Aspire & Achieve Together

Holcombe Newsletter July 2018



Message from the Executive Principal 1 Message from the School Captains’ Team 2 Sixth Form Supporting the Community 3 National Writing Day 3 Music Celebration Concert 4 Sixth Form News 5 Duke of Edinburgh News 6 Duke of Edinburgh - Expedition to Ashdown Forest 7 Year 7 Maritime Project 8 Stand Up to Cancer 8 Sports Fixtures 9 A Level and GCSE Geography Trips 11 Year 5 Taster Day 12 The Holcombe Association 12 Year 8 Norfolk Trip 13 National Deaf Children’s Society - Charity Run 14 Imperial College London Visit 14 A Level Commercial Design 15 GCSE Creative Design and Make 16 Art and Design 17 TAG Day in Memory of Michael Bunting 18 Medway Teen Reading Challenge 18 District Athletics Results 19 Science and Technology Challenge Day 20 Moving Forward 20 Music - Extra Curricular 21 Looking Ahead - Important Dates 22 Page 1 HGS Newsletter


As we end another school year, this is an opportunity to reflect upon some of its highlights and celebrate the successes of the summer term. Shortly after the Easter break, OFSTED visited Holcombe and praised the school for setting a culture of high expectations, delivering an inspiring curriculum and for developing resilience and determination in the students’ learning. With our sharp focus on Mastery, Endeavour and Thinking, we are now on an onward journey to move our school to Outstanding over the next 4-5 years. Ms Gage, the new Executive Principal of Holcombe from September, will lead the school in its drive to reach this aspirational goal. She has spent this term introducing herself to the school community and planning for the future with her senior team, and she is very much looking forward to commencing her new role in September.

The dedication and commitment of the school captains’ team never ceases to impress me. Their professionalism in the planning of the end of term events has been commendable and Sports’ day and Founders’ day were a great success. Their desire to engage students in respecting the environment and raising money for charity clearly shows how driven they are, and it has been wonderful to work with such a fantastic group of role models.

This newsletter truly captures the community ethos of Holcombe and makes me extremely proud. This term alone, students have been involved in an array of activities including the Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh award, an aspirations’ trip to London’s prestigious Imperial College, the Year 7 Maritime project at Chatham Dockyard and a regional concert to celebrate excellence in music.

The strong sense of community is also illustrated by the amount of charity work that students are involved in, where they have raised money for Stand up to Cancer and the National Deaf Children’s Society. Earlier this year, we were saddened to hear the news of the passing of Mr Michael Bunting, a valued colleague who was a DT Technician for Holcombe for more than three years. As a tribute, his family asked us if we could contribute money to their chosen charity, the British Heart Foundation. We decided to hold a non-uniform day on Friday 29th June in Mike’s memory and I am delighted that students raised £447 for his family’s elected charity.

It has been a real pleasure leading the school since January working with such a passionate team of staff, respectful students and dedicated parents who take a keen interest in school life. As Director of Secondary Education for the Thinking Schools’ Trust, I will continue to work with Ms Gage and her school as she shapes its bright future.

I wish you all an enjoyable and relaxing summer holiday, and safe travels if you are heading off on vacation.

Mr Bassan Executive Principal Page 2


It has been another busy two terms, with the Captains’ Team working hard throughout. While the end of the academic year is always a busy time for the school, with large events running throughout, I did just want to give you a glimpse as to some of the work the team has achieved over the past 10 weeks or so.

Right at the start of term 5, Ryan Gray led an assembly, as part of the school’s ‘Respect’ agenda. Ryan focused on our respect for the environment, not only on the school site but also in the wider global context. We had been noticing more litter in the hall before school, and during break and lunch, so it is, therefore, reassuring to see a noticeable improvement in the past few months.

The past few terms have also been filled with preparations for our end of term events, including Founders’ and Sports’ days. Students worked hard with their form to prepare their form stall as part of the afternoon of Founders’ day and threw themselves into the various sporting events, including the futsal tournament. We congratulate all of the winners and the students who persisted to represent their House.

Finally, the team are organising further charitable donations. We have received a range of books from departments across the school, and are currently sorting through the donations. Wherever possible, books are being donated to a range of local charities, rather than simply being recycled – this is again Holcombe working with and for the local community. As we did earlier in the year, the team will soon be making another donation to Emmaus with unclaimed lost property items.

The team has thoroughly enjoyed working for the Holcombe community since January, and I know we are all eager to continue our work after the summer holiday. I hope all students and staff have a very restful break.


Holcombe, in its drive to become a school for the community, actively reaches out, and over the past few terms Holcombe Grammar School and the neighbouring , New Horizons Children Academy, have formed a unique relationship. 22 of the current Year 12 students at Holcombe have given their time to forge this special relationship between the two schools, becoming classroom assistants for classes ranging from Reception to Year 5.

Once a week the assistants spend an hour with their class providing support for the children in developing their learning and thinking skills. Starting in reception, the assistants work with the children in modelled activities, in which they gain the fundamental thinking skills to endeavour while at New Horizons, giving each child an individual boost in their learning. Last term some of our Year 12 students took part in a scavenger hunt with the pupils from Years 3 and 4. This was engaging for both the children and the assistants - even getting our sixth formers looking!

Another aspect is that the assistants offer support not only to the children, engaging them in their learning, but to the teachers. This support aids the teacher in delivering a love for learning, to continue the delivery of a safe learning environment, and to help each and every child achieve their full potential. This also benefits the Year 12 students, as it develops skills and traits which can be used in later life to help in their application for universities, apprenticeships and jobs.

Mr Still and myself have started the 'Skills Academy', where during breakfast club a group of Year 5 pupils develop their reading skills via interactive methods, such as linking football and reading. This term we have focused on a book by Tom Palmer, where each chapter is released daily, based on the previous day’s events at the World Cup. After reading each chapter, we use language, which we have learnt from our reading, to describe a football skill, helping them excel in both their reading and thinking skills.

Holcombe and New Horizons look forward to growing this unique relationship over the coming years.

Jack Wakerly Head Prefect


To celebrate National Writing Day in June, the students of Holcombe were 'let loose' and encouraged to free write.

Students from across the school were given access to images and phrases as possible stimuli to enable them to write purely for pleasure.

The English and Media Centre embraced the work sent to them during the day as young Holcombe writers 'went live'. Students were delighted to see pictures of their work shared to the nation with plaudits for their originality and writer's craft. Page 4 MUSIC CELEBRATION CONCERT

On the evening of Friday 15th June, in the fantastic setting of St. George's Centre in Chatham, nine secondary schools from the Medway area came together to celebrate the amazing musical talents that we have through a Secondary Musical Celebration Concert. The concert included a wide variety of performances including vocal groups, guitarists, pianists, string group ensembles and two sets from the Medway Schools Wind Band directed by Colin Palmer.

When I was asked who or what I would like to contribute towards this celebration concert from Holcombe Grammar School, it did not take me long to ask Markus Sadler in Year 8. In the first week of me working at Holcombe Grammar I came out of the staff room to hear piano music coming from the main hall. The Captains’ Team were preparing to deliver an assembly and I wanted to compliment them on their choice of music. However, when I asked them where they were playing it from I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was not a music recording I was hearing, but Markus Sadler playing some of his grade 7 pieces on the grand piano, tucked away in the corner of the hall. The two pieces that he selected to perform for the celebration concert were 'Prelude No.15 in G' by J.S Bach and 'Allegro Molto' from Piano Sonata in C by J. Haydn. If you would like to get a sample of his musical talent then please listen to these two pieces.

Markus is heavily involved in the music department at Holcombe Grammar School. He is the Music Director for the Year 8 Music Council, a member of the vocal group, plays the trumpet for the HGS Chamber Orchestra and has independently set up a Jazz Group on Fridays (which he has now roped me into!)

Not only is he a credit to the music department and to the School, but he is a role model musician for his peers, actively engaging with the Holcombe community to share his love for his 'favourite subject' (his words not mine).

Mr Horsey Head of Music

Recently I have become more involved in the music department as it has done more and more in recent weeks, for example, playing in assemblies and taking part in all the new clubs (including the new music council). I did not hesitate when given the chance to play a solo in a concert for the first time. I have played in concerts before on the trumpet and on a couple of orchestral piano parts, but I have NEVER played solo. Many people turned up for the concert with the organisers having to put more chairs out to accommodate everyone. Everyone seemed very happy and everything went really well. After my performance, I did the terrifying bow but the support I got from other schools was amazing.

Marcus Sadler - Year 8 Page 5 SIXTH FORM NEWS

Kent Schools Football Association Dinner

On Friday 28th June I was honoured to attend the Kent Schools Football Association Dinner alongside Miss Tanti, Mr and Mrs Barnard and two of our now former students, Joshua Cole, (the 1st XI School Football team Captain) and Harry Elswood, (1st XI Football Squad member).

As a school we were invited to attend the evening as a result of the School’s 1st XI Football team winning the East Kent Division 1 League, having narrowly beaten Highworth Grammar on goal difference at the end of a very competitive season.

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate and thank all the boys who represented the team this year and look forward to defending our title next season.

Induction Days

The 27th and 28th June saw the school hold its annual Sixth Form Induction days. In total 127 students attended what proved to be two very successful days where students were exposed to the demands of A-Level lessons as well as the expectations of the school.

The Sixth Form team managed to see a variety of lessons over the two days and were extremely impressed with the standard of student involvement and commitment.

The Sixth Form team look forward to the start of the new academic year and hopefully seeing those students who attended induction days joining us for the next two years.

Work Experience

The week beginning the 25th June saw the majority of our Year 12 students attend work experience, with the majority of placements being organised through MEBP. However, a number of students did organise their own placements and came back with some fantastic experiences, most notably Emiljon Vathi and Louie Patching who arranged their work experience at the Houses of Parliament, as a result of links they made during an apprenticeship fair they attended earlier in the year.

I am pleased to say that the week was hugely successful once again, with the Sixth Form team receiving some glowing reports from various parties about how resourceful and responsible our students are and how impressed they have been with them on the whole. Miss Crawley has compiled many of these comments for school records as well as passing feedback back to students for their own portfolios moving forward. Mr Anderson Head of Sixth Form Page 6


Forty-five Year 9 students have been tirelessly working over the last 3 months to prepare for their Expeditions which take place in September/October 2018. They have learnt a variety of skills including first aid and cooking on a trangia which will come in use when out in the countryside unsupervised. On Saturday 19th May they put their map reading skills to the test and completed a 5km walk around Shorne Country Park and surrounding areas. The final stages of the preparation are now underway as they are planning their daily 12km routes for the Expeditions. A special thanks to Mrs Wheeler who has taken charge of the organisation and delivery of training for the boys - I know the students are very grateful as well. Many thanks also to the staff who accompanied us on the navigation walk - Mr Rayner, Miss Wilson, Mr Campbell and Miss Martin who gave up their Saturday afternoon to help out. Dominic Frost, Luke Carter, Harry Poile and Jack Marsh who are doing their Silver Awards, were also an invaluable help to Year 9 on the day - thank you.

Miss M-C Pothitos


The Silver DofE has got off to a flying start at Holcombe with the practice and qualifying expeditions completed for the majority of the participants. Their dedication and persistence throughout this Year has been exemplary and I could not be more proud of them. All of the boys are well on their way to completing the whole of the Silver award by September 2018 and a large number of them have expressed a wish to join the Gold award as soon as they turn 16. This is what a few of them had to say about their D of E experiences this year.

‘The D of E gives you the chance to do something completely new and improve on the things you’re already doing’, Ben Withey 10Co

'One of the best trips that I've done and by far the most enjoyable experience of my life to date', Luke Carter 10Ba

'A challenging and enjoyable experience that was definitely worth the effort', Dominic Frost 10Co DUKE OF EDINBURGH - SILVER EXPEDITION TO ASHDOWN Page 7 FOREST

Following the expedition the participants are required to complete a presentation about their time in the countryside. The Silver expedition was at Ashdown Forest, the real-life setting for the Winnie-the-Pooh stories. One of the groups took Winnie the Pooh (and Tigger too) to his homeland and wrote a poem about his adventures in the style of AA Milne (author of Winnie the Pooh).

In which Pooh goes on an Expotition....

Me and Pooh, Pooh and me, With Tigger also, Sit by the tall tree. Me and Pooh Pooh and me Chill upon rocks, And relax in the breeze I take photos While Pooh looks at me “Get my better side” says Pooh to me. When we see something nice, Something pleasant to see. We take a lovely photo, And by “we”, I mean me. We’re having a marvellous time In the warm glorious sunshine. Taking pictures of Pooh, Why what else would you do? The scenery is sublime, And we’ve been walking for quite sometime. We take breaks as you do, For food and the loo, And also to take pictures of Winnie-the-Pooh. We all play Pooh sticks, We all have a laugh. I took a picture of Pooh on the Sussex border path. We went to Eeyore’s gloomy place, It wasn’t too bad. He had a nice hut, But it was rather boggy and sad. We finally finished the trip, Exactly where we left off And were kindly accompanied by Ms Pothitos’ dog. I look at Pooh, Pooh looks at me. “I had fun,” says Pooh, says he. “I did too,” I say to Pooh. I’m thinking something, And so does he. Ashdown Forest is a great place to be. by Kelvin Streater 10Co Page 8


All the students in Year 7 went to Chatham 8 Guardian along with many Year 12 and 13 Dockyard for the annual Maritime Project on students gave up their time after school to Monday 25th June. It was a very busy, activity make cupcakes and themed cakes, inspired by packed day which was followed the next day by a the "Stand up to Cancer Bake off". cross-curricular approach to the Dockyard. In English they examined poetry based on the Battle All of the cakes were of Medway; Maths/Science they used bearings to made after school, navigate their way down the Medway river; under the watchful Geography/DT/Art was a hands on approach eye of Mr Campbell to 'Design at the Dockyard' and History/IT saw the and Mrs Jhaj. Over boys creating a historical newspaper article on the three evenings over Battle of Medway. All of the boys entered the 300 cupcakes were famous 'Gun Run' competition - the results of this created. Markus will be revealed on Founder's Day where the Year 7 Sadler from 8 forms will battle for first place! Guardian produced an eight layer Here are some of the things that the students had to chessboard cake which was an absolute hit say about the Maritime Project: with the students!

'Intriguing' Due to the generosity of our school community the total amount raised over three 'Interesting' break-time sales was £167.00. This has been 'Brilliant' donated to the Cancer Research Fund from Holcombe Grammar School. 'The trip to the Dockyard was a great way to spend a day. As groups we got the chance to have guided I would like to thank the kindness of the tours around the ships: HMS Cavalier as well as students and their families who supported us HMS Gannet, the Ocelot submarine and the in our small endeavour and I am sure we will Ropery to see how rope was traditionally made for have inspired many to have a dabble with the ships. After lunch we watched educational baking. videos to explain the history of the Dockyard and the battles in which the ships we had seen were involved. It was a really enjoyable day enabling us to learn lots about the Dockyard in an interesting way.

The second part of our trip was held at School the next day when all of our lessons were structured around what we had seen, learnt and done the day before at the Dockyard. The day ended with a ‘Gun Run’ where we worked in teams to disassemble a cannon, carry the parts over an obstacle course in the hall and re-assemble the cannon at the other end. The hands-on aspect of the Gun Run was my favourite part of the trip, even though our team came second in our form!' Ms. K. Jhaj

Ethan Turner 7Co Page 9

JUDD ATHLETICS FIXTURE—MAY 2018 Given the high standard of competition our boys’ faced I arrived at the competition thinking it is unlikely that either team would qualify for the National Finals. However every single student who attended was an absolute credit to the school both on the track and in their conduct throughout the day. A few particular highlights included: Hameed Ishola (Year 10) - won the 200m at a canter. He was also an absolute star in the way he engaged with and interacted with our younger students. He has become a bit of a cult figure to the Year7s due to his "gas"! Donald Ogburogho (Year 7) - finished 3rd in the triple jump competition despite competing against mostly Year 8 students and having just one PE lessons worth of experience in the event! Markus Sadler (Year 8) - perhaps not the most natural of sprinters in the squad but never complained and put in a Herculean effort on the first leg of the relay. Isaac Thomas (Year 10) - Isaac has been training four times a week at an athletics club and the improvements he has made since last season are unbelievable. In the 1500m he kept pace with the eventual winner of the race who turns out to be ranked number 3 in the UK for that event!

Mr Nanson Head of PE

JOSEPH VAN VILSTEREN - YEAR 12 PETER BURAVYTSKIY - EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS, BAKU, AZERBAIJAN Despite getting off to a shaky start Joseph managed to finish 12th Peter had a very successful week in Baku, overall in the singles Azerbaijan at the 2018 European Bowling European Championships. The junior men's team Young Championships secured a team silver at the event for GB in Denmark. A very placing in the top 5 nations. Furthermore, in good result as the the individual event Peter was one of 3 competition was gymnasts to help qualify GB a place in this extremely tough with 90 year’s Youth Olympic Games. bowlers competing.

Joseph went on to compete in Torquay where he won a gold medal in the doubles.


Congratulations to Tunji who has been awarded a place in Chatham Town F.C’s under 21 Team.

Page 10

Do you like singing

HGS Vocal Group MAKE SOME MUSIC IN HARMONY Do you want to learn how to write music? Would you like to gain Music Theory Qualifications? Then join

HGS Composition & Music Theory Group

Wednesdays 15:05 – 16:30 Thursdays 15:05 – 16:30 Open to staff and students Open to staff and students (Audition)

Do you enjoy singing? Would you prefer to perform in a big group? Do you play a musical instrument? Do you work well as part of a team? Then join Then join HGS KS3 Choir HGS Chamber Orchestra MAKE SOME MUSIC CHORAL STYLE MAKE SOME MUSIC IN STYLE

Tuesdays 15:05 – 16:30 Open to staff and students

Do you want to set up a band or develop solo skills?

Then join HGS Performance Workshop

For More Information on any of the Music Groups please contact

Mr Horsey Head of Music Page 11 A LEVEL GEOGRAPHY

A level Geographers at Holcombe have been working with students from to develop plans for their Non Examined Assessment coursework.

The Year 12 fieldwork programme was led by Mrs Obee and Mr Egan, with students from both schools working together to develop an understanding of various research and methodological approaches.

We began to prepare the skills and understanding required for this extensive coursework by conducting coastal fieldwork in Hythe. Through collecting measurements and images to analyse the beach profile, students were able to interpret the physical features and landscape processes taking place in this environment. We applied previous learning of coastal management strategies to begin an evaluation of the engineering approaches applied. Working in teams, students also explored the land use, surveyed local perceptions and economic activity in Hythe to critically assess the sustainability of sea defences.

We also conducted geographical research in Stratford, which focused on the built environment and changes in the human landscape. A large scale regeneration project was initiated in this location by the development of the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park for London 2012. Students were able to contextualise their research using various theories of rebranding strategies, and made detailed observations to analyse how each might have been applied. Students then developed their theories by investigating the social, economic and environmental differences that still exist in the local area. Using statistical evidence from wider reading, we also explored the management of each rebranding project and evidence to analyse the success of each approach.

These trips were supported by workshops on developing enquiry questions, literature reviews and secondary research skills. Geography departments from both schools were able to support students in choosing their own research focus and planning independent fieldwork endeavours for the final stage of their A level Geography course.


In Term 6 the Year 10 GCSE Geographers at Holcombe visited Chatham and Minster-on-sea as part of their two fieldwork days. Through their investigations the students developed their knowledge and understanding of place, process and interaction.

The aim of the fieldwork experience is to prepare our students to better understand the route to enquiry, identifying key investigation questions, applying a range of methodologies and sampling methods, writing risk assessments and then applying all of this information to data presentation, analysis, conclusions and evaluations.

Whilst in Minster students applied their studies of coasts to investigate 'What is the impact of coastal management in Sheerness?' This involved calculating long shore drift, measuring pebbles and completing field sketches. In Chatham our students considered their challenges of an urbanising world topic and considered ' What are the variations in quality of life within urban areas?' Here they took land use surveys, completed environmental quality surveys and asked questionnaires.

Miss Obee Page 12 YEAR 5 TASTER DAY

On 21st June 2018 we were pleased to welcome scores of Year 5 pupils to our Taster Event.

Subject teachers worked with our student volunteers from Year 8 and the School Captains’ Team to deliver a highly successful evening. Visiting children enjoyed constructing models in Design Technology, investigating flame colours and fireworks in Science and even managed to save the Queen herself through Computer Science coding! Some exhausted themselves in playing handball, table tennis or badminton with their future classmates while others were sharing geographical experiences and creating profiles for their very own country.

We met children from a wide range of primary schools around Medway, and some large groups also came from further afield to show their interest in our school. The experience of a grammar school secondary education left many youngsters inspired and enthused to learn. It is truly an honour to provide this event for our community, and we look forward to seeing you again at our Open Day next term.

Holcombe Grammar School Open Day, Saturday 6th October (10am-12pm).

Miss Martin Head of Years 7&8


The Holcombe Association is a PTA (Parent Teachers Association) which is a registered charity organisation (Charity No 1102291) and comprises of Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, which represents the Committee and Trustees. There is also a very small group of helpers.

We are all voluntary and like yourselves we all go out to work. The PTA meet once a month for a general meeting and yearly holds an AGM. Usually there are 10 Meetings per year.

We exist, to provide much needed support to the school by raising extra funds for extra resources and equipment that is not normally covered by the school budgets. A small example of what we have bought in the past: Sports equipment, Books, 3D printer, Washing machine, Orthopaedic equipment, Maps, Mini bus, Snooker/Pool tables, Picnic tables and benches, Xbox consoles, Chess clocks, etc….

We also do front of house and refreshments at most of the school functions and events, such as, Parents Evenings, Year 7 & 8 Disco’s, Quiz nights, Bingo evenings, Founder’s Day, Carol Service etc.

None of this can be achieved without your help! With your help we can run more events and support the school and your child. To get involved with the PTA and find out even more about what we do or how you could help, please get in touch. Email: [email protected]. If you see us around school, come up and say hello! Page 13


On Friday 6th July seventy-seven Year 8 students met on the school field in preparation for the much anticipated Norfolk Lakes residential trip. When we arrived we were met by the Manor Adventure staff who took the boys on a whirlwind tour of the campus. They were shown to their rooms and the first activity started within the hour. Over the course of the four days the students remained in their activity groups and did a total of fourteen activities including: high ropes, canoeing, stand-up paddle boarding, archery, raft building, rifle shooting, wide games, initiative exercises, caving, fencing, survival skills, climbing and crate stacking. Mr Claessens, Miss Clarke, Dr Buswell and four sixth formers also had a great time joining in with all the fun and games. The boys were well fed with three cooked meals a day but were still able to find room when the tuckshop opened in the evening. On the last night we had pizza and chocolate cake to celebrate England's win against Sweden on the Saturday - the boys were allowed to watch the match on a big projector screen in the games room.

Here’s what some of the boys had to say about their time.

‘Norfolk was a great experience. It gave me many opportunities to do things I have never done before. I really enjoyed making new friends and beating Miss at rifle shooting’. George Chaney

‘I enjoyed my stay in Norfolk very much. My favourite activity was stand-up paddle boarding because it was very hot so it felt nice to jump into the cold water.’ Alex Chapman

‘My time on this trip was amazing, probably the best school trip I've ever been on. The activities were so fun, even though I was almost strangled by my harness on the high ropes and even though Josh kept shaking the canoe boat and eventually tipped us over - getting back in the boat is no easy task! However, my favourite activity was the stand-up paddle boarding. Soooo fun, and it was the one thing I was considerably better at than everyone else in my group. Overall the trip was amazing and an experience I will never forget. Thanks to my mates and the teachers who went for helping me have a good time.’ Ashton Andrews

Despite the delay on the return journey the boys all remained in high spirits throughout and it was an absolute pleasure to have spent the weekend with them. I hope they remember their trip for years to come and I want to thank them for their enthusiasm and conduct over the four days.

Please may I also thank Mr Claessens, Miss Clarke, Dr Buswell, Oskar Wrightson, Erion Uka, Jack Hamblett and Ally Taggart for giving up their precious free time to help me run a successful trip - you were invaluable.

Miss M-C Pothitos


Despite rainy, and in places boggy conditions, students at Holcombe Grammar School repeated their successful 3 mile run event from last Year– raising £1000 in the process.

Money was raised across a range of year groups through sponsorship of any runners who put themselves to the test on a multi-terrain and undulating tour of the Holcombe site.

All funds went towards the National Deaf Children’s Society. The NDCS now have a close relationship with the school and were full of praise for Year 12 student Bradley McIntyre. As a school captain, Bradley arranged the event this year and last and kept a constant dialogue with the charity. The effort of all of the captains’ team meant that the event was well promoted, meaning that students did their part by training and fundraising busily in the lead up to the event.

Over both races, our students raised a staggering £2200 – enough for the NDCS to run a weekend residential course to support parents with deaf babies and how to offer them the best possible start in life. The combined community effort was supported at this year’s London Marathon by Mr Still – who ran the 26.2 miles in hottest London Marathon on record. On the day, representatives of the NDCS were keen to praise Holcombe and spoke to Mr Still of how grateful they were with the efforts from our students.

The 3 mile event here at Holcombe was not so sunny and warm. The event had to be postponed twice due to torrential rain. When the runners did step onto the course, they smiled and cheered their way through the gloopy mud and talked through heavy breaths at the finish line about next year’s event.

Mr J Still

IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON On June 21st, Year 12 Physics students travelled to Imperial College in London for a Physics Open Day. The day aimed to give students an idea of both what studying at Imperial and studying Physics requires. Talks were delivered on a range of subjects, from what to include on a UCAS application to how Imperial researchers have contributed to recent advances in Science. The main focus of the event was the work produced by undergraduate students at the end of their first Year of study. There was ample opportunity to talk to the Imperial students about their projects and their impressions of the course after the first year. The Holcombe students were impressed by the fluency and detail with which the Imperial students spoke about advanced areas of Physics and left feeling just a bit overwhelmed at the challenges that may await them at university. Mr Milne A LEVEL COURSEWORK - COMMERCIAL DESIGN - Page 15 UNIT 4

Matthew Webb

In this unit, students were given the opportunity to apply the skills they have acquired and developed Abbas Raza throughout the course of study, to design and make a product of their choice that complies with the requirements of a resistant materials technology product, defined as a fully functioning product that matches its specification. It needed to be manufactured to full size using resistant materials.

Finn Harris


James Grogan James Sharp

Josh Martin

Students attempted a challenging making task involving the manufacture of several different components using a range of materials, equipment, techniques and processes. Students needed to ensure that their product provided an Finlay Barkel Jack Langdon opportunity to manufacture several different component parts from different materials using different processes.

Combining knowledge and understanding with practical skills, this activity is intended to provide breadth in creative learning and depth in the application of practical and transferable skills.

Lucca Martins Anthony Rogers Page 17 ART AND DESIGN

The Art and Design department had enjoyed another productive Year with growing numbers at both GCSE and A level. Many students have taken risks with their subject matter and their choice of materials resulting in creative outcomes that display a confidence, and highly developed skills.

This Year has seen the introduction of A level photography. The Year 12 students have quickly shown an aptitude for both the creative and the technical side of the subject. With many thanks to the Holcombe Association, the department has a darkroom and new DSLR cameras. With Photography now being an option at GCSE we are looking to expand even further.

Last summer two Holcombe students had work selected for The National Students Art Exhibition at the Mall Galleries in London. It was exciting to see the work displayed at such a prestigious venue. This year, once again several students’ pieces have been entered, so fingers crossed and watch this space for more good news for out Holcombe Art students.

The Key Stage 3 club continues with our younger students learning and practising a range of different techniques and processes. The enthusiasm and energy of these students has been a feature of the group with many of the Year 8 student club members are continuing with the art journey into GCSE .

Mrs R Mourino

Artists: Fiyon Gibson Gypsie Monterio Collins Fiyon Gibson Richard Carr Joshua Cole Page 18


Many of you will be aware that we very sadly lost a valued colleague, Mr Michael Bunting, earlier in the academic year. Mike worked at our school for 3 ½ years and was a very valued and respected colleague who worked, in his role as DT Technician, tirelessly to support our staff and students. All members of our community sorely miss him.

Holcombe held a non uniform day on Friday 29th June in Mike’s memory. We asked students to make a voluntary donation (suggested at £1) and raised £447.00 which will be donated to The British Heart Foundation. Mike’s family has nominated this very worthwhile Charity.

We would like to thank all our students for contributing .

MEDWAY TEEN READING CHALLENGE Are you up for the Challenge?

Medway Teen Libraries for Life are again organising a reading challenge for the summer Reading holiday. Challenge Books are not prescribed and the • Free to enter • Any Medway library challenge is suitable for under 16 • Prizes to be won readers of all (teen) ages, reading • Speak to Mr Still for details habits and abilities. • Or pop in to your nearest library

Students at Holcombe often take up this challenge and have won prizes in the past.

Further details are available from your local library. Page 19

DISTRICT ATHLETICS Holcombe students represented the School at the district athletics competition on Thursday 28th June. Our students were an absolute credit both on and off the track. Please congratulate the students below on winning medals. BAMI DAHUNSI (YEAR 8, 300M) AMON-RA MESEORISA (YEAR 7, HURDLES) SID HOPKINS (YEAR 9, 800M) OLIVER CURD (YEAR 9, 1500M) DERAH MORAH (YEAR 9, HURDLES)









On the first day of the summer holidays thirteen talented Year 9 students volunteered their time to go to Greenwich University and compete in the Kent Science and Technology Challenge Day. They spent the day working in mixed school teams on a variety of challenges including medical diagnosis, robotics and e-fit technology. The boys really did the school proud and were fully engaged and en- thusiastic at all times.

The best news of the day came at the final presentation when team 1C won the medical diagnosis challenge and also were overall winners in Kent. Nathan Johnston, 9Ba and Josh Blackman, 9Sh were part of this team and will be attending the UK finals in London, January 2019!

I would like say a huge thank you to the Holcombe Association for funding this trip and also to the following year 9 boys for representing the school in such a great manner. Jack Jennings, Mitchell Agius, Francis Hatega, Sam Brisley, Adam Goodwin, Matt Jupp, Nathan Johnston, Braden Cox, Ben York, Tyler Diaper, Kacper Dzaidosz, George Driscoll, Josh Blackman. Miss M-C Pothitos


As we end the school year, we have a chance to thank all members of the Holcombe community for the hard work they have put in to make this year successful. Students, parents and staff have worked tirelessly to ensure that the school has been able to celebrate a good year. Staff Position Over the summer a number of staff are Ms K Holman Teacher of Maths/Head of Year leaving Holcombe and we wish them well 9 and thank them for their commitment to the Ms J Dorish Teacher of Maths Holcombe community during their time with Ms A Rust Teacher of Business/Economics us. I have included a list of staff that we are Mr D Norman Teacher of Business/Economics saying goodbye to this summer. Mr K Foley AP –SENCO – History I would like to thank staff for their hard Mr T Piotrowski Teacher of RS/History work and efforts in supporting students in nd their education and wish them the best of Mr J Davies 2 in English luck in the future Mr V Elad Head of German Looking forward to September, we have a Mr M Welbourne PGCE RS number of new staff joining Holcombe and I Mrs N Ghellab PGCE MFL am sure you would join me in welcoming Mrs M Childs SEN Manager

Staff Position them to our community. Miss R Carpenter Student Support 2nd in Maths/Head of I hope that you all enjoy a rest during the Mr C Curry Year 8 summer break and come back in September ready to continue the onward journey Miss V Gill Teacher of RS towards outstanding. Miss C Goodwin Teacher of English Mr J Harrington Head of History Mr I Izzawati B. Lillicrap Teacher of Maths Vice Principal Mr B McGovern Head of Physics Miss L Mather Teacher of French Mrs H Ortega Head of MFL Miss N Stanko Teacher of RS/History Page 21


HGS Music Groups 2018

Group Time Description

Lunch Time Singing in a group & Mondays Vocal Group /Choir 13:20 - 13:50 voice training

HGS Chamber After School Instrumental performance Tuesdays Orchestra 15:00 - 16:00 group

Lunch Time & Wednesdays GCSE Support GCSE Support After School

Music Writing & The- After School Learning how to write Thursdays ory Group 15:00 - 16:00 music

Guitar Group Work- After School Fridays Performance workshop shop 15:00 - 16:00

If you would like to join any of the clubs please see Mr Horsey - Head of Music Page 22


September 2018 to July 2019

Term 1 Start Monday 3rd September : Staff Development Day – no school for students Tuesday 4th September: whole school starts

Finish Friday 19th October

Autumn Break Monday 22nd October to Friday 26th October Monday 29th October: Staff Development Day – no school for students

Term 2 Start Tuesday 30th October Finish Wednesday 19th December Thursday 20th December – school closed for day in lieu of Open Morning

Christmas Break Friday 21st December to Thursday 3rd January Friday 4th January: Staff Development Day – no school for students

Term 3 Start Monday 7th January Finish Friday 15th February

February Break Monday 18th February to Friday 22nd February

Term 4 Start Monday 25th February Finish Friday 5th April

Spring Break Monday 8th April to Monday 22nd April

Good Friday Friday 19th April Easter Monday Monday 22nd April

Term 5 Start Tuesday 23rd April Finish Friday 24th May Early May Bank Holiday Monday 6th May May Break Monday 27th May to Friday 31st May

Term 6 Start Monday 3rd June Finish Friday 19th July Monday 22nd July: Staff Development Day – no students in school Tuesday 23rd July Staff Development Day – no students in school

The newsletter can be downloaded from the HGS website.