Global Environment Facility (GEF) Operations

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Global Environment Facility (GEF) Operations Resilient, productive and sustainable landscapes in Mali?s Kayes Region Part I: Project Information GEF ID 10362 Project Type FSP Type of Trust Fund MTF CBIT/NGI CBIT No NGI No Project Title Resilient, productive and sustainable landscapes in Mali?s Kayes Region Countries Mali Agency(ies) FAO Other Executing Partner(s) Ministry of Agriculture; Ministry of Environment, Sanitation and Sustainable Development Executing Partner Type Government GEF Focal Area Multi Focal Area Taxonomy Climate Change, Focal Areas, Capacity, Knowledge and Research, Climate Change Adaptation, Climate resilience, Ecosystem-based Adaptation, Climate finance, Community-based adaptation, Least Developed Countries, Innovation, Biodiversity, Protected Areas and Landscapes, Productive Landscapes, Mainstreaming, Agriculture and agrobiodiversity, Certification -National Standards, Biomes, Grasslands, Lakes, Land Degradation, Sustainable Land Management, Ecosystem Approach, Sustainable Livelihoods, Income Generating Activities, Integrated and Cross-sectoral approach, Improved Soil and Water Management Techniques, Sustainable Agriculture, Restoration and Rehabilitation of Degraded Lands, Sustainable Pasture Management, Influencing models, Deploy innovative financial instruments, Strengthen institutional capacity and decision-making, Demonstrate innovative approache, Stakeholders, Private Sector, SMEs, Financial intermediaries and market facilitators, Individuals/Entrepreneurs, Beneficiaries, Type of Engagement, Partnership, Consultation, Participation, Information Dissemination, Civil Society, Community Based Organization, Non-Governmental Organization, Local Communities, Communications, Education, Behavior change, Awareness Raising, Gender Equality, Gender results areas, Capacity Development, Access to benefits and services, Access and control over natural resources, Participation and leadership, Knowledge Generation and Exchange, Gender Mainstreaming, Women groups, Gender-sensitive indicators, Sex-disaggregated indicators, Knowledge Exchange, Peer-to-Peer, Field Visit, Knowledge Generation, Workshop, Training, Professional Development, Learning, Adaptive management, Theory of change, Indicators to measure change Rio Markers Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation 1 Climate Change Adaptation Climate Change Adaptation 2 Submission Date 9/30/2019 Expected Implementation Start 1/1/2022 Expected Completion Date 12/31/2026 Duration 60In Months Agency Fee($) 649,036.00 A. FOCAL/NON-FOCAL AREA ELEMENTS Objectives/Programs Focal Area Trust GEF Co-Fin Outcomes Fund Amount($) Amount($) LD-1-1 GET 1,200,000.00 9,480,000.00 LD-1-4 GET 1,586,022.00 3,159,961.00 BD-1-1 GET 1,774,536.00 5,758,000.00 CCA-1 LDCF 2,271,406.00 9,477,739.00 Total Project Cost($) 6,831,964.00 27,875,700.00 B. Project description summary Project Objective Project Objective: Through the implementation of an agroecological transition approach, promote innovations in governance, production and finance in order to reduce the vulnerability of the small-holder agro-sylvo-pastoral food systems and livelihoods, reversing land degradation and halting the loss of globally significant biodiversity in fragile landscapes of the Kayes region Indicators: (i) Characterisation of Agroecological Transition (CAET) score. Target: Average CAET score of a least 70% in the target circles (areas with a CAET score of 70% and above are deemed to be advanced in the agroecological transition , ) (ii) Area of production land under improved and climate-resilient management. Target: 160,000 ha under SLM , including: - 10,000 ha under climate-resilient management with efficient water management techniques implemented (e.g. zai) - 30,000 ha showing increased land productivity - 25,000 ha directly benefiting biodiversity (iii) Number of direct beneficiaries disaggregated by gender. Target: 200,000 (50% women) (iv) Household Dietary Diversity Score (DDS) disaggregated by commune and type of household (e.g. men-led vs. woman-led household for example). Target: At least 20% increase in average household DDS score in the target circles Project Financ Expected Expected Outputs Tru GEF Confirme Compone ing Outcomes st Project d Co- nt Type Fu Financin Financin nd g($) g($) Project Financ Expected Expected Outputs Tru GEF Confirme Compone ing Outcomes st Project d Co- nt Type Fu Financin Financin nd g($) g($) Component Technic Outcome 1.1: Capacity of at least 22 GE 134,005. 1,268,111 1. al 1: local landscape committees T 00 .00 Strengthene Assista Strengthene (COFOs) strengthened to d nce d effectively integrate climate GOVERNA governance change adaptation and NCE for structures vulnerability considerations, climate- more as well as land resources use adapted effectively and biodiversity agro-sylvo- implement conservation into sustainable pastoral and monitor landscape management food climate plans. systems and change sustainably adaptation managed in productive sustainable 1.2: Five multi-stakeholder landscapes landscape platforms established at the managemen level of and around territorial t plans, markets, in order to resulting in effectively engage multiple sustainable stakeholders (private sector, production CSOs , local administration intensificati etc.) involved in ASP food on, systems resilience and adoption of sustainable land and agroecologi biodiversity use planning and cal investment. approches, resilient livelihoods and 1.3: At least 100 people from improved national and regional use and institutions have the capacity restoration to conduct climate change of land and vulnerability and ecosystems environmental impact and assessments at the landscape conservatio level, providing the evidence n of for planning and investment. biodiversity 1.4: At least 100 people from (i) national and regional Indicator: institutions have the capacity Number of to conduct efficient multi- monitoring of climate change stakeholder resilience, land and committees biodiversity use and supported conservation, resulting from to foster integrated sustainable planning landscape management and interventions. investment into climate change adaptation and sustainable managemen t of land and biodiversity at the landscape level (sex- disaggregat ed participatio n in meetings) (i) Target: At least 22 communal COFOs supported, with at least 40 % of women in COFO meetings supported (ii) Indicator: Number of local multi- stakeholder platforms established to support the role of territorial markets as key drivers for the agroecologi cal transition (sex- disaggregat ed participatio n in meetings) (ii) Target: Five multistakeh older platforms established around territorial markets with 50% of women?s participatio n in each platform Project Financ Expected Expected Outputs Tru GEF Confirme Compone ing Outcomes st Project d Co- nt Type Fu Financin Financin nd g($) g($) Component Technic Outcome 1.1: Capacity of at least 22 LD 92,300.0 653,270.0 1. al 1: local landscape committees CF 0 0 Strengthene Assista Strengthene (COFOs) strengthened to d nce d effectively integrate climate GOVERNA governance change adaptation and NCE for structures vulnerability considerations, climate- more as well as land resources use adapted effectively and biodiversity agro-sylvo- implement conservation into sustainable pastoral and monitor landscape management food climate plans. systems and change sustainably adaptation managed in productive sustainable 1.2: Five multi-stakeholder landscapes landscape platforms established at the managemen level of and around territorial t plans, markets, in order to resulting in effectively engage multiple sustainable stakeholders (private sector, production CSOs , local administration intensificati etc.) involved in ASP food on, systems resilience and adoption of sustainable land and agroecologi biodiversity use planning and cal investment. approches, resilient livelihoods and 1.3: At least 100 people from improved national and regional use and institutions have the capacity restoration to conduct climate change of land and vulnerability and ecosystems environmental impact and assessments at the landscape conservatio level, providing the evidence n of for planning and investment. biodiversity 1.4: At least 100 people from (i) national and regional Indicator: institutions have the capacity Number of to conduct efficient multi- monitoring of climate change stakeholder resilience, land and committees biodiversity use and supported conservation, resulting from to foster integrated sustainable planning landscape management and interventions. investment into climate change adaptation and sustainable managemen t of land and biodiversity at the landscape level (sex- disaggregat ed participatio n in meetings) (i) Target: At least 22 communal COFOs supported, with at least 40 % of women in COFO meetings supported (ii) Indicator: Number of local multi- stakeholder platforms established to support the role of territorial markets as key drivers for the agroecologi cal transition (sex- disaggregat ed participatio n in meetings) (ii) Target: Five multistakeh older platforms established around territorial markets with 50% of women?s participatio n in each platform Project Financ Expected Expected Outputs Tru GEF Confirme Compone ing Outcomes st Project d Co- nt Type Fu Financin Financin nd g($) g($) Component Investm Outcome 2: GE 2,360,77 8,179,113 2. ent In selected 2.1 At least 22 T 9.00 .00 Integrated pilot sites, integrated sustainable sustainable integrated landscape management landscape sustainable plans (SCATs[1]) and managemen landscape 17
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