Late Eocene detrital laterites in central : Mass balance geochemistry, depositional setting, and landscape evolution

Erick A. Bestland Gregory J. Retallack Department of Geological Sciences, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 97403-1272 Andrea E. Rice } Andrea Mindszenty Department of Applied and Environmental Geology, Eo¨tvo¨s L. University, 1088 Budapest, Hungary

ABSTRACT The lower of the two sets of detrital lat- that climate remained subtropical and hu- erites is associated with a thick rhyodacite mid up to the Oligocene-Eocene boundary. Detrital laterites interbedded with clayey, flow in the upper Clarno Formation and has Ultisol-like paleosols in the late Eocene an up-section increase in the degree of INTRODUCTION strata of central Oregon record periods of weathering and concentration of resistate soil erosion, colluvial concentration of iron- constituents, as determined by mass-bal- Iron and aluminum-rich, red-colored soils cemented soil nodules, and deposition of ance geochemical analysis. The time span with laterite horizons cover extensive areas these weathered products in hillslope set- represented by this well-developed weather- of the world today and covered even more tings. Two sets of lateritic paleosols are ex- ing trend is estimated to be between 2 and 4 extensive areas in the past. The prevailing tensively exposed in the Painted Hills area m.y. based on estimates of the time of for- view of laterites and Oxisols is that of a re- of Oregon and span the transition from Eo- mation of interbedded paleosols. This long- sidual weathering product of insoluble ox- cene Clarno Formation andesitic volcanism lasting weathering trend is probably the re- ides and hydroxides of Fe, Al, Ti, Mn, and to the initiation of late Eocene–Miocene py- sult of a lack of soil rejuvenation resulting silicate clays. These processes are promoted roclastic volcanism of the John Day Forma- from the late Eocene hiatus between Clarno in humid, tropical climates, hence the abun- tion. These late Eocene lateritic paleosols and John Day volcanism. dance of lateritic soils in these areas, but are developed along the margins of several dif- A developmental model for the formation also possible in humid cool climates (Taylor ferent lava flows where they formed local of the detrital laterites and Ultisol-like pa- et al., 1992). The processes by which these accumulations of iron-rich strata, which are leosols involves alternating episodes of soil constituents are concentrated and organized now exposed in deep-red and ocher-colored formation and soil erosion in which iron- into the soils we see today is an area of on- badlands along the exhumed flow margins. rich soil nodules are concentrated as a col- going discussion (Brimhall et al., 1988; Na- Stratigraphically, the lateritic paleosols are luvial lag deposit on the toe slope of hills. hon, 1986, 1991). Laterization processes can above upper Clarno Formation rhyodacite Subsequent colluvial pulses of iron-ce- be grouped into in situ geochemical process- flows, below the thick tuffaceous Oligocene– mented gravel were increasingly weathered es, lateral ground-water processes, and land- early Miocene part of the John Day Forma- and rich in resistate constituents because of scape denudation processes. This last group tion, and sandwich the welded tuff of mem- longer residence time in up-slope soils. Dur- includes colluvial or mechanical processes ber A that defines the base of the John Day ing periods of landscape stability, slow ver- of residual concentration and the resulting Formation. In each of several cases from tical accretion of soils by small additions of formation of detrital laterites. These ‘‘low- different lava flows studied, a similar se- volcanic ash and dust produced the strongly level’’ or ‘‘slope-bottom’’ laterites (McFar- quence of detrital laterites and clayey pa- developed, but nonlateritic, Ultisol-like lane, 1976) have been studied in relation to leosols rest on weathered lava flow breccia. paleosols. The episodes of soil erosion pro- landscape erosion in modern settings. How- The basal paleosol of these sequences con- bably correspond to periods of climatic ever, long-duration depositional records of sists of a thick (5–10 m), very strongly change during the late Eocene climatic detrital laterites have not been previously weathered saprolite zone developed in lava deterioration. documented from modern or ancient exam- flow breccia and an overlying clayey B ho- The John Day Formation detrital later- ples. Sequences of detrital laterites are valu- rizon. This paleosol is overlain by 8–12 m of ites and clayey paleosols are very similar to able recorders of climatic and tectonic alternating clayey, kaolinite-rich paleosols the Clarno formation laterites except for the change and geomorphic process. (Ultisol-like paleosols) and weakly devel- presence throughout the section of 1%–3% This paper investigates a sequence of late oped paleosols with iron-rich, claystone pyrogenic feldspar crystals. No up-section Eocene ironstones, paleosols, and volcanic breccia fragments (detrital laterites). The increase in weathering is observed in the units as a guide to the formation of detrital iron-cemented claystone fragments are up John Day detrital laterites, perhaps because laterites. Laterites commonly record long

to 35% Fe2O3, very base poor, and weather- of rejuvenation of soils by volcanic ash. The periods of tectonic and climatic stability; resistant, and they contain abundant cross- similar textures and chemistries of the two however, the detrital laterites described cutting clay skins and clay-filled pedotu- groups of detrital laterites, despite the onset here probably owe their lateritic character bules indicative of polycyclic weathering. of John Day pyroclastic volcanism, indicate to periods of soil erosion that were associ-

GSA Bulletin; March 1996; v. 108; no. 3; p. 285–302; 16 figures; 1 table.


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ated with climatic instability. Polycyclic weathering of material from late Eocene vol- canic landforms and dilution of this weath- ered material with the onset of pyroclastic John Day volcanism is documented in this paper. Additionally, this study differs mark- edly from classic geomorphic studies of la- terites because here we describe a deposi- tional sequence of detrital laterites rather than the erosional remains of a laterite. In most erosional settings that contain later- ites, superposed phases of soil formation and residual concentration have combined to form complex polygenetic profiles. In the case of these late Eocene detrital laterites, incipient stages of residual concentration have been preserved.

Laterization and Detrital Laterites

An extensive literature exists on laterite soils and processes of laterite formation (Buchanan, 1807; Babington, 1821; King, 1882; Maclaren, 1906; Simpson, 1912; Mulcahy, 1960; Trendall, 1962; Nahon, 1986; Brimhall et al., 1991). For the first 100 yr after Buchanan (1807) first described la- terite, there was general agreement that la- terite is an end product of weathering where the more mobile constituents are removed and immobile constituents accumulate through concentration (Babington, 1821; Benza, 1836; Clark, 1838). Further, accord- Figure 1. Generalized geologic map of north-central Oregon modified from Walker ing to this view, laterite developed contem- (1990). poraneously with the reduction of the land- scape surface on which it formed. A second ally receding plateaus (Brammer, 1962; Mc- sic model involves the slope retreat of a mas- generation of ideas on the formation of la- Farlane, 1971, 1976; Fitzgerald, 1980). Yet a sive capping laterite horizon and the down- terites later developed and involved the de- third model of laterite and pallid-zone for- slope accumulations of iron-rich nodules or scription and formalization of distinctive ho- mation incorporates the long-term accumu- pisoliths to form obvious conglomeratic tex- rizons such as ‘‘mottled’’ and ‘‘pallid’’ lation of dust producing the laterite pallid tures (McFarlane, 1976). The other end horizons, which are relatively iron-poor ho- zone couplet (Brimhall et al., 1988). By this member of detrital laterites involves the ac- rizons and are commonly associated with model, the pallid zone is more deeply weath- cumulation of iron-rich nodules or pisoliths red (iron-rich), brick-like laterite (Mac- ered and lighter colored because it is geo- in slope-bottom positions by the less dra- laren, 1906; Simpson, 1912; Walther, 1915). logically older than the geologically younger matic erosional processes of soil erosion and In this view, the iron-rich residual horizons overlying laterite. colluvial movement, which does not neces- are considered to be zones of precipitation, The concept of detrital laterite was res- sarily involve headscarp retreat of a massive where products were added and subtracted urrected from the original concept of later- lateritic caprock. during alternating wet and dry conditions. ites as sediments of residual weathering The second model of soil erosion with its Conversely, the mottled and pallid zones are through the recognition that topography has concentration of iron-rich nodules into considered to be leached under reducing had an affect on the formation of many la- conditions, with iron transported in the fer- terites (Stephens, 1961; Trendall, 1962; de slope bottom beds is the preferred model for rous state and precipitated as ferric iron in Swardt, 1964). The variations of detrital the formation of most of the laterite hori- the upper parts of the fluctuating water ta- laterites with topography have received rel- zons studied in the Painted Hills (Bestland ble, thus forming the iron-rich laterite cap. atively little attention compared to other et al., 1994a) and will be discussed in later More recently, the relatively iron-poor pal- aspects of laterites (McFarlane, 1976), es- sections. The lateritic paleosols discussed in lid zone is thought to have been formed by pecially considering the wealth of geomor- this report are interpreted as colluvial accu- iron-leaching, lateral-flowing, near-surface phic, tectonic, and climatic data contained mulations of detrital iron-rich material, al- acidic ground waters that originated from in sequences of detrital laterites. though a thin, bleached, iron-poor pallid perched swamps as it seeps beneath the There are two end-member models for zone does occur below iron-rich material at iron-rich laterite to the margin of erosion- the formation of detrital laterites. The clas- the top of a thick saprolite in one of the

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Figure 2. Geologic map of the Painted Hills area and corresponding cross section.

examples discussed, indicating in situ later- volcanoes and their reworked equivalents clayey alluvial paleosols of former flood- itic weathering. (Waters et al., 1951; Oles and Enlows, 1971; plains, weakly developed paleosols inter- Rogers and Novitsky-Evans, 1977; Rogers bedded with debris flows and andesite lava GEOLOGIC FRAMEWORK and Ragland, 1980; Noblett, 1981; Walker flows, and residual paleosols with thick sa- and Robinson, 1990; Suayah and Rogers, prolite zones that occur between major Sequences of conglomeratic ironstones, 1991; White and Robinson, 1992). The for- lithostratigraphic units. The detrital later- clayey paleosols, and associated volcanic mation is dominated by andesite lava flows ites discussed below are associated with this units span the upper part of the Clarno For- and coarse-grained volcaniclastic strata that last group of paleosols. mation and the lower part of the John Day were deposited in alluvial aprons and braid- Paleosols have been recognized previ- Formation, both of late Eocene age (Best- plains that flanked active volcanoes (White ously in the Clarno Formation by the pres- land and Retallack, 1994a). The Clarno For- and Robinson, 1992; Bestland et al., 1994b). ence of thick sections of red beds rich in mation (Fig. 1) represents a subduction-re- Paleosols in the Clarno Formation can be clay, which occur in different parts of the lated volcanic arc that consisted of andesitic grouped into the following general types: formation. These have been referred to var-

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iously as ‘‘soil zones,’’ ‘‘saprolite,’’ or ‘‘weathering zones’’ (Waters et al., 1951; Peck, 1964; Hay, 1963; Fisher, 1964; Fisher, 1968). Some of the more continuous pa- leosol units have been used locally as marker horizons (Waters et al., 1951; Oles and Enlows, 1971). However, no regional stratigraphic framework utilizing these pa- leosol horizons or volcanic marker beds has been proposed for the Clarno Formation (Oles and Enlows, 1971; Walker and Rob- inson, 1990). Thick, red, and clayey pa- leosols with associated saprolites are present throughout the Clarno Formation; however, thick, strongly developed weather- ing profiles are more prevalent in the upper part of the formation (Bestland et al., 1994b). Their presence at or near the top of the Clarno Formation supports the ex- tension of the Telluride erosion surface and its corresponding tectonic hiatus to the Pacific Northwest (Gresens, 1981). Detrital laterites have been identified in many of these prominent paleosol pack- ages throughout central Oregon (Best- land, unpubl. mapping). The onset of Cascade volcanism at ca. 40–42 Ma (Duncan and Kulm, 1989; Lux, 1982; Fiebelkorn et al., 1983) changed the composition of alluvium in the John Day Basin from andesitic and dacitic epiclastic detritus of the Clarno Formation to rhyo- dacitic pyroclastically derived detritus of the John Day Formation (late Eocene, Oligo- cene, and early Miocene). These primary Figure 3. Geologic map of the Painted Cove rhyodacite body and the ‘‘Brown Grotto’’ pyroclastic, alluvial, and lacustrine deposits area. Strike and dip of conglomeratic ironstones of unit Tcu (upper Clarno claystones) represent the distal tuffaceous deposits from illustrate the onlapping geometry of lateritic paleosols with the rhyodacite flow unit. Cascade vents in the western Cascades and from more proximal vents now buried or partially buried by the High Cascade volcan- ic cover (Robinson et al., 1984, 1990). In scattered localities within the lower part of the John Day Formation, basalt and ande- site flows are interstratified with the tuffa- ceous claystones (Peck, 1961, 1964; Swanson and Robinson, 1968; Hay, 1963; Robinson, 1969; Bestland, et al., 1994b). These flows were a local source of epiclastic (nonpyro- genic) detritus and important landscape fea- tures during the accumulation of the formation. The John Day Formation is divided into eastern, western, and southern facies on the basis of geography and lithology (Wood- burne and Robinson, 1977; Robinson et al., 1984). The Blue Mountains uplift separates the western and eastern facies and restricted deposition of much of the coarser-grained pyroclastic material to the western facies. The much finer-grained eastern facies, con- Figure 4. Stratigraphy and cross-section of Painted Cove rhyodacite body.

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identified by the presence of abundant py- rogenic grains in claystones rich with smec- tite in John Day Formation strata. In the Painted Hills area, a thick section (260 m) of Big Basin Member strata is preserved in the Sutton Mountain syncline (also the Mitchell syncline of Fisher, 1967). Evidence that this area was a topographic low during the ac- cumulation of the upper Clarno Formation includes the distribution of upper Clarno rhyodacite flow bodies along the axis of the syncline, which indicate paleoflow direction (Fig. 2). Paleosols have long been known from the John Day Formation (Fisher, 1964, 1968; Hay, 1962; Retallack, 1991a, 1991b; Geta- hun and Retallack, 1991; Bestland et al., 1994b; Bestland and Retallack, 1994a, 1994b). In the eastern facies of the forma- tion, fine-grained deposits are the predom- inant lithology and are interpreted as vari- ous kinds of floodplain paleosols (Retallack, 1991a, 1991b; Bestland et al., 1994b; Best- land and Retallack, 1994a, 1994b) with a few occurrences of colluvial paleosols (Bestland et al., 1994a). Lateritic paleosol profiles in the John Day Formation are described by Fisher (1964, 1968) in the Turtle Cove–Big Basin area of central Oregon. According to Fisher (1964), laterization and the formation of an iron- and kaolinite-rich hardpan occurred during the hiatus between Clarno and John Day vol- canism; this hardpan developed on weath- ered Cretaceous conglomerates that define an erosional surface with relief of up to 90 m. Fisher (1968) also compares less well- developed red and drab-colored paleosols from the John Day Formation and notes their landscape association (well drained with red and poorly drained with drab) and Figure 5. (a) Core-stones of saprolitic rhyolite with overlying conglomeratic ironstone their incipient lateritic character (iron and horizons from locality 500 m west of ‘‘Brown Grotto’’ (Fig. 3). (b) Angular discordance aluminum concentration). between two sequences of conglomeratic ironstones. Lower sequence is associated with the In the Painted Hills area, a marked con- andesite of Bridge Creek Canyon, and the upper sequence, which truncates the lower, is trast exists in terms of lithology between the part of the red claystones of ‘‘Brown Grotto’’ associated with the rhyolite of Bear Creek. late Eocene section discussed here and the main, Oligocene–early Miocene tuffaceous, smectitic, and zeolitic part of the John Day sisting predominantly of silty claystones and the few localities in the John Day Basin Formation. Recent radiometric dating has tuffs, is divided into four members (Fisher where western facies ash-flow tuffs, or their established an early Oligocene age for the and Rensberger, 1972). From bottom to top, air-fall or reworked equivalents, interfinger tuffaceous strata that directly overlie the they are the late Eocene–early Oligocene with eastern facies members, thus allowing red, clayey, lateritic part of the section Big Basin Member (red claystones), the Oli- correlations of eastern and western facies (Swisher, unpubl. data; Bestland et al., gocene Turtle Cove Member (green and lithostratigraphic units (Bestland and Retal- 1993). A late Eocene age of 39.7 Ϯ 0.03 Ma, buff tuffaceous claystones), the late Oligo- lack, 1994a). The basal ash-flow tuff sheet obtained from the welded tuff of member A cene Kimberly Member (massive tuff beds), (welded tuff of member A) occurs in this of the basal John Day Formation (Bestland and the late Oligocene–early Miocene Hay- area and allows the base of the formation to et al., 1993; Swisher, unpubl. data), com- stack Valley Member (tuffaceous conglom- be identified. Elsewhere in the eastern fa- pares with the 42 Ma estimate for the initi- erates). The Painted Hills area is in the west- cies, the contact between the Clarno and ation of Cascade volcanism (Duncan and ern part of the eastern facies and is one of John Day Formations is transitional and Kulm, 1989; Lux, 1982; Fiebelkorn et al.,

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Figure 6. (a) Line drawing of the ‘‘Brown Grotto’’ badlands. (b) Photograph of the ‘‘Brown Grotto’’ badlands viewed from the east.

1983). An Eocene–Oligocene boundary age Lava Flow Margin Depositional Setting andesite and rhyodacite lava flows, tuffs, of ca. 34 Ma is accepted here based on sin- red claystones, and conglomeratic iron- gle-crystal, laser fusion 40Ar/39Ar dates as The lateritic paleosols in the Painted Hills stones in the Painted Hills area has estab- well as the magnetostratigraphy of North area are closely associated with andesite and lished a complex stratigraphic succession American nonmarine rocks (Swisher and rhyodacite flows of the upper Clarno and (Figs. 2–4). Mapping of individual ironstone Prothero, 1990; Berggren et al., 1992) and lower John Day Formations. Further, the horizons as well as lava flow breccia and sa- the paleomagnetic record from the mid- geometry and distribution of these discon- prolite zones along the margins of lava flows ocean ridges (Cande and Kent, 1992). Thus, tinuous lava flow units were important com- has documented the onlapping nature of the detrital laterites described here range in ponents in the formation of these lateritic many of these contacts (Figs. 3 and 4). The age from ca. 44–34 Ma, or late Eocene. paleosols. Stratigraphic mapping of the conglomeratic ironstones pinch out laterally

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Figure 7. Sketch map of the northern flow margin of andesite of Sand Mountain and the Red Ridge area with cross section showing the relationship between the andesite flow, andesite breccia–saprolite, clayey paleosols, and conglomeratic ironstones.

away from flow margin settings. Tracing of Figs. 3 and 4). Where unweathered, this weathered andesite and overlying claystones clayey beds associated with lava flow mar- upper flow unit is a plagioclase-rich, porphy- is up to 40 m thick. These red claystones are gins into high-standing, flat-lying paleotopo- ritic andesite with white, medium- to coarse- sandwiched between the andesite of Bridge graphic settings (lava flow–top plateau po- grained plagioclase crystals set in a dark- Creek Canyon and overlying flow units sitions) indicates that these clayey paleosol gray, sub-glassy groundmass. Exposures of (Fig. 2) and are referred to as the red clay- beds are not conglomeratic, but do consist the top of this flow along Bear Creek and in stones of ‘‘Coyote Canyon’’ (Bestland and of well-developed paleosols that in some canyons west and east of Sand Mountain re- Retallack, 1994a). These claystones produce cases contain small iron nodules. Landscape veal the following stratigraphic succession a prominent red swath in the canyons just relief on these lava flow hills during the ac- from lava flow interior up into weathered north of Sand Mountain where they are cumulation of the detrital laterites in both flow-top breccia and overlying paleosols: overlain by the platy rhyodacite of Bear the Clarno and John Day Formations was on porphyritic andesite, vesicular andesitic sa- Creek. South of Sand Mountain, the rhyo- the order of 50–100 m over distances of a prolite, dark reddish-brown granular tex- dacite of Bear Creek pinches out, and the few hundred meters. tured and very weathered andesitic sapro- andesite of Sand Mountain overlies these Andesite of Bridge Creek Canyon. In the lite, and reddish-brown to red claystones claystones. Farther south in Fitzgerald Painted Hills area the stratigraphically low- rich in kaolinite. This last unit is interpreted Basin, the welded tuff of member A of the est lava flow with associated detrital lateritic as Ultisol-like paleosols. The capping pa- basal John Day Formation overlies these paleosols is the andesite of Bridge Creek leosols contain small (Ϸ1 cm) iron nodules claystones. Canyon. This lithostratigraphic package of in the lower parts of Bt horizons but lack Rhyodacite of Bear Creek. The rhyodacite lava flows is capped by a distinctive porphy- both conglomeratic textures of ironstones of Bear Creek forms the base of the section ritic andesite flow, mapped throughout the and plinthic horizons (weakly indurated studied in stratigraphic and geochemical de- Bear Creek–Sand Mountain–Bridge Creek subsurface horizons enriched in iron; Soil tail (Fig. 2). In the vicinity of Painted Hills, Canyon areas (unit Tca of Fig. 2; unit Tcanp Survey Staff, 1975). The entire section of this unit is located stratigraphically in the

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Downloaded from by guest on 26 September 2021 Figure 8. (a) ‘‘Red Ridge’’ locality viewed from the west. The truncation surface between the lower red claystones and the upper light-colored claystones marks the Eocene-Oligocene boundary. (b) Close-up of ‘‘Red Ridge’’ locality showing gradational contact between the saprolitic andesite breccia and the overlying red claystones.

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upper part of the Clarno formation and can T. 11 S.) exposes a thin (1–3 m) red clay- breccia by creep on low-gradient slopes. be traced up a paleogradient to the large stone unit that separates the welded tuff of These lava flow margin units were not ob- rhyolitic dome complex of Sheep Mountain, member A from the andesite of Sand Moun- served in Fitzgerald Basin (Fig. 2). part of which is exposed at the southwestern tain. Two Ultisol-like paleosols and four In- corner of the map in Figure 2. The Painted ceptisol-like paleosols are present in 6.5 m Cove rhyodacite body, mapped in detail in of strata between the welded tuff of member LATERITIC PALEOSOLS Figures 3 and 4, is the most distal exposure A and the andesite of Sand Mountain in the of this rhyodacite flow (Fig. 2). Mantling the Fitzgerald Ranch area (Bestland and Retal- Five distinctive types of paleosols are rec- rhyolite body are red claystones and con- lack, 1994a). ognized in the two sets of lateritic strata in glomeratic ironstones belonging to the up- In the Painted Hills area, the northern the Painted Hills area (Table 1). Delinea- per Clarno Formation (Fig. 5a) and referred margin of the andesite of Sand Mountain is tion of these paleosol types is based on dis- to as the red claystones of ‘‘Brown Grotto.’’ well exposed; detailed mapping illustrates tinctive characteristics such as texture, fab- This sequence truncates an underlying se- the onlapping relationship of the red- and ric, clay structures, grain size, color, quence of conglomeratic ironstones (de- ochre-colored ironstones and claystones of horizonation patterns, outcrop weathering trital laterites), andesite, and andesitic sa- the lower Big Basin Member on the andesite characteristics, and geochemistry of the var- prolite associated with the andesite of of Sand Mountain (Fig. 7). At several local- ious paleosols. Most of these features were Bridge Creek Canyon (Fig. 5b). Also man- ities along this flow margin, weather-resis- determined by field inspection of fresh rock tling the rhyodacite are red and buff smec- tant ironstone layers (unit Tjcb of Fig. 7) that was exposed by trenching badlands and titic claystones and tuffaceous claystones of exhibit a partial encircling geometry around following field methods of Retallack (1988). the lower John Day Formation. This onlap irregularities of the flow margin. Locally, a Detailed descriptions and interpretations of relationship of conglomerates and claystone 180Њ reversal of the dip azimuth occurs over type profiles are presented elsewhere (Best- on rhyodacite is extensively exposed along a 100 m distance, with dips of up to 28Њ land and Retallack, 1994a). Each paleosol the exhumed margin of the Painted Cove (Fig. 7). In contrast, the andesite of Sand or pedotype is considered a recognizable rhyodacite body (Fig. 6). Mountain dips uniformly to the north- and distinct rock type or paleosol pedotype Andesite of Sand Mountain. This thick northwest at 5Њ–6Њ. The ironstone layers fol- (sensu Retallack, 1994) and not a pedofacies and extensive andesite flow unit has been low the strike of the irregular and lobate in the sense of Kraus and Bown (1988). Pedo- mapped in the Painted Hills–Sand Moun- flow margin of the andesite unit. Also along facies commonly contain more than one tain area (unit Tjan of Figs. 2 and 7) and is the northern flow margin of the andesite of type of paleosol, similar to sedimentary fa- discussed here in context of the red- and Sand Mountain, a varicolored andesite brec- cies that contain different sedimentary struc- ochre-colored ironstones (detrital laterites) cia unit, which grades into the andesite of tures. Each pedotype is interpreted to be the of the lower John Day Formation. The an- Sand Mountain, underlies the ironstone and product of similar soil-forming environ- desite flow unit is thick (up to 100 m in the clayey paleosol horizons (Fig. 8). A short ments in which the processes of climate, SW1/4 sec. 8, T. 11 S., R. 21 E.) and was distance away from the andesite flow margin landscape position, flora and fauna, parent dated at 37.5 Ma using whole rock potassi- (tens of meters), the breccia is interbedded material, and time of formation have com- um-argon methods (Hay, 1962; Evernden et with red claystones and then thins and bined to produce a distinctive soil, similar to al., 1964). This age is compatible with the pinches out. This distinctive breccia contains soil series on modern landscapes and pa- 39.7 Ma 40Ar/39Ar age determination on the altered clasts of andesite, which weather leosol series (Retallack, 1983). The five underlying welded tuff of member A of the into light gray and yellowish colors. The unit pedotypes described here are named from John Day Formation, dated in the Painted is interpreted as the weathered remnant of a the local Sahaptin Native American lan- Hills (Bestland and Retallack, 1994a; lava flow margin breccia. Breccia that is lat- guage (DeLancey et al., 1988; Rigsby, 1965), Swisher, unpubl. data). A canyon that cuts erally interbedded with claystones repre- based on a distinctive attribute of the pa- through this flow (center of sec. 12, R. 20 E., sents colluvial movement of flow margin leosol such as color (Tiliwal ϭ blood), tex-

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Figure 9. ‘‘Brown Grotto’’ stratigraphic section with corresponding constituent concentrations with depth functions and strain cal- culated for Ti and Zr, assuming parent material composition of rhyodacite (Painted Cove rhyodacite body) shown on the bottom axis.

ture (Sak ϭ onion), or resistance to weath- mapped as rhyodacite of Bear Creek dotype) which contains abundant pebble ering (Apax ϭ skin). (Fig. 2). and granule-sized iron-cemented clasts. The The ‘‘Brown Grotto’’ section is divided abundance of these clasts decreases toward Upper Clarno Formation Paleosols into the following general groupings, from the top of this profile. The middle laterite bottom to top (Figs. 6 and 9): (1) A lower horizon (an Apax pedotype) is a prominent, ‘‘Brown Grotto’’ Section. In the upper saprolite with core-stones and clay infillings weather-resistant unit that contains abun- Clarno Formation, at a site informally called is weather resistant, thick, and extensively dant pebble- to gravel-sized iron-cemented ‘‘Brown Grotto’’ (see Fig. 3), a sequence of exposed around the base of the hills of ex- clasts. A concentration of clay-filled root weather-resistant conglomeratic ironstones humed rhyodacite where it weathers into a traces in the lower third of this unit is inter- (Apax pedotype), kaolinite-rich claystones thin, rocky soil with abundant granules of preted as an AB paleosol horizon and prob- (Tiliwal pedotype), and varicolored rhyoda- light-gray saprolite. The saprolite is part of ably marked the top of a soil profile (Fig. 9). cite saprolite (Nukut pedotype) encircles an the C horizon of the Nukut paleosol. (2) The Above the middle laterite are two Tiliwal exhumed hill of rhyodacite. The rhyodacite Bt horizon of the Nukut paleosol is the low- paleosols, indicated on Figure 9 by Bt pa- is exposed extensively on hills 2255 and 2154 est clayey horizon in this section that lacks leosol horizons. The coarser horizon that in the Painted Hills area (secs. 35 and 36, T. rhyolite core-stones or abundant iron-ce- separates the two Bt horizons contains 10 S., R. 20 E.) and is the distal exposure of mented clasts. (3) Above the Nukut paleosol weakly weathered volcanic rock fragments. an 8-km-long lava flow referred to and is the lower laterite horizon (an Apax pe- A sharp contact separates the middle Tiliwal

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Figure 10. (a) Photomicrograph of clastic texture with cross-cutting clay skins and detrital quartz grains. (b) Pore-filling clay texture in conglomeratic ironstone.

and the upper Tiliwal with a sandy claystone formation of these paleosols, based on com- Grotto’’ section are indicative of deep and horizon at the base. The uppermost Tiliwal parison with modern soils with similar de- extensive soil weathering (Fig. 9). The over- paleosol contains abundant and distinctive gree of weathering and saprolite develop- all chemical variations follow the lithologic mottling features and burrow traces. The ment, range from 100 000 to millions of breaks described in the previous section. lower half of the profile is pervasively mot- years (Bestland and Retallack, 1994a). Tili- The clayey Nukut, Sak, and Tiliwal pedo- tled red and cream on a millimeter scale. wal and Nukut pedotypes are comparable to types have depth trends internal to each pro- The upper half of the profile contains large Ultisols of the Appalachian Piedmont of the file resulting from in situ weathering and soil drab-haloed root traces with clay-filled cen- southeastern United States, which are Qua- horizonation. Generally, the ironstones or

tral pedotubules. Above the upper Tiliwal ternary in age and have residence times es- detrital laterite horizons have lower Al2O3 paleosol sits the weather-resistant sandy and timated at 1–3 m.y. (Pavich and Obermeier, and higher Fe2O3 than the clayey paleosol conglomeratic ironstone of the upper later- 1985; Pavich et al., 1989; Markewich et al., horizons. The variations in these two ele-

ite (Apax pedotype profile). The upper lat- 1990). The Apax profiles are more difficult ments are large enough to affect the SiO2 erite has well-cemented iron-rich clasts, to compare with modern analogues (Best- percentage and consequently, where Fe2O3 which weather out in positive relief. These land and Retallack, 1994a); however, con- increases, SiO2 decreases. Other important clasts contain numerous cross-cutting clay sidering illuviation clay skins and the weak general trends are the depletion of bases up- skins and infilled pedotubules (Fig. 10). internal differentiation, at least a few thou- section from the rhyolite and rhyolitic sa- The ‘‘Brown Grotto’’ stratigraphic section sand years is required (Birkeland, 1984). An prolite to the clayey paleosols and laterite includes four very strongly developed in situ approximate estimate of the time contained horizons. The detrital laterite horizons are paleosol profiles (Tiliwal and Nukut pedo- in these paleosols is on the order of 2–4 m.y. distinctly lower in bases and higher in resid- types) and four moderately developed Geochemistry of Paleosols. Depth trends ual components (Ti, V, Zr, and Feϩ3) than Apax-type paleosols. Time estimates for the in element concentrations in the ‘‘Brown the clayey paleosol horizons. The high iron

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Figure 11. ‘‘Red Ridge’’ stratigraphic section with corresponding bulk-rock (X-ray fluorescence) geochemical depth functions and strain calculated for Ti and Zr, assuming parent material composition of andesite (andesite of Sand Mountain) shown on the bottom axis.

concentration in the detrital laterite hori- Lower John Day Formation Paleosols itive relief (Fig 8). (2) Gradational with the zons distorts comparison between silica breccia is a Sak pedotype Bt clayey horizon and aluminum values from the clayey pa- ‘‘Red Ridge’’ Section. In the lower part of with core-stones of weathered andesite. This leosols. Pedogenic strain (εTi, εZr in the John Day Formation (lower Big Basin horizon has gleyed colors (purplish gray) in Fig. 9), calculated by assuming Ti and Zr Member of Bestland and Retallack, 1994a) downslope positions and oxidized colors in immobile, give indications of collapse at ‘‘Red Ridge’’ (Fig. 7), a sequence of up-slope positions (5YR dark reddish (concentration of resistate constituents by weather-resistant ironstones (Apax pedo- brown) probably reflecting paleowaterlog- removal of mass) or dilation (dilution of types), iron- and kaolinite-rich claystones ging of the lower slopes or burial gleization resistate constituents by addition of mass) (Tuksay pedotypes), and varicolored an- due to abundant organic matter in down- of constituents compared to parent rock desitic saprolite with Bt horizon (Sak pedo- slope soil positions. This clayey horizon also values. Only two horizons indicate dilation type) flanks a large hill of andesite (Fig. 8). contains abundant clay skins of pedogenic in the section: the iron-poor pallid zone The ‘‘Red Ridge’’ section is divided into the origin and clay-filled pedotubules. (3) and a horizon with relatively fresh volcanic following general groupings from bottom to Above the Sak profile are three Tuksay rock fragments. Otherwise, collapse dom- top (Fig. 11): (1) A basal andesite saprolitic pedotype profiles. All three profiles contain inates the pedogenic signature. The iron- breccia unit (unit Tjanb of Fig. 7) is exten- admixtures of iron-rich claystone fragments stone or detrital laterites show more severe sive and distinctive with its light gray-col- (Fig. 12), commonly abundant in the lower collapse than the clayey paleosols. ored core-stones, which weather out in pos- parts of the profile. (4) Overlying the Tuksay

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Figure 12. (a) Conglomeratic ironstone (Apax pedotype) overlying Bt horizon with interdigitating contact from the 10 m level of Fig- ure 11. (b) Clay skins in Bt horizon from the 9.5 m level of Figure 11.

paleosols is a thick, coarse sequence of Apax mont of the southeastern United States, tion with the following differences. In terms paleosols that compose the top of the sec- with residence times of soil material esti- of pedogenic strain (εTi, εZr in Fig. 11), tion with the exception of one thin Tuksay mated at 1–3 m.y. (Pavich and Obermeier, slight dilation is indicated for the Sak Cg horizon near the top. A gradation exists be- 1985; Pavich et al., 1989; Markewich et al., horizon, and otherwise, pronounced col- tween Apax and Tuksay paleosol types in 1990). An approximate estimate of the time lapse for the overlying paleosol and detrital ‘‘Red Ridge.’’ Tuksay paleosols commonly contained in these paleosols is on the order laterite horizons (Fig. 11). The degree of contain small (1–3 mm) drab mottles (light of 2–4 m.y. The ‘‘Red Ridge’’ section is collapse of the Tuksay and Apax horizons gray) concentrated in the upper B horizon sandwiched by the andesite of Sand Moun- does not vary vertically or from one horizon which give this horizon a lighter-red color in tain, dated at 37.5 Ma (Hay, 1962; Everden to another in a systematic way, as does the outcrop (Fig. 8b). et al., 1964), and two dates from the lower ‘‘Brown Grotto’’ section. Analysis of X-ray The ‘‘Red Ridge’’ stratigraphic section in- Oligocene part of the John Day Formation diffraction kaolinite peaks (Rice, 1994) and

cludes five very strongly developed in situ (33.0 and 32.7 Ma), which overlies the ‘‘Red comparison of SiO2/Al2O3 ratios indicate paleosol profiles (Tuksay and Sak pedo- Ridge’’ strata (Bestland and Retallack, that the ‘‘Red Ridge’’ clayey paleosols are types) and six moderately developed Apax 1994a; Swisher, unpubl. data). The maxi- poorer in kaolinite than the ‘‘Brown Grot- pedotype profiles. Time estimates for the mum amount of time estimated for the sec- to’’ paleosols. Additionally, the ‘‘Red formation of these paleosols are similar to tion from these dates and the ca. 34 Ma Ridge’’ paleosols contain 1.0%–2.5% pyro- the ‘‘Brown Grotto’’ section; however, the Eocene-Oligocene boundary is 3–4 m.y., genic grains of feldspar in various stages of profiles are not as strongly developed and compatible with the time of formation esti- alteration and etching (Rice, 1994). Base

there are age constraints from radioisotopic mate from the paleosols. content combined (Na2O ϩ K2O ϩ CaO ϩ dating of associated John Day volcanic Geochemistry of Paleosols. The overall MgO) is between 2.0 wt% and 4.0 wt% in units. Tuksay and Sak pedotypes are com- geochemistry of the ‘‘Red Ridge’’ section is the ‘‘Red Ridge’’ section whereas the parable to Ultisols of the Appalachian Pied- much the same as the ‘‘Brown Grotto’’ sec- ‘‘Brown Grotto’’ section has Ͻ2.5 wt% base

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geologic context and then applying com- paction curves for argillaceous and sandy sediments from Baldwin (1971) and Baldwin and Butler (1985). In the Painted Hills area, Ϸ700 m of John Day Formation and 600 m of Columbia River Basalts overlie the red beds discussed here, producing a minimum of 1300 m of overburden. Considering ero- sion of Columbia River Basalt and possible existence of Mascall Formation equivalent (post–Columbia River Basalt units), a real- istic overburden for these red beds is 1500– 2000 m. Applying this burial depth to Bald- win and Butlers’s (1985) compaction curves for sandstone results in an estimated 20%– 25% compaction from their preburial vol- ume and density. The sandstone curve of Baldwin and Butler (1985) is used rather than the shale curve because soil with ped structure, large number of pores, and low degree of clay orientation behaves more like coarse sediments than like water-saturated muds of standard marine clay compaction curves (Retallack, 1991c). The ‘‘Brimhall’’ approach to pedogenic mass balance is compromised when material has been added to the profile that did not originate from the assumed parent compo- sition or is of the same parent material but did not follow the same weathering path. Deviations from simple weathering trends can indicate exogenous material additions. Figure 13. Strain and mass-transport diagram modified for use with paleosols (after For example, in the ‘‘Brown Grotto’’ mass- Brimhall et al., 1991). Dotted band indicates the strain induced by burial compaction of balance plots (Fig. 14), the sample labeled ϩ3 20%–25%, which changes the density of the soil to that of the paleosol. ‘‘rejuvenated’’ in the Fe plot is a sandy claystone that contains abundant andesitic rock fragments, which are clearly from an content combined. Also, the concentration original parent material (see graph of εZr exogenous source. Similarly, the abundant of iron and aluminum and corresponding and εTi in Figs. 9 and 11). Elements such as potassium in the ‘‘Red Ridge’’ saprolite

paucity of SiO2 are not as pronounced in the Ti and Zr can be used to estimate this vol- (Fig. 15) may indicate a component of sani- ‘‘Red Ridge’’ section as in the ‘‘Brown Grot- ume change (strain) because of their immo- dine tuff that percolated into cracks of the to’’ section. bility in most soil environments (Brimhall et blocky andesite flow when it was still al., 1988; Chadwick et al., 1990; Brimhall et exposed. Pedogenic Strain and Mass Balance al., 1991). Our mass-balance geochemical Geochemical Comparison of Paleosols. analysis (Fig. 13) is adopted from proce- Both ‘‘Brown Grotto’’ and ‘‘Red Ridge’’ pa- Constituent gains and losses of the late dures developed by Brimhall et al. (1988) leosol sequences accumulated at the base of Eocene laterites can be made through mass- and Chadwick et al. (1990). This mass-bal- hills cored with volcanic flows. Both se- balance analysis of bulk rock X-ray fluor- ance technique uses density, normalization quences contain basal paleosols with thick escence data, density measurements, and of soil or paleosol geochemistry to a stable saprolite altered from the parent rock, core- assumptions regarding parent material. constituent, usually Zr or Ti, and compari- stones of saprolitized parent rock in a clayey Several concepts need to be explained. son of concentrations and densities to a B horizon with overlying alternating clayey Strain or volume change is an important known parent material. Similar methods paleosols (Tiliwal and Tuksay pedotypes), component of pedogenesis. In the course of have been used previously for metasomatic and conglomeratic ironstones (Apax pedo- soil formation from a parent material, alteration (Gresens, 1967; Grant, 1986), al- type). The ‘‘Red Ridge’’ sequence devel- chemical gains and losses depend on the na- though less easily applied to pedogenesis. oped downslope from an andesite flow, ture and extent of pedogenic processes. If One important consideration when apply- whereas the parent material to the ‘‘Brown weathering is intense, as it is in humid cli- ing this technique to paleosols is volume Grotto’’ sequence developed downslope mates, large percentages of the original soil change resulting from burial compaction. from a rhyodacite flow. The clayey paleosols constituents are leached from the profile, Burial compaction can be calculated by es- and claystone breccia horizons from ‘‘Red causing volume reduction compared with timating the overburden from the local Hill’’ contain 1%–3% pyrogenic crystals of

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Figure 14. Strain and mass-transport diagrams of paleosol horizons from the ‘‘Brown Grotto.’’

feldspar, whereas the ‘‘Brown Grotto’’ se- shows strong addition and corresponds to gree of weathering of these strata. In terms quence contains quartz grains and only rare strong sanidine X-ray diffraction peaks from of degree of weathering, the clayey paleosols feldspar. the saprolite (Rice, 1994). This trend is con- with their in situ weathering profile are less Mass-balance analysis of the two data sets trary to the expected leaching of potassium weathered than the conglomeratic iron- both show pronounced depletion of bases given the leaching of other bases in the pro- stones with their much weaker in situ fea- (Ca, Na, K, Mg) as well as pronounced de- file. Petrographic examination of the ande- tures. In situ features include horizonation, pletion of silica and to a lesser extent, alu- site saprolite indicates that pyroclastic sani- clayey structures, and root traces, all of minum (Figs. 14 and 15). This depletion of dine is not visibly present. Fine-grained which indicate the strength of soil process- bases and silica indicates a strong weather- potassium feldspar (adularia) may be re- es and therefore the relative duration of ing trend in both data sets (Figs. 13 and 14) sponsible for the X-ray diffraction peaks and soil-forming processes. The conglomeratic and is illustrated by the pronounced collapse high concentration of potassium; however, ironstones have inherited their degree of of most paleosol horizons and moderate to the conditions of potassium accumulation in weathering from previous soil-forming extreme loss of Ca, Na, K, Si, and Al. Both the saprolite zone during pedogenesis are environments. Stratigraphic and paleotopo- data sets show pronounced concentration of not known. Another deviation from the ex- graphic features of the ‘‘Brown Grotto’’ and immobile Feϩ3. The conglomeratic iron- pected weathering trend is the dilation of ‘‘Red Ridge’’ ironstone and clayey paleosol stones (i.e., the Apax pedotype) are the the Sak andesite saprolite horizon (Fig. 15). sequences demonstrate onlapping relation- most enriched in residual elements and Enough Feϩ3 and K were added during ships with lava flows. The rhyodacite body leached of bases and silica. The clayey pa- weathering of the andesite to cause an in- associated with the red claystones of leosol horizons (i.e., the Tiliwal pedotype crease in volume or dilation, which corre- ‘‘Brown Grotto’’ is encircled by conglomer- from ‘‘Brown Grotto’’ and Tuksay pedotype sponds to depletion of Ca, Na, and Si. atic ironstones that dip away from the ex- from ‘‘Red Ridge’’) also show pronounced humed flow body. Similar but smaller-scale depletion of bases and silica, and concen- DISCUSSION encircling relationships are present along tration of Feϩ3. Variation in the degree of the northern margin of the andesite of Sand weathering of individual clayey paleosol ho- Weathering and Depositional Model Mountain where the lower Big Basin Mem- rizons produces strong weathering trends in ber onlaps this flow. The clasts in the iron- most of the plots. The weathering and depositional model stone horizons of both sequences consist of Several deviations from the general for the formation of conglomeratic iron- pedogenic clasts and not rhyodacite or an- weathering trend are apparent (Figs. 14 and stones and interbedded paleosols hinges on desite clasts. In both sequences, stratigraph- 15). Potassium in the Sak saprolite horizon the textures, stratigraphic context, and de- ically higher ironstone horizons partially

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Figure 15. Strain and mass-transport diagrams of paleosol horizons of ‘‘Red Ridge.’’

truncate both lower ironstones and clayey ites in the ‘‘Brown Grotto’’ and ‘‘Red tation. (2) A two-stage erosion process is re- paleosol horizons. The ironstone beds pinch Ridge’’ sequences formed during alternat- sponsible for the alternating conglomeratic out downdip, away from lava flow margins, ing periods of soil formation and soil ero- ironstones and clayey paleosols in which the and are not present on top of lava flows, sion. Periods of soil erosion were apparently coarse, iron-rich nodules in the eroding hill- thereby eliminating the possibility that the not extensive enough to produce faceted slope soils were completely stripped from conglomeratic ironstones resulted from ero- spurs on the flanks of hills armored by con- the hill exposing the underlying non-iron- sion of a laterite caprock that formed on top glomeratic colluvium, as has been docu- enriched saprolite. Clayey detritus from the of the lava flow. The textures and geochemi- mented by McFarlane (1976). saprolite was then eroded off the hill and cal compositions of these ironstones com- The kaolinite-rich paleosols represent accumulated on the toe slopes in a fashion pare well with detrital laterite texture hundreds of thousands of years of in situ soil similar to the iron nodules. An erosional pro- termed spaced pisolithic laterite from land- formation and, therefore, formed during pe- cess that strips off all, or nearly all, of the scapes in Uganda described by McFarlane riods of landscape stability. The detrital la- iron-rich nodular material, exposing the sa- (1976), who refers to these accumulations as terites represent both less in situ soil forma- prolite zone, is difficult to envision. A third slope bottom laterites. tion (thousands of years) and soil erosion mechanism that could account for the par- Based on the above considerations, a dep- and, therefore, represent periods of land- ent material of the clayey paleosols would be ositional model is envisioned in which a scape instability (Figs. 16b and 16d). The vertical accretion from floodplain deposi- package of soils and colluvial deposits accu- fact that scarce clasts of rhyolite are con- tion. This scenario is unlikely because the mulated along the toe slope of a hill tained in the detrital horizons indicates that toe-slope paleotopographic setting with (Fig. 16). Following modern examples of some soil probably mantled the entire hill their 15Њ–20Њ primary dips, determined from colluvial accumulation of lateritic material even during the most extensive periods of the geologic context of the ironstones and (McFarlane, 1976), iron nodules formed in soil erosion. clayey paleosols, is not compatible with the soil and, during periods of soil erosion, The origin of the fine-grained, clayey ma- floodplain vertical accretion processes. The these iron-rich nodules moved downslope terial, parent to the clayey paleosols, is more close cluster of plots of the clayey and con- and became concentrated as a lag deposit. difficult to determine. Two alternatives are glomeratic horizons (Figs. 14 and 15) sup- This lag deposit can form an armored ped- possible: (1) The fine-grained material is the ports an origin of the material from a similar iment in higher landscape positions and con- in situ weathering product of volcanic ash parent such as the associated lava flows. formable gravel deposits in lower landscape and dust that was blown in and mantled the However, small differences in the parent positions. By this model, the sequence of landscape during periods of landscape material would have a minor effect on the conglomeratic ironstones or detrital later- aggradation. This is the preferred interpre- resulting composition compared to the geo-

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scenario is envisioned in which colluvial pulses of iron-cemented nodules moved downslope as a colluvial lag and were de- posited on the toe slopes of hills (lava flows). Upper Clarno Formation colluvium became increasingly weathered and rich in resistate constituents over time. This increase in weathering indicates a lack of soil rejuvena- tion and probably reflects a paucity of py- roclastic volcanism in the Painted Hills area during the end of volcanic activity in the Clarno arc. Detrital laterites in the lower John Day Formation differ from the Clarno ones in that they contain a few percent py- rogenic crystals. No increase in weathering is observed over time for the John Day lat- erites, which probably indicates rejuvena- tion of the landscape by pyroclastic air fall during the early stages of volcanic activity in the Cascade arc and vicinity. The similarity in the textures and compositions of the de- trital laterites and associated paleosols indi- cates that climate remained paratropical and humid during deposition of the lower John Day Formation until a time very close to the Eocene-Oligocene boundary.


This project was funded by U.S. contract CX-9000-10009 to Bestland and Retallack, and in part by the National Science Foundation Young Schol- ars Program. We thank R. L. Hay, O. Chad- wick, J. Jersak, G. Brimhall, E. S. Krull, D. Ready, and P. Hammond for their review of this paper. Discussion with E. Taylor, T. Fremd, C. Swisher, M. Woodburne, and J. Dilles has added to our understanding of the geology of the Painted Hills area.

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