Observations Chambers Commerce Dinner And
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U T _*WW"- i£_ 2 * *«»ITO»str LAS VEGAS WEATHER DATA (ILlAliffOAS NEVADA I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE By CHARLES P. SQUIRES iiuos tieo? 7 M$§#- Cooperative Cbiarva r TO THE FLAG OF THE UNI TED STATES OF AMEBICA, * February 28'"_^& 69 46 AND T&®Qt~ REF*^fi_S* March 1 , „. 59 49 March lyw,^. 63 42 £tm^mm&~~^mAim&r March' h ^*SEpl 63 35 Maroh 4 ..ii^mmji 62 48 ISLE, WITHliftERTY AN& March 5 ......*$&ii_ 65 43 JUSTICE FOli'Jjffit.7 *'-' March 8-*««s|6gs„i& 68 45 IAI Bgl^aEON NfcVlUlASLEAMHa NEWSPAPER Volume XXXVII. Nambor 10 LAS VEGAS. NEVADA, FRIDAY, MARCH 7. 1941 FIVE CENTS PER COPY OBSERVATIONS By CHARLES P. SQUIRES DiCK HARRIS ARD HIS HORSE S t Dick Harris, as the veteran dep- CITY COURT SQUisi BLE DRAGS uty assessor of San Francisco is oa-Uedrby his thousands of friends, te full of grief. NAZIS OVERRUN BULGARIA ON HER INDEPENDENCE DAY Mrs. Gilbert Dies Gets Transfusion CITY AUDITOR ON WITNESS STAND T^HM***!*! order to imderstand his trouble, one mast know [After Briel Illness CONTINUES EVIDENCE ON FINANCES that-Dick has ilea dfastly ! Funeral Services Will Ba Held No Certainty of Early Completion of Compli refused to join Sunday Afternoon At First cated Litigation Between Mayor and Board ;his modern Methodist Church. ige of speed, j Las Vegas is grieved by the Of City Commissioners. *3rf M out steadfast- 'death of Mrs. i&vV. T. -GUbert, The complicated legal squab- y clings to t wife of Commissioner Gilbert, HIGH SCHOOL WILL ble between Mayor John L. Rus he good old I who died after a weeks very ser- seU on the one side, and City .iorse apd lious illness of pneumonia, at Las ENTERTAIN PUBLIC Commissioners Joe Ronnow, C V. auggy days. j Vegas hospital. Tli7 fBpSlgQ At the meeting of Las Vegas T. GUbert, Herb Krause and Al For many For several Says she had been Rotary Club, Thursday noon, Har- Corradetti on the other, 'contin /ears he has ikept under an oxygen teat ha a vey Stanford announced that .the ues" to flip-flop its Weary coarse Iriven to his j futile attempt & save 'net lite, general public wiU be guests of across the annals of time. J^M woirk at the i and her passing was not unexpec ttie'Las Vegas P.-TA., at tiw Las Nobody knows really what it San Francisco City Hall, i»7&Nfl ted. Vegas High School, Thursday is aU about and the more the at little old spider-wheeled buggy, Funeral services will be held evening, March 13, between the torneys examine, cross-examine drawn by his faithful nag who i Sunday afternoon at two o'clock hours of 7:30 and 0:00. and re-direct-examine their own [tit the First Methodist church, witnesses and those* of the other •would trot along complacently Teachers, assisted by the pupils, ahd without fear or nervousness, fttttil; Rev. Ford Gilbert officiating. side, the less the innocent by I InternrMjrs mml be »f%boditj$W wtil be present in every depart stander knows about it. through the rushing tide of San ment, to show to the people what Francisco automobile traffic. And is being done witii tiie money pro Just what helps whom and who Dick, sittting high on the buggy It ia difficult to write of the helps what is veUed in tiie mists, I passing of one who for so long vided for operation ot the schools. of dark uncertainty, just like a .seat, whip in hand, would be mon Refreshments will be provided arch of am. SOFIA. BULGARIA — German army cars of a Panzer division ware rolling across thit Balkan stale as I ^ importa^ p^ ^f^ London blackout oa a foggy has hem ATLANTA, GA. —• Captain Ed- by the boy's cooking class. Coach night. y • Ig^ffflpIS,^ . That is, he was monarch of the recenKing tBori picturs tole do fhi ths epeopl capitae th-lil at*l Sofiatheir . countrThis ycou hapd a joine masted thr *strok Rome-Berline of diplomacy. Tokio , pactleave. This Jugo-Slavis vi*w lsa^||fa nioe n0 { camLas eVegas to La: Margares Vegast Manas a- ** Rickenbacker. greatest Araer- Stanford promises that att who at highways until about a. year ago, Harry Austin, city attorney, isolated £a tiw BaUteas»&|ff . -~&_\W_Wta^^M iHi j^'JrJllr young girl in 1912, taking a posi ican ace of the first World War, tend wUl enjoy a most pleasant a big, shiny, automobile saw fit received a blood transfusion Sun and instructive evening. who is handling the legal matters thai fit tbe dental office of Dr. fm- the commissioners, aad A7A.. to tangle Wfth the little buggy, Wm. S. Park. ''She was married day. He is improving slightly and - -ii o— pretty well 'Wrecking it but not Postal Department 'WBt although his condition is ttot crit Hinman, attorney for Mayor Rus to C. V- T. Gilbert in September, Scout Leadership sell, are making a valiant fight seriously injuring Dick.'»2§§fTjs £g| CHAMBERS COMMERCE DINNER Authorizes Cachet 1916, and tiie couple had looked ical tt is still vary teriout accord Then in January test, .Old Dan, ing to latest reports available. for something or other' which, A postal cachet to commem forward to celebrating their Sil Course Is Planned however; may gradually be assum the faithful steed, was fatally in orate tiie dedication of McCarran ver Wedding anniversary next Rickenbacker it an executive of jured in a collision with a big the airline. The plan* disaster A training coarse tot scout lead ing the frail, transitory character AND AVIATION PROGRAM READY September. The marriage was sol ers and men interested in scout Of "The Flowers tiiat Bloom in the freight truck It was a sad day Field has been, authorized by thf emnized in the First Methodist wat caused whan tha pilot triad for Dick, but after the death of to land his ship on a beam. Seven ing will be conducted by Andrew Spring, Tra La." In fact specta Many Distinguished Guests Will Join With Las j postofflee department to be usedchurch . lllPt J. Roberts and Ids assistant, James tors are frequently bewildered in faithful Dim, he got a brand new Met 1824, Mr. Gilbert established people war* killed and nine ser horse and resumed the serenity Vegas In Two Days ffestij^es£~ Fleet **]%£»£££%& T ** iously ihjured.^^ Sim beginning Monday evening, their effort to decide which side the grocery store of Gilbert Broth- (March 17, and continuing through which attorney is on.' of hte daUy. drives to and from" ess on Clark Avenue and ever the office7e.^ft Cruisers Ready For Lake Mead TripsT _^f- it is reported that many thous- i the entire week. Roberts is execu Judge Harry Watson has hopes since that date the couple" had jttve af the Arrowh^ wmaca a^ - ^ Then misfortune struck again. Next'Veek-end, Saturday an4"*i*i_|_^-.^alll^ - special- stamp,, will worked aMe by side in building |ttotaieffK t on of witne Sunday, March 14, 15 aad 16, Will be affixed to letters to be sent and it is expected tbat tte course and the necessary legal arguments As Dick was walking down,the up a substantial business and in Kelly Bill Wouldg J wtil prove valuable to every scout steps of the city hail ready to em feature a combination of most Mi Commissioners here by philatelists from all over promoting in every way tiw wel may be completedeM- Saturday the country. j leader in this district Tbis will bark on the exciting vgyage home, notable community affairs, be- fare af Ida Vegas, especially* the be the first of a series of courses, afternoon. Others close to the tha aew horse just simply up And The department granted the re Westside neighborhood where Prevent Chiseling proceedings anticipate that the ginning w&h the Annual Meet, ; which if taken, wtil entitle those collapsed on the pavement. Vet Almost in Harmony quest for the cachet in, hopor of they,>mada. their hiane,. :fe^ completing tiie course, to a scout matter wUl drag its way into Mon erinarians pronounced the trouble ing Dinner and Birthday eelebra- Senator McCarran, who has had Business, however, did not les Tlie- bfttetotredae a d in the As day or Tuesday of next^jilpek. i1EM_J-f.'i the Chamber of • ComA masters key, or a scouters train- i t" be . -nrltT*t bat these nraragt to Meetings. Tandem. Last Night much to do with the establish- sen the loving care of her fam- sembly by John KeUy of Clarl k ta r The onlyepoiat" cle«tf7^|yj_ggN merce Friday evening followed a s Tl Wi3KP d- ; •<• •«' ,- • „ l x : : Dick and his horse and buggy l&wtwws^^fffiMratefaterwhom^*MBBPS|!l8 ^^*6^rilFTfflK lSr COT^Sai^M' to' nxiTr*TSH*- minds tmt' StnweswS' mxWMf^i ltV' ' Saturday morning by the elab . The coarse wiB be held at the ttm trial is that wben Judge Wat know that it was a general ner <||Befh Beards Except Golf. I it is toM* hamed. *Jfi!pf« talents to rearing the three sons, trade btil," was passed by the low Las Veygas High School each even- vous break-down, Thte new horse orate dedication exercises for Mc Both boards of City Commis Robert Gilbert, who is in the son renders bis decision they wttl' tentative plans for the proposed er house by a vote of 32 to4. mg from 7:30 pjn: to 9:30 p.m., find out what tbe thing is all just couldn't stand up under the Carran Airport aad ending with sioners met last night at the ,city new Airport Depot at tiie Munici U.