Installing QuickTime Essentials for BiteFX

BiteFX uses QuickTime to play animations, but it only needs the QuickTime Essentials component. A default install of QuickTime will include the media player and the Web-Browser component.

To install just the Essential components, proceed as follows:

1. Open your preferred web browser and type in in the address bar (or just click on the link) to navigate to the QuickTime Installer File download web page (Fig 1).

If using Internet Explorer and you live outside the United States, check the Location option: “Other” (see Fig. 2).

Fig. 1 Download Page Using Google Chrome

Fig. 2 Location Option Dialog

2. Uncheck the “Keep me up to date with , …” box. You do not need to enter your email address.

3. The following dialogs will appear depending on which browser is used: a. Google Chrome – The QuickTime file will be saved automatically to the Downloads folder.

b. Mozilla Firefox – Click on “Save File”. The QuickTime installer file will be saved to the Downloads folder

c. Internet Explorer – click on “Save” if you want to install QuickTime Essentials on other , otherwise click on “Run”.

4. The QuickTime installer file will look like one the following images in the Downloads folder, depending on your View setting. If necessary, click on the installer file name to begin the installation process.

List or Small icons Medium icons Large icons Extra large icons

5. This “Welcome to the QuickTime 7 Installer” dialog will appear. Click on “Next”.

6. Click on “Yes” to accept the QuickTime for Windows License Agreement.

7. In this “QuickTime 7 Setup” dialog, click on the “Custom” button.

8. A drop-down list of available product features will appear. Click on the button to the left of “QuickTime Player”

9. Click on “Entire feature will be unavailable”.

10. The installer dialog should show that the Web Plug-in, PictureViewer and QuickTime for features are no longer available as indicated by the red “X”s. If this is not the case, repeat steps 8-9 for any components (other than QuickTime Essentials) that do not show the red “X”. Click on “Next” to proceed.

11. Be sure to uncheck the box “Install Desktop shortcuts”.

12. You may also see the option “Automatically update QuickTime 7 and other Apple Software”. If so, uncheck that box as well.

13. Now click on “Install”.

14. The “Installing QuickTime 7” status screen will appear showing the installation progress.

15. When the installation process is complete, the dialog shown below will appear. Click on “Finish” to complete the installation.