Ecuador: the Andes Introtour - January 2016

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Ecuador: the Andes Introtour - January 2016 Tropical Birding Trip Report Ecuador: The Andes Introtour - January 2016 A Tropical Birding SET DEPARTURE tour Ecuador: The Andes Introtour with High Andes extension January 15-24, 2016 TOUR LEADER: ANDRÉS VÁSQUEZ Trip report and most photos by Andrés Vásquez Masked Mountain-Tanager, a rarity we saw on the extension The Andes Introtour is a wonderful tour to start exploring South America; it is moderately paced and somewhat relaxed thanks to the fact that we use a great lodge and only one during the entire main tour (the famed Tandayapa Bird Lodge) which means unpacking only once and not going through the stress of hopping from lodge to lodge. On the other hand, it is every bit as serious in terms of finding species as any other tour with some early starts and some late endings. It +1-409-515-0514 [email protected] Tropical Birding Trip Report Ecuador: The Andes Introtour - January 2016 does not sacrifice any bird opportunity, and proof of that is the incredible list we compiled during this tour and the awesome amount of rarities we managed to find thanks to the focus and great spirit of all the participants. This tour was particularly above average birding wise and INCREDIBLE for mammals; in one day of the extension we got 7 Andean Condors, 2 cooperative Rufous-belied Seedsnipes, Andean Ibis, a Black-breasted Buzzard-Eagle (among 5 species of raptors that day) plus 2 species of deer, the local subspecies of White-tailed Deer and the rare and secretive NORTHERN PUDU, just after finding a SPECTACLED BEAR (photo below by Steve Klesius) crossing the road in front of us. We also saw a Tayra on a previous day stealing bananas from bird feeders. Other highlights included a displaying Lyre-tailed Nightjar flying over our heads below Tandayapa, a quest with a happy ending for Torrent Ducks, an active lek of the superb Andean Cock-of-the-Rock, detailed studies of a displaying male Club- winged Manakin, a very cooperative Spotted Nightingale-Thrush, nice photographic chances of the Choco Endemic Scarlet-breasted Dacnis, a family of playful Powerful Woodpeckers, killer views of Golden-headed Quetzals and countless numbers tanagers of which the favorites were Grass-green and Glistening-green Tanagers. Raptors were particularly good to us during this trip with excellent views of several rare ones like Black-and- white Hawk-Eagle and Black-and- chestnut Eagle amongst the 12 species of hawks and 5 of falcons; 17 raptors seen not counting vultures and condor is a ridiculous number. We recorded 9 species of antpittas (5 seen very well), and 43 of hummingbirds including the bizarre Sword-billed Hummingbird and the hulking but not really colorful Giant Hummingbird. As you can see this tour is filled with incredible moments, rare and unique birds, plus surprises that always happen. It is arguably the best value tour we have which is the reason why it is also usually our bestselling one. And you do not need to be an expert – no neotropical birding experience is required. We try to see all the birds, even the common ones. +1-409-515-0514 [email protected] Tropical Birding Trip Report Ecuador: The Andes Introtour - January 2016 Jan 16 – Yanacocha Reserve and the Old Nono-Mindo Road: We started the tour with a visit to the well-known reserve of Yanacocha just an hour drive from Quito. After leaving the big city behind, we crossed through some agricultural terrain before reaching the reserve. On these disturbed areas we got some nice birds like Gray-browed and Yellow-bellied Brush-Finches, Black-crested Warbler, Black Flowerpiercer, Plain-colored Seedeater, and the bright Golden Grosbeak. Inside the reserve the activity was a little slow at the beginning but it pick up later in the morning. Along the trail that takes us from the headquarters into the forest we found various small flocks and many individual birds scattered here and there. Highlights during the walk in included Black-chested and Scarlet-breasted Mountain- Tanagers, Rainbow-bearded Thornbill, Smoky Bush-Tyrant, and Crowned Chat-Tyrant. The 1.5 mile trail ends at a hummingbird feeding station that typically holds the only active feeders in the reserve pushing all visitors to do the entire walk. We saw Tyrian Metaltail, Great Sapphirewing, Golden-breasted and Sapphire-vented Pufflegs, Sparkling Violetear, Buff-winged Starfrontlet, and the star of the site, Sword-billed Hummingbird. We walked inside a narrower trail behind the feeders and got surprised by a couple of tame Rufous Antpittas that were hopping along the dirt track in front of us. Suddenly we were in the middle of a canopy flock of which we managed to see Superciliared Hemispingus, Blue- backed Conebill, and Blue-and-black Tanager. Whereas during the walk in the skies were blue, it was quite sunny, the way back it got overcast and birds were active until close to noon. We managed to pick up some species that we had not even heard previously which was a great relief for me; we found three key birds: Andean Guan, Barred Fruiteater and Hooded Mountain-Tanager. Back at the parking lot we had our picnic lunch and soon after we started driving downhill towards Tandayapa. Along the shortcut that connects Yanacocha with the upper portions of the old Nono-Mindo Road we made a couple of stops targeting Andean Lapwing and Red-crested Cotinga, which we saw thanks to some luck with the weather since the thick fog that was covering the mountains lifted up right exactly when we got to the stakeouts for these birds. During one of these stops we got what for some was the bird of the day, a super cooperative Black-tailed Trainbearer (photo by Andres V.) which flew in and sat literally 5 feet from us at eye level. +1-409-515-0514 [email protected] Tropical Birding Trip Report Ecuador: The Andes Introtour - January 2016 After passing through grasslands and agricultural terrain, the road descends into pristine cloud forest and runs parallel to the Alambi River. There were two birds associated with running streams that we found, first a pair of Slaty-backed Chat-Tyrants and afterwards two playful White-capped Dippers. Farther down the road we ran into a couple small flocks that produced Tawny-rumped and White-tailed Tyrannulets, Golden-naped, Golden, and Metallic-green Tanagers, and an unexpected group of Yellow-collared Chlorophonias. We found the first of 5 species of toucans we saw on this trip that afternoon; first the brilliant Crimson-rumped Toucanet and later the superb Plate-billed Mountain- Toucan. Close to dusk we arrived in Tandayapa Bird Lodge where we spent the next 5 nights: due to its strategic location Tandayapa is a great base to explore the Chocó Region since it is close to both the upper subtropics and the foothills and not too far from the lowlands. So we checked in and then spent the rest of the afternoon in front of the splendid hummingbird feeders getting delighted by Violet-tailed Sylphs, Booted Racket-tails, Purple-bibbed Whitetips, Brown Incas and other 7 species of hummers. Jan 17 – The Lower Tandayapa Valley: before dawn we were already up and walking the short trail that connects the lodge with a smartly built blind where we stayed from 6 to 7am. The idea is to get there before the birds start to forage and wait for them to come feed in front of us on the compost and moth trap facing the blind. We saw the pair of Scaled Antpittas that had been regular for three months come in to eat earthworms brought in daily by the staff. Other species we saw here included the hulking Strong-billed Woodcreeper, a pair of Chestnut- capped Brush-Finches and Three-striped Warblers. We had not had breakfast yet so we returned to the lodge hungry but before sitting on the table we checked out another moth trap right outside the restaurant for the Toucan Barbets that have recently become regular visitors, together with White-winged and Tricolored Brush-Finches, Dusky-capped Flycatcher, Streak-capped Treehunter, Montane Woodcreeper, and Russet-crowned Warbler. After breakfast we took our van and drove a couple kilometers uphill on the dirt road and birded our way back downhill. This stretch tends to be birdy and it was happily the case for us. We saw for instance Scaled Fruiteater (photo by Andres V.), Barred Becard, Ashy-headed Tyrannulet, Flame-faced and Beryl- spangled Tanagers, White-winged Tanager (now a cardinal!) and various others. The two stars of the morning however were a family of Beautiful Jays that were foraging +1-409-515-0514 [email protected] Tropical Birding Trip Report Ecuador: The Andes Introtour - January 2016 right at the entrance of the lodge’s driveway, and later an adult Black-and-chestnut Eagle soaring above a nearby forested hill. Noteworthy was also a group of noisy Spot-fronted Swifts that flew nice and close overhead. The afternoon was a little tricky; the very minute we jumped in the car to go out rain started coming down and never stopped. I had to come up with plan B so we visited a local restaurant and guest house that is located at lower elevation where hummingbird feeders and fruit stations attract a couple different species compared to Tandayapa at this time of year. On those we saw White-winged Tanager, Black-winged and Buff-throated Saltators, two species of euphonias and various Lemon-rumped Tanagers. The new hummingbirds were Tawny-bellied Hermit, Crowned Woodnymph and White-necked Jacobin.
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