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Open Thesis Final.Pdf The Pennsylvania State University The Graduate School College of Information Sciences and Technology MASHUPS FOR THE WEB-ACTIVE END USER A Thesis in Information Sciences and Technology by Nan Zang 2008 Nan Zang Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science December 2008 The thesis of Nan Zang was reviewed and approved* by the following: Mary Beth Rosson Professor of Information Sciences and Technology Thesis Advisor Andrea H. Tapia Assistant Professor of Information Sciences and Technology C. Lee Giles Professor of Information Sciences and Technology Henry C. Foley Dean of Information Sciences and Technology *Signatures are on file in the Graduate School ii ABSTRACT Mashups are essentially combinations of APIs and online data in a single interface. However, to be able to take advantage of these systems, users must have the prerequisite programming skills to gather, manipulate, and present the data retrieved from these APIs. In order to support the less programming-savvy users, tools have been created that simplify the process and remove many of the more complex programming tasks. While attempting to be comprehensive, as with all emerging technologies, there are design flaws that exist. This work focuses on the tasks that are involved in creating mashups and specifically investigates end-user mental models as they approach this programming task. The first half of this work looks at the skill disparities between expert mashup programmers and novice end-users. I then detail the characteristics of the web-active end user, a population of end users who could take advantage of mashups but cannot because of skill barriers. Focusing on this user group, I explore the ways in which they consider online information. In doing so, I formulate a better understand of the mental models of the web-active end user and provide an informed design guide for the development of future tools. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES .....................................................................................................vii LIST OF TABLES.......................................................................................................viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.........................................................................................ix Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................1 1.1 Motivation ...............................................................................................2 1.2 Research Questions and Goals ................................................................4 1.3 Research Overview..................................................................................4 1.4 Chapter Outline .......................................................................................6 Chapter 2 Related Works...........................................................................................8 2.1 Mashups and Mashing.............................................................................8 2.1.1 The Opportunity ............................................................................8 2.1.2 Mashing Up...................................................................................10 2.1.3 Reuse .............................................................................................13 2.2 Psychology of Programming ...................................................................15 2.2.1 Cognitive Dimensions of Notations ..............................................15 2.2.2 Mental Models...............................................................................17 2.3 End-User Programming...........................................................................19 2.3.1 Programming by Example and Programming by Demonstration.................................................................................19 2.3.2 Visual Programming .....................................................................20 2.3.3 Domain Specific Languages..........................................................21 2.3.4 From the Desktop to the Web in Five Years.................................22 2.3.5 Debugging in EUP systems...........................................................23 2.3.6 Mashups in EUP Research ............................................................25 Chapter 3 Mashup Development Tools .....................................................................27 3.1 Yahoo Pipes.............................................................................................27 3.2 Microsoft Popfly......................................................................................29 Chapter 4 Current and Prospective Mashup Developers ...........................................33 4.1 Survey of Expert Mashup Developers.....................................................33 4.1.1 Methodology .................................................................................33 4.1.2 Results ...........................................................................................34 4.1.3 Discussion and Summary..............................................................39 4.2 Survey of Prospective Mashup Developers.............................................40 iv 4.2.1 Methodology .................................................................................41 4.2.2 Results ...........................................................................................42 4.2.3 Attention Investment Model..........................................................50 4.2.4 Predicting Future Mashup Activity...............................................53 4.2.5 Discussion .....................................................................................55 4.3 Summary..................................................................................................56 Chapter 5 Observations of the Web-Active End User................................................59 5.1 Methodology............................................................................................60 5.2 Results .....................................................................................................63 5.2.1 Participant Characteristics.............................................................63 5.2.2 Information Assimilation ..............................................................64 5.2.3 Information Combinations ............................................................67 5.2.4 Understanding XML .....................................................................69 5.3 Case study of three web-active users.......................................................71 5.3.1 Patricia: the finance student ..........................................................73 5.3.2 Bridget: the average web-active user ............................................76 5.3.3 John: the programmer....................................................................78 5.4 Discussion................................................................................................80 5.4.1 End user data integration...............................................................80 5.4.2 Yahoo! Pipes from an end user perspective ..................................81 5.5 Summary..................................................................................................86 Chapter 6 Integration and Discussion.........................................................................88 6.1 The Active in web-active end user...........................................................89 6.1.1 Online Activities ...........................................................................89 6.1.2 Technology Initiative ....................................................................91 6.1.3 Technology Expertise....................................................................92 6.2 Mashup mental models............................................................................92 6.2.1 Mental models of data...................................................................93 6.2.2 Mental models of Yahoo! Pipes....................................................93 6.3 Predicting and attracting future mashers .................................................94 Chapter 7 Conclusion.................................................................................................96 7.1 EUP for Mashups ....................................................................................97 7.2 Future Work.............................................................................................98 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................100 Appendix A Web Experts Survey..............................................................................107 Appendix B Web-Active End User Survey ................................................................116 v Appendix C Interview and Think-Aloud Documents................................................129 C.1 Interview Guide ......................................................................................129 C.2 Think-aloud Guide..................................................................................130 C.3 Information Sources................................................................................132 C.3 Mashup combinations.............................................................................133 vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Scenario of Michael building a social mashup............................................3
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