.

For Jiangmen City, system and method of sludge used for landscaping have not been formed, and landscaping areas, mode and quantity of the utilization could not be confirmed at the moment. Furthermore, if the utilization area was far from the plant, the cost of transportation will be high, and then sludge used for landscaping is improper in economy. No digestion treatment is taken for the sludge of the project and the sludge contains large quantity of pathogenic bacteria, so sanitary landfill is considered comparatively reasonable and effective.

6.5 Summary

This part of the report mainly:

(1) analyzes the "without Project" alternative, describe the annual amount of pollutants into the Jiangmen and Tiansha Rivers without the Project, and compare with that in the "with Project" scenario;

(2) analyzes sewage treatment technologies, concludes that modified A2/O is reasonable as being mature in technology, stable in effluent, resistant to load fluctuation, easy to match with the technology for Phase I;

(3) analyzes the adequacy of site selection, and concludes that the selected site of the Project is reasonable and the selected locations of 3 pumping stations are appropriate;

(4) recommends to continue gravity thickening + mechanical dewatering in Phase I, since the gravity thickening tank for Phase I is based on the capacity of 200,000 m3/d and available land is limited.


7.1 Main Environment Impact

Wenchangsha WWTP is environment improvement project which can greatly improve water quality of Jiangmen and Tiansha River and reduce contamination load of urban water system of Jiangmen City in operation stage. But it will bring some impact during construction and operation. The main impact is shown as following:

7.1.1 Impacts during Construction

(1) Impacts on Municipal Infrastructures and Transportation

The installation of sewage pipes may damage to other infrastructures, such as water pipes, cables, coal gas pipes and etc., or even impact their operations, sometimes even worse.

The daily processing capacity will reach 240,000m3 when the Phase II Wenchangsha Sewage Treatment Plant Program completes and comes into operation, which would improve the municipal infrastructure of Jiangmen City.

Nevertheless this project would give rise to adverse impact on city transportation. The sites where pipes are to be laid are located in the Main Jiangmen City. Construction would interrupt traffic or cause congestion. On the other hand, the conveying of construction materials would also impose pressure on city transportation system and bring inconvenience to citizens.

(2) Impact on Water Quality

Construction activities would produce alkaline wastewater and wastewater with oils and suspended solids of high concentration. The wastewater would be discharged intermittently with small volume and will cease when the project completes. It could be seen that less impact would be imposed on water quality.

The wastewater from the construction worker groups is supposed to make least impact on water environment because all the domestic wastewater will be collected through municipal sewage system and treated in the sewage treatment plant.

(3) Impact on solid wastes

Large quantity of spoil is supposed to be produced during construction. Most of the soil will be stored except some are used for backfill. The waste soil I would give rise to impact on the city landscaping, transportation and ambient air quality if they were not moved away

123 promptly because the areas where the sewage systems are laid are main traffic lanes of the city. The waste bricks and stones, broken china pieces and glass produced from the construction of the plant and pumping stations may require more land and lead to secondary pollution though they impose no direct impact on water and air quality.

During the construction period, some garbage produced by the workers emit unpleasant odor, some garbage get rotten with the function of microorganisms and bacteria and emits disgusting odors. All the garbage is the source for epidemic disease, giving rise to the mosquitoes and flies and propagating of pathogens and bacteria. So the garbage in the construction areas would contaminate the environment if they were not moved away promptly.

(4) Impact on Ambient Air Quality

Construction-generated dust would impose impact on areas within 150- 300m away. The dust could be reduced by 70% when 4 or 5 times of watering on dumping sites every day and the total suspended particulates (TSP) distance would decrease to 20 -5o m. So the dust would impose no significant influence on ambient air quality if watering on dumping sites is implemented during construction.

The vehicles on the construction sites contribute less pollution to regional ambient air quality than the vehicles in the city, and would not aggravate the pollution of the ambient air quality.

(5) Impact on Acoustic Environment

In the plant the noise from construction exceeds the national standards within the range of 10m in daytime. And at nighttime the noise would impose impact on the surrounding areas within 300m away. Wenchang Middle School is located to the northeast of the plant with distance of 40m, and is eventually affected. Furthermore the noise generated by construction machines would impose significant impact on the areas within 20m away where the construction workers and administrative staffs will be affected.

In the sewage pipe construction sites, the noise would satisfy the Class IV Standard at 20m away for daytime and lOOm away for nighttime. The noise generated by construction machines would mainly impose impact on construction workers and administrative staffs to some extend.

The noise generated from construction of three sewage lift pumping stations and the extension of the pumping station at the river mouth would have little impact on surroundings.

124 7.1.2 Impact of Operation Stage

(1) Environment benefit of project

It can improve water quality of Jiangmen and Tiansha River step by step after the project completed. So self-purification capacity of water body and hydraulic condition will be improved. Also, aquatic plants will came back and its category and quantity be improved.

The implementation of project will benefit the city investment and tourism environment. Economic development and living standards will be improved. It can develop tourism and the third industry. It is important for the infrastructure development of Jiangmen City. The bad impact on the residents in psychological and visual aspects will be alleviated. The urban landscaping and water environment can be improved greatly, and both banks of watercourse will become recreation area for the residents. A majority of shoreline of Tiansha and Jiangmen River will complete wastewater interception, water quality will be improved gradually, phenomena of blackness and odor will be eliminated. The shoreline of Tiansha and Jiangmen River will be good place for recreation and land-value will be increased, so the area where was not suitable for living or development will become a hot spot. After recreation faculties area constructed along the banks, the tourism and commercial activities will be developed, and restaurant and other service industry will be developed as well. It can offer new jobs to Jiangmen City.

When project in operation, it can reduce pollution quantity into Tiansha and Jiangmen River, reduce possibility of water quality pollution of Xijiang River, reduce the risk of safe water safety of Zhongshan City, Zhuhai City, Macao City, etc where are located in downstream of Xijiang River. Operation of Wenchangsha WWTP has positive impact to water environment of the Pearl River basin.

(2) Impact to water environment by effluent

The effluent of the WWTP will mainly affect the downstream of the outfall. If effluent can reach the standard, it can reduce BOD5 7117.5t, CODcr 13140t, NH3-N 1095t each year. So the water quality of river network area can be improved, and the river in urban area of Jiangmen City will benefit mostly.

If there is accidental discharge, namely, wastewater enters Jiangmen Channel without treatment, however, water quality of river reaches still is improved. But water quality of Jiangmen Channel will be deteriorated obviously.

Wenchangsha WWTP can reduce the pollution load entering Jiangmen River obviously. Considering the possibility and frequency of accident of WWTP is small, so it can be say that WWTP operation will be benefit to water quality protection and improvement of river

125 network in Jiangmen City.

(3) Impact to environment by sludge during operation

The disposal plan of sludge produced in operation period is by sanitary landfill. The solid waste disposal landfill will be constructed is early than this project and its storage capacity is large, so the landfill can meet the sludge disposal requirement without great impact to environment.

(4) Impact to environment by odor

By comparing to other WWTP which have similar size and processes, we can know the farthest distance of odor impact area is 50m downstream. If the sewage treatment process have aerated grit removal tank and primary sedimentation tank, the farthest distance can reach 1 Om at leeward.

According to weather characteristic of Jiangmen City and actual condition around Wenchangsha WWTP, analysis on odor impact is assessed. In winter, northeaster wind prevails, the odor impact of Wenchangsha WWTP is smaller because Jiangzhong Highway is at downstream. In summer, south wind prevails, the dour impact of Wenchangsha WWTP is relative larger. In North of Wenchangsha WWTP, there is storage site for waste paper and straw of Xinhua paper mill where there is no environmental sensitive receivers. So, it is concluded that odor impact is not obvious.

When there is no wind or small wind, weather condition is adverse to diffusion and transportation of dour, then the concentration is strong around structures which emits odor.

Therefore, the area affected by the odor will be in north and southwest area, and the area is 50m from the source. The impact will be declined quickly with distance increased.

Wenchang Chinese-English School is located downstream of southwest wind which frequency occupies 0.9% of all wind direction in a year. So there is no complaint about odor from students and teachers since operation. But, when the Phase II is completed, wastewater volume is increased from 50,000m3/d to 200,000 m3/d, odor volume will be increased too, it may have some impact on the School.

(5) Impact on groundwater

The heavy metal in sludge leachate higher concentration of Ni, and other heavy metal content can reach highest concentration permitted of the Class I pollutant in Integrated Standard of Sewage Discharge. The sludge storage site will be hard floor and sanitary landfill has leaching prevention lining. So the sludge will not impact groundwater during

126 storage and disposal. Wastewater in treatment structures will also not impact groundwater.

7.2 Introduction of EPM

EPM of this project can be known in Table 7.2-1.

7.3 Organization and Duties of Environmental Management

7.3.1 Establishment of Organization

Due to the great difference of environmental management requirements between the construction phase and operational phase, separate organizations will be set up respectively with its own responsibilities. The corresponding organization for the construction phase will be dismantled after completion of the construction activities and the organization responsible for the operational phase will take over with reasonable overlapping time with the one for the construction phase as required.

(1) Environmental Management Organization During Construction

In order to guarantee the effectiveness and fairness of the environmental management, the environmental management organization shall be independent from the construction department and has no conflict of interest with the Project, its employees should have proper qualification and experience. The organization should have six staff including a team leader.

127 Table 7.2-1 Summary Environment Protection Measures

Stage Factor Measures and Suggestion * Construction company should understand the position of cable, optical fiber, gas pipe.etc ; from relevant departments. Workers should be advised clear position in order to avoid damages p to other utilities. * Workers should be advised to protect infrastructure. * It should report to relevant departments if other utilities are damaged, and repair should be CD conducted immediately R * Setting up waming sign; * Setting temporary pavement 2 ;> * Constructing by phases r n * Traffic diversion measures *Reducing road occupied.

-~ * Tranering wastewater collected to WWTP from special sewage pipe. o Water * Setting up simple sedimentation tanks at 1#,2# and 3# pumping stations. a Quality * Wastewater of Jiangzui pump station will be sent to Wenchangsha WWTP through sewage collection system Strengthening education EW take away garbage in time LW Reuse waste soil [*Storing Soild Construction waste to appointed position.*Cooperated with other departments to dispose hazardous waste. .Air * Arranging construction properly LW Watering periodically l* Carrying out waste soil in Quali time EW Minimizing and controlling traffic dust EW Minimizing and controlling fuel exhaust ty gas LW Protecting workers. Noise * Choosing lower noise equipments El Setting up barrier; * Arranging construction time oise properly LW Protecting workers *Establish and improve rules and regulations over discharge permit. Control and supervise i the pre-treatment and normal pollutant discharge in comply with discharge standards and requirements at both national and Guangdong provincial levels C1 i so * Set up reliable monitoring, control system and on-line monitoring system and alarm system E~ within the Plant;* conduct research aiming to phosphorous removal to ensure TP meet the standard;*Responding national policy to conduct water reuse gradually. *The dewatered sludge should be deposited in dry and leaching free places instead o exposure to air LW In order to reduce the water content of dewatered sludge, fine quality r Sud flocculation agent and optimal/ the most appropriate dosing should be adopted, at the same Sludge foclto gn n pia!tems prpit oigsol eaotd ttesm time rotating speed and the speed variation should be carefully managed;* The transportation o0 route should be reasonably designed, avoiding rush hours and environmental sensitive sites, such as schools and hospitals;*Adding sludge digestion and disinfections facilities; * Conduct research to reuse the sludge. *Eliminate odor with mitigation measures;*Taking management to controlling sludge Air fermentation and clearing in time;*Enlarge greening area in the plant. *Low-noise blowers, air compressors and sewage/sludge pumps, selecting submersible Noise pumps; * Installation of sound arresters and mufflers;* Double sound-proof windows, sound-proof doors, and solid brick walls for pumping stations (including those in the sewage treatment plant) and air compressor stations, for the purpose of good sound insulation effects. Ground * Remove sludge as early as possible;* Strengthen landfill management, to ensure effective water operation of lining.

128 * Enhance equipment maintenance; * Provide reliable power supply, to considerably reduce m power failure impacts; * Make adequate efforts for education in respect of risk control; * Arrange adequate technical training for operation to avoid accidents due to improper o operation or error; * Strictly control the quality of industrial wastewater discharge into the 3 sewers, to avoid non-compliance effluent discharge due to considerably fluctuating inflow - water quality; * Provide safety operation specifications, practice the system of job t. responsibility, set up complete management systems, identify responsibilities for each person, t and arrange regular inspection; * Provide emergency measures and emergency operation

______procedures in the event of risks.

(2) Environmental management organization during operation

Environmental management during operation is a long-term and complex work. Each Wastewater Treatment Plant should establish environmental protection department with 2 full time staff and a factory leader should be assigned for the management. Meanwhile, it should also set up environmental monitoring organization with 4-5 staff.

7.3.2 Duties of Environmental Management Construction period The environmental management group should develop the detailed plans according to the construction plans of the Project, and then conduct review each month and make some necessary amendment.

The group leader should report to the Project leader regarding the achievements of environmental management on monthly basis and then put forward some solutions for the environmental problems identified in inspection.

The supervisors of water, air, noise and solid waste should inspect the implementation of the mitigation measures during each period according to the plans. Besides, they should also arrange all the monitoring activities in a fixed time and report the results of inspection and monitoring and measures taken to the group leader monthly.

The staff for complaint hotline will record the complaining calls, report them to the group leader, and in addition, provide replies/solutions to the public regarding each complaint. Operation Period (1) Environmental Protection Management Department Responsible for the development of environmental protection system and monitoring its implementation. It mainly contains: (D Publicize and implement the guidelines, policies sand ordinances relevant to the national environmental protection. Cooperate with the local environmental protection departments, manage the environmental protection in the WWTP. ( Implement various environmental protection regulations issued by the relevant departments in charge.

129 © Periodically check and maintain the equipments in the wastewater treatment plant in order to guarantee its normal operations, inspect the implementation conditions of the environmental protection measures put forward in the EA report. (©) Organize the environmental monitoring during the operation phase (including the abnormal operation ) and set up the monitoring database. ©) Cooperate with the local environmental protection departments, register the volume and quality of the wastewater discharged from all units and entering into the wastewater network and monitor the operation conditions of their wastewater pretreatment facilities. © Investigate and deal with the pollution accidents and complaints. @ Conduct the environmental protection education, technical training and academic communications in order to develop the personnel capabilities and experience. ( 2 ) Monitoring Station (D Duties Monitoring station is responsible for the development of the monitoring plans and the collection and recording the data, and then reporting to the leadership. The duties contain: a. Develop the environmental monitoring schedule and compile the monitoring report and forms. b. Take part in the investigation of the WWTP's pollution accident if any. c. Implement the maintenance of the monitoring equipment. ( Monitoring equipment The table 7.3-1 is the monitoring equipment required for the monitoring stations in each Wastewater Treatment Plant. 7.4 EMP

7.4.1 EMP during Designing Period

To ensure the smooth implementation of EMP during the periods of construction & operation, and protect the environmental conditions, it is suggested to emphasize on design stage and the environmental factors and protection measures should be also taken into consideration during period of designing. Details are described in Table7.4-1.

Table 7.3-1 Monitoring Equipment List needed in Wastewater Treatment Plant during Operation No. Equipment name Quantity (set) 1 Atom absorption spectrophotometer 1 2 Electric-heated thermostatic water bath 3 3 Electro thermal constant-temperature dry box 3 4 Electro-heating standing-temperature cultivator 2 5 BOD incubator 2 6 Instant BOD meter 1 7 Spectrophotometer 2

130 8 Acidimeter 2 9 Dissolved oxygen determinator 3 10 Moisture determinator 2 11 Gas analyser 3 12 Precision scale 2 13 Physical scale 2 14 Biomicroscope 1 15 Ion pure water exchanger 2 16 refrigerator 2 17 Electric centrifuge 1 18 Vacuum pump 2 19 Sterilizer 1 20 Magnetic stirrer 2 21 Computer 1 22 COD determinator 2 23 Gas chromatograph 1 24 TOC determinator 1 25 Air sampler 2 26 Dust sampler 2 27 Sound level meter 2 28 Others (Automatic online monitoring equipments included Some

7.4.2 EMP during Construction Period EMP

Impact will occur during both construction and operation periods. Corresponding environmental measures shall be taken to make acceptable. Environmental monitoring procedures will be regulated for efficient function of related policies. The owner shall sign contract with qualified environmental monitoring unit, and the EMP content should also be included in the bidding documentation. Jiangmen Municipal Public Utilities Bureau (JMPUB) will perform its duty of project management in addition to following up the environmental measures being taken. General environmental measures and the responsibility of related departments are described in this section. In the Project, JMPUB will be responsible for following-up and reporting on the implementation of all environmental measures. The organizations in charge of implementation of supervising and monitoring of environmental measures are as follows: a. Jiangmen Municipal Public Utilities Bureau (JMPUB) b. Jiangmen Environment Protection Bureau (JMEPB) c. Jiangmen Drainage Management Department (JMDMD) d. Supervisor/Environmental Engineer e. Contractor Table 7.4-1 summarizes the potential environmental impact, management measures, implementing and supervising agencies during construction period. Management for Contractors

131 During the construction phase , the contractors will play an important role in implementation of environment management, pollution control and protection measures. The contractors are required to observe the following requirements: ( 1 ) Choose the qualified contractor to ensure the effective implementation of the environmental management plan. (2) Contractors and construction supervision companies will need to go through a mandatory training program before the conducting any environmental protection and environmental management activities. (3) The stated mitigating measures for environmental impact during the construction phase should be included in the bidding documents of the contractors and finally should be included into the construction contract as the contract terms. (4) The project contractors will need to monitor the implementation of environmental measures and report the progress on daily or weekly basis. Project management office and the construction supervision companies should supervise and monitor these records. (5) The contractors will be requested to designate a full time person to be in charge of environmental management. The person needs to have the training as indicated in the plan so as to be competent for the task. (6) During the construction phase, the project contractors should communicate and consult with the residents living in the construction areas of the Project. Boards should be built up in the construction sites informing the public of the detailed construction activities and the time schedule. Simultaneously, details of the contact person and telephone number should be provided so that the public can raise complaint and offer suggestions. 7.4.3 Environmental Management Plan during Operation Period After the completion of the construction activities, major impact to the surrounding area will be the emission of odor, effluent discharge, noise and sludge generated from the plant. Table 7.4-12 summarizes the potential environmental impact, management measures, implementing and supervising agencies during operation phase of the WWTP.

132 Table7.4-1 Environment Management Plan Phase Potential Impact No. Measures Implementing Supervising Agency Agency Design odor removal system for the following locations: bar screening and pumping room in the wastewater pumping stations; bar screening chamber 1 in the wastewater pumping station in the plant; pumping rooms in the wastewater pumping station; sludge gravity thickening chamber and sludge thickening & dewatering room. Odor impact on Wenchang Landscaping-around the main sources of odor, plant some arbores & DESIGN Chinese and English School shrubs e.g. oleander and palm trees etc which are easy to grow. The arbores JMDMD during operation with high ability of anti-pollution should be planted around the plant INSTITUTE 2 boundary e.g. banyan, mango, Chakrasia tabularis, and privet etc, so as to improve the environment, purify the air and reduce the odor. Around the area of wastewater treatment and sludge treatment, green belt comprises different tree species should be planted, which can minimize the impact of odor through its multi-layer protection belts. Designing Equipment selection-- Try to use low noise equipment when selecting Phase 1 blowers, air compressors, pumps, and submersible pump is preferable when During operation, there are selecting pumps. potential noise impact Design noise barrier and noise elimination equipment. Reduce the noise generated from the 2 during operation by installing noise muffler, acoustic barrier & vibration machinery rooms in the isolation for high-level noise generators such as blowers, sludge dewatering Design Institute JMDMD plant and the pumping rooms and water pumps. stations for the School, and Achieve good performance of acoustic insulation by using double-layer the ambient environment. 3 sound insulation windows for the pumping stations (including the stations in the WWTP) & air compressors rooms, and using solid brick wall for the room of pumping stations. Impact on surface water quality from the effluents 1 Substantially reduce the impact caused by power cut by designing Dual Design Institute JMDMD exceeding the standard Power Supply System. during operation Rationally arrange the construction time. Rationally arrange construction Construction time of pipelines laying activities in main traffic routes of Tianhezhong Rd, Phase Dust pollution 1 Tianhexi Rd, South Rd of Nanpaotai, Tianyi Rd and Tianning Rd. Minimize Contractor JMDMD the excavating and reduce dust pollution by conducting the construction section by section, backfilling the excavated roads in time. Timely sprinkling. Increase the duration of sprinkling for main traffic routes 2 of Tianhezhong Rd, Tianhexi Rd, South Rd of Nanpaotai, Tianyi Rd and Tianning Rd, etc. 133 Phase Potential Impact No. Measures Implementing Supervising ______Agency AAecy A nen Clean up in time. The waste soil should be transferred in time according to the disposal plan. The department of construction should implement 3 regulations in order to protect the ambient environment of roads in the construction sites by cleaning up the splash of waste soil and construction material in time if any. Reduce and control the dust from transport. When the dusting material is transported, it shall be properly watered or covered with sailcloth. The 4 tanker shall be well sealed when it carries cement in bulk or be covered and closed when carrying cement in bag. Transport vehicles needs to be washed frequently. Health protection. Individual health protection measures e.g. dustproof respirators should be put on by construction workers who will be greatly affected by pollution in the sites of the Project, and for the workers who are doing mixing the concrete in the pumping stations.

6 Monitor the dust periodically. JMDMD JMEPB

Pollution of exhaust gas Reduce and control the exhaust gas from the fuel. Strengthen the generated from mechanical management of construction machines and vehicles. The construction deviesatedfrom racnsport 1 machinery equipment needs to be equipped with dust and smoke removal Contractor JMDMD devices and transport devices. Make sure the environmental index of machines and vehicles meet vehicles the requirements of exhaust discharges by timely checking and maintenance. Choose the equipments with low noise. Try to choose low noise equipments Noise pollution from I such as Hydraulic Pressure Static Compressed Piling Machine instead of mechanical devices Punching Piling Machine, etc. Reduce the noise level from the machines and vehicles by strengthening maintenance. Setting up noise barrier. In the construction site of Project, temporary noise 2 barrier shall be set up at the boundary close to Wenchang Chinese & English School in order to reduce the impact on the school. Rationally arrange the construction time. In order to minimize the impact on Contractor JMDMD 3 the residents living nearby, operations are prohibited within 200 meters from the residential area from 23:00 to 6:00 next morning.

Individual protection for construction workers. Strengthen labor protection, improve the working conditions and rationally arrange the working time. 4 Prepare protective and noise-proof tools e.g. earplugs, ear-covers or noise-proof helmets for the construction workers who will be greatly affected by noise pollution. 134 Phase Potential Impact No. Measures Implementing Supervising P h ase______Pote ntial______Im p_ a_ _ct_ __Ne._ _ __Measures_ _ _ _ _ AgA nnc A g en cy 5 Monitor noise pollution periodically. JDMD JMEPB During construction phase of the Wenchangsha WWTP, wastewater generated from construction is collected by specialized sewerage system in 1 the plant, transferred to the inflow tank in front of the coarse screens, treated along with domestic wastewater and then discharged by meeting the discharge standard. The quantity of sand and stone used in PS site is comparatively small. The water consumption is not much. The discharge of construction wastewater is Water Pollution by 2 very little. Due to these characteristics of PS construction, one simple Wastewater Pollu by 2 clarifier will be built at the construction sites of 1#, 2# and 3# PSs Contractor JMDMD wastewater respectively. The wastewater from sand and stone washing will be discharged after natural sedimentation in the clarifier. The wastewater from the construction site of Jiangzui PS Expansion will 3 directly enter into the coarse screen chamber through the sewerage pipe and will be treated properly in the plant. The construction wastewater of the working and receiving shafts of the 4 interceptor (pipe jacking) will be discharged after sedimentation in the simple clarifier. Strengthen education. The contractor should strengthen education to its 1 workers, throwing wastes at will is not allowed in order to ensure a clean working and living environment for the workers. Clear and transfer the wastes. As the construction site is located at the city 2 proper, the contractor should contact the relative sanitary department of the neighborhood and clear the domestic wastes from the construction site in time every day. Environmental Pollution by Reuse the abandoned soil. The contractor should, along with the relative solid waste generated from 3 departments of Jiangmen City, work out an abandoned soil disposal plan for Contractor JMDMD construction sites. the project. The abandoned soil may be reused for road construction, site formation and so on. Construction waste: The construction waste will be sent to the designated landfill. Dispose dangerous wastes cooperatively. Construction should stop 5 temporarily and local sanitary department should be called on in time once hazardous or harmful wastes are appeared during the construction. The construction won't continue until disposal measures are adopted. Inconvenience to society by Set up alarming signs. Set up alarming signs at the intersections of traffic construction 1 routes crossing the pipelines and pumping station construction sites to Contractor JMDMD remind the drivers and divert the traffic as much as possible.

135 Phase Potential Impact No. Measures Implementing Supervising .__ ___Agency Agency Set up temporary roads. The pipe network construction will unavoidably excavate some roads and the excavation will seriously affect the traffic flow. 2 The contractors should give full considerations on this when working out the implementation program and should set up temporary routes for those busy roads. Construct by stages. Conduct phased construction for the pipelines crossing 3 the major traffic routes, and complete the digging, laying and backfilling as soon as possible. Avoiding measures. Construction is required to avoid rush hour for those 4 busy roads (For example, construction at night to ensure smooth traffic in daytime). Transport vehicles should avoid rush hour. Reduce occupied roads. The excavated soil should be carried away in time 5 except that will be used as backfill. The soil piling on road should be as little as possible to ensure smooth traffic on the roads during construction. 6 Strengthen the education and awareness training to management and workers on cultural and heritage protection. 7 Set up a complaint system and strengthen the contact with the affected community. Train the environmental protection personnel of Jiangmen Drainage JMDMD JMPUB 8 Management Department and the construction team of the contractor. Strengthen the sense of environmental protection. Strengthen management and control sludge fermentation. Transfer the Operation Potential impact on 1 sludge in time after dewatering and clean the sludge dewatering equipment Phase Wenchang Chinese & regularly. Transfer and clean the waste intercepted by the coarse and fine English School and - screens in time. Avoid long-time storage of all solid wastes in the plant. JMDMD JMPUB surrounding environent The sludge at the bottom of the tank will emit odor when various tanks stop fromuodor emission 2 for repairing. Measures of clearing away the sludge in time should be adopted to avoid the impact from the odor. 3 Monitor the odor regularly. JMDMD JMEPB Potential impact on 1 Monitor the noise in the plant and the boundary of the PSs regularly. JMDMD JMEPB Wenchang Chinese & Set up a complaint system and strengthen the contact with the affected English School from noise community. of WWTP machinery house 2 JMDMD JMMB and potential impact on surrounding environment from noise of PSs Impact on surface water 1 Operate the maintenance program regularly and prepare spare fittings and JMPUB from treated wastewater parts to ensure the normal operation of sewerage facilities and PSs JMDMD 136 Phase Potential Impact No. Measures Implementing Supervising Phase______Potential______Impact______No._____Measures______Agency Agency discharge 2 Monitor the influent and effluent quality regularly. JMDMD JMPUB 3 Monitor the surface water quality regularly. Impact on solid waste from 1 Test the heavy metal in the sludge regularly. JMEPB sludge 1JMDMD MP 1 Maintenance of the equipment in WWTP should be reinforced. 2 Risk avoidance education should be strengthened. 3 Operational and technical training etc. should be reinforced so as to prevent accidents caused by mistakes in operation. Strictly control the quality of industrial wastewater into the municipal 4 wastewater interceptors to avoid substandard effluent, caused by the large The environmental risk fluctuation of the inflow water quality. impact of effluent exceeding Establish safe operation rules and regulations, implement the responsibility JMDMD JMPvUB 5 system, develop a good system to ensure each person has his responsibility standard. and inspection will be conducted periodically. Formulate the emergency measures and the emergency response/operation system when risk occurs. Provide related emergency facilities and materials, 6 and conduct monitoring to the water environment close to the locations of potential accident. Evaluate the characteristics, parameters and consequences of the accident and provide the policy-making basis for the department concerned.

137 7.5 Environment protection monitoring plans

7.5.1 Monitoring purpose Environmental monitoring will cover both construction and operation phases, the aim is to understand the operation performance completely and timely and also understand the local environmental quality trends, impact and its extend and dynamical environmental quality by the Project during operation so that they can feedback the information to the responsible institutions in time, which consequently can implement environmental management for the Project based on the scientific data.

7.5.2 Monitoring implementation According to the predicted result of environmental impact, the obviously sensitive receivers will be selected as monitoring locations. Based on the predicted pollution situations during the construction and operation phases, monitoring contents are the noise, air and surface water, which will be greatly affected. The monitoring parameters for each content will be defined according to the pollution characteristics in the Project analysis. The monitoring analytical methods will adopt "Environmental Monitoring Technical Criterion" issued by SEPA. The appraisal standard will use the national standard confirmed by EA report.

(1) Environmental Monitoring Plan During Construction and Operation According to the characteristics of engineering and environment, the environmental monitoring contents during construction and operation are shown in Table 5-2-1.

(2) Regional Environmental Quality Monitoring

The regional environment quality monitoring tasks including the Wenchangsha WWTP, effluent outfall of WWTP (2-3 cross-section monitoring, monitoring once a month, normal monitoring parameters), noise around the WWTP and wastewater lift PSs, groundwater quality in the landfill and the odor beyond thee sanitarian buffer zone etc. The monitoring can be entrusted to the local environmental monitoring department. In order to ensure that the incoming industrial wastewater quality stably reaches the connection standards when it discharges into the municipal system, and observe the dynamic change trend of river water quality and sludge, laboratories should be established to immediately follow any fluctuation of the water quality and provide support for the steady operation of Wenchangsha WWTP.

(3) Research of land value

Lang use and real estate price along Jiangmen River and Tiansha Rive should be researched in the fifth year after operation in order to quantitative analyze social benefit by Wenchangsha WWTP operation and provide information for the project benefit assessment.

138 7.5.3 Monitoring Facilities and Expense The monitoring facility for carrying out the monitoring plans belongs to the monitoring unit and each sub-project unit. The monitoring task should be entrusted to the local environmental monitoring department with cost in accordance with the national related regulations. Table 7.5-2 shows the expense estimate on the monitoring for each subproject

Table 7.5-2 Expense Estimate of Each Subproject Monitoring Unit: ten thousand yuan Monitring Monitoring Sub project's Monitoring expense Contingency of monitoring name constrin during expense for accident construction operation Wenchangsha WWTP Phase 10 20 5

7.6 Training for Personnel

In order to ensure the smooth and effective implementation of the environmental management, the employees must be trained with knowledge and skills which contain not only the importance and significance of the Project, but also the specific knowledge for different positions. Table 7.6-1 shows the schedule for environmental protection personnel training. Table 7.6-1 Schedule for Environmental Protection Personnel Training

Phases Type Number of people Amount Time Expenditure (ten (people) (people) thousand yuan) Environnemental Project management management 5, environmental 7 7 Construction personnel in JDC management 2 2006 Environmental 1 each for contractor 2 2 Monitoring Engineer and JDC WWTP e o tal Wenchangsha Operation management WWTP 6 6 2008 18 personnel Total 15 27

139 Table 7.5-1 Environmental Monitoring Plan Phase Environmental Monitoring . . Monitoring Monitoring Implementation Monitoring Phase factors Program Montorig locaton time frequency institution institution Implementation of Measures in Environmental inspection mitigation environment should be conducted in measures for soil management plan construction site for the and air pollution in (EMP) buildings/structures and construction site, pumping stations machinery noise, Daytime and JMEPB Construction wastewater in construction ONCE A WEEK JMDMD JMPUB construction, solid period waste and social environmental impact

5 monitoring locations in total: * At the plant boundary to the southwestem corner in leading Once in every two Leeward direction months or random Ambient air TSP * Southeastem comer in Two days sampling (such as direction where complaint is Wenchang Chinese and received) English School is located * In leading Leeward direction where 3 PSs are located

140 Phase Environmental Monitoring Mntrgloain Monitoring Monitoring Implementation Monitoring Phasefactors Pronitorig Monitoring location time frequency institution institution 5 monitoring locations in total: * At the construction site boundary within plant One day, one Once in every three aroeha sutestr in daytime months or random Noise Leq Torne outheastem and one in sampling as needed comner of Wenchang nighttime (such as com-plaint is Chinese and English received) School + At the boundary of construction site where 3 PSs are located Each discharge from sand Once in every three and material storage areas months or random Wastewater pH, SS One day sampling as needed (such as complaint is

141 Phase Environmental Monitoring Monitoring location Monitoring Monitoring Implementation Monitoring factors Program time frequency institution institution 7 monitoring locations in total:

+ 10 meters from inlet PSs within plant + 10 meters from oxidation ditch within plant Once in every three + 10 meters from sludge months or random JMEPB Operation Odor NH , H S dewatering house within. One day sampling needed JMDMD JMPUB 3 2 plant area (such as complaint is * At the southeastern received) corner of Wenchang Chinese and English School * 10 meters in Leeward direction from where 3 PSs are located 2 monitoring locations in total: * At the southeastern Once in every three corner of where One day, one months or random Noise Leq Wenchang Chinese and in sampling as needed English School is located nghttne i (such as complaint is within plant ngtme received) * At the plant boundary in Jiangzui PS

142 Phase Environmental Monitoring Monitoringlocation onitoring Monitoring Implementation Monitoring factors ProgMnitrinrlcatontime frequency institution institution 2 monitoring locations in Conducted in April [1 total: July and Decemnber CODMn. BOD * 500 meters from for each year. 5 upstream of wastewater Tody adm smln NH3 - N. TP outfall should be adopted as Oil * Section of 500 meters needed (such as from downstream of complaint is Surface water wastewater outfall received) pH, SS, CODcr, 2 monitoring locations in Oil'. BOD5 total: Automatic online monitoring is at the wastewater inflow NH3 -NNH3-N and, WastewaterWalo inflow and andequipped outfall for WWTP wastewater outfall in WWTP volume 1 monitoring location: Annual Random As, Pb. Cd. Cu. sampling should be

Sludge Zn,Sludge Hg,Hg. Cr, * houseSludge dewaternng Once (suchadopted as comiplaintas needed is Organic received)

143 7.7 Summary

In order to carry out EPM and environment monitoring, it is required that EMP in this section to address environmental problems in construction and operation stages.

In order to facilitate the implementation of EMP and monitoring plan, this section summaries the main environmental impact during construction and operation stages. Mitigation measures proposed are also summarized

Due to the great difference of environmental management content between the construction period and operational period, separate organizations must be set up respectively with clear responsibilities. EMP is divided into designing, construction and operation periods., including the management for contractors during the construction phase and ensure duties of each organization. The monitoring plan is developed for both constrciton and operation stages. The dust and noise are main impact during construction stage while water quality, sludge are the main impact during operation stage. The training will be provided for the personnel needed in construction and operation stages. Also, it is suggested that the capability building would be strengthened.


Public Participation is an important part of EIA. Through the Participation activities, the opinions and advices of the Public on the project construction and environmental protection can be widely obtained. And the Public advices would be considered and incorporated in the project planning & design so that the project could reach the anticipative effect.

8.1 Methodology and Public Groups

Two groups of persons have been chosen to be consulted under the Public Participation for this project. One is the stakeholders including the residents being affected directly or indirectly (such as the teachers and students of Wenchangsha Chinese-English School and residents near pipe networks and pumping stations) and the Jiangmen city's governmental management branches (such as drainage management division, environmental protect bureau), etc. The other is unaffected people including the individuals and groups who won't be affected but know related information or have judgment abilities for potential environmental impacts (Els) of the project implementation, such as non-governmental organizations (NGO), natural sociologist, and so on.

(1) Stakeholders a) Affected individuals

Those involved in the consultation are mostly residents in the project area (such as the teachers and students of Wenchang Chinese-English School and residents near pipe networks and pumping stations), who will be directly affected during the project implementation stage. To being representative, the chosen objects cover different ranges of age, occupation and education. b) Governmental management branches

Those involved in the consultation include governmental management branches at all levels of Jiangmen city: the city's Government, and the relevant branches of planning, water resources, environmental protection, etc.

Governmental agencies involved in the consultation include People's Governments at levels of province, city, county and town, and institutions of water resources, land resources, agriculture, forestry, environmental protection, etc.

(2) Unaffected people

The unaffected people involved in the consultation of the project include NGOs, experts,

145 etc.

The project conducted two Public Participations for this project, one was in August of 2005 and the other one was in December of 2005. The total number of the people involved in the consultation reached 149. See Appendix 2 for details.

8.2 First Round of Public Participation

The first round of Public Participation was conducted in August 2005, when the environmental assessment outline had been finalized. In this Public Participation, we consulted the affected people and experts by means of questionnaire, special interview, colloquia, etc. By those means we knew their viewpoints towards the proposed project and collected the Public concerned issues.

8.2.1 Investigation Methodology

In this project, the Public Participation was mainly taken by means of colloquia and questionnaire. Other means were also used such as special interview, consultation, etc at the same time. For individuals, the investigation was carried out by means of questionnaire. Table 8.2-1 shows a sample of the questionnaire. The assessment agency introduced the project to the consulted people through the local managing branches, and acquired their opinions on environmental impact from the project by means of questionnaire. For the professional institutions and experts, the investigation was carried by means of colloquia, which was presided by the assessment agency. In the colloquia, the assessment agency presented the background ( including the locus, scale, the sewage collecting range of pipe networks and the operation of the sewage treatment plant ) and the environmental impact of the project, and then heard their opinions and advices.

146 Table 8.2-1 Questionnaire for Wenchangsha WWTP Phase E in Jiangmen

Name Sex oFemale Age oJunior college oCadre oThe Han nationality Educated oTechnical school oWorker mOthers lEducel oMiddle school Occupation oFarmer Nation level oPrimary school and oOthers (Please filling) others Home address or unit Project introduction: The water environment comprehensive control project of Jiangmen city is composed of three sub-projects, including the phase 3 of the sewage treatment plant project of Wenchangsha, the drainage project of Henan district of Jiangmen and the water transfer into Tiansha River project. The total investment is 744.38 million Yuan, the loan from the World Bank included. The service area of phase 3 of Wenchangsha sewage treatment plant will cover the east district of Tiansha River in Pengjiang island, Baisha industrial estate to the west of Tiansha River, Wenchangsha district of Lile, Hebei district of Jiangmen and Henan district of Jiangmen. The total length of pipeline will be 23942 m. 5 sewage lifting pumping stations will be constructed and Jiangzui sewage pumping station will be expanded. The sewage treatment capability will increase by 150 thousands m3 /d. The project will adopt A2/O technics, which is used wildly in large sewage treatment plants in the world with advantages of good effect, high impact load-resistant ability and stable tail water quality. The tail water quality is advised to implement standard B of Class 1 in Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant. The project will start building in July 2006 and come into operation in July 2008. The total investment is 347.03 million Yuan. Impacts analysis: This project is a non-pollution ecological project. In construction period, the negative impacts, such as noises and tail gases from construction machinery, will be caused by the various construction activities. Urban communications would be affected because some construction districts are in Jiangmen city. In operation period, the project will effectively reduce sewage discharge and alleviate water pollution problem, which is advantageous to the environment. Furthermore, the sludge produced by treatment process, if misconduct, would impose negative impacts on environment. Corresponding enviromnental protection measures would be taken to alleviate the negative impacts furthest. 1.Please filll [l E1in the E1 ahead of the opinion you agree. 1) How much do you know on phase 3 sewage treatment plant project of Wenchangsha? o Don't know o A little o Much 2) What's your opinion on water quality of Jiangmen city? oToo bad oBad oNormal oGood oVery good 3) What's your opinion on environment of Jiangmen city? oToo bad oBad oNormal oGood oVery good 4) What's your opinion on the major environmental problems in Jiangmen city? oWater pollution oAir pollution oYawp pollution oSolid waste pollution oNatural disaster cOthers ( Please filling 5) Do you think the project implementation is necessary? oNo oNonessential oNeed oMust

147 6) Do you think to control water environment of Jiangmen city is urgent? [Very urgent cPostpone cDon't implement clndifferent 7) What do you think of the influences on local economy development of the project? cRemarkable promotion oGeneral promotion oAgainst of economy development 8) What do you do if the project construction needs you/your branch's support? o Support actively nDon't support oHesitate 9) Which aspect do you think would be impacted more by the project in construction? EnWater oAir oAcoustic environment oEconomy oOthers (Please filling) 2. Question (Please give your own opinion, if the paper isn't enough, you can write on the back or on separate papers) 1) What is your most concem on comprehensive control of water environment of Jiangmen city?

2) What's your advice on the enviro=nental protection in the project construction?

148 Data:

The process of colloquia was as follows:

1) Organizers explained aims of the meeting or interview;

2) Gave a brief introduction to the project and the roles of environmental impact assessment report;

3) Organizers answered questions put forward by participants or people interviewed;

4) Collected opinions, suggestions and requirements of participants or people interviewed.

8.2.2 Consultation Contents

1) Degree of knowing the actual water pollution condictions in Jiangmen city, including the actual condition of water pollution and the primary ecological and environmental problems induced.

2) Viewpoints to the project, including whether agree or sustain the project, whether the project is urgent, and the cognition about the impacts of the project on local economical development.

3) Views on environment impacts of the project, including the environmental impact aspects and impact degree from project construction, and the environmental protection advices to the project construction.

4) Other questions, such as the viewpoint to the impact of the project construction on land occupation, traffic, water supply and power supply, etc.

8.2.3 Questionnaire Public Participation Status In the questionnaire Public Participation activities, 50 questionnaires had been sent out, and 49 had been called back, accounting for 98%. Among the surveyed people, 20 were residents along the pipe lines, 10 were professionals, 10 were teachers or students from Wenchang Chinese-English School, 9 were experts of management or related specialties. 65% of the people were male and 35% female; 13% of the people were older than 40, 87% younger than 40; 26% of the people had the level higher than junior college, others accounting for 74%; 22% of the representatives were cadres, 43% workers, 2% farmers, and the others accounting for 33%. The result basically reflected the viewpoints to the project and the assessments to the water quality status of Jiangmen city from the residents at all levels. The details of the surveyed people are shown in Table 8.2-2.

149 Table 8.2-2 Details of the Surveyed People RatioRai Occupation Num Ratio (%) Age Num ducation level Num R(atio Relative residents along 20 41% <20 2 4% Primary school 3 6% pipeline Professionals 10 20% 20-30 19 39% Middle school 13 27% Teachers and l0 20% 30-40 15 30% Technical 10 20% students school _- Experts 9 19% >40 13 27% Junior college 23 47%

We also consulted the opinions of several professionals engaged in environmental management and city planning and related persons affiliated to environmental protection bureau, water resources bureau, environment protection research institution and municipal road. They had higher educational attainments and background of related specialties. Results and Opinions of Public Participation The results of Public Participation are shown in Table 8.2-3.

Table 8.2-3 Results of Public Participation Questio Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Questlo 1 2 3 _ 4 5 6 7 _ 8 9

Option 3 A 12 24% 4 8% 0 0% 28 57% 0 0% 40 82% 28 57% 37 76% 38 78% B 32 66% 14 29% 13 26% 35 71% 6 12% 2 4% 20 41% 2 4% 4 8% C 5 10% 24 49% 21 43% 20 41% 32 65% 0 0% 1 2% 10 20% 3 6% D 4 8% 15 31% 10 20% 11 23%7 14% 12 24% E 3 6% 0 00% 0 0% 1 2%

Statistical results show:

(1) 66% of them had little information about the project, and 10% of them were well known about it.

(2) 29% of them found the water environment was bad, and 49% of them found it was mediocre.

(3) 26% of them found the environment of Jiangmen was bad, 43% of them found mediocre, and 31% of them thought good.

(4) 57% and 71% of them opinioned the major environmental problems were water pollution and air pollution.

(5) 65% of them opined that the project is necessary.

150 (6) 82% of them opined the water environment in the city should be improved quickly.

(7) 57% of them thought the project would bring benefits to the development of the local economy, 41% of them thought the effect wouldn't be obvious, and 2% of them thought it wouldn't benefits to the development of the local economy.

(8) 76% of them supported the project actively, and 20% of them hesitated to it.

(9) 78% and 24% of them thought the project would affect the water and economy, respectively.

From the results of the Public Participation, it can be seen that most of the surveyed people support the project construction. They believe the Sewage Treatment Plant project of Wenchangsha in Jiangmen can improve the local water environment, and should be benefit to the development of local economy. The surveyed people also give some opinions and advices on environment protection, the main contents are:

:) The working hours should be arranged rationally to avoid impacts on life of residents.

:D Suitable means of conveyance should be selected for disposing the sludge and wastes during the construction period.

:D The impacts of construction activities on environment should be fully assessed and justified.

:D Strengthen the management of the project construction.

In consultation meeting, all the present experts advanced professional opinions. All the experts were of the opinion that the phase Cl of the Sewage Treatment Plant project of Wenchangsha in Jiangmen combining with water transfer into Tiansha River could effectively improve the water quality of Tiansha River and Jiangmen River. However, for implementation, related environmental monitoring data should be collected, certain monitoring spots should be supplemented, related hydrological regime should be fully understood and corresponding environmental impact should be earnestly assessed.

8.2.4 Special interview

After the beginning of the EIA, ambient environment of Wenchangsha WWTP was investigated and special interview of the Public Participation was implemented in Wenchang Chinese-English School on March 24, 2005 by the EIA team members.

Part of the leaders, teachers, students and staff of the school are interviewed by the EIA team members. Main questions comprised in the interview are:

151 Is there any effect by noxious odors from Wenchangsha WWTP or not;

Is there any effect by noise from Wenchangsha WWTP or not;

Is there any effect by other aspects of Wenchangsha WWTP or not;

Opinions and suggestions for Wenchangsha WWTP.

Most of the interviewed persons said they had not been affected by noxious odors, noise and other aspects during the operation of Phase I project of Wenchangsha WWTP.

8.2.5 Treatment of the Public Opinions

Public opinions and suggestions have been treated in different specialties. Opinions and suggestions on environment are included in the EIA report as much as possible, such as working hours, waste disposal and supplement of actuality monitoring data, etc. Opinions on other specialties, such as strengthening the management of project construction, would be delivered to the related branches via the project owner.

8.3 The Second Round of Public Participation

The second round of Public Participation was taken in December 2005. In this Public Participation, we introduced the public opinions collected during the first round and treatment of them. By this means we knew whether they satisfied with the treatment and whether or not they had any new suggestions.

8.3.1 Participation Methodology

The second round of Public Participation was taken by means of questionnaire, 110 questionnaires had been sent out, and all had been callected back. The surveyed people were mainly the persons affected directly by the project construction, such as the teachers and students of Wenchang Chinese-English School and the residents round the pumping stations and the pipelines. The detail of the second round of Public Participation is shown in Table 8.3-1.

8.3.2 Results of Questionnaire

Among the 110 surveyed people, 99 people satisfied with the measures for reducing the impacts on residents in the EIA report, accounting for 90%, and 8 people dissatisfied, accounting for 7.3%. 97 people satisfied with the disposal of the solid waste in the project construction, accounting for 88%, and 9 people dissatisfied, accounting for 8.2%. 94 people thought after the supplement of the actuality water environment data, it could satisfy the

152 needs of the work, accounting for 85%, and 12 people dissatisfied, accounting for 11%. 98 people thought the treatment of the sludge in the project was proper, accounting for 89%, and 9 people thought it was improper, accounting for 8.2%. The results of the investigation are shown in the table 8.3-2.

Table 8.3-1 Details of the Surveyed People of the Second Public Participation Age Num Ratio (%) Education level Num Ratio (%) <20 6 6% Primary school 9 9% 20-29 42 41% Middle school 21 20% 30-39 21 20% Technical school 21 20% >40 34 33% Junior college 51 50%

Table 8.3-2 Results of the Second Public Participation Question Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Option Num Ration Num Ration Num Ration Num Ration A 99 93% 97 92% 89% 92% B 8 7% 9 8% 12 11% 9 8%

8.4 Disclosure of EIA Report

In order to take the views of affected people and local NGOs fully into account in project design and implementation, the EIA report must be openly disclosure so that the affected people and NGOs can understand the Project and it's Els and give their opinions, suggestions and requirements. This is an integral part of EIA process.

The completed EIA report was sent to the Jiangmen city library in December 2005. Notice was given to the Public through Jiangmen Daily on December 30, 2005 before the EIA report has reached the Jiangmen city library.

The full text of the notice reads as follows:

Jiangmen city, with the loan from the WB, is going to carry out the phase C of the Sewage Treatment Plant project of Wenchangsha. The EIA report is completed, and will be available in Jiangmen city library. The public is welcome to the library reviewing the EIA report and to give his/her opinion.

The EIA report of Wenchangsha WWTP phase Lwill be available in Jiangmen city library at December 30, 2005. Notice will be affixed nearby the exhibition, and will notice the methods of how to feed back the public opinions and the particular address. The opinions can be sent to CWRPI (post code: 430051; tel: 027-84874170; fax: 027-84872714).

153 8.5 Summary and Conclusion

In this project, two Public Participations were conducted. The first round of Public Participation was conducted in the project preparing period. According to the related requirements of the WB, the second round of Public Participation was conducted after the EIA report draft was completed.

The ranges of the two Public Participations were quite wide. People with different ages, occupations and educational levels were involved in the surveys. In the first round of Public Participation, 76% of the surveyed people supported the project, and 20% of them hesitated. The public's details, opinions and suggestions of the two rounds of Public Participations are shown in table 8.2-2, 8.2-3, 8.3-1 and 8.3-2 respectively. Some opinions have been considered in the EIA of this project and some delivered to related branches.

Disclosure of EIA report is an integral part of EIA process. The completed EIA report was sent to Jiangmen city library in December 2005 for public perusal, and the public opinions will be posted to CWRPI. These public opinions will be considered in the planning and implementation of the project later.


9. 1Project Benefits

9.1.1 Environmental Benefits

This project is of environmental protection. The implementation of this project will improve the city landscape and investment environment for this area and the people's living standards as well. Secondly, the pressure on the purification capacity of Jiangmen River and Tiansha River imposed by sewage would be released. According to the primary estimation, the

BOD5s CODcr, NH3-N, TP into the river would eliminated by 7117.5t, 13140t, 1095t, 328.5t respectively. As a consequence, the water quality of Jiangmen River and Tiansha River would be improved and satisfy the Standards in II category and the need for city landscape.

Thirdly, with water quality improvement of the Jiangmen River and Tiansha River, the aquatic eco-environment would be improved gradually, which would play an important role for maintaining the ecosystem balance. After the project implementation, the self-purification capacity for these two rivers would be recovered due to the reduced pollution loads and decreased concentration of variety of pollutants in the water. It could be foreseen that the aquatic eco-environment would be improved gradually with water quality improved. And all kinds of aquatic organisms would colonize the rivers with certain improvement in species and quantity. The endanger on water safety for cities downstream of Xijiang River, such as Zhongshan, Zhuhai and Macao, would be released with the reduced possibility of polluting Xijiang River, which would play an active role for improving the aquatic environment of Pearl River as well.

9.1.2 Social Benefits

With this project, the pollutant volume discharged into these two rivers would be reduced significantly. Consequently the deteriorating water quality would be controlled and the river environment would be improved, which helps to improve the overall environment of Jiangmen City. Also, infrastructure construction and investment environment could be improved, which is able to attract more funds and labor forces to the city. The increasing trend of the economic development of the city could therefore be maintained.

Sewage treatment plant is an important municipal infrastructure. Under the Wenchangsha WWTP Phasell 20.38km of sewage collecting pipe would be installed. All the wastewater would be collected by the municipal sewage system. The capacity of sewage collecting and treatment would be improved and thus significantly reduced the pollutant loads discharged into the Tiansha River and Jiangmen River. This is a vital municipal project for Jiangmen City.

155 When the project comes into operation, the sewage from the main city would not be discharged into rivers directly. It could be seen that the city landscape would be improved and with the improved water quality of these two rivers, the possibility of spreading epidemics and noxious odors would be greatly reduced as well. All this improvements eventually would improve the living standards and make the river environment an amicable place for living and sight viewing.

Sewage pipes would be laid in most of the near-shore areas of Tiansha River and Jiangmen River. The noxious odors rising from the rivers and dark colour of the water would be eliminated with water quality improving. The land which was not fit for living or other developments would consequently become amicable place for living or other development potentials, which help the rational and full land use of Jiangmen City Area.

The platform on both banks of the rivers would also facilitate the development of local tourism and living residences, which would give rise to new jobs opportunities.

9.2 Main Adverse Impacts and Mitigation Measures

9.2.1 Main Adverse Impacts during Construction and Mitigation Measures Impacts on Municipal Infrastructures and Transportation

(1)Impact Assessment

The installation of sewage pipes may damage other civil infrastructures, such as water pipes, cables, coal gas pipes etc., or even influence their operations, sometimes even worse.

The daily processing capacity will reach 240,000m 3 when Wenchangsha WWTP Phase II completes and comes into operation, which would improve the municipal infrastructure of Jiangmen City.

Nevertheless this project would give rise to adverse impact on city transportation during construction. The sites where pipes are to be laid are located in the Main Jiangmen City. Construction would lead to interrupted traffic condition or congestion. On the other hand the conveying of construction materials would also impose pressure on city transportation system and bring inconvenience to citizens.

(2) Mitigation Measures

1) Protection Measures for Civil infrastructures

Have clear and full knowledge about the location of laid cables, optical fibers, water service pipes and coal gas pipes and avoid damage to them during construction; educate the

156 construction workers to raise their awareness of protection civil infrastructures; give a quick report to corresponding authorities when pipes damages occur, and manage workers to implement repairs.

2) Mitigation Measures for Impact on Transportation

* set warning signs;

* set temporary roadways

* implement segmented construction;

* adopt dodge arrangement;

* reduce road occupying. Impact on Water Quality (1) Impact Assessment

All construction would give rise to waste water containing alkaline, oils and suspended solids of high concentration. The wastewater would be discharged intermittently with small volume and will cease when the project completes. It could be seen that less impact would be imposed on water quality.

The wastewater from the construction worker groups is supposed to make least impact on water environment because all the domestic wastewater will be collected through municipal sewage system and processed in the sewage treatment plant.

(2) Environmental Protection Measures

The industrial waste water arising from the Wenchangsha WWTP Phase II is collected by the exclusive sewage system in the plant and joins the inlet shaft before the coarse bar screen, and finally gets treated with the domestic sewage. The treated wastewater should satisfy the corresponding national standards before being discharged.

Small quantity of sand and gravel processing at the pump stations consume less water and give rise to less wastewater. One simple sedimentation tank is supposed to set for each pump station, numbered from one to three. The wastewater produced from sand and gravel wash would be settled in the tanks before being discharged.

The waste water arising from the extension project for the pump station at the Jiangzui would join the coarse bar screen through the collecting ditch, and be pumped to the sewage treatment plant for processing.

157 Impact on Solid wastes

(1) Impact Assessment

Large quantity of spoil is supposed to be produced during construction. Most of the soil is piled except some are used for backfilling. The spoil would give rise to impact on the city landscape, transportation and ambient air quality if they were not moved away promptly because the areas where the sewage systems are laid are main traffic lanes of the city. The despaired bricks and stones, broken china pieces and glass produced from the construction of the plant and pump stations may require more land and lead to secondary pollution though they impose no direct impacts on water and air quality.

During the construction period, some garbage produced by the workers emit unpleasant odor, some garbage get rotten with the function of microorganisms and bacteria and gives out disgusting odors. All the garbage is the source for epidemic disease, giving rise to the breeding of mosquitoes and flies and propagating of pathogens and bacteria. So the garbage in the construction sites would contaminate the environment if they were not moved away promptly.

(2) Environmental Protection Measures/ Mitigation Measures

* Enhancing education and promotion;

* Move away the garbage promptly;

* Reuse the spoil;

* Construction garbage should be piled at specified sites;

* Dangerous waste should be treated as well. Impact on Ambient Air Quality (1) Impact Assessment

Construction-generated dust would impose impact on areas within 150 300m. The dust could be reduced by 70% when 4 or 5 times of spraying water on dumping sites every day and the distance affected by total suspended particulates (TSP) would decrease to 20 - 50 m. So the dust would impose no significant influence on ambient air quality if spraying water on dumping sites were implemented during construction.

The vehicles on the construction sites contribute less pollution to regional ambient air quality than the vehicles in the city, and would not aggravate the pollution of the ambient air quality.

158 (2)Mitigation Measures

* Arrange construction schedule rationally;

* Spray water regularly;

* Move spoil and garbage promptly;

* Reduce and control transportation-generated dust;

* Reduce and control exhaust gas from oil burning

* Protect the workers' health. Impact on Acoustic Environment (1) Impact Assessment

In the plant the construction generated noise exceeds the national standards within the range of 10Gm in daytime. And at nighttime the noise would impose impact on the surrounding areas within 300m away. Wenchang Middle School is located to the northeast of the plant with distance of 40m, and is eventually affected. Furthermore the noise generated by construction machines would impose significant impact on the areas within 20m away where the in-site construction workers and administrative staffs are the mainly affected.

In the sewage pipe network construction sites, the noise would satisfy the Class IV Standard at 20m away for daytime and 10m away for nighttime. The noise generated by construction machines would mainly impose impact on in-site construction workers and administrative staffs to some extend.

The noise generated from construction of three sewage lifting pump stations and the extension project of the pump station at the Jiangzui would give rise to least impact on surroundings.

(2)Mitigation Measures

* Choose low-noise equipments;

* Set temporary sound barriers;

* Make rational construction time schedule;

* Preventing and protection measures for the workers.

159 9.2.2 Main Adverse Impacts and Mitigation Measures for Operation Period Water Environment

(1 )Impact Assessment

Thomann mathematic model, which is an one-dimension tool dealing with impacts of tide, is introduced to simulate the rules governing transformation and transport of pollutants in waters, and to predict the impact on Jiangmen River water quality before and after sewage processing. Three water quality parameters, namely CODcr, BOD5 and TN, are selected to be assessed.

The prediction is to be conducted for two situations. One is for simultaneous discharge of tailwater which satisfy the national standards. The other is for discharge when pollution accident occurs. According to the prediction over water quality, the discharge of tailwater mainly gives rise to impact on downstream river. Take the control cross section at 1000m downstream for an example. Concentrations for BOD5 , COD are supposed to reduce 2.01 mg/L and 3.72mg/L respectively when Wenchangsha Sewage Treatment Plant Phase II Project comes into operation. Superimposed with background value and prediction increment, the concentrations for BOD5. COD at 1000m downstream the discharge outlet would reach 4.74mg/L and 19.81 mg/L respectively. It could be seen that the first two concentration values could satisfy the Class IV of Environmental Quality Standard for

Surface Water, and the later one, NH3 -N value exceeds the Standards.

When pollution accident occurs, the sewage is collected and discharged directly into the watercourse without any treatment. In such situation the water quality of the Jiangmen Watercourse distinctly deteriorates although the overall water quality in Jiangmen City river reaches is improved.

This project will significantly reduce the domestic pollution load into Jiangmen River. And the plant could see low probability when big accident occurs and the plant has to be closed. The project will help to protect and improve the water quality of river net of Jiangmen City.

(2)Mitigation Measures

* Establish and improve rules and regulations over discharge permit. Control and supervise over the pre-treatment and normal pollutant discharge in comply with discharge standards and TMDL requirements at both national and Guangdong provincial levels.

* Set up reliable monitoring and control system, including on-line monitoring system and online monitoring and alarm system within the Plant. When abnormal information is found, operation parameters should be adjusted promptly.

160 Simultaneously environmental protection agency should be informed to conduct in-site check to avoid any further accidents. Air Environment (1) Impact Assessment

According to the analogical analysis, the disgusting odors are mainly generated from where sludge is processing. In circumstances of high temperature and mild wind, the impact range is no more than 50m downwind from the odor source. Considered with the surrounding situation, the disgusting odors give rise to small impact on the environment. And no big influence will be imposeda on Wenchag BSi-lanlguage School.

(2) Sanitation Protection Distance

According to the national document Technical Method on constituting Local Air Pollutant Discharge Standards (GB/T13201-91), which defines "the magnitude is set to be IlOOm when the sanitation protection distance exceeds lOOm and shorter or equal to 1IOOOm. ", the sanitation protection distance (SPD) is confirmed to be 300m when the project completes and the combined operation commences.

(2) Mitigation Measures

* Eliminate odor with ion;

* Enhance operation management, control sludge ferment; the dewatered sludge should be moved promptly; wash sludge dewatering machine regularly; rags and debris trapped on coarse and fine bar screens should be removed in time; all the solid wastes should not piled in the plant for long time; the sludge in the tanks will be exposed to air and emit unpleasant odors when the tanks are open for check. In order to eliminate the odors sludge should be removed promptly.

* Enlarge green cover in the plant. At main odor sources trees and shrubs that are disease and pest resistant, such as sweetscented oleander (nerium indicum) and windmill palm, are suggested to be planted. Around the plant boundary trees of high pollution-tolerance are proposed to be planted. In order to avoid the odor impact, greenbelts are to be set in zones where wastewater and sludge are produced in the plant.

* Residence, hospital, school and kindergarten are not feasible to be constructed within 300m away from the plant boundary. Impacts on Solid Wastes (l) Impact Analysis

161 When Wenchangsha Sewage Treatment Plant comes into operation 90 tons of debris, silted sediment and sludge is supposed to be produced each day. According to the document numbered 1994-345 drafted by State Environmental Protection Agency, sludge is categorized No.57 in solid wastes group and defined as normal solid wastes. The sludge is proposed to be transported to Qiganshi Wastes Treatment Base, which is proposed to be constructed, to receive integrated processing, resulting no significant impact on environment.

(2)Mitigation Measures

The sludge is proposed to be transported to and treated in Qiganshi Wastes Treatment Base, which is proposed to be constructed. The following points should be paid attention during depositing sludge and transportation: the dewatered sludge should be deposited in rain- and seepage-free places instead of exposure to air; In order to reduce the moisture content of dewatered sludge, fine quality flocculation agent and optimal/ the most appropriate dose should be adopted, at the same time rotate speed and the speed variation should be carefully managed; In conveying sludge seepage and spraying should be prevented because of high content of water and its disgusting odors. The transportation route should be reasonably designed, avoiding rush hours and environmental sensitive sites, such as schools and hospitals.

9.3 Conclusion

(1) Main Positive Impacts

Wenchangsha Sewage Treatment Plant Phase II Project will significantly reduce the total pollutant discharge volume into the Jiangmen River and Tiansha River. The discharge of

BOD5 , COD, SS, N13-N, TN and TP will be reduced by 19500, 36000, 36000, 3000, 3000, 900 kg/d respectively. With this project the sewage treatment rate of Jiangmen City will be significantly enhanced. The improvement of the water quality of Jiangmen River and Tiansha River will give rise to the water quality improvement of Xijiang River. Furthermore, the water improvement of Jiangmen City environment and infrastructure will help facilitate invest and tourism development, improve the people's living standards and create new employment opportunities.

(2) Main Negative Impacts

The construction of the project will give rise to pollution of wastewater, noise and dust. Some road surface will be damaged in laying pipes. Transportation congestion is also a possible problem arising. Nevertheless the impacts arising from project construction can be controlled with efficient environmental protection measures. And the impacts will eliminate when construction completes.

162 Large quantity of sludge will be generated during operation and requires proper treatment. Secondary treatment will be adopted in sewage processing. The metabolizing of microorganisms will give rise to disgusting odors which need to be eliminated.


The project site is located in the Wenchangsha Sewage Treatment Plant. No other land is required for construction. To the west runs the Jiangmen River which receives the tail water. With proper environmental protection measures, no further impacts will be imposed on Wenchang Bi-language School during both construction and operation periods. As a conclusion, the site selection for Wenchangsha Sewage Treatment Plant Phase II Project is sound and reasonable.

The inflow water quality is properly designed and the sewage treatment technology is feasible for the project. The pollutants regarding water, air, noise and solid wastes arising from the project construction will impose no impact on the local environmental targets when all the protection measures proposed in this report and national policies are abided. Thereby the project is feasible from environmental point of view. With this project pollution load of Jiangmen River and Tiansha River will be significantly reduced. Consequently the water environment of Jiangmen City will be improved, which would play an active role in protecting Xijiang River. At the same time the environment for attracting investment and developing tourism of Jiangmen City will be promoted, which leads to significant environmental and social benefits.



100 Series of Reports on Wenchangsha WWTP Phasell

101. Exclusive Planning of Sewage Engineering of Jiangmen City, Central and Southern China Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute, October 2005

102 Project Proposals for Wenchangsha Sewage Treatment Plant Phase II Extension Project, Central and Southern China Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute, June 2005

103 Feasibility Study Report on Wenchangsha Sewage Treatment Plant Phase II Extension Project, Central and Southern China Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute, November 2005

104 Population Displacement Plan for World Bank Financed Wenchangsha Sewage Treatment Plant Phase II Extension Project, Jiangmen City Project Office, December 2005

200 Environmental Impact Assessment Reports

300 Background Information

301 OverallPlanning of Jiangmen City 2003-20020, Jiangmen Municipality, January 2005

302 Environmental Quality Statement of Jiangmen City 2003-2004, Jiangmen Environmental Protection Agency,

303 Jiangmen Statistics Year Book

304 Project Site Selection Report on Jiangmen Garbage Treatment Base, the Architectural Design and Research Institute of Guangdong Province, April 2005

305 Technical Scheme of Satisfying National Standards for Key Industrial Pollution Sources of Jiangmen City, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Zhongshan University, Jiangmen Environmental Science Research Institute, May 2004

306 Integrated Water Environmental Regulation Plan of Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Zhongshan University, Jiangmen Environmental Science Research Institute, December 2003

I 307 Work Performance Briefing on Integrated Pearl River Regulation, Vol.1-2, 2005, Integrated Pearl River Regulation Office

308 Work Plan for Satisfying National Standardsfor Key Industrial Pollution Sources of Jiangmen City

309 Water Environmental Capacity Research on Typical River Net in Pearl Delta and the Experience Popularization,South China Environmental Science Research Institute

310 The Tenth-Five Year Planfor Jiangmen Local Economy and Social Development

400 Environmental Laws, Rules and Regulations

401 Collection of China Environmental Protection Laws and Regulations 1982-1997, Department of Policy, Laws and Regulations of SEPA, Chemical Industry Press, October 1997

402 New Collection of Common Laws and Regulations of the Peoples Republic of China, Legal System Bureau of State Council, China Legal Publishing House, April 1998

403 Environmental Impact Assessment Law of the People s Republic of China,

404 Technical Guideline for Environmental Impact Assessment, HJ/T2.1-2.3-93, Department of Development Supervision, SEPA, September 1993

405 Water Law of the People' Republic of China, the Standing Committee of National People's Congress, October 2002

406 Technical Guidelinefor Environmental Impact Assessment: Acoustical Environment, HJ/T2.4-1995, Department of Development Supervision, SEPA, 1995

407 Selection of Rules and Regulations of Environmental Protection Concerning Water and Hydropower Project, Bureau of Yangtze Water Resources Protection, October 2000

408 Criteriafor Ambient Air Quality, GB3095- 1996

409 Criteriafor Air PollutantDischarge, GB 16297-1996

410 CriteriaforSurface Water Environmental Quality, GB3838 - 2002

411 Design CriteriaforOutdoor Water Supply, GBJ13-86, 1986

412 Discharge Criteriafor Waste Water and Sludge of City Sewage Treatment Plant,

II GJ3025-93

413 Control CriteriaforPollutants in AgriculturalSludge, GB4284-84

414 Discharge Criteriaof Malodor. GB 14554-93. 415 Discharge Criteriaof Pollutants of Municipal Sewage Plant. GB 18918-2002.

416 Compendium of Environmental Protection Programming of the Pearl Delta. Government of Guangdong Province.

417 Ordinance of Environmental Protectionof Guangdong Province. May 1998.

418 Ordinance of Water Quality Protection of the Pearl Delta of Guangdong Province. November 2003.

419 Noise Limitsfor Boundaries of Construction Sites. GB 12523-90.

420 Standard ofAmbient Noise Levels in UrbanAreas, GB3096-93.

421 Program of Green Ocean Action of Guangdong Province. Environmental Protection Agency of Guangdong Province, October 2004.

422 Area Partitionof Water Environment of Guangdong Province. November 1999.

423 Ordinance on Management of Water Resource of Guangdong Province. December 2002.

424 Ordinance of Water Quality Protection of the Pearl Delta of Guangdong Province. December 1998.

425 Scheme of Comprehensive Control of the PearlRiver of GuangdongProvince.

426 Limited Values of Water Pollutant Discharge of Guangdong Province. Govemment of Guangdong Province, DB44/26-2001.

427 Programmingof Sewage Treatment of the Pearl Delta of GuangdongProvince.

428 Ordinance of Prevention and Treatment of Solid Waste Pollution of Guangdong Province. January 2004.

429 Blue Sky Program of GuangdongProvince. February 2000.

500 Others

III 501 Environmental Assessment Guideline of World Bank. World Bank. 1998.

502 OP 4.01 EnvironmentalAssessment. World Bank. 1999.

503 BP 4.01 Environmental Assessment. World Bank. 1999.

504 Methods and Parametersof Economic Assessment for Construction Projects.

505 Feasibility Study Directory of Project Invested.

506 The Tenth Five-year Plan of State Environmental Protection. State Environmental Protection Administration.

507 EIA Report of Wenchangsha WWTP Project of Jiangmen City.

508 EIA Report of Fengle WWTP Project of Jiangmen City.