Helaba Research REGIONAL FOCUS 7 August 2018 Facts & Figures: The Federal State of Hesse AUTHOR The Federal Republic of Germany is a country with a federal structure that consists of 16 federal Barbara Bahadori states. Hesse, which is situated in the middle of Germany, is one of them and has an area of just phone: +49 69/91 32-24 46 over 21,100 km2 making it a medium-sized federal state.
[email protected] EDITOR Hesse in the middle of Germany At 6.2 million, the population of Hesse Dr. Stefan Mitropoulos/ Population in millions, 30 June 2017 makes up 7.5 % of Germany’s total Anna Buschmann population. In addition, a large num- PUBLISHER ber of workers commute into the state. Dr. Gertrud R. Traud As a place of work, Hesse offers in- Chief Economist/ Head of Research Schleswig- teresting fields of activity for all qualifi- Holstein cation levels, for non-German inhabit- Helaba 2.9 m Mecklenburg- West Pomerania ants as well. Hence, the proportion of Landesbank Hamburg 1.6 m Hessen-Thüringen 1.8 m foreign employees, at 15 %, is signifi- MAIN TOWER Bremen Brandenburg Neue Mainzer Str. 52-58 0.7 m 2.5 m cantly higher than the German aver- 60311 Frankfurt am Main Lower Berlin Saxony- age of 11 %. phone: +49 69/91 32-20 24 Saxony 3.6 m 8.0 m Anhalt fax: +49 69/91 32-22 44 2.2 m North Rhine- Apart from its considerable appeal for Westphalia 17.9 m immigrants, Hesse is also a sought- Saxony Thuringia 4.1 m after location for foreign direct invest- Hesse 2.2 m 6.2 m ment.