
THE EMERGENCE QUARTERLY No. 72 New readers please turn first to page 4 A free publication The people’s voice heralds the future

The Master —, through , 6 June 2013

It is becoming more and more and frustration which is their lot. obvious to many that the present They trust no longer the words or economic structure of the world the actions of governments done in is in tatters and must be changed. their name. For too long, and too For example, the economies of the often, they have been deceived and USA, Europe and Japan are in the cheated of their birthright. They doldrums; and China, so recently see this in simple terms but with the powerhouse, is slowing down. clear eyes, trusting no longer the Only , where millions still live machinations of the powerful rich. and die in poverty, and Brazil hold The voice of the people is rising, aloft the banner of ‘success’. nay, has risen, and is calling men to Admittedly, this is a very partial declare themselves. view of the economies of the world The people, clear-eyed and but it is largely the case that the unafraid, have looked into the nations are languishing and know future and have seen the possibility not how to prosper. The old tricks of the fulfilment of their aspirations no longer work: university graduates for a just and peaceful world. They feel lucky to serve in bars; the poor know that this will not happen by are poorer than ever and are thankful itself but that they must, together for food banks; the middle classes with their brothers and sisters, take struggle to ‘keep up’; the rich are the power of fulfilment into their richer than ever but believe they are own hands. They know too that the The twin pillars of the future over-taxed. Governments try, but way may be hard and dangerous The Master —, through Benjamin Creme, 9 August 2013 their priorities are mistaken and their but that the prize is too precious methods no longer are relevant to the for them to fail, for it is the prize of From now on, the ‘makers and shakers’ of this world, the men problems which face the world. brotherhood, of justice and peace, of wealth and power, will find a growing resistance to their The people, however, who and a better, simpler and truer life stratagems and plans. In response to the growing influence of the suffer most from government for all. They know that no sacrifice beneficent energies of Aquarius, there is emerging the awareness inaction or wrong thinking, see is too great for this achievement of a different form of living in which all can benefit and grow, and clearly their own needs. They look and are willing to die in its name. manifest their talents and ideas for the greater good of all. for freedom, justice, the right to Thus will the people of the world There is, too, a growing sense that money is not, after all, a work and a world at peace in which inherit the birthright of freedom and god and demands no devotion or obeisance; that money is but a their families can thrive. Their justice that is their due. Thus will tool, to use or not, a convenience which has become a tyrant that demands are more and more being the voice of the people rise louder enslaves its masters. given voice. For little longer will and clearer in the months and years From now on, too, it will become increasingly evident that the mass of men restrain the anger ahead. • the old forms and methods no longer work, certainly not for the benefit of more than a few. Thus a great divide has opened up between the rich and poor of every nation, sharper and clearer than ever before. For little longer will the poor of this world accept this unsacred division. And so the threat of revolution stirs once more in many countries. In Our view, while understandable, such a consequence would not bode well for humanity and would but strengthen their despair. Our way is the way of peaceful evolution, and we recommend it to those who would endanger further the world. Our way is simple and attainable; the principle of sharing is the blessed answer to men’s ills. At a stroke Just Sharing will transform this world. Many other ways have been tried and have failed. Is it not a wonder that sharing has never found a place in the plans of men? , even now, speaks daily of the need for Sharing and Justice, the twin pillars of the new society of Peace and Reconciliation. Hold firmly therefore to this simple path and bring joy to the hearts of all. •

Malnutrition needlessly killing millions of children

Research published in the UK’s Hopkins Bloomberg School of interventions were scaled-up to 90 Lancet medical journal in June Public Health, Baltimore, US, has per cent of the world. Professor 2013 reports that malnutrition is led a team of researchers since 2008, Black: “The early nutritional responsible for 45 per cent of the reviewing evidence on maternal deficit results in developmental global deaths of children under and child under-nutrition and consequences for the individual the age of five, which means 3.1 obesity in low-income and middle- and that has implications for their million children are dying every income countries. An estimated ability to succeed in school and year simply from poor nutrition. 900,000 lives could be saved in 34 ultimately in society to have the Professor Robert Black, of John countries if 10 proven nutritional most productive jobs.” • THE EMERGENCE QUARTERLY NO. 72 Malala at the United Nations THE EMERGENCE On 9 October 2012, aged 15, she “Dear sisters and brothers, I am is telling me: be peaceful and love was shot in the head by the Taliban not against anyone. Neither am I everyone. QUARTERLY on a school bus in Swat Valley, for here to speak in terms of personal “We realise the importance of fighting for girls’ right to education. revenge against the Taliban or any light when we see darkness. We ISSN 1384-5233 She was saved by the Master other terrorist group. I am here to realise the importance of our voice The Emergence Quarterly is produced by Share International (, (see Question and Answers, Share speak for the right of education when we are silenced…. , San Francisco). It contains excerpts from Share International magazine International December 2012.) for every child. I want education “We want schools and education and appears quarterly. The Emergence Quarterly is available free to readers Nine months after the shooting and for the sons and daughters of the for every child’s bright future. We in developing nations and in Eastern Europe, and now appears in English, subsequent operations at the Queen Taliban and all the terrorists and will continue our journey to our Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, extremists. I do not even hate the destination of peace and education. German, Japanese, Spanish, and Dutch. A special background issue of EQ on 12 July 2013, her 16th birthday, Talib who shot me. No one can stop us. We will speak is available in these languages as well as in Arabic, Romanian, Hungarian, Malala addressed the United “Even if there was a gun in my up for our rights and we will bring Italian, Swedish, Russian, Polish, Norwegian, Latvian and Portuguese. Nations Youth Assembly in New hand and he was standing in front change to our voice. We believe Share International is a registered non-profit foundation, sup­ported by a York. The event was in the power and worldwide network of volunteers. organised by former the strength of UK Prime Minister our words. Our Gordon Brown, UN words can change Special Envoy for the whole world Global Education, because we are all who had launched together, united Benjamin Creme answers a UN petition to for the cause of the President of education. And if Q. Is Maitreya still giving television understanding of world change, Pakistan demanding we want to achieve interviews in Russia? If so, how not by some mystical emanation that all children our goal, then let us many have there been to date? which, it seems, people are looking should be in school empower ourselves On 8 June 2013 there had already for. by the end of 2015. with the weapon of been 14 interviews with Maitreya The following knowledge and let in Russia. Q. Are Maitreya’s interviews are extracts from us shield ourselves A. To date (5 August 2013) in Russia gaining such a good Malala’s speech: with unity and Maitreya has given 18 interviews response because of the people’s “There are togetherness. in Russia. Communist heritage? hundreds of human “We must A. Yes, probably. People have seen rights activists not forget that Q. The interviews with Maitreya the promise of the communist ideal and social workers millions of people must be incredibly low-key – for no and have also felt the suffering and who are not only are suffering one to have been able, so far, to find disappointment of their times, and speaking for their from poverty out anything about them. Could so, I think, can understand the ideas rights, but who are and injustice and you explain please? of Maitreya and humanity’s role in struggling to achieve their goal of me, I would not shoot him. This ignorance. We must not forget that A. The early interviews in the USA changing the world for the better. of peace, education and equality. is the compassion I have learned millions of children are out of their no doubt were ‘low-key’. Maitreya Thousands of people have been from Mohammed, the prophet schools. We must not forget that was, perhaps still is, taking care not Q. In Brazil the phrase “O Gigante killed by the terrorists and millions of mercy, Jesus Christ and Lord our sisters and brothers are waiting to frighten off those He wanted to Acordou” (the sleeping giant have been injured. I am just one Buddha. This the legacy of change for a bright, peaceful future. help, but as time has progressed in has woken) has caught on and is of them. So here I stand, one girl I have inherited from Martin “So let us wage a glorious struggle Mexico, Brazil and now in Russia, used in public protests and as a among many. I speak not for Luther King, Nelson Mandela and against illiteracy, poverty and I understand that He has become Twitter hashtag to alert people myself, but so those without a Mohammed Ali Jinnah. This is the terrorism, let us pick up our books and more and more explicit. I have not to developments in the wave of voice can be heard. Those who philosophy of nonviolence that I our pens, they are the most powerful seen any of these interviews, nor, activism sweeping Brazil. Could have fought for their rights. Their have learned from Gandhi, Bacha weapons. One child, one teacher, one you might find odd, have I been it be that this catchphrase was right to live in peace. Their right to Khan and Mother Teresa. And book and one pen can change the particularly interested in hearing inspired by Maitreya? be treated with dignity. Their right this is the forgiveness that I have world. Education is the only solution. them, and certainly not in searching A. I think not, but I think it is to equality of opportunity. Their learned from my father and from Education first.” (Source: SkyNews; for them as I know many have done. significant that this has emerged right to be educated…. my mother. This is what my soul BBC News; independent.co.uk) • If you really believe that Maitreya so soon after Maitreya’s 41 is in the world and working in this appearances on Brazilian way, you have a kind of relaxed television, all done incognito. patience, lack of curiosity about Enough Food For Everyone If... what He is actually saying. Those Q. I remain agnostic about Maitreya who are really working hard, I being here but it is the only hope I know, do not search the airwaves have and keeps me going in severe to hear Maitreya. He is now depression. Is there a good chance, appearing on Russian television fair chance or poor chance that and the response, I understand, is He will become so popular more vivid and positive than ever. abroad from His interviews that The aim is not to find out about His the mainstream European and interviews. The aim is for us to do American news media will begin our work, and let Maitreya do His. to speak of Maitreya in the next The thing to remember is year or two? I crave hearing from that Maitreya is not seeking the Man. I crave any inspiration recognition. He appears entirely or encouragement He might give incognito, as one of us and not so that I may have hope. You said as some great saviour or guru. I that there have been many positive am sure the time will come when events of late even though all I those that know the story will see is doom and gloom. The world immediately recognize Him, but seems so miserable and I feel that time is not yet. hopeless to change it. You have a responsibility to say specifically Q. If there’s such a positive response what positive occurrences are in Russia (as reported in recent happening right now. I ask you to Share International magazines) empathize with the rest of us who does that mean Maitreya can do not know the comfort of being increase ‘the volume’ – in other close to a high spiritual teacher. words, is He now able to allow A. Your hopes are closer than you The Four Big Ifs more of Himself to shine through would believe to being fulfilled, but during the interviews? I know no matter what I say there There can be enough food for help the poorest families feed forced off their land and we grow A. No, you have a misunderstanding. will be a nagging doubt in your everyone: themselves; crops to feed people not fuel cars; When I say explicit, I mean about mind until the Day of Declaration! The ‘Four Big Ifs’ of the IF governments stop big IF governments and big the nature of the problems and campaign say that there can be companies dodging tax in poor companies are honest and open how they may be solved. I do not Q. Was Malala’s speech at the UN enough food for everyone: countries, so that millions of people about their actions that stop mean He shows more of ‘Himself’. inspired by a Master? IF we give enough aid to stop can free themselves from hunger; people getting enough food. He still is entirely incognito. A.No, it was inspired by Malala children dying from hunger and IF we stop poor farmers being (Source: Oxfam, UK) • People must recognize Him by His herself. • 2 THE EMERGENCE QUARTERLY NO. 72 When Mrs Khadijat Isa went into Baby born with prayer beads labour in Bida, Niger, in July 2013, she was rushed to the home of retired nurse Shasha Abubakar, where she gave birth to a baby girl. The nurse described their shock when the women attending saw that the baby had black prayer beads wrapped round her neck which immediately turned white as soon as she was born. Crowds flocked to see the miraculous baby, shouting “Allahu akbar!” (God is great). The baby’s parents are Muslims. Islamic scholar Malam Idiris Ndajiwo said: “The delivery of the baby today is a surprise to us Muslims. This shows that Allah is in control of At Castro’s first speech in January 1959, doves were released. One of the what happens to anyone and in the doves flew in the direction of Castro, and landed on him. The others, who whole world.” also flew in his direction, remained very close to him. Was the dove resting (Source: nigeriadailynews.com; on Castro a sign from Maitreya? T.S. A., Brazil. leadership.ng) (Benjamin Creme’s Master confirms that the doves were ‘directed ‘ by the .) (Benjamin Creme’s Master confirms that the prayer beads were manifested by Maitreya.)

Manchester Museum, UK, has become famous worldwide for the mystery of its moving Egyptian statuette. The Museum’s Egyptologist Campbell Price first noticed the 4,000-year-old statue had mysteriously turned around in its display case in February 2013. “I noticed one day that it had turned around. It was strange because it is in a case and I am the only one who has a key. I put it back but then the next day it had moved again. We set up a time-lapse video and, although the naked eye can’t see it, you can clearly see it rotate on the film.” The statue can be seen in the Sent by E.S., from Auckland, New Zealand, taken just after the baptism of museum’s time-lapse video rotating 180 degrees in its locked glass cabinet. (Source: Manchester Evening News, UK) her grandson in 2004, in a Moscow Orthodox church, shows a light blessing (Benjamin Creme’s Master confirms that this is a miracle manifested by Maitreya.) from the Master Jesus.

Letters to the editor A job well done doing simple jobs with a smile was Maitreya?” And to each one noticed that he was just wearing had just been through a moment Dear Editor, and enthusiasm was as important I answered yes. Then he said a t-shirt and jeans and for some of ‘surrender’ to a challenging On 11 May 2013, I was serving as as any other work. Was this person “Perhaps I am Maitreya and have reason I felt compelled to call after event and I was praying to God an usher for Michiko Ishikawa’s someone special? come here to teach you about the him and state the obvious saying and the Master Jesus that I would Osaka lecture. Intermission was S.M., Gifu, Japan. miracles.” Then I said “Are you that if it rained he would get wet try to continue ‘surrendering’ over and a little after the Question (Benjamin Creme’s Master Maitreya?” He just smiled and and he answered me by saying that along my spiritual path – then, and Answer session had begun, confirms that the man was the said nothing. So I asked again if it did he would bless me. D.J. what I can only describe as one of the audience came out of Master Jesus.) “Are you Maitreya?” and again he Watford, UK palpable vibrations overcame the hall to the lobby and started to did not answer. We looked at each (Benjamin Creme’s Master me from toes to head for a few talk to a staff member amicably, Unique reply other for another moment and I confirms that the man was the minutes and I felt very restful so I thought that they knew Dear Editor, said again “Are you Maitreya?” Master Jesus.) and at peace. It lasted for about 5 each other. I was sorting out the In April 2013, during the Fiesta and he said “Yes.” Then he walked minutes with the most sensations information papers at the table Broadway in downtown Los away. Was he really Maitreya? Maitreya’s ‘star’ in my chest area. Could you tell a little away from them so that Angeles, California, a man S.W. Alhambra, Ca.,USA Dear Editor, me what happened? people could easily pick what they approached the Share International (Benjamin Creme’s Master On 25 April 2013 I looked out the R.W., the Netherlands. liked. Then the man approached booth. He was an Asian man about confirms that the man was, indeed, window and saw a red light in the (Benjamin Creme’s Master me to say: “You have shown me 35 years old. He began to ask Maitreya.) sky. It moved slowly upwards, confirms that the experience in something good.” I asked him questions about who Maitreya was and then to the right. It vanished front of the statue was a blessing what he meant by that. Then, he and why he was in the world. As Rain or Shine after about three minutes. As soon from the Master Jesus.) said: “It is the way you work in we talked, he looked at a poster Dear Editor, as I saw it I thought: “That is a matter of fact approach with a of miracles and he asked me if I About six weeks ago I went out Maitreya’s ‘star.” Was it? I have smile, I mean.” I said: “This is knew about the red heifer. I said I for an evening stroll and when I never seen an aeroplane move the least I can do now. So I am didn’t and he explained it to me in was coming back a man suddenly in that direction, and there were Local contact: doing just that.” After saying: great detail including information appeared from the end of the no flashing lights that you would “That is good and I have seen about the Jewish faith. We talked footpath. He was quite small in normally see as an aeroplane something very good indeed,” he for probably 15 minutes about height with an Irish accent and passes by. went away. His remarks left me miracles and other religions like seemed to have a sparkle about Name withheld, Ireland. with a strong impression and so I and . Then he him; he asked me for directions (Benjamin Creme’s Master asked the member who had been asked if we had any other pictures which I gave him and I felt very confirms that the light was talking to this man if he was his of Maitreya in other guises. joyful as I told him which way to Maitreya’s ‘star’.) acquaintance. He said no, and that Fortunately we had pictures ready go. the man had praised this and the of former confirmed visits of After exchanging a few words Peaceful vibes attitudes of the co-workers. I was Maitreya from Share International he went on his way. It was quite a Dear Editor, doing the same work I did every magazine. He pointed at each blustery evening and the sky was While on a recent trip to India I year at the lecture event, but his one of the pictures one by one very dark and it looked as though had an experience in a temple in remarks reaffirmed to me that and asked: “Do you believe this it would rain at any moment. I front of a statue of Shankara. I THE EMERGENCE QUARTERLY NO. 72 3 BACKGROUND INFORMATION MAITREYA’S EMERGENCE — IN BRIEF

All the great religions posit Maitreya’s social concerns, the idea of a further revelation reflected in His list of priorities: an to be given by a future Teacher. adequate supply of the right food, Christians hope for the return of adequate housing and shelter for the Christ, Buddhists look for all, healthcare and education as a Maitreya Buddha, while Muslims universal right. His social message await the Imam , Hindus­ a can be summarised in a few words: reincarnation of Krishna, and Jews “Share and save the world.” the . On 11 June 1988, Maitreya Esotericists know all these as appeared miraculously, ‘out of different names for the same great the blue’, at a prayer/healing Being – the Lord Maitreya, the meeting in Nairobi, . He World Teacher, the Head of our was photographed addressing planet’s Spiritual Hierarchy – and thousands of people who instantly look for His imminent return now. recognised Him as the Christ. With Maitreya come humanity’s Since then teachings and Elder Brothers, the Masters of miracle signs have prepared Wisdom, enlightened Beings Who the public for His emergence. In have inspired all great human August 2001 Maitreya manifested achievements age after age, from His miraculous ‘handprint’, given behind the scenes. to invoke His healing and help. In July 1977, Maitreya Since December 2008 sightings Maitreya, as He appeared before thousands outside Nairobi in June 1988. He appears in various forms to different emerged from His centre in the of Maitreya’s ‘star’ have been groups and individuals — but always in a form that inspires recognition. , “like a thief in the reported worldwide, heralding His night”. Since then, He has lived imminent emergence. In January in London as an ordinary man 2010 Benjamin Creme announced concerned with modern problems that Maitreya’s first television A message of hope for mankind – political, economic, social, interview had taken place, on US Benjamin Creme, one of the principal In 1972, under his Master’s translated and published in spiritual, environmental – and television. To date He has given sources of information about the direction, he began a period of numerous languages throughout as a spokesman in the Pakistani- interviews on American, Mexican, work of the World Teacher, was born arduous and intensive training as the world by groups responding Indian community. He is not a Brazilian and Russian television. in Scotland in 1922. An artist by a result of which his telepathic­ to his message. He is also co- religious leader, but an educator This process will continue until His profession, he lives with his wife and contact with his Master became, editor of Share International, a in the broadest sense, pointing the advice and solutions to humanity’s family in London, England. Since his and remains, continuous and monthly magazine circulating in way out of the present world crisis. problems are known throughout early youth, he has been interested immediate. This relationship has 70 countries, extracts from which According to esoteric teaching, the world. in esoteric philosophy. In 1959, he given him access to constant up- make up this newspaper, The Maitreya manifested Himself Maitreya expects this received his first telepathic message to-date information on the progress Emergence Quarterly. 2,000 years ago in Palestine by approach to lead to the Day from his Master, a member of the of the emergence and the total Creme receives no remuneration­ overshadowing His disciple Jesus of Declaration, when He will Spiritual Hierarchy, an event which conviction necessary to present that for this work and makes no claims – now the Master Jesus. mentally ‘overshadow’ all of came as a complete surprise to him. information­ to a sceptical world. about his own spir­itual status. My Maitreya’s spiritual humanity simultaneously and call Not long afterwards, he was Over the years his lecture tours task, Creme says, has been to make teaching: Maitreya comes to for sharing, justice and peace. Each informed that Maitreya would have taken him to Western and the initial approach to the public, teach humanity “the art of Self- of us will hear His words inwardly, return within 20 years and that he Eastern Europe, Japan, Australia, to help create a climate of hope and realisation”. The first steps are telepathically, in our own language, would be given the oppor­tunity to New Zealand, Canada, Mexico and expectancy into which Maitreya “honesty of mind, sincerity of and will know that the World play an active role in this event if the US. can emerge without infringing our spirit and detachment”. Teacher is now among us. • he chose to do so. Creme’s books have been freewill. • with the attention focused on the To form a Transmission Medi­ and simultaneously­ sounding, or ajna centre (between the eyebrows), tation group, all you need is the thinking, the mantram ‘OM’ silently, Transmission Meditation a conduit is formed between the intention and the desire to serve. inwardly. During the Transmission, Meditation is, depending on the know to be envisaged for this planet. group and the Hierarchy of Masters. As few as three people can transmit endeavor to hold the focus there. If type of meditation, a more or less Transmission Meditation groups Through that conduit the Masters energy very effectively. You can the attention wanders, gently sound scientific means of contacting the act as ‘sub-stations’. There are sev­ send Their energies. start simply by inviting a few the OM inwardly, or mentally, and soul, and of eventually becoming at- eral hundred Transmission groups In Transmission Meditation, friends of like interest to meet re-focus on that centre. Do not one with the soul. That is the basic world-wide and they meet regularly­ your chakras (energy centres) are with you regularly. Regularity is meditate on the OM, just use it to purpose of meditation­ of any kind. at a particular time and day. This can stimulated in a way that would be important. The group should choose bring your attention back. It is not Transmission Meditation is a way be once, twice or three times a week. altogether impossible otherwise. a day(s) and a time and stick to it. the purpose of Transmission groups of serving the world. Unlike many The group meets and sounds This work leads to very profound This enables Hierarchy to know to ‘ground’ energy; therefore, the other forms of meditation, it attracts together, aloud, the Great In­ changes in the individual. Most that a group can be depended upon OM is sounded silently to send the to it only those people who have a vocation, which has been given people, within six months or a year, to be available at a set time, and the energies out on the mental plane. desire to serve. to humanity for this purpose. This realise the changes in themselves, group energy can be integrated into In the beginning you may wish The Masters have at Their disposal Invocation was released to the world recognise that they are becoming a the overall work. The technique to establish a specific length of time tremendous spiritual energies. A in 1945 by Maitreya to give us a different, a better person. They may involved is very simple and is for the Transmission, for example, major part of the Masters’ work is to technique for invoking the energies find that they have more discip­ applicable to anyone above the age one hour. But once the group is distribute these energies in the world which would transform the world line, more deter­mination, more of 12. Begin by speaking aloud established, it is recommended to produce the effects, the fulfilment and prepare for His coming. By consistency in their approach to work. together The Great Invocation. The that the Transmission continue of the Plan of Evolution which They the sounding of this great mantram A large number of people receive Invocation should be said before until the energy­ flow ceases. In ­healing, spontaneously, during the the Transmission to help align the this latter case, members should Transmissions. group with Hierarchy­ and call forth feel free to leave whenever they For more information, please send this coupon (or a copy) to: Transmission Meditation is a the energy. wish. For the UK: safe, scientific, non-denominational­ No special expertise in medi­ Group members should not Share International, PO Box 3677, London NW5 1RU, UK activity. It will not interfere with any tation is required in order to direct the energies to any person, other religious or spiritual practice. transmit energy. All that is needed­ group or country whom they think For the rest of the world: Share International, PO Box 41877, 1009 DB Amsterdam, Holland While many people who believe in is alignment between the physical could benefit. It is enough that the Christ’s reappearance particip­ brain and the Soul, or Higher we act as positive, poised mental ate in Transmission Meditation, Self. This is achieved by focusing channels, through which the (please use capital letters) such belief is by no means neces­ the attention on the ajna centre, energies can be sent in a highly Name: ...... sary to serve in this way. the point between the eyebrows, scientific manner. • Street: ...... How you can help Information on the Internet For more information about Maitreya ...... Many who hear about Maitreya’s presence in the world ask “How can and Transmission Meditation, visit City: ...... Zipcode: ...... I help?” The most important­ thing is to share this information about these Internet sites: His return with as many people as possible. Perhaps the simplest Country: ...... EQ 72 www.share-international.org way to do this is by distributing copies of this newspaper. www.TransmissionMeditation.org