M SIMILKAMEEN STAR. Devoted to the Interests of Princeton and the Similkameen Country.

PRINCETON, B. C, SATURDAY, SEPT., 22th, 1900. $2.00 PER YEAR

the province ought to be done in t OVERTHEHOPETRAIL province, but if those in crested don A PUBLIC MEETING show any enterprise or ru tie to get it must go to the commercia 1 centres 0 side, which show an enter prise and co The location of the government build­ Denis Murphy, M. P. P., Ar­ mercial instinct which cat not be fou Mr. Murphy's Account of his ings was next entered into, and on this among the merchants at id wholesal subject Mr. Murphy invited discussion. rives in Princeton. on the Pacific coast. Stewardship. Mr. Arthur Hickling, as a delegate and as representative of the townsite com­ pany, made a short, concise speech, ex­ LOCAL MINING NEWS. An Easy, Practical and Short Route Government Offices to he Built in plaining why the buildings should be built at Princeton and made a motion to to Princeton and the Similkameen Coal Syndicate Formed—On Copper Princeton at Once—Other Needs Mines. Discussed. was quickly seconded, and Kennedy Mountains. :ak attempt was made R. Stevenson has a fine showing on the to defeat its pur- m Victoria claim on Copper mountain. i by acclamation. The -Mr. Denis Murphy, M. P. P., is paying the order his promised visit to Princeton after his George McCroskery hasTormed a syn­ dicate to work the new coal di finding an able chain- labors at the last session of the provincial Hall, vvhile Mr. H. parliament. He rode in from Hope, B. close to Sam Pearce's ranch. Fn f , > X1V work done it looks as if the seam \ C, p "*"mppii' d by nul Mr° ,j°""" ng Dotn sides "Of the ques- wrge Aldous. Mr. Johnson and Willerson tave uncovered Murphy decided to lay the Murr y ha lost enjo) rip, a fine showing of heavy sulphide ore on matter before the government and try to pa 5 He Tu« get an assisted school for each place ring ii efor the Mogul claim on Kennedy mountain. The Mogul group adjoins the Red Buck, . Discussion was then asked for on sub­ dinner on Wedn« rising to add th eau dienc<> . Hethank- jects political, but the audience decided very enthusiastic about the feasibility of the ore being of the same character and ed them cow ial hesple ndid support value. Mr. Murphy was "strictly all right," and building a good wagon road from Hope Princeton he da rde dhim at the polls. that the affairs of the Similkameen dis­ to Princeton. He says it will be ten Burr and Jones have completed the He had com t this time to trict could be safely left to his own judg- times easier to build a road to the Simil­ season's work on the Sunrise on Copper I give an acco unt hi 5 stew ardship and - kameen than it was to build, the old mountain and on the Magnetic and to discuss m atte A. E. Howse then proposed a vote of Brooklyn on Kennedy mountain. On district, If 1 any com- thanks and confidence to the member, ndtfcesi the Sunrise the shaft has been deepened plaints to m ake he nted t 0 hear them which passed unanimously. nd of shorter durat and a crosscut run on the vein for fifteen now, as the "K had been called After the chairman was tendered the road to . srkingi especia usual vote of thanks, three cheers were In speaking of the t Dr. Wells, of 1 He ed tha Pri given for Mr. Murphy and the "audience y impressed « strict ed issistai dispersed singing, "For He's a Jolly Good Murpny is of the opinion that from $3,oc< 1 the Sunris e and 1 than any other portion of the riding, and Fellow," to $5,000 will be sufficient to put it ii one of the most promising properties on he was happy to say that he had beei first class condition. He was surprised Copper mountain. The Magnetic is one successful in getting it. Z County Court. to find the grade from the summ: He would first explain certain votes c Vdge Spinks held the firsi Princeton such a gradual descent n^f tain and one of the best. Originally lo­ his at the late session. First. Thej£ft PnuSeton's county the -tlarris- easy to build. cated by H. Kennedy, three-fourths is tie river railway charter. He recognized Mcintosh hall Monday last. There ' Mr. Jas. Hislop, P. L. S., who is the imperative necessity of railway com­ important cases before the court, engaged in surveying the road, is finding fourth being owned by A. B. Clabon, of munication for this district, and he voted and of the few minor cases that were no difficulty in keeping the gi Rossland, B. C. against the Kettle river bill because the called only one was settled, the others to the maximum point allowed—hr the V. & E. people, who will prohaMs-be being adjourned until the next sitting, government. viz. 10 per cent, which will be held in Princeton on the r Realty Sold. the first company to build from the coast 2nd of June, 1901. is progressing rapidly and the Several important transfers in real to Princeton, had opposed the charter. the section from the summit d< estate are reported this week. George Re the Chinese question. The govern­ PURELY PERSONAL. end of the old road will be completed McCroskery has disposed of 50 feet of his ment had passed legislation which pre­ early next week. vented Chinese or Japanese from working J O. Coulthard, of , is visiting block on Bridge street for the sum of J>io Princeton. The probable cost of completing on public works, also an act preventing per front foot, Mr. Hugh Cowan, barber, R. A. Brown left for Grand Forks on good road between Hope and Princet purchasing 25 feet and Messrs. Rennie & anyone from coming into the country Monday. is estimated^aL faotooo. This Bell, merchants, 25 feet. The Vermilion who could not read or write some E Judge Spinks left for Keremeos on will buifd a good serviceable road, allow­ pean language. He had voted against Forks Co. have also made "a few sales, Wednesday last. ing freighters to load up to their full ca- Mr. Mclnnes' bill and would vote against and it is probable that the company will Denis Murphy, M. P. P., is registered it again if it came up tomorrow. It was raise the price of their inside business at the Hotel Princeton. The Pacific coast merchants seem to be entirely too radical and would have had Judge Murphy and Dr. McPhail, of lots on the ist of next month. slow to realize the benefits th<^ will' -na­ a paralyzing effect on the industries of Granite creek, are in the city. turally derive from the construction of the province. On the eight hour law, Mr. and Mrs. Peterson are visiting Mr. the Hope road. Although they have had Conservative Candidate. Mr. Murphy declared most emphatically and Mrs. Johnson for a few days, that he would always support it as it Charles DeBarro, manager of the Otter the matter thoroughly explained to them Mr. A. H. McNeill, barrister of Ross­ flat hotel, is registered at the Hote* and comparisons drawn with their ex­ land, B. C, received the nomination of stood on the statute books. Jackson. perience of the development of the Conservative candidate for Yale-Cariboo- Local matters were then discussed, the Gordon_Murdoch has_been appointed . , they are still holding off in Kootenay at the coming Dominion elec­ burning question of the day, viz., the lo­ secreraryoftWTpttblic school fund and their usual ljjfeswarm style, contenting tions. John A, Mara, Price Ellison, and cation of the government .buildings and will''culled We subscriptions for the m themselves witWffe remark, "Oh yes! R. Green were also placed in nomination, school-being the. chief points of interest we think the road is a necessary one." but Mr. McNeilPs election was declared to thofee present. In reference to these A serious accident occurred at the L,e Vancouver, Victoria and New Westmin­ unanimous. Mr. McNeill is well and matters, Mr. Murphy remarked that he Roi just before midnight of the 13th inst. ster have shown little or no energy in favorably known in the province, having had promised before his election that the Four men, who were working in the been engaged in the law business at town of Princeton would receive his first sinking of the big shaft about 40 feet be­ building up the southern section of the low the 800-foot level, were badly injur­ province, and it is only after it is too late, Vancouver before moving to Rossland. attention and he had kept his word. ed. The skip fell from the 300-foot level, the coast cities will make a spasmi Rossland and Nelson have each nominat­ Almost the whole of the appropriation ed an enterprising young barrister, so for the riding had gone to Princeton and terrific momentum in the descent. It t effort to get the trade they might Kootenay is bound to elect the next district. tore away all obstructions till it reached had, but which was allowed Aa slip the machine bar at the bottom of the member for the Dominion parliament. He explained the position of the gov­ shaft, under which the four men weie through their fingers. The May the best man win ! ernment regarding the Keremeos road, imprisoned, but promptly released. THE SIMILKAMEEN STAR.

Boer War Tiding!. long-tongued slipper with a bow suffi­ M Sept ij.-Acccrding ciently important to coyer the deficiency. ilfc The Fifth Regiment band, of Victoria, legraph, Mr. Kruger is \ will be leaving shortly on a tour through I Granite Pioneer er in the residence of the district Canada and Great Britain. Bandmaster -. This is at the instance of the Finn is getting together a very strong CreekoB Barber likely that Kamloop's two cornetists, W. Shop *£ H. J lorn and Harry Campbell, will be m m m Hotel

HOTEL Assayer and jMiOS.. Chemist* JONH NEIL, Proprietor.

Correspondence Solicited. i i Similkameen District.

w Carefully Sampled i

\ We Gater Specially to j For the Best "—"" Mining Men and Prospectors. Table Board

si Mile 3v In Princeton try e- P> The N MRS. WM. HAEGERMAN'S 1 I 1 $ i ii BOARD BY THE DAY, WEEK OR MONTH, Is ...HOTELS ,k m I m ill loSSl *e"c^So^wUSoi m LOWER NICOLA. J | French &'nay | m Il TINSMITHS i t PLUHBERS & ie shortest route by IO Miles to A I GUNSniTHS Via Lower Nicola. h ...PUMP DRIVING DONE... r Camp Stove ; the Boss for ie table is supplied with pro- f \ h to (» headquarters i Smith's Stage Repair work of Every Descrip- COMFORTABLE ROOMS. A I THE SIMILKAMEEN STAR.

f A Case of Swelled Head. Blue Ribbon Extract of Vanilla is th< / The Monetary Times has the following est on the market. to say of a recent fiery utterance of Mr.

Slocan : "The New Denver Ledge has Hotel Driard had a reputation for a peculiar wild-west NICOLA LAKE. humor. Perhaps the following is intended as a sample of it. That journal says: JOHN CLARK, Propr.

in New Denver eviden raut the earth, Headquarters for Mining Men and Pros judging from the way

i dollar in the nd the public Id cancel theii :s. Better b« An Ideal Summer Resort. edoutandtrm ilieffundthar The World May be Divided on the Questions of the Day, but the People of Princeton are UNITED in their Opinion as to the GRAND PACIFIC BEST PEACE to do their TRADING. The results obtained by buyers • •••HOTEL... over the entire Similkameen coun­ KAMLOOPS, B. C. try have made people open their eyes to the possibilities of increased The nearest hotel to the Rail­ savings by buying at A. E. Howse's way Station. Headquarters for Big Store nds on Labor Da all people coming from Nicola and the Similkameen. investigate ! rfea Good Rooms. Good Table Some there are still guided by the Good Liquors, Good Sta- old ruts and false ideas. To these j* blingfin Connection. Jfi we say earnestly. tertainment in conjunction with th< P. A. BARNHAR1, Prop. Clara Mathes Company in the K. M. auc Investigate I A. A, hall, rounding up with a dance. 4km Em Howse. GENERAL MERCHANT. PRINCETON AND NICOEA.


Nearest Stopping Place and Supply Point for Boulder Creek, Kelly Creek, Slate Creek, and Summit Mining Camps Mining Men and Prospectors can outfit at Store in connection with hotel. M. P.Gor#n, mrr^jj^- Headquarters-for all stage lines. MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE, CARPETS, OILCLOTHS, WIN­ ilolel Jiclsis DOW SHADES, CURTAINS, CAMP BEDS, CORNICE POLES, PICTURE FRAMING..^ J. H. JACKSON, Sole Proprietor.


precedence over added capital and A» crowd of American soldiers id TIE SIMILKAMEEN STAR augmented population—the thing the Philippines attended church ser­ L, S, DELEPLAINE of all things most needed to pro­ vice in their honor, and were per­ PRINCETON, B. O. mote the development and thehap s more amused than scandalized &CCX VANCOUVER, B. C. prosperity of the province and the to see on a flaring banner an Am­ happiness of its inhabitants, the erican eagle bearing in his beak* a Mining and Electric THE PRINCETON PUBLISHING CO. answer, on the mainland at allstreame r on which was this legand: events, would certainly be "good "Use only So-and-so's condensed ^«£ Machinery milk." An irreverent artist had Of Every Description, also All Kinds of Aerial Appliances and good" might even in many enlarged a picture which he saw on tramwa dispensed with, on thea milk can and the good padre was Agents for y that any roads would be easily convinced that the whole an none, but it is lack of design was American in the ex­ inues of communication in treme. Therefore he had the ban­ very direction that, more ner hung over the altar, hoping JOHN W. PECK SCO. thing else, is retarding set- thereby to gratify the soldiers investment, and develop- among his congregation.—Ex. Wholesale Clothing: realth lies dormant; AND

Agricultural Exhibitions Mens' Furnishings. Sain on Arm ..Sept. Verr Se Pt- 25. 26, ' VANCOUVER, B. C. Kan loops Se pt. 26, 27, 28. Saanich 28, 29. id a foi ntof Prospectors Correspondence Solicited from the Trade. New Westminster.... Oct. 2, . 4 5- Careful and Prompt Atention to all ..Oct. *. 3 It is with full knowledge of these LETTER ORDERS. present conditions and of the fact ....STOP! A CONTENTIOUS PEOPLE. that no better investment offers itselj to the consideration of the Parkinson & "A house divided against itself If you want to Outfit government, that the Inland Board cheaply and quickly, I of Trade has taken the initiative in Fetherstonliaugh the citizen do so at the a "good roads" campaign and in at the pres FAIRVIEW, B. C. connection therewith has called a PRINCETON, B. C. convention to be held in Kamloops on Thursday, the 27th instant, for KEREMEOS STORE PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYORS the organization of a Provincial WM. HINE & Co., CIVIL ENGINEER munity. It is enough that th Qood Roads Association. growth of Princeton has been re and NOTARY PUBLIC. I The movement will unquestion­ tarded by adverse circumstance ably have the sympathy, as it should over which the citizens had no con command the co-operation, of every Surveys on the- Similkameen Promptly trol, but when there is a chance c Attended to. true British Columbian. Similar brighter days dawning, a disturbin good roads associations have proven ited element, petty a power for practical reform in the H. A. WHELLANS, M.D. ids thre older province of Ontario, and no edt Mining Supplies PHYSICIAN one will dispute the opportunities of Every and for energetic, useful work that SURGEON. to the interests of the town. Our presents for such 1 MIGILL GRADUATE. Princeton, B. O. member is at present on a visit to the district for the purpose of find­ "We wan should ing out what the people really W. J. WATERHAN, M. E be the rally \*T 1 ALL WORK want. He, for his part, has worked I hard and successfully, in obtaining Want Promptly Executed p. a. s. M. A, 1, n. E., Etc. valuable concessions at the last ses­ \ EDITORIAL COMMENT. J I OUi We can save you sion of the provincial parliament, W/Vifrh money on your Examination, Development and Man­ and instead of finding a people Will some good, kind Conserva­ TV ClIA^II REPAIRING agement of Prospects, Claims united on public issues, he finds a tive please rise and explain whether and Mines Undertaken. veritable b.onietjs__nest of opinion, Sir Charles is still to be the kite Repairing an "VTy^tT^jjlTTing •"•nimij Wit]? and Hugh John the tail thereof—or A full line of Watches and the axe ro^grindor with some ides is it the other way about ?—Ex. Latest Styles of Jewelery always P. O. Address, PRINCETON, B. C bring torward in regard to the dis­ on hand. posal of the grants for' the district. The New Westminster Conser­ J. CHARLES McINTOSH, However, we have faith in Mrvative. s at a recent nominating con­ W. J. KERR, Murphy's good sense. He is pos­ vention, failed to agree on a candi­ «<^_Kamloops, B. C. sessed of sufficient judgment to re­ date. It is no wonder, after the BARRISTER, SOLICITOR fuse to consider the blickerings of mess they made of the last one. distorted imaginations and to de­ NOTARY PUBLIC cide for himself the needs of the When the gossips hear a man district. slam his door violently upon going I French & Day to work, they make up their minds WE WANT GOOD ROADS. to run over during the day and call TINSMITHS on his wife.—Ex. PLUITBERS The following very appropriate PRINCETON, B. C editorial appeared in a late issue of The eastern press has been prac: GUNSniTHS the Province, and will bear reprint­ tically unanimous in the assertion ...PUMP DRIVING DONE.. JAMES HISLOP ing : that no prominent feature will dis­ r Camp Stove is the Boss i If one were asked to name the tinguish the opening campaign. Prospectors. MINING AND CIVIL ENGINEER chief requirement of British Colum­ But this was before Hugh John's PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR. bia at the present time—the first inherited nose was made an issue. .- necessity of the province, taking —Province. ..Princeton,B. C... *>v^V* THE SIMILKAMEEN STAR.

y Old Timers Meet. '\^\ .pit Kettle River and South Canadian Pacific JOHN LOVE & CO. pioneers held their second reunion at Pa ace Livery McAuley's hotel, Midway, on Saturday night, ist inst. A short business meeting Navigation CO. DRUGGISTS AND was first held, with the president, Mr. ^ STABLES ^ Thos. McAuley, in the chair. At supper STATIONERS. Mr. Hardy presided and there were pres­ Time Table No. 51 KIREMEOS, B.C. ent : Messrs. Geo. Cook, John R. Jack­ D. J. INNIS, Prop. son, E. Keightley, G. J. Lundy, Jas. ^Lygsh, T. McAuley, D. McGillis, J. Mc- MccL W. Powers, W. B. Rickhards and C. C. Warmoth, of Midway; R. ' Done- gan, G. A. Guess, Thos. Hardy, J. P. Har- Presriptions ^CarefullyJP Compounded.. r, J. Keough, R. M. McEn- Orders by mail or stage promptly r. W. Nelson and Thos. Walsh, of District can secure horses wood ; J. W. Lind and H. Morgan, through to Princeton. of Anaconda; L. A. McCarren and John Thornton (Tolly Tack), of Boundary Falls; Run in Connection with Keremeos Hotel CLAIMS STAGE UNE Leaves Kamloops for Quilchena and Special Stage Nicola Lake every Monday.

Leaves Nicola Lake for Kamloop, A Special Stage will leave every Friday at 6 a. m. Spences Bridge for Prince­ ton and way points every PRINCETON ROUTE. Monday morning at 6 a. m. Leaves Spences Bridge for Nicolas arriving at Princeton Wed­ Coutlees, Nicola Lake, Granite nesday at noon. Creek and Princeton every Returning: Leaves Prince­ Thursday at 6 a. m. ton Friday morning at 6 a. m., arriving at Spences Leaves Princeton for Spences Bridge Bridge on Sunday. and intermediate points every. Sunday at 7 a. ro. Princeton merchants all Ribbon Extracts. JAS. SMITH, Propr Carry flail and Express.

me Sunset Copper Mining Co., LM Owning and Operating The SUNSET Mine,

On Copper Mountain, Similkameen Mining District. Everyone who has seen the property renders a unanimous verdict* The Biggest and Best Mine in British Columbia*

Now is the TIME to BUY Stock in this Wonderful fline. It is an investment! No Speculation ! Ore enough in sight to return 100 per cent, on amount invested. BUY TODAY before advance in price.

Sunset Shares Will Make You Rich. APPLY TO R. A. BROWN, 0 President and Gen'l Manager PWINCETON OP Grand fonts. THE SIMILKAMEEN STAR. V^*'

Margaret Minnehan, of New York, who for the love of a young man, abandoned j Mining News ] convent life, committed suicide last week by jumping overboard from the steamer L'Aquitaine, on its way from Havre Boundary Mining News. New York. Before she was'picked up New General Assessment done on the Clipper, Sky- life was extinct. A Roman Catholic ' lark camp, shows up a five-foot lead. priest held the funeral service, and the The foundations for the Mother Lode s body was committed to the sea. By breaking her convent vows, the young Store new machinery are completed. woman believed she had disgraced hei The bill to incorporate Phoenix as a family. We carry a well assorted stock of Clothing, Gents' Furnish­ city has sassed the provincial assembly. ings, Blankets, Boots and Shoes, Stationery, Tinware, etc. Some beautiful iron sulphide ore is re­ We sell none but the Purest and Best ported on the Highland Queen, near Anaconda. Quick Returns GROCERIES stoke. Try Our "HONDI CEYEON" and RAM EAE'S ado INDIAN TEAS ing Star and Silby claims i: camp are stated as #75,000. The Idaho fraction, Green is reported to have a lead 2 Just Received with good values all througl Another Consignment of Boots and Shoes, Shirts and Underwear' Returns from the two cars ship MAUWS ' CALL AND SEE THEM. ped by the Buckhorn to the are reported as $24 per ton. The work of stringing the wire for th t a Bridge St. Miner-Graves synd'c,at * ' private tel< Drug Store Rennie & Bell phone lines is now in progress. Assessment just cTone 01 the No, 8, in Kimberley camp, has sho rnup a 10-foot lead averaging $8 to $21 i A well defined vein of >ck of Drugs up by the Big Windy ch es, Toilet Pre- PRINCETON LUflBER, leptl shaf Drug Store SHINGLE and PLANING MILLS Cnob Hill force nployed on the A. E. HOWSE, Prop.

On the Sunnyside, tain, a tunnel has beei a small galena lead c mil and Office high as $124 per ton. Bridge Street, PRINCETON. B. C.

Kamloops, B. C. A party flotel who he Warri SIMILKAMEEN !G. LALLAN BUTCHERING QOB Met ed tt WHOLESALE and RETAIL :eptp Dealers in Heats. for which service theyj shillings 1"a week. Remunerationlbr working Orders Filled for any Point in the Similkameen Valley. rulis from 10 to 16 bob ($2.50 to $3.50) per week. We are all glad to get back Cm Summers, to this country, and think at any thing Boots and we can manage to live far better than we PRINCETON BRANCH. flanager. . existed in the land beneath the southern cross."—Vancouver World. ,* SHOES ^

,.S. "Waterlow, president of the 1 Columbia Syndicate, Ltd., and VANCOUVER, B.C.? That will East and at the same i L. Jones, a director, both of Lon- I /"\/%TTT TP'Zk ^ time, cost the least money is what rere in the Boundary last week and most people look for but seldom Phoenix. The syndicate has large i Try Our Own Mining Boot. * obtain. its in Rossland camp, in the Slocan, It is just right. 9 ?n the Snowshoe mine at Phoenix, -FOR GOOD HONEST VAEUE IN aterlow is the head of the firm of Watsrio. opriotorc of the largest -&— establishment in the ! BOOTS # AND & SHOES world. The firm employs nearly or quite 10,000 hands in its numerous depart­ Blacksmithing That will WEAR AND EAST a visit to the Prospec­ ments in London and suburbs, and does and tors Supply Store should be made. We have a large every class of printing known to the assortment with PRICES that are bound to please. trade, besides using several secret and labor saving processes. On one floor, Horseshoeing >. E. THOMAS, prop. Prospectors Supply Store Mr. Waterlow says, he has over 700 type­ setters at work, while the machine shop Shop on Harold Avenue. alone employs 160 hands. The firm sends work^iSBwBearly every country on the PRINCETON, B.C globe, and does postage stamp, bank note SUBSUME to the STAR (or re- and other fine forms of lithographing and color printing, in addition to the regular A Word to the YY'S run of printing. Q. flurdochl THE SIMILKAMEEN STAR.

DE. G. M. DAWSON wts v^ywvwwww^v>i^ww^wv Interviewed at Grand Forks—Will j j Visit Here Next Year. \CANAmAM lilies Princeton JAMES WALLACE, Proprietor. PACIFIC PRINCETON'S PIONEER "Imperial # i HOTEL ^ •*

Limited" The Resort id Mining Men ST. PAUL TUESDAY AND SATURDAY. First Class Mring Boon art Bar.


WEDNESDAY | Mongolian Sympathisers Excluded Montreal and Boston.

Riveted Steel Pipe. f Steel Water Pip COYLE, W. MAXWELL,

SMOKE ARMSTRONG & MORRISON, Tucketts ORE CARS, ORE BU< ii TOBACCOS, CIGARS and CIGARETTES. KJ The James Robertson Co. Ltd. ! 0^cer aiu I e VANCOUVER, B. C. .Rest in the market. Manufacturers of lead Pipe, Shot, Traps, White Geo.LTueftett&soiiCo. ._ 1 j LEAD PAINTS, Etc • IS^^m Jobbers in Wrought, Cast or Steel Pipe and Fittings,. Metals and Steam a^P HAMILTON, ONT, - Fittings. Write for Quotations. MONTR^'V THE JAMES ROBERTSON CO, LTD, L. O. UEiL*EAr L,rl.llNI-i | | Princeton Meat Market & CO., VANCOUVER, B. C. 1 i WARDLE & THOMAS | Orders for Mining Camps promptly attended to AGENTS FOR LAFLIN & RAND M and delivered. %nmm AND MINE EXPLOSIVES.! >«^ w*v*vwww» THE ONLY EXPLOSIVE FOR H S. A. HARTMAN LAND CLEARING ^> ROSSLAND, B. C. fl ATLAS DYNAMITE OR GELETINE WILL DO 4 |j MINING AND Ml ES W Times the work of ANY OTHER EXPLOSIVE. M PROMOTER OF STOCK COMPANIES. ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. |f We have first class connections and can find the necessary capital to 1OT ^r'te ^or Catalogue and Further Information to work and develop meritorious copper propositions in the Similkameen country. If yon have a good claim with a fine showing we will find 108 Holland Block, Vancouver, B. C M you a buyer. We cordially invite your correspondence. Respectfully, OFFICE: 43 COLUMBIA AVE. S. A. HARTMAN. rr THE SIMILKAMEEN STAR. THE VERMILION FORMS MINING AND DEVELOPMENT CO., Ltd.


BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED at the Forks of the Similka­ meen and Rivers* *The business centre for the following mining camps:- Copper Mt, Kennedy Mi, Fri­ day, Boulder, Granite and 20 Mile Creeks, Summit, Roche River, Upper Tulameen and Aspen Grove* Splendid Climate and Pure wafer Enormous Agricultural Area to Draw From

Government Headquarters for Similkameen District.

======^^ Prices of Lots;°=g° * ^^^=^ From $2.00 lo $10. per from foot.

- «£ *& <& Size of Lots 50 x J 00 Feet and 33 x 100 Feet* «£ <& *£

Send for map to W. J. WATERMAN, Resident Manager V. F. M. & D. Co.