Iris Molotsky Award for Excellence in Coverage of Higher Education AAUP 1133 Nineteenth St., NW, Suite 200 Washington, D.C. 20036 Entry Form Title of Entry: Closure and Reopening of the University of Missouri Press Name and Address of Organization: Columbia Daily Tribune, 101 North 4th Street, Columbia, MO 65201 Date(s) of Publication: __2_4_M_a,,-y-_2_7 _N_o_v_e_m_b_e_r_2_0_1_2____________ _ Name and Address of Applicant: Lois L. Huneycutt. Department of History. University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 652;])1 Names(s) of Author (if different from applicant): Janese Silvey (
[email protected]) 1. Applicants are asked to provide a short statement explaining the background of the story and its significance from a national perspective. Qualities to be judged include analytical, interpretive, and investigative skills as well as convincing writing. 2. Entries that include unnamed sources must be accompanied by a statement from the supervising editor explaining why the story was written in this manner. 3. Entries and the form may be submitted electronically in .pdfformat
[email protected]. These will be e-mail to the judges. If sent by mail, five copies of the form and entry should be mailed to Robin Burns,AAUP, 1133 Nineteenth St., NW,Suite 200, Washington, D.C. 20036. Please do not simply send uris to the articles as these tend to change. "Closure and Reopening of the University of Missouri Press" Author: Janese Silvey Organization: Columbia Daily Tribune Nominators: Lois L. Huneycutt, Sudarshan Loyolka, Stephen Montgomery-Smith On the morning of Thursday, May 24, 2012, the University of Missouri's newly-appointed President Tim Wolfe announced that the University Press would be closing after more than five decades of operation.