iOS/OS Mail Account Update and Rebuild If you are using the built-in Mail app for your iPhone or Mac (images in A.) and you receive an error about an incorrect password (images in B.), you will need to update or rebuild your email account on your device. A. iPhone Mail App Mac Mail App

B. Errors – These errors may appear like this or in another form asking you to sign in.

- This Password Incorrect error will not accept your password. You will continue to receive this error until your email account is rebuilt.

Follow steps on:

iPhone Email Rebuild: 5 - 9

- If you receive this error, you will need to update your password on your iPhone and authenticate with DUO.

Follow steps on:

iPhone Password Update: Pages 2 - 4

Table of Contents: iPhone Password Update: Pages 2 - 4 iPhone Email Rebuild: Pages 5 - 9 Mac Email Rebuild: Pages 10 - 13 Additional Information: Page 14

1 | Page iPhone Password Update If you receive this error, follow the below instructions.

1. Click Edit Settings 2. This will open your Password & Account settings area: - When this appears, you will have to select your existing UofSC email account under ACCOUNTS

*Note: account names may vary.

2 | Page 3. This screen should appear. Click Re-enter Password:

4. If prompted, select Work or School account:

*Note: You may not be prompted for this. Continue to step if not prompted.

3 | Page 5. Re-enter the password for your university email account:

6. Authenticate with Duo - *You can select for Duo to remember your Outlook sign in for 30 days:

7. You should now be able to open your Mail app and not receive an error.

Still receiving an error?

Continue to next section on - iPhone Email Rebuild

4 | Page iPhone Email Rebuild 1. Click the Settings :

2. Scroll down and click Passwords & Accounts:

3. Under accounts -> click on your Exchange/Your university email account:

5 | Page 4. Confirm that this is your university email account:

5. Once you have confirmed this is your university email account, click Delete Account:

6 | Page 6. Click Delete from My iPhone when this appears:

7. Click Add Account:

8. Click Microsoft Exchange:

7 | Page 9. Enter in you full UofSC email address where it says email-> Click Next:

10. Click Sign In when this appears:

11. If you receive this message below -> Click Work or school account:

8 | Page 12. Enter the password for your university email account:

13. Authenticate with Duo - *You can select for Duo to remember your Outlook sign in for 30 days:

14. Confirm what you would like to enable -> Then click Save:

*Contacts may be missing if you do not enable it here. *

15. You should now be able to use your Mail app properly.

9 | Page Mac Email Rebuild 1. Click System Preferences icon in your :

2. Click Internet Accounts:

3. Click on Exchange/Your University Email

4. Click the minus in the bottom left:

10 | Page

5. Click OK when this appears:

6. Click Exchange:

11 | Page 7. Fill in a name for your account -> enter in your university email address -> Click Sign in:

8. Click Sign In:

9. If you receive this message below -> Click Work or school account:

12 | Page 10. Enter the password for your university email account:

11. Authenticate with Duo - *You can select for Duo to remember your Outlook sign in for 30 days:

12. Confirm what you would like to enable for this account to sync -> Click Done:

13 | Page Additional Information: Trouble entering the password, please verify you are using the one associated with your account at: vices/password_help/verify_username_and_password/index.php

Are you a student at UofSC and still experiencing problems with resolving this issue? You can receive in person assistance at the Carolina Tech Zone: vailable_technology_resources/carolina_tech_zone/index.php

If you need assistance with DUO/Multifactor Authentication, please see: gies/mfa.php

Require further assistance? Contact Service Desk: 803.777.1800 or

14 | Page