Unlocking North American Competitiveness Third Annual North American Process Symposium

March 30 - 31, 2016 Hyatt Regency Phoenix Phoenix, Arizona The North American Process— Steps Toward Stronger Partnership: A Working Symposium

March 30, Opening Reception Hyatt Regency Phoenix | Sundance Room 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.

March 31, Symposium Hyatt Regency Phoenix | Regency Ballroom CD 7:30 am – 4:15 p.m.

in partnership with

with support from

and community partner Phoenix Committee on Foreign Relations The School of Public Policy at the University of Calgary, the School of Global Studies at the Universidad Anáhuac México Norte, the College of Public Service and Community Solutions and the Morrison Institute at Arizona State University have come together in an initiative to significantly advance an on-going North American process to strengthen regional relations and competitiveness. This symposium plays a key role in the dialogue by bringing together a strong group of business and policy-focused expert participants from the three countries, including representatives from industry, academia and government. Talking about North America, there is clearly the need for more concerted collaboration and follow- through by Canada, and the to advance the region’s competitiveness. In several gatherings, including the symposia held in 2013 and 2014, general concern was expressed about the need for a stronger trilateral process and more focused institutions to move the North American project forward. This third edition of the symposium will discuss and develop in more detail the North American Process as a way to bolster a more efficient, resourceful and competitive North America. Discussions at the past two symposia have made it clear that business is leading the way in terms of a more integrated and efficient North America. A key part of this symposium will be a focus on where the challenges and successes of specific North American businesses can offer valuable insight. These combined insights will contribute to the development of recommendations on the first incremental steps forward in designing and building, as a longer-term goal, a strong, practical and overarching North American Process. Through a series of working groups and plenary sessions, attendees will develop specific recommendations on the topic at hand. The working groups will focus on the North American energy sector, transportation infrastructure and supply chain security. This event, in addition to being a distinctive trilateral initiative, will move beyond “talking” to drafting concrete, specific and realistic recommendations on ways to recharge the North American vision, in order to be presented to the respective North American leaders in Canada, Mexico and the United States. Wednesday, March 30 Hyatt Regency Phoenix | Sundance Room

5:00 p.m. | Opening Reception Featuring a moderated discussion with North American Ambassadors and senior leaders on North American competitiveness and closer economic cooperation. Opening Remarks Jonathan Koppell | Dean, College of Public Service & Community Solutions, Arizona State University

Moderator Colin Robertson | Executive Fellow, The School of Public Policy, University of Calgary Discussants James Villeneuve | Counsel General of Canada, Los Angeles Agustín García López Loaeza | Ambassador of Mexico to Canada Francisco Suárez Dávila | former Ambassador of Mexico to Canada Earl Anthony Wayne | Career Ambassador, former Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs, former Ambassador to Mexico, former Ambassador to Argentina and Deputy Ambassador to Afghanistan Thursday, March 31 Hyatt Regency Phoenix | Regency Ballroom CD

7:30 a.m. | Registration and Breakfast

7:55 a.m. | Opening Remarks David Bercuson | Director, Centre for Military, Security and Strategic Studies, University of Calgary Carlos Camacho Gaos | Director, School of International Relations, Universidad Anáhuac México

8:00 a.m. | Plenary 1: Opportunities and Challenges of the North American Process The opening panel of the symposium will discuss if a “North American Commission” would be necessary for advancing a North American agenda. Panelists will address the best design for the body, the connection and relationship with the respective governments, steps required to set it up, how would it provide a challenge function for all three governments and by which rules would it operate. Discussion will be led by the moderator with panel discussion and Q&A from the floor. Moderator Jonathan Koppell | Dean, College of Public Service & Community Solutions, Arizona State University Panelists Laura Dawson | Director, Canada Institute, Wilson Center Jaime Serra Puche | Senior Partner and Chairman of the Board, SIA Consultores, S.C. John Maisto | Director, U.S. Education Finance Group and former U.S. Ambassador to the Organization of American States

9:15 a.m. | Plenary 2: The North American Energy Market The energy market is changing rapidly. This sector presents great opportunities for closer continental collaboration to increase North American energy security and overall competitiveness. The session will provide a snapshot of current North American energy markets and will consider both electricity and fossil fuels, exploring best practices from a trilateral perspective, analyzing what role a North American Commission could play in the continental energy sector, and if such a body would help or hinder. Moderator Gaétan Caron | Executive Fellow, The School of Public Policy, University of Calgary Panelists Dave Collyer | President, Collyer Business Consulting Inc., former President and CEO of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers Eugenio Herrera-Terrazas | Chief Legal Officer, CFE International Gary Dirks | Director, Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability and Director of LightWorks, Arizona State University

10:30 a.m. | Networking Break

11:00 a.m. | Plenary 3: Infrastructure for Competitiveness: Physical Infrastructure and Logistics All three North American governments have highlighted infrastructure as a critical national issue. A competitive transportation system is critical for maintaining the competitiveness of North American production and supply chains. The panel will focus on rail and truck transportation in a North American context, to address specially from a business perspective, what is working well, which are the most serious problems and how to correct them. It will also consider the topic of supply chain security and issues such as preclearance, cross-border interagency coordination and aligning customs clearance and processes. Moderator Glenn Williamson | Canada-Arizona Business Council Panelists Stephen Blank | Senior Fellow, Collaboratory on Energy Research and Policy, University of Ottawa Luis Téllez Kuenzler | Senior Advisor, KKR & Co. Randy Nickle | Director, Transportation and Logistics, Freeport-McMoRan, Inc. 12:15 p.m. | Networking Lunch | Garden Court

1:15 p.m. | Working Group Sessions Symposium attendees will attend a pre-assigned Working Group (WG) with approximately 20 to 25 participants. The WGs will address the key topics and how a North American process or Commission would enhance productivity and coordination. WGs will prepare 3 to 4 recommendations on best practices and lessons learned and how a North American Commission could enable them and build stronger regional economic integration. A short “Primer” on the topic will be provided to WG participants. A: North American Energy: Utilities & Electricity | Remington Room Facilitator Gerónimo Gutiérrez | Managing Director, North American Development Bank B: North American Energy: Oil & Gas | Russell Room Facilitator Duncan Wood | Director, Mexico Institute, Wilson Center C: Infrastructure and Competitiveness: Rail & Trucking | Phoenix West Room Facilitator Marisa Paula Walker | Senior Vice President, Arizona Commerce Authority D: North American Supply Chain Security | Phoenix East Room Facilitator Gail Lewis | Director, Office of P3 Initiatives and International Affairs, Arizona Department of Transportation

3:15 p.m. | Participants Regroup for Working Group Sessions Overview

3:30 p.m. | Snapshots from the Working Groups, Discussion | Regency Ballroom CD on Recommendations, Next Steps and Wrap-Up The final session of the symposium is a presentation by the Working Group Facilitators. The focus is on recommendations and findings from the breakout sessions as well as suggested next steps for moving forward. Moderator Jessica de Alba-Ulloa | Researcher-Professor of the School of Global Studies, Universidad Anáhuac México

4:15 p.m. | Symposium Concludes Closing Remarks Maureen Shields | Director, Market Diversification Program, The School of Public Policy, University of Calgary Speaker Bios

Jessica de Alba-Ulloa Professor, School of Global Studies, Universidad Anáhuac México Jessica de Alba-Ulloa has been a Professor at the School of Global Studies at Universidad Anáhuac México since 2004. She has also taught at the Université de Paris –XI, Faculté Jean Monnet, and the Centre d’Analyse des Différends et leurs Modes de Solution. She is an associate of the Mexican Council on Foreign Relations; a member of the Mexican Association of International Studies, in charge of the Foreign Policy Committee; the International Studies Association, of which she is Co-Editor on the Section of International Organizations of the Compendium Project, since 2014; and of the Midwest Political Science Association and of the American Society of Mexico. She holds a B.A. in international relations from the Universidad de las Américas (Mexico), a M.S. in diplomacy and international organizations, and a Ph.D. in political sciences from the University of Paris XI, France.

David Bercuson Director, Centre for Military, Security and Strategic Studies, University of Calgary David Bercuson has served as Director of the Centre for Military and Strategic Studies since 1997. He is also Director of Programs of the Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute in Calgary. His prior experience includes serving on the Advisory Council on National Security, and as a member of the Minister of National Defence’s Monitoring Committee. He has published in academic and popular publications on a wide range of topics specializing in modern Canadian politics, Canadian defence and foreign policy, and Canadian military history. In 2002, Bercuson was awarded the J. B. Tyrrell Historical Medal from the Royal Society of Canada. In 2003, he was appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada. He is a member of the Board of Governors of the Royal Military College of Canada. He holds an M.A. in history and a Ph.D. from the University of Toronto.

Stephen Blank Senior Fellow, Collaboratory on Energy Research and Policy, University of Ottawa Stephen Blank’s career has spanned the academic, business and nonprofit communities. His work has dealt with diverse issues including economic policy, government-business relations, international business strategy, regionalism, trade corridors cross border production systems and physical infrastructure. A member of the Council on Foreign Relations, he was awarded L’Ordre National du Quebec by the Government of Quebec. Previously, Blank was a Council on Foreign Relations International Affairs Fellow and a Scholar in Residence at the Villa Serbeloni in Italy; Claude Bissell Professor of US-Canada Relations at the University of Toronto; Fulbright Distinguished Professor at the University of Montreal; Ross Distinguished Visiting Professor at Western Washington University and Fulbright Chair of Governance and Public Administration at the University of Ottawa. He served as Managing Director of the PanAm Partnership for Business Education and Co-Chair of the North American Transportation Competitiveness Research Council. He holds a B.A. from Dartmouth, M.A. from Cambridge and M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Harvard.

Gaétan Caron Executive Fellow, The School of Public Policy, University of Calgary Gaétan Caron joined The School of Public Policy of the University of Calgary as an Executive Fellow in July 2014. In addition to his work at The School, he provides independent consulting services on energy and regulatory matters. This follows his seven-year tenure as Chair and CEO of the National Energy Board (NEB), roles as Vice-Chair, board member, and member of the executive and staff in a wide range of functions throughout the NEB. He has dedicated his work in energy infrastructure regulation to promoting safety, environmental protection and economic efficiency. Caron holds has a bachelor of applied sciences from Laval University and an MBA from the University of Ottawa. David Collyer President, Collyer Business Consulting Prior to founding Collyer Business Consulting, David Collyer served as President of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) for six years. He was responsible for leading CAPP’s activities in education, communications and policy/regulatory advocacy on behalf of its members representing over 90 percent of the upstream petroleum production in Canada. Previously he served as President and Country Chair for Shell in Canada. During his 30-year career tenure with Shell, Collyer held a broad range of technical, business and senior leadership roles. These included positions in conventional oil and gas, oil sands, marketing and transportation and downstream commercial marketing, as well as cross-business roles such as strategy and planning, communications and sustainable development. He also participated in a two-year executive exchange assignment with the federal government in Ottawa. Collyer holds a petroleum engineering degree and an MBA from the University of Alberta.

Laura Dawson Director, Canada Institute, Wilson Center Laura Dawson is Director of the Canada Institute. Named one of Canada’s Top 100 foreign policy influencers by the Hill Times in 2014, Dawson is a speaker, writer, and thought leader on Canada-U.S., NAFTA and international trade issues. Previously, she served as Senior Advisor on Economic Affairs at the United States Embassy in Ottawa and taught international trade and Canada-U.S. relations at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs. Dawson continues to serve as Emeritus Advisor at Dawson Strategic, which provides advice to business on cross-border trade, market access and regulatory issues. She is a Fellow at the Canadian Defence & Foreign Affairs Institute and serves on the board of the Council of the Great Lakes Region. Dawson holds a Ph.D. in political science.

Lic. Francisco Suarez Davila Director, Asian Market Diversification Program, University of Calgary Francisco Suarez Davila is the former Ambassador of Mexico to Canada. Previously, he served as Ambassador of Mexico to the OECD, Representative of Mexico to the IMF and Vice President of the Mexican Council of International Affairs. His prior experience also includes serving as Undersecretary of Finance, General Manager of International Affairs at the Bank of Mexico, and Director General of Banco Mexicano SOMEX (now Santander). He was twice Federal Congressman of the Chamber of Deputies, where he served as President of the Commission of Finance. He has taught at the Universidad Iberoamericana, the Colegio de México and at the UNAM, where he was a member and President of the University Board of Trustees. He holds a law degree from UNAM and a master’s degree in economics from the University of Cambridge (King’s College).

Gary Dirks Director, Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability and Director, LightWorks, Arizona State University. Gary Dirks is Director of the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability and Director of LightWorks, an Arizona State University initiative that capitalizes on ASU’s strengths in solar energy and other light-inspired research. He is also the Julie Wrigley Chair of Sustainable Practices and a Professor of Practice in the School of Sustainability and distinguished sustainability scientist. Before joining ASU, Dirks was the President of BP Asia-Pacific and the President of BP . In China, he grew BP from an operation with fewer than 30 employees and no revenue to more than 1,300 employees and revenues of about $4 billion in 2008. Dirks has served on the boards of the Council for Sustainable Development, the U.S. China Center for Sustainable Development, and the China Business Council for Sustainable Development. In 2008, he was recognized by the People’s Daily as one of the 10 most influential multinational company leaders of the last 30 years of China’s economic development. Dirks holds a Ph.D. in chemistry from ASU. Carlos Camacho Gaos Director, School of International Relations, Universidad Anáhuac México Carlos Camacho-Gaos was appointed Director of the School of International Relations at Universidad Anáhuac México in 2008, which became the Faculty of Global Studies in 2015. He is also Founder and Managing Partner of Pretium SC, an economics, public policy and strategy consulting firm. He has held multiple high-level positions in the public sector, including Director General of Foreign Investment, Undersecretary of Promotion at the Minister of Tourism, Undersecretary of Fishery with the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, and General Director of Statistics at the National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Information. He is a member of the board of the think tank, Mexican Council for International Affairs as well as the Mexican Association of International Studies. He holds a M.S. in economics and is a doctoral candidate in economics at Georgetown University.

Gerónimo Gutiérrez Managing Director, North American Development Bank Gerónimo Gutiérrez has extensive professional experience and expertise in U.S.-Mexican relations and border affairs, having served as the Under Secretary for North America at the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Relations from 2003 to 2006. In addition, he was Under Secretary for Latin America and the Caribbean, and more recently served as Under Secretary of Government in the Mexican Ministry of Government. In the area of finance, he was the Head of Advisory Staff in the Mexican Ministry of Finance and Public Credit between 1992 and 1994 and an advisor for the Mexican development bank, Banco de Obras y Servicios Públicos (BANOBRAS). Mr. Gutiérrez received his undergraduate degree in Economics from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) in Mexico City and holds a Master’s in Public Administration from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

Eugenio Herrera-Terrazas Chief Legal Officer, CFE International Eugenio Herrera-Terrazas is Chief Legal Officer of CFE International. Prior to his appointment he served as legal adviser to the CFE’s CEO and to the Director of Modernization, taking important role in the CFE’s Energy Reform mandated corporate restructuring and unbundling. Herrera earned his Master of Laws from Georgetown University, and holds a law degree from the Monterrey Institute of Technology. Before joining CFE in 2014, and for the last 12 years, he served as General Counsel of Grupo Reforma, Mexico’s most influential newspaper conglomerate, where he became a vigorous advocate of freedom of speech and freedom of information laws in Mexico, aimed to safeguard the people’s right to know.

Jonathan Koppell Dean, ASU College of Public Service and Community Solutions Jonathan GS Koppell is Dean of the College of Public Service and Community Solutions and the Lattie and Elva Coor Presidential Chair in the School of Public Affairs at Arizona State University. Koppell joined Arizona State University in 2010 as Director of the School of Public Affairs, from the Yale School of Management where he also directed the Millstein Center for Corporate Governance and Performance. Koppell focuses on preparing students for lives of community engagement and public service while promoting use-inspired research aimed at making our communities more prosperous, healthy and resilient. Koppell’s research and writing broadly examines the design and administration of complex organizations in the public, private and nonprofit sectors. His book World Rule: Accountability, Legitimacy and the Design of Global Governance reveals the hidden world of “global governance organizations” such as the World Trade Organization and the International Accounting Standards Board that have more effect on our daily lives than we might imagine. In 2012, he was inducted as a Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA). He holds a B.A. from Harvard and a Ph.D. in political science from University of California, Berkeley. Luis Téllez Kuenzler Senior Advisor, KKR & Co. Luis Téllez Kuenzler is a Senior Advisor for KKR, a global investment firm. He is the former Chief Executive Officer, Chairman, and General Director of the Bolsa Mexicana de Valores. He has over 20 years of both public and private sector experience with a focus on the Mexican economy. Previously, he served as Managing Director for the Carlyle Group and prior to that as the Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer of DESC. Téllez has also held the positions of Mexico’s Secretary of Communication and Transportation, Secretary of Energy, Chief of Staff to President Zedillo, Head Economist at the Ministry of Treasury, and Undersecretary of Planning at the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources. He is currently the Chairman of the Board for CCV, Indeval, MexDer, SIF ICAP, Valmer, and Bursatec; and he is Director of Sempra Energy, Casa de Cambio Monex, Femsa, and Grupo Mexico. Téllez holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de Mexico, summa cum laude, and a Ph.D. in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Gail Lewis Director, Office of P3 Initiatives and International Affairs, Arizona Department of Transportation Gail Lewis is the Director of P3 Initiatives and International Affairs for the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT). In this position, Gail heads up the agency’s public private partnerships unit, identifying, analyzing and managing P3 projects. Successful projects have included P3s for rest areas, highways and ADOT assets such as real estate. Gail also leads ADOT’s work with Mexico, including binational planning, identifying and promoting projects in the border region, and guiding the Department’s intergovernmental work in Arizona’s border communities and with the US and Mexican federal governments. Prior to joining ADOT, Gail worked for the Office of the Governor as a Policy Advisor for transportation and economic development, and for Arizona State University, where she was Director of Economic Development. Gail has a bachelor’s degree in Journalism and International Relations from the University of Southern California and a master’s degree in International Affairs from Columbia University. She is active in many professional and civic organizations and is the mother of two great sons.

Agustín García-López Loaeza Ambassador of Mexico to Canada Ambassador García-López joined the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1986, and has been a member of the Mexican Foreign Service since 1991. During his career, he has held numerous posts in diplomacy and financial affairs including Ambassador of Mexico to France, Permanent Representative of Mexico to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in France, Executive Director for Mexico and the to the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC), in Washington, D.C., Director General for International Financial Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Director General for Economic Cooperation, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Director on Financial Affairs with North America, the Caribbean and the Pacific, Ministry of Finance. He holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in economics from Columbia University in the U.S., as well as a French Baccalaureate in philosophy and literature from Vienna, Austria.

John Maisto Director, U.S. Education Finance Group John F. Maisto, Ambassador (ret.), is a 33-year former career member of the U.S. Foreign Service. He is currently a consultant at Arizona State University—Global, President of the U.S.- Society in Washington, and a Director of the Miami-based U.S. Education Finance Group. His board positions include the Washington-based International Student Exchange Program (ISEP) and ECI, a Central America-based resort and retirement company. He is Chair of the Board of Advisors of the American Committees on Foreign Relations (ACFR) in Washington. Previously, he was Ambassador to , and the Organization of American States. He also served as Senior Director for the Western Hemisphere at the National Security Council and, concurrently, Special Assistant to the President. He was Foreign Policy Advisor at the U.S. Southern Command, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Central America, and he served in Argentina, , , and the Philippines. He was deeply involved in the Philippines, Panama, and Central America in the diplomacy that supported democratic transitions. He is a graduate of Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service and holds a master’s in Latin American history from San Carlos University, . Randy Nickle Director of Logistics and Transportation, Freeport-McMoRan Inc. Randy Nickle is the Director of Logistics and Transportation for Freeport-McMoRan, a premier U.S.-based natural resource company with an industry leading global portfolio of mineral assets and significant oil and gas resources. Nickle focuses on the safe, responsible, and efficient transportation of supplies and products to and from the company’s global operations. He also works to establish logistics strategies and market channels for Freeport’s global development projects. With more than 26 years of experience in the mining, material handling, and chemical industries, Nickle has held leadership roles in operations, supply chain, marketing and business management. Through these roles, Nickle has developed particular expertise in organizational change and development, strategic negotiations, and process improvement. Nickle holds a B.S. in chemical engineering from the University of Delaware and an MBA from Columbia University.

Jaime Serra Puche Senior Partner and Chairman, SAI Law and Economics Jaime Serra is Chairman of SAI Law and Economics and founder of Aklara and the Arbitration Center of Mexico. He is a trustee of the National Institute for Genomic Medicine in Mexico and of The Trilateral Commission. Serra is a Board Director of BBVA Bancomer and several other publicly listed companies. His past service in the Mexican government includes Undersecretary of Finance, Secretary of Trade and Industry, and Secretary of Finance. As Secretary of Trade and Industry, he led the negotiation and implementation of NAFTA, headed the negotiations of free trade agreements with , , Venezuela, Bolivia and Costa Rica, and promoted the creation of the Federal Competition Commission in Mexico, and the Mexican Institute for Industrial Property (IMPI). He received, among other awards, the National Prize for Social Sciences, Academia Mexicana de Ciencias, Mexico (1986), the National Prize for Economics (Banamex 1979), the Wilbur Lucius Cross Medal, Yale University (1993), and the Woodrow Wilson Award for Public Service, (2014). Serra received a bachelor’s degree in political science and public administration from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, a master’s degree in economics from El Colegio de México and a Ph.D. in economics from Yale University.

Colin Robertson Executive Fellow, The School of Public Policy, University of Calgary A former Canadian diplomat, Colin Robertson is Senior Advisor to Dentons LLP and works with the Canadian Council of Chief Executives. He is the Vice President and a Fellow at the Canadian Global Affairs Institute, as well as an Executive Fellow at the University of Calgary’s School of Public Policy. He is an honorary captain (Royal Canadian Navy) assigned to the Strategic Communications Directorate. He is Chair of the Board of Canada World Youth. Robertson sits on the boards of the Conference of Defence Associations Institute, North American Research Partnership and the Sir Winston Churchill Society of Ottawa. He is a past President of the Canadian International Council’s National Capital Branch. Robertson is a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (NPSIA) at Carleton University, a former member of Carleton’s President’s Advisory Council, as well as a current member of the NPSIA Advisory Council. He is the honorary chair of the Canada Arizona Business Council. He is a member of the Pacific Council on International Policy, the Retired Heads of Mission Association.

Maureen Shields Director, Asian Market Diversification Program, University of Calgary Maureen Shields is a Calgary-based independent research consultant with The 42nd Street Group Inc. She currently leads the research, programming and strategic guidance functions of the Market Diversification Program at The School of Public Policy. Previously, as a Research Associate in the International Policy Program at The School of Public Policy, Shields developed and directed conferences, symposia and related publications and provided advice and recommendations on the program’s strategic direction. From 2007 to 2012, Shields was based in Ottawa where she held positions as an International Policy Analyst with the Library of Parliament and a Strategic Analyst at the Department of National Defence. She spent several years as an information and research professional in both academic libraries and the energy industry. Shields holds a master’s in Canadian history from Carleton University and a MSS (master’s of strategic studies) from the Centre for Military and Strategic Studies at the University of Calgary. James Villeneuve Consul General of Canada, Los Angeles James Villeneuve was appointed Consul General of Canada, Los Angeles in February 2014. He is Canada’s senior representative in Southern California, Arizona and Nevada. Previously, Villeneuve worked for Anheuser Busch InBev, the world’s largest brewing company and the parent company of Labatt Breweries, for more than 27 years. He later became Director of Corporate Affairs and then Vice President of Corporate Affairs for Canada. From 2007 to 2009, Villeneuve worked in Brussels to lead InBev’s global corporate affairs practice. Villeneuve has served on many boards during his career, including the Toronto Economic Development Commission, the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, the 2008 Toronto Olympic Bid, the Granville Island Trust, the Association of Canadian Advertisers, Carleton University, the Canadian Club, Teach for America, the United Way and the Regional Chamber and Growth Association in St. Louis. He received a bachelor’s degree from Carleton University in 1985.

Marisa Paula Walker Senior Vice President, Arizona Commerce Authority Marisa Paula Walker began her professional career at the University of Arizona, where for more than a decade she held positions that advised the University’s Associate Vice President for Economic Development on Arizona-Mexico and NAFTA issues; analyzed border economic development opportunities and competitive advantages; and organized forums and symposiums on trilateral collaborations among academic institutions in Canada and Mexico in the areas of university research parks, agricultural biosciences and opticalsciences-photonics. She has authored several reports on subjects including cross-border economic integration and development; targeted industry assessments of Arizona’s Bioscience and Software Industries; and women entrepreneurship and business ownership in the state. Walker also served as the Executive Director for the Arizona Governor’s CANAMEX Task Force where she was responsible for managing projects and priorities regarding transportation and telecommunication infrastructure; technology and process enhancements for cross border shipments; and international trade policy. Currently, Walker leverages the relationship between economic development strategies and infrastructure assets/investments. Key areas include the CANAMEX Corridor, the recently designated I-11, multimodal logistic centers, and Arizona’s international gateways—notably along the Arizona/Mexico border.

Earl Anthony Wayne United States Ambassador to Mexico Earl Anthony “Tony” Wayne has served as Ambassador of the United States to Mexico since 2011. A career diplomat since 1975, Ambassador Wayne guides one of the largest U.S. missions in the world, comprised of the embassy in Mexico City, nine consulates, and nine consular agencies. The mission in Mexico includes 29 U.S. government agencies and over 2,700. Previously, he has served as Deputy Ambassador in Afghanistan, U.S. Ambassador to Argentina and Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs. The U.S. Senate confirmed Wayne to the rank of Career Ambassador in 2010. Among his awards, he has received the Department of State’s Distinguished Honor Award, a Presidential Distinguished Service Award, and two Presidential Meritorious Service Awards. Wayne holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of California, Berkeley, master’s in public administration from Harvard University, and master’s degrees in political science from Princeton University and Stanford University.

Glenn Williamson CEO, Canada Arizona Business Council Glenn Williamson has more than 30 years of entrepreneurial and executive level experience, primarily in the financial and operational aspects of companies. Specializing in accessing the Canadian capital markets for global investments, Williamson is Chairman of EPCOR Water USA, the largest private water utility in Arizona, a subsidiary of EPCOR Utilities which is headquartered in Edmonton, Alberta and has operations in Canada and the U.S. Williamson is also CEO of Nest Ventures L.L.C. Williamson is the Founder and CEO of the Canada Arizona Business Council, a private sector group sanctioned by the Canadian Government and the State of Arizona to work on increasing bilateral trade and foreign direct investment between Canada and Arizona. In 2014, Williamson was appointed Honorary Consul for Canada for Arizona. Duncan Wood Director, Mexico Institute, Wilson Center Duncan Wood is the Director of the Mexico Institute at the Wilson Center. Previously, he was a Professor and the Director of the International Relations Program at the Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico (ITAM) in Mexico City. He has been a member of the Mexican National Research System, an editorial advisor to both Reforma and El Universal newspapers, and is a member of the editorial board of Foreign Affairs Latinoamérica. He was also a non-resident Fulbright Fellow and served as Technical Secretary of the Red Mexicana de Energia, a group of experts in the area of energy policy in Mexico. He has been a Senior Associate with the Simon Chair and the Americas Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, D.C. His research focuses on Mexican energy policy, including renewable energy, and North American relations. Wood is a recipient of the Canadian Governor General’s Visit Award for contributions to the Mexico-Canada relationship. He holds a Ph.D. in political studies from Queen’s University, Canada. Notes Thank You to Our Jessica de Alba-Ullola Program David Bercusson Committee Alberto Foncerrada Berumen Members Jillian Dowding Carlos Camacho Gaos Sapna Gupta Thom Reilly Colin Robertson Maureen Shields William Valencia northamericanprocess.org