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Register Your Product at Important Warranty Information Regarding Television Format Viewing Register your product at|obaL/register important Warranty information Regarding Television Format Viewing Standard screen fbrmat televisions (4:3 the aspect ratio of the screen width to height) are pmnarily designed to vh'w stan&_rd format full-motion video. TM' images displa}>d on them should pmnarily be in tM' standard 4:3 ratio format _md constantly moving. Displaying st;_tionary graphics and hnages on screen, st:tch as tM' dark top stnd bottom h'tu'fl_ox bars (wide screen pictures)_ should be limited to no more than 15% of the total television viewing per week. Wi&, scn'en format u,h,visions (16:9 the _spect ratio of the screvn width to height) arc pmnaril) designed to vh'w wi&" scn'cn iornmt lull-motion vi&,o. TM' images displayed on th_'m should pmnarily be in tM' wi&, screen 16:9 ratio fbrmaU or _'xpan&'d to fill the screen if ) otitr model ofi_'rs this{%and constantl) moving. Displa) ing stationacy gr_phics and images on screen st:tch as the' dark si&'-b_rs on non-expanded standard format television video and programming, should be limited to no mort" than 15% of tM' tot_fl u'h'vision vh, wmg per w_'ek. Additionall}_ viewing other stationary images and text such as stock market reports, vi&,o game' displa} s station logos wd_ siu's or computtcr graphics and patterns should be limited as described abow" ior all televisions. Displaying a_!y stationa O, images that exceed the above guidelines can cause u_eveu aging qf picturc tubes (CRTs) that leave subtle, but permanent burned-in ghost images in the television pier,we, To avoid this, vasty the programming and images, and prhnari(y disp_ay.Jh_ scr('en moving images, not stationary patterns or darh bars. On teh'vision modds that offer picture sizing [e4tt.tres t_tsethese comrols to view the dificrem k_rrnat as a full scree__ picture. Be careful in the selection and chtration of television formats ttsed for viewing. Uneven CRT a_ing as a rest:@ of fommt selection and use, as well as other brUShed-in images [s not covered by your Samsung [mfftvd warrant)_ English - 2 A Guide to Digital TV What is Digita| TeJevision? Digital television (DTV) is a new way of transmitting high quality video and audio to )7ol:LrTV set. Using DTV, broadcasters can transmit high definition TV (HDTV) images Dolby digital sl:trroumd al:tdio and new services st:tch as nn:dticasting (transmitting more than ore' program on the sam_' TV channel) and datacasting (providing electronic program guides and interactiw' teh'vision). Svw'ral of these scrvict's can be combin{'d into a singh' digital broadcast. Digital Television Services Digital Picture Quality DTV programs arc transmitted m two difierent f_wnmts. The tirst is Standard Definition Tch'vision (SDTV) and the' second is High Definition Teh'vision (HDTV). 8DTV program kwmats include 480-1im' interlaced (480i) and 480-line progressive (480p) vi(h'o, q80i programs arc essentially a digital version of oL:trcl:trrent analog TV programs, while the 480p ku_mat oih'rs inlprow, d image &'tail ow'r 4801. Som_' 480p programs are broadc;tst in w[dvscrven and ar_' comparabh' to progrvssiw'-scan DVD movies m image qltalit),. HDTV program iormats include 1080-line interlaced (10801) and 720-line progressive (720p). Both HDTV formats are always broadcast in w[descreen, and offbr mctch higher picutre qttality than SDT\_ DoJby Surround Sound With DTV you can listen to a variety of Dolby digital al:tdio formats irom Dolby Sutrrocmd 2.0 to Dolby Digital 5.1 st:trrocmd t:tsing yot:tr home audio s) stein. Man) HDTV programs arc nov,-broadcast with DD 5.1 soundtracks. Interactive Communications and Oatacasting DTV will allow you to interact with your television; choosing programs h*om a detailed program gt:tide or&'ring produtcts on-lint' while watching T\I and acc_'ssing ancillar) data abot:tt a program. English -3 How to View DigitaJ TeJevision There are three w%Ts to watch DT\_ The first is to use an integrated digital TV one w_th a butih-in digital teh'vision tum_'r. TM' second is to conn_'ct _m _'xt_'rnal DTV st, t-top recciwr to a DTV-read} teh,vision or monitor. This type of TV or monitor will have wideband component video and stereo audio inpt:tts. You can ;_lso watch DTV signals with personal cotllputter (PC) turner cards and cotllputter monitors. Integrated TVs versus DTV-readg TVs and monitors The advantage of an integrated DTV set is that it can tume both analog and digital TV chanttets at the same time. All you'll treed to do is add art exterttal atttetma attd you are remedyto watch DTV However, integrated DTV sets are not as common as DTV-ready TVs and monitors. If you[ already own a DTV-ready TV with compon{'nt vid{,o inpt:ttS; yOtitcan {'tt]o)_ DTV broadcasts by simply adding a low-cost DTV set-top receiver atld antetma. This television receiver supports the copy protection system regulated by DTLA (Digital Transmission Licensing Administrator,). tt should be noted that copy protected content may not be viewable depending on your particular connections. English -4 Q&A 1. is the antenna | use for existing TV reception good enough for DTV? Ove>the-air (OTA) digital TV broadcasting uses the sanle channels as analog TV and works _s'ell with nlan)_ t'xisting TV antennas. Ho_'t'vt'r, DT\' ])roadc'ast chann4 assign[nt, nts are diffl'n'nt than analog chann4s. You should find octt wh'ther )our local DTV })road_'asts art, on VHF (chann4s 2-1"_) or UHF (chann4s 14-(>9) to set" if )ou nt't'd a dfff_'n'nt antenna. If your DTV chann4s art, on UHF and )ou ah'ady set good UHF rtwption, your present antenna nlay _,,'ork tint'. The sanlt' holds trtitt' for VHF I)TV recq_tion. Nott' that in sonar' Lnarkt, ts bth VHF and UHF chann4s art' used br DTV l_roadcasts. _\_u can find out the latest DTV channel assignnlt'nts for your area by bro',_'sin;4 selected Intt'rn_'t web site's such as _'w, Uitant_:corll, and _'_qc' 2. How diffisu|t is it to reseive DTV signa|s indoors? This depends on whether your local DTV stations are running full power or not and how clost' your location is to tD transnlission t¢,ver. DTV n'eeivt'rs do not n'quin' as Lllt:tc'h%hal as analog TV rt'c't'tvt'rs to produc't' high-qualit) iLlmgt's and sound. Once the DTV signal level exceeds a certain threshold at the n,ceiver, the digital video and auutio data is decoded at the sanle quality it was originally encoded br broadcast. This is a hg advantage br DTV over analog TV - there is no noise, ghosting static or scratchy audio. 3. How san | sonnest an antenna in my townhouse, so-operative apartment, condominium, or apartment? The Federal Conlnlunications Conlnlission's OTAED Ectle (part of the Tt'lt'_'onlLnunh'ations Act of 1996) allo_;vs residents of _'ondonliniunls townhoust,, or Lllt'nlbers of ndghborhood associations to put up outside antt_nnas for rec'eption of broadcast TV signals as long as thost, antennas art' not [o_'att'd in common an'as and art, no [non' than 12' fn hdght. Eesidents of rental units (apartn_ents etc) are not covered }>ythe OTAED rules and will havt, to ust, indoor antennas to ret'efvt' DTV t)road('asts. It is possfl>le that th' hndlord of an apartn_ent co[nplt'x can providt, ]_road_*ast DTV signals via a n_astt, r TV antt'nna s)'stt'm to t'ach apartn_t'nt. 4. Can ! connect my DTV set-top reseiver to my sane TV service? CaI_le TV systen_s _tse a dificrt, nt n_ethod br transn_itting digital TV progran_s that is c'urrently inc'on_patil_lt' with broadcast I)TV set-top re<'eivt'rs. So vot:t__:ill still nt'ed to ttst, art outtdoor or indoor antenna to n'cdvt' OTA })ro;_dcast [)TV progratl_s. The good news is that you won't have to pay a n_onthly or per-progran_ charge to watch OTA DTV and HDTV progran_s. They'n" Dee unlike sttbseription satellite TV or pn'n_iun_ cable TI All you need is an antenna and a DTV set-top n'ceiver to enjoy clear, sharp _v[descreen i_nages and high-quality audio. English - 5 l CONTENTS Chapter 1: Your New TV h_t _,)F,utuk's ........................................................................................................................ 8 ACLkSSO/_S .............................................................................................................................. f.m]]l hm 7rag k)un_clt '.vlth h%u/ New TV................................................................................ 9 Cont3ol Buttons ........................................................................................................ 9 Connc_uun I.Ld<s(b@u_ ............................................................................................ 10 Com-k._th,n Jac ks (Rem} ............................................................................................ 11 R£mote Comml ........................................................................................................ 12 Chapter 2: UnstaHation Col m<_.tmg VHY _md UHF Antcnnus ...................................................................................... 14 An/¢mq,_s vd/h 300-ohm Flat lv.m L_-'a& .................................................................. lq fl]/t'lqD,_S \lJt}l 75 OJN/I Rottnd |,u_s ........................................................................ 15 Sepal ntc VHF and UHF Antennas .............................................................................. 15 Colmu.tmg C:Jhle TV .............................................................................................................. 16 Cabk: wd>ul a (R_bk Bux ........................................................................................ 1(, Cable _xId_ a Cab\ Bvx thut D_s_rambles All (haJ u k]s ............................................ 16 C<,m-k_ng to a dane Box th,l Dcscrumll> _,,,>e Ch._nncl_, .................................... 17 (-om_tmg a VCR .................................................................................................................. 18 Conneutmg a %cund V( R 1o Rccon horn lhu I-V .................................................... 19 (R_nllc_t>g a Cameo*tier .......................................................................................................
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