Vol. No. 004-12, No.1 January 2012

108108 SuccessfulSuccessful ApplicantsApplicants toto conveneconvene asas 22 BSCBSC ClassesClasses

Photo taken by: PH2 Julian D Delos Reyes PN

Over the years, the (PN) endeavors to fill-up its manpower requirements through recruitment of potential applicants to join the organization. Those applicants have to undergo battery of examination in Aptitude Test, IQ, Physical Exam, and Medical Examination. In order to come up with highly competent and professional personnel, a deliberation board is being organized for the selection purpose. Out of thousand applicants for the qualifying examination, only few passed and 108 were chosen. Coming from all walks of life and different places in the country, the successful applicants to compose the Basic Seaman Course (BSC) Classes 248 and 249 were convened on 11 January 2012 at Bonifacio Naval Station Parade Ground, , City. Witnessed by the relatives of the applicants and the guests, the members of two classes took the oath to serve the nation and the Filipino people. Thereafter, they will undergo the Basic Training, Basic Seaman Training and Ship Board Orientation. BSC is a six months training inside Naval Education and Training Command- PN Training Ground, at Naval Station Leogivildo Gantioqui, San Antonio, Zambales. While under training, they will received pay and allowances and all other benefit and privileges accorded to a military personnel. Once those applicants successfully completed their training requirements, they will be enlisted as non-commissioned officer of the Philippine Navy.

New Basic Reservist Navy fortifies Civil Military Administration Course Disturbance Company thru

Curriculum (BRAC) Competition

BRAC Class 07-12, Newly Fleet-Marine Ready Force (FMRF) initiated a Civil Military Disturbance Graduated... (CDM) Drill Competition for the units of the Philippine Navy in Cavite- Area. The need for force On 20 January 2012, two contingents expansion of the national competed at BNS Parade Ground, Fort defense through a reliable and Bonifacio, Taguig City. The First Team well trained reservist is part composed of personnel and officers from of the constitutional mandate. the Philippine Fleet, Naval Base Cavite, Stated under the Republic Act Photo taken by: S1DP Jason P Sumilang PN Naval Logistic Command, Naval Sea System 7077, also known as the Command and FMRF; while the Second “Citizen Armed Force or Armed Forces of the Reserve Act”, the State Team comprised the Philippine Marine to maintain a standing or regular military force in times of peace consonant to is Corps, Naval Reserve Command, Naval adequate an actual needs for the security of the State but which can be rapidly Construction Brigade, Bonifacio Naval expanded by the well-disciplined Citizen Armed Force in the event of war, invasion Station and, Headquarters Philippine Navy or rebellion. As such, the Naval Reserve Command (NRC) of the Philippine Navy & Headquarters Support Group. has a vital role in compliance to it. Turn to page 2 Turn to page 2

Online versions available on http://www.navy.mil.ph January 2012 Page 2

New Basic ... From page 1 Turn- Over. Naval Logistic Center at Sangley Point, As NRC revitalizes its four essential pillars: Reserve , is under a new leadership. Navy Captain Manpower Development, Reservist Affairs Administration, Reserve Alfonspin P Tumanda PN(GSC) assumes the post as Force Development, Retirees and Public Affairs; the role of the Navy Captain Elson K Aguilar PN(GSC) takes higher reserve force is indeed indispensable. In that note, the need to military post. The turn-over ceremony is presided by provide a highly trained and well versed reserve administrator is a the Flag Officer in Command, Vice Admiral Alexander quandary to consider. The variation in the three (3) months long P Pama on 11 January 2012. training scheme for Basic Reservist Administration Course (BRAC) was undertaken. Through the NRC Training Center under Col Dahlia O Nograles, the command took a paradigm shift in the training module of BRAC and constricting it into ten (10) days of extensive training. Just recently, the new training scheme for the basic reserve administration is used for the pioneering BRAC CL 07-12. From 17-31 of January 2012, sixteen (16) officers and three (3) senior Petty Officers underwent the course. It was a blend of experts’ lecture and workshop on a given research work. The informative and comprehensive system in teaching the module enables the students to grasp all the need-to-know in the basic principles of reservists’ administration. Thus, the first class to have that module greatly appreciate it since it will give them the ample time to apply the learning’s rather than spending a quarter of the year to take the Photo taken by: PH2 Julian D Delos Reyes PN course.

The students were given the lectures on legal basis in the STAR UPON HIS creation of reserve force, the fundamentals of reservist SHOULDER. Newly administration, the organization of NRC and its strategic functions, promoted Navy Captain to the four pillars of NRC and its role in mission accomplishment as Commodore Abraham L well as leadership traits. The overarching objective of the course is to Celzo AFP stands beside his increase the number of officers qualified to handle Naval Reserve wife in a ceremony Units. accorded to him aboard the During the graduation ceremony, Commodore Jesus Millan, NRC Philippine Navy Commander, stressed the significance of the training in having an Headquarters. It part of the ideal governance values. The 19 fine officers and 2 enlisted personnel commands’ recognition for will possibly be utilized by the command to act as the Assistant his well deserved promotion Commandants of ROTC Units of the Philippine Navy. to Flag Rank. He is currently the Commander of Naval Forces Southern Luzon Photo taken by: PHOTO OPS. The Philippine Navy Command Team in a picture taking PH2 Hansen V Ebreo PN stationed in Legazpi City. during the Navy New Years’ Call at Philippine Navy Officers Club, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City on 04 January 2012.


Flag Officer In Command, Philippine Navy RADM ORWEN J CORTEZ AFP

Vice Commander, Philippine Navy RADM EDGAR L ABOGADO AFP

Chief of Naval Staff COL MAXIMO J BALLESTEROS PN(M)(GSC) Photo taken by: CPL Wenly M Ortega PN(M) Assistant Chief of Naval Staff for Civil Military Operations, N7

Publication Staff Navy fortifies... From page 1 LTCOL OMAR L TONSAY PN(M)(GSC) Editor in Chief Both Teams performed the following formations: Column, CPT JOSE P DINGLASAN PN(M) Single Line, Double Line, Double Wedge, Single Wedge, Arrow, Associate Editor Letter U, Box, Shield Charging and Baron Charging. Furthermore, ENS REY S TIBAY PN ENS FRANCIS LOU B WONG PN the proper procedure in managing civil disturbance and the Editorial Assistants offense/ defensive tactics were also conducted. Together with MSgt Rolando D Caballero PN(M) PH2 Julian D Delos Reyes PN their Shield and Basto Stick, the participants stand side by side on CD2 Noel M Arines PN PH2 Hansen V Ebreo PN their toes just to maintain their cohesiveness and focus. SK3 Janice Q Bachiller PN S1YN Rechiel H Alcaraz PN

The criteria were based on their presentation and execution S1DK Jonathan L Buhia PN CPL Wenly M Ortega PN(M) and scenario solving. With these basis, The Second Team garnered ASN Maezel B Talagtag PN ASN Ariel B Francisco PN the 1st place with a trophy and a prize amounting to 10, 000.00 PhP ASN Michael D Namit PN Ms Annabel P Miranda CE Technical Assistant while the other participating team received 5,000.00 PhP. Randolf B Clarito CE The activity was part of the pre anniversary initiatives of Layout Artists FMRF on its three years of existence with the legacy of “Exitus Optimus”.

Online versions available on http://www.navy.mil.ph