The Lewis-Carnap Aufbau

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The Lewis-Carnap Aufbau Wiener Forum für Analytische Philosophie Institut Wiener Kreis Institut für Philosophie 26th Vienna Circle Lecture David Chalmers Abstract David Chalmers David Chalmers is a philosopher at Rudolf Carnap’s Der logische New York University. Officially he is Aufbau der Welt famously builds a (NYU) University Professor of Philosophy construction of the world starting and Neural Science and co-director from an “autopsychological” basis of the Center for Mind, Brain, and involving structures of phenomenal Consciousness. He is also Honor- similarity. In a letter to Moritz Schlick The Lewis-Carnap ary Professor of Philosophy (as of in 1927, Carnap suggested that he 2018) at the Australian National might write a second volume of the University and co-director of the Aufbau that starts from a physical Aufbau PhilPapers Foundation. He is basis instead. Carnap never carried How Carnap and Lewis might have interested in the philosophy of mind out this project, however. I will argue (especially consciousness) and the that the core materials for Carnap’s constructed the world again foundations of cognitive science, second Aufbau (a structuralist as well the philosophy of language, analysis of physics and a definition- metaphysics and epistemology, based reduction of everything else and many other areas. to this structure) can be found in the work of David Lewis, and that this Tuesday, June 19, 2018 second Carnap-Lewis Aufbau might have avoided many of the objections 5.00 p.m. directed at the first. Kapelle Campus der Universität Wien 1090 Wien June 18, 2018 | 09.00 David Chalmers (NYU): Conceptual Engineering and Verbal Disputes University of Vienna, Main Building, Marietta-Blau Saal Universitätsring 1, 1010 Wien No registration is required. 11.00 – 18.00 Philosophical Workshop with David Chalmers Invited Speakers: Farbod Akhlaghi-Ghaffarokh (Oxford), Elizabeth Cantalamessa (Miami), Mirela Fus (St. Andrews/Oslo), Till Gallasch (Düsseldorf), Quentin Pharr (St. Andrews/Stirling), Tomas Wysocki (Pittsburgh) Eigentümer und Herausgeber: Wiener Kreis Gesellschaft Campus der Universität Wien Spitalgasse 2-4, Hof 1 1090 Wien
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