ANDREW DADDO 05/08 EDUCATION Arts degree - Monash University Major - Politics PRESENTER - AUSTRALIAN TELEVISION The Great Outdoors HSV7 The Morning Show – Sydney Olympics 2000 HSV7 Kidspeak - Presenter HSV7 11 AM - Presenter HSV7 Logie Awards – Co-Host 1995 HSV7 Bjorn Again - ABBA Special HSV7 Australia's Funniest People HSV7 The World's Greatest TV Commercials HSV7 Tonight Live (Guest Host) week HSV7 Australian Music Awards (live) Made By Design (8 Part Documentary) ABC TV The Factory - National music show, interviews, reporting ABC TV Andrew Daddo's Cartoon Show - Saturdays, Sydney Andrew Daddo Presents, National Network 10 PRESENTER - OVERSEAS TELEVISION Lonely Planet - Presenter for British travel program Pilot Prods UK MTV - USA (New York) & Europe address 39a Newry Street Prahran Victoria 3181 Australia telephone 61 3 9525 1755 facisimile 61 3 9525 1988 email
[email protected] abn 45 007 137 671 a division of Deisfay Pty. Ltd. TELEVISION GSTV - The Pilot Himself Mothers Art TV P/L House Rules ABC Drama Cluedo (Drama Quiz) Crawford Prods. Round The Twist Ghost Matthew ACTF Productions The Late Show ABC FILM Ned Doctor Ocean Pictures Cruel Youth Half hour experimental film. A Kink In The Picasso Nick Polilous Colossimo Films Body Melt Johnno Body Melt Pty Ltd THEATRE Ladies Night Barry Gateway Theatre Prods. MC With over 20 years experience, Andrew has worked regularly as MC for various companies including: Cannes International Advertising Awards (4 times) Vic Tourism Awards (3 times) Tasmania Tourism Awards (2 times) Banksia Environmental Awards (3 times) Video Ezy Awards (3 times) Young Leaders Foundation (Guest Speaker) Miss Universe Returns to Australia China Tourism Re-launch Qantas Greg Norman Golf Day Qantas John Travolta & Frequent Fliers Cetnaj 30 th Anniversary Writers Festival (Sydney, Adelaide, Melbourne, Brisbane, Byron Bay) address 39a Newry Street Prahran Victoria 3181 Australia telephone 61 3 9525 1755 facisimile 61 3 9525 1988 email
[email protected] abn 45 007 137 671 a division of Deisfay Pty.