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u. s. Bulk BM* S A I 0 THE CENTRAL POST New Brunswick, N. J. * Permit No. 4AS

BoxhoWer Serving South Brunswick, FrMcHn Townships Ptseiel Palien (I for each Family)

VOL. m —Nd. 20 FRANKUN PARK. N. J.. TlfURSDAY. 25.1961 NEWSSTAND PRIC&-10 CENTS Ed Voorhees .0 Replace Huge Crowd Quits H is 'ulvert Is Expected Council Post Route 27 For Parade Ex-Police Chief WiUc WUI Take 500 WiUJdareh Loet In Election 3 Months; Plan For Second Ward Along Ronto 27 Temporary Lanes On Memorial Day —FronUin TewiMhie Councilmaa Ed Voorhees bes oT I » flb o received by the State A huge crowd toaxpactod to fered his resignattoa from ConodL f lypartmiat on Jane I watch Praaldto Paifc’a kiaaat In a letter to the Mayor aad ■tract to reBove Hooding at omortol Day Parade, spea- Council, the « i» iio e chief, defeat­ Mta 27 and StOiran Road, red by the Fnaklto Park ed in the May • electioa. said that nmee to Creeabrook aoar Voluuteer Fire Co. aad VFW Poet “the people of Us wand da net Park. •IIL OB Tuea^ , Ifey N. wsm him to represent them.” From 4N to 8M amrehers will The reeignatioa ia to become ef­ fective on May 23, iew toaa two ■rtfoipate to Ob liBB at BMich. months before Us term of oIRca hUi wa hegh at laHwB Read ad State RdbIb 27 a t R N bjb. would end. hfr. Voorheae has rep­ ServloeB aad a tribate wffl ba resented the Second Ward for 22 . Mdnch held at tha flrehoaaa aad aarvioea MonmouUi Junction Minstrel Is Friday I pipe Use that a t wffl be held feOawii« tha panda Statiag that aovcral fanportant tMBala 27 ahnd UP feat east These four members of the Monmouth Junction Volunteer Fire Dqwrtment wiU JoteT at the Grlgjitowa Rafenaad decisions must bo amdo bafere , Kendal Park, wtti Church. 1. Mr. Voorheae addtol that as the the rest of the cast in a gala minstrel show, “Alabama Bound,” on Friday and SaluiH — I ky a concrete box cul- day. May 26 and 27. in South Brunswick High School’s autytorium at 8:15 pjn. Ba*. Booator huttona wffl ba aold to result of Urn ejection he does not 7itM wide and few feet Ugh. help defray the coats of tha parade. feel that ha haa Uw privilege of h i^ the mustaches, above are Donald De Groff. Bill Sdienck. Andrew Alt and M - Saoall AmericaB flaga wffl ba gloaa anting oa them. chael PierdiiH>ck. wM c m y traf- totfae In wiihiagUM Coua^ aaocem, he Offietoto have alee said that he tiasted tUd hito op- faiBiltoB livtog aloag IlM Ugliwtor to poneht would fill the unexpirtd it WiU Visitor From Finland To Observe days to dRpfey thtor Aaericaa i l « i to term. Joeaffe FadUo. who on froat of thair r filled out aa aaaiplrad term for ex- Franklin*s Municipal Govemnienl mayor Leonard Roppert. caam oat 27 on top in tha ofertioa with Ml —Fronklifi Tewnihip ivide up to six dW aMth. dw aow boa eal- votes to Mr. Voorhees* 2M. Franklin will have “an affkuu city amnagement, Uol the aada htah- Tax Break Mr. Voorhem has said that he visitor” from Finland within the 'eiument aad t odgo to SaSaM definitely wM aot reconsider Us next two month*. I speciUly setoetod aad i w a ooaaeet to an TWO SWIMMERS, but no WBter w u Available a t the » hl« im Invited here on foreign exchange eiga aatkaals. For Elderly in-iervke training program for a«- that Willowi Swim Club when theee two young lovelies, Judy OmBCS wS OpiflllB M I The program wiU aa aktanti to managers, Iteikki Solo, O’Connor, left, and Kathy Kane, wanted a head-start tm eijd-nwa gieap, Wffllam SomaaerB. assume simflar rates in lhalM the seaptm. However, the club’s trustees have intMnised maaagar, said. It is aot Hkehr that M, who is now manager of Kuues- I hMr fer dw IN perceat State- Approved Jorvi, Finland, wiU stay hi Franklin oouatriaa. as wdl a sto | ' pnjact wfl ba ravtomd the pool will be filM for the open house on hfaty 27. anyono will be aadaid for the lem general iateraatof I he said. to do work amignment* and ac- Miaway aaghwan before quoiat himoelf with , aspects of change in the arts aad ad n e t R awarded. July 1 Deadline anmicipal .activities. Althoa^ Mr. Sale will Swimmers Invited To Club The plan to bring Mr. Sate here iag in Frmddin for oao Forl961Taz^ V illagers came about when Township Man­ will go to Mkhigaa i AseesBor Beporti ager William Sommers and Maymr the remainder of hR daw ft rd H ires Open House This Saturday George Conaovoy inquired of the Unitod Statoo. Auditioning city amaager asaodatioo about the I Mr. Sato apeako RagHsh, dia EveryoM to hwitad to ourim to Aa Teachers An open houao it botag the poM widnet ctefo. poMibOity of a foreign exchange ' requirenMnt of dw gachaiwi the Vnilows Swta Chib, loeatod mapthto ef $ai t e i On Monday wkh a town in Finland. Igram it that the vHltor ipwi % Sand Iflib Rood near State T hm wfll bo. three bootho of to- real property fo r ' Vaa Than Five European countries are tak­ lioagnage of the conainr ba Ri IW eek Route 27, 00 Saturday. May 27, terato to tooM vRitow toe o p e n ty ing part in tlw program besides the iag. He R a gr^afe of dw foam BOOB to S pm. houao. Ihora wffl bo ■ “Swim-ta- HiBihfeifMNaj Iversity of HaRinU. Seek Talent For SBHS Soprano I Unitod Stotas. Its putpoae is to pro- ,-FiwiUM T« la caoe of ra^ too group wM feraattoa” booth, ■■mud by Greg hyUtoTa Tea more raocheduto 'the pmat fer Simdoy. Coity. Md. Mm>, AloxanilBr P. Rob- July Production, Named Mmbesr Ceres Garden Club To Sponsor. May 28, at Jhe aimo hpHrp. ■ di^ capp booth with Mrs. Roaring Twenties Magr 22. BBddqg a total of 2« All ppoawetivo maRRon and the pfeo aad Mrs. IfeyM ofdtoMwlMri ififowfih Flower Show; Invite BxMlnts ^ U U ^ h y J t o b ^ to one gmiral poblfc ora tovitod. to choiBB; aad th e tha tax i Of State Chorus Thora wM bo b dtvfog —**««*■■ booth wUh Mr. (to­ toJatrltoaktOiAl ■■ MBBiBp; Mag U. Ip Fnd OBSwpoB BBd b a i^ of te cherio. Miaa MBCBaratVaa Itim , a iun- “Vlawl Mueprlato” w a ha dw oRWdg to theme of the first aaaual flower rTMBn UHL* nr. uMfifrai it IhR tolhi laiB lB a tBMi hBhg lor at Sooth BraamMck ora rofaim d to piaoMd by the dSh, itoeo the show to be preoentad by the Cme the pool msMger for toe School, will be the flfcst rapreaente- Diomao MoGfely of I I ______Rsbart W. Artbar aa head of the BMBibordiip to to bo ckoed. "Hw RMrtig TWm UH,’ tfee of toe sdKxd to dm AU-State Garden Chib on Friday, 18, lUwd. KeadaU Park, prior to Art- Eatfah DBpartoaaat aad to *—* ior Jiity. Chorus. aad fa Sftardfy, Jape 17. The day. Jane I. AU spechaeaB iBW t^ EBglRIi to Oa Uifi achooL $RM. Thera wffl alra be rix «p— •how wiU be oituged in the fer tt aad in « a m to I AutdMoas wwe given during dm grown by the mdOiitor. f Mr. Artbar has a BA. in Era Of First Memorial Day Readied Ha added th a R to aot I pert*. eB cheracter roiee. which Spring among aO high ichool- stu- Goenhrook model homes in Kendall The Oub acid that corraot Im i- from toe University of Vsrmoat were cUU opra loBowfaic prclhaie- Park. When Memorial Day was first too but appHcatlBBa a i a ba d » u iateraitod torooghout the iing of the exhUto taceawo the aad a Master of Arts aad Taaehtog writing by the i ary try-onto heU Itoday. Ifqr n , State. General chairmao for the show is oboervod to 108. San Juan Hill. firmly to coatrol of educotkaal value of the eiMbR feoto Harvard. The group alia adapted aa first etMiddiehHli F in Hone. Miss Von Thun is the daughter Mrs. Eldred FriUsebe of IM Ken- Verdum, Dunkerque and Korea tioR dBCsmiliMd to lead will be giveo caasideradoa h| Mrs. EUsabeth Anbto, $8NI. hired still were unfamiliar —m— to the South. r a a t ^ aa ordlaaaea fc dwags the Michael Rooco. rfflilnat cf the of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Von Thun doU Rood. She R beiag osiatod by |the}udgiag. to teach foraiga langoafas to the Villecera, ia 4iraoth« thia per moot Americans. They were bon- The diFwao prabobly greeted aaaw of Fongato Road to Fan- of Dayton. The group of ali-Stato Mrs. Walter Huthanaei, Mrs. Bruce Mgk achooL Sha is a gradaate of gate Drive to have eoathally for forniaace. Mr. IUmoo eaM thet ; Containen and labeR for the ow ortog men who had died to their with mixed faeliiigi by the four musician* will perform for the New M. Beard Jr., Mrs. Victor Shaff, too UahmniRr of Coon with a BA. tha road fraai Roato IN to Jaawa there waa aiao a seed for aheet J e r e e y Education Association Mrs. Larry Leonard, Mrs. Jordon hiUto wfll be suppitod by dw dahi own land at the hands of their mflliOB fonqor Havee. Logally An exhibitor may show only oa# dtgrae, aad flto Uaiveraiw of PvR own countrymen to defense of they were atO aot cMrano, bid burg. nMca wffl ba a haailag Tkaa- music of sopts at the Tweoties. teacher’s coaveadoa ia November. Young, Mrs. Janws Hubbard, Mrs. wNh a Lkoaca an Latne. day, Jaaa R oa 6w aaa~ Aa outline of the aciipt haa bean etory to each daas. Eotriao ora tq ’’one nation imfiviaUe.” Coogrcao, after witohratteg the Mim Von Thna is a first soprano Stirling Stockhouse and Mrs. Ver­ Ifa*. AUoe Brcnaann. a Budt Mayor AhrahaaDoUai Jpreperad. aad the aoaM is a sight be placed botween 8 aad IRN a.Bk What was that first Memorial holiday, wooM go bade to work aad wfll perform a lolo to the Chor non Gray. on Friday. June 18, aad removafi aal Uaiverdty gradaati, wiU be a that a iwiiaiatog pod club of the Bwliihaios ocl ate Conc^ to be praoentod by Members of the Garden Club Day like: OB p a a o ia g too Fourtoento after S p.m. on Saturday, Juno 17. gtodaaoa Mractor and wB teach AmoulmeBt to make them ao. waa toady at tha ■Milni. hat the The seat AOtiaM win he held at SBHS vocal musk department on will enter the artiatk division, with N.2N. Major General John A. Logan The pubik is also invited to view had proclaimed the holiday, ac- The Negroeo were trying to ad- group daeidad to waft aaffl the the Mtddlabuih Fire Hooae on June 11. i the pubik invited to portkiRite in Stoort of Juae • sBootlBf to totradaeaift to Monday eveaing, May M. Mem­ the shw. cordtog to World Book Enc)^ope- juat to their bow foeedom. with k frs .______little help from the newly or- pernift aaw etim ferkhOy. bers of the VMagers and anyone ahiB to the high achooL IBJM. Mr. dto. l i e Grand Army of dm Re- pidiiic which he commanded was gonixed Khi-Klux Klan. else interested in a part are m- Seek To Install "10121 “ * • tsTto vited to ooBK wtth any sort of act reading the tributes with serv­ The old Southera artotocracy, too. had to BMdn odjeitmeBto. thtoa beiag arraapd ky YPW Peat which win indicate the kind of cs- Natural Gas Line Hmry B- Juelch boo hem hired ices at Arlington Natioaal Ceme­ •ill to Fraftkiia Faifc. Beth Flradt- *-enment they would like to have tery. Just acroac the river to Ita toad had boot rutood, tof la feBch hBolnam oublocto to the economy woo aear coDapoa aad Ita and Soaffl Briamoidc Yowaridpa in the show. Mr. Rooco said that •chooL $8.01. Ho hoe a B.A WasUagton, D.C., President An­ are rapraaiated la the poat aad to casting wiU have to be completed Across Franklin drew Johnaon was prabobly ceto- ita aoctol traditioas had boon ov- T#acBfem Coltogo. GraoBo- arturned. tbs ctttobfitiORSe at aa aariy date ia order to get —Ffwlilifi TonwbMp ToBaeooee aiM to prawatiy ea- brattog the end of hto impeach­ the show ia rehearsal aad meet The Texas Eastern Transmiaska ment trial four days ago. He bad The picture was more cheerful n io d at Rulgen to the maator’s to the North, where Harriet the July achednle. Corporation of Shreveport. La., is. iBgrom. been acquitted, but his enemies. Seven File For The Villagers are also interested spiriying for permission from the Beecher Stowe, author of "Uacie Charfoo V. Kwtalkowaki. MNI. Tom’s Cabin,” was now writtog (Conthuied on Page 2) Board of PuhUc Utilities to inatoil w a be . a guidoBce counoetor and 10-iach natural gas pipe lines in stories aboid New England life. Package Store of hiotory to the Mgh While the war had diatterad the Franklin. He haa a BA. degreo from Lutheran Church The line would be locsted under South, it had brought booming ToBciMn CoWfgf prosperity to the North. Men Liquor License parts of SkiUmons Lane, crossiiig to ■tuRrtog at Setoa Hall for a Will Be Given South Middtobiiah Road near the who financed the Union cause *s degm . and maaufacturad its weapons Seven applicaato had filed to flw ruakas farm, ruaning under Am- (CoBttoued 00 Page 2) Charter Sunday well Road at Middlebush, cutting and supplies became mflUonaires Towatoip Cammittaa far a Hquor acroes Elisabeth Avenue, und joto- aad. at the tame time, speeded liceaae for a ratafl package goods ^ re by Frid^, Miy 19. fran klin TowfitlHf tog another gas pipe line at Weston n Lease For up the proceea of Industrisliis- Holy Trinity Lutheran Qiurch, Road. tkm. The Uoanoe beeaaM Bvailahlo two which was founded oa Mardi 8, The corporation will be required There were still echoes of war weeks age whea dw 19M ceaaua I9N, will receive its charter on to pay for right-of-way from land Own^ Land After on that solemn day. was aooqptad by Gov. Robert B. Sunday, May 28. at the 11 a.m. owners and will pay property taxes While graves were being deco­ Meyaer. service at the Middtobush Schod to the Township. But property used Finding Error rated with ftowera, Irish Repitoli- The aevea who have filed are the where members of the group have cans in the United States were Ktogitoa aad Liquor Co., lac. for the right of way will cut up —Frofiklia TewoshiF been meeting for more than a year. ptotttog to take over Canada and for a site to the Kodall Park some of the Township’s industrid The East Millstone Fire ConqiB- Shopping Center; Emanuel Modll The Rev. Kenneth Schweagle of area. Township Manager William ay will take a 90-year leaae on hold it as hoatoge for the free­ Old Bridge, a misshmory at large dom of rrelaad. of Sand Hills Rood. Moamoudi Sommers said. ' they thought bcloiiged to the Junction, also for the Kendall Park for the Atlantk District of the Lu­ Since the pipe lines are (or pub­ Are compeny. land they have beeo Cabn In Revek theran Church, Missouri Synod, will Cubans were just begtontog a ShoppiiM Center, ^fiaceot Youag of ik service, there is little doubt.’.hat using for a basketball court aad Monmouth Junction, for a grocery preach. permission for instolltog them will parking lot. revolt against the Spanish that His topic will be “The Key to would soon wto the i^ctol sym­ store loeatod at Georgea R ^ aad be given, Mr. Sommers noted. When toe land on which the com­ Kinxston Lena. Your Succeu Is Your Own Be­ pany built Ms fire bouse was origto- Rehert Lafoe pathy of the U. S. House of havior.” The Rev. David Ritchw. Representatives. Mrs. Rooe IGtb of Ridge Read, ally purchased, it was assumed | Monmouth Junction, who owns pastor of the church, will conduct Let Contracts For that aa L-shaped piece of land, op- j But most Americans had put the worship service which will in-! Pick Outstanding thoughts of war behind them. Kish’s Food Market to Moomouth School Addition iniately 40 by 80 feet running Junctioa; Byroo CraadaU of 5 Nas­ elude the rite of membership re­ along William Street, waa included; Sophomore Cadet They were looking westward to —South Brunswick the Great Plains and to the sau Rood, Keadall Park,: J. J. ception. to the sale. —South Brunswick The church, which now has 381 Contracts were awarded to tow “manifest destiny” of the nation. Sprouis of 22 Stiltwefl R ^ Ken­ bidders last week by the Board of Diacovering that the land was not Maj. William P. Pipkin, profes­ dall Park; and Jtmra A. 0*Doaaell members, is looking for land on | tocluuded, the fire company asked sor Military Science at the Uni­ Miners had started the surge which to build a church, the Rev. Education for the building of an west. of Ktogston. owner of the UaioB addition to Monmouth Junction to buy it, hut the Township does not. versity of Toledo, has informed Mr. Lioae Hotel to KiiMStoa. Ritchie said. want to sell. and Mrs. Robert Latzo of Dayton, Now the Union Pacific and the School. Centra] Pacific railways were The addition will include class­ The 99-year lease will require! that their son Robert, has been] only a token payment to the Town­ hcHiored by the Toledo Chapter of nearing their meeting at Promon­ Mrs. Hicks Heads Parents To Hear rooms and an all-purpose ro o m . tory ^ in t, Utah, which would Work was to begin immediately. ship by the firemen. the Reserve Officers Associatkm as the outstanding sophomore cadet. maik the completion (rf the first Hope Chest Drive Of Kindergarten The contracts were awarded to transcontinentd railway. The He is also being honored by the, inm nifrick -i>$OutK Brunswick Martin LucarelM of Jersey City, Mrs. Kilbride Is railroads vrouM bring in settlers Mrs. Lewis Hicks of 28 Palmer The pre-school committee of the general contracting, 888.248; N. J. Lucas County (Ohio) Council of the American Legion for receiving! and equipment. They would car­ Road, Kendall Park, has been sp. Deans Parent-Teacher Association Maltese Inc. of North Brunswick, Society President ry back to Eastern markets the has planned a meeting for Thurs­ the highest grade in the ROTC' pointed chairman of the hoaoeto- steel and iron construction. 83.329; —South Brurowick herds that Texas cattlemen were day* May 2S, at 8 p.m. for parents among sophomore cadets at Tole­ house canvass in Kendall Park for Frank C. Gibson. Inc. of Freeliold, Mrs. Irving Kilbride of .Vion- beginning to drive north. the MS Hope Chest Campoiga apoa- whose children will be entering the plumbing and drainage work. 89.- mouth Junction was elected to do University. kindergarten this Fall. The presentation ceremony was Farmers would follow the cow­ sored by the Central New Jereey S93; Maintenance Service Co. of head the Alur-Rosary Society of boys. respectable towns would re­ The meeting wilt take place in South Orange, heating and ventilat-: held on Wednesday, May 24, at the, Chapter of the National hhilti|fle St. Cecelia’s R. C. Church on Mon­ place the rowdy campe Bret Sderoais Society, it has been an­ the kindergarten room. Mrs. Jac­ ing. 832.729; and James H. Dels- day. May 22. thirteen annual ROIXI Awards Day. queline Freeman, kindergarten Robert was graduated from Harte waa immortalising to such nounced by Hon. Edward J. Pat­ plaine of Highland Park, for elec-1 The other new officers a 'e Mrs. stories as "nic Luck of Roaring teacher, will speak on “What Kin­ trical work, 817.43S. Jamesburg High School in 1959 and ten; Middleeex County chairman dergarten Children Should Know." Break Ground For Church Chapel William Rutan of Cranbury, vice was a star athlete at the high Camp," and frontier would for the drive. The drive wfll con­ president. Mrs. John Flagg of Mon­ disappeer. tinue to June 18, Fatiier’s Day. BICYCLE CHECK-UP First spadeful of earth at the Community Presbyterian school. He is majoring in physi^ GIVING POUO SHOTS South Brunswick Township chil­ mouth Junction, secretary; and education at Toledo University. The stage was set for the “This is the fint MS Hope Chest Church groundbreaking on May 21 was turned over by Campaign held to Kendall Park.” Polio shots will be given at the dren ore invited to participate in Mrs. Nicholas Maul Sr. of Dayton, emergence of the Union, cement­ the annual bkycle safety check-up Dr. Frank V. Beck, first church building committee chair­ treasurer. PIAN FAMILY SERVICES ed by the dead who were being said Mrs. Hicks. “We are hoptog Kingston School in Franklin Town­ that through the geaaroalty of our ship on Saturday, May 27. from 10 to be held at the Dayton Elemen­ man. Chapel and education building will be erected Mrs. Theodore Kasanski and Mr F am ^ services will be held at memorialized oa that May M, as neighliora aad frioid8.m ihaO be i.m. until noon. The shots, which tary School on Saturday, May 27. on seven-acre site off Sand Hills Road near Kendall Rutan will be chairmen of the an­ the Kendall Park Jewish Commu­ an industrial giant that would will be given to those requesting beginning at 10 a.m. The affair is Park. Behind Dr. Beck are the Rev. Jarvis S. Morris, nua] installation to be held nity Center in Kendall Park on spread its bounty across a con­ able to help to the fight against will cost fifty cents. sponsored by the School PTA. pastor, and Theodore Brossie. student assistant. on . Friday. May 26, at 7:39 p.m. tinent. this crippli^ diseasa.” I PAGE TWO THE CENTRAL POST THURSDAY. MAY 25. 1961

CAMP COUNSELLOR TO ATTEND CAMP FLEI/—OIL ROOFING Nwelist, Scientist Snow Tells Of John Terhune of Deans will be a Sharon McDowell of Dayton w-il APPLIANCES uinior ccunsellor during the Mid­ attmd the Middlesex Cnuely 4-H JwiMsbuif Shddt Mdtol GnU Between Sciences^ The Arts dlesex County camping period at older member camp session at the Junction a t ddfing Co. the State 4-H Camp in Stokes State Forest, Sussex County, from June —.Prif»t#ten making the children happy and too Forest. Sussex County. Aug. 27- State 4-H Camp , in Stokes State D m dirtiBgiiiilMd Eaglish novel-1 less emphasis on teaching itself. Sept. 1. 25-30 for leadcrmp training. Fuel & Supply Co. An typot af itt aad acientiat. Sir diaries Per­ Even for those people that are cy Saonr. discussed the growing "mathematically blind" there are Month of May SPiCiAIS on I PiMlOil Coal Nod- gulf between the non-symbolic scientific subjects motal woHl too caRures, science aid art. at a PERMANENT WAVES ovory NrtHizof Lima where they could still sec the rea­ WEBER S F rtt paMc lacture sponsoredlby the fac­ soning process of science, “the ex- Mdn«Tuoa*Wod A Thun ulty committee of Pniiceton Uni- ciiement of discovery. ,\nd 1 don't TV & Appliance Estimates. versi^. mean writing a poem about a space keg. $35.00 330.001 1A Waffoo llrofl* la addressing the nearly filled ship." he added. Aleituler Hall, Sir Charles, who 30.00 •••••*ae«aO«**o*ooooo OAvla d-SISS iaiwaahuiQ. N J. Not only is it essentially to close writaa aovds as C. P. Snow, re- the gap for a "hardheaded" rea­ 25.00 JA I4S03 or JA I404S A X 7.3110 c «( I caBad the time when he was in­ son, the fact that the policy mak­ . 20.0CI______$12.S0i 00 AM. BEAUTKIAN HARDWARE SERVICE STATIONS ar M pears ago. They have con- ers will venture into a building program thar was proposed by the ■laelaB aa Imagiaery past to suit R^^^^Ga I Nunoryi Aros 1 4 BF A BEAUTICIAN dnamdlves, to take refuge from group shortly after it began almost (Uaeoateau and the complexity of one year ago. Tho SorvioM lliO O AJKL I Swiriay School; 9:90 A.M. No A«a limm U iO life. Now a going concern, the organi- 14» Nm CIm» Dm* Mm S. IN I ISSO At least. Sir Charles added, the ution has contracted with Joiin ' biMN NO* CIm m > RoaOftAdia 43wrdi SNm Ii 9dB AJL . am siM ui^ IN aovANa seteaHatt have not r e p u te d the Totten, a local builder, to begin STANDARD MAUTY ■odal eoadition and are aware that work immediately on a ten foot ex­ « I ACAOIMV it to talolerable for two-thirds of tension of the stage in their barn theatre. AX 74 Sotiant of SaoROonfut OooaDoson the world to go hungry. Tho Rov. DJL Huiomoo, Tho lov. D. Rkhio, ow^ too COUNIlAi yiUAOl We can only hope to copew with The initial work is piering and r M mM Mmd {O^ HHH fTA I at V thto problem ol the divide by the beam construction. The remainder Now •niiitwlcii. N. J. edueathmal process, with those of the work which is the stage Phono CHartor 74M04 m. «r “of nwtnre years" and these still floor and superstrticture. will be *1 ^ * «»H«t M Stm C««»m *C la the formal process of education, done by the Villagers themselves he said. who have done most of the Nv IvMiM at rtrt-Iim* OuM. as ro m On the side of the scientists the renovating of the barn to date. SHRUBS 1 MM Aitciwnn miwmi PLANTS problem is less difficult since they “Monique", a psychological thril­ FLOWERS do not have to learn a symbolic ler, will be the drama group’s next VEGETABLES SFRVUX STATION and most of them do take msjor production and will be the DAIRY PRODUCTS the aesthetic delights, real- first one to be performed on the ixtog R makes life deeper, warm­ new stage. It will be presented in LEO'S RURAL er aad prohably stronger late June and run into July. b r o u k 6 iu e WaaM Teugbaa Schaeling ------GULF STATION FRUIT TREES CREAMERY TXLSraONB AX f.Mt8 For those not of the mature A u c t l O I l S a t u r d a y RrooNMt - Nr Yon.. years, Sr. Charies finds that our SHADE TREES at t» ivk MiM N. M a««a*a ma aducatteoBl procam, commendable Is At Beck Farm AR Phaaaa of Airto Rm It ■a R to, ueiMto "OMira toughening 0 ai» —Sovih ftntoiBwtck •fwn ur aaoan ryawa up." There to too imich coocern for A country auction sale will be w •s held Saturday. May 27. starting at 10 a.m. on the farm of Dr. Frank Beck of Sand Hills Road. Franklin A U T Y F C SO F 24 Teachers Park, by 4-H'crs in Middlesex • awoMAnc laamimiien (Continued from Page I) FHONE RA. S.3110 County, who are collecting every­ IT'S Robert B. Martin will teach art thing from corner cupboards to ice '0«b» a^M M «M •laoMtoat awAaw to the high school, 54,750. He will PLANTING TOWINO SKVICI skates. receive a B.S. degree from New Dr. Beck, a former 4-H leader, TIME! Yorit Uahrersity this Summer. will be leaving with his family to Atoa hired were three other live in for two years. He is D R U G S T O R E SERVICE STATION teachan for the high school. They also offering many items for sale. are Joaeph S. Simon to teach bust- Mrs. Irving Medell of Fresh nest adu^km, 11,6110; Thomaa J. SIEGEL'S PARK SINCUIR Pon|d Road is a member of the auc- Elliott to teach social studies. tkm committee. Anyone wishing to PRANKIIN PARK ISjNO; Mrs. No rah Kuthy to teach i donate items for ^ e should call °"g*^ aad Latin. 55,M. These] PHARMACY the Middlesex County ^tension Haani a** d4y 1 t! 'C9 tevekers were hired after Service in New Brunswick. chtoe^ dtocusaion and pidilic pre- 0*S SMerdtf aeataitoa during a s c e ^ session Trustees elected by the Jewish of the hoard on Monday evening. Como* of Rt *3 7 and Community Center of Kendall Park three tenure .tewheri will have are Arthur Held, Walter Seboen- a year’s leave of ahaance. They feld. three yeara; Leo Runycxi, two a M a Ob Imam are Mtoa Marjorie Burdette. f.Itos yeari and Steven Kievans, one Roae Ferretti and Mrs. Sylvia year. a aji. M la p m CHckman. naa oanvaaa Bmm # O ax 74tn riMklta NM. n L Mrs. Barbara J. Mitchell's con­ tract to teach home economics in *a Kingston, told po- liot be toot control of the oar when excavating NURSERY RUGS he tried to avoid a truck becking into tho highway at the intersec- RUGS ttoa of State Route 27 and Heoder- MANNY 4 ID'S •oa Road. The — skiddad into a three-foot fXCAVATING Nunory coMRun Rua soufici deep dMch and turned over, said gWCgg ^ ^7^ pohoe. The youth was charged with land Onarinf. • G a doanliHi Ropairinf • carrieea driving. CaHam. Oradtnt StorsBa D e VRIES E. BAhaduriAO A Son Call lor MH iitintato NURSERY 4 GARDEN TORO CONTie BBS Stats load. Frineaton H 94373 ot AX M133 A> M«44 TAKE YO U R St tr — ttafth •• trmhliit r*rh WA 44730

FLOORS PAINTING HOME HUNTING WINDOW CLEANING SEE THE NEW FRIENDS TO SEE •CUMU4IM -PAINTING BY WiNDOYi 7LQOR • WAXINC; LENOX m,a x in o PERONE" Spring Claaning Spatial THE COMMUNITY OF SWVICI FREE TmOfYOUKOlOMOmEf llttHir.lsttrtw TRAN FOR A TORO Omitin a OnsriUne J M. BBCKLING ESTIMATES • UlO vour old power mower as a NEIGHBORS. TAKE THEM itoa rihntse AX 7-304S down payment! . % eswSlstitl'ClBttM.iitl Privtfto • Prices start at $00 the Toro IVMfii Citm. t titiSitt. ABBY CO*r I Tunncl 't housin; to ji'c you three season use. 1 Wirk rritittwiiNv 4 m a I/* V W.w . SMnwtt uHi ittt. * ».tt • A X 7 - 3 5 2 7 • Toro Srtortlaun^ Cl*’, (shown) 18 the linost reel-type mower— VI 6.Q0B0 i gives your lawn a “putting DRIVE THROUGH green** appearance with itascit- f u r s t o r a g e PLUMBING photography Bors cut. t£xc.'i<5iLe mark of Toro Mfg. Corpa FlUMBINO 4 HIATINO f u r s t o r a g e Come in and its vi taJayl CONTRACTORS Complata Protsetion PHOTogwHy GREENBROOK * OiMlst Mm « twvln • MOTHS ^ * Wuhir 0 Onri. laMiOitttiM • Fw i e a Route 27 HM oo It reueui* • T H in Portraitures . . . a t th e IQS mn stcK-m | GWGGf R| dGBel BGf«T •* GREENBROOK hwMtt urn Vitotttt* Km 4i 0 fttb phttfs. N* cnuoi Commercial... CAU Kllniar S-199* Special Occasions. 1 8 9 Sign Jofoph Albanooa B Co-. Inc. C ' ^ f o a no Cm * iMe rrMcctt* Nam irr Aaaaliilnwal UMMjMCNDEN WA 44140 Id. farrra 301 OfORGI ST. N.t Ottirgisiy Ssfvlw - AX >4010 AX 749S3 _ C u m m f Kendall Builders, In c. 1HURSDAY. MAY 25. 1961 THE CENTRAL POST PAGE THREE

HOLOINC BAKE SALE A yp r 200 AffpnH session. The parents and prospec­ Samuel Colt manufactured hit A bake sale will be held by the ^ 1 1 6 0 0 tive students were welcomed by G)urt Of Awards first revolver at the Patenon Gun Kingston Fire Co. No. I Udies O n iH ! in /> A T a l l f C Walter W. Chesner. principal. Mill in New Jersey during the year Auxiliary on Saturday. May 27. in A a lIV S Students at the s c l ^ who served To Honor Girls li'je. i!'o Kingston Post Office rom 9 as tour guides included Wendy a m. to noon. Mrs. Benjamin Stew- At High School Barth, Leslie Taylor, Terry Mark- owicz, Elaine Leypoldt, Patricia In Two Troops — South Bruf»kw>ck Jeffrey, Judy O’Connor, Mary Ann —Fronkim Towyngh.p Over 200 young people and their Klimowicz, Susan Bergmann and Court of Awai^ for Girl Scout i parents planning to enter the South Nancy Ann Baker. Troops 214 and 2 of Middlebush | H e Brunswick High School in the Fall Mr. Bodnarchuk says he is plan­ will be held on Friday, May 26.1 NEW(3 ^ i ^ ; ^ U m w.re guests of the guidance de­ ning to have the same group at- at 8 p.m. at the Middlebush Re-' Knfbmnl partment last week at (he school. ;tend school for a half-day of on- formed Church basement room. I The young people will be members * entation prior to tlw school's open­ Five-year pins will be awarded! of the seventh ;;rade class at the ing in thie Fall. to 12 girls in Troop 214, Becky | H tak o f Khool. ______Anderson, Sandra Bailey. Mkhelfej Steve Bod-archuk. guidance di- The old elevator in St. Peter's i Bilski, Suzanne Bredemeier, Betty | lA ro eg rector was in charge of the pro- Rome has lifted an estimated 21 Lou Cunningham, Ingrid Joisen. I ' .Tram, which included a tour of the million pilgrims to the roof of the Marilyn Knapp. Joon Livak. Me-| school, and a question and answer baaUica. linda Rocco, Jacalyn Sander, Kar­ en VanDyke and Laurie Weidner. > Welcome to Advancement to Second Class] Scout will go to Harriet Cuddy and' Oi BCD'S Hew, KENDALL PARK BAPTIST CHURCH Diane Devine. All girls receiving mootiiig at five year pins will become First Higk-«t|il(70-Wrtt Class Scouts. Others being ad­ CeoetohU Rd., KondaN Park vanced to this rank are Suzanne hrtsgrsM Stem Hlep, Marguerite Gillum, Kathy tapWhrSno "HOLDING KMTH THE WORD OF LIFE" Sellert and Christine Vaughn. The 12 members of Troop 2 will Hit 9:45 A.M. - SIWMY SCHOOL Claio for eodi Oft. advance to Second Qaas. They are $94.K IldM A.M. - MORNING WORSHIP. Geraldine Flynn. Patty Hall, Mary Wind 7.-00 P.M. - EVENING SERVICE. Zavotsky, Patty Houtman, Janice Stephenson, Jane Kiney, Rebecca $144.95 iK liM it Mtlal Govtr Rov. Edward F. Burckait, Pastor CH 7-M1P Bu^ey, Donna Kjersgaarde. Bet- qr Leisen. Karen Noi^ierg, ‘judy Aar itono NrfonM iK*, from say starM wurca— tapa haa«. praaaialiSae lapt. Snyder and Linda Stein. •isc, FM/Mt, FM Mm tlpIti-kacoaiat a W A Su n r Gaia earfaraiaiKt wilk IMa brilHaan* One-year membership pins will dtiisatS, laaisMy tatinstase, lattsraM be awarded to Patty Hall, Patty stcrae aaoliStr. Tka ST70 la a taawlala sta fUBrantaad Houwnan, Mary Zavotaky, Janice Mgk-IMalilr contiM caalar pHn i I Stqihenson and Jane Kiney. Mrs. Plata, lapaau. paaurtal SMattt pllStfs. MaSa swiltk pHaan tm tm strvict that Andrew Zavotdky will receive a M A Y IH M T • Play ailkar aaapUktr alaaa five-year pin for her participation • Uaa beta aam iSan ttsplkar far I as a Scout mother. ^ attras, ar tar raatras ttaraa iNSvrts th t • Um k ^ aaoiiSta tautbar Mr aa- T o kantas imaa IMtaala»lwam» aaa ar Girls in both troops will be two ipaakar ayataau awarded badges for their skills in Cealrala lachNla salaelsr aaktek Mr best reception ckaMiac ttaraa lapats. tapa amiltar various categories. j taktekat, tapa maaP Paatlliar, aaparata homag Jtffgrson, laval aap halaaca caatiata. balanea To get the best poieiblo chack aaktek, tciaick aap naabla m ar U th ird P rM ld o n t of taiilckat, laapaeaa/laaat aakitk, tall iw picture and loimd from Church Receives PiaiPual teaPbaek-tw ban aap trabla Tht United Stetet, caatralt M r aadi rtiiaaal. yow TV sot, coll on us for 16 Young People was in hie second term af Frtqiiaacyltatpaaaai :t;Vk Pb 10-M,eN oil nocestory ropoirs and —PronMin Township cpt At e special service on Pentecost ofnGawhM...fail80B... Harmaaic Dlatartlaai Ia n tfen 1% fiaai odiustmonts. Our troinod 29 ta aoAN m wHhla 1 Pb at 7| Sunday, 16 young people were re­ Tha National Bank af Now technicians arm “lops.’* ceived into the Six Mile Run Re­ W Watortlaai 1 % at 20 aatta Janay WM foundid to aana See the S T M -^ IlCfs entire line formed Qiurch. Thia climaxed in­ of Best Biqfs to aeet yew every hi-fi . ^ structions that they had been re­ fhanaadsaf Middlasaw need at CALL ceiving from Rev. Leonard k . CounO; Television Stan 'To Appear At Hospital Fete Jones from 14 until May WA1-8500 Enthiuiastic PrincetoniaiiB bnE stars of the NBC television show “Family,” Paul and 16. Mary Ritts of 256 SfmiqB.RL wiU again entertain children at the June 3 Hospital The foliauring people were re­ Fete. They will be a i d ^ I - - - - - ceived: Scott Swift, Wayne Lea- matber-teller Carol Knox, lower left, and thir puppete. caster, Willard Potter, Rdaad Jr.; tatooing, Mrs. Tallman Us- Berkhaus, Kenneth Hudacso, jsall; fUi ppod, Mrs. W. B. Arm- Oaig Dunn, Steraa (Cantos, Mary I HospitalFete WiUFeature ; sttoeg and weight guessing, Stuart Aaa Conover. Nancy Boekbout, 36 UoirenitT Piece {Duacan. Doris Bennett. Arlene Nixon, Cora- Plentiful FunFor Children i Tiay-Tot Service will be under lee Gunther, Janet Suydem, Ladoa- the direetkm of Mrs. HbUis Tegar- aa Logan, Bruce Amstroag a n d Pint-sixed pteasure^eekera . « a KhM aad Queen of the Fete will be dea. Treasurer of the Mkhv^ is Jeanne Fteckenateia. certain to find fun galore ki the dactad in a conteat where the alo- Mrs. H. Bmmer with Mrs. Richard Mr. and Mis. Freak Faadli were Eatertafaiment Tent at the Prineo- gui of “Come Early and Vote Of- Huber in diarge rA decoratioiit. received on a cnafeeskm of faith. JIA SUNDAY HANDliCAP ter Hoapital Fete on June 3. taa” is not Just a gag. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. John Fooks, Mr. aad H i^ on the list of attraetkios wfll Mre. Hyman L. Bmtle Jr., in Bullitt Will Head Mrs. Charles Furloag, Jr. and be J*aul aad Mary RRts, enthuNaa* of the contest, say political Mr. and Mm. Eugeae Gacfa were TOURNEY tic Priacetoniaitf and itars of and maaeuvere are ea- Historical Society received by ktttera of traarier. “Family,’' the televiskm Hwar ssan with no minimum voting —fronUifi Township I at 9 a.m. daily over NBC-TV |i required. John Bullitt will , again heed the 1st Sunday of Every Month nel 4. The Women'i Group of'Hie Other ettractioBe will be an ex- Franklia Towniliip Historieri So­ Assisted by their deHghtful pa^' MflUoa of traiaed doge by Mr. end K EN D A U p a r k JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER jpeu Albert Chkimunk. Sir GedffieBK Mn. Fraada M. Auatia Jr.; South ciety. At its anmial meei|Bg at Ui SUNDAY, JUNE 4th {Gir^e. Shanel Skuak, Caivta Qpow AMm aofruri movias shovra be- Cdkmiel Faram last week, tbomas 0 and MagaoUa Bloaaom puppet shows mMi poay rides, R. P. Alsop wee renamed vioe- p r G s t n h *'IS THE GRASS GREENER'* rn ' Mr. and Mrs. RiOs w « ______the supervfsiaa . ___ of Mr. aad prmWiiiil A newly created posi- 5 two dwMS during the day and vriRtlira. Darid Tohoaon. (Second Toumay) tiMi of aeoood vice-preeidedt was Booflu ia the MMeray teats will 1 A i ance to chat wMi their young fans fliled by Ralph Thomsmt Re­ v . - < To qualify for TARA'S Second Sunday Tourney: Sumbrt liMlade a dmotiag g e il^ run by after each performaace. Ifr jo d Mrs. Ferdhmad Shuttle; dacted secretary-treasurer w.e s 2 of ClubhouM your scores froiq five (5) rounds of TARA Betwoca puppet chaages tbs fortaae telHag by Mre. Georgiac Mrs. W. Bruce Armstrong. Long Course p large aad varied group of Bfidenqr geau, Mr. aad Mis. Letter Tib- UI z W IN N E R S O F M A Y 7fh. SU N D A Y TO URNEY {attractiuie were emiwmced tUl bate; tightrope wafldag. hft. aad made provisioa for the eleetkm of fid o ; week by Mrs. Robert SuUivaa and Mn. J. B. &Bitb; bone shoe piteb- honorary memben, the setting of m ! Mrs. Alexander Edorards. oxhair- iMb Mr. ood Mn. Doaald Madde. the annual meeting as the third 1WW GsAt *«-- wWTm mPfVWVWWK------A. ^Ngte VG^WB m-6---a Wedaeaday in May, the appoint- . men for cUldren’a enterttiiameat at Aied boop-le run by Mr. and M«c Swain (New Irnm .) — lit law Qrata (49) meat of committee chairmen by Admndont $I.50-For Reimvatiem Cel AX 7-l54t‘ jet the Fete. AD boothi wifl be Mrs. Dexter kfiUer; couatry atore, PRIZES—TROPHIES Al McUHbnd IM hw i)—Snd law Oraii (79) 'housed under two teats la case of the trudeee and created the poeF Ainai ChiaAitlkla (N. S.)-lM law Nw (46) Bfre. Boajamia F. McMahon; tioa of second vice-president. TARA GOLF GREENS Janm kinaba (N. a )-ln d law Nat (76) ' rain. peaay-pidiiag. Mr. aad Mn. Hec­ 1111 IbWbikbl Sr. (Hr. 17) 'Tkbfbaa eanifla (frank, Twp.)—W anita't law Nat (76) Eltct Khi(t Qm m tor Griswold; childrea’s hole-ia-one For tiM first time this yetr m by Mr. aad Mn. Fred M. Blaidwr FOR THE WILLOW SWIM CLUB’ S


Box of 4

SOID NATIONAllY MAY 27 NoontiUoRM. . ' 1.39 1 »*r 616 ‘‘ UWAOINf iUriNO A 9MMT FOR WHFDF* The Willows Swim Club Otar 90c g W i l t ^ L t o (Sam! Hill I»«l. Bcliiud The tinbcis) | 9 9 Everybody and his brother MEN'S SHORT SLEEVE DRESS 'N' PLAY SHIRTS SKCtAl WHO’S INVITED; AT FABULOUS PRES-SEASON SAVINGS! PURCHAM llere‘'s ail opjioiiiiiiilv for newcomfT.s lo Yisit the Commimity Ou.lity w/orkm.n$hip throughout. Single needle t.ilorlng. Oecron PoI-/e»ter Made By Our Regular end cotton b.tiste, ell cotton tene, gingham end mesh. In reguler end but­ 2.99, 3.99 Maker Swim Club and se c for ihriiiselves the cxrrlleiit recreational fa­ ton down models. All heve extre-long shirt leils! Siies 14'.. to 17. White only. Ginghem checks in essorted colors. Edwerds' Reguler tow Price Only All cotton Bedford end Pin Cords, Self $2.99 eech. cilities availabh' for Franklin Park area residents. belted with side zipper end pocket. Assorted colors. Sizes.10 lo 18. Kcmilar Mcinlicrs can lia>c all llicir qiieslions answ ered about TODDLER SUNSUITS ibc^ Coming seasfJii - W c'll liaY e three Jioollis for this purpose# SALE! PLAYTEX •The Snimformalion l>oolli,Meinhership Application (Greg GIRDLES, PANTY GIRDLES Carlv. Liz Kobinson), Discontinued Styles SPECIAL Save Up To 3.54 Tlic Day Camp Informatioii on planned acli\ilies (Zelda Sba- ONLY PURCHASE M ^ d * by or>« fin«st Weshab'c coMons in many colors Regular pull-on end zipper models. m«ker$. If not cspeciGlIy pur- pii-o, Mai;gc MacFarlancl), end fabrics. Grey, beirje, blue, RcguUrly 98.99 to 911.95. Now $4.9* ch«tedy Vrould sell for 1.59. Sizes ftieize, sairnon, pinit, etc. Elastic lo 9* 44. Sizes XS, S, AA, L, XL. 2, 3r 4. Boys' end girls' sfylts end IViol .Manager's Boolli Pool Rides and Kegulalions Suiimning

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PUUY Shank 1^ COOKIO l ^njKlW^ ^ HiyHS



J 4A « . | | M H I-IU P R APHCOT HKTAR sco n HAPKIHS Ptm lf S m 2 5 5 ir Saiaet V A H C A M P Y RBBAHS 2 ! l r s s * Fraflii FpaaM

Bwfiim aiHSaw fikrir&tt Mf.aa Of FTHE TASTE SIW F ID ‘Ijrss* 1 M f U M i ’j : » i " CUT-Rin W AX PA Pn 2 - 4 9 * tj-j— ■—L e m il firfMAf FYHE TA Sn KOSHER B IU T * 2 9 * L“ 22*12 t r 4l * | t r s p * ■SBEIi BHm i* I


F Ifft a f th a LUSCIOUS PEACHES 29 MWM N raM ^^ tagg|__ REBDI-W IP IHCTAHT CREAM TOPPIHO < ^ 49* IN THE CALIF. VALSH CIAO RAH O ES 10^ 39* IMPORTED EMPEROR ORAPES «"3 9 * 1 c < Kendall Park LOHO W H in POTATOES 29* CR ISP CAU F. PASCAL CELERT italk 1 9 SUHKIST JO KY liM O H S 6 < > 23* FRESH SA LT » PEAHUTS ISb o , i., 39* Shopping Center Roite 27, FRAmUN PARK


SDIVDAY 9 A.M.to6 P.M.

W a Raaarva Tha Right To Limit Quautitiat. All Prices Effective Wad., May 24 thru Mon.. AAay 29. PAGE SIX THE CENTRAL POST THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1961 TO HONOR FAMILIES PTA INSTALLS 14 Confirmed The families of Dr. Frank V. Mrs. George Brabson was in­ Post Office Catholic Girls School Tells ' Beck of Sand Hills Road. Franklin stalled president of the Monmouth In Griggstown PONY PARTIES Park, and Theodore Brossoie, stu­ Junction Parent-Teacher Associa­ Signs U a se a r e FUN dent assistant minister, will be hon­ tion last week. Other officers are Church Sunday Of Building, Enrollment PRINCETON RIDING CLUB ored by the Community Presbyteri­ Mrs. Roy Larini, first vice presi­ —Prinewtonj school will be built. / Call — Franktiil ToMmttiip^ The virtues of a CaUioiic day an Church congregation at a fare­ dent: Mrs. John Harto, second vice Confirmatioa Sunday was .held I Fori Year Atty. J. Seymour Montgomery, WAlnut well party at Cambridge School in president Mrs. John H. Maltby. school for girls on The Great Road represented approximately 20 resi- at the Griggstown Reformed were extolled by two witnesses at Kendall Park Thursday. May 25, secretary; and Mrs. Sterling Brab­ Church on May 21. Fourteen the second installment of the I dents on the North Road and Atty. PUBLIC AUCTION at 8 p.m. son. treasurer. young peofrie were confirmed and Shopping Center ^rinceton Township Zoning Board I Samuel D. Lenox appeared on be- SAT., MAY 27 received into the church. of Adjustment’s hearing on an ap- I half of a dozen other residents. Mr. BEINNING 10; 00 A M. Montgomery at last month’s hear- 4 . They were Carol E^ewafci. Gail | Location Chosen; piicatioa to permit such an institu­ At the home of Dr. Frank Beck, tion last Thunday. I inp a^ed for a postponement so he Sand HiUs Road, between Rt. 27 it Larsen, Linda Langfddt, Carolyn Filling 3 Stores With the expected parade of wit- I could determine whriher or not his Telephone: Kilmer 5-7117 CHARLES ZIH, JR. {Zabel, Carol Myhre, K ar» Olaen, i Rt. 1. South Bnmswick. nesu barely underway. RueseU L. I clients wished to formally oppose Antiques, equipment, , Nancy Madaen, Jpy Eitrea, Sesan | Ve.-! Cleve, acting chairman of the I the application. Mr. Lenox was en- I Myhre, Thomas Diafeli, Thomas < Tetwuhip assorted furaiture It The Post Office Department baa b o i^, adjourned the meeting at I gaged by his clients since that ses- many more items, including HANDY MOTORS Tjomstol. Thomas Rosfjord and 11; 3< p.m. and scheduled a special ' sion. Wesley Thompson. aniwuBced approval tA a one-year Timothy it Alfalfa hay. lease for a central post office ia session on June I at 7:30 p.m. { PCD Tniateo Heard On Saturday, May 27, the Junior | “We hope to finish at that meet­ the A A P Shopping Center, Haai- ing.” he said. ' Dr. Marston Morse of 40 Battle Christian Endeavor Society will go | ilton Street. TR i -c o u n t y t u t o r in g to the annual Christian Endeavor Approximately ISO people attend­ Road was the first witness for pro­ The post office will be located in ed the hearing which had a court­ ponents of the school. He is a mem­ conventioa at the Second Reformed I ber of the Institute for Advanced Intensive instruction by certified I Church in Soaaerville. The group, I three stores, at <27, <29 and <31 room-like atmoptere as four law­ Hamilton St. yers questioned the witnesses aad Study and formerly served aa a teachers. Students in grades 4-12 I which includes those of ages 10-12, i trustee of Princeton Country Day will have excellent opportunity to I will meet at the church at 10 s.m. | There will be interior space, plus Archiiects* Board s court stenographer recorded what School and as a member of the secure special ' help in smaU Also scheAded for theichurch is, parking and maneuvering areas to they said. Certifies Rendent Atty. Albridp C. Smith III rep. Princeton Country Day-Miss Fine’s groups. i the annual choral concert pre- be used jointly wMi other tenants. School ^oint development commit­ Terms of tbe lease provide for a •—South Bruotw icb resented the Religious of the Sacred OFFERINGS '•ented by the Junior Choir to bei A certificate fi»r arcbitectural tee, which would have a campus in I held on Sunday, May 20 at 7:301 one-year renewal optim on the tern Heart, the order which will operate Preparation for coUege boards.. . raglMratiim by the State Board of the ochool, and a number of spon­ the same area. i p.m. in the church hall. Mrs. Lester; porary quarters. The property will He testified that Princeton is readdiiig clinic . . . english . . . be leas^ from Gammp Inc., at ArehMecta was recently presented sors. while Atty. Hugh D. Wise Jr. I Terhuae will direct the choir. Par-1 to Aalhony T. Baionno of 24 Cam- one of the few great education cen­ arithmetic . . . algebra . . . geom­ i ticipatiag ia the service will be the | SS.SM. acted on behalf of Lady Catherine ters in the' world snd that the etry . . . fine arts (six mediums) m bridp Road. KendaU Park, at a M. Moaefc of New York City, own- Eventually, a permanent central school “would supplement, not ' Junior, Intenaedtate and Senior! tnerilag of the State Board and Christian Endeavor Societies. ■ post office will be built. The er of the load upon which the compete” with the other institu­ July 5 to Aug. 14 Middldiuah Post Office would be Stale Society of Architects in New­ tions. Two hour morniiig sesskuis per AUTHORIZED VOLKSWAGEN An open house hymn singing has ark. It is an American tradition that course - Mooday thru Friday - 300 been scheduled at the personage on eliminated and East MUatone would become a branch. Mr. Baioniio is a native of Phtl- Porter-Mathews parents can send children where tuition fee includes aU^diagaostic Canal Road lor Wednesday, May they think “it will serve their tests, texts, matmial^ Sales and Service 31, at 8 p.m. All are invited. New Brunsariefc RD 3 and Bound Mphio, Pa. He waa graduated 1 from the Uaivenitjr of Pemuyl- needs and desires,” be said aad Brook RD I abo would be tiHmliil Erecting Plant claimed that 2N ^ildren are in­ Registration ed and New Brunswick delivery vaaia School of Fiae Artt in 1M4. terested in attending the new 3 ?4 H A N D Y STREET NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. THIS IS ‘ROAD WEEK’ j ' Governor Robert B. Meyner to-j halted in the areas close to the Ha la aaaodated with the arehi- On Route 1 Site . sdMol. May 27, 9 a.m. to 3 p.»i. at Kings­ city. tectaral firm of Richard J. Charl- Under cross-examination. Dr. ton, N.J. Fire HaU - or call ia I day proclaimed this week as “Na- —South Brunswick 1 tkmsl Highway Week” in New Jer- Princeton rural delivery would um of Priacetoa. Mr. Baionno it a Morse acknowledged that his ref­ Frinoeton WA 1-8077 weekday be­ Now imder constructian is the erence to thwnumber of interested continue in the lower end of the of the Capital Chapter, latest addition to the U. S. Route 1 tween 3 p.m. and S p.m. N. J. Sodaty of Architects. He is imhwtrial scene, the modem pfont students was based on what other Franklia Park and Kingston pant and has two children. and offices of Porter - Mathews people had told him, not on direct IMPROVE YOUR offices wmdd oontimie as separate contact with said students or their POSTURE Company, Inc., of Philadelphia, pio perents. fo nerve the rest of the neer designers and manufacturers ' AT THE KMergartners of sheet inetnl products, cootsiners Russell O'Brien of Montgomery Ifos. Eathar Kemper of 141 Rof- Township was the second witness SWEDISH MASSAGE STUDIO small animal cages snd laboratory 130 Nassau St. WA 4-2107 ers Ave. hts bean reepmmendsd WM Dramatize equipment. ia behalf of the Catholic achooL He by the Democratic Munidiiol Com­ With formal opening scheduled is* chairman of the advisory com­ 4 K3INTIHE mittee. composed of local spon­ mittee to ha pnntmniter of the new * Hansel, GreteV for June 1, the buikfoig is rising The PRINCETON COUNTRY DAY ceMral efRee, which win be d « ^ sors, on the choot. on the highway’s west side south SCHOOL f a ir OMIMinEE is noted the Somernrt Post Office. —Fronklin Tovmship Mr. RusseU noted that Uie re­ The kindergarten cineees of Mrs. of Ridge Rood and north of the very grateful the foOowiag for New Jersey State PoTice's Prince­ ligious order hes foundotions nil N. Charles Burke at the Middle- ovm’ the world and is known for their genmousUyto and asshtance ia biMh Sdmoi will present a drama- ton Barradcs. making the Fair a saoeeas: The site has a frontage of 4S< the quality of its teaching sisters, tiatiaa ef "Haaeel and Gretel” on curriculum and graduates. Davidson’s Markdt Frtdear. May n , at T< a.m. feet. The plant area will cover 23.- Person to Person 124 square feet with a 52-by S2-foot . Te Open fa 1M3 Mr. John Taarie of Leaoz Oiiaa. The prfanary grades aad perenu The order hopes to open the -Louiae Maas ▼e were of rhMriB ia the program are in­ office ia front with the hiildfaigs connected by a covered walkway. school ill late 1M2, according to Mazur Plant Market :talklng Mr. RusseU. foitiaUy, it will com­ '•bout hon- The buUdiag was desigartl b Noah's Auk fo the caat are Brian Moore, prise kindergarten through the KUi Pretty Brook Tennis aidi .etiy in ed> anaei; Laura Edea, Gretel; Pol­ Princeton architects Henry A. ' vertising, Jandl and Ridiard J. ChorlUm. S. grade and will have q ip ^ m rie ly Princeton PuUic LUmry ly Uiifoer. mother, Michael Ly- T. Peterson and Company, Inc., of 2M day studenta. Later the re­ Rosedale Locken . live by, and sealro, father; Karen Jaidcowdti, maining high school grades will be Mr. Don SkiUmaa Monmouth Junction is the builctog added and the enroUment increased i; 'the lo«*es Wlch; Jadt S’lyder, Sand Man; contractor. Mr. Joseph Stevens of Harry M. 'vyen aaffer *Ullfo-Jiaa ia the Woods,” BaMis to about 308 students. Twenty-five Stevens, foe. Diacuaeing the impending move to 30 faculty members will live on Cwy S. KMMaiM to the Greater Princeton Area, Tiger Auto bmwat ad - Peter aad Tommie Al- the campus. vertiaing, and we Ihaugta yan’d Jesae L. Porter, president aad Princeton University dikh, Arfonr and Bruce Birch, In reference to students. Mr. Woohvorth’s be intemled in llie •■■rcrrjliana treasurer of the company, has re­ O’Brien said the advisory commit­ ot an expert an the tubjccl. lie PatiMi Howlia. Daniel Camdl and vealed the new phut's graaiiy in­ Zinders sdid, ®Tli« firm whirh irica t* at­ hpl Dwffoe wdl be gingerbread tee had eaUmated thait 7< wiU be creased manufacturing areas wiH from the Townshhk 3< fnmi the ITEMS wanted for a coasigamaat tract yen with advertiaing permit notable enlargements ia its it invariaUy lira firm which HM Angela will be played by Borough. 19 frrnn Trenton and the auction sale such as funtture, *Tricka* yon in the artuaf traww KMia H m U ky, Lucy Taufoouri- sheet metal making operationa. rest from surmmdag gfosswara, aafopMs and tools. actiea when yen make a pi i4 Auu Marie Priaduville, Stman nities. Please contact Warren L. Dimliv. rbaae. .It ia aniy legical that if Liada Markowski, Kathy Using Church Yard 1 He also made Uw foilowing Anctkmeer, E xport 7-lM. they epeiily praetke dorapMan points: In advertiaing that the naam lark Cathy AUen, Joaane Pa- For Play l^&jgram tils IMfo bee as he. el prinripli» will csial in ibh P»ms, Pat Thoavaon, H -T he weateriy bouadary t t the ______Ida ROSEDALE reft of th ^ hafiwem. Thit la '^ WaWiko. Miry Ana Ly- — FraaktSi'ToMMliip school wiU<^hQrder oa the propeoed FANCY COCHCED HAM. SBood of dierted by rcrarda fat Better BSa> Mvray, L prie Whuricki The church yard of the Grigpi- rwalip nwut of The Great Road course- 308 Alaxaadar S t WA 4- iiiera Uurcatia ihraaghaM ihn a n Hotismaa, towa Reformed Church will again dad me order wUI give the Towwi 0135. cean^. The' kind ef advertiaing' Tht*' Mipe £hil4ren adia play be uaad as pari -fit the Suasmer ahqi aa easement for said road. GOING OUT of ahpep buriaessT ^ a firm'nuca ia'aii apen badge al recreation program in the Tawn- —Jeaa Labatut. profoaior of the whele ebararter of a r« .fMals iHB appar ia a Rhythm registered Hnmpiforo ram, 11 B pd fopther with Ronald Cermi- shfo. architecture at Princeton Univer­ pany.” As the result of an agreement sity, WiU design the buildings in ewes, isnd 7 lambs for sale. Very h e asked, hew ran you dia- aan. SoM Owaaer, Lotds Grtmiag- liiiguisli lictwcm deceit aiiJ bon- or. Damdt Mnmone, Jerry Jfostva and previous good resulU, the asaociatkhi with Fulmer and Bow­ reasonable. CaU AX 7-0222. csly ill ;:dvcrtisin::'G and be and Jack Dormer. chnr^ yard will be staffed by per­ ers, 141 Nassau St., thus assuring sonnel Hired by the Township Rec- that the plan wiU be ”ia excelleat Mid, “Bait adwrlisiiiK aircaaea' a Clfohm Pmker is the step maa- No FufMco Tonding! Np Fuel Handling! No Fwl Stongel Gas-Heat is *‘i-niiie-aii” and Irnlliful udtcrlis- reetioa Council. The Council also taste and a credit to the ccmimu- itijtg alressca lliu valiiua which fOr the production. Myles win provide the arts and crafts. nity.” Prof. Labatut is a former COMPLETELY Automatic! A unit installed in your present furnace might mean tlie luost in economy to is the announcer. Mrs. I. Lari year when the church was Township PIsaniag Board chair- the rusliimcr awb aa quality •( t a kinderprten mother, wiU following through with a program bi an thatis necessary for you to enj'oycIean» quiet, economical gas heat service and facililiev and lira iii' the group on the piano. of recreation proposed by its na­ —Entrances to the school wUl be Icjyfty al rixt dealer, A good tional church, the church yard was on the proposed Township road InisinesMtian kiiowa the Irntb el running East and West, not on The nvmpt afficient service on ps. .burning parts and controls of your lira liililiral, “A good name Rulpren Offering: offered to the Township as a joint ralltck* te be rliOM-n than greil operation because the Township did Great Road, and the order is con­ §f» floating aquipment is given,-without

Dollar Saving Clearance Sale now going on at Benedetti Oldsmobile

Lovest-Priced IJ. S. ConTcrtibIc CONVERTIBLES & STATION WAGONS $1699 SAVE NO MelropeUlaa ConvertiUo AT LEAS7 !185 m am pm A U mar bUmt VM* PAYMENTS €9mwme% aamwtwWta % UNTIL *PricG comparisons based On nanufaC* Her phone costs so little...she pays for it herself! V JULY $1745 turing factory prices for a®* lowest-priced modeis of the 5 major 8-DK« SEDANS U. S. car makers. Including compact .An extra phone for the teenager’s room makes pay for their extension phone themselves. Allowances cars. Optional cuipment, transporta® tion, insurance^ state end local taxes, life easier for everyone. It gives the teenager P.S. To many, a separate telephone line with Sales Built On Service jf any, extra. the privacy she (or he) wants. It gives the its own number is an even better idea. It frees family peace and quiet that's almost as wel­ the family phone. For more information just BENEDETTI come. j\nd the cost is so low some teenagers tall the Telephone Business Office. SICORA RAMBLER MiddioMz C^ouniy s OLDSMOBILE W E SERVICE WHAT WE SELL OLDSMOBILE 68 Fre.nch Si., N. 6. . . . (juod telephone aenice docs so much for you n e w JERSEY BELL DEALER Somerset St. (Rt. 27] New Brunswick CH 9-4950 CH 7-1000

4' THE PRINCETON PACKET THE CENTRAL POST THURSDAY. MAY 2fi. 1961 Business Services ' Help Wanted-Fem, : Real Estate Wanted, i Real EUate For Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sale \ Real Estate For Sale Real Estate ForRent RN’s: Urgent need for professional FAMILY OF 3 adults would like to KENDALL PARK, modem 7 SUMMER RENTAL Lovely for- ROTARY LAWN MOWER I nurses in most of our hospttal de- rem small boose in country area, MANY BUY THRU MANNI Ranch. IVi baths, garage, radiant' BLADES SHARPENED FLEMINGTON AREA nished 2 story Ddonial with air I partments. Contact Mrs. Lula B. Cranbury or South Brunswick vi­ heat, air conditioner. Im ly view.! conditioni^. 3 bedrooms, tile bath, FRANKLIN SAW A TOOL Quick. Director of Nurses, Helene cinity. Will furnish excellent ref­ KINGSTON - On a lovely lyUSUAL BRICK home. 2T liviag GI paymentt $103 per month.! Luxury home in exclusive village SHARPENING foom with brich floor, oak electric kitchen, large living room, ! FuM Hospital, Trenton, N.J. | erences. Write Box C-6. The Cen­ lot we offer you this 2-*tory home Phone AX 7-2194. 928.900 or best offer. For appoint­ dining room. T.V. Penns’ Neck. IM Fraakliii Parkway with finished basement 2kHviSORY POSITION avail- ! Price curb. No assessments. Plmise re­ miles. Leaving area, must selL iBning, living and family-room, able in Princeton dental office for EVERETT F. May ply Box 772, Princeton Placket Private rcoma for gentlemen, tl^ Price $2,110, Call WA 1-7461. $37,968 Broker lauat^, 2-car garage, large lot. giving name and phone number. registered nurse or person with 11 miles from Prince­ SPUT LEVEL 919 weekly. Center of town. Park­ FORD TUDOR. 1996. new tires, medical or dental office experi­ ELIZABETH JAMES Blawenburg, N. J. ing area, linens supplied, free tol- ton. 9 miles from New HOpeweU 49881 Same As Colonial heater, radio. Phone after 7:30 ence. Knowledge of typing essen­ COUNTRY REAL ESTATE bus line. OTHER HOUSES BUILT RANCHERS ' evision hmage. Cokmial houaa, p.m. weekdays, all day Saturday tial. Salary TO ORDER IN EXCLUSIVE SECTION I WA 14999. and Sunday. WA 4-196$. ability. All replies North Main St. I SPLIT LEVEL House. 3 bedrooma, New Hope, Penna. MUST SELL, caught with 3 OPEN FOR D4SPECTKN4 Edinburg - Robbinsville Rd., 2j PHfWE WA 1-4833. SUNDAYS 2 to 9 P.M: 1*4 baths, recreatiou room, ga­ inT'Buil^~loi^iiS^~^ volunteer ^3438 ^E nHWGWH. beautifid O aT lib blocks M highway, 8 miles to! rage. Wall to wall carpet, drapes. vertible. Full power. Phone WA CLERK - BOQKKEEPE RpodSon lot.. Phone PE 7-a087W. ARTHUS S. H0U{GH available Immediately. Knoadedge Princeton over atite roads. 6 Located in Princeton .Cokiitial 1-7946. Not old. but authentic Dutch Cm TU 34379 rooms. 3 bedrooms and expansion. of typing aeaential. Salary com­ ALL BROKERS PROTECTED Park, Princeton Junction. $ZB per mensurate with aMRty. Apply in hmial. All stone, split SELDOM A HOME, Hke this 4 bed­ Breezeway, 2 car garage, stone or nMnth. Occupy after July lai Odl TOWNMII PLOCATIONS fidlbr unconditioned, bridt fronts. Luxurious tile bath, person. Princeton Savings and room CohadM in sraatii BUCK’S COUNT Y Owner; SW 94439 or SW 94777. C. Leaving country for Brazil no im­ occupancy. Utterly ultramodern kitchen, stone fire- Lawrence Dey, Princeton Juac- port license possiMe Loan Asaoc., 19 Chambers St.,! Living room with fireplace, Princeton. N.J. i througfunit. 3 Ml tOe bathj. Newtown area. Stone and frame plnce; lot % of an acre or more, tion, N.J. Attractive brick front Rancher. taxes about $306 a year. Prices Living room with firepiaGe, 3 bed­ Bodern in every datail, 3 home with 3 hedraoms, 3 bmhs, GARAGE APARTMENT. lo^ad~4 61 PEUGEOT 403 Huge paneled livhig room, and sreoened porch. A large liviag room with fireplace, $22,906 to 929.606. One ready for Excellent performance. Bought NEW PRUCETCm PLANT rooms, modera Utdiea. study. occupancy. Inquire of B. Cieresko milea nmthweat Waabiagtoo Cross­ fireplaoe, buik-ia TV. flna homo for the sdective pur- dining room, kitchen. Oil heat. ing. Penna. 29 minntaa firom from Piiocetan dealer and still un­ REQUIRES FOLLOWING Huge basement. $31488 d in ^ roons, Dutch Modera dog kennels on property ft Co., 210 N. Montgomery St., der guarantee: 2800 mi. With some PERSONNEL Trenton, Export 2-3664; Eves. EX- Prbiceton. Bedroom, living room, Stucco Rancher nestling in a grove pine dado. Spotless Utchen. w tt- Studio. 9 acres kitchen and bntb. Swimming Fool extras of tall trees. 27 ft. living room Three double $98,908 Win aeU pprt 6-2226, JUniper 6-3946, LYric $1,979 SECRETARIES hyiek 94187. ______and tennis court privifoges. Cdll 1. Knowledge of dmple booUteep- with fireplace, 3 bedrooms. Good (Wycomb exclumge) Lyuwood 9- fireplace. IT waBt-in IH HOUGHTON REAL ESTATE Call or write : Tamari. 36 Einsteia Drive ing and payroll, stenography mid $38,889 HUNTERDCM* COUNTY 7449 evenings or rriirtr indi Princeton. Any time. typing. baths, Formica vanitorlw. rnNamau St CLEMENT M. RIGHTER, INC. A short distance from the Prlace- btfitffwf WA 4-1081 HOUSE FOR RtNT in XtoiSlI 2. To assist management in gen­ too Country Day School on a tree 10 N. State St. Vt HOUR FROM PRINCETON Park. Available June 19. 3 bed- 19N tr>RD. good condition. 4 door. eral office routine. Shorthand and lined atroet You can own this Newtown, Penna. Old Colonial home on hill. 9 roonu, 2 baths, liviag, dinteg aad Asking $129. Phone WA 64319. typing excellence a requisite. well buidt 2 story house. Features Worth 8-3091 acres. Spacious lawns and treea. family rooms, large kkeben. 9199. liviag room, study ^lining room. Gorgeous landscaped acre, MUS TBE SOLO THIS MONTH. BOSSERT ESTATES, Bordentown. Lake for swimming aad boating. ,\X 74273. SACRIFICE STENOGRAPHER ernte taxes, 3 bedroom, 1% bmh Rmmh oa Vi 6 large rooms, 4 bedrooms, 2*4 \ For general office. French doors to Patio. 3 bed­ Priced for quick sale. Split Iev4l HOUSE FOR RENT ia l4aaanu & - LEAVING AREA rooms. Beautiful grounds. $28,090 school bus. A A ^ $27,700. Looh. aero, 3 car garage, fireplace. Arii- 8 rooms, 3 bedrooms. IVi baths, baths. Beautiful decor, winding Hamilton Rood. Call Viking 44878. tatea between Princeton aad Tren­ RamUer Station Wagon- ACCOUNTING CLERK iag $38408. Make an offer. storau aad screens, patio. Phone staircase in hall. Authentic walk- 3,900 Miles. MARTIN MOSS, REALTOR in stone fireplace. Modern knotty ton, 4 bedrooms, SpUt Levd, $175 Knowledge of Inventory control, Stuart E. Wallace 36ft3378. a month. W in I yaar tome. $2,198 job costing a raquiaile. inne Utchaa. aU apptianaoes. Ban Export 34340 Days WA 687M ATTRACTIVE THREE 3 hone atolls, o o ^ ft 3 car ga­ Please call TU 34999. $9M Savings BETTER TAKE A LOOK W nilE- TELEPHONE Eves WA I-f ranch house in excelient residen­ rage. Price $31416. (Ml Owm JUhs\l--SEPTEMBtR 19. Charai- PHONE WA 1-7461 Its neat oonqmct extarkxr tial area within walking dislance 19M FORD Custom, new enghie NASSAU INN Evenings ft Weekends State ^2203. ing furnished house. 3 bedrooms, WA 1-7989 plenty of livteg spMe. LMng SACRIFICE of Weeter Electric: spacious 2*4 baths, dining room, living in 1999. Batle4y, tires, paint al­ Call Salesman room with fireplace and FOUR BEDROOMS split level on Sat. a.m. May 27 Jonas Green WA 1-6239 airy bedrooms; master bedroom room, library, dishwasher, large most new. AutonatiO transmis­ space, wonderful kitchen, 7-ROOM RANCH. IVi baths, large, has its own bath with dressing one of Princeton's finest streets For Appointment air Goadkioaer. Ml basement and within walking distance to Kreeaed dhiing porch. Very se- sion. $298 or best offer. WA I-80n. spachms master bedrooi area, the living roonf has a mag­ cludad. Shady garden. Convenient IF YOU HAVE 4 cubic feet of 179 YEAR OLD restored Cokmial, other nice bodraoms. fine bnlh, bnewway. over sized garage. 140 nificent atone fireplace in a ma­ •chools. Entrance hall, living c 398 lot Large shade treea. Tax- room with fireplace, dining room to shopping center ft N.Y.' bus. space in your home freezer you Help Wonted-Male white clabboard siding with brick huge all purpose room, hogany paneled wall, while both TeM mie WA 1-7967. have enot^h room to buy a quar­ filled walls. Set high on a ridge bf solving nmot any houal am $288. King^toafon Highwiqr 27. I b ^ room and study open out on with corner cabinets, kiteto has ter of beef horn Roaedaie Lockers, surrounded by treea. Living room tens at tte modest price of W3JI8 Hur ^ • reduced to $18488. dude birch kitchen complete with dishwasher, recreation room, KB!SalL >AKK. immedUte oc­ 262 Alexander St. WA 68139. and dhiing room are large and N. J. MANNI REALTY a large screened porch and out­ equipped laundry, many cloaete, cupancy. 3 bedrooms. 2 batlm. liv­ SR. SYSTEMS each has a beautifully w o r l^ oM FINE FAMILY HOUSE in AX 7-3918 door barbecue. Other featnres in­ fall attic, awnfa« covered patio, ing room.' diniag room, kitch­ ling condition. Just a atooo’B thrmr CLASSIC CAIl 1991 Mark V Jaguar ANALYSTS (3) brick fireplace arith original man­ MSM O^ SALE: Fully ab ooa- clude birdi kitchea convlet ewilh lot treea and en and den. $191. Near riwppiag 9 passenger drop head converti­ from new Tou^ip school. Enlnr Kitchen-Aid dishwadier aad Tap- Direct transnethm owner center and achooli. AX T-6429. tles. Large country kitchen with hall, gracious Uving room w n 3 bedroom rancher fea- ble .Good body, tires, and engine. natural cedar cabinets, library taraa fireplace. iBahwaaher, full paa 490 range. Two car garage, to buyer; CnlFWA 44368. Needs work on interior and en­ For permanent positions with natural wood book shelves fireplM, diaing room wRh baaeaieat Eaclooed brtoi oil fired hot air beat. Privacy as­ COLCH4IAL HOUSE gine. $479 Phone Mr. Jacobson at Wall-Qualified in Applied ffath, or built in. 9 bedrooms and 2 baths in ing doors to flagstone terraea. patle. foaced yard, garage. Near sured by 290’ by 300’ lot. Avail­ WA 1-8677. large^Utdien with disposal, dhih Real E state ForRent Two year lease. Unfurnished, ex- 789 type Equipmeat k Program­ main section. Separate apart­ ahoppiag center. Phene WA I-7W. able Sept 1. 1901. $32408. Call WA cdlent conditian. CosUias 3 bed­ ming. or Information Theory. Fa­ ment with separate drive and own washer, and loads of cablaslj ’9S Mb MAGNETTE red. e i S i ^ paneled playroom. Four good hem Pii£2ISfc PACKAGING M atm S 1-2133. APARTMENT FOR Rent in l^ocky rooms, 3 baths. Witoia walking condition, maroon Iraither uphol­ miliar with scientific digital dbni- entrance and heati^ system. Con­ HiH; 3H diatance of ahopa yet property con puter techniques. Must have se- rooms, two and one-half b of an aorts, aiaaa, lef^tha and stery. radio and beater. 38.689 sists of large living room with Huge attic, full basement Lovely Raaedale I^sdmra. 383 Alex- LOTS duding bedroom, living sistt of 4 acres. $499 per mo. m il^ always garaged. WA 4-4947. ret clearaqpe A degree. Write: beamed ceili^, kitchen, large bed­ old trees and haadftuik stona ro- S t WA 64139. FOR SALE kitchen and bath, newly-decorat­ Care of grounda paid for by own­ Best offer over $1,198.______Mr.' Green, P.O. Bon 3387. Grand room and oeramic tBe badi. Per­ ed. Suitable for single person or er. Available July 1, 1991. Central Su., New Yor kl7, N.Y. fect for income, gueot or servants taining walls. IVi acres and u p '61 T-BIRD. Fully equipped except Only $7,900.00 aad up. couple. Rent $91. Cidl KI 9-0469, wing. Random wMMi pinie floors A COLONIAL WITH EVERY­ LAND EXT. 6099 weekdays: WA 14909 CORNELIA WELLER power seats and windows. Owner BeautiM trees in restrict^ area. REAL ESTATE leaving country. Contact Sarah MALE HAIRDRESSER. Licensed, throughout whole house. ‘Brand THING - Fine foctoiea la the evenings, weekends. Yoder. WA 1-7798 extension 399 experienced, in new salon. Good new. electric and heating systems. Township on a friendhr THE GREAT ROAD HAROLD A. PEARSON WA 4-9600 after 2 p.m. except week ends. salary and opportunity. Pbewe WA Fenced in yard for chihhm or street. Velvet lawn, oomiHoMy Phone WAInut 44719 animals. ’This house can be pur­ 4-9667 or TW 64736. fenced, large trees. Entry, living BEDEN’S BROOK ROAD TOWN HOUSES 29 Palmer Square W. chased with or arith out a large room wMi firepiaGe, large dhdng BELLE MEAD GARAGE bam in perfect condition, with a area JuUy equipped kMnen, kv- m e is Princeton’s nnst bqauti- HOUSE FOR SALE Route 366 basketball court on 2nd. floor. APARTM^ ffl M i f t t V , 1$ YOUNG MAN atory, bedroom or study oa first M aad beat protected country es­ Located on Mercer Street in a min. from Princuton. Two onor- ’ Belle Mead. N. J. House is located 3 miles from Three large badrooma, two batim tate area. 3 acres mtatoram with Four bedrooms, 3 tile baths, cen­ FL M400 ter entrance hall, eeptrate diniag Park-like aetting. They are Vith- moua rooms, partly funtiabad. phis Intelligent, responsible person to Princeton Township line in rolliiv on second. Full, dry S acres or more encouraged by iu walking diatence to dmreh, Hopewell Township. Price is $47,- room. Living room and ram bath and Utdten. Modernisad 3rd run errands, distribute mail inter­ ment with finished lower per acre price on each acre shopping, theatre. University, etc. floor of large house. Outside stairs 000, with barn, $n,900 without. over 3. It is lovely r o l ^ land, tion room, both have fireplace, 1998 FORD GALAXIE nally in company and be gener­ room and laundry. Two«ar complete kitchen and breakfast They have just been comidetoly to stparate entrance. Call HOpe- r.etracuble hard-top. Lttce new. ally useful in providing special Barn is a good distance fnmi tached garage, encio nerfectn^^w^o foraene ridiro. a ^wenea^m* restored. Each house consists of house and can be purchased sep­ room with Urch cabineU, built-in well 64932 Sunday after 1 p.. or 6.060 miles. Automatic, power services to various departments. v/sy. All in immaculate condIHen. living room, dining room, itchen. write Box 770, PYiaceton Packet. arately and made into a magnifi­ $49,000 For full information and-or ap­ e le c ^ range and wall oven, dish- steering, radio and heater. Must have own car for which lib­ washer and disposal. Full dry V bedrooms plus a separate full $2,190 cent home. For complete d ^ ib pointment, please contact exchi- ATTRACTIVE IKXISE. Immediate eral allowances provided. Expand­ live agent. busement. 2-car garage, macadam basement for laundry and stor- occtqiancy. Near bua stope, 9 ing electronics company in Prince­ or appointment Phone WA 4-1762 Chrysler. Plymouth or HOPEWELL 6-1499. EDMUND aXSK ft COMPANY. driveway. 166’ x 196’ lo, on quiet age. min. from Pafaner Square. 1st. ton area offers excellent opportu­ Realtors Valiant Dealer THOMPSON REALTY street. A-1 neighborhood. Price Sihown by appointment o n I y floor. 2 bedrooms, large Hving-din- nity for right man. Phone WA 6 19| Nassau Street $47490. WA 447IS. i ing room, kitchen and both. 2nd 9990 for appointment. FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP - 3 bed­ WAInut 44322 199 Nassau St through exclusive agent WA 1-r ; floor, living room, bednxwn. bath, Help Wanted room custom ranch with breeze­ ' kitchenette. On huge kit ia good way, garage. Ml cellar and fuUy- ! neighborhood. Call WA 4-9699. I ELECTRONIC WUIEMEN landacaped 1-acre lot. Asking THOMPSON Realty I OLDIS AGENCY !yOU won’t fine a nicer location $18,000 WA 1-7655 , ; A NICE funiiahed room for gentle- * IMMEDIATE OPENINGS We require several experienced Pamiagten, N.J. PE 7-1916 for your new home! ^ men on Naaanu St Call WA 4-2^4T wiremen for day shift. Must have KENDALL PARK - Just $110 per WEIDEL's Male and Female knowledge of first class wiring HARBOURTW OFFICE * Over five acres on a mill pond. SUMMER RENTAL, turnished AI R COfWITKJNED apartm ^. month to own this handsome 3- PENNOKiTtK^ AREA Light aad spacious. Largs living Clerical Technical and electronic components and bedroom ranch, IVi baths, garage, * 6 flUlea from Princeton house adjacent to Seminary. 3 capable of wiring From Schemat­ CAPE COD on approximately 2 minute walk to Penna. RR. one room, large kitchen, bttii and t storms aad screens and many oth­ ’ Geatly aloptog meadowland bedroom, on bus Ime. Ganhm Engineering ics. Salary commensurate with er extras. GI mortgate can be as­ acres. 1st floor hM liviag room, PENNINGltm and rendy for building block to University and Naasau St. ability. Excellent opportunity for targe kitchen, 2 bedrooms ^aad Four bedroom Cokmial $29,999 1st. floor, living room, study, din­ space. WA 1-7164. Executive Sales sumed. * Picturesque view of old atone advancement. For appointment bato. 2nd floor has two partly fin­ Five bedroom ringle atucco $19,199 bridge ing room, k it^ n (washer ft dry­ HOPEWELL, OLDER house, 3 bdi-^ Call: FRANKLIN PARK — 6-room ranch ished bedrooms and connatoiaus Tlvee bedroom RmKh $33,99$ * Only $2,966 per acre er) bedroom aad bath. 2nd. floor rooms, I bath, living roan aqd" William Bannerman with all-electric Utchen. notty pine for addttional bathroom. $ 1 3 ^ • 5 bedrooms (or 3 bedroom aad 2 Iqrge Utchen. (forage. Phone P. J WAINFORD ft CO. PE 7-1320 family room, 27 x 14 living room HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP studies). 2 baths. 1 car garage. 1-7164. Princeton Employinent Agency or write RANCHER cedar shake, atime CALL WA 1416$ with fireplace and many extras. Three bedroom stone bungalow Small lawn and yard, shaded and m Hamner Electronics Co.. Inc. front, on a laadscaped lot. Con­ CLARKSVILLE 6TEL 92 Nassau St. WA 63726 Price slashed to a low, low $21,600. $13,960 cool in summer. Phone WA 1-2473. U.S. Rte. 1 and (foaker Rd.. near P.O. Box 931 venient to stores, scboola, etc- Liv­ CUSTOM RANCH Attractive, 3 bed-; SOUTH BRUNSWICK » 4-bedroom ing room with fireplace, diniag Two bedroom Ranch $19406 ROOMS FO RRENT CurtisB-Wright Corp. 2, 3 aad 4 FOOD CHECKER AND Cashier. Princeton. N. J. Four bedroom Ranch 923,990 rooms. 3 baths, liviag room, din-, AVAILABLE JUNE 1st. room apartments, tastefully fur­ RENT FREEZING space at Rose- Colonial located on a brauUMIy area with French dom lendiag to ing room, family room and large | Young or middleaged. Good refer­ landscaped Vi acre with many ex­ patio. Modera kitchen. 2 bedrooms Pleasant neighborhood • vicinity of nished. by week or month. Alao ences required. Full Time. Good dale Lockers. 263 Alexander St.. kitchen with eating area. 2-car ga-1 Palmer Stadium. rooms with private bath. Om- WA 44139. tras. Yours for only $17490. and bath. Full basement and at­ UWRENCE TOWNSHIP rage, basement, pntio. corner lot' pay. Contact Mr. Levine at the tached garage. $17469 Eight room CMonial heme to be Call WA 4^6164 mereial rates. WAInut 4-4089. Food Mart.______with trees, fireplace, built in elec-1 (4£«rLY DECORATED, furnished 1 moved from present locatioa trie range and oven. Ideal location' FOR RENT “ ATLANTIC REALTY HOPEWELL AREA 19.980 01 2 room, efficiency apartment Commercial apace approximatUg* NEW PRINCETON PLANT for schoola aad shopping. Prince-1 ui bus line in Dayton. Adults only. Help Wanted-Fem. Franklin Park Call ui for prices aad lutationa of ton Township. Owner, WA 4-1440. | 1,099 sq. ft., ground floor, an REQUIRES OPEN 7 DAYS RANCHER with screened rear (he many farms, lots and acreage Phone DA 9-6161.______Spring Street just eaat of With­ NICE LOCATION — Lot 80x168. WAITRESSES, neat and, attrac- ACCOUNTING CLERK Day - AX 7-1200 pwch on a laadscaped lot 108s 199'. we have for sale. ’TWO BEDROOM, living room, din- erspoon. in Benson. . ., Building. At- tive over 21. Exneriencej not nec­ Evening — AX 7-1203 Living room with fireplace, diniag i City water, sewer and gas in. { ing room, kitchen. $155 per month, tractive rent^ A v a d r t ^ essary. Excellent earnings and, area, paneled kitchen, paneled I Stop in our Branch Office Phone WA 4-3949 after 4. Day­ Tel. WAInut 4-3540 and look over our complete One block from Firestone Library working conditions. AM or PM i Inseninry control and job costing den. two bedrooms and bath. Hot times WA 4-3t.l6. Mr. Sferra. On quiet street. WA 4-1762. shifts. Full or part time Rcn- a requisite. water baseboard heat. Full base­ PHOTO FILE TWO STORY COLONIAL Wanted To Rent wick's • one of Princeton’s old es­ TELEPHONE i Here is a well constructed older ment. $21,900 KARL WEIDEL. INC. 4 bedrooms. 2 tile baths, center I OR RENT - Prime office space. tablished restaurants. SO Nassau NAS.SA UINN I 9 bedroom. 2 bath cottage just I hall, large living room with firr- From 60 Oto 26.606 square feet in 2 YOUNG LADIES recMtly SI.. Phone WA 60137______WA 1-7900 I west of the Township for 918.000. EWING TOWNSHIP Our 47th Yeer place, separate dining room. Col­ a substantial brick elevator build­ cated desire furnished apartment. Presently used as a two family. ored wood cabinets in the kitch­ SALES GIRL wanted to work, in Sat a.m. May 27 j PE 7-1900. ’TU 2-3804 ing on Nassau Street. .Space can 3*/i rooms including kitchen and L&S Store. Kendall Park Shopping For Appointment On 2 acres country location about CAPE COD on 1 1-3 acres. Living en with built in electric oven and bi arranged to suit vour needs, parking area. Call SW 94920 be­ Center .Inquire between 9:30 a m. 5 miles from Nassau St. room, dining room, kitchen. 9 Bed­ F.venings range, also dishwasher. Full base­ including office suites of all sires, tween 9 and 5. to 6 p.m. at store. room. and 2 baths. Full basement, HO 6-6327 ment and recreation room. Large; and large open work areas. All Pennington Ranch. Brand new 3 i hot water baseboard heat. 2 car garage with storage space. Win­ KITCHEN HELP. 18 years or over bedrooms. IV^ oaths. $21.900' services and ulililics; i, amiiv n t Situalions Wanted garage. $24,979 dow screens throughout Ninccly I honing available. Call us for a ^ 7 wants 4 to 6 bed­ Full or p,irt-hme. Stewart’s Drivc- Evenings PE 74232W rioUSE FOR SALE: Sunset Hill. j landscaped. Near school. Avail­ room house. Lease. References. 1n. Highway 27. Franklin Park 8 miles from Princeton, near Me- free brochure and additional in­ BUY. RELIABLE and willing work- I Griggstown. Two-bedroom ranch, able July 1. Price $34,966. Phone formation. Write J. S. Gallagiier, Line Road; AX 7-0294. . , Graw Hill. Ciood mortgage Finan­ RD 2, Malvern. Pa. er. fourteen years oW. desires part cing. 3 bedroom. IH baths. Full FOR SALE FOR RENT 2 bedrom living room with fireplace, large WAInut 4-6715.______SECRETARY - ASSISTANT for ad­ time work week ends and during dining room. $19,100 Ranch house near Princeton Junc­ kitchen, dining area; on wooded EDMUND COO K& COMPANY. half-acre; oversize garage, many I lot FOR SALE, in Princeton vertising agency; experienced in I school vacation. Phone WA 4-9900. tion. Rent $146 per month. Sale Township. Call WA 4-4214. Country home with many possibil­ $19,000. Available uly IStii. See extras. Can be seen on weekends. Realtors FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED office routine; interesting, diversi­ Ext. 364. IDO Nassau Street fied work Call WA1-7I.'’kS ities. Large 8 room Colonial On 2 by appointment only. Phone SW Call FL 9-6238.______apartment with private bath for- YOUNG MOIHER in Little Rocky WAInut 4-0322 acres. Loving care and very little 9-1799. BY OWNER: Contemporary ranch Sept. 1961. Occupancy Ity gradu­ Hill area will care for your chil­ work could turn this into a show, DON T TLLL S.9NTA BUT ate student. Seeking '^ e t and at­ dren in her home. Have large play FRANKLIN PARK 3 bedroom on 1-3 acre Township lot. 4 bed­ POSEDALE LtX-KERS has the tractive suite. Please write Box SECRETARY place. 927.900. More land availa­ Ranch. Living room, dining room.' rooms. 2 baths, living room with area inside and nut. Phone WA ble. newest front door on Alexander 790 Princeton Packet. 1 6957 rat-in kitchen, tile' bath, basement fireplace, cathedral ceiling, spa­ his local helpers have made early St. Come down and find out about (las hot air heat. Garage. V4 acre cious dining-family room, large; Christmas shopping a pleasure uy buying beef by the quarter. WA UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR wante Mature person n'-eded lo fill sec­ (KlING AWAY John E Otter small brook. 72 Franklin Park modern kitchen. Patio and over­ FOR THE SUriMER? 4-01.35. I rental Aug. 1 to Sept. 15. 2 bed­ retarial opening in lenior e.\cru- Realtor Road. AX 7-1880. $18,900. Imme­ awed garage. Phone WA 4-4627. offtring creative gifts along room apartment or house. Call live office. Shrolhand and good Princeton Graduate (61 j entering Route 1 and Washington diate occupancy^______ROO MFO RRENT - next to bath Yale Law school will tend house Road MUST SELL Center of Nassau Street. Phone WA 1-2799.______typing required. Liberal benefits "On the Circle ’ $100 DOWN PAYMENT buys a WAS $17,906 including one months paid var-i- in or near Princeton in return for LANE OF SHOPS WA 1-969 after 6 p.m______3 BEDROOM HOUSE in Princeton room for any length of time be­ Phone WA 4-4180 brand new split-level (EIGHT NOW lion Princeton Unorrsilv Person $18,906 PRINCETON HOSPITAL FETE BUNGALOW AT Midway Geach. Borough or Township. Family of tween Mav 21 S- Sept 6th Ref Evenings & Weekend.' Rooms) in Princeton Township. 4 ref Services Office, WA 1 6600 L.\f bedrooms 2'j baths, recreation 4 year old 7 room Ranch, at­ Seaside Park, during July, $79 3 Furnished or unfurnished. Ga­ 2?6S erenres Phone Marc Whitehead. Rose B. Green Mint Salvatim June 3 week. June 24-July 1 only. 540 rage. By June 19th. Phone WA 4- WA 1-633'i WA 1-623.9 HI 8-2761 room, garage, all citv utilities. Hil­ tached garage, patio. Large land- ton realty Co WA 1-6060 i scaped corner lot. Phone AX 7-3364 I week Sleeps eight. Call AX 7-2940. 3(0$. PAGE EIGHT THE CENTRAL POST THURSDAY. MAY 25, 1961

Maroney of S3 Aldrich Road, Ken­ Schwinn • Ratoigh dall Park. May 12. Gaynor To Fill Constable PTA SL Augmtim's Bazaar-CartUval A boy to Mr. and Mrs. Justin New^Arrivak West of S4 Kingsley Road. Kendall Mayo’s Post As Elects lanno To Have Rides f GameSf Wrestling Park. May 12. —South Brunswick to the Rev. Johe J. Reilly, pastor. SL PMnr’i C w iral Htiyif l A girl to Mr. and Mrs. John Local Magistrate As President St. Augustine's Church of Frank­ A boy to Mr. u d Mrs. Frederick West of S4 Kingsley Road, Kendall KENDALL MEN’S lin Park will hold its first Bazau- Food and refreshments will be Hover of W KoMoU Rood. May >. Park. May 17. —Fronkiin Teemship —South Srvngwrck aYailable. Prizes will be awarded,. Robert Gaynor wiU step back in­ HANDICAP LEAGUE Frttk lanno of 32 l^wson Road, Carnival during the week of June A boy to Mr. and Mrs. George A boy to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond High game, Mort Baruch id K. the pastor also noted. ' to his role of municipal judge on Kaadfol Park, eras elected aad in- 12-17 on the grounds adjacent to Fears i t U.S. Route 1, Moo mouth Ritti of 9 Berwick Road, Kendall June 15. J.’s. 299; hi|A aeries, Lou Caruso ■tallad aa president of the ConsU-! Proceeds of the affair will assist I Schwinn and Raleigh lightweight JnnetiaB, May 14. Park. May 17. of Farella Brae.. 993. bie School Parent-Teacher Associa- the church, beginning at 7 p.m. in financing the construction of Bicyclaa and gears our apecialty . . . Named for the post after the each evening. A boy to Mr. and Mrs. Stepboi A girl to Mr. and Mrs. John D. resignation of R al^ Miyo, who The two teams tied for first |dace tioB at their meeting last week, j the new elementary school of the| Cuitem made bicyclet and racing carta in atode . . . "Cvaranleed Bi- KapaUd of R.F.D. 1. Highway M. Fitzgerald of 44 New Road, Ken- gave up the job shortly after the in tiic second half of tbe longue, Inetalling officer was the retiring, .Combining the "outstanding fea­ i parish, scheduled for compietion in t September, 1912. cyclea end goarantaed service.'' Mnamoth Joactioa, May IS. daU Park, May 17. t April 19 elections, Mr. Gaynor is Somenet Lkpnr Mart and F a r ^ prviidtal. Dr. Wayne Me Farlandj tures of bazaars and carnivals, the A boy to Mr. aad Mrs. Henry MddhMcs TTwisral Haopttal a partner in die iinr Arm of Potts Broa., were to have held a ptay- of 39 Dnwooe Road. KendaU Park. | festivities will offer such attrac- j St. Augustine’s is located mid-l KORP'S CYCLE. off game yeeterday. May 24. Roberts of M Roberta St., Fraak- A girl to Mr. aad Mrs. James and Gaynor of George Street, New Otiwr officers are Mrs. Robert i turns as wrestling exhibitions, pro- way between Princeton and N e w { 14 Jebo St. PtieteN N.J. The winner of that game will Brunswick, between State Route 27 lia ftrfc. May IS. Bradley of R.D. 4, Oakdale Vil­ Brunswick. Neeb of 19 Aldrich Road, vice pres- fesskmal entertainment, band con­ 1 (Opp. Princeton UnhtJ meet tbe first-half champioae. land U.S. Route 1, oa Henderson lage. May 11. Mr. Gaynor served in the same ideat; Richard Brown of 20 Wlieel- certs, ferris wheel and merry-go- WAbivt 4-10SR A girl to Mr. aad'Mrs. Janies Juactioa Fuel and Siqiply, f ^ tbe round rides and games," accordiiig Road. capacity from 1IS9-S7, before the league championship on Monday. ar Road, treasurer; Mrs. Martin McOoaaM Jr. of IS Lakeview Ave., Carqr of 23 Raleigh Road, corre- May 11. SOFTBALL REGISTRATION came effective. The judgeship is May 39. Regiotration for men’s aoMiail a aon-partisaa poaMoa, but 42-yenr- Tnn Wdii law Uoadfog aecretary; aad Mrs. Ruth Higrh School PTA OmCATD TO THi K sr M DANKMO A boy to Mr. aad Mrs. Stephen will be held on Monday, May 2I, oU Mr. Gaynor is a RepubUcaa. SemerMt LkRuer AAort 33 21 MR. a teacher, recording secre- T'rltiMit of OU Goorgetown Road. Fertllo SfOi. 33 21 ttt]^ frmn < p.m. to • pja. at the Pine Mr. Mayo was luggeated as mn- Jet. FmI % Supply , 31 a Installs Officers R.D. 1. PriaootOB. May 11. Grove field. Sam ToneDo is in K. J.. 31 21 Ifon. McFarland reported that A boy to Mfc —i Mrs. Rnhad nicipal chairman for the Demo- Oevwgo SiDPDi 30 a . . . _ . . . — *•«**> BruBlwick charge of the'Otgasiiiag of the meeting followiag the electione. SfflmtriPT Pormt 7S 21 tbra«^ the PTA 134 books have Ludwig Bohler of 59 Cantordge The First National Bank teams aad laterealed people can Kewwkfcs n a bean purchased for tbe achool li- 2 Mr. Gmnor. who Uvea oa Sooth D K M BuiMurt 7T n Road, Kendall Park, was B n ii N WICK contact him. The teams and games hOddlebnsh Road, has been a reei- Gobi* Teopm 7i 31 braiy. Book shelvef conatructed by .as president of the South Bruns­ win be part of the T o w n s ’s aofW Mubita Hwn« 21 31 Artiiar Schaar aad Jade Sokmion dcnt of Frairidin ahme 19«. He Waton TV 20 34 wick High School, Parent Teacher recreation program. win serve a three-year term as Pork Sindolr !♦ a were oa dispiay at the meeting. Aaaociation at their meeting held MIDDLESEX COUNTY magistrate. Thuraday, May 19, in the schod. He C k a r u n d im VARIED CHURCH MENU TO AWARD S CURS and the other receatiy dected offi­ cwpp-pf. Nursery Sponsoring A Spring buffet dfoner with a Awards wiB be preaeated to five i cers were inatdied by Mrs. Nicho­ JAM9WIMO U W IS K I BROOK SOUTH RtViR. iPOTBWOOP mena of turkey, ham or fried flsh m fM en of Ciib Pack 94 of South las VoOt, Mddlesex County vicej MBM9M PBMAl RWOVI BVBIiM. Summer Play Camp will be held at the Six tfile Rim Bnamaiik, aponsored by the Jew­ president of the PTAs. | ND9RAL DWOBn MBU9AIKI CORKRATION Reformed dm id i of Fraakita Paik ish CoBunimtty Center of Kendall Other officers are Mrs. Maynard i —FrenWki Tewmsblp oa Fridqr, May 29. ta feUowdtip Path, at a meettag on Monday, Coed 10-19 Advenccd. A Boa-praf it Summer play camp, Wright of Monmouth Junctioo,, ^nv4l« loLSon} Voice, rieno, b«nJ hall wkk aervfogs at 9:39. 9:39 aad May 3R at 9 pjh . ta the Cambridge first vice president Mrs. D e s i I opea to Towaship chUdraa. wffl 7:39 p.m. Tickets may be obtained Sched all-piupoae room. The mem- ITS EASY & Orche»trel Inetrumcntt. Chember opea whh a throe wash aaaalm on Cerreras of Monmouth Juactioa, I OrcHestre t CHonn. Ensembles. All at the door. bera me Kirk Smith. Jack Ruden, second vice president; Mrs. Leonj TO PHONE Lend A Weter Sports. Tutoring Metiv July 19. Aaotiier aeaahm wil begia RWam Kane. Junes Byrne aad I July 91. BBid of Deans, secretuy Mrs. Aa-1 emetics, Engglish, History, Len* PLANS COOK’S TOIA Ridwri nore. ton Zaic of 15 Savage Roa4 Ken-1 gueges. Hobby Clubs. ExcsUent H w program is befog ipoaaorad WflHam ArcMbaid will speak to ddl Park, cortvapnnding tec- Food. Attreclivo Qtierters. rbocburo. by dm Pine Grove Manor Natsety mentbaro of Soalh Bnawwidi High OLLMG POPPIES retary; and Mrs. Fred Hoisten, the aaraery focffitfos wU be Scfaod on a “Cock’s Tour titfough Lcghm Pod491 Auxil- Dz^toa, treasurer. taeyhaan aditag pnppiBS oa Tuea- Jaeeph KnhaN, Dir., the MUUta -EHt.’’ oa Friday. Mqr Walter W. Cheener. prindpd of - « r any phea ataa ki tho Damar. The isiiioni, wUch wdl bagfo. 29. Ha iriB alaa daw didas an llw •qr, 'Miy 33. and wffl continue IM Vwsilp Av*« M. A the echod aaid tbe reaourcee pro­ .Colorado arao. Just dial Aran Cade at 9:29 a.m. aad end at 2 p.m., vartona cmmtrtas ta tiR area. Ha Ihair aala o til Memorial Day, gram of aeektag qaaUfied persoos NMm WA «PNt will include field trfoe, active play, is amorided wkb the Cook Travd May 39. The poppies were made Narnhar 909, than the number you to speak to studeats on vniooe vo­ awR. Area Codas are tiia hay tow sy cks aad raat parioda. R «0I be Agency of New York. by htapRaHaed veteraae. The town cations and hobbtao. it “rmnine staffed by a taaehsr and two d ip ndl bopea to sell 1.999 pop- talaphoningtoany pMca. E i^ a ra a piaa. Aaabttag the AmtiHairy will te atang qidta wdl." Worittag wilb Mslots. Each child sdU piavide 10 SEE MARnNETl'ES him are Mrs. A. Theodore Barth, baa a code. You’ll fold thorn a> hi Mb owe traaiportatlon aad hmch. Members of Sooth Wniaaerick. tiw Lagtaanakraa. u d tedaagers. Mrs. LeRoy Oughton. Mrs. David the front pogsa of your tataphona DIAMOND r TOURIST MOTEL Hw ahocoaRtanad m nery is le- High S dnd will see a marionette Kutiiroff, Nb«. Bibd and Mrs. M. book. Please use thorn for not-of- mccammmtattaHt fo» ran/ mn •/ town In riid * catad at 299 FraaUfo Bmdevard. dww today. May 25, durtag the 9-WAY TIE Alan Sprague. StatO cans. NEW JERSEY BEU Mrs. Jerome Rom of PhOUps Rood auditorium aeBenibly ■chethilad for Lae?s la r d .Service Cube, the GteaahO-Land Giants and the Co- e R K Centinnntal Iroekfast I provide any farther isforma- 2:29 p.m. “liw Iffard of Ot" wiB •mbs XT Md Saod ticn. be performed by the McAtoar Mari­ kaid Vfflage Eero Yuka are THI • Rown PheuM « R R TV onettes. tied tar tin t pipoe with two wins u d UM kMB in the KenddI Park PEPPI'S PIZZA « • 100% Air*CmidiHenad WnUpDAOS PROM SUIT Baaabafl League. Holding up the PIXZA F IB MAOf TO ORDR I Robert MneuDta. a Firaakita oaBar ta tbe four-team league are • large Swimmiiig foot o B irm n jE s Towndrip Chamber of Commeret the Kuoitan Bdiden Braves with lATTHMA HMI directar. baa wRbdrawa from a id three \ PoasMiaAla Aaiw U I Hwy. ^1. M.jiw.iitli iwirti... N. i. AX 7.2l4f AX J J m S Ubd sok filed by the Cbambar of ML X D A 9-4555 TERESA JANE SMITH against tbe Franklin Democratic TAKITHIMNOMI I WE HATE^PEOni WHO MAOI X Onb dkgliw tbe Qub had Hbdad Funeral aervicea were hdd Man- them ta .a Febraary tone of the BRUNSW ICK I BMwafaalvwiiawailBlMtolMl yw day. May 2^ at the Prasbyteriaa d d i’e pablicetioa. I (A fuN H Ml gf Ala fiMffl mn5 The First National Bank dntrdi. New Bnmawkk. for three- year-old Terasa Jaae fonitb. dmgb- TWMS DORN Driving SAool I our HOT PASTRAMI ^ M l o i ter of Carter and Margaret Stover Tw taa, a boy n d girt, wan bora I WNiHOT A JaOBM CH 74USr • bpH w C Ail .in M On Abo anrvivfog are a dster, Pria- gy. 3Vi. and Jeaa Marie. 31 a 7 3 - 1 T S Y i ciila: patenal graadiwithar. Mrs. EiMv Sadi* a t Cofowtbw . Ohio; and matarad grandhthw. WHliam L. Stover of Amntillo. Tax. The Rev. Or. Jw fo Monia. pastor of the Comiwfty Praaby- For Becirical Service terfoa Omicli of tim Saad HUa, of- ficiatod at the aarvtaa. fotaraMR ta Be Sure To Cd FrwUfo Memarfol Park. North Hw Fimaral Noam of New ana ta chatga N. W. AAAUL & SON of Dayton, N. J, Nagel Is Promoted SA «>aSSS ~ OA 94U1 At FMC’s Center Dr. Roger M. Nagel of Penaing- toa has been pnasotad to supervi­ ITS EASYTO PHONE sor of polyolefte devafopmeat far the Petro-Tex Oiamlcal Coipora- tion. Hta ofDoe wffl ceathwa to be located at Food Machtaaty aad nieawirwi Corpontioa'a Chamical Reaeareh umI Devetopment Cen­ te r U. S. Route 1. I m . Nagel ta a graduate of West-1 era Reaerve Univeraity ta Oeve- { land, Ohio and was awarded his —ersany placn eite in the New Orleans, Louisiana area. Just Doctor of Philooopiiy degree at the I Univeraity of B uff^ ta 1112. Hei dial Area Cede Number S04, then the number you want. Area joined Petro-Tex ta 1959. Codes are the key to easy telephoning to any place. Every area The Petro-Tex Corporatim is: has a code. You'H find them in the front pages of your phono jointly owned by PMC aad Termes-1 book. Pleast use them for out-of-state calls, new JERSEY BELL see Gee Transmteehm Company. i


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