Christ-Centred: Growing in Faith, Love and Service Goring Parish News Printed GPN Copy: £1 February / March 2019 Issue 63

St Mary's and St Laurence's Churches, Parish of Goring-by-Sea, West Sussex. Registered Charity 1131418

Website – Facebook:

The Reverend Keith Littlejohn, currently -in-Charge of Bolney and Cowfold, has been appointed our new Vicar. We are delighted to hear this and look forward to welcoming Keith and his wife, Laura, to the parish at his Collation and Induction on Tuesday, 12th February 2019 at 7:30pm.

This edition includes:

3 Farewell Father Roger/News from the Diocese 17 The Children’s Society - 4-5 A welcome to Father Keith Littlejohn 18 Family Services at St Mary’s and St Laurence’s 19 Parish Mission Focus March - International Nepal 6 Warden’s Warblings/Singing for Fun Fellowship 7 New Year—a poem by Valerie Tree 19 World Day of Prayer 8 Diary and Lectionary Readings for February 2019 20 Parish Mission Focus—2019 Support Programme 9 Diary and Lectionary Readings for March 2019 21 A Tall Tale: the Pope’s chauffeur 10 4th Goring (St.Laurence) Guides’ Page 22 Worthing Theological Society Programme/Facebook 11 Traidcraft 23 Point to Point Quiz/Celebrate Christmas update 12 Social events at St. Mary’s and St. Laurence’s 24 CMS - Pastor Dimba writes 13 Parish Mission Focus: February - FEBA 25 St Mary’s Social Circle Activities/Smarties 14 Christian Breadcrumbs 23 - Thanksgiving and Penitence 26 Baptisms and Marriages 15 Christian Aid 27 And Finally 16 Nature Watch 28 Parish Contacts

Parish Office opening hours..... The Parish Office is open Monday to Thursday: 10:00am to 12:00 noon. It is staffed by volunteers. If you have anything that needs to be handed in, a phone call in advance may avoid a wasted journey. Money should not be put through the letterbox. If you have money to pay in and are unable to get to the office, please hand it to the Churchwardens or the Treasurer after services on a Sunday. See the back page for Parish contact information.

Editorial.... Welcome to the February/March 2019 issue of Goring Parish News. Please take time prayerfully to consider the implications of its contents, and determine what we, the Church in Goring, can offer to promote the love of God in this place. Please pray for Fr Keith as he starts his ministry with us. Our Editorial Team hopes you will enjoy this issue. GPN is published every other month. Any subsequent, short-notice, changes to the dates/times published in GPN will be notified in the weekly Pew Sheet, the Facebook page, or on the Parish website. In this edition we offer you 28 pages packed with interesting articles and news. We hope it continues to inform, entertain and challenge in equal measures. Please let us know how we are getting on. We welcome your comments, suggestions and articles. Especially, we thank those of you who have supplied photos for inclusion. These are appreciated and, we hope you agree, make GPN more attractive to read. Please keep them coming, but please bear in mind that GPN is printed in Greyscale for those who cannot receive emails. If you do not wish for your photo, or that of your child, to appear in GPN or on the Parish website, please contact one of the Clergy, Churchwardens or a member of the Editorial Team to have that request formally recognised. We apologise to anyone whose contribution to this edition of GPN has had to be held over to a later issue. We are really grateful to the many contributors who make our job such a joy. Preferably, articles should be sent electronically, to [email protected] Alternatively, handwritten or typed articles should be sent to the Parish Office.

The next Goring Parish News, Issue no. 64

Edition Copy Deadline Issue Date April/May 2019 Tuesday, March 5th 2019 Sunday, March 31st

Articles received after this date will only be included if time and space permit. It would help us enormously if you could please send copy well in advance of this date. IMPORTANT NOTE RELATIVE TO GDPR: If you would like to receive the email version of Goring Parish News, please send your email address to [email protected]. This email address ensures compliance with the requirements of GDPR. You will need to complete a form, which can be found at the back of church, or on the parish website (see below). To be sure it arrives in your inbox each month, please add this email address to your contacts list. GPN, including back issues and supplementary articles, can also be found on the Parish website: Items for the weekly Pew Sheet should be sent to reach the Parish Office by 11:00am on Wednesdays. Email to: [email protected]. Please do not send them to Goring Parish News. Goring Parish News is published by Goring PCC Parish Office, 12 Compton Avenue, Goring-by-Sea, Worthing, BN12 4UJ Goring Parish News is printed by West Park School whose support we gratefully acknowledge.

The Editorial Team

2 A Farewell Message from The Revd. Roger Walker I have thoroughly enjoyed being among you for the last nine months leading worship and sharing in Parish events. It has been slightly strange at times being back where I was a nearly 50 years ago and amazing to meet up again with some of you who, like me, were young then! I should like to thank all those who have helped me in whatever way, while I have been your ’stand-in Vicar’; to thank you for all the Christmas cards and greetings I have received and to wish Fr Keith God’s strength and blessing in his ministry among you. Revd. Roger Walker, BD, AKC

New appointed

The of Chichester, Dr , has announced today that The Revd Luke Irvine-Capel SSC, currently of Christ Church, St Leonards-on-Sea, is to be the next Archdeacon of Chichester.

Fr. Luke began his ministry in the Church of Wales after training for the priesthood at the College of the Resurrection, Mirfield. He moved to the London Diocese in 2003 to be Rector of Cranford before taking up the post of Vicar of St Gabriel’s, Pimlico. In 2013 he was licensed as Rector of Christ Church and St Mary Magdalen and St Peter and St Paul, St Leonards-on-Sea. In 2017 he was also licensed as the interim Priest-in-Charge of St Clements with All Saints, Hastings, while continuing as Rector of Christ Church, St Leonards.

His appointment as archdeacon was welcomed today by The : “Luke Irvine- Capel has rapidly been recognised in this diocese as a prayerful, wise and effective pastor, a missionary priest who has seen his congregation grow, and a person of theological depth who can apply his intellect to the wide range of complex issues that face any incumbent. He added: “I am confident that he will move swiftly and carefully into the ministry of an archdeacon, serving those in his care with the same dedication that has marked his ministry in parishes.”

As Archdeacon, Fr Luke will work as one of four archdeacons supporting the Bishop, suffragan and other senior staff members in the day to day running of the Diocese.

He succeeds The Venerable Douglas McKittrick who retired last year.

Fr Luke will be licensed as Archdeacon on Thursday 9 May at 5.30pm in . To read the complete article, go to archdeacon-chichester-appointed/ FOR FURTHER INFORMATION FROM THE DIOCESE, visit: 3

Welcome to Father Keith Littlejohn

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Like St Paul (although I’m not bearded and have less of a tonsure) writing to the Christians in Rome, I am longing to be with you. I thought that, ahead of my being physically present, it might be good for you to have some notion of who I am. The first thing to say is that my sense of priesthood flows out of our shared primary baptismal calling as Christians. I came to faith though a very powerful life-changing, life- giving, encounter with the Lord, and the awareness of the reality of His love has never left me. The desire to enter more deeply into that mystery, and to share it with others, is what informs my life and ministry. I hope and pray that this sense of faith as a relationship of unconditional love will be evident in our life together. My faith and spirituality was nurtured in the Anglo-Catholic tradition, but I have embraced the rich diversity of , and the worship we offer will no doubt reflect this. I count it as the greatest privilege to have been called to a public and representative ministry for the Church. I prioritise prayer and worship as places of encounter with the Lord from whom we receive the energy and wisdom for mission. I love working with children and families, and find preaching exhilarating - perhaps especially to the “unchurched”. Issues of peace and justice are very dear to me, especially the situation of many of our brothers and sisters in the Middle East. It is my hope and intention that we shall establish links with Anglicans - and others - in the Holy Land. I am married to Laura (she is the one in the picture not wearing a clerical collar), and we have two daughters Amelia (23) and Maddie (21). We also have two dogs, Lottie and Mabel – I wanted to call them “Fang” and “Killer” but was outvoted. Here are some biographical bits and pieces: I have worked as a freelance cartoonist, in advertising and marketing, and as a counsellor to the long-term unemployed. I am not a trained musician, but grew up listening to classical and flamenco guitar music (I’m Spanish on my mother’s side) and play acoustic and electric guitar (not very well, though I make up for this in loudness). I love cinema, the visual arts, books, beer and cooking. That’s probably enough for the time being. Of much greater importance is my desire to hear about your own walk with Jesus, and to learn more about His love, mercy and grace. Until February : The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.

Fr Keith


The Parish of St Mary’s and St Laurence’s, Goring-by-Sea

The Collation and Induction

of Keith Littlejohn

by Bishop Mark Sowerby

at St Mary’s Church, Goring-by-Sea

on Tuesday, 12th February at 7:30pm

followed by a reception in St Mary’s Church Hall Please sign the list at the back of both churches if you plan to attend. This is to help with seating and refreshment arrangements.


Warden’s Warblings “All Change” – Episode 5

Gill and I wish you all a Happy New Year and trust that you had a wonderful Christmas without suffering from over-indulgence despite the temptations! Hopefully, you will have read Keith Littlejohn’s introduction to himself and his family on page 4.

As I write this article, I am working on the Order of Service for the Collation and Induction of Father Keith at 7:30 pm on Tuesday 12 February when we all welcome him into the parish. This is an appropriate moment to thank all those clergy, retired or otherwise, who have helped so much during the Vacancy.

It was over a year ago when Roger Walker kindly offered to cover as many services as he could at St Mary’s and arrange cover for the remaining services. Whilst the Vacancy has been challenging for both Gill and me, without Roger’s contribution it would have been even more so. What many may not have appreciated is that in addition to taking two midweek and two Sunday services frequently he also covered the baptism, wedding and funeral requests of the parish. For this we are both very, very grateful.

We have also been helped by Jay Ridley, Keith Lelliott, Gary Ingram (from Ferring), Helena Buqué, our Rural Dean and her curate Colin Cox. Additionally, retired clergy have played prominent roles with David Burt and Christopher Campling providing a significant level of cover at St Laurence with additional support coming from George Butterworth, Nancy Ford and Raymond Wood. We thank them all. Ian Hill

The Singing for Fun group is led by Jean Gardiner with Singing for Fun Malcolm Chilton on piano. Singing for Fun sessions are enjoyable, uplifting and inspiring. They last for one hour. Valuable tips are given to improve breathing technique and performance. Singers of all levels of ability are welcome. The Group occasionally performs at various venues. The group meets at St Mary’s Church Hall on various Wednesdays throughout the year, at 7:20pm for 7:30pm.

DATES for 2019: February 20th March 6th March 20th

April 17th May 1st May 15th

May 29th June 5th August 28th

Note: These dates are the latest published but may be subject to amendment. Please ensure that Pam Chilton has your email address to be kept informed of any changes and further dates. Malcolm Chilton 07986818966

6 New Year:

Another year has just begun; The future is a mystery, and the past year is now history. Although winter is still with us When we see the morning frost upon the grass And feel the north winds blowing quite a blast, Spring will not be far away with evenings growing lighter And mornings now becoming brighter. The night skies are studded with silver stars The moon so bright, shedding its golden light On fields of sheep quietly waiting to give birth. In woodlands, the grey tassels of the hazel tremble in the breeze, And new buds are already forming on the trees. The garden birds are busy now in search of berries and seeds To feed themselves for future nesting needs. Blackbird, blue tit, dunnock and robin, Chaffinch, sometimes the thrush and tiny wren. Bulbs now growing in the winter earth The pretty snowdrop, or perce-neige, is one of the first. We hope every day of this New Year From January to December, Everyone as they journey on Has something lovely to remember.

Valerie Tree

7 Diary and Lectionary Readings for February 2019 All services at St Mary’s unless otherwise stated

Date Event Time Date Event Time Sat 2nd Purification of Saint Mary the Virgin Sun 17th Third Sunday before Lent Sun 3rd Fifth Sunday before Lent: Holy Communion 08:00

Candlemas Sung Eucharist 09:30 Holy Communion 08:00 Evensong 18:00 Family Eucharist 10:00 Wed 20th Celtic Eucharist 18:30 “Candlemas” Thur 21st Holy Communion 10:00 Coffee and Children’s Activities

available from 09:30 Sun 24th Second Sunday before Lent Evensong 18:00 Holy Communion 08:00 Wed 6th Celtic Communion 18:30 Sung Eucharist 09:30 Thur 7th Holy Communion 10:00 Family Eucharist - St Laurence’s 11:00 Sun 10th Fourth Sunday before Lent “Faith” Holy Communion 08:00 Evensong 18:00 Sung Eucharist 09:30 No Evensong (rehearsal for 12th) Wed 27th Celtic Communion 18:30 Tue 12th Collation and Induction of Father Keith 19:30 Thur 28th Holy Communion 10:00 Littlejohn Wed 13th Celtic Communion 18:30 Thur 14th St Valentine Holy Communion 10:00

Coffee Time following each Thursday’s Holy Communion is from 10:45 - 11:45

Date Sung Eucharist Evensong 3 February Malachi 3: 1-5 Psalm 132 The presentation of Christ in Hebrews 2: 14-end Haggai 2:1-9 the Temple (Candlemas) Luke 2: 22-40 John 2 18-22 10 February Isaiah 6: 1-8 Psalm 1 4th Sunday before Lent 1 Corinthians 15: 1-11 Hosea 1 Luke 5: 1-11 Colossians 3: 1-22 17 February Jeremiah 17: 5-10 Psalm 6 3rd Sunday before Lent 1 Corinthians 15: 12-20 Hosea 10: 1-8,12 Luke 6: 17-26 Galatians 4: 8-20 24 February Genesis 2: 4b-9, 15-end Psalm 147: 13-end 2nd Sunday before Lent Revelation 4 Genesis 1: 1-2: 3 Luke 8: 22-25 Matthew 6: 25-end

Lent Courses:

Please note — details of Lent courses were not available at the time GPN went to press. Information will be sent out in a separate email, and will also be posted on the Parish website, Facebook page and in the Pew Sheet. Ed. 8 Diary and Lectionary Readings for March 2019 - All services at St Mary’s unless otherwise stated

Date Event Time Date Event Time Fri 1st St David Sun 17th Second Sunday of Lent St Patrick Sun 3rd Sunday next before Lent Holy Communion 08:00 Holy Communion 08:00 Sung Eucharist 09:30 Family Eucharist 10:00 Evensong 18:00 “Lent” Tue 19th St Joseph of Nazareth Wed 20th Celtic Communion 18:30 Coffee and Children’s Activities available from 09:30 Thur 21st Holy Communion 10:00 Sun 24th Evensong 18:00 Third Sunday of Lent Holy Communion 08:00

Sung Eucharist 09:30 Wed 6th Ash Wednesday and Ashing 19:30 Evensong 18:00 Thur 7th Holy Communion 10:00 Mon 25th Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Wed 30th Celtic Communion 18:30 Sun 10th First Sunday of Lent Thur 31st Holy Communion 10:00 Holy Communion 08:00 Sun 31st Fourth Sunday of Lent: Mothering Sung Eucharist 09:30 Sunday Evensong 18:00 Holy Communion 08:00 Sung Eucharist 09:30 Wed 13th Celtic Communion 18:30 Family Eucharist - St Laurence’s 11:00 Thur 14th Holy Communion 10:00 Evensong 18:00

Coffee Time following each Thursday’s Holy Communion is from 10:45 - 11:45

Date Sung Eucharist Evensong 3 March Exodus 34: 29-end Psalm 89: 5-12 The Sunday next before 2 Corinthians 3: 12-4: 2 Exodus 3: 1-6 Lent Luke 9: 28-36 [37 -43a] John 12: 27-36a

6 March Joel 2: 1-2. 12-17 or Isaiah 58: Ash Wednesday 1-12 2 Corinthians 5: 20b – 6: 10 Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-21 or John 8: 1-11 10 March Deuteronomy 26: 1-11 Psalm 119: 73-88 The First Sunday of Lent Romans 10: 8b-13 Jonah 3 Luke 4: 1-13 Luke 18: 9-14

17 March Genesis 15: 1-12, 17-18 Psalm 135: 1-14 The Second Sunday of Lent Philippians 3:17-4 :1 Jeremiah 22: 1-9, 13-17 Luke 13: 31-end Luke 14: 27-33 24 March Isaiah 55: 1-9 Psalm 12 The Third Sunday of Lent 1 Corinthians 10: 1-13 Genesis 28: 10-19a Luke 13: 1-9 John 1: 35-end 31 March Joshua 5: 9-12 Psalm 30 The Fourth Sunday of Lent 2 Corinthians 5: 16-end Isaiah 40:27-41:13 Mothering Sunday Luke 15: 1-3, 11b-end 2 Timothy 4: 1-18

9 Prayer is a plant, the seed of which is sown in the heart of every Christian. If it is well cultivated and nourished it will produce fruit, but if it is neglected, it will wither and die

This term we have started work on the new Guiding programme. Just a few of the activities we have done for this have been having a tea party (with the works: hot chocolate, lemon drizzle cake, chocolate Brownies and Victoria sponge cake) where the girls practised listening effectively, and learning about barriers to listening. There has been macramé, a type of chinese whispers but with non-verbal communication, story writing, silhouette puppet-making, followed by shows, cartoons drawn, stories written and lastly bowls made from magazines. The end products generally produced much hilarity but unfortunately ended in the bin as completely unusable - not one of Girlguiding’s best ideas! Curling and Flower Arranging Activities To end the term we had a session on samba music, where we learnt about and how to play Agogo bells, Tamborims, Caixa, Surdo and Repique. It was amazing to hear the end result, but for me the highlight was when we were learning how to have control of volume and at a particularly loud beat one of the leaders walked in. Her eyes were out on stalks!

Sophia - Guide - 4th Goring Guides Find the unit that fits! Why not give 4th Goring Guides a try? Every unit is different. Don't let your daughter miss out on all the opportunities, fun, friendship and adventure, in a girls-only space: contact us today on 01903 248597 or visit our website

Be inspired Be active Be strong Be independent Be a Guide 10

Traidcraft News – Fair Trade Fortnight 2019

This year, Fairtrade Fortnight will be held from 25th February until 10th March, and the focus will be on cocoa and cocoa farmers, particularly linked to West Africa, where much of the world’s cocoa is grown. The campaign will highlight how many cocoa farmers are underpaid and exploited, and the scandal of unfair trade. Choosing to buy fair trade, ethical food and drink is everyday activism, and is the simplest way to change the world. Through fair trade, farmers and growers can earn enough to feed their families, send their children to school and provide a future for their local community, Fair Trade Fortnight started in Edinburgh in 1997 and is now celebrated in a number of countries around the world, including Canada, Australia and New Zealand. This FairTrade Fortnight, Traidcraft will be celebrating nearly four decades of pioneering fairly-traded goods, bringing us, amongst other things, coffee, tea, chocolate, sugar, wine, rubber and products containing palm oil from small producers. The Stall will open as usual on 10th and 17th February, and in March will be open on 3rd, 10th (to coincide with the Fortnight) and 17th. Please come, browse and support the stall. To find out more about Fair Trade Fortnight, visit: fairtrade-fortnight Writing this just after Christmas, I have realised that by the time you read this, we will (almost!) be thinking of Easter, and if you need me to order Easter Eggs, please let me know. Wishing you all a Happy and healthy New Year.

Janice Lelliott [email protected] 01903 504384 To find out more about Traidcraft visit


12 Parish Mission Focus for February 2019

Providing support to a community during an emergency Feba began as Far East Broadcasting Associates, a small group of British supporters of the US-based Far East Broadcasting Company (FEBC). Inspired by FEBC’s use of radio to broadcast Christ to the world, in 1959 this group of British supporters took up the task of establishing a station in the Seychelles - a British Protectorate at the time. Initially broadcasting into India, they became the Far East Broadcasting Association. Now known as Feba Radio UK, today, radio remains an important tool for many hard-to-reach communities, but they use whatever media is most appropriate for each community. It may be radio - short wave, medium wave or community FM - or it may be web or social media- based. Their passion and commitment as Christians is to empower people to live with dignity and enjoy life in all its fullness. I have come in order that you might have life - life in all its fullness. John 10:10, What is life-giving media? Media is a powerful tool that can be used in a variety of ways. During a natural disaster, radio can be used to broadcast important, life-saving information. In communities that are overcome by poverty, media can provide a message of hope, encouragement and practical information to help improve their situation.

Feba Radio UK Reg Charity in England 257343 Skywaves House, Ivy Arch Road

A full list of Missions and charities supported by our Parish can be found on Page 20 and on the Parish Website at:

Remembrance Day Bellringers

Courtesy of Ringing World Bellboard

13 Christian Breadcrumbs 23: By The Very Reverend C.R. Campling, Dean Emeritus of

Thanksgiving and Penitence

“God-centred prayers of love” When we say, “Thank you” to someone there are three things we mean. First, we are saying that we are pleased: something nice has happened. * Secondly, we are realizing that this pleasure comes from the other person, so we are saying, “Thank you”. This leads us to a third feeling that is not entirely logical and may be absent (test it for yourself). That is the desire to reciprocate; not by payment or entering into a bargain, but because we want the traffic of goodness between that person and ourselves to be two-way traffic. So the words “Thank you” themselves give pleasure; and imply that we are ready to return the favour if an opportunity arises. This is the nature of ‘gratitude’. It is an important part of making good relationships with other people. It is the same with our relationship with God. ‘Thanksgiving’ is at the very centre of our ‘prayer friendship’ with God. Without it the rest of religious practice can be hard and dull. As we thank God we become more aware of God’s goodness to us in the life we live, the family and friends we have – indeed, all the beautiful things that we enjoy. Thanksgiving to God enhances all that is good in our lives. It also increases our sense of dependence upon God and our willingness to live to the full the life that has been given us.

What about penitence? This arises naturally and sincerely from thanksgiving, as we realize starkly how much we fall short and spoil what God has given us. We see ‘sin’ as essentially the negative of goodness. Penitence is an act of God-centred love; not a self-centred wallowing in shame. It is helpful to remember that nearly all of Jesus’ teaching about human behaviour emphasises the inner attitude rather than the outward observance of rules. Read the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5 - 7) and Jesus’ stern words against the rule- bound Pharisees in Mark 7 vv. 1–23. Jesus said, “I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit” (See John 15 v 5); and St. Paul described the ‘fruit of the Spirit’ as “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control”. (Galatians 5 vv. 22–

23) As these begin to grow within us, we find we have much to be thankful for.

* It is worth noticing that the act of saying “Thank you” actually increases one’s own pleasure – besides, of course, giving pleasure to the other person. Try it yourself.

Editor’s footnote: Fr. Christopher’s new book “Christian Breadcrumbs” and his book “Sonnets of Faith” are both available from the Parish Office for £5 per copy or may be ordered directly from Fr. Christopher (phone 01903 246598). All profits from sales of both books will be donated to a local hospice and the parish.

14 Christian Aid ~ February 2019

Advent Service of Hope at Lancing College

Monday 3rd December 2018

I attended the Advent Hope Service this year, as I have done for the past few years with a group of friends. This is a lovely uplifting service to attend just before all the hectic festive season starts.

As I walked in I felt the full majestic beauty of the chapel: the candles were lit, the Christmas Tree in all its glory stood beside the altar and the packed number of people had come together to enjoy this special service. I felt privileged to be part of this congregation.

The Service is full of charm, songs and very interesting and heartfelt speeches from the charity workers. This year the speaker was Amanda Mukwashi, Chief Executive of Christian Aid – and what an inspiring speaker she was, full of enthusiasm and stories of hard working people who are putting every effort into trying to bring peace and harmony in helping others.

As her talk began a quietness came over the vast chapel and I am sure everyone felt as I did that Amanda was speaking directly to them. She told stories of the camps that she had visited in various parts of the world - of ordinary people doing extraordinary acts of kindness for the sole purpose of helping people in situations less fortunate than ours.

The message was that Peace is broken every day, but it is also built every day through the tireless work of peacemakers across the world, by volunteers within the Charity hoping to make a difference and see changes happen.

All of us live such busy lives now. It was lovely to have an evening of reflection and tranquility to hear someone so passionate about bringing people together, to hear of the unseen heroes who make other people a little bit more comfortable where possible.

I am sure we all agree what wonderful work the Christian Aid charity does and we have to admire all those who are involved.

Lyn Chatfield

By the time you read this very cheering and uplifting review of the service it will be long gone but not forgotten. Thank you for your support in 2018. Christian Aid week will be from the 12th to 18th May 2019 when we hope you will continue to give to further support to the work of the charity.

Di and David Burt (01903 248204) and Julie and Russell Marlow (01902 249685) .

Coffee Time on Thursdays is after the 10:00am Communion Service. It is not just for those who attend the service. It is for anyone and everyone: an opportunity for fellowship. Come and join us. We offer freshly-brewed coffee, hot chocolate, teas, etc..

Penelope Corp and Janice Lelliott

15 Nature Watch: February / March 2019 Firstly a Happy and Blessed 2019 to you with plenty of wild life for all of us to enjoy. The winter months are always more difficult to find things to share so I thought I would do a retrospective of the many wild creatures which we encounter during the year. The importance of feeding the birds is crucial once the supply of berries etc. diminishes. The feeders are a regular supply of valuable food but other fruit can add to their diet as this blackbird shows: We do see many foxes which are quite bold even if confronted. This one obviously thought there might be some seeds dropped from the bird feeder.

You will remember the Royal Weddings last year. These penguins raised a smile in Worthing hospital Finally I hope a blackcap will be tempted by the seeds again this winter - always good to see.

Those summer months brought us so much to enjoy like these two broad body chaser dragonflies( female and male) which graced our pond:

David Burt

[email protected]

16 We have been heartened through reading of the work the Society has been doing with children and families. We have also been encouraged through knowing that over No child many years the parish has given to the Society by way of should the home boxes and events at the box opening. Our records show that between 2011 and 2018 this has amounted to £9,335 let alone the sums from earlier years pas well as from the Christingle services. If you would like to have a box do get in touch as we can get one to you. We thought you might like to read something of the way the Society has been helping: This was the first year of our new strategy, focusing on helping children facing a number of issues in their lives. We want young people to be free from risk, have the resilience to cope with the problems in their lives, and have access to the resources they need to thrive.

Amanda Amanda was put into care at age 12 owing to difficulties at home. This left her struggling to trust people and as a cry for help, she began to skip school. She would often sleep on the streets, where she was directly at risk of child sexual exploitation. When she was 14, Amanda was referred to us. We supported her one- on-one to bring her home, rebuild her troubled relationship with her mum and engage with school again. Amanda is now living happily back at home and hasn't been reported missing for more than six months. This is just one of the many positive stories but one that gives encouragement for our future support. Thank you on behalf of the Society. Di and I wish you every blessing for 2019.

Di and David Burt

For those who wish to continue reading ‘The Story of Goring and Highdown’, you may obtain a copy of this out-of-print book. Here's the link to ABEBOOKS to purchase second-hand copies:

17 18 Parish Mission Focus for March 2019


Established in 1952, INF is Nepal’s longest-serving international non- government organisation.

Nepal is one of the poorest and least developed countries in the world. The country is a very young democracy. It is in the process of emerging from a politically and socially fragile post- conflict period. Its people have worked hard and achieved much to reduce poverty in Nepal. Twenty years ago, nearly every other family lived in extreme poverty, earning less than £1 a day. Though this number has halved, today there are still one in four families living in abject poverty. Gender, social group and geographic area are major factors that can influence a person’s opportunity to break the cycle of poverty. This is why Nepal and its people need your help. Poverty is not inevitable. INF has established nearly 1,000 self-help groups in Nepal’s poorest communities. Each day, these groups are taking action to improve life in their villages. INF UK Reg Charity No 1047178 24 Weoley Park Road Email: [email protected] Birmingham B29 6QX Phone: 0121 472 2425

World Day of Prayer

Come- Everything is


1st March 14:30 Goring URC, Shaftesbury Avenue, Worthing, BN12 4EA, West Sussex

19 Parish Mission Focus - 2019 Support Programme

A full list of Missions and charities supported by our Parish can be found on Page nn and on the Parish Website at:


After getting all of Pope Francis's luggage loaded into the limo at the airport, (and he doesn't travel light), the driver notices the Pope is still standing on the curb. 'Excuse me, Your Holiness,' says the driver, 'Would you please take your seat so we can leave?' 'Well, to tell you the truth,' says the Pope, 'they never let me drive at the Vatican, and I'd really like to drive today.' ‘I'm sorry, Your Holiness, but I cannot let you do that. I'd lose my job! What if something should happen?’ protests the driver, wishing he'd never gone to work that morning. 'Who's going to tell?' asks the Pope with a smile. Reluctantly, the driver gets into the back as the Pope climbs in behind the wheel. The driver quickly regrets his decision when, after exiting the airport, the Pontiff floors it, accelerating the limo to 130 mph. (Remember, the Pope is Argentinian, and Fangio, the famous racer, was Argentinian.) ‘Please slow down, Your Holiness,’ pleads the worried driver, but the Pope keeps the pedal to the metal until they hear sirens. ‘Oh, dear God, I'm going to lose my license -- and my job!', moans the driver. The Pope pulls over and rolls down the window as the traffic cop approaches; but the cop takes one look at him, goes back to his motorcycle, and gets on the radio. 'I need to talk to the Chief,' he says to the dispatcher. The Chief gets on the radio and the cop tells him that he's stopped a limo going 130 mph. 'So bust him,' says the Chief. 'I don't think we want to do that. He's really important,' said the cop. The Chief exclaimed, 'All the more reason!' 'No, I mean really important,' said the cop with a bit of persistence. The Chief then asked, 'Who do you have there, the mayor?' Cop: 'Bigger.' Chief: 'A senator?' Cop: 'Bigger.' Chief: 'The President?' Cop: 'Bigger.' 'Well,' said the Chief, 'who is it?' Cop: 'I think it's GOD!' The Chief is even more puzzled and curious, 'What makes you think it's God?' Cop: 'His chauffeur is the Pope!’

21 Worthing Theological Society ~~~~~~ For further information contact: Secretary The Revd Dr Michael Semple - email [email protected] or Chair, The Revd Dr Hazel Sherman: [email protected] or see our website :


Monday February 25 Professor Vernon White Westminster Abbey and King’s College, London “Providence: an impossible but necessary belief” Monday March 25 Professor Andrew Bradstock Centre for Theology and Religion in Public Life, University of Winchester “Recovering the Common Good: a task for the churches?”

All meetings take place at West Worthing Baptist Church commencing at 7.45pm. The church is in South Street Tarring (BN14 7LU), some 200 yards north of West Worthing Station. Admission is free and there is a retiring collection to defray expenses. Coffee, tea and biscuits are available at the end of the lecture. If you did not receive this notice via email then it would be helpful if you were to send your personal details to the secretary at [email protected] . We will then be able to send you updating information throughout the year.

Official Goring Parish Facebook page

Our Parish has an official Facebook page! It’s called St Mary’s and St Laurence’s Churches, Parish of Goring-by-Sea, West Sussex, and includes all our latest news. We also invite you to post to the page your news of events, concerts, activities of groups associated with our churches; wedding/christening photos, all the things you think might be of interest on a page like this. Pam Chilton, Lucinda Cox, Kate Henwood and Ruth Jepson are the administrators of the page. Please contact us with any comments or suggestions. Please also share the page and its postings with your friends!

22 A sterling cameo performance by our Tower Captain during December’s Family Service at St Mary’s

NEED A VENUE? Celebrate Christmas Then why not book St Mary’s Church Many thanks to all those who Hall for your event? supported this event, especially For booking enquiries, rates etc., please contact the Letting Secretary, Philip U3A Inspired Instrumentalists, St Webber - Mary’s Music Group and Singing for Tel.: 01903 246583. Fun Mob.: 07759 849479. We raised £351.83 for Care For Email: [email protected] Veterans

23 Church Mission Society - News

a community of people in mission who want the world to know Jesus

Dear Sister Ruth,

Greetings to you in Jesus name our Lord Christ. Thank you very much for the gift which you sent to brother Figgis which reached us in time.

Below are some photos of Christmas time with the children at Maoni.

Below is a photo at the maize farm, which is doing good, we will be ready to spray chemical for the fall army worms.

Thank you for all you do for us in Africa.

Bishop M. Dimba

24 St Mary’s Social Circle News . February / March Meetings

2019 2019 Tuesday 5th February. 1:45 p.m.– Lisa Herbert – The Dogs’ Trust, Shoreham Thursday 28th February 7:30 p.m. – Annual General Meeting and Philip Potter, Headteacher Oak Grove College New members are (there will be an illustrated presentation about the College always welcome. after the AGM) Come on, Ladies, give us a try! Tuesday 5th March 1:45 p.m. – Lucinda Cox – Spring Flower Arrangement Annual cost is £8.00 plus £1.00 per All our meetings are open to all ladies, members and non- meeting (including members, but at the AGM, only members may vote. refreshments) Please come with ideas for a charity that we may support Each meeting is open during 2018. to all women, members and non- Members £1 and non-members £2 (including members. “Open” refreshments). meetings are open to everyone, regardless of gender. Janice Lelliott (01903 504384)

All our meetings are Secretary held in St. Mary’s Church Hall.

Chairman: Linda Eden Tel.: 01903 368582

Smarties Toddler Group

Wednesday Morning (term time only) St Mary's Church Hall Ilex Way BN12 4UZ £1.50 per adult, with up to three children. Mums, Dads, Grandparents, Childminders. All welcome to enjoy the fun!

Karen King - 01903 532220

25 Baptisms and Marriages – December / January

Baptisms - We welcome into The Lord’s family: 13th January - Daisy Ann Diprose 20th January - Aiden John Horley

Weddings - We ask God’s blessing on: 21st December - Michael Anthony Spencer to Eleanor Jane Gumbrill

26 And finally … Senior Moments

I have always felt one should have a sense of humour when getting on in years; to be able to smile when one puts the tea in the milk jug instead of the tea pot.

Senior moments can also extend into junior moments – i.e. when we do things we used to do as children – making funny faces at the postman or climbing a tree in your garden to spy on your neighbour.

Growing old is like being increasingly penalised for a crime you haven’t committed; When you can’t work out how the cereal got into the fridge, and start to feel nervous about where you might find the milk;

When you phone your friend to ask them for their phone number; When you find yourself marvelling at your car’s ability to move itself from where you parked it;

When you ask the gas man to wait at the door while you fetch your order for two extra semi-skimmed and a bottle of orange;

When you are barred from your local supermarket for causing check-out hold-ups as you try to remember your pin number; When you answer the phone, only to discover it wasn’t your phone that was ringing – it was on the television;

Please smile with me as we get older. A time when the only time you feel comfortable is when you are in bed!

Bill Tree

27 Parish Contacts ** Recent changes highlighted Vicar Fr Keith Littlejohn [email protected] 01903 242525 Reader Keith Lelliott [email protected] 01903 504384 Churchwardens Ian Hill [email protected] 07711 696641 Gill Keevill [email protected] 07715 120841

Pastoral Care Sylvia Jarrett 07873 392437

Julie Marlow 07940 588880 St Mary’s Church BN12 4UZ The Vicarage and 12 Compton [email protected] 01903 242525 Parish Office Avenue Goring by Sea, Worthing BN12 4UJ St Mary’s Hall lettings Philip Webber [email protected] 01903 246583 St Mary’s Bellringers Graham Hills [email protected] 01903 266980 St Laurence’s Sea Place, Goring by Sea, Worthing BN12 4BY Church Local Wardens Geoffrey Oliver [email protected] 01903 240540 Ruth Jepson [email protected] 01903 507469 St Laurence’s Hall Geoffrey Oliver [email protected] 01903 240540 lettings Other Church Officers Safeguarding Alison Evans [email protected] 01903 242525 representative (Child protection, etc) [email protected] PCC Treasurer John Stovell [email protected] 01903 535289 Parish Giving Officer John Stovell [email protected] 01903 535289 PCC Secretary Janet Annis [email protected] 01903 367939 Church Music ~ ~ St Mary’s Organist George Ford [email protected] 07586 364592 Choirmaster Alex Bristow [email protected] 01903 505554 Music Group Leader Malcolm Chilton [email protected] 07986 818966 ~ St Laurence’s Music Group leader Russell Marlow [email protected] 01903 249685 Communications Group Co-Editor Roland Silcox [email protected] 01903 243970 Co-Editor Malcolm Chilton [email protected] 07986 818966

Unless otherwise acknowledged, photographs and images included in this publication have been taken either by staff and parishioners of Goring parish, are downloaded from the ‘Clipart’ gallery provided by courtesy of Microsoft Corporation or obtained from Wikipedia. Goring PCC, as publisher of this magazine, acknowledges and wishes to express its thanks to them.