Govert{Mei{T Gazette
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ZIMBABWEAN GOVERT{MEI{TGAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY XCI, No.54 5rhJULY,2013 PriceUS$2,00 General Notice361 of 2013. Bulau,ayoC rtlal MaphosaSibongile F MDC ELECToRAIIIIrICIAPTER 2: I 3l Bulas'ayo C rtral Moyo Mlungisi M ZANU (PF) PresidentialElection 3 ist July, 2013: Nomination Coult Results Bulawayo C rtral Sibanda Clemency M ZAPU IT is herebynotified, in telms of section106 of the ElectoralAct BularvayoC rtral SibandaDorcas S. F MDC-T [Chapter2:13],rhat at the closeof sitting of the Nomination Coult rvhich saton Fliday,28th June,2013, the follor.ving candidatesrvere duly norninatedfor election to the office of President'- Bulas,ayo Ei Coltart David M MDC Candidate Parq, Bulawayo E: Karnbarami Tinashe M INDEPENDENT DabengrvaDumiso ZAPU Bulatt,ayo Ei KasoseraKevin M ZPM Mugabe Robert Gabriel ZANU (PD Bularvayo Er Kaviza Nonnan M MKD Mnkrvazhe Munodei Kisinoti ZDP Ncube Welshman MDC Bularvayo Ei Khumalo Thabitha F MDC-T Tsvangilayi Morgan MDC-T BularvayoEa Moyo.Stanley T,I INDEPENDENT AccordinglypollingshalltakeplaceonWednesday 3 1st July,20 13, Bulan'ayo Ea Muhhva Rodger M ZAPU florn 7.00 7.00 p.m. for the purposeof electi-nga personto BularvayoEa Muzvidzirva Kevin M ZANU (PD tlie office of President. Bularvayo Ear Ti'r,arereTapson M TIMD L.C. SEKERAMAYI, ChiefElections Offi cer, 5-7-2013. ZimbabrveElectoral Commission. Bulas,ayoSc BulayarriEsnat F IVIDC GeneralNotice 362 of 2013. Bulas,ayoSc rh Cross Eds'ard G M MDC.T ELECTORAI ACT ICIIAPTER2 : I 3) BularvayoSc th Dube BafanaA. M ZANU (PF) Bulas,ayo So rh Gumbo Joseph M MKD NationalAssembly Election 31st July, 2013: Nomination Coult Results Bularvayo So th Grvebu.Fidelis M ZAPU IT is heleby notified in tenns of section48 of the ElectoralAct Bulau,ayo So th House Gift M ZPM lClnpter 2:1il , that at the closeof sitting of the Nomination Court Bulaq,ayo So rh Marckem Brian M ZANU (PD rvhich sat on Friday 28th June,2013, the candidateslisted in the Scliedule rvere duly nominated fol election as members of the National Assernbly in their respective constituencies. Emakhandeni Dube Prince M INDEPENDENT Accoldinglypoili,ngshall take place onWednesday 3 1stJuly,20 I 3, Entr.unbane from 7.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. fol the purposeof electingrnembels of Emakl.randeni M]<q,andaJndith ZANU (PD the NationalAssembly in the listed constituencies. Enhrmbane L.C. SEKERAMAYI. Ernakhandeni Moyo Mqondisi M AKE Chief ElectionsOfficer, Entumbane 5-7-?013. ZimbabiveElectolal Conr.mission. Emakhandeni SibandaPetros M ZAPU Scneoulr Entumbane NATTONAL ASSEMBLY CANDIDATES Emakhandeni Sibutha Christabell r MDC Enturrbane BULAWAYO NIETROPOLITAN PROVINCE NATIONALASSEMBLY Emakhandeni-l TshumaDingilizrve M MDC.T Enturnbane ChaprvanyaMaidza Lobeugula Dube Cluistopher M ZANU (PI.f Lobengula DubeNhlanhla B N,I r\,IDC Bulas,ayoCennal Kq,ebeya Sehvin '714 ZrNtseswEANGovsnsr,mNT Gnzrrrp ExrnnoRDrNARy,sTH Jurly, 20i3 I Lobengula I GuvarnombeNeria I r I zaNu-NnoNcn ] Pelandaba- MI ndla Strike M ZAPU Mpopoma Pelandaba- Mt lva Happiness F ZANU-NDOGA Lobengula liyaneWitness M AKE I I I I I Mpopoma LoDengura ryrarneNormande lrr LtYU I I | I I Pelandaba- Nd rw Tamsamqa M INDEPENDENT | J. I lAlbert | | Mpopoma Loberlgula NkomoSamuel Sipepa M MDC-T I I I I I Pelandaba- Ny, hi Bekithernba M MDC.T Mpopoma I L'.ru.u. I Dub.colirtur I u I zlrru I Pelandaba- Salr la Chad M ZAPU Mpopoma Pelandaba- Tsl: ma ]oseph M ZANU(PF) Mpoporna Pelandaba- Zht Thamsanqa M A.K.E Mpoporna lLuveve lNcubeClifton lM IAKE tl tt Pumula Gw :nda Emanuel M FZC Magrvegs'e I I DhlirvayoTendai I M I ZANU NDONGA I Pumula tvlh ,ngaAlbert Ivl lvtDC-T '' lMagrvegve lMazibisaSindiso lM llvlDc I Purnula Mp [u Zakhele M AI(E Nd rele Pumula Ncr re Godfrey (PF) lMagrvegrve lNdebeleAncle lM IMDC, I M ZANIJ llr^-.,-^.^,- lNrt^,,^-^el--t.^.. lrr lzlnrr I Ma ba I-._o -o - |-..'-.--"--r-.-.. |^.^ I-..." I Pumula Ncr reLosiya F MDC I lvfeorvpcwp I Nw^ni cra.A I F I TaLlrT /DE\ I Purnula Ng< ;o Sarnuel M ZAPU rI Macwpow". : I cihc-.I" E.liw l|{ | }ff I TNInnDENTnENTT I l---------------' l- [-.'----""-"^ | Pumula Perr tuZacheous llvr4dn,.drva lTJ.,,-"Dacanra*rr lD lDnTr I M INDEPENDENT Purnula Tsh )angu M PDU San rmehye I Makokoba I DubeThomeki I M I AKE I MaKol(oba Dube lshingaj. I{ (Pf,) I I I | ZANU | HARARE TETROPOLITANPROVINCE I Makot(oba I MasokuzenzoL. I I,t I ZAPU I Makokoba MoyoGolden M MDC-T I I I I I St. lvlary's Chr o Violah F UMD Mal(okoba Ncube Patriciah | bZC I I | | I St.Mary's Dzt rgrveJohrr F. M N,{DC lMakokoba lNdlovn'Ihabile lM IMDC St, lvlaly's Iona Inrrocent M MKD lMakokoba lWilsonHalryP. IM IMKD I St. Mary's Mas rataTendeka)'i lVI ZANU(PF) ttl St.Mary's Nhr lo Odreck M ZAPU Nketa Dttbe M AKE I I Joel I I I St. Iv1ary's enga Unganai M MDC.T D, Nkera lMasliab4lifo"i ll,r lzeNufml I pnelela I l-t tn I Masuku I tt I ruroc-r ---l I Budiriro Chir biri Henry M MDC r'rketa l Mpgtuc11.r:, l vr l Budiriro Ma< lrgaritaCosta M lvlDC-T I Nt.t" I Mpofuctark I u I I Budiriro Mar anda Shephard M UMD Budiriro Muz nenhamo il,I MCD I Dou Las Nlcrlrrrrrnnp lnrrhpMpmnriel lM lTApll I Budiriro Nka i Andrerv M ZANU(PF) rl--'--'--o------'_-a-l--l----l Nkrrlrrnane lMrtl.oo,.oNlrnqrrra lv lvrn I Chitungrviza Chit Angella F MDC Nkulurrraue NcubeMatshobana lul lvlDc 'nero I I I I North NcuoeKnoqan | rLL I I | | I Chitungrviza Mng rgezhaJohn M MI(D Nortl-r Chal Chitunglviza Mha du Robson lvl ZANU(PF) North I Pelandaba- | DubeDuduzile I f I uoC I llvlpopoma I I I I Chitungrviza Sithr e Godfrey M IVIDC.T North Kara Pelanriaba- lKatsoDuduzile lM IFZC I Mpopomal ll I Chitungl'iza Utau rire Terertce lvl UtvlD F- North Pelandaba- | I(humaloSarnuels.lU I iNntlr.ruOeNf I lMpopoma I I | | I Petanclaba- | lulobl,ilo"nvusumusi I r"r I rNoepnr.trDEr.irI Chihrngrviza Chig rnba ZANU (PF) lvtp.po'nu ll. | | | South Chri Chik vangaM. Zt[,reArrvEnNGovrnmutENr Gazerrr v,5rs Jury,2013 Chitungrviza Makurulu Canisio M MDC.T Harare East ChabataNobody ivl UMD South HarareEast Chivige Stanley M MDC-T Chitungrviza Mashirrya lvlabie F MDC Hararc South East Mangondo Noah M ZANU (PF) Takarvota Joni Chitungwiza ShokoMisheck M INDEPENDENT South Harare Northl Chiroto Emmanuel M INDEPENDENT Chitungu'iza TarasanaAllen M UMD South Harare North Chitsa Milca F MDC HarareNorth Iiri Takarvira M M,K.D Dzivarasekwa Chatindo Flancis M M.K.D. HarareNorth lviakone TheresaM, F MDC.T Dzivarasekwa Korvo Never M zAr.{rJ(PF) HarareNorth Mudatnbo Tongesayi M ZANU (PF) Dzivarasekwa Madzore Solomon M MDC-T Dzivarasekwa MasomeraAlec M UMD HarareSouth Dube Cleopas M MDC Dzivarasekwa Mgutshini Tr1'nos M MDC HarareSouth Mafume Jacob M MDC-T Dzivaraselcrva Zattah Sydney M INDEPENDENT HarareSouth Manyepxa Clynean F. M M.I(D Harare South Mashayamornbe A4 ZANU (PF) Shadreck Eprvorth ChoparnbaMichael M MKD Epworth JembereEliah M MDCT Harat'eWest MlajorneFungayi F MDC-T Eprtorth Mapanzurefemeson M INDEPENDENT Jessie Epivorth lvlidzi Arnos Bernard M ZANU (PF) Harare Wer;t MudakuvakaJulius M ZDP Muvengrva HarareWest Mupunga Varaidzo F ZANU (PF) Eplorth MuzarnbrvaChitarrlo M INDEPENDENT Carol Elvis Halare West Rice Maria Salonte MDC Eprvorth SibandaNicholas M MDC Harare lVest SibandaFrancis M ZAPU Glen Norah Bht*va Ric[rrnan M MDC Hatfield ChadamburaTarrvirei M UlvtD Glen Norah Garlve Kucla M PIMZ P Tafirenyika Hat{ield lvlashakadaTapirva lvl MDC.T Glen Norah Maeresela Pedzisai M ZANU (PF) Peter Hatfield MushongaLinus Paul M MDC Glen Norah MaonderaWebster M MDC.T Hatfield Muttunanje Lunrumba M ZANU (PF) w.G. GIen ViervNorth Chimombe Her:ber( M IvIDC HighfieldEast ChifarnbaCaleb lvl ZAPU Tendayi Glen ViervNorth Chipato Tafirenyika lvl UMD Highfield East Dimbo Danie M UMI) Glen Vierv Nortl'r Mhondelrva Martl'ra F ZANU (PF) Raviro Highfield East Mashonganlka Ida F ZANU (PF) High6eld East Mulai Elick M MDC.T Glen Vieiv North Munengami Fani M MDC-T HighheldEast Ndhlela Onias N4 MDC Highheld East SanrangaGodfrey T. M FZC Glen ViervSouth ChinyangaElizabeth F MDC Highfield East SarurvakaKudzai M Glen Vierv South Hurungudo Chinhete M ZANU (PF) \Veston ^4.K.D StephenBoniface Mao Glen ViervSouth lvladzorePaul M MDC-T High{ield'vVest Dhliwayo Glen tvl INDEPENDENT Glen Vietv South lvlapurangaObey M MI(D Highfield'v\rest ]uta Enrrnanuel M ZANU(PF) Glen View South Mbundure Hopervell M UMD Highfield \4rest Manl,eugarvana lvloses M MDC-T Glen ViervSouth MukoruonderaArnort M INDEPENDENT Highfield West Putire Sekayi F ZANUNDONGA Highhcld West ZengeniMiliam F MDC HarareCentral GuclrutuMathias M tulcD Matambudziko I(arnbuzunra KissAlbert M ZAPU HarareCentral lvlandtngu Malcom lvl MKD Fadzayi Karnbuzunta MadzLnure \{illias NI IVIDC-T HarareCentral ivlusarun'a Rickon lvl ZANU (PF) Kambuzuma Mavhuuga Toko F MDC HarareCentral SibandaColumbus lv1 MDC I(ambuzum:r Mushai Hetrace M INDEPENDENT Halare Central ZrvizwaiMurisi I\,I MDC.T Karnbnzunta Nheta TongaiP. Ivi ZANU(PF) HarareEast Biti Laxton Tendai M MDC-1 Kutvacizana ChihrvayiI(uLauone i\4 lvlDC 't36 ZrttclewtAN Govrrwr'.rsvrGlzprrr Exrneonowlny. 5rn Uurv. 20 13 Kuwadzana MatibengaLucia G. F MDC-T Warren Park {ombeshoraEllen F MDC I(un'adzana Nharnbu Betty F ZANU (PF) lyarai Warren Kuwadzana Svinul'aiPeter M UMD Park {udzuriElias M MDC.T Warren Park hangaErington M INDEPENDENT Warren Park Ishewekunze (PF) KrrwadzanaEast Chamisa Nelson M MDC.T Abicia M ZANU avenglva KuwadzauaEast GurnboFortune M ZAN(J (PF) Tilofuei Zengeza KurvadzanaEast Mafigu Enock M M.K.T) East ahananaRobert M ZANU(PF) ZengezaEast Kr.rwadzanaEast TachuanaEvelyn F MDC wajiya Douglas M UMD Senzeni ZengezaEast tukashiMichael M MDC ZengezaEast lusundireAlexio L. M MDC.T Mabvtrku-Tafara Maridadi James M lvlDC-T Mabvuku-Thfara Masimirembrya M ZANIJ (PF) ZengezaWest hidaklva Simon M MDC-T Godwills Zer.rgezaWest andazaGideon M MDC Mabvuku-Tafara Ivltornbeni Aaron M MDC Zengeza'vVest aruftrLisbon M.