LinkÄoping Studies in Science and Technology. Theses No. 1113 Conformal Einstein spaces and Bach tensor generalizations in n dimensions Jonas Bergman Matematiska institutionen LinkÄopings universitet, SE-581 83 LinkÄoping, Sweden LinkÄoping 2004 August 20, 2004 (15:33) ii Conformal Einstein spaces and Bach tensor generalizations in n dimensions °c 2004 Jonas Bergman Matematiska institutionen LinkÄopings universitet SE-581 83 LinkÄoping, Sweden
[email protected] LiU-TEK-LIC-2004:42 ISBN 91-85295-28-0 ISSN 0280-7971 Printed by UniTryck, LinkÄoping 2004 August 20, 2004 (15:33) iii Abstract In this thesis we investigate necessary and su±cient conditions for an n- dimensional space, n ¸ 4, to be locally conformal to an Einstein space. After reviewing the classical results derived in tensors we consider the four-dimensional spinor result of Kozameh, Newman and Tod. The in- volvement of the four-dimensional Bach tensor (which is divergence-free and conformally well-behaved) in their result motivates a search for an n-dimensional generalization of the Bach tensor Bab with the same prop- erties. We strengthen a theorem due to Belfag¶onand Ja¶en and give a basis (U ab, V ab and W ab) for all n-dimensional symmetric, divergence-free 2- index tensors quadratic in the Riemann curvature tensor. We discover the 1 1 simple relationship Bab = 2 U ab + 6 V ab and show that the Bach tensor is the unique tensor with these properties in four dimensions. Unfortunately we have to conclude, in general that there is no direct analogue in higher dimension with all these properties.