March 2021 THE FOUNTAIN The Parish Magazine serving the communities of the Fountains Group, Aldfield Sawley & Winksley (Fountains Parish), , , , Grantley, , Kirkby Malzeard, Laverton, Mickley & Studley


The Rectory Kirkby Malzeard, Ripon HG4 3SL

Dear Friends

I’m the new Associate Minister (that’s an assistant to our Vicar, Ian) in the Fountains group of churches. It’s a strange time to be starting a new job - so much is ‘on hold’ at the moment – but, in the fullness of time, it will be lovely to be out and about, meeting many of you. Let’s face it, after the year we’ve had, we’ll all welcome the chance to be out and about again, won’t we?

As I write this at the start of Lent, one of this week’s Bible readings from Mark’s Gospel tells of Jesus in the wilderness as he goes through a time of great testing. ‘Well,’ you might say, ‘I can relate to that!’ The past year has been so hard for so many people – it has been a long time of testing, perhaps even a wilderness time for some. Yet all through this time, hope has been there; even in the worst of times, there is always hope…though we may sometimes lose sight of it.

Maybe this would be a good time to just stop for a moment and look for the signs of hope that are all around us. They may be in the form of a vaccine, or in the love and kindness of people working round the clock or volunteering to care for others. Whatever form they may take, these things can bring us a 1

healing glimpse of hope, and of a God of love, whose son, Jesus Christ, knew much testing and suffering, and ultimately gave his life so that you and I can have that hope. Kathy Couchman

Verses to think about 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

If you’re reading this copy of the Fountain online, why not check with your less internet-based neighbours if they would like to see it or have it printed for them?

Church of Services in Fountains Benefice March 2021

This information is being compiled before the government’s announcements of February 22nd about the possible relaxation of coronavirus rules. Please keep an eye open for posters, social media posts and the like which may contain alterations.

We will be holding short services of Holy Communion (sharing the bread only) on the following dates. This month there are no Wednesday services.

By using only our two largest churches, we are confident that we can keep sufficiently distanced and safe.

We hope you can join us:

Face coverings are currently obligatory at services Sunday 7 March 11.15 am Kirkby Malzeard Church Sunday 14 March 11.15 am Winksley Church


Sunday 21 March 11.15 am Kirkby Malzeard Church Sunday 28 March 11.15 am Winksley Church We also continue our Sunday morning Zoom services (and other services at home) at 10 am – please contact Revd. Ian Kitchen on 01765 650369 if you would like to join us, or email [email protected] Holy Communion at home is available for those who have an urgent need. If you have any questions about the services please contact Ian Kitchen.

Prayer requests It’s important that we keep praying for each other at all times, but perhaps even more so in this time when so many are isolated. If you have something, however big or small, which you would like to ask for prayer about, please email our licensed reader, Adrian Roberts, at [email protected] These requests will be shared with the ministry team so that they can pray together, but with no one else. Alternatively, please phone Adrian on 01765 650275, Ian Kitchen 01765 650369, Liz Jarvis 01765 620508 or Kathy Couchman 07435 882112.

Worship with us We are still sharing in a service of Morning Worship each week at 10.00 am, using the video-conferencing tool Zoom. If you'd like to join us, please contact Rev Ian Kitchen for more information ([email protected]). Even if you haven't used Zoom before, it isn't difficult and Ian will be able to help you sort it out. If you are not computer-savvy or you'd rather follow a service on your own we can let you have it via email or by paper through your letter box. A healthy number of people are doing this at 10 am each week to build the sense that we are all worshipping together. Email or telephone Ian for more details: 01765 650369.


Lent course We are running a Lent course by Zoom on Wednesday evenings from 7.30. The first session was on 24th February but they each stand- alone so it’s not a problem if you don’t make all of them. They will run weekly with the last one on 24th March. This is a devotional time with some input and some discussion. Our topic is how we meet with God through our senses of sight, sound etc. If you’d like to join us please let Ian know.

Compline The quiet and peaceful service of Compline is a great way to end the day. There will be a service by Zoom at 9.00 pm each Wednesday in Lent – some will stay online for it after the Lent course, others are very welcome to join just for Compline. Again, contact Ian Kitchen for the Zoom link to join us.

Virtual Coffee Every Monday during Lent we will be gathering online for a chat – bring your beverage of choice to your screen and join us, from 11.00- 11.45 am. You’d be welcome to one or all of the sessions. Please contact Kathy Couchman for the Zoom link, at [email protected]

Facebook For a number of reasons, we have had to change our Facebook arrangements for the benefice. In place of the existing page, we have set up a group, which anyone can join. You’ll find it at That’s a bit of a mouthful but once you’ve entered it once and joined the group it should be easy to find again.

You’ll be able to see our daily Bible reflections and other news about our churches and benefice. Our benefice website, which also shows these things, also continues to function beautifully at


A listening ear from the hospice With the new year bringing a new lockdown, many of us may be feeling low, isolated or anxious about the days and weeks to come. We want to let you know that our Just ‘B’ Hear to Help community line is here for you, seven days a week, from 8am in the morning to 8pm, with a team of experienced, caring volunteers ready to listen and support. Call us on 01423 856799. We’re all in this together and no concern is too small. The helpline is available for children, young people and adults across . The Just ‘B’ Hear to Help line is one of the services provided by Hospice Care, a registered charity in England and Wales (518905) with a family of services operating as Herriot Hospice Homecare, Just ‘B’, Saint Michael’s Hospice and Talking Spaces.


Dean Myers, funeral 26th Jan, Kirkby, Ian Kitchen took the service

Judith Glasper, interment of ashes 10th Feb, KM, Ian Kitchen took the service

Julia Smith, 15th Feb, Stonefall, Adrian Roberts took the service

Christopher Richmond, 11th Feb, Grewelthorpe, Ian Kitchen took the service.

The Benefice Book Group This month we have been reading "Sweet Sorrow" by David Nicholls, and approval was universal (which is not always the case), although we did pick out different aspects for special mention. If you are looking for any of the following "Sweet Sorrows" is the book for you: recognisable characters, with the narrator particularly sympathetic: the accurate capture of a particular period: an interesting, and to some extent, unpredictable plot and a happy ending. What more could you want?


This is a story of growing up and first love and even elderly spinsters can identify with that. The circumstances may be different but the emotions are almost certainly the same. All in all, a good read.

Next month we will be reading "The Blackhouse" and even daring to hope that we will be able to discuss it face to socially-distanced face!

Anne Carrick

Pyjama Preaching with Adrian Roberts

This is a YouTube channel consisting of brief and informal talks on the Bible by Adrian Roberts. It goes out every Sunday, and follows the Anglican lectionary. You can access it by typing 'pyjama preaching adrian roberts' into YouTube.

Girlguiding Fountains

We are managing to keep our spirits up with our zoom meetings, although we are longing to meet face-to-face again. We had to stop meeting a year ago, so this feels an exceptionally long time in the lives of our younger members.

The guides are meeting online with Masham guides and enjoying a varied programme which involves a lot of games and cooking. The Brownies have held shorter, weekly meetings as the delivery of resources had to be reduced due to the non-essential journey rules. However, they have played many games, enjoyed time delayed singing and finding out about the talents of Beatrix Potter. The girls have also achieved a Chinese New Year badge. The Rainbows are also meeting via zoom for games and a variety of craft activities.


We all celebrated Thinking Day on 22nd February and linked with our fellow members throughout the world. This year the theme was Peace, so we planned several activities to help us understand the meaning of Peace and how to bring it into our lives at home and further afield.

We were very excited to hear that The World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), together with the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), have been nominated for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize, recognising the outstanding contributions of Scouting and Guiding that have empowered hundreds of millions of young people to create a lasting culture of peace in their communities for more than a century.

We were nominated by Mrs. Solveig Schytz who said “The Movement is all about giving young people the tools they need to solve the challenges of the future, while building a strong civil society. This work is vital to world peace,” At a time when our world is threatened by so many international challenges, be it climate, wars or the pandemics, we need a counterweight to egoism and nationalism. We need to offer young people a chance to rally around a set of common values and the belief in service, not only to one’s own community, but to international society.” Anne Harrison


GREWELTHORPE VILLAGE HALL Due to the current Covid restrictions the hall and cafe are currently closed but please have a look at our new web site for details about the facilities and the activities we hope to be able to resume in the near future.

Also, should you wish to make a provisional booking (subject to the Covid restrictions being lifted to allow the event to take place); please do so


through the new online booking provision. You will not be charged should it be necessary to cancel the event/meeting due to Covid restrictions.

THE HACKFALL CAFÉ – ‘BAKING TO ORDER’ SERVICE Due to present COVID-19 restrictions leading to the closure of the Village Hall Café, we are continuing to offer our ‘Baking to Order’ service to Grewelthorpe residents, with home delivery.

We still also have a small stock of cakes and soups in the freezer, tins of baked beans, pasta & spaghetti, and cans of coca cola, which we are selling at reduced prices.

If you would like more information on any of these items, or would like a price list of cakes - either present stock, or made to order, please contact: Judith O’Shaughnessy on Tel 01765 658728 / e mail [email protected].

We have a small team of young people, keen to volunteer at the Hall to contribute towards various schemes and qualifications. They are grateful for the community’s support for this initiative, and they are now offering their own ‘Baking to Order’ service, supplementing the existing one with their own specialities, again with COVID-secure procedures in place.

If you are interested, or would like more information, please contact Deborah Hodges on 01765 658474, or email [email protected].

Community Lunch Tuesday 9th March; a homemade 2 course hot dinner and pudding. DELIVERED to you by our friendly Hackfall Cafe volunteers. £5 per person. Extra portions for freezing can be ordered in advance. Call Susan Rizos on 01765 658200 to order your meal. Please state any dietary requirements.

WHAT’S ON IN GREWELTHORPE If you would like to be kept up to date you can subscribe to this e-newsletter by request at [email protected] 8

St James’ Church and the Methodist Church

A special thank you to ……………. All the congregation and friends of Grewelthorpe church in providing financial support to the church during these difficult times. If you would like to know more about making a regular donation or a one-off donation, then please contact our treasurer Pauline Broadwith, who will be happy to help. Pauline’s contact details are [email protected] or Tel. 01765 650179.

Just a reminder…………. that the church is open for private prayer, only being closed for cleaning after funerals/weddings etc. Please look for the sign on the church gate, if you are unsure.


Grewelthorpe CE School You may remember last month an article about the poetry work going on in year 5/6 focusing on climate change, we're pleased to say that one of our pupil's won a national competition for their poem. The poetry forum held a competition for a non-fiction poem linked with the environment. Alice's poem 'destruction' was recognised for its appeal, vocabulary and message. Here she is receiving her award and prizes and proudly displaying her award-winning poem. The school will also receive some books to add to our library. We're extremely proud of her; well done Alice.


The creatures of the rainforest are in an impossible battle against mankind, They can’t win. 10

Humanity is too strong. We’re hurting them. The vulnerable, hopeless animals and trees, dying. Species of animals are becoming extinct, Trees are horrified, frightened as we arrive. We’re slaughtering these amazing creatures. The trees. They’re dying. Because of us. Monkeys watching, still, wandering the empty landscape. Flames flickering around them. Their home cracking and creaking in agony. Imagine if you came home to a barren wasteland. Would you like that? The innocent creatures are dying. Destroyed, gone, forgotten.

In other news, recently the school has been updating the library, trying to improve and modernise the range of books available to offer our children. We have raised some funds and have improved the selection but we would welcome any donations of children's books that you no longer require. If you do come across such books and would be willing to donate them to the school library then please contact [email protected]



Church Warden’s Report

Mickley “Wild and White” White, icy and frosty times kept Mickley within its hollow for the past few weeks. So welcome activities like the Mickley 100 Club and Burns Night on the 26th January were online with a quiz and range of village creative odes to the “immortal bard”. Everyone remains safe and well, emerging only for the NHS Covid vaccination programme at the Ripon Race Course.

Snow flurries brought the joys of children sledging down three different socially distanced hills on the south side of the village. A real “Laurie Lee” experience to the whitening countryside of January and February.

Dodging around the human activities, the wildlife refocused its attempts at survival in -8 degrees. With fast speeding water, flood levels on the river Ure, kingfishers moved inland to quieter pools and ponds, and so when walking through woods, the blue splash of colour was not early bluebells, but the kingfisher on its mission. Flocks of siskins and yellow hammers joined up with groups of tits and hunted down the last alder seeds. The dipper spotted diving for titbits in running streams. The buck hares took over the fields, exploring crunchy grass nibbles under hedges, using Nordic snow walking tactics to find their way. Sparrow hawks cruised bird tables packed with food, and blue tits, displayed aerial dance moves in attempts to snatch late morning brunch.

Under snow covered long field grass, voles and mice chewed. Barn owls, hunting in pairs at dawn and dusk, quartering steadily for those voles and mammals to unwittingly make an owl’s early supper. Badgers emerged in the white stuff, perplexed, and


continental bird visitors like bramblings, blackbirds and fieldfares came to feeding stations and sheltered field feeding spots. Yellow brightness of winter aconites gave a sunny feel to village walks and herons cruising village ponds for frogs, bring a note of spring possibilities.

More blue and less grey skies – spring to come. Frances Cole

MICKLEY 100 CLUB February’s draw took place on 26th February and fold enjoyed the Burns Supper Quiz via Zoom. Each household was invited to join in and pose three questions for all the other competitors with the questions being based on the theme of Yorkshire. A little bit of community fun in the dark days of winter which was thoroughly enjoyed by all the participants.

For March, we are hoping to stage a (Zoom) talk by Chris I’Anson on Edwardian and Victorian Masham. More information to follow with regard to a date and time.

The 100 Club, in spite of lockdown, has continued to raise funds throughout the year and we have been able to give further cheques of £400 to both the Church and Village Hall. We would like to thank all the members of the 100 Club for their continued support. Louise, Peter, Dot, Reg, Andrea and Adrian





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BLAKEY TREE SURGERY Dangerous Trees Dismantled Felling Pruning & Re – Shaping Crown Thinning & Lifting Stump Grinding TPO & Planning Applications

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For a Free Quote & Professional Service Call David Blakey: 01765 658029 Mobile: 07712 623178 Thorstad, Kirkby Malzeard, Ripon, HG4 3SH 18

Kirkby Fisheries KUTZ @ KIRKBY Opening Hours Main Street, Kirkby Malzeard Monday–Saturday (Next to Kirkby Motors) 11.30am-1.30pm & Ladies & Gentlemen’s 5.00-9.00pm Hairdressers To avoid delays order on 01765 658723. Closed Sunday & Monday Tuesday – Friday PIZZAS ALSO NOW AVAILABLE. 9.00am – 5.00pm Saturday Follow us on facebook 8.30am – 1.00pm Kirkbyfisheries. Tel 01765 650137 Mobile 07792 695318

KIRKBY MOTORS KIRKBY MALZEARD Family business, established 40 years Car Repairs and Servicing Servicing and repairs to cars and vans, including those still in warranty, following Good Garage Scheme, manufacturers or our own schedule. MOT testing including motorbikes Petrol and Diesel forecourt, pay at pump, open late 7 days Diagnostics using the latest Snap On and Crypton equipment. Tyres, batteries and exhausts supplied and fitted. Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm, Saturday by prior arrangement only. Call us on 01765 658468



And Painter & Decorator SECRET GARDEN CATTERY Tel: 01765 658761 30 years’ experience Mob: 07737 322335 Mrs J Morton Wilderbrook House Winksley Email:[email protected] Nr Ripon Call for a free estimate Brand New Facilities For details Ring: 01765 658733








(01765 if no code given)

APEX PRIVATE HIRE, (Trevor Kempster, Kirkby Malzeard) local /long distance airport /courier, mobile 07970 308823 650491 BLAKEY TREE SURGERY, Felling,pruning,thinning,logs,chippings,free quote 658029 BOGS HALL STABLES, Livery, tuition, BHS approved, rug cleaning. 658184 BULL GRAPHIC DESIGN, Logo design, websites, brochures, packaging 658022 CATERERS & CROCKERY HIRE, L Atkinson 620618 or 658545 CREATIVE NAILS BY CAROL, for all your nail requirements, 07736 544 446 or 609293 CURTAIN & BLIND MAKING SERVICE & ALTERATIONS, contact Carol Ayres 658898 DOG HOME BOARDING, the kinder alternative to kennels. Experienced carer, fully insured & HBC approved. Early booking advised. 650438 GARY CARSON, Painter & Decorator, call for a free estimate, 07737 322335 or 658761 HIGHSIDE BUTCHERS, Local lamb, beef and pork 658423 T & M.E JACKSON, Approved electrical contractors 658517 KIRKBY MALZEARD PRE-SCHOOL & TODDLER GROUP 658080 KIRKBY STORES, Open Mon-Sat 6am - 6.30pm Sun 7.00-10.30am 658305 J B LAMBERT & SON, Painter & Decorator 603928 LINDRICK LOGS, Local quality seasoned hardwood, prompt delivery 605248 LYNX FUELS, Domestic heating oil & agricultural fuels. Ring Andrew Storey 07970 249978 MOBILE FOOT CLINIC, Anna Smith, Kirkby Malzeard & Grewelthorpe 690830 MOBILE HAIRDRESSER Call Vanessa, all aspects of hairdressing,07861 734226 606417 N C R PLUMBING & HEATING, OFTEC, NAPIT, Trust Mark registered, plumbing, bathrooms, central heating, oil boilers, tanks, electricals 650410 RIPON CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC, Various times Monday – Friday by appointment only. If you’re suffering from headaches, sciatica, back, leg, shoulder or arm pain or pins and needles, contact 609494 ROSELEA TEAROOM , Tuesdays and Wednesdays 10.00am – 3.30pm SIMON MERRIN ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR, mobile 07711 343083 or 658640 SEA DOMESTIC APPLIANCE REPAIRS SERVICE, for washing machines, tumble dryers, dishwashers, & electric cookers mobile 07801 079911 or 689793 TILLY’S TAILS, Dog walking, pet sitting, tailored to meet your needs mob 07887 617294 TRACY JOHNSON, Mole control,gardens,paddocks,farmland,traditional method 620651 TOM WATSON JOINERY, All aspects of joinery. Good service guaranteed 07920 005140 J WEATHERHEAD & SON, Fencing contractor, all types of fencing supplied & erected, hedge planting undertaken 658508

Advertising enquiries please to Stuart Wakefield Tel 605697. e-mail [email protected] PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS & MENTION ‘THE FOUNTAIN’ WHEN CONTACTING THEM.


The next issue of The Fountain will be an on-line April edition. Material for this should be sent to the editor by 21st March, 2021 please:- Mrs Sharon Wood, West Farm, Galphay, Ripon HG4 3NJ Tel: 01765 658220, e-mail [email protected]

The Fountains Benefice Ministry Team

Priest in Charge Revd Ian Kitchen The Rectory, Ringbeck Road, Kirkby Malzeard HG4 3SL 01765 650369 [email protected] (Day off usually Friday)

Readers Miss Anne Carrick Mrs Liz Jarvis Mr Adrian Roberts 01765 601167 01765 620508 01765 650275

Administrator Please note new hours: e-mail Isabelle Munyard Thurs 9.30 am - 3.30 [email protected] pm