Emigration Facts &figures 3 Article 35.63 Article oftheElectionCode oftheRepublic of of thisCode, shallnotparticipate invoting. ElectionCommissionPrecinct DiplomaticRepresentation hasbeenestablished orConsulate attheAzerbaijani according to35.6 Article diplomaticRepresentation no orConsulate orwhere noAzerbaijani where inaforeignthe Republic whoare ofAzerbaijan exist, country 16.42 Article oftheElectionCode oftheRepublic“Cases ofAzerbaijan ofCitizens’ Non-Participation inVoting” stipulates that citizensof 109oftheConstitution32 ofarticle oftheRepublic ofAzerbaijan. state for shallnotberecognizedexcept casesstipulated ininternational treaties oftheRepublicorinaccordance ofAzerbaijan, withitem to CitizenshipofaForeign State 10oftheLaw onCitizenshipoftheRepublic“Non-Recognition ofAzerbaijan ofAffiliation1 Art. oftheCitizen Azerbaijan Republicof % ofemigrants in total population abroad’. Terminology: National lawmakers operate terms – ‘diaspora’ with two living and ‘ documents. isalsosometimesusedto refer toThe term thediaspora, “World outsideofofficial Azerbaijanis” • • • However, living abroad’ itonlydefines‘Azerbaijanis as follows: • • • Azerbaijanis in terms of ethnic, linguistic, cultural orhistorical ties. linguistic, interms ofethnic, Azerbaijanis butconsider andhave never themselves heldcitizenshipofAzerbaijan, citizens ofAzerbaijan livingabroad’The term ‘Azerbaijanis not alsoappliesto thepersons whoare andtheirchildren their children; SSR ortheRepublic and Persons citizensof the Azerbaijan previously of Azerbaijan who were Citizens oftheRepublic andtheirchildren; ofAzerbaijan Remittances inflow(USD billion): 1,277 Remittances asashareofGDP: 2.8 The Law On the State Towards Policy usesbothterms. LivingAbroad Azerbaijanis (Art.6.2) AZERBAIJAN Diaspora engagementmapping ” states thatwhenacitizenof theRepublic hasdualcitizenship,thecitizenshipof aforeign ofAzerbaijan % ofwhich in theEU % USA Top countries ofdestination Political rights At pollingstations Voting fromabroad: Dual citizenship for citizensresidingabroad Right tovote innationalelections 3 23,715 50,552 83,121 767,159 1


AZERBAIJAN 2020 4 under the subordination of the State Committee on Affairs Affairs on Committee State the of subordination the under


Trends Trends Azerbaijan The unresolved Azerbaijani Nagorno- aims at mobilising an international diaspora. policy in driving factors Azerbaijan’s has been one of the most influential conflict Karabakh lobby is designed to The Pro-Azerbaijan activities abroad. and supporting diaspora organising politics. interests in the world, and in European of Azerbaijan’s the weight and voice increase strengthenAzerbaijan and to their empower Azerbaijanis also aims to living abroad with Diaspora on Affairs Committee the State In this regard, networks with the diaspora. covering Councils 12 Coordinating established with Azerbaijanis living abroad in cooperation are events whereas well as 10 Azerbaijani various countries, houses abroad 29 European map diaspora an interactive has also created Committee The State the diaspora. for hosted

Law On the State Policy Towards Azerbaijanis Abroad Living Law State Policy On the Towards

with Diaspora of the Republic of Azerbaijan, includes: further development and introduction of of of Azerbaijan, further and introduction development includes: of the Republic with Diaspora Azerbaijanis, of implementation Azerbaijan of World among State intereststhe and of values national and civil rights of Azerbaijanis of national interests abroad; the protection activities for of the challenges in solving social, economic, and moral assistance political, cultural living abroad; of the organisations of and further consolidation projects of social implementation compatriots; the Azerbaijani diaspora. The Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Republic on the Establishment of the Fund The Decree of the President of the Support to Azerbaijanifor Diaspora Decree On Establishment of the State Committee on Affairs with Diaspora of the Republic of of the with Diaspora on Affairs Committee Decree On Establishment of the State policy state and develop to work with diaspora is designed to Committee Azerbaijan. The State freedoms the rights and of Azerbaijanisensure of this policy; protect the implementation help to to use and study including preserve to and countries, entity, foreign national in their living develop and of about the situation information of the mother tongue. analyses, and evaluates It also collects, this purpose. bank for a special data and has established Azerbaijanis living abroad The Concept of State Migration Management Policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan Policy that stipulates Management of the Republic of State Migration The Concept relations close establishing activities: on the following will focus authorities state the migration Azerbaijanithe assisting Diaspora abroad; operating Azerbaijaniassociations with and communities the rights and interests of Azerbaijanis working protect to and strengthening in order its potential or residing abroad.

The law consists of protecting basic rights and freedoms of Azerbaijanis living abroad freedomsand rights basic Azerbaijanis of abroad living law The protecting of consists strengthening and bodies, between ties state Azerbaijanis abroad, living (Art.2.0.1.); of the Azerbaijan Azerbaijanis Republic; living abroad providing organisations non-governmental policy of Azerbaijan, its economic, on the domestic and foreign social and cultural with information and strengthening the state in protecting Azerbaijanis (Art. engaging living abroad 2.0.2); life of Azerbaijan and the economic, development (Art. social and cultural and sovereignty, independence of Azerbaijanis public associations autonomies, cultural national and 2.0.3); assisting in creating 2.0.4). (Art living abroad

4 Law No. 413-IIG On the State Policy Towards Azerbaijanis Living Abroad dated of December 27, 2002, with amendments of the Law No. No. the Law with amendments of 2002, 27, of December dated AzerbaijanisLiving Abroad Policy Towards On the State 413-IIG No. 4 Law at http://www.e-qanun.az/framework/1947 Available 2020. August 7, Accessed of the Azerbaijan of 29.11.2016. Republic 426-VQD - Octo dated Azerbaijanito Diaspora Support for Azerbaijanof Fund the of Decree5 the Establishment Presidentthe on of Republic the of 2020. August 7, Accessed 2018. ber 31, •

• • Overview of the policy legislative framework and

2018 2002

2009 2004

AZERBAIJAN • • Obstacles the Law oftheRepublic dated December ofAzerbaijan” 3, 2019 No. 1723-VQD. 6 Facebook onsocialmedianetworks The initiativeispresent , Instagram andTwitter cratic Republic took place ofAzerbaijan in2018 inShaki, whilstthe2020 edition’s themewas volunteering. oftheDemo- Thefirst summer campdedicated ofAzerbaijan. to the100thAnniversary andculture history young people (aged 18–29) able to who are communicate language interestedin Azerbaijani in and the are The campisorganised incooperation withtheFund for SupportDiaspora. to Azerbaijani Itisdesignedfor DiasporaAzerbaijani Youth Summer Camp 2020 Innovationof theAzerbaijani Housetook atStanford place inFebruary University, US. vation Houseconnects thestart-up ecosystemwiththeSilicon Valley. ofAzerbaijan Theopeningceremony ofstart-up therelations strengthen players livingindifferentAzerbaijani Inno- countries oftheworld.The StepNext isa‘Start-up ecosystem’ aimingto develop thestart-up ecosystemandto inAzerbaijan, StepNext SPOTLIGHT: effective practices Decree of the President of theRepubliconapplicationofLaw oftheRepublic“On ofthePresident ofAzerbaijan Decree ofAzerbaijan amendments to • • limits collaboration organisations between andtheState ofAzerbaijan. force. and fragmentationThe diversity diaspora of Azerbaijani organizations in some countries themfrom onallsubjects,whichprevents agreement uniting, organising, andactingasasingle andcommunication: livingabroad heterogeneous Azerbaijanis are Limited unity andnotin engagement inAzerbaijan. including professional isstilllessvalued as a form skills and expertise, knowledge, of diaspora long-termLack ofalegalframework:isnocomprehensive, There ondiaspora. strategy Social capital, Decree ofDecemberDecree 25,2019. was established bythePresidential indiasporaRecognition: activity” Amedal“for services Achievements information livingabroad. updated regularly. are aboutAzerbaijanis Bothwebresources Biographies’ livingabroad ofAzerbaijanis (2018) whichaimsatcollecting anddistributing also the Information System of Diaspora Scientists (2018) andthewebpage of Azerbaijani (2018), showing487 Diaspora Azerbaijani organisations operating in48countries.is There services indiaspora activities. services 6 Themedalwillbegivento distinguishedpersons for their .


AZERBAIJAN - - - The congress elected the Coordinating Council for World Azerbaijanis, to aims which World for Council Coordinating the elected congress The 7 - at https://report.az/en/diaspo Available 2020. Azerbaijanis August 4, opens in Baku. Accessed of World IV Congress

7 Report. Az(2016): ​ ra/iv-congress-of-world-azerbaijanis-opens-in-baku/ doms of compatriots, to undertake diaspora advocacy and lobbying, to develop a strategy for youth in the a strategy develop advocacy to for and lobbying, diaspora undertake to doms of compatriots, the movement, for Azerbaijani and other important topics Diaspora be representative and to in political life congresses2001 and subsequent were held in was held in World Azerbaijanis Congress of first The diaspora representatives and guests over 500 diaspora together brought congress The fourth and 2016. 2011 2006, countries. 49 from The congress serves as a discussion platform for diaspora leaders. It works to protect the rights and free protect to It works leaders. diaspora The congress serves for as a discussion platform Azerbaijanis Congress World This project, which is co-funded by several EU Member States (, the and Poland) and (Germany, States EU Member by several This project, which is co-funded agreement the in readmission the of supportingat implementation aims the ICMPD, by implemented strengthening the capacities of authorities and civil society through in Azerbaijan of reintegration to area of Azer and reintegration States Union Member the European return sustainable from actively facilitate 2019 – 2021 2019 project (RESTART) Azerbaijani to Returnees Support Reintegration The objective of the MOBILAZE project (2016-2019) was to support the implementation of the Mobility support the implementation to was (2016-2019) MOBILAZEThe objective of the project strengthening on focus capacity the the of between Partnership Azerbaijanand EU the specific a with part study of the project, As several policy. the national migration and implement develop to government topics various on focused they Diaspora; with Work on Committee State the by were organised weekends and development. migration to The weekends including an introduction challenges, migration related to raise of oppor to awareness and aimed field a migration-related in working professionals young targeted MOBILAZE Migration studies weekends MOBILAZEMigration tunities for development offered by migration in the context of in the Azerbaijan. by migration offered development tunities for baijani nationals meet every year and is led by its executive secretary. The ExecutiveThe Chairman a is SecretaryCouncil the of everymeet executiveits by led is and secretary. year with Diaspora. on works Committee of the State



AZERBAIJAN with diaspora organisations. livingabroad;rights ofAzerbaijanis undertakes socialprojects; andrelated advocacy andconsolidates links its nationalandmoral values. to Itimplementsactivitiesdirected theprotection ofthenationalandcivil aboutreformsmunity andachievements intheRepublicto protect of Azerbaijan ofthecountry, interests The Fund for Support Diaspora to Azerbaijani isalegalaimedatinforming entity theinternational com- 2018 Diaspora (ADDF) Fund for toAzerbaijani Support The StateCommittee onWork withtheDiaspora oftheRepublic 2008 ofAzerbaijan The MFA isincharge ofpromoting abroad. ofAzerbaijanis therightsandinterests ofForeign Affairs ofthe Azerbaijan 1991 The Ministry Republic of • Work withtheDiaspora. In 2002, former Heydar President ontheestablishment Aliev oftheState issuedtheDecree Committee on The PresidentoftheRepublic 1991 ofAzerbaijan Diaspora relatedinstitutions List ofactors Annex: 9 Available athttp://vxsida.gov.az/en/article/1130 Accessed August7, 2020. 8 http://www.e-qanun.az/framework/17528 realitiesAzerbaijani around theworld. outlegal Diaspora andpropagandaAzerbaijani Support Fund inorder workaimedatdisseminating to carry livingabroad,mate ofAzerbaijanis interests aswellcoordinating theactivitiesofASAN Radio andthe inamobileform.abroad Thecooperation withservices alsoincludesprotection oftherightsandlegiti- of theRepublicTheMemorandum ofAzerbaijan. envisages jointevents onproviding living Azerbaijanis vations oftheRepublicandState underthePresident ofAzerbaijan Committee onWork withDiaspora Memorandum ofUnderstanding theState was signedbetween Agency for andSocial Inno- PublicService The agency concentrates 2019, ontheinnovation diaspora. potential oftheAzerbaijani On15February a 2012 Azerbaijan forThe StateAgency andSocial Innovations PublicService underthePresidentofRepublic of oftheRepublicwho isappointed bythePresident ofAzerbaijan. ritorial dealing department livinginGeorgia. withAzerbaijanis TheCommittee isheaded bytheChairman Ukraine; the EU countries; and Transcaucasian states; the USA and ; plus one additional ter regions:Diaspora dividedbyworld bodythatincludesfivedepartments Russia, Belarusand isanexecutive janis around theworldintheirefforts for nationalunity. Nowadays, theState Committee onAffairs with of establishing andmaintaining contactsdiaspora withtheAzerbaijani - abroad theAzerbai andsupports This governmental agencywithintheCabinet oftheRepublic isincharge ofthePresident ofAzerbaijan • At regional level { { { { { { At ministerial level At locallevel At level sub-ministerial 9 8 -


Find out more at www.diasporafordevelopment.eu Development activities Integration activities Integration Written by: Dr Olga R Gulina Written Edited by: EUDiF 2020 September Diaspora organisations in organisations Diaspora The Foundation aims to promote the cultural heritage of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijan’s image worldwide. image of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijan’s heritage the cultural promote to aims The Foundation 2004 Foundation The Heydar Aliyev CEA is officially based in Belgium. CEA is mainly organising events to conduct pro-Azerbaijani lobby. Its lobby. pro-Azerbaijani conduct to events organising CEA is officially based in Belgium. CEA is mainly representativesby Azerbaijandiaspo- the attended of and communities was conference establishing 2004 , Fin- , Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, Federation, of Ukraine, the Russian organizations ra Germany, Bulgaria, Hungary, Spain, Czech, Poland, Romania, , land, Belgium, , Netherlands, [ and . Kazakhstan , of the Azerbaijan societies functioning in the US, heads Status of the organisation: Inactive of the organisation: Status 2004 Belgium 2004 of European Azerbaijanis (CEA) The Congress The association aims to improev the integration of Azerbaijanis living in Germany and to increase their of Azerbaijanis increase living in Germany and to the integration improev The association aims to support help, representation and practical in particular through of life, opportunities to in all areas access the German population with Azerbaijani culture, music, familiarize interests. It also aims to of diaspora history and politics. Status of the organisation: Active of the organisation: Status (ZADD e.V) 2017 Germany (ZADD in Deutschland Diaspora der Aserbaidschanischen e.V) Zentralrat in Germany] of the Azerbaijani Diaspora [EN: The Council