Nationality: Spanish Birth date: August 20th, 1977 (38 years old) Postal address: 18B rue Charrel Postal Code - City: 38000 Grenoble Country: France Phone: (0)6 58 40 73 94 E-mail: [email protected]

Academic formation 2015 French academy qualification for teaching and researching (qualification Maître de Conferences). CNU Section: (61) Génie informatique, automatique et traitement du signal.

2012 International Ph.. In Computer Science (Cum Laude) by the Basque Country University, Spain.

2005 Grade on Computer Science Engineering (Equivalent to French M1) by the Basque Country University, Spain.

Research and industrial positions Oct. 2012 - Post-doctoral position at Grenoble Images Parole Signal Automatique laboratory now (GIPSA-lab), Grenoble, France. Jun.-Sep. International short internship at the Deutsches Zentrum Für Luft -Und Raumfahrt (DLR 2011 - German Aerospace Center), in Munich (Germany). Mar.-May International short internship at the CNES-DLR-ENST Competence Centre on 2010 Information Extraction and Image Understanding for Earth Observation, in Paris (France). 2008-2012 Ph.D. Student at the Computational Intelligence Group, Basque Country University, San Sebastian, Spain. 2005-2007 Research engineer at Innovae Vision S.A. In collaboration with the Computational Intelligence Group, Basque Country University, San Sebastian, Spain.

Scientific interests and selected publications Scientific interests: • Remote sensing image analysis with special focus on hyperspectral imaging.

• Statistical and computational machine learning.

• Information theory: Kolmogorov complexity and algorithmic inference.

• Signal processing.

• Optimization, inversion problems.

• Mathematical morphology, computer vision, visualization. Selected publications (see full CV for a complete list): 1. "Compression-based CP non-negative tensor decomposition of hyperspectral big data." Miguel A. Veganzones, Jeremy Cohen, Rodrigo Cabral-Farias, Jocelyn Chanussot and Pierre Comon. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (accepted). 2. “Hyperspectral super-resolution of locally low rank images from complementary multisource data.” Miguel A. Veganzones, M. Simoes, G. Licciardi, N. Yokoya, J.M. Bioucas-Dias and J. Chanussot. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (In Press). 3. “Hyperspectral image segmentation using a new spectral unmixing-based binary partition tree representation .” Miguel A. Veganzones, Guillaume Tochon, Mauro Dalla Mura, Antonio Plaza, and Jocelyn Chanussot. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol.23, no.8, pp.3574-3589, Aug. 2014. 4. “Further results on dissimilarity spaces for hyperspectral images RF-CBIR.” Miguel A. Veganzones, Mihai Datcu and Manuel Graña. Pattern Recognition Letters 34(14), pp 1659- 1668. October 2013. 5. "An Endmember-based distance for content based hyperspectral image retrieval." Manuel Graña and Miguel A. Veganzones. Pattern Recognition 49(9), pp 3472-3489. 2012.

Technical skills

• Operative Systems (GNU/, Windows, MAC-OS).

• Programming languages: ++, , Python.

: IDEs (, NetBeans, Anjuta,...), (Subversion), documentation (Doxygen, Javadoc), Web development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript).

• Scientific suites: MATLAB, Scilab, Octave, .

• Scientific toolboxes: OpenCV, ImageJ, Orfeo, GDAL, LIBSVM, Weka, among others.


• Spanish: native.

• English: professional competence.

• Basque: good understanding (B2).

• French: understanding (B1).

Other information of interest

• IEEE member Nº 90346130. Member of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society, the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, and the IEEE Signal Processing Society.

• Member of the CNRS GDR 720 ISIS (Information, Signal, Image et ViSion) and the CNRS GDR 3708 MADICS (Masses de Données, Informations et Connaissances en Sciences).

• President of the Basque Country Young Researchers Association "Ikertzaile Prekarioak - Investigadores Precarios" (IP). Jan. 2009 – Mar. 2011.

• Member of the Spanish Young Researchers Federation (FJI). http://precarios.org.