National US History Bee Round 9

1. This city was the site of a 1777 battle where Hugh Mercer died driving back the forces of Thomas Mawhood. This city is the site of a permanent postdoc center once home to Clifford Geertz and J. Robert Oppenheimer, the Institute for Advance Study. What New Jersey city contains a namesake Ivy League university? ANSWER: Princeton, New Jersey 080-13-92-09101 2. This camera store owner led successful opposition to the Briggs Initiative. Known as the “Mayor of Castro Street,” the White Night Riots occurred after a trial in which Dan White used the “Twinkie Defense” in regards to his actions against this man. Who was this gay activist and politician who was assassinated along with San Francisco mayor George Moscone in 1977? ANSWER: Harvey Milk 030-13-92-09102 3. This President caused a rift within his party when he sided with his Secretary of the Interior Richard Ballinger and fired his predecessor's appointed Chief of the Forest , Gifford Pinchot. What President was not seen as carrying on the conservation work of his predecessor, and also apocryphally got stuck in the bathtub because of his size? ANSWER: William Howard Taft 023-13-92-09103 4. This Constitutional amendment reduced the number of candidates considered by the House of Representatives to three from five. It arose from the aftermath of Aaron Burr's manipulations and ended the practice of Electoral College members having two vote each. What is this amendment which effectively established "ticket" voting following the contested election of 1800? ANSWER: Twelfth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution [or amendment 12] 019-13-92-09104 5. This early abolitionist was serving as governor when he signed a 1799 law that freed all slaves in by 1829. This man was the chief negotiator for the US for the 1794 Treaty of London. This man was the only person aside from Alexander and to write some of . Who was the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court? ANSWER: John Jay 066-13-92-09105 6. This institution's creation by George Yeardley ended a period of martial law. It was abrogated after it defied Lord Dunmore. This institution lost power after losing its status as unicameral legislature and becoming the lower house of the General Assembly. What is this first elected assembly in North America, the governing body of colonial ? ANSWER: the House of Burgesses 080-13-92-09106

National US History Bee 9 Page 1 of 12 7. This man successfully delayed the British despite losing the Battle of Valcour Island on Lake Champlain. This man, as well as Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys, was responsible for the capture of Fort Ticonderoga. John André's capture foiled this person's plans to deliver West Point to the British. What general of the American Revolution famously committed treason? ANSWER: Benedict Arnold 066-13-92-09107 8. This man was empowered by a procedure that had previously been tested on Isaiah Bradley. This man led the anti-Registration faction in a conflict resulting from the killing of 600 people in Stamford, Connecticut. This man’s partner lost an arm during a battle with Baron Zemo, and was revived by Vasily Karpov to become the Winter Soldier. Who is this superhero who wields a circular shield, whose real name is Steve Rogers? ANSWER: Captain America [accept Steve Rogers before mention] 048-13-92-09108 9. This actor's last performance was as a ranch hand named Jett Rink, who becomes wealthy after striking oil. This man played a character who, while at a police station, shouts "you're tearing me apart!" to his parents. This man died while driving his Spyder shortly after playing troubled teenager Jim Stark. Who is this star of Rebel Without a Cause? ANSWER:

052-13-92-09109 10. This American institution's first modern type was started in New Hampshire in 1964. PGT Beauregard ran this institution for Louisiana following the Civil War, and Zell Miller instituted a popular one of these institutions in Georgia that funds the HOPE Scholarships. What are these state-administered institutions that oversee Mega Millions and Powerball? ANSWER: lottery 030-13-92-09110 11. This position's occupant in the 1960's said "where flowers bloom, so does hope" in advocating for the Highway Beautification Act. This position's occupant in 1975 would founded a namesake center for substance abuse. This position's current occupant has sponsored the "Let's Move!" physical fitness initiative. What is this position currently held by Michelle Obama? ANSWER: First Lady of the United States

052-13-92-09111 12. This faction was led by men such as Thomas Platt, and its original goal was to renominate Ulysses Grant for a third term. Charles Guiteau allegedly declared membership in this faction after shooting James Garfield. This faction was led by Roscoe Conkling. Who were these Republicans who supported the patronage system and opposed James G. Blaine's Half-Breeds? ANSWER: Stalwarts 019-13-92-09112 13. This man invoked the Lever Act to put down a United Mineworkers strike. Shortly after the close of World War I, this man succeeded Thomas Watt Gregory as Attorney General. Emma Goldman was one of many immigrants deported by the anti-Communist "raids" named for him. Who was this Wilson cabinet member who engineered the first "Red Scare?" ANSWER: Alexander Mitchell Palmer


National US History Bee 9 Page 2 of 12 14. This event is the subject of Don DeLillo's Falling Man and John Adams' piece On the Transmigration of Souls. During this event, a group of people were reported to have said "Let's roll." Shanksville, Pennsylvania was where Flight 93 went down during this event. What set of plane hijackings by al-Qaeda sparked the United States' War on Terror? ANSWER: September 11 attacks [or 9/11] 080-13-92-09114 15. This man was 77 years old in October 1998 when he went to space aboard the Discovery. He was, at the time, set to retire as a Democratic Senator from Ohio, years after a fall in his bathtub derailed his Presidential aspirations. Who was this politician and astronaut, whose piloting of the 1962 Friendship 7 mission made him the first person to orbit the Earth? ANSWER: John Glenn 019-13-92-09115 16. This country was where U.S. Marines trained the Garde to take over security after ending a twenty-year occupation in 1934. U.S. troops returned to this country in 1994 to put Jean-Bertrand Aristide back in power. What is this country, with which the U.S. had an ambiguous Cold War relationship during the dictatorship of "Papa Doc" and "Baby Doc" Duvalier? ANSWER: Haiti 019-13-92-09116 17. This structure's shape was worked out by Hannskarl Bandel and is described by the hyperbolic cosine. The tram ride to the observation deck at the top of this monument takes place inside egg-shaped compartments. Eero Saarinen designed this catenary monument, the world's largest arch. What monument to westward expansion is located in St. Louis? ANSWER: Gateway Arch 066-13-92-09117 18. This meeting set a new international boundary at the Oder-Neisse line. The namesake "declaration" of this meeting threatened "prompt and utter destruction" if Japan did not surrender. Midway through this meeting, British elections cause Clement Attlee to replace Winston Churchill. What was this 1945 Allied summit held in ? ANSWER: Potsdam Conference 019-13-92-09118 19. This story's protagonist is threatened with being sent to Silas Weir Mitchell. This story ends with the protagonist "creeping" over her husband, John, who has fainted. This story's intent was to show the debilitating effects of the "rest cure" on depressed women. What is this Charlotte Perkins Gilman short story about a woman going insane while looking at a certain color pattern? ANSWER: "The Yellow Wallpaper"

052-13-92-09119 20. These items were produced at the urging of Colonel Dick Taylor, and for eighteen years they could not be exchanged for gold. A party named for these items nominated Peter Cooper for President in 1876. What were these Civil War financial instruments, the first paper currency in U.S. history to be backed only by the credibility of the government, named for their color? ANSWER: greenbacks 019-13-92-09120

National US History Bee 9 Page 3 of 12 21. This movie features a scene in which a nun emerges from a trapdoor, and the main character lives with his ex fiancé midge. Judy Barton, alias Madeleine Elster, is played by Kim Novak in this movie, which climaxes at the San Juan Bautista mission. What is this Alfred Hitchcock movie in which Jimmy Stewart’s character suffers from the title fear of heights. ANSWER: Vertigo 030-13-92-09121 22. This campaign included a raid by Philip Sheridan that was met by J.E.B. Stuart at the Battle of Yellow Tavern, which led to Stuart's death. Massive Union casualties occurred in this campaign when they tried to attack a fortified position at Cold Harbor. This campaign included the Battle of the Wilderness and Spotsylvania Courthouse. What 1864 Grant campaign was fought in Virginia? ANSWER: Overland Campaign 066-13-92-09122 23. This thinker asked if men could "be made to want to become cheerful robots." This author described the "Metropolitan 400" and the "Corporate Rich" in a book about the postwar leaders from the military and corporate world. Who is this Columbia sociologist who wrote about middle-class bureaucracy in White Collar and who also penned The Power Elite? ANSWER: Charles Wright Mills

052-13-92-09123 24. This author criticized psychology in a book chapter titled "The Sexual Solipsism of Sigmund Freud." This writer discussed "the problem that has no name," a feeling mostly developed by college graduates who had become mothers. This author was the first president of the National Organization for Women. What author wrote The Feminine Mystique? ANSWER: Betty Friedan

052-13-92-09124 25. This event's success led to its organizer, Peter Ueberroth, becoming Commissioner of Major League Baseball shortly afterwards. McDonalds lost a tremendous amount of money on this event in a promotion tied to American medals, after the Soviet bloc boycotted this event. What was this 1984 athletics competition, the last American West Coast instance of the Olympics? ANSWER: 1984 Summer Olympics [or 1984 Los Angeles Summer Olympic Games; or 19 84 Summer Olympics or 1984 Summer Olympic Games until "1984" is read; prompt on Summer Olympics; prompt on Summer Olympic Games] 019-13-92-09125 26. This religion's clergy was paid in tobacco in Virginia until a drought necessitated the Two-Penny Act; when those clergy protested, this religion was attacked by Patrick Henry in the Parson's Cause. Leaders of this religion established the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, but lost ground to homegrown movements in the Great Awakening. What is this state religion of ? ANSWER: Anglicanism [prompt on Protestantism] 080-13-92-09126

National US History Bee 9 Page 4 of 12 27. This person wrote the memoir My Beloved World and while a federal judge, made a 1995 ruling to end the baseball strike. This judge commented that as compared to a white male, a wise Latina woman could reach a better conclusion. This person replaced David Souter after being appointed by Barack Obama in 2009. Who is this first Hispanic Supreme Court Justice? ANSWER: Sonia Maria Sotomayor

052-13-92-09127 28. This state was home to a group of Native Americans that signed the Treaty of Moultree Creek and later signed the Treaty of Payne’s Landing. The Dade Massacre occurred in this state. Osceola led a band of resistance fighters in this state. Andrew Jackson invaded this state during another conflict. What is this state, whose Seminole Wars saw battles at Lake Okeechobee and Tallahassee? ANSWER: Florida 048-13-92-09128 29. This decade witnessed the fatal highway collision that led to the death of James Dean. During it, Operation PBSUCCESS, by which the CIA overthrew Jacobo Arbenz of Guatemala, was carried out. In this decade, the Little Rock Nine enrolled in an integrated school. Name this prosperous decade that followed the one in which the US fought in World War II. ANSWER: 1950s [prompt on the 50s] 020-13-92-09129 30. This President had as his Vice President the first of Native American ancestry, who was named Charles Curtis. More than 1,000 economists urged this President to veto the Smoot-Hawley Tariff. What President was in office when the Reconstruction Finance Corporation started, which was intended to improve the country's economy at the start of the Great Depression? ANSWER: Herbert Clark Hoover 023-13-92-09130 31. This man's portrait was commissioned by William Bingham and shows the subject extending his arm over a table with a golden leg visible. Another portrait of him shows him standing while an oarsman in front of him is breaking ice. Who is this American figure who Emmanuel Leutze painted “Crossing the Delaware” and whose Athenaeum portrait appears on the one-dollar bill? ANSWER: George 048-13-92-09131 32. This event was performed by forces under Robert Ross and George Cockburn after they won the Battle of Bladensburg. managed to save the Patent Office Building during this event. Following this event, James Madison used the for the rest of his term. In what event during the were structures like the White House and Capitol Building set on fire? ANSWER: [or obvious equivalents] 066-13-92-09132 33. This man, along with David Dinkins, Basil Paterson, and Percy Sutton, was part of the "Gang of Four." This veteran of the Battle of Kunu-Ri moved to re-instate the draft during the War on Terror. This representative of New York's 13th got into trouble for failing to report rent income from his villa in the Dominican Republic. What Congressman from Harlem has faced repeated ethics charges? ANSWER: Charlie Rangel 080-13-92-09133

National US History Bee 9 Page 5 of 12 34. This location is where John Patrick Bedell perpetrated a shooting. One memorial at this location consists of 184 illuminated benches. The Phoenix Project was an effort to rebuild this building after the damage caused by AA Flight 77. What is this building, one wall of which, along with the World Trade Center, was destroyed on September 11th? ANSWER: the Pentagon 048-13-92-09134 35. This union founded a radio station now operated as a public radio outlet by Wayne State University. This union won extensive concessions in a 1950 agreement known as the "Treaty of Detroit." It won recognition following the 1937 sit-down strike in Flint, and it was long led by Walter Reuther. What is this union of , Chrysler, and Ford employees? ANSWER: UAW [or United Automobile Workers] 019-13-92-09135 36. This brick building was designed by William Van Alen. Seven overlapping and successfully smaller arches near the top of this building are decorated with triangles that look like the spokes of a wheel, or a sunburst. A tall spire secretly constructed inside this building gave it the title of tallest building in the world. What skyscraper in New York was designed in the Art Deco style? ANSWER: Chrysler Building 066-13-92-09136 37. This owner of a farm called "The Bowery" was petitioned in the Flushing Remonstrance. A wound he obtained attacking Saint Martin was the reason for his wooden leg. Though he dislodged the Swedes from modern-day Delaware, he had to surrender his country's possessions to Britain. Who was this Dutch colonial governor of New Netherland? ANSWER: Peter Stuyvesant 080-13-92-09137 38. This man was criticized by one-time ally Philip Vera Cruz after going to meet Ferdinand Marcos. With Dolores Huerta, this man, who is commemorated on March 31, coined the motto "Si, se puede" (see, say, pway-day) during a fast, and he led a boycott of California grapes. What Mexican American was the co-founder of what became United Farm Workers? ANSWER: Cesar Chavez

052-13-92-09138 39. This president nominated William Robertson to take over the New York Customs House. He was able to perform a parlor trick of writing in Greek and Latin with both hands at the same time. Alexander Graham Bell may have worsened his condition by using a metal detector to find a bullet inside of him. Who was this President assassinated in 1881? ANSWER: James Garfield 080-13-92-09139 40. This author's book The Pivot of Civilization is criticized for its perspective on the "undeniably feeble-minded." This writer started a newsletter with the slogan "no gods, no masters" that was called The Woman Rebel. This woman was named president of International Planned Parenthood in 1952. Who opened the first birth control clinic in the U.S.? ANSWER: Margaret Sanger


National US History Bee 9 Page 6 of 12 41. This agreement restricted vessels in its enforcement area to 100 tons and at most one 18-pound cannon. As with the Treaty of 1818, this agreement came a couple years after the end of the War of 1812, formed the longest east-west border in the world, and demilitarized it. What is this agreement that limited the naval forces of Britain and the US along the Canadian border? ANSWER: Rush-Bagot Agreement 066-13-92-09141 42. This President twice vetoed the farm relief bill sponsored by Charles McNary and Gilbert Haugen. This President signed an agreement with 61 other countries agreeing to outlaw war as part of a pact named for Aristide Briand and this man's Secretary of State Frank B. Kellogg. What President of the interwar period was a man of few words nicknamed "Silent"? ANSWER: John Calvin Coolidge 023-13-92-09142 43. This case's appellant was represented by Walter E. Dellinger, and Scalia’s decision in this case cited the fact that the constitution’s words were meant in their “normal and ordinary” meanings, not their “technical” meanings. This case was later extended to other states by McDonald v. Chicago, which incorporated the Second Amendment. What is this Supreme Court decision that struck down Washington, D.C.s handgun ban? ANSWER: DC v. Heller 048-13-92-09143 44. This program was a scaled-down version of the "Grand Tour" conceived by Gary Flandro. Carl Sagan waxed philosophical upon seeing the "Pale Blue Dot" photograph resulting from this program. Snapshots of the culture of mankind were encoded on the "Golden Record" aboard both probes from this program, launched in 1977. What program's probes traveled further in space than any known object? ANSWER: Voyager 020-13-92-09144 45. This state saw John Doyle plead for his life after his father James was killed for his membership in the Law and Order Party. The shooting of Charles Dow in this state began the Wakarusa War. In one conflict in this state, Border Ruffians supported the Lecompton Constitution and John Brown carried out the Pottawatomie Massacre. What state saw pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces fight during its 1850s “Bleeding” period? ANSWER: Kansas 048-13-92-09145 46. This document promised that men of "suitable condition" would be "received into...armed service." It was preceded by the Confiscation Acts and issued after the "eagle of victory" appeared, on William Seward's advice. The Battle of Antietam allowed for this order, which exempted border states in the Union. What document issued by Abraham Lincoln in 1863 declared an end to slavery in the Confederacy? ANSWER: the Emancipation Proclamation 080-13-92-09146 47. This person inspired a sculpture of a sybil by William Wetmore Story. She wrote the song “The Valiant Soldiers” for a Michigan regiment, and one speech given by her was published by Frances Dana Barker Gage. At a convention in Akron, Ohio, she delivered a speech stating if a woman has a pint of intellect, she should be able to fill that pint. Who is this abolitionist who asked “Ain’t I A Woman?” ANSWER: Sojourner Truth [or Isabella Baumfree] 048-13-92-09147

National US History Bee 9 Page 7 of 12 48. This event's cause may be the Security Act mandating that white men bring firearms to church. Led by a man named Jemmy or Cato, its participants killed twenty-five white men on a march to the Edisto from its namesake river. What is this 1739 slave revolt in South Carolina? ANSWER: Stono Rebellion 080-13-92-09148 49. This conference did not adopt a proposal to set up an International Clearing Union which issues a supranational currency called the "bancor," which was put forth here by John Maynard Keynes. A pegged exchange rate was set up at this meeting, which established the ancestors of the World Bank and IMF. What was this 1944 conference on the world financial system? ANSWER: Bretton Woods Conference 019-13-92-09149 50. This man claimed to have personally arranged the rescue of Electronic Data Systems employees from Iran. He chose economist Pat Choate as his running mate in 1996, when he failed to hit the nearly twenty percent of the popular vote that he and James Stockdale earned in 1992. Who is this Reform Party founder and eccentric Presidential candidate? ANSWER: Hiram 019-13-92-09150 51. This religious denomination had a group of followers that migrated to Hot Springs, Arkansas and founded the Assemblies of God. Aimee Semple McPherson was an early supporter of this denomination, which began when one-eyed preacher William J. Seymour led the Azusa Street Revival. What is this denomination of Christianity that takes its name from the Feast of Weeks, whose members speak in tongues and handle snakes? ANSWER: Pentecostalism 048-13-92-09151 52. This event fortuitously ruined an Indian slave camp called New Helvetia. Levi Strauss popularized blue jeans by selling to participants in this event. This event began after James Marshall made a discovery at Sutter Creek. It attracted Chinese immigrants looking for the mountain of "Gum Sam." What event attracted "Forty-Niners" to go west seeking a precious metal? ANSWER: the California Gold Rush 080-13-92-09152 53. This man's "days" title a social history of crime in the 1930s. He was tracked and ultimately killed by a unit led by Melvin Purvis, with assistance from the "Woman in Red." This man was shot outside the Biograph Theater in 1934 by FBI agents while he was known as "Public Enemy Number One." Who was this bank robber and notorious gangster of the Depression era? ANSWER: John Dillinger 019-13-92-09153 54. This building's sculptures were crafted by Alexander Milne Calder. This building's tower features enormous clocks on all four sides. Until the construction of One Liberty Place, a gentleman's agreement existed not to build anything taller than this building. This building is topped by a statue of William Penn. What building is the seat of government for the largest city of Pennsylvania? ANSWER: Philadelphia City Hall 066-13-92-09154

National US History Bee 9 Page 8 of 12 55. This religon's follower Alexander Russell Webb created a new sect of it, and another sect of it is the United Submitters International. John Randolph of Roanoke was originally a member of this religion, members of which are attempting to construct the Park51 complex in New York City. Many adherents of this religion are concentrated in Dearborn, Michigan. What is this religion, whose adherents pray to Mecca five times a day? ANSWER: Islam 048-13-92-09155 56. This year was when the first American novel, The Power of Sympathy, was published. The court system was formed in this year due to the Judiciary Act. Though not ratified until two years later, the Bill of Rights was proposed in this year. The Articles of Confederation were phased out in this year in favor of the Constitution. What year was unanimously elected as first President? ANSWER: 1789 066-13-92-09156 57. This year was when Hawaii was annexed due to the recent election of McKinley. Commodore George Dewey utterly destroyed an opposing force at the Battle of Manila Bay in this year. Teddy Roosevelt lead the Rough Riders to victory at San Juan Hill in this year. The USS Maine exploded and sunk in Havana Harbor in this year. What year was the Spanish-American War fought? ANSWER: 1898 066-13-92-09157 58. This event is conducted at the behest of Joe DiMaggio in the graphic novel 100 Bullets. The ending to Call of Duty: Black Ops suggests that Mason was responsible for it, which in another work was carried out by the Cigarette-Smoking Man posing as “Mr. Hunt. Also on the X-Files, the commonly-accepted theory of this event lent its name to a trio of hackers called The Lone Gunmen. What is this event also shown on the Zapruder film? ANSWER: JFK assassination [accept equivalents] 048-13-92-09158 59. These people's "defense" kind immigrated during World War II, in greater numbers than their initial wave of refugees from the "Great Plow-Up." They often settled in the San Joaquin Valley or in the Bakersfield area, and their journey is fictionalized in books such as The Grapes of Wrath. Who were these people who left the central U.S. for California during the Dust Bowl? ANSWER: Okies 019-13-92-09159 60. This man rhetorically asked “Could you patent the sun?” when asking whether he’d patent one of his inventions. The SV40 virus contaminated one of this man’s inventions, which was grown in rhesus monkey kidneys. This man’s work was funded by the March of Dimes Foundaiton. Who is this scientist that developed the inactivated polio vaccine? ANSWER: Jonas Salk 048-13-92-09160

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61. This President gave a speech at the UN that led to the development of the Atoms for Peace program. This President admitted both Alaska and Hawaii into the union as states. This President's farewell address urged keeping up the proper military strength, but also warned of the influence of the "military-industrial complex." What President was originally elected with the slogan "I Like Ike" in 1952? ANSWER: Dwight David Eisenhower 023-13-92-09161 62. This artist is responsible for the Confluence Project, a series of installations along the Columbia and Snake rivers. One work by this artist contains an inverted cone inscribed with a timeline and a black wall with an inscribed Martin Luther King, Jr. quote. The design for another of her works was submitted while she was an undergraduate at Yale, and stands next to the Three Soldiers Statue. Who is this designer of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial? ANSWER: Maya Ying Lin 048-13-92-09162 63. This bill was opposed by Pete Seeger singing the song "Plow Under," referencing the slogan that it would "plow under every fourth American boy." It was passed after being compared to allowing a neighbor whose house is on fire to use a garden hose, nine months before official U.S. involvement in World War II. What was this bill supplying war materials to Britain? ANSWER: the Lend-Lease Act 019-13-92-09163 64. This member of the Rogers Commission took NASA engineers to task for misunderstanding the role of the “safety factor”. Photons are wavy lines and gluons are helices on this man’s namesake diagrams, and this man developed the path integral formation of quantum mechanics while working at Caltech. Who is this colorful American physicist, a winner of the 1965 Nobel Prize? ANSWER: Richard Feynman 048-13-92-09164 65. This movement's suppression caused the death of William Hushka and Eric Carlson and was ordered by Attorney General William Mitchell. This group, led by Walter Waters, was expelled from Anacostia Flats by an over-vigorous Douglas MacArthur. What was this group which gathered in Washington in 1932 to demand early payment of World War I veterans' pensions? ANSWER: Bonus Army [or Bonus March; or Bonus Expeditionary Force] 019-13-92-09165 66. This person was advised by Bernt Balchen during an effort which used a Vega 5B and ended in Northern Ireland. This person was a charter member of the Ninety-Nines, and Fred Noonan served as her navigator. She disappeared near Howland Island in 1937. Who is this pioneering American female aviator who completed a successful transatlantic flight? ANSWER: Amelia Earhart 048-13-92-09166

National US History Bee 9 Page 10 of 12 67. This event led to the conviction of Michael Fortier for forging a driver's license and to the issuing of the "Marshals Report" on preventing similar incidents. Terry Nichols was sentenced to life in prison for his role in this event, which killed 168 people at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. What was this 1995 terrorist attack masterminded by Timothy McVeigh? ANSWER: Oklahoma City bombing [or Murrah Building bombing or similar until it is read] 019-13-92-09167 68. This year was when a series of private letters by established the idea of Indian removal. The Supreme Court expanded its powers by establishing judicial review in this year in the case of Marbury v. Madison. The size of the United States almost doubled in this year. What year did Thomas Jefferson purchase the Louisiana Territory from France? ANSWER: 1803 066-13-92-09168 69. This act was partially a response to impressment, such as in the Chesapeake-Leopard Affair. This act was lampooned in a cartoon of a large turtle biting into a man's trousers with the speech bubbles "D--n it. how he nicks 'em." and "Oh! this cursed Ograbme." What 1807 act during the Jefferson administration barred most trade with the UK and France. ANSWER: Embargo Act of 1807 066-13-92-09169 70. This man once hosted a show that broadcasted historic events entitled You Are There. Lyndon Johnson supposedly said that if he lost this man he lost Middle America regarding this man’s coverage of the Vietnam War. Who was this newsman who covered the moon landing and Kennedy Assassination as the anchor of the CBS Evening News? ANSWER: Walter Cronkite 030-13-92-09170 71. This event's first incarnation was headed by Gerard Smith. Because of the first event of this kind, Safeguard was disbanded. The second event of this kind was interrupted by the 1979 invasion of Afghanistan. The first event of this kind was alternately held in Vienna and Helsinki, concerned MIRVs and ICBMs, and led to the Anti Ballistic Missile Treaty. What were these discussions between the US and USSR about reducing nuclear armaments? ANSWER: Strategic Arms Limitations Talks [or SALT; or SALT I; or SALT II] 020-13-92-09171 72. This state had a governor who worked with Clark Kerr to create its Master Plan for Higher Education. During one incident of unrest in this state, Mario Savio gave the “Bodies Upon the Gears” speech. The Free Speech Movement began in a university in this state, and a city in this state contains the Haight-Ashbury district, where the Summer of Love occurred. What is this state, a center of hippie counterculture in the 1960s? ANSWER: California 048-13-92-09172 73. This man sent instructions to his wife Clara while he was in prison for sedition, and this man took control of Temple No. 1 after his release. This man succeeded Wallace D. Fard in one position, in which he suspended another member of his group for stating that the JFK assassination was the “chickens coming home to roost”. Who was this early leader of the Nation of Islam who feuded with Malcom X? ANSWER: Elijah Muhammad 048-13-92-09173

National US History Bee 9 Page 11 of 12 74. This man established the procedure of the Supreme Court handing down one opinion. Bribes were demanded of a delegation consisting of Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, Elbridge Gerry, and this person before they could see Talleyrand in what became known as the XYZ affair. Who was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court when it ruled on Marbury v. Madison? ANSWER: John Marshall 066-13-92-09174 75. This president's administration created the Department of the Interior and the Naval Academy. His vice president was George . Nicknamed "Young Hickory," this man ran on the slogan "Fifty-Four Forty or Fight," promising to resolve the Oregon dispute, and became the first "dark horse" presidential candidate to win. What president started the Mexican-American War? ANSWER: James Knox Polk 080-13-92-09175 76. This object is saved by the title character in the Whittier poem "Barbara Frietchie." This object was once saved at Dodger Stadium by baseball player Rick Monday, and destruction of it was judged to be protected speech in the Supreme Court case Texas v. Johnson. What is this object being raised in a Joe Rosenthal photograph taken after the battle of Iwo Jima? ANSWER: the American flag

052-13-92-09176 77. This person assembled the Mosquito Fleet, which successfully captured Tuxpan and Villahermosa during the Mexican-American War. This person was the driving force behind upgrading the US's navy to steam, constructing and commanding the USS Fulton. This person negotiated the Treaty of Kanagawa. What commodore led an expedition to, and opened, Japan? ANSWER: Matthew Calbraith Perry 066-13-92-09177 78. This man gave Harry Truman a list of 12,000 people who should be interned at the start of the Korean War. He organized the COINTELPRO program to engage in "dirty tricks" against political radicals, including amassing a file on sexual indiscretions by Martin Luther King. Who was this companion of Clyde Tolson and longtime controversial head of the FBI? ANSWER: John Edgar Hoover 019-13-92-09178 79. This project required the clearing of a virgin forest to make a route from Rome to Utica, and after its completion, Samuel Wilkeson dumped ocean water into a lake. This project was known as "Dewitt Clinton's folly" and it was finished in 1825 as marked with the "Wedding of the Waters" ceremony. What is this artificial waterway connecting New York with the Great Lakes? ANSWER: Erie Canal

052-13-92-09179 80. ?This Constitutional amendment contained a loophole which made a Presidential proclamation of the Hundred Days necessary. It ended the practice of March 4 being the universal start date of federal terms and was a response to the lengthy "lame duck" period following the election of FDR. What is this amendment that set Presidential inaugurations on January 20? ANSWER: Twentieth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution [or amendment 20] 019-13-92-09180

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