Millionaire Dropouts Also by Woody Woodward Millionaire Dropouts High School Edition Never Let Your Schooling Interfere with Your Education Millionaire Dropouts College Edition Why Dropping Out Might Be the Best Decision You Ever Made Millionaire Dropouts Parents Edition Why You Should Support Your Child Who Wants to Drop Out Millionaire Dropouts Biography Edition Biographies of the World’s Most Successful Failures Millionaire Dropouts Mini-Book: Words of Wisdom Millionaire Dropouts Mini-Book: Innovators Millionaire Dropouts Inspiring Stories of the World’s Most Successful Failures Woody Woodward © 2006 D.U. Publishing. All Rights Reserved. Written permission must be secured from the publisher to use or reproduce any part of this book, except for brief quotations in criti- cal reviews or articles. Request for permission or further informa- tion should be addressed to the Inspirational Product Division, D.U. Publishing. D.U. Publishing 39252 Winchester Road #107-430 Murrieta CA 92563
[email protected] Millionaire Dropouts™ is trademark of Steven B. Woodward. Warning—Disclaimer The purpose of this book is to educate and inspire. This book is not intended to give advice or make promises or guarantees that any- one following the ideas, tips, suggestions, techniques or strategies will have the same results as the people listed throughout the stories contained herein. The author, publisher and distributor(s) shall have neither liability nor responsibility to anyone with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly, by the information contained in this book. To preserve confidentiality, various names have been changed in this manuscript.