Bacup Natural History Society & Museum Newsletter Xmas 2017 Tel: 01706 870260 e-mail:-
[email protected] web-site - Here we are with newsletter number three; the feedback on our previous newsletters from members of the public and our own members and friends has been very positive. Bacup Flowerpot Festival Following on from the opening of our Mrs Ibbitt’s 1917 shop and parlour on Easter Saturday earlier this year, Mrs Ibbitts seemed a suitable character to enter in the Bacup Flowerpot Festival in June. At Hallowe’en she was transformed into a witch and we would now be lost without her. Billy Knowles’ War On Saturday 15th July the NAT held a very interesting open day. We were visited by Scott Knowles who told us his own personal true story of his grandfather who was wounded in WW1. Apparently Billy Knowles was a working class weaver before he was called upon to fight in the war. Scott told us of his grandfather’s experience in the trenches; he was wounded quite seriously in battle and Scott described his horrific injuries, his treatment and his subsequent recovery and return to civilian life. In the photograph, Scott shows some of the medical instruments used to treat his grandfather’s wounds. National Lottery Funding – visitors from Heritage Lottery Fund On September 20th this year, 14 visitors came to see us from the North West Branch of the National Lottery Funding including Ms Ros Kerslake, HLF Chief Executive and Sir Neil Cossons, the Head of Heritage Lottery Funding North West.