Abstract Return French Army by Corps Mid-September 1813

I Corps lst (Philippon) 14 bns 3,053 men 2nd Division (Dumonceau) 14 2,551 9th Chevauxleger Regt 91 Train 112 II Corps 4th Division 12 5,618 4 art cos 5th Division 8 4,235 3 art cos 6th Division 12 6,235 4 art cos Artillery 784 Engineers 379 III Corps Staff 376 8th Division (Brayer) 4,442 9th Division (Delmas) 4,235 llth Division (Ricard) 4,357 Cavalry 1,065 1,059 horses Artillery 2,146 2,070 horses Gendarmes 46 46 horses Train 583 625 horses IV Corps 12th Division (Morand) 16 bns 5,759 11 art co 782 15th Division (Fontinelli) 7 bns 2,601 6 art co 343 38th Division (Franquemont) 4 bns 1,706 1 art co 180 2 sqns 241 268 horses Cavalry Division (Beaumont) 454 435 horses Artillery 500 Engineers 311 Train 177 10th Division (Albert) 11 3,966 16th Division (Maison) 9 4,274 19th Division (Rochambeau) 12 3,728 Artillery 1,904 Sappers 233 Cavalry 7 sqn 787 VI Corps 20th Division 14 5,079 21st Division 14 5,543 22nd Division 14 4,720 Cavalry 8 sqns 935 Artillery 2,553 Engineers 436 Gendarmes 38

1 VII Corps Pacthod's Division 9 3,150* Guilleminot's Division 11 3,938 13th Division (Guilleminot) 11 5,757 24th Division (Saxon) 11 5,658** 32nd Division (Durutte) 6 2,593*** Saxon Uhlans 621** Saxon Hussars 638** Artillery, etc. 2,649

* Detached 3 bns of 137th Line (981 men) to Morand's division. ** 18 September *** 14 Sptember

VIII Corps & IV Cavalry Corps

On 6 August the VIII Corps had 7,573 men. On 7 August the Weischel Regiment with 1,384 men was assigned to the corps. On 25 September it had approximately 8,000 men. The IV Cavalry Corps had 4,831 men on 6 August. On 25 September it had about 4,000 and on 10 October it had about 3,000. The Poles brought with them 44 guns and 1,300 men.

IX Corps & V (bis) Cavalry Corps 51st Division 7 52nd Division 2 53rd Division 4 Total 8,647 men Cavalry (Milhaud) 3,450 3,806 horses Artillery 416 Engineers 51

XI Corps Staff 370 31st Division 5,573 35th Division 3,941 36th Division 4,779 Cavalry 496 449 horses Artillery 2,154 Train 384 Sappers 300 Gendarmes 65

XII Corps Disbanded on 19 September and incorporated into the IV and VII Corps. The remaining Bavarian forces remained in Bavar- ia and consisted of:

Infantry Brigade 4 1,882 Chevauxleger Squadron 141 91 horses Artillery 252

2 XIII Corps 3rd Division (Loison) 7,484 40th Division (Bichery) 7,880 Danish Division (Hessen) 9,769 50th Division (Pecheux) 5,293 French Cavalry 895 999 horses Train 591 Artillery 1,607 Engineers 98

XIV Corps 42nd Division 12 5,644 43rd Division 13 4,655 44th Division 10 4,566 45th Division 12 6,973 10th Cavalry Division 10 sqns 1,013 1090 horses Artillery, engineers 1,442

Dombrowski's Polish Division 4 Battalions 2,000 8 Squadrons 1,000 8 Guns & artillerists 250

Guard 6 August Infantry, cavalry, train, etc 58,191 12 October Infantry 30,000 Cavalry 8,000 1 October 28 Batteries, 202 guns 6,000

Margaron's Division (Leipzig Garrison) 2nd Baden Infantry (2) Baden Light Battalion Total Baden Infantry 2,589 4/35th Légère Regiment 591 l/132nd Line Regiment 2/96th Line Regiment 2/103rd Line Regiment Total 3 bns 4,000 1/35th Légère Regiment (joined 9/12/13)

Colonne de Marche Lefol Departed on 4 October with Infantry 7,116 Cavalry 2,733 Artillery 336

3 I Cavalry Corps 6 August 16,573 15 August 15,222

End September Brigade (Vallin) 4 683 Brigade (Pire) 8 844 Combined Brigades: 1,000 Brigade (Merlen) 7 Brigade (Reiset) 9 8th Chasseurs 2 Division (Berckheim) 14 1,200 Combined Divisions: 3,000 Division Bordesoulle 22 Division Audenarde 12

II Cavalry Corps Staff 73 2nd Light Division 2,121 1,849 horses 4th Light Division 2,377 2,112 horses 2nd Cuirassier Division 1,819 1,628 horses Horse Artillery 217 & 12 guns Artillery Train 185

III Cavalry Corps 6 August 10,801 8 August 7,456 Detached V Cav Corps with 3,355 men on 8 August

V Cavalry Corps 30 September 2,000 8 August had 6 guns 3 guns lost on 25 August

von Quistorp, B., Geschichte der Nord-Armee im Jahre 1813 Berlin, 1894

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