Motorcycle Track Day Registration Form (MSV05)

For office use only Date: ______Venue: / / / Snetterton Licence checked? Yes/No Initial: ______Wristband Number: ______

Participant Surname: ______First Name(s): ______Date of Birth: ______

House name/number: ______Street: ______Town: ______County: ______

Postcode: ______Tel No (day): ______Mobile: ______

Email: ______

Please describe your experience as a rider: Novice / Intermediate / Experienced / Race experienced Emergency Contact Details

Person to contact in an emergency: ______Relationship: ______Tel No (day): ______

Address: ______Postcode: ______

PERFORMANCE RIDING CAN BE DANGEROUS AND MAY INVOLVE INJURY OR DEATH You must read and sign the following declaration as a condition of your participation in any track day at the Venue.

In consideration for being permitted to participate in this track day by MSV I accept, agree and confirm that:

1. I am familiar with the nature of the activity I wish to undertake and accept that, despite MSV taking all reasonable precautions, damage and injury may occur. I accept these risks and take part in this activity at my own risk. 2. I am competent to take part, I am not taking any drugs (whether prescribed or otherwise) that may impair my ability to take part and I do not suffer from, and have no history of, any medical condition that could affect my ability to take part in this event. 3. I will satisfy myself (by sighting lap or otherwise) that the Venue and the track is acceptable to me with regard to its features and physical layout. 4. I have read and understood, and will comply with, all information and regulations provided to me in relation to the track day and I will comply with instructions and directions given by the organisers, instructors and any other representative of MSV at all times whilst at the Venue. In the interests of safety the organisers or instructors may exclude me from further participation in the activity if they think I am driving recklessly or dangerously. I am aware that other participants will be on the track at the same time as me. 5. I am over 18 years old and I hold a full valid DVLA road licence and/or ACU race licence appropriate for the vehicle I intend to use and have produced it to MSV for inspection. 6. The bike I intend to use is fit to use on this track day. In particular it is safe and roadworthy. Any on-bike camera or other equipment is safely and securely attached, using mounting systems specifically designed for that purpose (and not mounted on top of the tank or on my person). I understand that MSV’s insurance does not cover damage to my bike at the Venue (whether caused by me or anyone else riding it, or caused by another participant), and that MSV recommends that participants procure their own track day insurance. The use of my bike is entirely at my risk and I accept responsibility for any damage to my vehicle howsoever caused. 7. My use of any bikes made available by third parties, e.g. motorcycle manufacturers or retailers, may require me to sign an additional registration form or indemnity for the third party. I recognise and agree that any such form is separate to and will not amend or replace in any way the continuing applicability of the declarations made by me in this Registration Form. 8. Full protective equipment (including without limitation a properly fastened crash helmet) and clothing must be worn my me at all times whilst using my bike. 9. Any damage caused by my reckless or dangerous riding shall be my responsibility, and I shall pay to MSV an amount equal to the cost of any resulting repair or replacement. 10. Neither MSV nor any other company or organisation connected with the event (or any of their respective employees or officers), any instructors or other participants (each a “Relevant Person”) shall be liable for any injury, loss, damage, claims, costs, expenses, or demands suffered directly or indirectly by me as a consequence of my attendance at or participation in this activity provided that this does not exclude any Relevant Person’s liability for personal injury or death caused by its negligence. . 11. MSV may take photographs and/or footage of me during this event and MSV may use such photographs or footage (including my likeness and image) for future promotional, marketing and publicity purposes in any media worldwide without notice or payment. 12. Any material filmed or recorded by me at the Venue is for personal use only and is not for broadcast (whether for commercial reasons or otherwise) on any public transmission media anywhere in the world (including on the internet, e.g. on YouTube).

Agreed and accepted Participant Signature: ______Date: ______

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© MSV 2012