Autumn 2 Week 1 – Newsletter 9

W/E 6th November 2020 Brooke Primary Academy Weekly News

What has been happening this week?

It’s been a busy first week back after half term! Y6 Mrs Marshall’s class led the live assembly this week. It is always great to see all of the children live on screen and the children LOVE saying ‘hello’ to each other virtually.

Our topics continue for a term but the children will learn some new subjects including Design and Technology.

We hope everyone had a safe bonfire night on Thursday, with staff enjoying some bonfire toffee made by Miss Saul!

Attendance Challenge Winners - Week 8 WE 23/10/2020


Attendance is at or above the school target of 96%

Attendance is between 92 – 96%, below school target and being monitored

Attendance is below 92% and significantly below the school target of 97%. Action to improve attendance needed

Phase Class Percentage Winner F1 Mrs Whitfield 90.0 All children who achieved 100% will have a EYFS F2 Mrs Binns/Baxter 92.0 dip in the box Y1 Mrs Brown/Miss French 97.7 Y1 Mrs Brown/Miss French – Extra playtime KS1 Y1/2 Mrs Head 91.5 on Fri 6th November Y2 Miss Hennigan 91.0 Y3 Miss Saul 99.6 Y3 Mr Moore 97.2 Y3 Miss Saul – Extra playtime on Fri 6th LKS2 Y4 Miss Jackson 86.7 November Y4 Miss Merry 97.8 Y5 Mr Thomas 96.6 Y5 Mr Farrand/Mrs Sanders 98.6 Y5 Mr Farrand/Mrs Sanders - Extra playtime UKS2 Y6 Miss Jackson 91.9 on Fri 6th November Y6 Mrs Marshall 91.7 Overall weekly attendance for the school (19th – 23rd Oct) – 94.2%

Club Doncaster holiday club

We want to say thankyou to Club Doncaster for providing a free holiday club during half term. The feedback from the children who attended was fantastic, with many choosing to attend the full week.

You can see highlights of the week at

Autumn 2 Week 1 – Newsletter 9

W/E 6th November 2020

Pupil of the week

Well done to the following children who have been awarded pupil of the week for going the extra mile with their learning / displaying the school value’s.

Class Pupil F2 Mrs Binns/Baxter Josie R F Y1 Mrs Brown/Miss French Roman M Y1/2 Mrs Head Quinn D Y2 Miss Hennigan Dalton C Y3 Miss Saul Flynn B Y3 Mr Moore Navaan S Y4 Miss Jackson Calin S Y4 Miss Merry Keegan H Y5 Mr Thomas Olly C Y5 Mr Farrand/Mrs Sanders Leon B Y6 Miss Jackson Queenie B Y6 Mrs Marshall Frankie W

Remembrance Day 2020

Every year the British Legion calls on the nation to unite on commemorating Remembrance Sunday. There are changes this year and the annual remembrance marches and celebrations will not take place. Despite the changes the British Legion are encouraging people across the nation to still mark the event. To honor this each child has been given a poppy to decorate/colour/paint at home. These can be stuck in your windows or brought into school on Monday 9th to display. We would like to see photos of your children decorating or sticking the poppy in their window. Please send these to [email protected]

Maths Week – Rockstar Day

To celebrate Maths Week we are asking all children in school to dress up as a Maths Rockstar for the day on Monday 9th November. On the day there will be special Maths activities. We cannot wait to see all the children and staff dressed up.

Bake Sale Well done to Kia A in Y4 who raised £75 for McMillan Cancer Support.

Autumn 2 Week 1 – Newsletter 9

W/E 6th November 2020

Harvest Festival collection for the Community

Prior to half term Councilor Susan Durrant came to school to collect the Harvest Festival food donations. Well done to the Y5 and Y6 School Council Representatives who handed over the food.

We continue to work with Councilor Durrant to support her team to deliver food parcels to families in need in the community.

Donations for hampers for the elderly

Between now and Christmas we are asking for food donations towards hampers for the elderly. Please send any donations to school before Friday 4th December.

Some of our children will be making decorations to add to the hampers for a personal touch and to remind them that we care.

Christmas Card Competition

Nick Fletcher, MP for Don Valley is holding a Christmas card competition.

The competition details are as follows: 1. The card needs to be no bigger than A5 and be on thin card or paper, there is no specification about colour, ways etc. 2. Your child’s name, class / year group should be written on the back of the card. 3. Entries need to be returned to school by Thursday 26th November. 4. The winner will be selected on Thursday 3rd December and the school will be informed that day. 5. The winning entry will go on to be used by Mr Fletcher in Don Valley for his constituency Christmas card. 6. There will be special prize for the winner!

Entries should be completed at home and sent into school. Children will be able to get paper/card from their class teacher if they need some.

We look forward to seeing the designs!

Autumn 2 Week 1 – Newsletter 9

W/E 6th November 2020

Letter for Y6 children from Cara

Cara S, one of our very talented pupils, who is now in Y7 at Trinity Academy, has written a wonderful letter for the Y6 children. The letter outlines the apprehensions that they may have about attending secondary school but also the wonderful things they will experience. The letter can be read on our website at

Children in Need

Find out all about this worthy charity at

This year are making children’s mental wellbeing their number one priority.

Five to Thrive is a unique programme of wellbeing activities for the Appeal Week (9-13 Nov), led by Joe Wicks, Dr Radha and . Inspired by the 5 Ways to Wellbeing, each day they have lots of content and classroom resources designed to help children feel better about themselves – as well as helping others.

Next week each day we will find out about each of the 5 ways to wellbeing, concluding with a dress up day on Friday 13th November.

Dress up day – Friday 13th November

Please send your child to school in sports kit with Children in Need accessories / face paint etc.

We will be taking part in the Joe Wicks active challenge during the morning.

To raise money for the charity we are asking for donations (details to follow)

During the day we will be encouraging the children to take part in an ‘act of kindness’. Some ideas include:

• Say something nice to a friend or a child you don’t often talk to • Bring in an extra fruit snack for playtime and offer it to another child • Help someone with their learning

The Big Bubble Sing Along

I will be challenging the classes to video themselves singing the McFly official Children in Need song ‘Happiness’, which we hope to upload to our website for parents to see.

Have a safe weekend

Emma Levers - Head of School