Request for Qualifications Commissioning Services

The Gaston County Board of Education seeks to select a Qualified Commissioning Authority or Authorities to provide commissioning services for the new Elementary School in Gastonia, NC and the new Middle School in Stanley, NC. The RFQ document Submittal Requirements may be viewed on the Gaston County Schools website at the following link:

Three (3) bound original copies of the RFQ submission shall be delivered to the address shown below no later than 5:00 PM EST September 23, 2016. No responses will be accepted after the date and time set forth in this paragraph. Include all items specified under the heading Submittal Content.

RFQ submissions may not be submitted via facsimile machine or electronic mail. Respondents should allow sufficient mail delivery time to ensure timely receipt. Gaston County Schools shall bear no responsibility for late mail delivery. Failure to provide all requested information or otherwise comply with these provisions may disqualify a submission. Firms shall submit their qualifications to:

Danny Garrett – Gaston County Schools 943 Osceola Street Gastonia, NC 28054 704-866-6144

Please make specific reference in the qualification submission and in the accompanying cover letter to any legitimately and appropriately confidential or proprietary materials contained in the qualification submission; clearly mark the material accordingly. Gaston County Schools will retain, and is under no obligation to return, any materials submitted in response to this RFQ.

All questions or requests for information regarding this RFQ should be submitted via email to: Danny Garrett [email protected] no later than 12:00 noon Monday September 19, 2016.

Gaston County Schools assumes no liability for any costs associated with preparation or submittal of qualifications. Additionally, Gaston County Schools reserves the right to accept or reject any or all qualifications, to accept a portion of any qualification or to cancel this RFQ in its entirety.

Selection of Commissioning Authority Gaston County Schools will utilize a panel of professionals including , and school administrators to select one (1) Commissioning Authority (CxA) for each school or one (1) CxA for both new schools, solely at discretion of Gaston County Schools. Finalists may be requested to interview with the selection committee and make a formal presentation.

Scope of Services New Elementary School: The project is a 118,243 gross sqft, 2 story, Type IIB building in Gastonia, NC with a project budget of $21 million. The facility is expected to be comprised of 109,184sqft new and 10,461 sqft existing construction. The is Boomerang , MEP design by Optima and the general contractor is Beam Construction of Cherryville, NC. The project is currently in the grading and early construction phase. The expected schedule is to occupy by June 2017. See the plans at the architect’s site at the following link:

New Middle School: The project is a 135,246 gross sqft., 2 story, Type IIB building in Stanley, NC with a project budget of $26 million. The facility will be all new construction. The project is currently in the grading and early construction phase. The Architect is LS3P. MEP design by Optima Engineering and the General Contractor is Branch & Associates of Roanoke, Va. The expected schedule is to occupy by summer or fall of 2017. See the plans at the architect’s site at the following link:!front/aukj9

The Commissioning Authority (CxA) will serve as Gaston County Schools’ (Owner’s) agent to commission all identified components and systems in the Project. The primary role of the CxA shall be to plan, manage, perform and report on the commissioning activities, utilizing the reporting formats and standardized forms provided by the CxA whenever required. The CxA will submit deliverable reports to the Owner according to a project schedule set by the CxA and agreed upon by the Owner. The CxA shall develop and coordinate the execution of a Commissioning Plan; observe and document the installation, check out, and startup of equipment and systems, functional testing to verify and document that equipment and systems function in accord with the requirements of the Contract Documents; and to assist in developing accurate and complete documentation of the construction effort. The commissioning report containing operation and maintenance manuals, results of testing and equipment warranties.

It is extremely important that all commissioning tasks be conducted in a transparent manner and also involve the Owner’s building and operations staff to the greatest degree possible.

The project management structure is traditional design/bid/build with full design documents and specifications developed by an architectural/engineering firm. The construction documents will be let out to bid and a general contractor will be hired to complete the construction. The owner’s primary construction representative on-site will be provided by the separately contracted services of a construction manager. The CxA will be hired by and report directly to the Owner.

Items Outside the CxA’s Scope of Work Establish design concept, design criteria, compliance with codes, design or general construction scheduling, cost estimating, or . The CxA may assist with problem- solving or resolving non-conformance or deficiencies, but ultimately that responsibility resides with the general contractor and the design team. The CxA will report to the owner any deficiencies or discrepancies.

Systems to Commission Systems that shall be commissioned include mechanical, electrical, fire protection and plumbing equipment. This will include the following systems and components: 1. Building automation system (BAS) and associated components 2. Water chillers, chilled water distribution and associated equipment 3. Heating water boilers, heating water distribution and associated equipment 4. Domestic water boilers, domestic water distribution and associated equipment 5. Heat exchangers and associated equipment 6. Air handling units and air distribution 7. Terminal Units 8. Exhaust fans (general, grease, lab) 9. Plumbing drain piping 10. Emergency power supply systems 11. Electrical system from the building entrance through the main switchboard, switchgear, motor control centers, distribution panels and connections to major equipment 12. Lighting control integration to the BAS 13. Utility metering systems integration to the BAS

Formal Documentation Reference Attachment A for a list of required formal written documents.

Construction Phase During the Construction Phase, the CxA will monitor construction progress to ensure that established commissioning objectives will be achieved. The CxA shall provide the following tasks during the construction phase:

1. Continually update and modify Commissioning Plan based on actual construction and installed equipment, and distribute to the Owner, Design Team and GC. 2. Prepare final Prefunctional Checklists and final Functional Test procedures for the equipment and systems. 3. Conduct a Cx kickoff meeting with the design team, construction team and subcontractors to review the Commissioning Plan, Cx scope of work, a preliminary Cx schedule and how to fill out the Prefunctional Checklists. 4. Review and comment on TAB Execution Plan. 5. Create a Construction Variance and Deficiency (Issues) Log of any items observed to be a problem, poorly installed, or discrepancies. 6. Witness a sample of pipe test and flushing procedure, sufficient to be confident that proper procedures are followed. 7. Witness a sample of any ductwork testing and cleaning procedures, sufficient to be confident that proper procedures are followed. 8. Witness a sample of checkout, TAB, end-to-end testing and calibration of controls. 9. Observe the first Prefunctional test of each type of system, including mechanical, controls, electrical and specialty systems.

Acceptance Phase Commissioning during the Acceptance Phase is required to demonstrate that performance of the installed equipment and systems meet the requirements of the Contract Documents. The CxA shall complete the following tasks during the Acceptance Phase:

1. Obtain copies of Prefunctional Checklists from the General Contractor with sign-offs verifying that the systems have been checked out and found in compliance with the manufacturer’s requirements. 2. Check the accuracy of the TAB effort. Direct the TAB contractor to take sample readings and compare to TAB report. a. Check 10% of the TAB report readings of diffusers, grilles, hoods and terminal devices. b. Check 100% of the TAB report readings for the central plant, main AHU’s, and main exhaust fans. c. Document findings in each components or systems respective Functional Test form 3. Witness Performance Testing of smoke purge systems 4. Witness Functional Testing of each major piece of equipment to demonstrate that each item of equipment and system is operating according to the contract documents. Functional Testing shall include operating the system and components through each of the written sequences of operation. Tests on respective HVAC equipment shall be executed during both heating and cooling seasons. 5. Assist in trouble shooting and resolving control system problems as they are discovered. Functional Testing shall be performed on all control points. 6. Check the BAS system graphics to assure all specified graphics and points are provided and mapped. 7. Maintain a Functional/Performance Test Deficiency Log of any items found to be a problem, poorly installed, or discrepancies. Provide the log and rest results to the Owner, Contractor, and Architect with recommended actions. 8. Notify the Owner, GC and Architect of the unacceptable findings if 10% of identical pieces of equipment fail to perform to the requirements of the contract documents during Functional Testing. 9. Review O&M documentation for completeness. This review shall be parallel with the Design Team’s review of the O&M documentation for conformance to the project specification. 10. Review and pre-approve training of the Owner operating personnel by the contractor. 11. Perform seasonal testing checkout of equipment in August for cooling systems and in January for heating systems. 12. Provide five (5) hard copies and three electronic copies of the Commissioning management report (Commissioning Final Report). The report shall include an executive summary, list of participants and roles, brief building description and the following sections: a. Summary Commissioning Report (Initial Occupancy) b. Summary Commissioning Report (10 Month Review) c. Basis of Design d. Project Specifications e. Commissioning Plan f. Drawing Review Records g. Submittal Review Records h. Closeout Documentation Review Records i. Issues Log with Resolutions j. Cx Progress Reports k. Executed Prefunctional Checklists l. Equipment Startup Reports m. Executed Functional Tests n. Blank Prefunctional Checklists o. Blank Functional Test Forms p. Test and Balance Report

Occupancy and Operations Phase 1. Schedule and verify deferred and seasonal testing by the contractor. 2. Verify continuing training. 3. Schedule, organize, and attend a lessons-learned workshop. The workshop is facilitated by an independent member of the [commissioning authority’s firm] [or] [the owner]. 4. Complete the final Commissioning Process Report. 5. Assist in the development of a preventative maintenance plan, a detailed operating plan or an energy and resource management plan. 6. Return to the site at 10 months into the 12-month warranty period. Review with facility staff the current building operation and the condition of outstanding issues related to the original and seasonal commissioning. Also interview facility staff and identify problems or concerns they have with operating the building as originally intended. Make suggestions for improvements and for recording these changes in the O&M manuals. Identify areas that may come under warranty or under the original construction contract. Assist facility staff in developing reports and documents and requests for services to remedy outstanding problems.

Test Equipment The Contractor(s) shall provide all tools or the use of tools as specified by the CxA in the Construction Documents that are required to start, check-out and functionally test equipment and systems, except for identified testing with supplemental portable data loggers which shall be supplied and installed by the CxA.

Data logging equipment, monitoring devices, specialized equipment, and software not required to be provided by the installing contractor in the Contract Documents, and provided by the CxA to monitor, confirm, or verify the contractor’s testing procedure, shall remain the property of the CxA. Equipment provided shall meet the minimum accuracy, calibration and performance standards required by the specified Functional Performance Test.

Expectations of the Commissioning Team Members of the Commissioning Team must be capable of listening, comprehending and responding to the Owner leaders who will give both general and specific guidance for desired project parameters.

The team must have a principal-in-charge that is a Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina, with other Engineers as appropriate that are also registered engineers. Project managers, lead field Engineers, and field support staff may be non-engineers who have the technical training, past field experience and skill in Commissioning, especially in the areas of TAB, HVAC operations, DDC systems and electrical system operations.

Consideration will be given to firms with team members possessing one or more commissioning certifications provided by the following:

1. Building Commissioning Association – Certified Commissioning Professional (CCP) 2. Association of Heating, Refrigeration and Engineers – Commissioning Process Management Professional (CPMP) 3. University of Wisconsin-Madison - Accredited Commissioning Process Authority Professional (CxAP or CAP) 4. AABC Commissioning Group - Certified Commissioning Authority (CxA)

The required expertise for this project must be part of the skill and experience set of the firm making the proposal. It is desirable that the CxA will have acted as the principal CxA for multiple projects over 120,000 square feet and will have acted as principal CxA for a project of a similar type facility as the Project at hand. The Commissioning team members should have extensive experience in:

 Operation and troubleshooting of HVAC systems  Direct digital control (DDC) systems  Lighting control systems  Testing, adjusting and balancing (TAB) of HVAC system  Knowledge and experience in building operations and maintenance  Providing O&M training.  Energy efficient systems design and control strategy optimization.  Writing commissioning specifications and test procedures

Submittal Content Qualification submittals shall include the following information in the listed order. Each section shall be tabbed and labeled “Section 1”, etc. Observe the maximum page quantity for each section:  RFQ Signature Sheet (one page)  Cover Letter (one page)  Section 1: Identify Firm including name, address, phone number and contact person regarding this RFQ. (one page)  Section 2: Provide an organizational chart identifying disciplines, specific personnel, and role of those who will be assigned to this project. (one page)  Section 3: Firm’s capacity (e.g. number of full-time licensed engineers and commissioning personnel). Provide resumes and workload for people assigned to this project. Refer to staff listed in Section 2. (maximum one page per person)  Section 4: Describe your project approach for this project. (two pages)  Section 5: Detail firm’s quality control process with regard to design, document control, and construction administration (one page)  Section 6: Firm’s litigation history. Do you have any pending litigation or binding arbitration with a client? (one page)  Section 7: Copy of your firm’s current professional liability or errors and omissions insurance. (one page)  Section 8: List last five (5) similar projects including date, size, location, and contact person (maximum 5 pages)  Section 9: Describe what makes your firm uniquely qualified for this project (one page)

Selection Process The Owner’s panel of professionals review all qualification submittals and select and rank the most qualified Consultants. The selection and ranking shall be based on the following criteria (listed in alphabetical order):

 Expertise of the team in performing the services required by the project  Key individual experience  Past experience in performing similar projects  Proposed approach to the project  Qualification submittal conformance with instructions in this RFQ

The Owner will interview with the highest ranked Consultants. Negotiations may be formally terminated if they fail to result in a contract within a reasonable time period. Negotiations will then ensue with the second ranked Consultant, and if necessary, the third ranked Consultant. If the second and third round of negotiations fail to result in a contract within a reasonable time period, the solicitation may be formally terminated.

Change in Personnel If the commissioning firm’s personnel or sub-consultants change for this project, the Owner must review and approve the replacement personnel in advance. The replacement personnel shall have at minimum equivalent qualifications as the original personnel.

The signature sheet shall be the top sheet visible upon opening the binder cover.


______Commissioning Firm Principle Professional Engineer in Charge (print)

______Signature Date of Signature


Product Created By Product Description and Form Due Date Deliver To

Scoping Minutes and notes of the <1 week after CxA All CxA Team Meeting Minutes scoping meeting meeting Summary report of observe 2 week after Construction Documents concerns and deficiencies Design Team CxA release of 100% Design Review relative to the Owner Design and Owner documents Intent and Commissioning Summary report of observed 2 weeks after concerns and deficiencies Design Team Final Commissioning Plan CxA release of relative to the Owner Design and Owner documents Intent and Commissioning Final Commissioning plan for 1-2 weeks after construction phase (edited All CxA team Commissioning Schedule CxA Commissioning version of draft plan of bid scoping meeting documents) All Summary Commissioning Initial summary schedule and Equipment submittals CxA schedule: 1 wk team detailed version after scoping

Pre-functional tests and Detailed data on all During normal CxA All subs checklists Commissioning’s equipment submittals Specs and List by equipment of pre- During normal Subs CxA functional tests submittals Specific listing of procedures Start-up and checkout All subs for combining CxA pre- 2 weeks before CxA plans and CxA functional checklists with sub’s execution start-up checkout Filled out pre-functional 1 week after Start-up and initial CxA + normal All subs checklists, tests, start-up and start up checkout reports others: O&M’s initial checkout completion Complete step by step plan on 3 weeks before Controls Contractor Initial Controls checkout and CxA calibration beginning CxA Check-out Plan Contractor procedures, including forms closeout for documentation CxA, CM Outline of TAB plan, approach <6 weeks before TAB plan and approach TAB Controls and schedule TAB Contractor List of discrepancies, TAB progress reports TAB interpretations needed, tests Twice a week CxA and CM completed Product Created By Product Description and Form Due Date Deliver To

Draft TAB report TAB Draft TAB report with <2 weeks after CxA + normal method and results TAB completion others Final TAB report TAB Final TAB report with method <2 weeks after CxA + normal and results TAB completion others; O&M’s Change Orders CM, PM Change orders that affect <1 week after CxA + others Commissioning equipment approved Issues Log CxA Record/track of all issues and Ongoing CM + Owner deficiencies Non- CxA List of deficiencies and non- Issued within 3 Commissioning Compliance/Deficiency compliance with Contract days of Team reports Documents identified during identifying Commissioning Commissioning Progress CxA Record/track of all Ongoing CM Record submittals, checklists, tests, etc Commissioning Progress CxA Gives scheduling needs and Weekly to CM + Owner Reports update, deficiency report, monthly Commissioning progress Owner contracted Subs/vendor Full description of test >4 weeks before CxA functional test forms procedures in “form” format test Functional test forms CxA Full description of test >4 weeks before CM, Subs, O&M’s, procedures in “form” format test A/E Filled out functional test CxA Recorded documentation of With final report CM, Subs, O&M’s, forms the test of the form A/E Functional test final CxA List of test number and Within 4 days of CM approvals description, date of test, successful approval signatures of CxA completion of test O&M Manuals (normal) CM and Subs Documentation of design Before CxA reviews on- equipment, operations and substantial site maintenance, as-builts, etc. completion Training plan Subs Topics and methods 2 weeks before CxA; CM training Training completion CxA List of trainees, completed <2 weeks after CxA form hrs and topics and approvals training (Form C-5c) completion Final Commissioning CxA 4-6 page summary report Draft within 60 CM + Owner report with important findings, etc. days of substantial completion Deferred testing reports CxA Documentation of seasonal Within 2 weeks CM + Owner and deferred tests of test Product Created By Product Description and Form Due Date Deliver To

Re-commissioning CxA Information required for re- Draft within 30 Owner Manual commissioning building days of State systems Final Inspection

Contract to review Owner Proposal from CxA accepted Within 30 days of CxA building operation and contract issued State Final Inspection


Product Description and Product Created By Due Date Deliver To Form

Scoping Minutes and notes of the <1 week after CxA All CxA Team Meeting Minutes scoping meeting meeting

Owner, CxA, details the requirements of Owner’s Project O&M, Users, a project and the All CxA Team Requirements Design Team expectations of operation Owner, Assures Owner’s Project Intial Cx Plan Design Requirements and best Owner Team, CxA practices

Owner, Document stating Systems Manual Outline Owner O&M, CxA operations

Owner, Training Requirements O&M, Design Provided by vendors Owner, CxA Outline Team

Issues Log Format Owner, CxA - Owner

Cx Report Format Owner, Cxa - Owner

Owner, CxA, details the requirements of Owner’s Project O&M, Design a project and the Owner Requirements Update Team expectations of operation

Definitive list of Basis of Design Design Team Owner, CxA requirements Product Description and Product Created By Due Date Deliver To Form

Design Contractors, Construction Team, CxA, CxA, Design Specifications Owner Team

Systems Manual Outline Design Team, CxA (expanded) Contractors

Owner, CxA, Training Requirements Design Team O&M

Requirements in CxA, Design Design Team Specifications Team

Summary report of observe 2 week after Construction Documents concerns and deficiencies Design Team CxA release of 100% Design Review relative to the Owner Design and Owner documents Intent and Commissioning

Design Review Comments CxA Responses to design Design Team

contains a list of ongoing Issues and Resolutions CxA and closed issues of the Ongoing Design Team Log project

Design Team, Issues Report CxA Unresolved Issues Ongoing Owner

Design Cx Process Report CxA Owner

CxA, Design Design details the requirements of Owner’s Project Team, Owner, Team, CxA, a project and the Requirements Update Construction Owner expectations of operation Team

Definitive list of Design Team, Basis of Design Update Design Team requirements CxA

Owner, Design Cx Plan Update CxA < 1 week after Team, Contractor

Submittal Review Reponses pertaining to CxA Contractor Comments Submittals Product Description and Product Created By Due Date Deliver To Form

System Coordination CxA Plans involved Contractor Plans

Evaluation Checklists CxA Checklists of systems Contractor

CxA Team, Evaluation Reports Contractor Results Owner

CxA, CM Outline of TAB plan, <6 weeks before TAB plan and approach TAB Controls approach and schedule TAB Contractor

Draft TAB report with <2 weeks after CxA + normal Draft TAB report TAB method and results TAB completion others

Contractor Training Plans Topics and methods O&M, Users or CxA

CxA, Users, Systems Manual Contractor O&M Booklet O&M

Draft observed concerns and Preliminary Construction Prior to CxA deficiencies relative to the Owner Cx Report occupancy Design Summary report of observed 2 weeks after concerns and deficiencies Design Team Commissioning Summary CxA release of relative to the Owner Design and Owner documents Intent and Commissioning details the requirements of CxA, Design Owner’s Project CxA a project and the Team, Requirements Update expectations of operation Contractors

Definitive list of Design Team, Basis of Design Update Design Team requirements CxA

Maintenance Program CxA O&M regarding systems Contractor

Test Procedures CxA Contractor Product Description and Product Created By Due Date Deliver To Form

Contractor, Test Data Reports CxA Results O&M

Design Team, Record/track of all issues Issues & Resolutions Log CxA Ongoing Owner and deficiencies Contractors Design Team, Issues Report CxA Unresolved Issues Ongoing Owner, Contractor Final Commissioning plan for 1-2 weeks after construction phase (edited All CxA team Commissioning Schedule CxA Commissioning version of draft plan of bid scoping meeting documents) All Summary Commissioning Initial summary schedule Equipment submittals CxA schedule: 1 wk team and detailed version after scoping

Pre-functional tests and Detailed data on all During normal CxA All subs checklists Commissioning’s equipment submittals

Specs and List by equipment of pre- During normal PCs Completed Subs CxA functional tests submittals

Specific listing of procedures Start-up and checkout All subs and for combining CxA pre- 2 weeks before CxA plans CxA functional checklists with execution sub’s start-up checkout Filled out pre-functional 1 week after Start-up and initial CxA + normal All subs checklists, tests, start-up and start up checkout reports others: O&M’s initial checkout completion Complete step by step plan on checkout and CxA 3 weeks before Controls Contractor Initial Controls calibration procedures, beginning CxA Check-out Plan Contractor including forms for closeout documentation

Final TAB report with <2 weeks after CxA + normal Final TAB report TAB method and results TAB completion others; O&M’s

Change orders that affect <1 week after Change Orders CM, PM CxA + others Commissioning equipment approved Product Description and Product Created By Due Date Deliver To Form

Record/track of all issues Issues Log CxA Ongoing CM + Owner and deficiencies

List of deficiencies and non- Non- Issued within 3 compliance with Contract Commissioning Compliance/Deficiency CxA days of Documents identified during Team reports identifying Commissioning Record/track of all Commissioning Progress CxA submittals, checklists, tests, Ongoing CM Record etc Gives scheduling needs and Commissioning Progress Weekly to CxA update, deficiency report, CM + Owner Reports monthly Commissioning progress

Owner contracted Full description of test >4 weeks before CxA Subs/vendor functional test forms procedures in “form” format test

Full description of test >4 weeks before CM, Subs, Functional test forms CxA procedures in “form” format test O&M’s, A/E

Filled out functional test Recorded documentation of CM, Subs, CxA With final report forms the test of the form O&M’s, A/E

Within 4 days of List of test number and Functional test final successful CxA description, date of test, CM approvals completion of approval signatures of CxA test Documentation of design Before CxA reviews O&M Manuals (normal) CM and Subs equipment, operations and substantial on-site maintenance, as-builts, etc. completion

2 weeks before Training plan Subs Topics and methods CxA; CM training

List of trainees, completed <2 weeks after Training completion form CxA hrs and topics and approvals training CxA (Form C-5c) completion Draft within 60 Final Commissioning 4-6 page report with days of CxA CM + Owner Report important findings, etc. substantial completion

Documentation of seasonal Within 2 weeks Deferred testing reports CxA CM + Owner and deferred tests of test Product Description and Product Created By Due Date Deliver To Form

Information required for re- Draft within 30 Re-commissioning CxA commissioning building days of State Owner Manual systems Final Inspection

Within 30 days of Contract to review Proposal from CxA accepted Owner State Final CxA building operation and contract issued Inspection