Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1953-09-10
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• Serving the State The Weather: University of Iowa Campus and Iowa City owan Eat. 1868 - AP l.eaMd Wire· Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday, Sept. 10, 1953_ ..:v:.,:o::.:;l.:..,:r;n::.:..:..• .:..:N::::: o:..,;.2=.::.::5~ ______,___ -::-:- ______ Stof~ Auditor Repor~s Request n- Polish Delegate Gets Asylum e- nd For Check of CoralVIlle Books . no B7 DAVE PETERSON U -d t-.i- d 'OHicials Welcome Queen Back to Iran rn response to a telephone in- Morrison 3,000 "lor payment on improvements" wa paid to the nl en ITle Escapee Says n- quiry by The Daily Iowan Wed- account lor servlc s rendered rel- law firm 01 Bannister, Carpenter, G I- H- nesday afternoon, State Auditor ative to the sewer project" on Ahlers and Cooney of Des Moines un Ire Its he Chet B. Akers said that he had AprU 7, 1952, according to town on Oct. 25. 1952. .received a letter from Johmon records. A final payment of $8.- CoralvlJle town recoTds show the B ., - h Sh· . (ountry Lacks he County Attorn~y Willi.am L. 981,81 "in tull payment for work lollowin~ payments for legal ser- rl IS IP is Meardon Wednesday morrung con- in connecUon with the Sewer vices: April 1, 1946 to March 31, LONDON (R"'J-HosU e unflr talnlng a request for an audlt of Fund," was made on Nov. 6. 1952. 1947, none; April I, 1947 to March killed six crewmen and w!unded Free Speech Coralville town records. t To~ for Servl_ 31, 1948, :WO.80; live Wednesday 1f1)O rd a Brit h Akers added that his orr ce hod Ewalt saId that the total or $11,- April I, 1948 to March 31, 19411, n va I Iaunc h 0 f H on, K on,. 1oc 1 SEOUL (Thursd,y) (.4') - Jan rel erred th e request to th e State 981.81 paId to Monilion was for 339.96; April I, 1949 to March 31. defense force. the admiraH diJI- Hajduklewlcz, a Pole who Wed- AHorne~ General Leo A. Hoegh services rendered In cannectbn 1950, $694.46; Apr. I, 1950 to hr. closed Wedn da nleht. y nesday broke from his neutral na- lor a ruling as to whether an audit with the sewer project during a 31, 1951, $899.113; April 1, 19:11 to A k Yld th d It tlons' team supervising the Ko- shOUld be made. A ruling is eJ(- period of a~ut four and on -hal! Dec. 81, 1951, $1,089.44; Jan. I, WII$ ~':al~l:a:~':.ct as et: t~e n _ rean truce and got United State pee ted Friday. years (April 5, 1948 to Nov. 6. 1952 to Dec. 31, 1952, $13,246.68 tI nalit or ~ attackln force an sanctuary. told a news conference .Meardon said Wedne day that 1952 accordin .. to city records) \ (Includlni le,al teCi in connec- 0 y I Ii today he does not want to return h th •. whether a v el or shore ba t r- he ~ad sent t e Iett,:r to e ~tate A lepl fee of $1,264.87 for "ser- t10n with the sewer project). and I dJd the .shooUn He d ellned to his Communlsl- dominated auditor after receivIng a written vices In connection with sewerag 1953 to date. $1,095.71. ,. eountry. complaint tram a Coralville resi- comment on a published report Hajdukiewicz. who asked ror dent whom he declined to name. • tram Hon, Kong that a Col1lmu- The complaint concerned "possible Ike Pledges (onilinued Support nill. Chinese ship wu Involvad. :n:lu::C:~~~ a A~e~l~anne :1;~c:J irregularities in Coralville book- Hone Kon, I a British crown up to t ke him back to North Ko- kecping records" Meardon ex- colony, trade center and naval It - t Id AIII-..I d '.' plainOO, and W8~ received by him F G U' If I II PI lion aU the south coast 01 Com- rea, 0 0.." corrcspon en~ m on Friday or Saturaay. or erma n nI Ica Ion ans munist China. surrounded by a isthe no pr rreedom s billet or at speech Seoul inthat .poland. then: a Forwarcled Complainl cluster ot Communist-manned 111- "We cannot ay nnythlng-wo Meardon added that he did not lands. cannot dl cuss nythlng," he de. know whether SUCh an audit BONN, Germany (JP)-Presldent li" d con Ic II to F '"' uttered CuualUew clared. ld b I lty d d h d . arc 11... C e am y rane.... The admiralty announced c'arJi- cou e ega requeste an a Elsenhower Wednesday pledged is one of the principal roadblock Poland lias nderl'1'Ound aint m~elY d .~orward~dt t~~ co:t continued AmerIcan support to to n understondln, betwe n the ~01:"~a"u~~~YI32~h~~dt~~2i~O:~ A ked It an undcrKround or- h, ~7toraufo~ ~~u~~ns~der:t~n. c au- Chancellor Konrad Adenauer's two countrle . on, that she iuUered casualtit! ganJllIlion was operating against Coralville Mayor Merritt A. polley tor. strenetl'lCning We I French Ie der h ve said they nd that the d troy r Concord the Reds in Poland, he replied: "Of Ewalt said Wednesday that the ~urope, undyinl Cermany and will not ralily the army plan until had be n ordered to take the cas- coune." "Coralville city records arc in or- liberating the 18 million Ea 1 Ger- the Saa QU tlon iJI set\lcd. uaJtl \0 Hon, Kon,. PA ING IN Til IR WORK of eeollonUc rehabUitatlon, rouit a,nd u ernment omelals Hajduklewlcz said he was "most der and arc opeA to public inspec- mans under Comrnunl t rule. Information was lackin, here, Queen ara., 21, of Iran, baok bome. Arrh'ln, at the Teheran IrpO rt. he Is nanlled by her hut- afraid" lor the lafety of his moth r t~n or audit at any time." In a congratuilltory me sale on Walker W"III Leayes howev r, on s v('ral details of th band, bah Mohammtd llIu Pahlevl (left) and the bew premIer. General Zahe4l. who led the PODU- ~~sd a~tSi~~.ln Poland as a result of In answer to a question con. Adenauer's sweeplni election vlc- Incident. Questions liS to the site lar uprbln, which returned the hab to the throne of the' Middle EUt naUon. cernlng reports of complaLnts re- tory, the President assured the M 2 or the hoo!!n, and even whether - At Panmunjom, the Polish dole- garding the cost of a custom-built chancellor of the U.S. govern- oney to Funds the launch roturned the !fr w nt ~I d ' F hG t gate to the Neutral Nations Super. combination cabinet-counter re- mnt's future cooperation "lor the unanswered. Was In,· s ere e t ' renc overnmen vlsory commls Ion a.s erted that cenlly built in the Coralville city strenlthenLng of a free Europc For SUI Scholarshl'ps "We arc as anxious as you ar , Hajduklewlez had be c n "kld- hall oltlce, Ewalt saId that he re- and the Atlantic community . to let more information from the Starts Crack Down nap d" by the American army and garded the complaints as the re- and Cor the endln, ot the presenl Far Ea.st," an admiralty sPOk - S h T.f . said n stronl protcst would be marks a! "chronic die-hards and artificial division of Germany and SUl's Nile Kinnick Memorial man told reporters. t e pen son e 5 tIles 0 T A"d IOO,ed. trouble-makers." the totalitarian Sovlet zone relime scholar hlp lund and a Walker PresUmably, howevcr, the ahoot- n ax VOl ers A ked Commander C.blnet Bwn imposed on 18 million of your scholarship tund re IImolli the Inl took place somewhere In the WASHINGTON (A')-W L HaJduklewlcz had asked ~al1clu- Cornville town records Indicated countrymen." beneliclaric under the terms or vicinity or the Communlst-oceu- arren ' 1 • PARIS (/P) _ Premier Joseph ary ot Col. Harold T. Babb, eom- that the cabinet-counter had been Ths backing came Adenaucr the will of the lale Myron J. Walk· pi d u.londs dotting the South Stcphenson, who. erved as xecu- .:ullty to vlo\atln Maryland's Laniel's government said Wed- mander ot the air ba e at Kang. buUt by Ned Gingerich, R.n. 2, mapped plans for a diplomatic cr, former Iowa City mayor who China sea around the crown Uve seerelllry of Pre Ident EI cn- Corrupl Pr CtlCC5 act In (alUnil to nesday It is beglnnlnl to crack nung 011 the cast coast. Jowa City, brother-in-law of drive to get tho graUY European died Sept. 2. colony. how r's Inaugural committee, was keep , riUlred acco~niJI ot money down on mo t lb 01 nt or the mU. "H', my last chanco," he told Clarence Briskey, CoralvJlJe coun- army project on Its leet again. The Walker Scholarship fund EArUeJ' FiJ'lq qual d Wednday a acknowl dl. hI' ha~ I d and ta ure to rcporJ. lIo 01 French tax dodg rs-thO! lhe startled Babb. cilman. HiJI aim Is to have the European. will a 51st promising Iowa min- The, destroyer Concord her cit Inl he was "Indlscr t" In spr ad- C~~~\r; finances properly an Iwith yachts, luxury cars and r- Hajduk wlcz, vowln, h wa. To~al cost ot the cablnllt-count- defense communlty-E 0 C-pact I try students. Recipients will be was fIred on by Chinese batterl . p p .