St Mary’s, & St Patrick’s, Birstall

St Mary’s Church St Patrick’s Church Cross Bank Road, Batley Low Lane, Birstall WF17 8PQ WF17 9HD SUNDAY 30TH MAY - 9TH WEEK OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR B)


Saturday 29th May 4.30pm St Mary’s The Most Blessed Trinity Trevor Ashton (A) 6.00pm St Patrick’s The Most Blessed Trinity Marian McGeown (Poorly) Sunday 30th May 9.00am St Patrick’s The Most Blessed Trinity Mary & James Gibbons (Rem)

10.30am St Mary’s The Most Blessed Trinity Margaret McLaughlin (A) Monday 31st May 9.30am St Patrick’s Visitation of the B V M Norah Carroll (A) 7.00pm St Mary’s Visitation of the B V M Michael Leach (Rem) Tuesday 1st June 9.30am St Mary’s St Justin Thomas Halliwell (RIP) 12.00 noon St Mary’s Rachel Gill (RIP) - Funeral Service Wednesday 2nd June Thursday 3rd June 9.30am St Patrick’s St Charles Lwanga & Companions Parish Faithful Departed 12.00noon St Mary’s St Charles Lwanga & Companions Parish Faithful Departed

Friday 4th June 9.30am St Mary’s Weekday of Ordinary Time (Wk 9) Parish Faithful Departed

Saturday 5th June No Morning Mass as Fr Eamonn is celebrating a wedding in Leeds Most Holy Body & Blood of the Lord Saturday 5th June 4.30pm St Mary’s Most Holy Body & Blood of the Lord People of the Parish 6.00pm St Patrick’s Most Holy Body & Blood of the Lord Private Intention Sunday 6th June 9.00am St Patrick’s Most Holy Body & Blood of the Lord James Lynch 10.30am St Mary’s Most Holy Body & Blood of the Lord Andrea Sands Intentions 11.30am St Mary’s Baptism of Maisie Ann Glyde SACRAMENT OF CONFESSIONS St Patrick’s - Saturday’s 9.15am - 9.45am St Mary’s - Saturday - 3.45pm - 4.15pm or by appointment with Fr Eamonn or by appointment with Fr Eamonn PARISH LIVE-STREAM FACILITY All our Masses / Services are live-streamed and are available as follows;

St Mary’s - St Patrick’s -


St Mary’s Parish Parish Priest St Mary’s, Batley & St Patrick’s, Birstall - Fr Eamonn Hegarty Annette Crowther [email protected] Postal Address - St Mary’s Presbytery, Cross Bank Road, Batley, WF17 8PQ

Tel. (01924) 474650 Telephone No. - (01924) 474650 _____ Email Address - [email protected] St Patrick’s Parish Parish Administrator - Mrs Annette Crowther - Telephone No. - (01924) 474650 Sr. Pat Tel. (01924) 474640 Email - [email protected] PLEASE PRAY FOR…

Those who are poorly: Maria Ashton, Kathleen Pawson (nee Rush), Fr Bernard Funnell, Lindsey Redgewick, Frank O’Neill, Ruth McMullen, Ann Leach, Elaine Richardson, Catherine & Jimmy McVeigh, Andy Swindells, Sheila Haigh, Michael Haigh, Leonie Briggs,, Geoff Holland, Bill Hall, Thomas Hopkins, James Hagerty, Nick Eatough, Stefan Stadnicki, Jennie Farnhill, Peter McKenna, Raymond Crorken, Anthony Clementson, Brenda Riley, Simon Murphy, Monika Kacprowski, Margaret Harrison, Franco Menic, Rose Mackowski, Katie Gallagher-Peel, Barbara Maguire, Fr Eugene McGillycuddy, Elaine Wraith, Theresa Maguire, Fr David Bulmer, John Kenny, Jane Hellings, Barry Murphy, James Waldron, Pauline Clark, Bishop Christopher Budd, Canon John Nunan, Marian McGeown

Those who have died recently: Rachel Gill, Michael Fisher

Those whose anniversaries occur around this time: Trevor Ashton, Mary & James Gibbons, Norah Carroll, Michael Leach, Ann Collins, Diane Jarratt, Eileen Clark, Frank Ramsden, Mary Ann Blackley, Harold Clark, James Heaton, Philip Haley, Kenneth Teale

Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord. Let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.


RESTRICTIONS IN CHURCH - In light of the Bishop’s guidance with regards the easing of restrictions in our churches, the following measures will remain in place for the time being.

 Although Government are saying we can have full churches from 21st June, they are also urging caution too. The Diocese of Leeds has decided to maintain the 2 metre social distancing rule for the time being, unless there is an absolute need to go down to 1 metre (if it is a small church for instance).  Face masks will still need to be worn in church (unless one is exempt) and the current use of sanitiser and the one-way system will remain in place.  The need to book at place a Mass for weekends is still required as are Track and Trace Records.

I was hoping things would be by now, less restrictive than they are, but as always, the safety of in church is an absolute priority. No doubt things will change rapidly over the coming weeks and months and I will keep you fully informed. But please be assured that we will continue to do all we can to make church as accessible as possible, whilst at the same time, doing all we can to keep us all as safe as possible. If you would like to see the full guidance from the Bishop, please refer to the parish website or the parish notice board.

BAPTISM CONGRATULATIONS TO MAX JACOB KNEE On behalf of the parish may I say ‘congratulations’ to Mat Jacob Knee who was baptised in St Mary’s Church last Sunday. May God bless him and his family as he begins his life of faith. It was lovely to celebrate a Baptism once again in Church.

FORTHCOMING FUNERALS Name: Date: Time: Church: Funeral: Rachel Gill (RIP) Tuesday 1st June 12.00 noon St Mary’s Funeral Service Michael Fisher (RIP) Monday 7th June 12.00 noon St Mary’s Requiem Mass

CONGRATULATIONS TO MR PHIL GLOVER - on behalf of St Mary’s parish and school, I would like to sat ‘congratulations’ to Mr Phil Glover who has just been appointed as the Acting Head of St Mary’s Catholic Primary School. Phil is already well known and loved in our school / parish and we are delighted that he is being given this opportunity to be our Acting Head for the nett academic year. We wish him well and assure him of our prayers. But of course it also means we will be saying ‘goodbye’ to our current wonderful head-teacher Mrs Nicky Grant at the end of this academic year. After many years of faithful service to our school and parish, she is ready to take a well- earned rest. Thankfully Nicky will still remain a much loved member of our parish, but I know she will be missed by our school. We assure her of our best wishes and prayers for the future. CONGRATULATIONS TO ARCH-BISHOP ARTHUR ROCHE - On behalf of our parishes, may I say a big ‘congratulations’ to Arch-Bishop Arthur Roche who has been appointed by our Holy Father , to be the Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship. This is a huge honour and responsibility for him. We wish him well and can assure him of our prayers as he takes up this new position. Congratulations too to his family, some of whom live in our parish, who I am sure are very proud at this time.

RE-OPENING OF ST PAUL’S BOOKSHOP AT HINSLEY HALL - As of Tuesday, 1st of June St Paul’s Boookshop at Hinsley Hall will once again be open for business. Initially, it will be open on Tuesdays and Thursdays: 10.00am - 4.00pm, with the intention to re-open fully as things continue to ease. We are very much looking forward to seeing and hearing from our customers again. Do remember that if you place an order with the bookshop rather than direct with a publisher, the publisher's delivery charge will not be passed on to you - so ordering through the shop can save you money. Discounts will also be offered on any bulk orders. St Paul's, Hinsley Hall - 0113 275 4043 - [email protected]

ST MARY’S SOCIAL CLUB - A reminder about Social Club membership last published on February’s bulletin when Membership was due. Like other similar venues the Social Club & Parochial Hall has been closed throughout the pandemic and therefore when membership was due the Committee decided to waive charges for the coming year 2021. As a result membership will now be due in February 2022. The Club’s usual events and classes, eg Line Dancing and Sequence Dancing, Yoga etc will resume after 17th May in accordance with Government guidelines. Please keep our wonderful Parish Hall in mind when thinking about family celebrations, parties, Christenings, weddings, funeral wakes etc. ‘USE IT OR WE LOSE IT!’ See the Club’s website, Facebook or phone / text 07773205311 for further information

FOOD DONATIONS - As you can imagine, at the moment there are many families who are really struggling at the moment financially. The local foodbanks are being inundated with requests for help for food. May I ask that we as a parish once again, recommence our weekly collection of food for the local foodbank and help families locally who are struggling to feed themselves at this time. Your donations will be much appreciated. The donations from St Mary’s, Batley go to the Batley Food Bank. The donations from St Patrick’s, Birstall, go to Batley Care & Drop in Centre All donations are gratefully received


I would like to say a big ‘thank you’ to you all who have continued to support your parish financially at this difficult time. You really have been very generous in so many ways. There are various ways in which we are able to support the parish - as follows;  Giving by Text – We now have the facility to take offerings using text messaging. To use this service and to contribute £5 to the Parish Offertory, please text; CHURCH BATLEY to 70500 CHURCH BIRSTALL to 70500  Standing Order Mandate – More and more people are paying their offertory collection by Standing Order, rather than using cash each week. If you would like to start using this facility please download the standing order form from the parish website or contact Annette Crowther and she will arrange to post one to you. Annette Crowther: Email: [email protected] Mobile: 07738901165  Pay by Card – following advice from the Diocese we now have a facility available to the parish, whereby people can make donations to the parish via their bank cards. This facility is available on the parish website and is very quick and easy to use.

ONLINE PRAYER INTENTIONS - We now have a new facility on our website for our personal prayer intentions. You are very welcome submit your prayer requests and we as a parish will also remember these prayer intentions in our own prayers. It is good as a parish that we not only pray with each other, we also pray for each other too. If you wish to use the ‘Online Prayer Intentions facility, please see the parish websites. PARISH MEMORY LANE PAGE - If you have any old photos / stories / articles of the parish of yester-year we would love you to share them on our new ‘Parish Memory Lane’ page. This can be of anything you wish from our parish past. Any pictures which you are happy to share or stories of parish life, we would love to see them here too. Photographs can be sent as hard copies and we can scan them if required.

DIOCESE OF LEEDS INFORMATION THE LEEDS CCRS: A new course, exploring Catholic faith, education, and spirituality, will be offered by the Diocese and from Autumn 2021. An online information evening, on 22nd June (7- 8pm), will introduce the course in detail. For links or more information, email [email protected].

CHASING THE WIND – PHILOSOPHY, THE BIBLE, AND THE PROBLEM OF EVIL: A series of 5 talks by Dr Gregory Stacey, exploring accessible responses to the claim that the existence of evil makes belief in God irrational, will take place via Zoom on Monday nights from 7-8pm, beginning on 14th June. For information and Zoom invitations, please email [email protected].

MOUNT ST JOSEPH’S (LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR): Ladies clothing sale and craft stall in the outdoor carpark on Monday 31st May 2021 from 1 to 4pm all most welcome. Shire Oak Road, LS6 2DE.

NATIONAL ROSARY RELAY RALLY: Please pray the Rosary at some point between 6 and 7pm on Sunday 30th May as part of the Diocese of Leeds’ appointed hour for the National Rosary Relay Rally for the intentions of Faith, Life and Peace in our countries.

THE BRIERY ZOOM MEDITATION, Thursday from 7.30pm to 8.15pm. We open at 7.15pm for a chat and start promptly at 7.30pm. It is a simple format of praying with the Sunday Mass Readings and sharing in small groups. To Join Briery Thursday Meditation click on the link below: Or log into the app using the following: Meeting ID: 834 3658 3706 Passcode: 977049

“I AM THE VINE, YOU ARE THE BRANCHES” (John 15) Fr John Farrell, OP, leads a silent residential retreat at the Briery from 2nd-8th June 2021. The offering is £480 for the week with full board and en-suite accommodation. For further details and a booking form please email: [email protected] or telephone: 01943 607287.

THE GOD WHO SPEAKS THROUGH FAMILIES IN THE BIBLE: 19th June 2021 led by Breda Theakston & Jean Marsh. The offering is £35 for this day’s retreat and includes morning coffee, lunch and afternoon tea with cake. For further details and a booking form please email: [email protected] or telephone: 01943 607287.

FOLLOWING JESUS – DISCIPLESHIP IN THE NEW TESTAMENT: 12th-17th July – Fr Donald Senior, CP, presents a live streamed retreat. Participants can be residential at the Briery from 12th-17th July with full board and en-suite accommodation (offering £400) or receive the link at home (offering £200). For further details and a booking form please email: [email protected] or telephone: 01943 607287.

DIOCESE OF LEEDS - Leeds Diocesan Trust - Registered Charity No. 249404 - Company N. 2886244