Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”



Weekday Missals are provided at the back of church for the use of those who assist at daily Mass. The page number for the Mass Readings for each day is printed below and also on the poster on the church notice board. SUNDAY 6TH JANUARY 2019 – SOLEMNITY OF THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD Epiphany is the earliest Christmas feast, originating in the East in the third century and passing to the West in the fourth century. The wise men, coming to Jesus from afar, represent all the people of the earth, to whom God now reveals himself in Christ. 10.30am Mass Offered for David Power

TUESDAY 8TH JANUARY 2019 10.00am Mass No Intention Requested Missal Page 135

THURSDAY 10TH JANUARY 2019 10.00am Mass No Intention Requested Missal Page 139

SATURDAY 12TH JANUARY 2019 11.00am Mass Offered for the People of the Missal Page 143 11.30am Sacrament of Reconciliation (Individual Confessions)

SUNDAY 13TH JANUARY 2019 – FEAST OF THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD This feast is celebrated on the Sunday after the Epiphany as the conclusion to the Christmas Season and commemorates the revelation of Jesus as God’s beloved Son, the Christ, anointed by the Spirit. 10.30am Mass Offered for Theresa Redford

RETIRING COLLECTION TODAY FOR CRIB OFFERINGS (To Support Christian Families in Need in the Holy Land)


The fourth meeting of the Preparation Course leading to First Holy Communion takes place this week on Wednesday (the 9th of January) at 5.45pm in Holy Family Primary School Hall. The theme of this session is: “Following Jesus – A New Way of Living”


We continue to hold in prayer before the Lord, those whose First Anniversaries of Death occur during this month: Doreen Southworth from Webster Street, Platt Bridge, who died on the 4th of January 2018 aged 84 years; and Mary Nash from Claydon Avenue, Ince, who died on the 10th of January 2018 aged 98 years.

THANK YOU Last Sunday’s Offertory £384.19

We are most grateful for a recent donation of £200 to Holy Family Church given according to the instructions of the late Theresa Redford from Winstanley Road, Bamfurlong, who died on the 7th of December. Theresa was a well-known and much loved member of the local community. May the Lord welcome her home.

HOLY FAMILY BONUS BALL WINNERS Wednesday December 5th –Number 41 To join, please see Margaret Lundy Wednesday December 12th –Number 53 at the back of church on Sundays Wednesday December 19th –Number 38 (£1 Stake for £30 Prize each week) Wednesday December 26th –Number 01


After being told in September by a local heating engineer that one of the church heating boilers had already departed this life, that the other was in decline, and that both would have to be replaced, we were then told in October, by an engineer sent to assess the situation from the Archdiocese, that parts were available and that the defunct boiler was repairable. Then in December, after the parts arrived (for the second time - they had sent the wrong parts in November) and were ready to be fitted, it was realised that the broken boiler was in fact beyond repair and both would indeed have to be replaced at a cost of around £25,000. And now we’re in January!

The good news is that the other remaining boiler has continued to function and to provide us with heat in church throughout this time. Stay tuned for further developments!


Some copies of the 2019 Directory of the Archdiocese of Liverpool are available from the Catholic Newspaper table at the back of church priced at £3.50 each. The Directory gives details of all the parishes, schools, clergy and organisations within the Archdiocese of Liverpool together with the times of Mass at each church.


The Catholic Pictorial is the official monthly magazine of the Archdiocese of Liverpool. A number of copies are available free of charge from the back of church at the beginning of each month. The Catholic Pictorial is also available online at www.catholicpic.co.uk.


The deadline to apply for a place at Saint John Rigby College in Orrell for admission next September is Monday the 4th of February 2019. Applications can be made online at the college website www.sjr.ac.uk

DIARY DATES FOR 2019 Sunday 27th January An Appeal and Retiring Collection by Aid to the Church in Need Sunday 24th February Mill Hill/APF Red Mission Box Recruitment Appeal (No Retiring Collection) Wednesday 6th March Ash Wednesday and the Beginning of Lent. Sunday 31st March British Summer Time Begins (Clocks Forward) Sunday 21st April Easter Sunday – The Resurrection of the Lord Saturday 25th May Wedding of Katie Rourke and Dean Williams (3pm) Thursday 30th May The Ascension of the Lord (Holyday of Obligation). Sunday 9th June Pentecost Sunday Sunday 23rd June Corpus Christi (Solemn Exposition during the day) Sunday 30th June Saints Peter & Paul (Transferred Holyday) Thursday 15th August Assumption of Our Lady (Holyday of Obligation) Sunday 27th October British Summer Time Ends (Clocks Back) Friday 1st November All Saints (Holyday of Obligation) Sunday 1st December First Sunday of Advent Wednesday 25th December Christmas – The Nativity of the Lord


Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”



Weekday Missals are provided at the back of church for the use of those who assist at daily Mass. The page number for the Mass Readings for each day is printed below and also on the poster on the church notice board.

SUNDAY 13TH JANUARY 2019 – FEAST OF THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD This feast is celebrated on the Sunday after the Epiphany as the conclusion to the Christmas Season and commemorates the revelation of Jesus as God’s beloved Son, the Christ, anointed by the Spirit. 10.30am Mass Offered for Theresa Redford

TUESDAY 15TH JANUARY 2019 10.00am Mass Offered for Deacon Tony Arrowsmith Missal Page 487

THURSDAY 17TH JANUARY 2019 – CELEBRATING SAINT ANTHONY OF EGYPT Anthony, who lived in the third and fourth centuries, gave away all his possessions and sought the austere life and solitude of the desert at an early age. He attracted followers who formed communities of hermits, and so is regarded as the founder of the monastic way of life. He lived until age of 105. 10.00am Mass Offered for Father Alex Fleming Missal Page 491

SATURDAY 19TH JANUARY 2019 11.00am Mass Offered for the People of the Parish Missal Page 494 11.30am Sacrament of Reconciliation (Individual Confessions)

SUNDAY 20TH JANUARY 2019 – SECOND SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for Kevin Peter Carlon


The Church celebrates the mystery of Christ according to the rhythm of a yearly cycle whose climax is the three- days celebration of The Easter Triduum. The seasons of Lent and Easter (and, to a somewhat lesser extent, the seasons of Advent and Christmas) are the most solemn times of the year. The yearly cycle is completed by the thirty four weeks which comprise Ordinary Time.

Ordinary Time begins on the Monday after the Sunday following the Feast of the Epiphany and continues until the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. It begins again on the Monday after Pentecost and ends on the afternoon before the First Sunday of Advent.

While the other liturgical seasons have their own distinctive character and celebrate a specific aspect of the mystery of Christ, the weeks of Ordinary Time, especially the Sundays, are devoted rather to the mystery of Christ in all its aspects.

Ordinary Time enables the Church to appreciate more fully the ministry and message of Christ. The Lectionary for Mass provides a semi-continuous reading of the Synoptic Gospels on the Sundays in Ordinary Time over a three- yearly cycle (denoted by the letter A - The Year of the Gospel of Matthew - or B -The Year of the Gospel of Mark - or C - The Year of the Gospel of Luke) and in such a way that, as the Lord’s words and deeds unfold, the teaching proper to each of these gospels is presented. THANK YOU Offertory Collection £399.03 FOR LAST WEEK Crib Offerings £78.93


Throughout the course of the year, the Church recommends particular intentions for us to remember in prayer. During these opening weeks of Ordinary Time, these are: For Peace on Earth (especially on Peace Sunday on the 20th of January, the Second Sunday of Ordinary Time); For the Unity of all Christians (especially during the Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity from the 18th to the 25th of January).


Is there a specific devotional item you would like to buy, maybe for your home or as a gift for a loved one, which our Piety Shop does not stock? Perhaps a crucifix to put on a shelf or hang on the wall, or a particular statue of Our Lady or one of the saints, or a prayer book or rosary? See Rita Abbott or Cecilia Hughes (they are both members of the choir) who have catalogues available for you to view and who can then order the item for you. Please allow three or four weeks for delivery.


Father Ian O’Shea will lead an informal evening on the theme of A Walk Through the Mass in Saint Patrick’s Church, Hardybutts, Wigan next Friday the 18th of January at 6.00pm for any who may be interested in learning a little more about the Mass and the meaning behind its actions and symbols. (Do you know why the priest kisses the altar at the start of Mass? Why is a drop of water poured into the chalice of wine at the Preparation of the Gifts?) Everyone is very welcome to go along.


Volunteers are needed to help run a support group for female asylum seekers and refugees which meets every Wednesday from 10.30am to 12 noon. If you can help please email [email protected] or telephone 01942 51657. The group meets at SWAP, Pension St, Wigan, WNI 2LP.


The group meets on Thursdays from 1.30pm till 3.30pm in Penson Street Community Centre, Wigan, and would love to welcome new members. There is a varied and interesting programme of visiting speakers and workshops for the interest of its members. Forthcoming topics "Holiday Trips" (on Thursday the 17th of January, a Beetle Drive (on Thursday the 24th of January), and The Work of Age Concern (on Thursday the 31st of January). For further information ring Margaret Rowe 01942 247403.


Fully escorted Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine, Ireland departing on the 13th May 2019. Cost £649.00 per person sharing. Price includes flight with 10kg hand luggage, all taxes, luxury transfers, 4 nights’ in Knock House Hotel with full Irish Breakfast each morning and 4 Course Dinner each evening. All entertainment, excursions/guided tours included. Wheelchair accessible rooms in the hotel. Limited single rooms at supplement of £100. Groups and Individual bookings welcome. Please contact Patricia on 01268 762 278 or 07740 175557 or email [email protected] for more details and bookings.


Fatima by air from the 24th to the 28th of March 2019 for the Feast of the Annunciation. Cost for Half Board is £349 (Twin/Double room) Or Lourdes by air from the 21st to the 25th of April 2019 departing Easter Sunday. Cost for Full Board is £499 (Twin/Double room). Contact Leisure Time Travel on 0151 287 8000.


Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”



Weekday Missals are provided at the back of church for the use of those who assist at daily Mass. The page number for the Mass Readings for each day is printed below and also on the poster on the church notice board. SUNDAY 20TH JANUARY 2019 – SECOND SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for Kevin Peter Carlon

TUESDAY 22ND JANUARY 2019 10.00am Mass Offered for the Intentions of L.I.S.C.F. Missal Page 498

THURSDAY 24TH JANUARY 2019 – CELEBRATING SAINT FRANCIS DE SALES Francis de Sales was born in 1567 into an influential family where he was destined to work in government positions of authority. Instead, he felt a call to the priesthood and was ordained for the Diocese of Geneva. Later he became bishop of that diocese and was known for his gentleness and his strong defence against Calvinism. He was an inspirational preacher and author and helped found the Sisters of the Visitation. 10.00am Mass Offered for Agnes Turner Missal Page 502

SATURDAY 26TH JANUARY 2019 – CELEBRATING SAINTS TIMOTHY AND TITUS Timothy and Titus were trusted friends and co-workers of Apostle Paul who they regarded as their spiritual father. Paul wrote letters to encourage them. According to tradition, Timothy was eventually placed in charge of the Church at Ephesus while Titus was asked to organise the Church in Crete. 11.00am Mass Offered for the People of the Parish Missal Page 506 11.30am Sacrament of Reconciliation (Individual Confessions)

SUNDAY 27TH JANUARY 2019 –THIRD SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for Stan, Barbara and Sandra King 11.45am Celebration of Baptism for Benjamin Luke Turner


“Although not everyone is able to read the Scriptures, some because they have never learned to read, others because their daily activities keep them from such study, still so that their souls will not be lost through ignorance, the Church has gathered together the whole of the Faith in a few concise articles.

So, for the present, be content to listen to the simple words of the Creed and to memorise them; at some suitable time you can find the proof of each article in the Scriptures.

This summary of the Faith was not composed at man’s whim, the most important sections were chosen from the whole Scripture to constitute and complete a comprehensive statement of the faith. Just as the mustard seed contains in a small grain many branches, so this brief statement of the Faith keeps in its heart, as it were, all the religious truth to be found in Old and New Testament alike.

That is why, my brothers and sisters, you must consider and preserve the traditions you are now receiving. Inscribe them across your heart.” From an Instructions to Catechumens by Saint Cyril of Jerusalem THANK YOU FOR LAST WEEK Offertory Collection £336.58


Next weekend we will be joined by Terry Gorman, Area Secretary for Aid to the Church in Need (ACN)who will speak about the work they do and appeal for our support.

Aid to the Church in Need is an international aid organisation of the , which yearly offers financial support to more than 5,000 projects worldwide. It aims to help Christians in need, wherever they are repressed or persecuted and therefore prevented from living according to their faith.

There will be a retiring collection after Mass next Sunday to support the work of ACN and there will be a small piety stall with items from their catalogue available for you to buy.


On Sunday the 3rd of February Archbishop Malcolm will formally celebrate the calling of a Synod for the Archdiocese of Liverpool in an Inauguration Service at 3.00pm in the Metropolitan Cathedral. This will begin an important period of time leading up to the Synod itself in October 2020. As the Archbishop himself said in his Pastoral Letter for Synod Sunday 2018, “The Synod is the time when we choose the path to walk on.”

Everyone is welcome to come along to this Service of Inauguration. The Synod Members (parish, deanery, and other delegates) will be mandated to undertake their task and we will all be invited to pray with and for them and for the working of our Synod. Why not go along and join Archbishop Malcolm and the Synod Delegates at 3.00pm on Sunday the 3rd of February in the Metropolitan Cathedral.


Do you, or does someone you know, think that they are being called by the Lord to serve their parish as a Deacon of the Archdiocese of Liverpool? Archbishop Malcolm will be hosting a further information evening for men who may be thinking about beginning the process of discernment and formation for the diaconate. The meeting is on Monday the 28th of January at Saint Anne’s, Overbury Street, Liverpool, L7 3HJ, beginning with refreshments at 7.00pm and ending at 9.00pm. After a talk by Archbishop Malcom about the ministry of deacons in our archdiocese, Father Chris Fallon will explain the process of formation , two deacons and their wives will share their different experiences, and there will be time for questions.

Anyone interested may wish to have a chat with Deacon Mike or with Pearse McDonagh who himself has begun the process of formation to serve as a deacon for Holy Family Parish.


The FCJ Sisters (Faithful Companions of Jesus) think there’s nothing quite like religious life! They find it to be an extraordinary adventure into a deep relationship with God. And they’d like you to share that experience.

They’re holding a Vocation Discernment Weekend between the 15th and the 17th of February at their house in Liverpool for young women in their 20’s or 30’s (or thereabouts!) who are welcome to stay for the weekend or just come along on Saturday for the day. There’ll be opportunity for prayer, reflection and input, the chance to ask questions and to meet others who are also wondering where God is calling them. For more information contact Sister Lynne at [email protected] or visit their website at www.fcjsisters.org


Got the flu? You have our sympathy. But please think before coming to church if you’re full of a very bad cold or the flu. If you come to church when you’re ill, it’s highly likely that others will catch your cold or bug. This can be very serious for those parishioners whose immune systems are low. So, if you’re not well, perhaps stay at home, keep warm, and keep the Lord’s Day by joining in Mass on the internet (www.churchservices.tv or www.mcnmedia.tv) or pray quietly in your own way. It’s not a sin to miss Mass if you’re sick!


Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”



Today we welcome Terry Gorman, who is the North West Area Representative for Aid to the Church in Need (A.C.N.) who comes to speak to us about the vital work it does. A.C.N. was founded in 1947 by a Dutch priest, Father Werenfried van Straaten. Today, it supports persecuted Christians in over 140 countries throughout the world, wherever they are oppressed or persecuted or prevented from living out their Christian faith. It receives no public or official Church funding, relying solely on the generosity of individual benefactors and parishes. Statistics have shown that more Christians died for their faith in the Twentieth Century than in all the previous nineteen centuries put together. And the number of these modern-day martyrs continues to rise.

There will be a Retiring Collection today to give us the opportunity to show our support for our many fellow

Christians who must live in fear of persecution and even death, simply because they are Christians.

We welcome into the People of God and into our Parish Family through the CELEBRATION OF BAPTISM today: Benjamin Luke Turner, who was born on the 28th of August 2018, the son of Richard and Rachel Turner from Jennings Park Avenue, Abram.

Next Sunday the 3rd of February Archbishop Malcolm will formally celebrate THE CALLING OF SYNOD 2020 for the Archdiocese of Liverpool in an Inauguration Service at 3.00pm in the Metropolitan Cathedral. This will begin an important period of time leading up to the Synod itself in October 2020. As the Archbishop himself said in his Pastoral Letter for Synod Sunday 2018, “The Synod is the time when we choose the path to walk on.” The Synod Members (parish, deanery, and other delegates) will be mandated to undertake their task and we will all be invited to pray with and for them and for the working of our Synod. Why not go along and join Archbishop Malcolm and the Synod Delegates at 3.00pm next Sunday in the Metropolitan Cathedral. Everyone welcome.

Wigan Lourdes Association have a few places available on their PILGRIMAGE TO WALSINGHAM in July. The cost is £230.00, leaving from Saint Mary’s Church, Standishgate, Wigan after the 9.00am Mass on Monday the 8th of July and returning on Friday the 11th July. Telephone 01942 619996 or call at the Wigan Lourdes Shop on Wigan Lane, Standishgate for more information and to book a place.

The Family Life Department of the Archdiocese of Liverpool offers a series of informal meetings twice a year, in February and September, to support anyone, DIVORCED OR SEPARATED, finding it hard going through a relationship breakdown, either recently or in the past. The meetings are in small groups and are free, confidential, informative and affirming. Topics will cover: Facing the effects of what’s happened; Communication and conflict resolution; Letting go; Managing other relationships; Legal matters; an being single and moving forward. For details of times and venues please contact Maureen O’Brien on 07967 753 371 or Jacqui Selleck on 07793 825 815.

THANK YOU Last Sunday’s Offertory Collection £446.27 VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED to help run a support group for female asylum seekers and refugees which meets every Wednesday from 10.30am to 12 noon. If you can help please email [email protected] or telephone 01942 51657. The group meets at SWAP, Pension St, Wigan, WNI 2LP.

The BRICK BOX in the piety shop at the back of church is there to receive any contributions you may wish to make towards the food bank which is run by The Brick to support those who are homeless or down on their luck in the Wigan area. Donations are welcome of any non-perishable food items – tinned and packet food and dried goods such as rice and pasta - as well as baby food and nappies, ladies sanitary items, and basic toiletries such as soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes.

Our heartfelt thanks for RECENT DONATIONS to Holy Family Church of £500 from the Trammers Line Dancing Group and of £25 in memory of Bob and Cecilia Burgess received from John, Celia, Mark, Julie, Charlotte and Isabelle.

As a consideration to others (and as a Health and Safety issue!) please remember to RAISE THE BENCH KNEELER each time before you leave the bench to go home. When left in a downward position the kneelers are a trip hazard for any elderly or vision-impaired Mass-goers. Plus raising the kneelers is a great help to those who very kindly clean the church on our behalf.

Please continue to take a WHITE COLLECTING TIN from the back of church to put your loose change in and then, when it’s full, return it to church and take another one to fill. A total of £1,031 has been donated so far via the tins for Holy Family Church. And William, our Altar Server, will continue to be at the church door with his orange bucket at the end of Mass most Sundays to receive any loose change you may wish to donate on a weekly basis. Many thanks for your support of this loose change collection initiative - it does make a big difference to church funds.


Weekday Missals are provided at the back of church for the use of those who assist at daily Mass. The page number for the Mass Readings for each day is printed below and also on the poster on the church notice board.

SUNDAY 27TH JANUARY 2019 –THIRD SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for Stan, Barbara and Sandra King 11.45am Celebration of Baptism for Benjamin Luke Turner

TUESDAY 29TH JANUARY 2019 10.00am Mass Offered for Father Tom Cullinan Missal Page 509

THURSDAY 31ST JANUARY 2019 – CELEBRATING SAINT JOHN BOSCO Born in 1815, John grew up in extreme poverty and, after ordination as priest, devoted his whole life to educating young people, especially the poor. For this he founded the Salesians, men and women who continue this work with youth throughout the world. John is remembered for his cheerfulness and total trust in the providence of God. 10.00am Mass Offered for James Carlon Missal Page 514

SATURDAY 2ND FEBRUARY 2019 – CELEBRATING THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD Being an observant Jewish couple, it stands to reason that Mary and Joseph went to the Temple for Mary's purification, as prescribed by Mosaic Law, forty days after Jesus' birth. In the person of the newly-born Jesus, the God of Israel meets his people, represented by the elderly Simeon and Anna. The blessing and procession of candles were later added to the liturgy of this feast, giving it the popular name “Candlemas.” 11.00am Mass Offered for the People of the Parish Missal Page 1580 11.30am Sacrament of Reconciliation (Individual Confessions)

SUNDAY 3RD FEBRUARY 2019 – FOURTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for Maureen Cusick


Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”


The fifth meeting for PARENTS AND CHILDREN PREPARING FOR FIRST HOLY COMMUNION takes place this week on Wednesday the 6th of February at 5.45pm in Holy Family School Hall. The theme of this session is: “Lord, Teach us to Pray”. The children will begin to receive the Eucharist and make their First Holy Communion during Mass at 11.00am on Saturday the 1st of June.

Our congratulations to those celebrating their FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF BAPTISM during this month, especially Isabella Jayne Fitzpatrick-Maher, daughter of Paul Maher and Sophie Fitzpatrick from Fourth Street, Bamfurlong, who was baptised at Holy Family on the 11th of February 2018. And we continue to hold in prayer before the Lord those whose FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF DEATH occurs this month, and in particular May Fazakerley from Belong Village, Platt Bridge who died on the 25th of February 2018 at the age of 105 years.

Copies of the February issue of THE CATHOLIC PICTORIAL are available from the back of church this weekend for you to take. The Catholic Pictorial is the free monthly magazine of the Archdiocese of Liverpool containing news of events and happenings to help the people of the diocese keep in touch with one another and help us see the bigger picture. There’s also a monthly message from the Archbishop and reports of recent clergy deaths. Please take a copy home with you from Mass this weekend.

Today (Sunday the 3rd of February) Archbishop Malcolm will formally celebrate the CALLING OF THE 2020 SYNOD of the Archdiocese of Liverpool in an Inauguration Service (not a Mass) at 3.00pm in the Metropolitan Cathedral. This begins an important period of time leading up to the Synod itself in October 2020. As the Archbishop himself said in his Pastoral Letter for Synod Sunday 2018, “The Synod is the time when we choose the path to walk on.” The Synod Members (parish, deanery, and other delegates) will be mandated to undertake their task and we will all be invited to pray with and for them and for the working of our Synod. Why not go along and join Archbishop Malcolm and the Synod Delegates at 3.00pm today in the Metropolitan Cathedral. Synod Prayer Cards are available from the back of church this weekend. Please take one home with you and include a prayer for God’s blessing on the Synod in your own daily prayer. Every parish has also been sent a special banner to be displayed in church to help remind us to keep Synod 2020 regularly in our prayers.

Archbishop Malcolm invites you to join him at 11.00am on Sunday the 17th of February in the Metropolitan Cathedral in Liverpool for the ANNUAL CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGE AND FAMILY LIFE. The Mass will include the Renewal of Marriage Vows and a Special Blessing for any who have recently, or will be celebrating this year, significant anniversaries. Refreshments will be served for all afterwards in the Gibberd Room. Everyone welcome.

You are warmly invited to a special BBC SONGS OF PRAISE recording of hymns and songs at Bolton’s Victoria Hall this March featuring Shalom Chorale, winners of Songs of Praise Gospel Choir of the Year 2018 and some very special guests. All are welcome and they are especially keen for enthusiastic singers to join and lead the viewers at home in the singing. They would love to see every seat filled, so please only apply if you are definitely able to go. Recording is on Friday the 8th March from 6.30pm to 9.30pm at Bolton’s Victoria Hall 37 Knowsley Street, Bolton, BL1 2AS To apply for free tickets, please send your name, address, contact phone number and number of tickets requested to [email protected]. Please include ‘Songs of Praise Bolton’ in your subject header. Alternatively, you can telephone 0161 873 7073 to book your tickets. THANK YOU Last Sunday’s Offertory Collection £330.78 Aid to the Church in Need Appeal £298.46

Any further donations for Aid to the Church in Need, or any payments owed for any piety stall items taken on credit last Sunday, can be handed in to the sacristy or placed in the collection basket at Mass (in an envelope marked “Aid to the Church in Need”) and they will be sent on to Terry Gorman after next weekend.

Throughout the course of the year, the Church recommends particular PRAYER INTENTIONS to us. During these weeks of Ordinary Time leading up to the beginning of Lent, these intentions are: For the victims of human trafficking and those who work to combat it (especially on the Feast of Saint Josephine Bakhita on Friday the 8th of February); For the sick and those who care for them (especially on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and the World Day of Prayer for the Sick on Monday the 11th of February); For an end to discrimination based on race or colour or nationality (especially on Racial Justice Day on Sunday the 17th of February); For the long-term unemployed (especially on the Day for the Unemployed on the 3rd of March, the Sunday before the start of Lent).

Wigan Lourdes Association have a few places available on their PILGRIMAGE TO WALSINGHAM in July. The cost is £230.00, leaving from Saint Mary’s Church, Standishgate, Wigan after the 9.00am Mass on Monday the 8th of July and returning on Friday the 11th July. Telephone 01942 619996 or call at the Wigan Lourdes Shop on Wigan Lane, Standishgate for more information and to book a place.

JUST CHAT is the title of a short workshop aimed at helping ordinary parishioners in ordinary parishes to engage with refugees and asylum seekers at a very simple but important level – by just having a chat with them! It takes place on Saturday the 16th of February at Saint Benedict’s, Rhodes Street, Warrington, WA2 7QE from 10.00am to 1.00pm. To register for a place contact Maria Hardacre on [email protected] or phone her on 0151 522 1081.

Please continue to take a WHITE COLLECTING TIN from the back of church to put your loose change in and then, when it’s full, return it to church and take another one to fill. A total of £1,031 has been donated so far via the tins for Holy Family Church. And William, our Altar Server, will continue to be at the church door with his orange bucket at the end of Mass every Sunday to receive any loose change you may wish to donate on a weekly basis. Many thanks for your support of this loose change collection initiative - it does make a big difference to church funds.


Weekday Missals are provided at the back of church for the use of those who assist at daily Mass. The page number for the Mass Readings for each day is printed below and also on the poster on the church notice board.

SUNDAY 3RD FEBRUARY 2019 – FOURTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for Maureen Cusick

TUESDAY 5TH FEBRUARY 2019 – CELEBRATING SAINT AGATHA Agatha was arrested during the persecution of Decius in 251. Tortured for her beauty and tempted to violate her chastity, Agatha was eventually martyred. 10.00am Mass Offered for Jimmy Farrell Missal Page 522

THURSDAY 7TH FEBRUARY 2019 10.00am Mass Offered for the People of the Parish Missal Page 526

SATURDAY 9TH FEBRUARY 2019 11.00am Mass Offered for Archbishop Missal Page 530 11.30am Sacrament of Reconciliation (Individual Confessions)

SUNDAY 10TH FEBRUARY 2019 – FIFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for Winifred Atherton 11.45am Celebration of Baptism for Alfie Joseph Jolley


Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”


We welcome into the People of God and into our Parish Family through the CELEBRATION OF BAPTISM today: Alfie Joseph Jolley, who was born on the 21st of September 2018, the son of Darryl Jolley and Katie Palombella from Warrington Road, Abram.

Archbishop Malcolm invites you to join him at 11.00am next Sunday the 17th of February in the Metropolitan Cathedral in Liverpool for the ANNUAL CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGE AND FAMILY LIFE. The Mass will include the Renewal of Marriage Vows and a Special Blessing for any who have recently, or will be celebrating this year, significant anniversaries. Refreshments will be served for all afterwards in the Gibberd Room. Everyone welcome.

Irenaeus invite you to THURSDAY SCRIPTURE MORNINGS If anyone has ears to Hear: Reflections on the Book of Revelation taking place from 10.30am to 12 noon on the 21st and 28th of February and the 7th and 14th of March, and also to a SCRIPTURE WEEKEND Seek ye first the Kingdom of God: Reflections on the Parables of Jesus taking place from the 1st to the 3rd of March, both taking place at 32 Great Georges Road, Liverpool, L22 1RD. For more information or to reserve a place please contact [email protected] or telephone 0151 949 1199 or visit the website at www.irenaeus.co.uk

JUST CHAT is the title of a short workshop aimed at helping ordinary parishioners in ordinary parishes to engage with refugees and asylum seekers at a very simple but important level – by just having a chat with them! It takes place on Saturday the 16th of February at Saint Benedict’s, Rhodes Street, Warrington, WA2 7QE from 10.00am to 1.00pm. To register for a place contact Maria Hardacre on [email protected] or phone 0151 522 1081.

You are invited to join Bishop Tom Williams and the Archdiocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage Association for the celebration of MASS IN HONOUR OF OUR LADY OF LOURDES this Monday the 11th of February (The Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes) at 7.30pm at Christ the King Church, Queens Drive, Childwall, Liverpool, L15 6YQ. All welcome.

You are warmly invited to a special BBC SONGS OF PRAISE recording of hymns and songs at Bolton’s Victoria Hall this March featuring Shalom Chorale, winners of Songs of Praise Gospel Choir of the Year 2018 and some very special guests. All are welcome and they are especially keen for enthusiastic singers to join and lead the viewers at home in the singing. They would love to see every seat filled, so please only apply if you are definitely able to go. Recording is on Friday the 8th March from 6.30pm to 9.30pm at Bolton’s Victoria Hall 37 Knowsley Street, Bolton, BL1 2AS To apply for free tickets, please send your name, address, contact phone number and number of tickets requested to [email protected]. Please include ‘Songs of Praise Bolton’ in your subject header. Alternatively, you can telephone 0161 873 7073 to book your tickets.

If you’ve never read a CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER then why not give it a try this week? Keep informed of what’s happening in the world and in the Church and view events through a faith perspective – plus there are items on travel, entertainment, current affairs and of family interest. The Catholic Universe is on sale each week from the back of church, priced at £1.30.

THANK YOU Last Sunday’s Offertory Collection £370.53 HOLY FAMILY BONUS BALL WINNERS Wednesday January 2nd – Number 21

To join, please see Margaret Lundy Wednesday January 9th – Number 18 at the back of church on Sundays Wednesday January 16th – Number 08 Wednesday January 23rd – Number 38 (£1 Stake for £30 Prize each week) Wednesday January 30th – Number 02

Due to the popularity of the Christmas Workshops, the Metropolitan Cathedral in Liverpool will be offering CREATIVE WORKSHOPS leading up to Easter. These will start on Tuesday the 5th of March from 1.00pm to 4.00pm in the Gibberd Room at the Cathedral and will last for 6 weeks. Participants will be working with fresh flowers and greenery from the cathedral garden for three of the weeks, and will be making unique decorations to hang in their homes or parishes for two weeks. On one of the weeks there will be a masterclass in making your own jewellery. The first session on Tuesday the 5th of March is ‘Welcome Spring’. The cost of the course is £60 per person for the full six weeks. To reserve a place (hurry - places are limited) and for any other details, please contact Claire Hanlon at [email protected] or phone her at the Cathedral Office on 0151 709 9222.

The Family Life Department of the Archdiocese of Liverpool offers a series of informal meetings twice a year, in February and September, to support anyone, DIVORCED OR SEPARATED, finding it hard going through a relationship breakdown, either recently or in the past. The meetings are in small groups and are free, confidential, informative and affirming. Topics will cover: Facing the effects of what’s happened; Communication and conflict resolution; Letting go; Managing other relationships; Legal matters; an being single and moving forward. For details of times and venues please contact Maureen O’Brien on 07967 753 371 or Jacqui Selleck on 07793 825 815.


Weekday Missals are provided at the back of church for the use of those who assist at daily Mass. The page number for the Mass Readings for each day is printed below and also on the poster on the church notice board.

SUNDAY 10TH FEBRUARY 2019 – FIFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for Winifred Atherton 11.45am Celebration of Baptism for Alfie Joseph Jolley

TUESDAY 12TH FEBRUARY 2019 10.00am Mass Offered for the Intentions of Sheila and Alfred Hincks Missal Page 534

THURSDAY 14TH FEBRUARY 2019 – CELEBRATING SAINTS CYRIL AND METHODIUS These two brothers from Thessalonica (Greece) preached the Gospel in Moravia during the 9th Century using their own translations of the Scriptures and the liturgy in the local language, based on an alphabet they invented, now called the Cyrillic alphabet. Their success aroused jealous opposition. Cyril and Methodius are honoured as apostles of the Slavic peoples. Together they are remembered for their contribution to Slavic culture, for their missionary inculturation of the faith, and for establishing links between East and West. Since 1980 they have been recognised as patrons of Europe. 10.00am Mass Offered for the Intentions of Mike and Liz Swift Missal Page 538

SATURDAY 16TH FEBRUARY 2019 11.00am Mass Offered for the People of the Parish Missal Page 542 11.30am Sacrament of Reconciliation (Individual Confessions)

SUNDAY 17TH FEBRUARY 2019 – SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for Sean Dixon 11.45am Celebration of Baptism for Ava Marie Benson


Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”


Welcome to the People of God and our Parish Family, through THE CELEBRATION OF BAPTISM today, to Ava Marie Benson, born on September 4th 2018, daughter of Jamie Benson and Jordan Ormshaw from Lily Lane, Bamfurlong.

NEXT SUNDAY WE WILL BE JOINED BY FATHER EMMANUEL MBEH, a Mill Hill Missionary. He’s coming, not to make an appeal for money (so there will not be a retiring collection next Sunday) but to appeal for more of us to take into our homes one of the small red Mission Boxes into which we can put a small amount from time to time and which are emptied quarterly and sent to the APF/Mill Hill Missionaries to help finance their work overseas. He’s also coming to personally thank those who do already have a Red Box in their homes for generous donations to the missions from Holy Family parishioners of £1,263 in 2017 and £1,367 in 2018. Thanks also to John Winstanley who co-ordinates the APF/Mill Hill Red Mission Box initiative in our parish.

Have a browse through our BOOK SALE AT THE BACK OF CHURCH. There’s a wide range of titles available, covering such subjects as Prayer, the Saints, the Sacraments, the Scriptures, the Catholic Faith, Morality and Contemporary Issues, and much, much more. Usually priced at £2.50 and above we offer them to you at just 50p each to help you grow in prayer and discipleship of the Lord. More titles will be available in the coming weeks, especially with Lent approaching. Have a browse through and buy a few titles for just 50p each when you come to Mass every week and build up your collection of Catholic reading matter – maybe even buy one to give to a friend too.

The Cor et Lumen Christi community invite you to join them for CATHOLIC MIRACLE RALLY (NORTH) which is taking place at Our Lady’s Catholic High School, Preston, PR2 3SQ on Saturday the 9th and Sunday the 10th of March, to celebrate that Jesus is alive and that the miracle healing and loving power of his Spirit is moving in his Church today. Previously held in the Archdiocese of Westminster, and attracting over 1,000 participants each year, it is now coming to the North West of England for the first time. The weekend will include inspirational talks, joyful praise, intimste worship, prayer for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, Holy Mass on Sunday, and an Open Healing Service on Saturday evening. Speakers will include Bishop Paul Swarbrick (Bishop of Lancaster), Father Chris Thomas, Damian Stayne, Father Joseph Edattu and Maria Rodrigues. To book a place see www.coretlumenchristi.org or telephone 07588 159341.

Do you know (or are you yourself) a MAN IN LATER YEARS CONSIDERING A VOCATION THE PRIESTHOOD? Then you may be interested in a Discernment Weekend being run by The Beda College in Rome for men between the ages of 30 and 55 from Friday the 30th of August to Sunday the 1st of September 2019 and taking place at St Beuno’s Spirituality Centre in North Wales. The weekend is hoping to reach men who are not already officially in touch with their diocese and is a first step for those who may be exploring the possibility of priestly vocation in later life. Information and registration forms are at www.pathwaystogod.org/courses-events-retreats/discernment- weekend-older-men. Or for more details contact Canon Philip Gillepsie at [email protected] or Father Peter Verity at [email protected]. More information about the Beda College at https://bedacollege.org/

THANK YOU Last Sunday’s Offertory Collection £354.60

Our thanks for a donation of £30 to Holy Family Church in memory of Win Atherton from her daughter Mary. Due to the popularity of the Christmas Workshops, the Metropolitan Cathedral in Liverpool will be offering CREATIVE WORKSHOPS leading up to Easter. These will start on Tuesday the 5th of March from 1.00pm to 4.00pm in the Gibberd Room at the Cathedral and will last for 6 weeks. Participants will be working with fresh flowers and greenery from the cathedral garden for three of the weeks, and will be making unique decorations to hang in their homes or parishes for two weeks. On one of the weeks there will be a masterclass in making your own jewellery. The first session on Tuesday the 5th of March is ‘Welcome Spring’. The cost of the course is £60 per person for the full six weeks. To reserve a place (hurry - places are limited) and for any other details, please contact Claire Hanlon at [email protected] or phone her at the Cathedral Office on 0151 709 9222.

Reverend Alec Parkinson, Curate at Saint John's, Pemberton, is planning to lead a group to attend the PASSION PLAY AT OBERAMMERGAU for the 2020 performance, combined with holiday time in Austria, from the 13th to the 20th of May 2020. The cost will be £1,715 per person, including flights from Manchester, luggage, breakfast and dinner each day, and all gratuities. (supplement for single rooms £235). For more details please contact Revd. Alec Parkinson at 28 Townfields, Ashton-in-Makerfield, Wigan, WN4 9LJ or telephone him on 01942 272838 or email [email protected].

Last Tuesday, the 12th of February, cleared the way for the CANONISATION OF CARDINAL JOHN HENRY NEWMAN. Following the announcement, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, President of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales, issued the following statement: "This is wonderful news which will be greeted with thanks to God by people across the world. Newman’s exploration of faith, depth of personal courage, intellectual clarity and cultural sensitivity make him a deeply admired follower of Christ. He brings together so many of the best of Catholic traditions shared well beyond the Catholic Church. His canonisation wIll be welcomed especially in the Church of England and the wider Anglican Communion. For me the truly remarkable nature of this moment is that this is an English parish priest being declared a saint. During his life the people of Birmingham recognised his holiness and lined the streets at the time of his burial. I hope every parish priest in England will hold his head high today knowing Cardinal Newman is declared a saint." Cardinal John Henry Newman was beatified - declared a 'Blessed' - by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI on his historic state visit to the UK in September 2010. The date for his canonisation ceremony has not yet been decided.


Weekday Missals are provided at the back of church for the use of those who assist at daily Mass. The page number for the Mass Readings for each day is printed below and also on the poster on the church notice board.

SUNDAY 17TH FEBRUARY 2019 – SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for Sean Dixon 11.45am Celebration of Baptism for Ava Marie Benson

TUESDAY 19TH FEBRUARY 2019 10.00am Mass Offered for the Intentions of L.I.S.C.F. Missal Page 547

THURSDAY 21ST FEBRUARY 2019. 10.00am Mass No Intention Requested Missal Page 551

SATURDAY 23RD FEBRUARY 2019 – CELEBRATING SAINT POLYCARP Polycarp was martyred on this day about the year 155 at Smyrna (Turkey) where he had been the beloved and respected bishop. He was a disciple of John the apostle. Polycarp is remembered for his fearless acknowledgement of Christ and is honoured as one of the early apostolic fathers of the Church. 11.00am Mass No Intention Requested Missal Page 555 11.30am Sacrament of Reconciliation (Individual Confessions)

SUNDAY 24TH FEBRUARY 2019 – SEVENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for the People of the Parish


Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”



WELCOME TO FATHER EMMANUEL MBEH, a Mill Hill Missionary, who joins us for our celebration of Mass today. He’s here, not to make an appeal for money (so there will not be a retiring collection today) but to appeal for more of us to take into our homes one of the small red Mission Boxes into which we can put a small amount from time to time and which are emptied quarterly and sent to the APF/Mill Hill Missionaries to help finance their work overseas. He’s also here to personally thank those who do already have a Red Box in their homes for their generous donations to the missions from Holy Family parishioners amounting to £1,263 in 2017 and £1,367 in 2018. Thanks also to John Winstanley who co-ordinates the APF/Mill Hill Red Mission Box initiative in our parish.

Have a browse through our BOOK SALE AT THE BACK OF CHURCH. There’s a wide range of titles available, covering such subjects as Prayer, the Saints, the Sacraments, the Scriptures, the Catholic Faith, Morality and Contemporary Issues, and much, much more. Usually priced at £2.50 and above we offer them to you at just 50p each to help you grow in prayer and discipleship of the Lord. More titles will be available in the coming weeks, especially with Lent approaching. Have a browse through and buy a few titles for just 50p each when you come to Mass every week and build up your collection of Catholic reading matter – maybe even buy one to give to a friend too.

Archbishop Malcolm invites you to join him on the LIVERPOOL ARCHDIOCESAN 2019 PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES taking place from the 19th to the 26th of July. Depending on which hotel you wish to stay in, the cost varies between £750 and £850 per person. For further details, Independent pilgrims should contact Joe Walsh Tours on 0151 909 2871 or see the website at www.joewalshtours.co.uk. Pilgrims requiring assistance should contact the Lourdes Pilgrimage Office on 07484 911 623 or see the website at www.liverpool-lourdes.co.uk. The pilgrimage would also value help from doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals, musicians and singers, and adult helpers (aged 18+ no experience required, just a willing pair of hands). If you can help, please phone 07484 911 623 or email lourdespilgrimage.co.uk

Next Friday the 1st of March is the ANNUAL WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER and there will be an ecumenical service to commemorate the day at Wigan Parish Church at 2.00pm. The service has the theme “Come – Everything is Ready” and the worship material has been composed by the women of Slovenia. All women are welcome.

Volunteers are needed to run a support group for FEMALE ASYLUM SEEKERS AND REFUGEES which meets very Wednesday from 10.30am to 12 noon at SWAP, Penson St, Wigan, WNI 2LP. If you can help please get in touch by emailing [email protected] or phoning 01942 51657.

Reverend Alec Parkinson, Curate at Saint John's, Pemberton, is planning to lead a group to attend the PASSION PLAY AT OBERAMMERGAU for the 2020 performance, combined with holiday time in Austria, from the 13th to the 20th of May 2020. The cost will be £1,715 per person, including flights from Manchester, luggage, breakfast and dinner each day, and all gratuities. (supplement for single rooms £235). For more details please contact Revd. Alec Parkinson at 28 Townfields, Ashton-in-Makerfield, Wigan, WN4 9LJ or telephone him on 01942 272838 or email [email protected]. THANK YOU Last Sunday’s Offertory Collection £434.28

Three weeks ago, Archbishop Malcolm formally inaugurated SYNOD 2020 and commissioned its 500 delegates to begin the consultation process in the parishes and communities of our Archdiocese. (There’s a full report in the March issue of The Catholic Pictorial, available free-of-charge from the back of church this weekend.) Open meetings will take place later this year, where your views and hopes will be heard and shared with other delegates and synod leaders. But there’s one way in which every one of us can become involved right now. It’s by completing an online Synod Survey. The survey should take no more than 15 minutes of your time, beginning with praying the Synod Prayer.

At the heart of this survey are four Synod questions which begin from the truth that God speaks to us in our everyday lives and that, in them, we encounter Christ. We are invited to think about what we think the Catholic Church is for, going on to reflect on the questions, issues, and topics that we think our Synod should make recommendations on. There are two surveys (one for adults and one for young people under 18 years of age) and both can be accessed and completed at www.synod2020.co.uk. The closing date for completing the survey is the 30th of June 2019.

REGULAR SOCIAL, SUPPORT AND PRAYER GROUPS meet in the parish each week. New members and enquirers are always welcome. Either just turn up on the day or contact the named person for more information:

Trammers Line Dancing Group for men and women of all ages meets each Monday from 1.00pm to 3.00pm in Holy Family Parish Hall. Contact Sylvia Delargy on 01942 521482.

To help open the treasure of the scriptures, a Bible Study Group meets each Monday at 7.00pm in Saint Wilfrid’s Church, Bolton Road, Ashton-in-Makerfield. Contact Deacon Mike Swift on 01942 715177.

Coming to Jesus through Mary, members of the Legion of Mary meet to pray the Rosary each Tuesday at 10.30am in the Lady Chapel at Holy Family Church. Contact Mary Marsh on 01942 701091.

With activities and friendship for girls, Brownies and Guides meet each Wednesday in Holy Family Parish Hall, Brownies at 6.30pm (for girls aged 7 to 10 years) and Guides at 8.00pm (for girls aged 10 years and above). Contact Sheila Marcroft on 01942 861981.

Mothers and grandmothers meet to pray for their children at Mother’s Prayers each Thursday at 2.00pm in Holy Family Parish Hall. Contact Mary Marsh on 01942 701091.

For any who find it difficult to cope with the loss of a loved one, a Bereavement Support Group meets on the last Saturday of each month at 12.15pm in Holy Family Parish Hall. Contact Mary Marsh on 01942 701091.


Weekday Missals are provided at the back of church for the use of those who come to daily Mass. Page numbers below.

SUNDAY 24TH FEBRUARY 2019 – SEVENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for the People of the Parish

TUESDAY 26TH FEBRUARY 2019 10.00am Mass Offered for Harry Robinson Missal Page 559

THURSDAY 28TH FEBRUARY 2019. 10.00am Mass No Intention Requested Missal Page 563

SATURDAY 2ND MARCH 2019 11.00am Mass No Intention Requested Missal Page 567 11.30am Sacrament of Reconciliation (Individual Confessions)

SUNDAY 3RD MARCH 2019 – EIGHTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for Kevin Peter Carlon


Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”



Lent is the season in which we “prepare with joy for the paschal feast,” with minds and hearts renewed. In Lent, the community of faith is blessed with a spirit of loving reverence for God and of willing service to neighbour. The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and concludes before the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday.

“The liturgy of Lent is marked by two closely related themes, the baptismal and the penitential. It is a time of purification and enlightenment for the elect, those preparing to receive the sacraments of Easter initiation. In this they are helped by the local Church, the whole community of the faithful, who recall their own baptism and prepare for its renewal. Both the elect and the local community join together in a spirit of repentance and conversion of heart, making Lent a time of spiritual recollection for the whole Church as it prepares for the celebration of Easter. Therefore Lent is a time for more intense prayer and reflection and for particular attention to the word of God. This takes place above all in the Sunday eucharist. Lenten penance is not “only inward and individual, but also outward and social.” Prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and other works of charity are the traditional ways of deepening conversion to Christ. - From The General Introduction to the Roman Missal

ASH WEDNESDAY IS A PENITENTIAL DAY of Fasting (reducing the amount of food and drink we consume) and Abstinence (eating no meat or, for any vegetarians and vegans, keeping to a simple diet on this day). There will be TWO opportunities to receive ashes here at Holy Family on Ash Wednesday – during a Service (not Mass) at 10.00am with the children of Holy Family School or during an Evening Mass on Ash Wednesday at 7.00pm.

Each Sunday afternoon during Lent we will offer the opportunity for a HOLY HOUR in church from 3.00pm to 4.00pm, a time for prayerful reflection in the presence of the Lord exposed in the Blessed Sacrament, during which we will reflect on THE WAY OF THE CROSS with a different set of reflections each week. Why not make this Sunday afternoon Holy Hour part of your Lent prayer this year?

Our everyday failings (venial sins) are forgiven through prayer (especially an Act of Contrition), penance, and receiving the Eucharist. But sometimes we can fracture our relationship with the Lord and the Christian Community in a serious way (mortal sin) which can cause the life of Baptism to die in us. In such cases we need to allow the cleansing water of Baptism to flow over us and wash us clean again through THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION). There is an opportunity for those who wish (or may need) to celebrate this sacrament each Saturday at 11.30am. At any other time, just contact Father Tony to make arrangements.

Almsgiving is a traditional work of charity during Lent, especially the collection of LENTEN ALMS which are the financial gains we make from our Lent penance of “giving something up”. If not given personally by us to a charitable cause, then these are traditionally sent to the bishop who uses them to provide relief and support to the poor and needy. A retiring collection for these Lenten Alms will be held on the Fifth Sunday of Lent, the 7th of April.

THANK YOU Last Sunday’s Offertory Collection £393.43 Please TAKE (FREE-OF-CHARGE) A COPY OF THE BOOKLET Walk with Me home with you this weekend and use it as a help to your prayer life during the coming weeks. It offers a brief reflection for each day of Lent, based on the daily Mass Readings so, if you can’t get to Mass that day, you can still be one with the eucharistic gathering. The children in Holy Family Primary School are being given a Daily Lent -Calendar by the parish which contains simple activities to do on each day of the Lent season.

We continue to hold in prayer before the Lord those whose FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF DEATH occurs this month, and in particular Dorothy Blinkhorn from Marlborough Avenue, Ince who died on the 11th of March 2018 aged 88 years, Peggy Mason from Lily Lane, Platt Bridge who died on the 13th of March 2018 aged 92 years, and John Doran from Ruskin Crescent, Abram who died on the 20th of March 2018 aged 69 years.

Welcome to the parents and godparents who join us today as they begin PREPARATION FOR BAPTISM for their children during the Easter Season. Following Mass today, and for the next two Sundays, they will go along to Holy Family Parish Hall to meet with our catechists to consider the privilege and responsibility of being baptised.

Further donations to AID TO THE CHURCH IN NEED totalling £93 have been received following the appeal by Terry Gorman held on the 27th of January. These have been forwarded, bringing the appeal total now to £391.46

The Augustinian Community of Sisters invite Catholics in their 20’s to 40’s who enjoy walking to join them for a themed HOLIDAY-CUM-PILGRIMAGE from the 20th to the 27th of July, staying at their guest house at Boarbank Hall beside Morecambe Bay. The theme is “Thinking Faith: Pilgrimage” and includes a week of walking and visiting local pilgrimage sites in Cumbria and North Lancashire (Fernyhlagh and Ladyewell, Cartmel, Furness Abbey, Dodding Green) combined with shared times for social gathering and prayer, films and fun, with a comfortable bed and decent meals! For more details see the website at www.boarbankhall.org.uk or contact Sister Margaret at [email protected]. (The guest house at Boarbank Hall is open to individuals and families all year round for holiday or retreat or just some quiet time to relax and, since the Sisters do not want anyone to miss out on grounds of cost, anyone who needs may stay on a donation-only basis).


Weekday Missals are provided at the back of church for the use of those who assist at daily Mass. The page number for the Mass Readings for each day is printed below and also on the poster on the church notice board.

SUNDAY 3RD MARCH 2019 – EIGHTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for Kevin Peter Carlon

TUESDAY 5TH MARCH 2019 10.00am Mass Offered for Kevin Needham Missal Page 571


ASH WEDNESDAY 6TH MARCH 2019 - A DAY OF FASTING AND ABSTINENCE 10.00am Service of Ashes (not Mass) with the Children of Holy Family School 7.00pm Mass with the Distribution of Ashes

THURSDAY 7TH MARCH 2019. 10.00am Mass Offered for the People of the Parish Missal Page 155

SATURDAY 9TH MARCH 2019 11.00am Mass Offered for the Intentions of L.I.S.C.F. Missal Page 161 11.30am Sacrament of Reconciliation (Individual Confessions)

SUNDAY 10TH MARCH 2019 – FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for Margaret Staniforth ►3.00pm◄ Holy Hour with Reflections on the Way of the Cross


Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”


Please TAKE A COPY OF THE FREE LEAFLET The Meaning of Lent home with you this weekend.

Each Sunday afternoon during Lent we will offer the opportunity for a HOLY HOUR in church from 3.00pm to 4.00pm, a time for prayerful reflection in the presence of the Lord exposed in the Blessed Sacrament, during which we will reflect on THE WAY OF THE CROSS with a different set of reflections each week. Why not make this Sunday afternoon Holy Hour part of your Lent prayer this year?

Our everyday failings (venial sins) are forgiven through prayer (especially an Act of Contrition), penance, and receiving the Eucharist. But sometimes we can fracture our relationship with the Lord and the Christian Community in a serious way (mortal sin) which can cause the life of Baptism to die in us. In such cases we need to allow the cleansing water of Baptism to flow over us and wash us clean again through THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION). There is an opportunity for those who wish (or may need) to celebrate this sacrament each Saturday at 11.30am. At any other time, just contact Father Tony.

Almsgiving is a traditional work of charity during Lent, especially the collection of LENTEN ALMS which are the financial gains we make from our Lent penance of “giving something up”. If not given personally by us to a charitable cause, then these are traditionally sent to the bishop who uses them to provide relief and support to the poor and needy. A retiring collection for these Lenten Alms will be held on the Fifth Sunday of Lent, the 7th of April. -

The sixth meeting for parents and children PREPARING FOR FIRST HOLY COMMUNION takes place this week on Wednesday (the 13th of March) at 5.45pm in Holy Family Primary School Hall. The theme of this session is: “Eucharist and Community – Jesus brings us together” The children will begin to receive the Eucharist and make their First Holy Communion during Mass at 11.00am on Saturday the 1st of June.

There will be a RETIRING COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND FOR CAFOD. Every Friday in Lent is meant to be a Day of Fasting for us, but next Friday we are asked to reduce the amount of food we eat and/or to deny ourselves some basic necessity or luxury to be in solidarity with those throughout the world who have little or nothing to live on. The financial gain we make from this, we are asked to donate to them through CAFOD. the Church recommends particular intentions for us to remember in prayer throughout the course of the year. These PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR LENT are: Those Preparing for Baptism or First Communion or to be Received into the Church at Easter (especially on each Sunday of Lent); The poor, needy and starving in the world (especially on CAFOD’s Fast Day on Friday of the First Week of Lent, the 15th of March); The Victims and Survivors of Sexual Abuse (especially on the special day of prayer for this intention on Friday of the Fifth Week of Lent, the 12th of April).

DEACON MIKE AND LIZ are grateful to all who have held and who continue to hold them in prayer, and who have sent cards and good wishes, during Mike’s recent ill health and his continuing recovery. May God bless you.

THANK YOU Last Sunday’s Offertory Collection £468.69

Our sincere thanks to Trammers Line Dancing Group for yet a further donation of £500 to Holy Family Church. HOLY FAMILY BONUS BALL WINNERS Wednesday February 6th – Number 15 To join, please see Margaret Lundy Wednesday February 13th – Number 55 at the back of church on Sundays Wednesday February 20th – Number 48 (£1 Stake for £30 Prize each week) Wednesday February 27th – Number 16

The basic preparation text for SYNOD 2020 is Pope Francis’ Encyclical Letter Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) and to help us to include preparation for the Synod in our Lent Prayer, the Synod Office have produced a series of leaflets, with questions for reflection and discussion based on each Sunday’s Gospel and on Evangelii Gaudium, for the first Five Sundays of Lent. The first of these leaflets is available from the back of church today. Please take a copy and reflect on what it contains. The full text of Evangelii Gaudium is available from the Catholic Truth Society (price £4.95) or can be viewed and downloaded for free from the Vatican website at www.vatican.va

A summary of the INCOME AND EXPENDITURE FOR 2018 FOR HOLY FAMILY PARISH has been posted on the notice board at the back of church for your information, detailing what we received and from where, and how much we spent and on what. Basically, we ended 2018 with a deficit of £2,712. (If our total income remains just the same for this year as for last year then, with an projected expenditure for the year at this time of around £70,000, which includes the estimated cost of the new heating boilers, we can expect to end 2019 with a deficit of £24,000.)

Our PIETY SHOP AT THE BACK OF CHURCH has a new range of Easter Cards, Rosaries, Statues and other devotional items available for sale. Plus our booklet sale is on-going, with every title now reduced from £2.95 and upwards to just 50p each. Why not have a browse after Mass today? Or is there a specific devotional item you would like to buy, maybe for your home or as a gift for a loved one, which our Piety Shop does not stock? Perhaps a crucifix to put on a shelf or hang on the wall, or a particular statue of Our Lady or one of the saints, or a prayer book or rosary? See Rita Abbott or Cecilia Hughes (they are both members of the choir) who have catalogues available for you to view and who can then order the item for you. Please allow three or four weeks for delivery.

Irenaeus invite you to BREAD BLESSED AND BROKEN: A SILENT LENTEN WEEKEND taking place from the 5th to the 7th of April at 32 Great Georges Road, Liverpool, L22 1RD. More details from [email protected] or phone 0151 949 1199 or see the website at www.irenaeus.co.uk


Weekday Missals are provided at the back of church for your use at daily Mass. Page number are given below.

SUNDAY 10TH MARCH 2019 – FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for Margaret Staniforth ►3.00pm◄ Holy Hour with Reflections on the Way of the Cross

TUESDAY 12TH MARCH 2019 10.00am Mass No Intention Requested Missal Page 167

THURSDAY 14TH MARCH 2019. 10.00am Mass Offered for the People of the Parish Missal Page 173

SATURDAY 16TH MARCH 2019 11.00am Mass Offered for Vicky Anne Mills Missal Page 179 11.30am Sacrament of Reconciliation (Individual Confessions)

SUNDAY 17TH MARCH 2019 – SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for Peggy Mason ►3.00pm◄ Holy Hour with Reflections on the Way of the Cross


Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”



Please TAKE A COPY OF THE LEAFLET How to Prepare for Confession home with you this weekend. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is, as Pope Francis has said, a healing Sacrament. Yet, even for those who go regularly, it can be hard to approach each confession afresh. This leaflet hopes to provides several different methods to examine our conscience before each confession. We hope it will make things a little easier for any who may need to celebrate this sacrament during Lent.

Our everyday failings (venial sins) are forgiven through prayer (especially an Act of Contrition), penance, and receiving the Eucharist. But sometimes we can fracture our relationship with the Lord and the Christian Community in a serious way (mortal sin) which can cause the life of Baptism to die in us. In such cases we need to allow the cleansing water of Baptism to flow over us and wash us clean again through THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION). There is an opportunity for those who wish (or may need) to celebrate this sacrament each Saturday at 11.30am. At any other time, just contact Father Tony to make arrangements.

Each Sunday afternoon during Lent we offer the opportunity for a HOLY HOUR in church from 3.00pm to 4.00pm, a time for prayerful reflection in the presence of the Lord exposed in the Blessed Sacrament, and to reflect on THE WAY OF THE CROSS. Why not make this Sunday afternoon Holy Hour part of your Lent prayer this year?

Almsgiving is a traditional work of charity during Lent, especially the collection of LENTEN ALMS which are the financial gains we make from our Lent penance of “giving something up”. If not given personally by us to a charitable cause, then these are traditionally sent to the bishop who uses them to provide relief and support to the poor and needy. A retiring collection for these Lenten Alms will be held on the Fifth Sunday of Lent, the 7th of April.

The BRICK BOX in the piety shop at the back of church is there to receive any contributions you may wish to make towards the food bank which is run by The Brick to support those who are homeless or down on their luck in the Wigan area. Donations are welcome of any non-perishable food items – tinned and packet food and dried goods such as rice and pasta, as well as baby food and nappies, ladies sanitary products, and basic toiletries such as soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes.

Please continue to take a WHITE COLLECTING TIN from the back of church to put your loose change in and then, when it’s full, return it to church and take another one to fill. And William, our Altar Server, will continue to be at the church door with his orange bucket at the end of Mass to receive any loose change you may wish to donate on a weekly basis. Many thanks for your support of this loose change collection initiative - it does make a big difference to church funds.

CATHOLIC SINGLES is an organisation which helps single Catholics of all ages (over 18 years) meet other single Catholics, either one-to-one or through social events. For further information visit www.catholicsingles.org.uk or telephone 0161 941 3498. THANK YOU Last Sunday’s Offertory Collection £402.33

At the beginning of February, Archbishop Malcolm formally inaugurated SYNOD 2020 and commissioned its 500 delegates to begin the consultation process in the parishes and communities of our Archdiocese. Open meetings will take place later this year, where your views and hopes will be heard and shared with other delegates and synod leaders. But there’s one way in which every one of us can become involved right now by completing an online Synod Survey. The survey should take no more than 15 minutes of your time.

At the heart of this survey are four Synod questions which begin from the truth that God speaks to us in our everyday lives and that, in them, we encounter Christ. We are invited to think about what we think the Catholic Church is for, going on to reflect on the questions, issues, and topics that we think our Synod should make recommendations on. There are two surveys (one for adults and one for young people under 18 years of age) and both can be accessed and completed at www.synod2020.co.uk. Closing date for completing is 30th of June 2019.

The basic preparation text for SYNOD 2020 is Pope Francis’ Encyclical Letter Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) and to help us to include preparation for the Synod in our Lent Prayer, the Synod Office have produced a series of leaflets, with questions for reflection and discussion based on each Sunday’s Gospel and on Evangelii Gaudium, for the first Five Sundays of Lent. The second of these leaflets is available from the back of church today. Please take a copy and reflect on what it contains. The full text of Evangelii Gaudium is available from the Catholic Truth Society (price £4.95) or can be viewed and downloaded for free from the Vatican website at www.vatican.va

Our PIETY SHOP AT THE BACK OF CHURCH has a new range of Easter Cards, First Communion items, Rosaries, Statues and other devotional items available for sale. Plus our booklet sale is on-going, with every title now reduced from £2.95 and upwards to just 50p each. Why not have a browse after Mass today? Or is there a specific devotional item you would like to buy, maybe for your home or as a gift, which our Piety Shop does not stock? Perhaps a crucifix to put on a shelf or hang on the wall, or a particular statue of Our Lady or one of the saints, or a prayer book or rosary? See Rita Abbott or Cecilia Hughes (they are both members of the choir) who have catalogues available for you to view and who can then order the item for you. Please allow three or four weeks for delivery.


Weekday Missals are provided at the back of church for use at daily Mass. page number are given below.

SUNDAY 17TH MARCH 2019 – SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for Peggy Mason ►3.00pm◄ Holy Hour with Reflections on the Way of the Cross

TUESDAY 19TH MARCH 2019 – CELEBRATING SAINT JOSEPH, HUSBAND OF MARY Today is a Solemnity (the highest rank of celebration) so we take a day out from our Lenten penitence to celebrate Joseph, husband of Mary and father to Jesus. We rejoice to have Saint Joseph as one of the patrons of our parish family and dedicate ourselves, our homes and our families to his prayerful intercession and watchful care 10.00am Mass Offered for the People of the Parish Missal Page 1638

THURSDAY 21ST MARCH 2019 10.00am Mass Offered for Father Joseph Rimmer (Holy Family Parish Priest 1922 – 1928) Missal Page 190

SATURDAY 23RD MARCH 2019 11.00am Mass Offered for the Intentions of Sheila and Alf Hincks (Sick) Missal Page 196 11.30am Sacrament of Reconciliation (Individual Confessions)

SUNDAY 24TH MARCH 2019 – THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for the Safe Delivery of Mia Maria Cording ►3.00pm◄ Holy Hour with Reflections on the Way of the Cross


Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”


The new issue of weekly OFFERTORY COLLECTION ENVELOPES comes into use in two weeks’ time from Sunday the 7th of April and can be collected from the back of church. Gift-Aiders have been allocated numbered envelopes and will find their name written on the box. Non-numbered envelopes are available for any others who do not Gift-Aid but may still wish to use the envelopes each week.

We will be holding an EASTER CHOCOLATE TOMBOLA after the Mass in two weeks’ time on Sunday the 7th of April. Any donations of chocolate goodies you can make to use as prizes in the tombola will be very gratefully received. Please bring them along to Mass with you next weekend or give them to Mary Marsh.

Every Wednesday at 3.00pm a COMMUNION SERVICE IS CELEBRATED IN BELONG RESIDENTIAL VILLAGE on Millers Lane, Platt Bridge and Holy Communion is then taken afterwards to any Catholics who may be bed-bound. So that this can continue to happen, we need the assistance of more Lay Ministers of Communion. Can you help? If you have been commissioned as a Lay Minister of Communion (for any parish, not necessarily only for Holy Family) and can offer your services, either every week or every other week, just turn up to The Venue on the first floor at Belong any Wednesday at 3.00pm (bring an empty pyx with you) and make yourself known to the deacon.

There will be a RETIRING COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND for Nugent Care, the social work service of the Archdiocese of Liverpool. It was founded 136 years ago by Father James Nugent and provides a wide range of support to vulnerable and disadvantaged adults and children throughout the North West through its care homes and schools, community and social work enterprises

Saint John Fisher Catholic High School, Baytree Road, Wigan, WN6 7RN invite you to “FAITH M.O.T.” - AN EVENING OF PRAYER, REFLECTION AND MUSIC this coming Tuesday the 26th of March at the school between 6.00pm and 7.00pm followed by refreshments and a Fairtrade stall. The evening will be led by the school Faith in Action group and everyone is very welcome. More details from the school Chaplain, Rebecca Donnellan, on 01942 510715.

Father Ian O’Shea will lead an EVENING OF RECOLLECTION FOR MEN at Saint John’s Church, Standishgate, Wigan on Friday the 5th of April from 7.00pm until 9.00pm to include preached meditations and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament concluding with Benediction. Refreshments will be served afterwards. All men are invited. (An Evening of Recollection for Women will follow in Eastertime).

Almsgiving is a traditional work of charity during Lent, especially the collection of LENTEN ALMS which are the financial gains we make from our Lent penance of “giving something up”. If not given personally by us to a charitable cause, then these are traditionally sent to the bishop who uses them to provide relief and support to the poor and needy. A retiring collection for these Lenten Alms will be held on the Fifth Sunday of Lent, the 7th of April.

Please continue to take a WHITE COLLECTING TIN from the back of church to put your loose change in and then, when it’s full, return it to church and take another one to fill. And William, our Altar Server, will continue to be at the church door with his orange bucket at the end of Mass to receive any loose change you may wish to donate on a weekly basis. Many thanks for your support of this loose change collection initiative - it does make a big difference to church funds. THANK YOU FOR LAST WEEK Offertory Collection £418.15 CAFOD Collection £168.21

Each Sunday afternoon during Lent we offer the opportunity for a HOLY HOUR in church from 3.00pm to 4.00pm, a time for prayerful reflection in the presence of the Lord exposed in the Blessed Sacrament, and to reflect on THE WAY OF THE CROSS. Why not make this Sunday afternoon Holy Hour part of your Lent prayer this year?

Our everyday failings (venial sins) are forgiven through prayer (especially an Act of Contrition), penance, and receiving the Eucharist. But sometimes we can fracture our relationship with the Lord and the Christian Community in a serious way (mortal sin) which can cause the life of Baptism to die in us. Then we need to allow the cleansing water of Baptism to flow over us and wash us clean again through THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION. There is an opportunity for those who wish (or need) to celebrate this sacrament each Saturday at 11.30am.

The basic preparation text for SYNOD 2020 is Pope Francis’ Encyclical Letter Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) and to help us to include preparation for the Synod in our Lent Prayer, the Synod Office have produced a series of leaflets, with questions for reflection and discussion based on each Sunday’s Gospel and on Evangelii Gaudium, for the first Five Sundays of Lent. The third of these leaflets is available from the back of church today. Please take a copy and reflect on what it contains. The full text of Evangelii Gaudium is available from the Catholic Truth Society (price £4.95) or can be viewed and downloaded for free from the Vatican website at www.vatican.va

Fully escorted PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK SHRINE, IRELAND from Monday the 13th of May to Friday the 17th of May 2019. Cost is £649 per person sharing. Price includes flight from Liverpool Airport with 10kg hand luggage, all taxes, luxury transfers, 4 nights’ in Knock House Hotel with full Irish Breakfast each morning and 4 Course Dinner each evening. All entertainment, excursions and guided tours included. Wheelchair accessible rooms in the hotel. Limited single rooms at supplement of £100. Groups and Individual bookings welcome. Contact Patricia on 01268 762 278 or 07740 175557 or email [email protected].


Weekday Missals are provided at the back of church for use at daily Mass. Page number are given below.

SUNDAY 24TH MARCH 2019 – THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for the Safe Delivery of Mia Maria Cording ►3.00pm◄ Holy Hour with Reflections on the Way of the Cross

TUESDAY 26TH MARCH 2019 10.00am Mass Offered for the Intentions of Pat Murphy and Pat Robson Missal Page 207

THURSDAY 28TH MARCH 2019 10.00am Mass Offered for Kathleen and Paddy Carroll Missal Page 213

SATURDAY 30TH MARCH 2019 11.00am Mass Offered for the People of the Parish Missal Page 219 11.30am Sacrament of Reconciliation (Individual Confessions)

SUNDAY 31ST MARCH 2019 – FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for Vicky Anne Mills ►3.00pm◄ Holy Hour with Reflections on the Way of the Cross


Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”



Nugent Care is the social work service of the Archdiocese of Liverpool. It was founded 136 years ago by Father James Nugent and provides a wide range of support to vulnerable and disadvantaged adults and children throughout the North West through its care homes and schools, community and social work.

With the start of a new Tax Year, and if you pay income tax on your earnings, savings, or pension, then you may wish to consider beginning to GIFT-AID YOUR DONATIONS to your parish if you don’t already do so. Gift Aid means that for every £1 you give to a registered charity, Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC) will return a further 25p to the charity out of the amount of tax you have paid. So if, for example, you are in the habit of contributing £10 a week to the offertory collection, then over the course of a year your total cash offering would be £520. But under Gift Aid, this would rise to a total income for the parish of £725, and at no extra cost to you. In addition to your weekly offering, any other gifts you make (special collections, Mass offerings, one-off donations) can also be included if you just write “Gift Aid” along with your weekly envelope number on the envelope accompanying your donation. If you are a tax payer but not yet in the Gift-Aid scheme, then please do think about joining. Contact Elizabeth Fairhurst (she’s a member of the choir) or just pop a note with your name, address and phone number into the offertory collection basket saying “I want to Gift Aid” and someone will contact you.

The new issue of weekly OFFERTORY COLLECTION ENVELOPES comes into use from next Sunday the 7th of April and can be collected from the back of church. Gift-Aiders have been allocated numbered envelopes and will find their name written on the box. Non-numbered envelopes are available for any others who do not Gift-Aid but may still wish to use the envelopes each week.

Father Ian O’Shea will lead an EVENING OF RECOLLECTION FOR MEN at Saint John’s Church, Standishgate, Wigan next Friday the 5th of April from 7.00pm until 9.00pm to include preached meditations and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament concluding with Benediction. Refreshments will be served afterwards. All men are invited. (An Evening of Recollection for Women will follow in Eastertime).

If you wish (or maybe need) to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation and haven’t yet done so, then you may be interested in the LEIGH CONFESS-APHON taking place at Saint Joseph’s Church, Mather Lane, Leigh (close to the town centre) next Saturday the 6th of April. A number of priests will be available to hear confessions from 10.30am until 2.30pm. Make a day of it - go to Confession, have a look around Leigh Market, then go for a bite to eat!

We will be holding an EASTER CHOCOLATE TOMBOLA after Mass next Sunday the 7th of April. Any donations of chocolate goodies you can make to use as prizes in the tombola will be very gratefully received. Please bring them along to Mass with you during this week or give them to Mary Marsh.

Almsgiving is a traditional work of charity during Lent, especially the collection of LENTEN ALMS which are the financial gains we make from our Lent penance of “giving something up”. If not given personally by us to a charitable cause, then these are traditionally sent to the bishop who uses them to provide relief and support to the poor and needy. A retiring collection for these Lenten Alms will be held next Sunday, the 7th of April. THANK YOU Last Sunday’s Offertory Collection £395.53

Any GIFTS OF SMALL POTS OF SPRING FLOWERING PLANTS (daffodils, hyacinths, etc) which could be used to decorate the church throughout Eastertime, would be gratefully received. Please bring them along to church with you prior to Good Friday. Please indicate if given in memory of a loved one. We would also welcome any donations you may wish to make towards FLOWERS IN CHURCH DURING EASTER. Hand your donation in to the sacristy or place it in the offertory collection basket during Mass. Again, please indicate If your donation is given in memory of a loved one (and if you a Gift-Aider write your weekly envelope number on the envelope so that we can reclaim the tax paid on your donation). Any gifts of flowering plants and any flower donation received will be acknowledged on the newsletter after Easter.

The MASS OF CHRISM, during which the Holy Oils are blessed by the Archbishop and the priests of the Archdiocese renew their commitment to priesthood, takes place at the Metropolitan Cathedral on Wednesday the 17th of April, at 7.30pm. All are invited. Although we will not be providing coach transport from our parish this year, some other local churches are (Leigh, Ashton, Wigan) so if you require transport to the Cathedral you could phone them to ask if there is room for you on their coach.

The BRICK BOX in the piety shop at the back of church is there to receive any contributions you may wish to make towards the food bank which is run by The Brick to support those who are homeless or down on their luck in the Wigan area. Donations are welcome of any non-perishable food items – tinned and packet food and dried goods such as rice and pasta, as well as baby food and nappies, ladies sanitary products, and basic toiletries such as soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes.

Please continue to take a WHITE COLLECTING TIN from the back of church to put your loose change in and then, when it’s full, return it to church and take another one to fill. And William, our Altar Server, will continue to be at the church door with his orange bucket at the end of Mass to receive any loose change you may wish to donate on a weekly basis. Many thanks for your support of this loose change collection initiative - it does make a big difference to church funds.


Weekday Missals are provided at the back of church for use at daily Mass. Page number are given below.

SUNDAY 31ST MARCH 2019 – FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for Vicky Anne Mills ►3.00pm◄ Holy Hour with Reflection on the Way of the Cross

TUESDAY 2ND APRIL 2019 10.00am Mass Offered for the Intentions of L.I.S.C.F. Missal Page 227

THURSDAY 4TH APRIL 2019 10.00am Mass No Intention Requested Missal Page 234

SATURDAY 6TH APRIL 2019 11.00am Mass Offered for the People of the Parish Missal Page 241 11.30am Sacrament of Reconciliation (Individual Confessions)

SUNDAY 7TH APRIL 2019 – FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for Wilfred Pugh ►3.00pm◄ Holy Hour with Reflection on the Way of the Cross


Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”



Almsgiving is a traditional work of charity during Lent, especially the collection of Lenten Alms which are the financial gains we make from our Lent penance of “giving something up”. If not given personally by us to a charitable cause, these are traditionally sent to the bishop who uses them to provide relief and support to those in need.

Our congratulations to those who will celebrate their FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF BAPTISM during this month, especially Diane Tioluwanimi and Daisy Imioluwa Oladunjoye, the daughters of John Oladunjoye and Ruth Aderonke Amoo from Lily Lane, Bamfurlong, who were baptised here on the 29th of April 2018. And we continue to hold in prayer before the Lord, those whose FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF DEATH will occur during this month, and especially Vincent Kelly from Belong Village, Platt Bridge who died on the 27th of April 2018 aged 95 years.

There will be a RETIRING COLLECTION NEXT SUNDAY FOR THE UPKEEP OF THE HOLY PLACES. The expense of maintaining the sites associated with the birth and life and death and resurrection of Jesus in the Holy Land is too much for the small Christian community which lives there. The whole Catholic community shares that burden through this annual collection for the Upkeep of those Holy Places.

Those members of our community who are originally from Poland may be interested in going along to the traditional Service of THE BLESSING OF EASTER BASKETS (SWIECONKA) which is taking place at Saint Patrick’s Church, Hardybutts, Scholes, Wigan on Saturday the 20th of April at 12 noon. Swieconka is one of the most enduring and beloved Polish traditions where baskets containing a sampling of Easter foods are brought to church to be blessed on Holy Saturday. Everyone welcome.

Any GIFTS OF SMALL POTS OF SPRING FLOWERING PLANTS (daffodils, hyacinths, etc) which could be used to decorate the church throughout Eastertime, would be gratefully received. Please bring them along to church with you prior to Good Friday. Please indicate if given in memory of a loved one. We would also welcome any donations you may wish to make towards FLOWERS IN CHURCH DURING EASTER. Hand your donation in to the sacristy or place it in the offertory collection basket during Mass. Again, please indicate If your donation is given in memory of a loved one (and if you a Gift-Aider write your weekly envelope number on the envelope so that we can reclaim the tax paid on your donation). Any gifts of flowering plants and any flower donation received will be acknowledged on the newsletter after Easter.

Our PIETY SHOP AT THE BACK OF CHURCH has a new range of Easter Cards, First Communion items, Rosaries, Statues and other devotional items available for sale. Plus our booklet sale is on-going, with every title now reduced from £2.95 and upwards to just 50p each. Why not have a browse after Mass today? Or is there a specific devotional item you would like to buy, maybe for your home or as a gift, which our Piety Shop does not stock? Perhaps a crucifix to put on a shelf or hang on the wall, or a particular statue of Our Lady or one of the saints, or a prayer book or rosary? See Rita Abbott or Cecilia Hughes (they are both members of the choir) who have catalogues available for you to view and who can then order the item for you. Please allow three or four weeks for delivery. THANK YOU Last Sunday’s Offertory Collection £425.92 Retiring Collection for Nugent Care £49.06

You are invited to join with Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity and others in THE CARRYING OF THE CROSS through Church Street, Lord Street and Bold Street in central Liverpool, next Saturday the 13th of April concluding with a service in Saint Luke’s (the bombed-out church) at the top of Bold Street. Meet on Church Street at 1.45pm.

The MASS OF CHRISM, during which the Holy Oils are blessed by the Archbishop and the priests of the Archdiocese renew their commitment to priesthood, takes place at the Metropolitan Cathedral on Wednesday the 17th of April, at 7.30pm. All are welcome. Although we will not be providing coach transport from our parish this year, some other local churches are (Leigh, Ashton, Wigan) so if you require transport to the Cathedral you could phone them to ask if there is room for you on their coach.

You are invited to join a PILGRIMAGE TO LINDISFARNE FOR YOUNG ADULTS (in their 20s and 30s) taking place in Easter week from Wednesday the 24th to Sunday the 28th of April. A time to walk along part of Saint Cuthbert's way, to reflect and pray with other young adults and to spend time on the beautiful island of Lindisfarne. Accommodation is in a basic bunkhouse near St Cuthbert's cave. Cost is £85 to cover food and accommodation. For more information email [email protected] or look on facebook (FCJ Young Adult Network).

The NATIONAL FAITH IN ACTION SCHEME has grown in strength and numbers since it was launched by the Church two years ago. This year we have over 1,100 young people in the Archdiocese of Liverpool taking part. To assist with the award the archdiocese is looking for individuals who might have a few hours free in May/June to help moderate the work the young people have done. Moderators require no specific background in teaching or youth work or religious studies: we are simply looking for people who can spend time looking at pieces of work and writing a short affirmation of the work the young person has done. Moderation can be done in your own home and in your own time. More information from Fr. Simon Gore on 01744 740467/740460 or email [email protected]

HOLY FAMILY BONUS BALL WINNERS Wednesday March 6th – Number 17 To join, please see Margaret Lundy Wednesday March 13th – Number 17 at the back of church on Sundays Wednesday March 20th – Number 12 (£1 Stake for £30 Prize each week) Wednesday March 27th – Number 21


Weekday Missals are provided at the back of church for use at daily Mass. Page numbers are given below.

SUNDAY 7TH APRIL 2019 – FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for Wilfred Pugh ►3.00pm◄ Holy Hour with Reflections on the Way of the Cross

TUESDAY 9TH APRIL 2019 10.00am Mass Offered In Thanksgiving (AJM) Missal Page 253

THURSDAY 11TH APRIL 2019 10.00am Mass Offered for Joe Breean Missal Page 260

SATURDAY 13TH APRIL 2019 11.00am Mass Offered for Eric Mulvey Missal Page 267 11.30am Sacrament of Reconciliation (Individual Confessions)

SUNDAY 14TH APRIL 2019 – PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for the Intentions of Deacon Mike Swift ►3.00pm◄ Holy Hour with Reflections on the Way of the Cross


Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”



The cost of maintaining the sites associated with the birth and life and death and resurrection of Jesus in the Holy Land is too much for the small Christian community which lives there. The whole Catholic community shares that burden through this annual collection for the Upkeep of those Holy Places. (This collection is being taken at Holy Family Church after Mass today instead of during the Good Friday Liturgy)


The Easter Triduum of the passion and resurrection of Christ is the culmination of the entire liturgical year. In this festival, Christ’s saving work is commemorated by the Church with the utmost solemnity. Through the liturgy of the Triduum, the Church is intimately united with Christ and shares in his passage from death to life.

The penitential discipline of the Lenten fast gives way to the paschal fast and feast. It is a time to wait, to keep awake, and to pray. “Let the paschal fast be kept sacred. Let it be observed everywhere on Good Friday and, where possible, prolonged throughout Holy Saturday, as a way of coming to the joys of the Sunday of the resurrection with uplifted and welcoming heart.” - From the General Introduction to the Roman Missal

Please take note of the times of the EASTER TRIDUUM LITURGY AT HOLY FAMILY during the coming week, when we will gather together as a Christian community to celebrate the passion, death and resurrection of the Lord.

There is no morning Mass on Holy Thursday, when the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated at 7.30pm. The church will remain open from the end of Mass until we pray Night Prayer together at 9.30pm, for us to keep watch in silent prayer with the Lord at the Altar of Repose. (“Can you not watch one hour with me?” the Lord asked his disciples on that first Holy Thursday night in the Garden of Gethsemane.)

Remember that Good Friday is a day of fasting (reducing the amount of food and drink we consume) and abstinence (eating no meat or, for any vegetarians and vegans, keeping to a very simple diet on this day). We meet for the Solemn Liturgy of Good Friday to ponder the Passion and Death of the Lord at 3.00pm.

Holy Saturday is a day of silent reflection and hope-filled anticipation. There is no liturgy on this day (so no morning Mass or Confessions). Please note that there will be no celebration of the Easter Vigil at Holy Family Church.

On Easter Sunday we gather for Mass at 10.30am to celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord. THANK YOU Last Sunday’s Offertory Collection £395.68 Retiring Collection for Lenten Alms £134.46 The Chocolate Tombola last Sunday raised £102.00

Those members of our community who are originally from Poland may be interested in going along to the traditional Service of THE BLESSING OF EASTER BASKETS (SWIECONKA) which is taking place at Saint Patrick’s Church, Hardybutts, Scholes, Wigan next Saturday the 20th of April (Holy Saturday) at 12 noon. Swieconka is one of the most enduring and beloved Polish traditions where baskets containing a sampling of Easter foods are brought to church to be blessed on Holy Saturday. Everyone welcome.

The MASS OF CHRISM, during which the Holy Oils are blessed by the Archbishop and the priests of the Archdiocese renew their commitment to ordained ministry, takes place at the Metropolitan Cathedral next Wednesday the 17th of April, at 7.30pm. All are welcome. Although we will not be providing coach transport from our parish this year, some other local churches are (Leigh, Ashton, Wigan) so if you require transport to the Cathedral you could phone them to ask if there is room for you on their coach

Archbishop Malcolm invites you to join him and other Christian Church Leaders in a HOLY SATURDAY WALK OF WITNESS THROUGH LIVERPOOL CITY CENTRE taking place next Saturday the 20th of April. The Walk begins at the Metropolitan Cathedral at 2.00pm making its way to Liverpool Parish Church for prayers and refreshments. All are welcome – assemble on the piazza at the Metropolitan Cathedral for a 2.00pm start.

You are invited to join with other local Christians for an EASTER SUNDAY SUNRISE SERVICE at the top of Parbold Hill next Sunday morning the 28th of April at 6.00am. Everyone welcome.

There is a PILGRIMAGE TO LINDISFARNE FOR YOUNG ADULTS (in their 20s and 30s) taking place in Easter week from Wednesday the 24th of April to Sunday the 28th of April. A time to walk along part of Saint Cuthbert's way, to reflect and pray with other young adults and to spend time on the beautiful island of Lindisfarne. Accommodation is in a basic bunkhouse near St Cuthbert's cave. Cost is £85 to cover food and accommodation. For more information email [email protected] or look on facebook (FCJ Young Adult Network).

Why not pop along to AFTERNOON TEA ON EASTER SATURDAY THE 27TH OF APRIL served at 2.00pm at Our Lady’s Parish Centre, Downall Green Road, Bryn with raffles, tombola and bric-a-brac. Tickets are £7 each and are available from Liz on 07817 759862. All proceeds are in aid of Wigan and Leigh Hospice and Marie Curie Charities.


SUNDAY 14TH APRIL 2019 – PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for the Intentions of Deacon Mike Swift ►3.00pm◄ Holy Hour with Reflections on the Way of the Cross

TUESDAY 16TH APRIL 2019 10.00am Mass Offered for Shaun Moran Weekday Missal Page 273

HOLY THURSDAY 18TH APRIL 2019 ►7.30pm◄ EVENING MASS OF THE LORD’S SUPPER Offered for the People of the Parish The Church will remain open for Watching at the Altar of Repose until Night Prayer at 9.30pm


HOLY SATURDAY 20TH APRIL 2019 A DAY OF SILENT REFLECTION No Liturgy (Morning Mass or Confessions) on this day. Also no celebration of the Easter Vigil at Holy Family



Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”


The seventh and final group meeting for Parents and Children preparing for FIRST HOLY COMMUNION takes place this week on Wednesday (the 24th of April) at 5.45pm in Holy Family Primary School Hall. The children return to school on that day after the Easter break. The theme of this final session is: “Receiving the Eucharist – Jesus calls us to follow him,” reminding us that making our First Holy Communion isn’t an ending but the beginning of something new in our journey of discipleship of Jesus. The children and their parents will continue to join us for Mass each Sunday as they journey towards the children beginning to receive the Eucharist by making their First Holy Communion on Saturday the 1st of June.

Our SINCERE SYMPATHY AND PRAYERS are with the family and friends of Sara Jane Haggerty who died on the 4th of April aged 49 years. Although recently living in Australia, Sara once lived with her family in Portland Close, Platt Bridge. Her funeral rites will be celebrated here at Holy Family next Thursday the 25th of April at 12.30pm followed by committal at Wigan Crematorium. May the Lord welcome her home.

Saint John’s Church in Standishgate, Wigan is holding SOLEMN EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT (Quarante Ore Devotion) next weekend beginning at 5.00am early next Saturday morning the 27th of April continuously throughout the day and night until 8.45pm on Sunday evening the 28th of April. (Please note that between 8.00pm and 8.00am access to the church will only be via the door from the car park.)

You’re invited to AFTERNOON TEA NEXT SATURDAY (27TH APRIL) served at 2.00pm at Our Lady’s Parish Centre, Downall Green Road, Bryn with raffles, tombola and bric-a-brac. Tickets are £7 each and available from Mary Marsh or Liz on 07817 759862. All proceeds in aid of Wigan & Leigh Hospice and Marie Curie.

Next Sunday, the 28th of April, is observed by many as DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY based on the revelations made to Saint Faustina Kowalska in the 1930’s and recorded in her diaries. It was a devotion greatly promoted by Pope Saint John Paul II who designated the Second Sunday of Easter each year to be the Feast of Divine Mercy. Special devotions will be taking place next Sunday afternoon at various churches in the Archdiocese, among them Saint Mary’s, Standishgate, Wigan at 3.00pm; Holy Family, Cale Lane, New Springs, Wigan at 3.00pm; Holy Cross, Corporation Street, St. Helens from 1.30pm; Sacred Heart, Brooke Street, Chorley at 3.00pm; and Saint Mary’s, Broadfield Drive, Leyland at 3.30pm. All welcome. THANK YOU Last Sunday’s Offertory Collection £429.28 Retiring Collection for The Holy Places £101.98 The Chocolate Raffle held last Sunday raised £61.00

Although SAINT GEORGE’S DAY is usually celebrated on the 23rd of April, that date this year falls during the Easter Octave, whose days have a greater rank. And so for this year, the liturgical celebration of Saint George is transferred to the first available day after the Octave, Tuesday of next week, the 30th of April.

The Parish Council of St Charles and St Thomas More in Liverpool have arranged a SERIES OF THEOLOGICAL TALKS ON THE NATURE OF THE CHURCH as part of their local preparations for Synod 2020. They extend an invitation to the whole Archdiocese to join them as they listen and pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. All of the talks begin at 7.00pm in the Church (224 Aigburth Road, Liverpool L17 9PG) and will be followed by light refreshments in the Parish Hall. The subjects covered on each of the evenings will be: Tuesday 30 April – Challenges facing the Church By Rev. Dr Francisco Javier Ruiz Ortiz, Lecturer in Scripture at Allen Hall Seminary, London Tuesday 7 May – The Social Mission of the Church By Monsignor John Armitage, Director of the National Catholic Shrine of Our Lady at Walsingham Tuesday 14 May – The Mission of All the Baptised By Fergal Martin, General Secretary of the Catholic Truth Society Tuesday 21 May – Going out to the Peripheries By Mary Ebbasi, Catholic Chaplain at HM Prison Pentonville Tuesday 28 May – The Church as Leaven in our Culture By Monsignor Peter Fleetwood, former Official at the Pontifical Council for Culture



EASTER TUESDAY 23RD APRIL 2019 10.00am Mass Offered for Bill Mangnall Missal Page 293

EASTER THURSDAY 25TH APRIL 2019 10.00am Mass Offered for Ita Harrington Missal Page 299 12.30pm Funeral Service for Sara Jane Haggerty

EASTER SATURDAY 27TH APRIL 2019 11.00am Mass Offered for the People of the Parish Missal Page 305 11.30am Sacrament of Reconciliation (Individual Confessions)

SUNDAY 28TH APRIL 2019 – SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for Alex and Irene Glover 11.45am The Celebration of Baptism for Marcel and Alexander Boltuc


Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”


Welcome into the People of God and into our parish family through THE CELEBRATION OF BAPTISM TODAY to Marcel, aged 9 years, and Alexander, aged 7 years, the children of Mariusz Boltuc and Sylwia Chojnacka from Walthew Lane, Platt Bridge.

Today, Sunday the 28th of April, is observed by many as DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY based on the revelations made to Saint Faustina Kowalska in the 1930’s and recorded in her diaries. It was a devotion greatly promoted by Pope Saint John Paul II who designated the Second Sunday of Easter each year to be the Feast of Divine Mercy. Special devotions will be taking place this afternoon at various churches in the Archdiocese, among them Saint Mary’s, Standishgate, Wigan at 3.00pm; Holy Family, Cale Lane, New Springs, Wigan at 3.00pm; Holy Cross, Corporation Street, St. Helens from 1.30pm; Sacred Heart, Brooke Street, Chorley at 3.00pm; and Saint Mary’s, Broadfield Drive, Leyland at 3.30pm.

Right To Life are holding their ANNUAL SPONSORED WALK OF WITNESS on Bank Holiday Monday the 6th of May at 12.30pm for a 1.00pm start. It’s an eight mile circular walk, and will start and finish, as in previous years, at St. Michael and St. John’s Parish Church, Clitheroe. BB7 1AG. Refreshments are provided throughout the walk and after the event in the parish hall, so booking is necessary for catering arrangements. For more details and/or for sponsorship forms please contact Moira Billlinge on 07545 118743 or email her on [email protected]

Bill Huebsch, the renowned author and theologian from the United States, will be coming to the archdiocese to lead a one-day workshop on AN INTRODUCTION TO THE NEW PASTORAL THEOLOGY EMERGING IN THE ERA OF POPE FRANCIS. There are two opportunities to attend: On Friday the 10th of May at Saint Joseph’s, Crow Orchard Road, Wrightington, WN6 9PA or on Saturday the 11th of May at LACE, Croxteth Drive, Liverpool, L17 1AA. Both days begin at 10.00am and finish at 4.00pm and lunch will be provided. To book a place telephone 0151 522 1040 or email [email protected]. Suggested donation is £10 per person.

Throughout the course of the year, the Church recommends particular intentions for us to remember in prayer. During the Easter Season these PRAYER INTENTIONS are: For new members of the Church (all through Eastertime); For a recognition of the dignity and just rights of workers (especially on the Feast of Saint Joseph the Worker on the 1st of May); For Vocations to the Ordained Ministry and the Religious Life (especially on the World Day of Prayer for Vocations on the Fourth Sunday of Easter, the 12th of May); For the responsible use of the Media (especially on World Communications Day on the Seventh Sunday of Easter on the 2nd of June); For the Church (especially on Pentecost Sunday the 9th of June).

The BRICK BOX in the piety shop at the back of church is there to receive any contributions you may wish to make towards the food bank which is run by The Brick to support those who are homeless or down on their luck in the Wigan area. Donations are welcome of any non-perishable food items – tinned and packet food and dried goods such as rice and pasta, as well as baby food and nappies, ladies sanitary products, and basic toiletries such as soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes.


Heartfelt thanks to the members of THE TRAMMERS LINE DANCING GROUP who meet each Monday afternoon from 1.00pm to 3.00pm in Holy Family Parish Hall (new members always welcome!) for a further donation of £500 to Holy Family Church. Since they began five years ago, they have given an amazing £12,000 to church funds. We are sincerely grateful for their wonderful generosity and thoughtfulness.

And many thanks to those who gave DONATIONS FOR EASTER FLOWERS: From Julie Valentine and Wayne Rollinson in memory of their late mother Emily Rollinson: In memory of The Whelan Family (Mary, Edward, Eamon, Thomas and Terence) and The Thompson Family (Albert, Ada and Alan): In memory of the Cloherty and Mulhearn Family: Two further donations: Plus those who gave small Easter flowering plants.

The latest UPDATE ON THE CHURCH HEATING BOILER REPLACEMENT WORK is that the expected cost, originally thought to be around £24K, has now risen to around £34K - and since the parish doesn’t have that amount of money, we will have to request a further loan from the Archdiocese to pay for it. However, the tenders received for the work via the Archdiocese range from £43K to £61K which are clearly not acceptable. The work was meant to be carried out next month but, since negotiations to bring the price down are now going on, this may delay the timetable. We’ll keep you posted on further updates. In the meantime any increase you could make to your regular giving to the church via the weekly Offertory Collection at Mass – our main source of income – would be much appreciated. Any loan, if it is given, will have to be repaid in addition to the existing repayment of the loan (£20K remains to be repaid) we were given to carry out the Church Refurbishment Work a few years ago.


Weekday Missals are provided at the back of church for use at daily Mass. Page number are given below.

SUNDAY 28TH APRIL 2019 – SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for Alex and Irene Glover 11.45am The Celebration of Baptism for Marcel and Alexander Boltuc

TUESDAY 30TH APRIL 2019 – CELEBRATING SAINT GEORGE, PATRON OF ENGLAND Slaying dragons and other pious legends seem to cling to Saint George. What we do know for sure is that he was willing to shed his blood for the faith. Even though details of his life may be sparse, the fact of his courage and holiness is enough. During the crusades, George was seen to personify the ideals of Christian chivalry, and he was adopted as patron of several city-states and countries. Since his feast day fell by date during the Easter Octave this year, it is observed on this day instead. 10.00am Mass Offered for Richard and May Eddleston Missal Page 311

THURSDAY 2ND MAY 2019 - CELEBRATING SAINT ATHANASIUS Athanasius was bishop of Alexandria (Egypt) in the 4th century. He spent his time and energy fighting for the truth of the doctrine of Christ’s divinity, and endured five periods of exile as a result. Through his writings and hard work, we today enjoy the truth of the Gospel in its fullness, that Christ is both fully human and fully divine. 10.00am Mass Offered for The Pinder Family Missal Page 317

SATURDAY 4TH MAY 2019 – CELEBRATING THE ENGLISH MARTYRS The number of those who died on the scaffold or perished in prison or suffered harsh persecution for their faith in England during the 16th and 17th Centuries cannot be reckoned. They came from every walk of life – rich and poor, married and single, ordained and lay, young and old, men and women. They are celebrated for the example they gave of constancy in their faith and courage in the face of persecution. 11.00am Mass Offered for the People of the Parish Missal Page 323 11.30am Sacrament of Reconciliation (Individual Confessions)

SUNDAY 5TH MAY 2019 – THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for Ann Louise and Maurice McCarthy


Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”


Our congratulations to those who will be celebrating their FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF BAPTISM during this month, and especially Olivia Carol Fleming, the daughter of Leanne Marie Fleming from Carr Street, Platt Bridge who was baptised at Holy Family on the 20th of May 2018, and William Frank Holme, the son of Jonathan Holme and Emma Latchford from Oak Avenue, Abram who was baptised at Holy Family on the 27th of May 2018. And we continue to hold in prayer before the Lord those whose FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF DEATH will occur during this month, especially Colm Granaghan from Lily Lane, Bamfurlong, who died on the 30th of May 2018 aged 66 years.

Please hold in prayer FATHER JOE CUNNINGHAM, once Parish Priest of Saint Wilfrid’s, Stubshaw Cross who died last weekend in Southport Hospital. Also FATHER JOHN GAINE, once Parish Priest of Saint Teresa’s, Birkdale who died on the 15th of April. May the Risen Lord welcome them home.

Next Sunday is a Day of Prayer for an increase in Vocations to the Priesthood and the Religious Life. There will be a RETIRING COLLECTION NEXT SUNDAY for the Priests Training Fund which supports the formation of those who have offered themselves for future ordination as priests to serve in our parishes here in the Archdiocese.

WOULD ANYONE BE WILLING TO DO SOME LIGHT SACRISTY WORK for fifteen or twenty minutes each week and at a time to suit, to wash the chalices and communion vessels we use at Mass? No polishing required – just washing inside and out in warm soapy water and then drying with a cloth. See Mary Marsh if you can oblige.

The BRICK BOX in the piety shop at the back of church is there to receive any contributions you may wish to make towards the food bank which is run by The Brick to support those who are homeless or down on their luck in the Wigan area. Donations are welcome of any non-perishable food items – tinned and packet food and dried goods such as rice and pasta, as well as baby food and nappies, ladies sanitary products, and basic toiletries such as soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes.

The Prince of Peace Community invite you and your family to join them for their 33RD ANNUAL CATHOLIC FAMILY PILGRIMAGE CONFERENCE on the theme of New Dawn in the Church taking place at Walsingham on Norfolk from Monday the 5th to Friday the 9th of August. New Dawn is attended by around 2,000 people each year, many of whom stay on the Family Camp next to the conference field, but there is also accommodation available in the village of Walsingham and the surrounding area. The celebration of Mass is the central focus of each day. There are daily talks by English and international speakers, a choice of workshop sessions each afternoon, and opportunities for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Prayer Ministry. Separate sessions are organised for children and young people. For more information and registration please visit www.newdawn.og.uk or call the Prince of Peace Community in Liverpool on 0151 228 0724.

Please take a WHITE COLLECTING TIN from the back of church to put your loose change in. When it’s full, return it to church and take another one to fill. And William, our Altar Server, will continue to be at the church door with his orange bucket at the end of Mass to receive any loose change you may wish to donate on a weekly basis. Many thanks for your support of this loose change collection initiative - it does make a big difference to church funds.

THANK YOU Last Sunday’s Offertory Collection £415.98 HOLY FAMILY BONUS BALL WINNERS Wednesday April 3rd – Number 44 To join, please see Margaret Lundy Wednesday April 10th – Number 30 at the back of church on Sundays Wednesday April 17th – Number 52 (£1 Stake for £30 Prize each week) Wednesday April 24th – Number 42


To help us prepare prayerfully for the Synod, the Synod Team have issued a series of Reflections for each of the Sundays of May, based on the Sunday Gospel. Here is the Reflection for today, the Third Sunday of Easter.

Scripture Reading: Open your Bible (or take your Mass Sheet home with you after Mass today) and sometime during the week slowly read again the Sunday Gospel about The Breakfast on the Shore (John 21:1-12)

Pope Francis writes in The Joy of the Gospel: “Everyone needs to be touched by the comfort and attraction of God’s saving love, which is mysteriously at work in each person above and beyond their faults and failings.” [para 44].

Reflection: Jesus met these fishermen coming home from work and cooked their breakfast, and they recognised him - an ordinary everyday situation changed by an encounter with the Risen Lord. At the heart of our Synod is the truth that God speaks to us in the ordinary events and situations of our lives, if only we take the time to stop and listen.

Reflection Question: This first Synod Question invites us to recognise God’s presence in the day-to-day events of our lives: Where in your everyday life do you experience love, truth, goodness, hope and joy?

Prayer: Light a candle and take a moment’s silence before praying: Risen Jesus, just as you met the first disciples beside the Sea of Galilee, meet us on the shore of our lives. Help us to see you in the encounters we have each day and enable us to draw strength from your presence. You who are Lord for ever and ever. Amen.


Weekday Missals are provided at the back of church for use at daily Mass. Page number are given below.

SUNDAY 5TH MAY 2019 – THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for Ann Louise and Maurice McCarthy

TUESDAY 7TH MAY 2019 10.00am Mass Offered for The Clarke Family Missal Page 328

THURSDAY 9TH MAY 2019 10.00am Mass Offered for Terence Hoarty Missal Page 334

SATURDAY 11TH MAY 2019 11.00am Mass Offered for the People of the Parish Missal Page 340 11.30am Sacrament of Reconciliation (Individual Confessions)

SUNDAY 12TH MAY 2019 – FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for Gareth Butterworth


Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”



“There can be no greater joy than to risk one’s life for the Lord! I would like to say this especially to you, the young. Do not be deaf to the Lord’s call. If he calls you to follow this path, do not pull your oars into the boat, but trust him. Do not yield to fear, which paralyzes us before the great heights to which the Lord points us. Always remember that to those who leave their nets and boat behind, and follow him, the Lord promises the joy of a new life that can fill our hearts and enliven our journey. On this World Day of Prayer for Vocations, let us join in prayer and ask the Lord to help us discover his plan of love for our lives, and to grant us the courage to walk in the path that, from the beginning, he has chosen for each of us.”

- Pope Francis: Message for World Vocations Sunday 2019

This year the Lord will bless us with just one new priest: Thomas Clarke will be ordained to the priesthood on Saturday the 13th of July. We will also welcome one man, Peter Murphy, to be ordained deacon as the final stepping stone on the journey to priesthood, later in the year. Please hold them and our other six seminarians in prayer before the Lord. And pray too for Benedict Ratchford who, after spending a year in discernment within the Archdiocese, will begin formation in September at the English College in Valladolid.

Do you know (or are you yourself) a MAN IN LATER YEARS CONSIDERING A VOCATION THE PRIESTHOOD? Then you may be interested in a Discernment Weekend being run by The Beda College in Rome for men between the ages of 30 and 55 from Friday the 30th of August to Sunday the 1st of September 2019 and taking place at St Beuno’s Spirituality Centre in North Wales. The weekend is hoping to reach men who are not already officially in touch with their diocese and is a first step for those who may be exploring the possibility of priestly vocation in later life. Information and registration forms are at www.pathwaystogod.org/courses-events-retreats/discernment- weekend-older-men. Or contact Canon Philip Gillepsie at [email protected] or Father Peter Verity at [email protected].

And the FCJ Sisters (Faithful Companions of Jesus) invite WOMEN IN THEIR 20s AND 30s TO JOIN THEM ON A VOCATION DISCERNMENT WEEKEND taking place at their house in Liverpool from the 24th to the 26th of May. They write: “There is nothing quite like religious life – it’s an extraordinary adventure into a deep relationship with God. If you are wondering if God is calling you to religious life and would like to find out more why not come along? You are welcome to stay for the weekend or just come along on Saturday for the day. There will be opportunity for prayer, reflection and input, chance to ask questions and to meet others who are also wondering where God is calling them.” More information from Sister Lynne fcJ at [email protected] or visit www.fcjsisters.org

OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHY AND PRAYERS are with the family and friends of Anthony Holcroft from Walthew Lane, Platt Bridge who died on the 5th of May aged 78 years. His funeral rites will be celebrated here at Holy Family next Wednesday at 12.30pm prior to committal at Wigan Crematorium. May the Risen Lord welcome him home. ARCHDIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL SYNOD 2020

To help us prepare prayerfully for the Synod, the Synod Team have issued a series of Reflections for each of the Sundays of May, based on the Sunday Gospel. Here is the Reflection for today, the Fourth Sunday of Easter.

Scripture Reading: Open your Bible (or take your Mass Sheet home with you after Mass today) and sometime during the week slowly read again the Sunday Gospel about Jesus as the Shepherd who knows his sheep. (John 10:27-30)

Pope Francis writes in The Joy of the Gospel: “Faith also means believing in God, believing that he truly loves us, that he is alive, that he is mysteriously capable of intervening, that he does not abandon us and that he brings good out of evil by his power and his infinite creativity … Let us believe the Gospel when it tells us that the kingdom of God is already present in this world and is growing, here and there, and in different ways: like the small seed which grows into a great tree … Christ’s resurrection everywhere calls forth seeds of that new world; even if they are cut back, they grow again, for the resurrection is already secretly woven into the fabric of this history, for Jesus did not rise in vain. May we never remain on the side-lines of this march of living hope!” [para. 278]

Reflection: Out of all the billions of people who have been, who are and who will be, God knows you by name and cares for you. You can never be lost, because God has made a decision to love you and nothing can change that. Even when life is hard and you are faced with worry and anxiety, God still loves you. You can face the troubles in life because God will never abandon you.

Reflection Question: This second Synod Question invites us to look at the shadows in our life and find God there too: When you reflect on your life now, as you look to the future, what causes you concern or worry?

Prayer: Light a candle and take a moment’s silence before praying: Risen Jesus, may we listen for your voice in the depths of our hearts, and in listening may we have the courage to follow you, knowing that we are safe in your loving care and have no need to be afraid. You who are Lord for ever and ever. Amen.


SUNDAY 12TH MAY 2019 – FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for Gareth Butterworth

TUESDAY 14TH MAY 2019 – CELEBRATING SAINT MATTHIAS The Acts of the Apostles records that Matthias was selected by the early Church to replace Judas Iscariot in the ranks of the apostles. We know little about him except that he was a witness to Jesus, from his baptism through to his ascension, and, in particular, a witness to the resurrection, the fundamental role of an apostle. 10.00am Mass Offered for Canon John Gaine Missal Page 1699

WEDNESDAY 15TH MAY 2019 12.30pm Funeral Service for Anthony Holcroft

THURSDAY 16TH MAY 2019 10.00am Mass Offered for Vera Howarth Missal Page 353

SATURDAY 18TH MAY 2019 11.00am Mass Offered for The People of the Parish Missal Page 358 11.30am Sacrament of Reconciliation (Individual Confessions)

SUNDAY 19TH MAY 2019 – FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for Pat Prescott


Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”


Our PIETY SHOP AT THE BACK OF CHURCH has a range of First Communion items, Rosaries, Cards, Statues and other devotional items available for sale. Plus our booklet sale is on-going, with every title now reduced from £2.95 and upwards to just 50p each. Why not have a browse through what’s on offer after Mass today?

You are invited to two SUMMER RETREAT DAYS organised by The Catholic Pictorial and both being led by Father Peter Morgan at the Shrine of Our Lady at Ladyewell near Preston on Wednesday the 5th of June or at Pantasaph Monastery in North Wales on Wednesday the 3rd of July. For more information or to book a place please ring the Catholic Pictorial on 0151 733 5492. (Transport from Liverpool is provided on each day).

Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity invite you to join them for their ANNUAL MAY PROCESSION in Liverpool City Centre next Saturday the 25th of May. Meet at 2.00pm at St. Peter’s Square (off Seel Street) and process via Bold Street, Church Street and Whitechapel to Queens Square for Benediction at the Blessed Sacrament Shrine. First Communion Children and their parents are especially welcome. More details from Jim Ross on 07766 706766 or email [email protected]

Animate Youth invite young Catholics along to their latest LIFE AND SOUL EVENING of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with praise, music and spiritual reflection, with the opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation, taking place at Saint Joseph’s Church, Harpers Lane, Chorley, PR6 0HR next Tuesday the 21st of May at 7.00pm. More details from www.animateyouth.org

The Irenaeus Project invite you to join one or both of two opportunities for REFLECTING ON THE SCRIPTURES over the coming weeks. Father Chris Thomas will lead Scripture Mornings on “He is Risen – Exploring the Resurrection Narratives” on Thursdays the 30th of May and the 6th and 13th and 20th of June from 10.30am ton 12 noon on each of those days. Father Chris will also lead a Scripture Weekend from Friday the 21st to Sunday the 23rd of June on “Looking at the Psalms” (residential and non-residential places available). Both taking place at their house of prayer at 32 Great Georges Road, Liverpool L22 1RD. For further details and to book a place at either please phone Jenny on 0151 949 1199 or email [email protected] or see the website at www.irenaeus.co.uk

The Don Orione Community are holding a SPRING BANK HOLIDAY GARDEN FETE on Bank Holiday Monday the 27th of May from 12 noon to 4.00pm at Cardinal Henan House, School Lane, Roby Mill, Upholland WN8 0QR. A day out for all the family with Car Boot (£10 for a pitch no traders) & Cake Stall & Refreshments with Candy Floss and Burgers and Hot Dogs & Grand Draw plus Tombolas & Games for Children plus Beat the Goalie & Plants and Bric-a- Brac – Plus much, much more! For More details and to book a Car Boot pitch call Christine on 07743 646018.

Aged 18+? Excited to inspire other young people? Eager to share and deepen your faith? Then you may be interested in spending a GAP YEAR WORKING WITH ANIMATE YOUTH. If you think you’re equipped for the job, contact Animate Youth for more info on 01744 740 460 or visit the website at www.animateyouth.org

Are you interested in developing your faith and becoming more skilled in your service of the community? The Archdiocese is seeking to develop LAY MINISTRY AND LEADERSHIP and would be keen to support people looking to develop their faith and skills in this area through the Lay Ministry Fund. For more information please contact the Pastoral Formation Department on 0151 522 1040 or click on the tab at www.liverpoolcatholic.org.uk ARCHDIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL SYNOD 2020

To help us prepare prayerfully for the Synod, the Synod Team have issued a series of Reflections for each of the Sundays of May, based on the Sunday Gospel. Here is the Reflection for today, the Fifth Sunday of Easter.

Scripture Reading: Open your Bible (or take your Mass Sheet home with you after Mass today) and sometime during the week slowly read again the Sunday Gospel about Jesus giving us the command to Love One Another. (John 13:31-35)

Pope Francis writes in The Joy of the Gospel: “The Church’s closeness to Jesus is part of a common journey; ‘communion and mission are profoundly interconnected’. In fidelity to the example of the Master, it is vitally important for the Church today to go forth and preach the Gospel to all: to all places, on all occasions, without hesitation, reluctance or fear. The joy of the Gospel is for all people: no one can be excluded… The Book of Revelation speaks of ‘an eternal Gospel to proclaim to those who dwell on earth, to every nation and tongue and tribe and people’ (Rev 14:6).” [para.23]

Reflection: The first followers of Jesus were recognised by the love they showed for one another: they were learning to love one another in the same way that Jesus loved them. That is the challenge Jesus has left us — to go and make disciples by loving as he loved. Can you imagine trying to do this on your own? For all its faults, the Church is still called to do what Jesus came to do.

Reflection Question: The Third Synod Question invites us to think about what that means here and now: What is the purpose of the Catholic Church in the world today?

Prayer: Light a candle and take a moment’s silence before praying: Risen Jesus, may we know the power of your love in our lives and through your Holy Spirit may we have the courage to share that love with a world that is hungry and broken and so glorify your name. You who are Lord for ever and ever. Amen.


SUNDAY 19TH MAY 2019 – FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for Pat Prescott

TUESDAY 21ST MAY 2019 10.00am Mass Offered for The Jones Family Missal Page 364

THURSDAY 23RD MAY 2019 10.00am Mass Offered for Terence Hoarty Missal Page 370

SATURDAY 25TH MAY 2019 – CELEBRATING SAINT BEDE Bede the Venerable almost never left his monastery in Jarrow once he became a monk, but he influenced the entire Church of his day. One of the most well-rounded scholars, he wrote and taught in all areas of knowledge. Bede's writings were read in church even before his death in the year 735. 11.00am Mass Offered for the Intentions of Vivienne Harles Missal Page 376 11.30am Sacrament of Reconciliation (Individual Confessions)

SUNDAY 26TH MAY 2019 – SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for Anne Arnold

THANK YOU Last Sunday’s Offertory Collection £442.55 Retiring Collection for the Priests Training Fund £138.51 HOLY FAMILY CHURCH ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL PLATT BRIDGE WIGAN PASTORAL AREA

Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”



Thursday of this week is the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord which is a HOLYDAY OF OBLIGATION, to be observed by Catholics as a sort of “mid-week Sunday” by joining together for the celebration of the Eucharist. Mass at Holy Family Church on Thursday will be celebrated at the usual time of 10.00am. For anyone who may be working during the day, or who cannot make a morning Mass on Thursday, a Vigil Mass for Ascension Day will be celebrated at Saint Benedict’s Church, Hindley on the Wednesday Evening at 7.00pm and also at Saint Patrick’s Church, Wigan at 7.30pm. On the Thursday Evening there will be Mass celebrated at 7.30pm at Saint Oswald’s, Ashton and also at Saint Mary’s, Standishgate, Wigan at 7.30pm.

Twenty Four of our Children will receive their FIRST HOLY COMMUNION NEXT SATURDAY during Mass celebrated at 11.00am. Together with their parents, they have been preparing since last September for this milestone in their life and in their journey of discipleship of the Lord. Please hold them in prayer during these last days of preparation.

WE WILL BE JOINED AT MASS NEXT TUESDAY the 28th of May by some Sisters from Saint Elizabeth’s Convent in Belarus who are currently visiting the area. The sisters will also set up a small stall to sell a range of craft and religious goods, the sale of which finances their work in providing an orphanage, a psychiatric hospital and two rehab centres in Belarus. If you’re free, please do come along to Mass on Tuesday to welcome the sisters and to buy their goods.

There will be a RETIRING COLLECTION NEXT SUNDAY to support the work of evangelisation. Next Sunday is World Communications Day when we are asked to remember in prayer those who work in the media, and also for the valuable work carried out by the Communications Office of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, which uses the latest digital channels to work with journalists across both national and international media outlets, providing a professional news service for the Church to the world. You may wish to visit their website at www.catholicnews.org.uk.

The Don Orione Community are holding a SPRING BANK HOLIDAY GARDEN FETE this Bank Holiday Monday the 27th of May from 12 noon to 4.00pm at Cardinal Henan House, School Lane, Roby Mill, Upholland WN8 0QR. A day out for all the family with Car Boot (£10 for a pitch no traders) & Cake Stall & Refreshments with Candy Floss and Burgers and Hot Dogs & Grand Draw plus Tombolas & Games for Children plus Beat the Goalie & Plants and Bric-a- Brac – Plus much, much more! For More details and to book a Car Boot pitch call Christine on 07743 646018.

Aid to the Church in Need invite you to join them for a RETREAT DAY IN SOLIDARITY WITH PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS on Saturday the 8th of June from 10.00am to 4.00pm at Sandymount House of Prayer, 16 Burbo Bank Road, BlundelIslands, Crosby, L23 6TH led by Father Tony Slingo. The day will consist of updates on ACN’s work, guided devotions, time for private prayer, along with Holy Mass and a time of Adoration. There’s no charge. To book a place or for more information please call 01524 388739.

THANK YOU Last Sunday’s Offertory Collection £394.28 ARCHDIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL SYNOD 2020

To help us prepare prayerfully for the Synod, the Synod Team have issued a series of Reflections for each of the Sundays of May, based on the Sunday Gospel. Here is the final Reflection for today, the Sixth Sunday of Easter.

Scripture Reading: Open your Bible (or take your Mass Sheet home with you after Mass today) and sometime during the week slowly read again the Sunday Gospel about Jesus’ promise that the Spirit will teach us everything. (John 14:23-27)

Pope Francis writes in The Joy of the Gospel: “The Holy Spirit works as he wills, when he wills and where he wills; we entrust ourselves without pretending to see striking results. We know only that our commitment is necessary. Let us learn to rest in the tenderness of the arms of the Father amid our creative and generous commitment. Let us keep marching forward; let us give him everything, allowing him to make our efforts bear fruit in his good time.” [para. 279]

Reflection: Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would teach us everything. This Synod process is about listening to what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church in this Archdiocese of Liverpool now, through the different voices and experiences of all its members, and discerning the way forward together.

Reflection Question: This fourth question is not about listing our favourite causes or fixed opinions: it invites us to reflect on all the answers we’ve heard to the previous three questions and then to listen carefully to what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church through us. Having reflected on these things, what are the topics you would like to see on the agenda of Synod 2020? (Choose a maximum of 5 topics. You can share your choices with the Synod Team via the online Survey.)

Prayer: Light a candle and take a moment’s silence before praying: Risen Jesus, as we listen to and reflect on your word may we hear the voice of your guiding spirit who will reveal to us everything we need. May we find the strength, courage and impetus to move forward in your ways and may that deep inner peace you promise be ours. You who are Lord for ever and ever. Amen.


Weekday Missals are provided at the back of church for use at daily Mass. Page number are given below.

SUNDAY 26TH MAY 2019 – SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for Anne Arnold

TUESDAY 28TH MAY 2019 10.00am Mass Offered for Canon John Gaine Missal Page 381

THURSDAY 30TH MAY 2019 - CELEBRATING THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD – HOLYDAY OF OBLIGATION Within the celebration of the fifty days of Easter, from Easter Sunday to Pentecost, this fortieth day was singled out for commemoration of the Ascension of the Lord. The feast develops the glory of the resurrection by acclaiming the exaltation of Christ as Lord of heaven and earth, and prepares the Church for the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. 10.00am Mass Offered for the People of the Parish


SUNDAY 2ND JUNE 2019 – SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for Fiquiri Ramhoxha 11.45am The Celebration of Baptism for Tommy Scott Kerr


Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”



Today is World Communications Day when we are asked to remember in prayer for those who work in the media, and also the valuable work carried out by the Communications Office of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, which uses the latest digital channels to work with journalists across both national and international media outlets, providing a professional news service for the Church to the world. You may wish to visit their website at www.catholicnews.org.uk. The retiring collection today to support this continuing work of evangelisation.

We welcome into the People of God and our Parish Family through the CELEBRATION OF BAPTISM TODAY Tommy Scott Kerr, born on the 10th of September 2018, the son of Matthew Kerr and Alexis Cahillane from Bickershaw Lane, Abram.

Congratulations to the Twenty Four Children who received their FIRST HOLY COMMUNION yesterday. Now that they have reached this milestone in their discipleship of the Lord, we look forward to them joining with us to receive his life into ours through the Eucharist every Sunday.

Our congratulations to those who will be celebrating their FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF BAPTISM during this month, and especially Rosie Elizabeth Foster, the daughter of Victoria and Thomas Foster from Chatsworth Fold, Ince, and Ruby Rose Scotson, the daughter of Thomas Scotson and Lacey Roberts from Waterford Close, Platt Bridge, and Elliot Richard and Lewis Christopher Farnsworth, the sons of Geoffrey Bradfield and Elizabeth Farnsworth from Sydney, Australia, and Amelia Elise Harvey the daughter of Daniel Harvey and Ramona Bjorm from Halmstad, Sweden, all of whom were baptised at Holy Family Church on the 10th of June 2018. And Connor Gerard Ward, the son of Patrick and Kathleen Ward from Stratton Drive, Platt Bridge, who was baptised at Holy Family Church on the 24th of June 2018.

We continue to hold in prayer before the Lord those whose FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF DEATH will occur this month, and especially Angela Thomas from Ince Green Lane, Ince, our former organist here at Holy Family Church, who died on the 6th of June 2018 aged 86 years.

Applications are still being invited for this postgraduate, School’s Direct Teacher Training programme. The course is to TRAIN CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS for the future and is run at Saint Patrick’s Catholic Primary School in Wigan. For more information, please speak to the Course Lead and Saint Patrick’s Headteacher, Mrs L. Hobden. Alternatively, visit the website at www.wcpsd.uk

THANK YOU Last Sunday’s Offertory Collection £423.12

Our sincere thanks for a recent donation of £50 to Holy Family Church In Memory of the late Tony Holcroft from his daughters Carol, Janet and Diane. ARCHDIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL SYNOD 2020


Over the last four weeks we have prayed and reflected. NOW HAVE YOUR SAY! Ensure that your voice is heard in response to the Four Synod Questions by attending a future Listening Gathering in your parish or Pastoral Area and/or also by completing the Synod Survey at www.synod2020.co.uk

The Annual CELEBRATE THE CHILD FAMILY CELEBRATION MASS will take place this year on Sunday the 30th of June at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic College, Highfield Road, Widnes, WA8 7DW. The Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Malcolm at 3.00pm but activities to prepare for the Mass start from 1.00pm. All families welcome – take a picnic to enjoy in the grounds before Mass and make a day of it!

All are welcome to TIME OUT ON TUESDAYS at The Cenacle, Tithebarn Grove, Lance Lane, Liverpool L15 6TW on Tuesday the 11th of June from 10.00am to 4.00pm. An opportunity for some quiet time away from the daily rush of life. Offering £10 per person (bring your own lunch). Further details from Sister Winifred on 0151 722 2271 or email [email protected]

You would be most welcome to join in this year's ECUMENICAL PENTECOST CELEBRATION taking place in Liverpool next Sunday, the 9th of June. It starts at the Catholic Metropolitan Cathedral with a service at 3.00pm. From there people are invited to make their own pilgrimage to Liverpool Anglican Cathedral, praying at various places along the way, for an informal Taizé service beginning at 4.30pm.

Saint Mary’s Church on Standishgate in Wigan Town Centre Is OPEN EVERY DAY FROM 8.00AM UNTIL 5.00PM for any who may wish to call and spend some time in prayer before the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. So next time you’re shopping in Wigan why not pop in and pay the Lord a visit?


SUNDAY 2ND JUNE 2019 – SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER (YEAR C) 10.30am Mass Offered for Fiquiri Ramhoxha 11.45am The Celebration of Baptism for Tommy Scott Kerr

TUESDAY 4TH JUNE 2019 10.00am Mass Offered for the Healing of Ruby Scotson (Two Years Old Sick Child) Missal Page 407

THURSDAY 6TH JUNE 2019 10.00am Mass Offered for the Intentions of Ged Baines Missal Page 413

SATURDAY 8TH JUNE 2019 11.00am Mass Offered for Father Joe Cunningham (Recently Deceased) Missal Page 419 11.30am Sacrament of Reconciliation (Individual Confession)

SUNDAY 9TH JUNE 2019 – PENTECOST SUNDAY This, the fiftieth day, concludes the season of Easter, the continuous single festival of the Risen Christ. Pentecost, originally the Jewish feast of harvest, also commemorating the giving of the Law of Moses, was the day when the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles (see Acts 2:1ff.). The joy of Pentecost is that the once-crucified, now Risen Lord breathes upon his Church and says, “Peace be with you: Receive the Holy Spirit.” (John 20:22) 10.30am Mass Offered for Father John Kennedy (Anniversary of Death)


Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”


Over past weeks you will have seen references in the newsletter to Synod 2020, encouraging you to have your say via the online survey Synod2020.co.uk. As an Archdiocese we are now moving forward with this process, and our Parish Synod Representative, Pearse McDonagh, will soon be hosting TWO LISTENING AND DISCERNING SESSIONS.

These will be held in Holy Family Parish Hall after Mass Next Sunday the 16th of June and on Sunday the 30th of June. We hope you’ll all want to come along and have your say about the future of the Church.

Just to remind you: The four Synod Questions that will inform and inspire our Listening and Discerning are: Where in your everyday life do you experience love, truth, goodness hope and joy? When you reflect on your life now and as you look to the future, what causes you concern and worry? What is the purpose of the Catholic Church in the world today? Having reflected on these things, what are the topics you would like to see on the agenda of Synod 2020?

You would be most welcome to join in this year's ECUMENICAL PENTECOST CELEBRATION taking place in Liverpool this afternoon, Sunday the 9th of June. It starts at the Catholic Metropolitan Cathedral with a service at 3.00pm. From there people are invited to make their own pilgrimage to Liverpool Anglican Cathedral, praying at various places along the way, for an informal Taizé style service beginning at 4.30pm.

Next Sunday is Day for Life and there will be a RETIRING COLLECTION NEXT SUNDAY for this cause. The Church teaches that life is to be nurtured from conception to natural death and Day for Life is the day in the Church’s year dedicated to raising awareness about the meaning and value of human life at every stage and in every condition. The proceeds of the Day for Life collection to be held in parishes in England and Wales assists the work of the Anscombe Bioethics Centre and other life-related activities supported by the Church. There is a Day for Life website at www.dayforlife.org with resources and information on subjects which cover the journey of life and where you can also read documents and publications released by the Catholic Church on the key issues.

Sunday the 23rd of June, in two weeks’ time, is the Feast of Corpus Christi when we will hold a DAY OF SOLEMN EXPOSITION here at Holy Family Church. The church will remain open on that day with the Blessed Sacrament exposed on the altar from the end of Mass at 10.30am until Benediction at 6.00pm so that we can come along to spend some time in adoration and silent prayer before the Lord throughout the day.

If you GIFT AID YOUR OFFERINGS TO THE CHURCH THEN PLEASE COLLECT A LETTER from the back of church this weekend (your name and address will be on one of the envelopes which are in alphabetical order). This is to notify you of the total amount of your donations to Holy Family Parish during the 2018/2019 Tax Year; information which you may need if you complete self-assessment income tax returns. THANK YOU Offertory Collection Last Sunday £417.07 Retiring Collection for Communications Sunday £91.14 Offertory Collection at First Holy Communion Mass £235.00

Nine months ago we were informed that TWO NEW HEATING BOILERS are needed for Holy Family Church, due to the wear-and-tear demise of the old ones (which in any case, to save money, were re-conditioned when they were installed eight years ago, having previously been in use at the former Saint Aelred’s High School in Newton-le- Willows.) Fortunately, one boiler has managed to struggle on throughout the winter to provide us with heat, and now both are to be replaced. The work is due to begin on the 17th of June and will take three weeks. The cost is expected to be £32,500 including VAT. Increased regular offertory-giving would be appreciated to help pay for it!

Apologies to anyone who may have been hoping to buy a copy of THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSE last Sunday and was disappointed that no copies were available. They were only delivered to the church on Monday morning. Hopefully the newspapers will have been delivered on time this weekend and this week’s issue will be on sale at the back of church by the time you read this.

BONUS BALL WINNERS Wednesday 1st May – No. 09 Wednesday 8th May – No. 59 Wednesday 15th May – No. 23 Wednesday 22nd May – No. 18 Wednesday 29th May – No. 57


SUNDAY 9TH JUNE 2019 – PENTECOST SUNDAY This, the fiftieth day, concludes the season of Easter, the continuous single festival of the Risen Christ. Pentecost, originally the Jewish feast of harvest, also commemorating the giving of the Law of Moses, was the day when the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles (see Acts 2:1ff.). The joy of Pentecost is that the once-crucified, now Risen Lord breathes upon his Church and says, “Peace be with you: Receive the Holy Spirit.” (John 20:22) 10.30am Mass Offered for Father John Kennedy (Parish Priest of Holy Family from 1956 to 1981)

TUESDAY 11TH JUNE 2019 – CELEBRATING SAINT BARNABAS A Jew from Cyprus, and one of the first converts in Jerusalem, Barnabas was a leading member of the Church there. He introduced Apostle Paul to The Twelve and worked with Paul in Antioch and on missionary work in the Mediterranean world. Barnabas championed the Gentiles at the Council of Jerusalem and is remembered as “a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith” (Acts 11:21). 10.00am Mass Offered for Canon John Gaine Missal Page 599

THURSDAY 13TH JUNE 2019 – CELEBRATING SAINT ANTHONY OF PADUA Born in Lisbon (Portugal) in 1195 and baptised as Fernando (Anthony was his name in religious life) and died at Padua (Italy) on this day in 1231. At first an Augustinian priest, he joined the Franciscans to be a missionary in north Africa but was thwarted by illness. Instead, he became a teacher of theology and a brilliant preacher in France and Italy. He is remembered and loved as an inspired preacher, a servant of the poor, and a miracle worker. 10.00am Mass Offered for the People of the Parish Missal Page 603

SATURDAY 15TH JUNE 2019 11.00am Mass Offered for the Intentions of Claire Sherlock Missal Page 607 11.30am Sacrament of Reconciliation (Individual Confession)

SUNDAY 16TH JUNE 2019 – SOLEMNITY OF THE MOST HOLY TRINITY Today’s feast celebrates God-as-God-is and the self-revelation of God by God through his creation, through the experiences of the people of Israel, in the person of Jesus to the world, and through the Spirit of Pentecost breathed upon the Christian community. 10.30am Mass Offered for Stan and Barbara and Sandra King


Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”



This Sunday is Day for Life and there will be a Retiring Collection for this cause. The Church teaches that life is to be nurtured from conception to natural death and Day for Life is the day in the Church’s year dedicated to raising awareness about the meaning and value of human life at every stage and in every condition. The proceeds of the Day for Life collection to be held in parishes in England and Wales assists the work of the Anscombe Bioethics Centre and other pro-life related activities supported by the Church.

There is a Day for Life website at www.dayforlife.org with resources and information on subjects which cover the journey of life and where you can find documents and publications released by the Catholic Church on the key life issues.

Over past weeks you will have seen references in the newsletter to Synod 2020, encouraging you to have your say via the online survey at www.Synod2020.co.uk. As an Archdiocese we are now moving forward with this process and our Parish Synod Representative, Pearse McDonagh, will be hosting TWO LISTENING AND DISCERNING SESSIONS. These will involve small group activity and will be held in Holy Family Parish Hall after Mass Today, Sunday the 16th of June and on Sunday the 30th of June. We hope you’ll all want to come along and have your say about the future of the Church, as you see it.

Just to remind you: The four Synod Questions that will inform and inspire our Listening and Discerning are: Where in your everyday life do you experience love, truth, goodness hope and joy? When you reflect on your life now and as you look to the future, what causes you concern and worry? What is the purpose of the Catholic Church in the world today? Having reflected on these things, what are the topics you would like to see on the agenda of Synod 2020?

Our deepest sympathy and prayers are with the family and friends of ERNEST NUTTALL from Church Avenue, Bickershaw who died on the 5th of June aged 82 years. His funeral rites will be celebrated here at Holy Family next Tuesday, the 18th of June, at 1.00pm prior to burial in Abram Churchyard. May the Lord welcome him home.

If you GIFT AID YOUR OFFERINGS TO THE CHURCH then please collect a letter from the back of church this weekend (your name and address will be on one of the envelopes which are in alphabetical order). This is to notify you of the total amount of your donations to Holy Family Parish during the 2018/2019 Tax Year; information which you may need if you complete self-assessment income tax returns.

THANK YOU Last Sunday’s Offertory Collection £328.94 The CHOIR OF LIVERPOOL METROPOLITAN CATHEDRAL WILL BE PERFORMING IN CONCERT at Saint John’s Church, Standishgate in Wigan next Friday evening, the 21st of June, at 7.00pm. Admission is free and all are welcome.

The Annual CELEBRATE THE CHILD FAMILY CELEBRATION MASS will take place next Sunday the 30th of June at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic College, Highfield Road, Widnes, WA8 7DW. The Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Malcolm at 3.00pm but activities to prepare for the Mass start from 1.00pm. All families welcome – take a picnic to enjoy in the grounds before Mass and make a day of it!

Father Ian O’Shea will lead AN EVENING OF RECOLLECTION FOR WOMEN on Friday the 5th of July from 7.00pm at Saint Patrick’s Church, Wigan. The evening will include preached meditations, Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament concluding with Benediction. Refreshments will be served afterwards in the Presbytery.

Please continue to take a WHITE COLLECTING TIN from the back of church to put your loose change in and then, when it’s full, return it to church and take another one to fill. And William, our Altar Server, will continue to be at the church door with his orange bucket at the end of Mass to receive any loose change you may wish to donate on a weekly basis. Many thanks for your support of this loose change collection initiative – it does make a big difference to church funds.

The BRICK BOX in the piety shop at the back of church is there to receive any contributions you may wish to make towards the food bank which is run by The Brick to support those who are homeless or down on their luck in the Wigan area. Donations are welcome of any non-perishable food items – tinned and packet food and dried goods such as rice and pasta, as well as baby food and nappies, ladies sanitary products, and basic toiletries such as soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes.


SUNDAY 16TH JUNE 2019 – SOLEMNITY OF THE MOST HOLY TRINITY Today’s feast celebrates God-as-God-is and the self-revelation of God by God through his creation, through the experiences of the people of Israel, in the person of Jesus to the world, and through the Spirit of Pentecost breathed upon the Christian community. 10.30am Mass Offered for Stan and Barbara and Sandra King

TUESDAY 18TH JUNE 2019 10.00am Service of the Word and Communion (No Mass) Missal Page 611 1.00pm Funeral Service for Ernest Nuttall

THURSDAY 20TH JUNE 2019 10.00am Service of the Word and Communion (No Mass) Missal Page 615

SATURDAY 22ND JUNE 2019 – CELEBRATING SAINTS JOHN FISHER AND THOMAS MORE Husband, father, Chancellor of England, and lawyer, Thomas More was put to death on the order of King Henry VIII in 1535, He stands out as a leading figure in British history and is the patron of those in the law profession. John Fisher, a bishop and cardinal, refused to agree with Henry VIII’s divorce and remarriage as well as the idea that the king, rather than the pope, was the head of the Church in England. He too was killed on Henry VIII’s order. Both are among the English Martyrs of the Reformation era. 11.00am Service of the Word and Communion (No Mass) Missal Page 619 Please note: No priest available to hear Confessions today

SUNDAY 23RD JUNE 2019 – SOLEMNITY OF THE BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST The institution of the Eucharist is commemorated on Holy Thursday, but that day falls under the shadow of Good Friday. This Feast celebrates the mystery of the nourishing and enduring presence of the Lord among us through the gift of his body and blood in the Eucharist. 10.30am Mass Offered for Agnes Turner The day of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament which we had planned to hold next Sunday has now been postponed and will take place later in the year.


Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”


Our PRAYERS AND DEEPEST SYMPATHY are with the family and friends of John Gurhy from SImpkin Street, Abram who died on the 15th of June aged 63 years. His funeral rites will be celebrated here at Holy Family Church next Thursday the 27th of June at 12 noon prior to burial at Hindley Cemetery. May the Lord welcome him home.

Thank you to those who came along to our first SYNOD LISTENING SESSION held last Sunday. The second session will take place Next Sunday the 30th of June in Holy Family Parish Hall immediately after the Mass.

There will be a RETIRING COLLECTION NEXT SUNDAY FOR PETER’S PENCE. This is a gesture which began in Anglo- Saxon England and is now the annual offering of Catholics throughout the world made to the Pope. The money raised provides a fund which will be used by Pope Francis on behalf of all Catholics to offer humanitarian aid to victims of such disasters as hurricane, flood, famine and drought. (Please note that there is a mistake in the boxes of Weekly Envelopes where the printers have allocated an envelope for a Retiring Collection for Provision for Priests in Retirement for this weekend. This collection will in fact take place on the 14th of July.)

The Annual CELEBRATE THE CHILD FAMILY CELEBRATION MASS takes place next Sunday the 30th of June at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic College, Highfield Road, Widnes, WA8 7DW. The Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Malcolm at 3.00pm but activities to prepare for the Mass start from 1.00pm. All families welcome – take a picnic to enjoy in the grounds before Mass and make a day of it!

There is AN EVENING OF RECOLLECTION FOR WOMEN taking place on Friday the 5th of July from 7.00pm at Saint Patrick’s Church, Wigan. The evening will include preached meditations, Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament concluding with Benediction. Refreshments will be served afterwards in the Presbytery.

What do Catholics really believe? A series of TALKS ON THE CATHOLIC FAITH is taking place at Saint John’s Presbytery, 13 Powell Street, Wigan starting next Friday the 28th of June at 6.30pm. Everyone welcome.

Archbishop Malcolm invites you to join him for a Mass of Thanksgiving at the Metropolitan Cathedral at 7.00pm next Friday the 28th of June and the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, with our priests who are celebrating special Jubilees of Ordination this year. They are: Fr Terry Dooley (50 years); Fr Mark Beattie (25 years); Fr Peter Fox (50 years); Fr Denis Parry (25 years); Fr James Moore (50 years); Canon Aidan Prescott (25 years); Fr Ed Cain (40 years); and Canon Tony O’Brien (40 years). Please hold them in prayer and join with them in thanksgiving.

We have been asked to share information about MARGARET AND HORACE STANIFORTH for the benefit of any who know them. You will already be aware that Horace died in 1996. Margaret continued to reside in Avril Court, Ince until 2012 when, due to the increasing onset of Alzheimer’s Disease, she moved to Southport to be cared for by her family. Margaret died in February this year. Our thanks to their daughter Mary and son Tom for sharing the news with us and for a donation of £200 to Holy Family Church in memory of both Margaret and Horace.

THANK YOU Last Sunday’s Offertory Collection £414.39 Retiring Collection for Day for Life £86.60 REGULAR SOCIAL, SUPPORT AND PRAYER GROUPS meet in the parish each week. New members and enquirers are always welcome. Either just turn up on the day or contact the named person for more information:

Trammers Line Dancing Group for men and women of all ages meets each Monday from 1.00pm to 3.00pm in Holy Family Parish Hall. Contact Sylvia Delargy on 01942 521482.

To help open the treasure of the scriptures, a Bible Study Group meets each Monday at 7.00pm in Saint Wilfrid’s Church, Bolton Road, Ashton-in-Makerfield. Contact Deacon Mike Swift on 01942 715177.

Coming to Jesus through Mary, members of the Legion of Mary meet to pray the Rosary each Tuesday at 10.30am in the Lady Chapel at Holy Family Church. Contact Mary Marsh on 01942 701091.

With activities and friendship for girls, Brownies and Guides meet each Wednesday in Holy Family Parish Hall, Brownies at 6.30pm (for girls aged 7 to 10 years) and Guides at 8.00pm (for girls aged 10 years and above). Contact Sheila Marcroft on 01942 861981.

Mothers and grandmothers meet to pray for their children at Mother’s Prayers each Thursday at 2.00pm in Holy Family Parish Hall. Contact Mary Marsh on 01942 701091.

For any who find it difficult to cope with the loss of a loved one, a Bereavement Support Group meets on the last Saturday of each month at 12.15pm in Holy Family Parish Hall. Contact Mary Marsh on 01942 701091.


Weekday Missals are provided at the back of church for use at daily Mass. Page number are given below.

SUNDAY 23RD JUNE 2019 – SOLEMNITY OF THE BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST The institution of the Eucharist is commemorated on Holy Thursday; but that day falls under the shadow of Good Friday. This Feast celebrates the mystery of the nourishing and enduring presence of the Lord among us through the gift of his body and blood in the Eucharist. 10.30am Mass Offered for Agnes Turner The Day of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament planned for today has been postponed until later in the year.

TUESDAY 25TH JUNE 2019 10.00am Mass Offered for the Intentions of Claire Sherlock Missal Page 623

THURSDAY 27TH JUNE 2019 ►12 noon◄ Funeral Mass for John Gurhy

SATURDAY 29TH JUNE 2019 – CELEBRATING THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY Yesterday (Friday) the Church celebrated the love of God for us, signified in the Sacred Heart of Jesus. On this following day, we commemorate the response to that love shown by Mary, our mother and our sister, whose pure heart and mind was always open to do God’s will in all life’s circumstances. 11.00am Mass Offered for the Intentions of LISCF Missal Page 1726 11.30am Sacrament of Reconciliation (Individual Confession)

SUNDAY 30TH JUNE 2019 – FEAST OF THE APOSTLES PETER AND PAUL Transferred from its usual date of the 29th of June, this feast celebrates Peter the “chief of the apostles” and Paul the “apostle to the Gentiles.” Especially commemorating their martyrdoms at Rome under Nero, between the years 64 and 67, it recalls their faith, their courage, and their leadership of the Church during the difficult first days of the birth of the Christian Community. 10.30am Mass Offered for the People of the Parish


Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”



The Peter’s Pence Collection is a gesture, begun in Anglo-Saxon England and now the annual offering of

Catholics throughout the world to the Pope. The

money raised provides a fund used by Pope Francis

on behalf of all Catholics to offer humanitarian aid

to victims of such disasters as hurricane, flood,

famine and drought. SUNDAY 30TH JUNE 2019 Celebrating Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles

Transferred from its usual date of the 29th of June UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN this year, today’s feast celebrates Peter the “chief of the apostles” and Paul the “apostle to the Gentiles.” Our deep sympathy and prayers are with the family Especially commemorating their martyrdoms at and friends of Brian Smith from Upholland and Rome under the emperor Nero between 64 and 67. owner of Six Acres Residential Home in Bickershaw, Mass at 10.30am who died on the 23rd of June aged 76 years. His Offered for the People of the Parish funeral rites will be celebrated at Holy Family Church

next Thursday the 4th of July at 12.30pm prior to TUESDAY 2ND JULY 2019 committal at Wigan Crematorium. Mass at 10.00am

Offered for Father Philip Barrett (sick) May the Lord welcome him home. Weekday Missal Page 637


Offered for Margaret and Horace Staniforth Please hold in prayer Father Philip Barrett who is Weekday Missal Page 641 very seriously ill in hospital. He was Parish Priest FUNERAL SERVICE AT 12.30PM FOR BRIAN SMITH here at Holy Family from 1981 until his retirement in

2003. SATURDAY 6TH JULY 2019

Mass at 11.00am May the eternal love of the Lord embrace him. Offered for the Intentions of John Baines

Weekday Missal Page 646


Congratulations to those celebrating their First The Catholic Pictorial is the monthly magazine of the Anniversary of Baptism during the coming month, Archdiocese of Liverpool giving reports of recent and especially Isabella Rose Lloyd, the daughter of happenings and news of what’s coming up. Copies Daniel Lloyd and Donna Southern from Oak Avenue, of the July issue are available (free-of-charge) from Abram who was baptised at Holy Family Church on the back of church this weekend. Please take a copy the 8th of July 2018. home with you.

And we continue to hold in prayer before the Lord those whose First Anniversary of Death will occur, VACANCY FOR CENTRE MANAGER AT and especially Maureen Southworth from Ruskin ST JOSEPH’S FAMILY CENTRE, WARRINGTON Crescent, Abram who died on the 7th of July 2018 aged 76 years; and Thomas Hurst from Warrington They are seeking an experienced professional to Road, Abram who died on the 25th of July 2018 aged manage the services provided by the centre. 78 years. Applicants for this important and challenging role should have previous professional or managerial experience in social care, health care, education or HOLY FAMILY D.I.Y. S.O.S. a similar field and be able to inspire the dedicated staff and volunteers. One of the key requirements In many churches, maintenance and grounds work for this role is that the person appointed must have around the Church is undertaken by the parishioners sympathy with the religious ethos of the Centre and themselves. Would anyone be willing to take charge be committed to maintaining the Christian values of some maintenance and grounds work here at that underpin all its work. Further details about Holy Family, perhaps getting together a team of salary and how to apply are available from 01925 volunteers? It’s some years since the Railings around 635448 or e-mail [email protected] The closing the Church and Car Park were painted, and there’s date for applications is Monday the 15th of July. now some rust appearing in places. The rust needs to be removed and the railings and gates primed and repainted. The current colour is “Buckingham THANK YOU FOR LAST WEEK Green” metal fence paint which was purchased from B&Q. Please let us know if you can help. Offertory Collection £343.18

Any collection envelopes which were handed in last CELEBRATING THE FAMILY weekend “For Provision for our Retired Priests” will be included in the total for that Retiring Collection The Annual Family Celebration Mass takes place when it takes place on Sunday the 14th of July. today (Sunday the 30th of June) at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic College, Highfield Road, Widnes, WA8 Heartfelt thanks to the members of the Trammers 7DW. The Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Line Dancing Group for a further very generous Malcolm at 3.00pm but activities to prepare for the donation to Holy Family Church of £500. Mass start from 1.00pm. All families welcome – take a picnic to enjoy in the college grounds before Mass and make a day of it! NEW HEATING BOILERS UPDATE

The installation of new heating boilers in the church EVENING OF RECOLLECTION FOR WOMEN is almost complete at a cost of just under £35K. Obviously we don’t have that kind of money, so we taking place next Friday the 5th of July from 7.00pm have requested a loan from the diocese to pay for at Saint Patrick’s Church, Wigan. The evening will this work, which will need to be repaid over the next include preached meditations, Exposition and five years. This new loan is in addition to the balance Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament concluding with (£15K) of the earlier loan which was taken out to pay Benediction. Refreshments served afterwards in the for the decoration and rewiring of the church a few Presbytery. All women welcome. years ago - so we will now owe £50K to the diocese. HOLY FAMILY CHURCH ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL PLATT BRIDGE WIGAN PASTORAL AREA

Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”



Our deep sympathy and prayers are with the family and friends of Maureen Laithwaite from Ince Green Lane, Ince who died on the 29th of June aged 72 years. Her funeral rites will be celebrated at Holy Family Church next Thursday the 11th of July at SUNDAY 7TH JULY 2019 11.30am prior to committal at Wigan Crematorium. Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year C) Mass at 10.30am May the Lord welcome her home. Offered for the People of the Parish

TUESDAY 9TH JULY 2019 ORDINATION TO THE PRIESTHOOD Mass at 10.00am Offered for Canon John Gaine Please hold in prayer Thomas Clarke who will be Weekday Missal Page 650 ordained priest by Archbishop Malcolm next Saturday the 13th of July at Saint Charles Borromeo THURSDAY 11TH JULY 2019 Church in Aigburth. He will be the only new priest Celebrating Saint Benedict ordained for the Archdiocese of Liverpool this year. Born about 480, Benedict is known as the Father of Western Monasticism. Living as a hermit, others witnessed his lifestyle and wanted to follow it. He RETIRING COLLECTION NEXT SUNDAY wrote a Rule governing their communal life, noted TO PROVIDE FOR OUR RETIRED PRIESTS for its moderation and hospitality, which continues to nurture monastic life today. The usual retirement age for diocesan priests from Mass at 10.00am active pastoral ministry is seventy five years of age, Offered for the Intentions of Claire Sherlock although most choose to remain on in parish Weekday Missal Page 654 ministry far beyond that. And, even when they do FUNERAL SERVICE AT 11.30AM retire, if they remain in good health they continue to FOR MAUREEN LAITHWAITE be available to provide supply for sick and holiday cover for the parishes of our archdiocese. SATURDAY 13TH JULY 2019 Mass at 11.00am Some priests are able to make their own living Offered for the Intentions of Robert O’Connor arrangements for retirement (perhaps they were Weekday Missal Page 659 left the family home) but most still rely on the Confessions at 11.30am Catholic community (in other words, on us) to give them a roof over their head, a bed to sleep in, and SUNDAY 14TH JULY 2019 in some cases health and social care. Fifteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year C) Mass at 10.30am Next Sunday’s collection helps provide that support. Offered for Linda Mulvey TALKS ON THE CATHOLIC FAITH UPCOMING PILGRIMAGES

What do Catholics really believe? The series of Talks If you happen to be on holiday in Norfolk over the on The Catholic Faith continue at Saint John’s next few weeks, you may be interested in going Presbytery, 13 Powell Street, Wigan next Friday the along to the National Grandparents’ Pilgrimage at 12th of June at 6.30pm. Everyone welcome. the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham on Sunday the 21st of July (postcode for your satnav is NR22 6AL). Led by Bishop Peter Doyle of Northampton it A DAY WITH OUR LADY begins at 11.00am with Mass at 12 noon concluding with Benediction at 4.00pm. Take a picnic lunch and You are invited to spend a Day in Honour of Mary, make it a day of faith and fun for all the family. Rosa Mystica, the Mother of the Church at Saint Mary’s Church, Standishgate, Wigan next Saturday There’s a fully-escorted Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine, the 13th of July, beginning with Mass at 12 noon, Ireland from Monday the 23rd to Friday the 27th of then Procession and Devotions at 3.00pm, ending September? The cost is £599.00 per person sharing, with Benediction. Lunch can be eaten in Saint Mary’s which includes flight from Liverpool to Knock with Centre after the Mass (bring something to eat - hot 10kg hand luggage, all transfers, 4 nights stay in drinks will be available.) Knock House Hotel with full Irish Breakfast each morning and 4 Course Dinner each evening with lunch on days out. All entertainment and excursions CARDINAL NEWMAN TO BE CANONISED included. Wheelchair accessible rooms in the hotel. Limited single rooms are available at a supplement Pope Francis has announced that he will canonise of £100. Groups and Individual bookings welcome. Blessed John Henry Newman in Rome on Sunday the Contact Patricia on 01268 762 278 or 07740 175557 13th of October. Cardinal Newman will be the first or email [email protected] English person since the 17th Century to be officially recognised as a saint by the Catholic Church. Or maybe a Pilgrimage to Fatima from the 14th to the 18th of October, 5 days by air from Manchester, Archbishop Malcolm will be leading a Pilgrimage with airport transfers in Portugal, full pilgrimage from the Archdiocese to Rome for the Canonisation programme, half-board, cost £449 in a twin room of Cardinal Newman, departing from Manchester on sharing. Contact Leisure Time Travel on 0151 287 8000 or visit their webpage at www.lourdes- Saturday the 12th of October and returning on Tuesday the 15th of October. pilgrim.com

The price will include return flights, half-board Or perhaps a Pilgrimage to Medjugorje anytime between now and October. Seven nights B&B and accommodation in a Rome hotel, airport transfer to the hotel in Rome, a guided tour of Saint Peter’s airport shuttle service from Dubrovnik or Split for €279 per person sharing. Book any flight - any time Basilica and attendance at the Canonisation Mass. and guaranteed airport shuttle service will be provided. Call Medjugorje Irish Centre for further For further details and cost please call Leisure Time Travel on 151 287 8000 or 07512 856 045 information and book the dates that suit you. Telephone 020 3239 8662 or you can email [email protected].


Thank you to Jackie who has taken charge of the THANK YOU FOR LAST WEEK Calvary Garden at the front of Holy Family Church. The new plants and flowers really help to set it off. Offertory Collection £443.95 If anyone else would like to take charge of some task Peter’s Pence Collection £103.97 either inside the church or in some specific area of grounds maintenance (litter collecting, fence painting, tree pruning, pot hole filling, or whatever TO HIRE HOLY FAMILY PARISH HALL you may notice that needs some attention) you would be most welcome. PHONE GEOFF OR CECILIA ON 01942 861084 HOLY FAMILY CHURCH ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL PLATT BRIDGE WIGAN PASTORAL AREA

Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”


THE LITURGY THIS WEEK RETIRING COLLECTION TODAY TO PROVIDE FOR OUR RETIRED PRIESTS SUNDAY 14TH JULY 2019 A few of our priests are able to make their own Fifteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year C) arrangements for retirement (perhaps they were Mass at 10.30am left the family home) but most still rely on the Offered for Linda Mulvey Catholic community (in other words, on us) to give

them a roof over their head, a bed to sleep in, and TUESDAY 16TH JULY 2019 in some cases health and social care. Today’s Celebrating Our Lady of Mount Carmel collection helps towards providing that support. Mass at 10.00am

Offered for Irene Gibbs

Weekday Missal Page 664 TODAY IS A DAY OF PRAYER: SEA SUNDAY THURSDAY 18TH JULY 2019 Mass at 10.00am We pray for all who sail on the seas: For those who Offered for Canon John Gaine live apart from their loved ones to work in the fishing Weekday Missal Page 668 industry, the merchant navy, the armed forces: And for those who flee their homes by sea, willing to SATURDAY 20TH JULY 2019 embrace great danger, in the hope of finding safety Mass at 11.00am and asylum in other countries. May God protect Offered for the Intentions of L.I.S.C.F. them all and keep them safe. Weekday Missal Page 672 Confessions at 11.30am SCHOOL’S OUT FOR SUMMER SUNDAY 21ST JULY 2019 Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year C) No doubt, much to their delight (but maybe not for Mass at 10.30am parents) Holy Family School community begins its Offered for the People of the Parish Summer Break towards the end of this week. We wish staff and pupils a happy few weeks holiday and a restful time to recharge their batteries. UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN For the Year Six Children this will mean the end of Our deepest sympathy and prayers go out to Gladys their time at Holy Family School, as they move and to all the family and friends of Frank Halliwell onwards and upwards after the holidays, into from Culcheth Avenue, Abram who died last Secondary Education at the various High Schools Wednesday aged 86 years. His funeral rites will be they have chosen. But although they leave Holy celebrated here at Holy Family Church on Monday Family School, they remain still part of Holy Family the 22nd of July at 1.45pm prior to cremation at Parish and we hope to maybe see them join us for Wigan Crematorium. Mass on Sundays, where they can be assured of our ongoing love and support throughout the changes May the Lord welcome him home. that their lives will bring them.

CLERGY MOVES AND APPOINTMENTS SUPPORT FOR THE UNBORN IN THE ARCHDIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL SPUC (The Society for the Protection of Unborn Archbishop Malcolm has announced the following Children) are holding a gathering as part of their Movements and Appointments of Priests to take national campaign tour to defeat the Abortion effect in the Archdiocese of Liverpool from Decriminalisation Bill coming before Parliament. September: The meeting takes place at Sacred Heart Catholic Monsignor Anthony Dennick retires as parish priest Club (behind Sacred Heart Church) on Swan Lane, of Our Lady and St Joseph, Prescot, and Canon Hindley Green next Thursday the 18th of July from Joseph Kelly retires as parish priest of St George, 7.00pm to 9.00pm. All welcome. Maghull. Fr Michael O’Dowd will be stepping down as Episcopal Vicar for Education after 23 years and is succeeded by Fr Michael Fitzsimons. PARISH FINANCES

Canon Chris Fallon to be parish priest of Our Lady, To put it briefly – we’re broke! Queen of Martyrs, and St Swithin, Croxteth, in addition to his current appointment at St Teresa, We recently requested a loan from the Archdiocese Norris Green. Fr Martin Kershaw to be parish priest to help towards the unforeseen but necessary of St Teresa, Devon Street, St Helens, in addition to expense of replacing the church heating boilers, at a his current appointment at St Austin, Thatto Heath. cost of just under £35K. That work has been done Fr Andrew Rowlands to be parochial administrator and the new boilers are up and running. But, since of Our Lady and St Joseph, Prescot, in addition to we are already paying off a previous loan to the being parish priest of St Michael and All Angels, diocese for the refurbishment work (we still have Kirkby. Fr Ron Johnson to be parish priest of St £15K left to repay of the original £50K loan) we have Charles and St Thomas More, Aigburth, and also to not been given any further loan at this time. be Archdiocesan Director of Vocations. Fr Gerard Tuite to be assistant priest at St James, Orrell. Fr The parish is therefore now operating “in the red”. Colin Fealey to be parish priest at Christ the King and However, due to the off-set banking scheme which Our Lady, Liverpool. Fr Andrew Unsworth to be the diocese operates, the bank will continue to parochial administrator at St James, Orrell. Fr James honour all cheques and payments from the parish Preston to join the staff at St Mary’s College, Oscott, account, but that means the deficit will continue to as spiritual director. Fr Sean Riley to further studies grow. The Archdiocese will continue to monitor our in Leuven. Fr John Poland to Archbishop’s House as situation. private secretary and assistant at the Metropolitan Tribunal. Fr Anthony Kelly to be assistant priest at There is one solution towards solving our current Our Lady, Queen of Martyrs and St Swithin, Croxteth financial situation: Can you increase your giving to and at St Teresa, Norris Green. Fr Mark Drew to be the weekly offertory collection at Mass, which is our assistant priest at St Paul of the Cross, Burtonwood main source of regular income? If you currently give and St Joseph, Penketh, and residing at Penketh. Fr just two or three pounds each week, could you Kenneth Hyde is on sick leave. possibly make it five? And if you currently give five pounds each week – could you maybe make it ten? The Archbishop writes: Once again, the list of appointments shows priests taking on additional responsibilities. It is to their credit and shows clearly the apostolic zeal and pastoral care which is BONUS BALL WINNERS FOR JUNE characteristic of the priests of our archdiocese. I found their willingness to accept additional roles Wednesday June 5th Winner Number 25 very touching and I ask you all to join me in keeping Wednesday June 12th Winner Number 50 them in your daily prayers. Wednesday June 19th Winner Number 35 Wednesday June 26th Winner Number 38

THANK YOU FOR LAST WEEK To join, please see Margaret Lundy at the back of church on Sundays. (For a stake of just £1 there is a Offertory Collection £380.92 Prize of £30 each week). HOLY FAMILY CHURCH ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL PLATT BRIDGE WIGAN PASTORAL AREA

Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”



The funeral rites of Frank Halliwell from Culcheth Avenue, who died on the 10th of July aged 86 years, will be celebrated here at Holy Family Church on Monday of this week, the 22nd of July, at 1.45pm prior to cremation at Wigan Crematorium.

May the Lord welcome him home. SUNDAY 21ST JULY 2019 Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year C) Mass at 10.30am ARCHDIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL Offered for the People of the Parish ANNUAL PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES MONDAY 22ND JULY 2019 FRIDAY 19TH TO FRIDAY 26TH JULY 2019 Celebrating Saint Mary Magdalene

FUNERAL MASS AT 1.45PM FOR FRANK HALLIWELL During this week let us join in spirit and prayer as a diocesan family with those who are in Lourdes at TUESDAY 23RD JULY 2019 this time on our 2019 Archdiocesan Pilgrimage – sick Celebrating Saint Bridget of Sweden and healthy, young and old. Our Lady of Lourdes: Mass at 10.00am Pray for us. Saint Bernadette: Pray for us. Offered for Bill Mangnall Weekday Missal Page 676


Celebrating Saint James, Apostle The staff and pupils of Holy Family School began Mass at 10.00am their summer break with some magnificent news: A Offered for Father Thomas Duckett (Anniv) recent OFSTED Inspection report has given Holy (Parish Priest of Holy Family from 1933 to 1956) Family Catholic Primary School a rating of “Good in Weekday Missal Page 1828 All Areas”.

SATURDAY 27TH JULY 2019 Mass at 11.00am Mention was made of the massive improvement Offered in Petition to Saint Anthony made at the school in recent years and special Weekday Missal Page 685 tribute is paid to the management and leadership Confessions at 11.30am team at the school.

SUNDAY 28TH JULY 2019 Congratulations to the Headteacher Mrs. Taberner, Seventeenth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year C) to the governors, to the teaching and ancillary staff, Mass at 10.30am and to the pupils and their families. We wish them a Offered for the People of the Parish good Summer break, refreshed and ready for Celebration of Baptism at 11.45am continuing great achievements upon their return. SONGS WE REMEMBER VISIT TO LEIGHTON HALL

Singing and enjoyment for anyone who likes to have Wigan Women's Friendship Group are visiting a good sing-song but particularly geared towards Leighton Hall, Garstang on Thursday the 12th of those living with dementia and those who care for September. The Inclusive cost is £32. Leaving Wigan them. All are welcome next Wednesday the 24th of at 10.15am, with a stop at Barton Grange Garden July from 2.00pm to 3.30pm at Saint Thomas of Centre for coffee and a look around, continuing to Canterbury Parish Hall, Great Georges Road, Leighton Hall with lunch at 1.00pm followed at Waterloo, Liverpool L22 1RD. 2.00pm by a tour of the house, and a display at 3.30pm of Birds of Prey. Leaving for home at For more details please contact Irenaeus by 4.15pm. For further information or to book a place, telephoning 0151 949 1199 or email Maureen please contact Margaret on 01942 247403 by next Knight from the Pastoral Formation Department at Thursday, the 25th of July. [email protected]

SPIRITUAL SPA DAY FOR WOMEN VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO JOIN THE CATHEDRAL EDUCATION SERVICE TEAM The Cor et Lumen Christi Community are hosting a Spiritual Spa Day for Women on Saturday the 28th Each year the education service at the Metropolitan of September led by Cathy Fava at Saint Cuthbert’s Cathedral of Christ the King welcomes over 4,500 Old Convent, Wigton, Cumbria, CA7 9HU. An young people aged between 4 and 24. The team of opportunity for women to come together and to retired and semi-retired teachers provides a experience the renewing love of God through tremendous resource for schools and colleges. They inspirational teaching, quiet adoration, prayer welcome both Catholics and other Christian ministry, spending time in the lovely gardens and in denominations, but also Muslim schools and young fellowship with other women. Apart from a £10 people with no religious background. The work is registration fee, this is a donation only event and very challenging but also extremely rewarding. some accommodation is available. For more information or to book a place phone Niklas Carlsson The team are looking for new staff who feel they on 016973 45623 or you can email would like to work with young people. This role [email protected] or pay a visit to would particularly suit someone who is retiring this the website www.corlumenchristi.org year but would like to continue to work with young people. All they ask is a commitment to offer one afternoon or morning per month. SUMMER EXTRA FOR THE BRICK FOODBANK

Interested? For further details please contact Sean During the school holidays, the foodbank will need Murphy, Head of Education Service, Cathedral extra help so that they in turn can help families. Can House, Mount Pleasant, Liverpool L3 5TQ or phone you donate such items as tinned peas, beans, him on 0151 707 2109. potatoes, cereals, soup - both tinned and packet - coffee, teabags, tinned fruit/custard/rice pudding, plus hygiene items (toiler rolls, toothpaste, etc). In CATHOLIC NEWSPAPERS short, whatever you think families with children may need. You’ll find the blue box to receive your The Catholic Universe is on sale from the back of donations is in the Piety Shop at the back of church. church each Sunday. A Catholic newspaper for all Thank you for your ongoing support of The Brick. the family. Price £1.50.


Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”



Mass at 10.30am Next Sunday there will be an Appeal by, and to Offered for the People of the Parish support the work of, the Missionary Society of Saint Celebration of Baptism at 11.45am Paul of Nigeria (MSP). The MSP is a little different

from normal overseas missionary societies - in that TUESDAY 30TH JULY 2019 its priests come from Africa to be missionaries to us! Mass at 10.00am

Offered for Margaret and Horace Staniforth The MSP mission is to create and sustain in people Weekday Missal Page 689 of different cultures and ethnic and racial backgrounds, a sense of unity and oneness that is THURSDAY 1ST AUGUST 2019 Christ-centred and all-embracing. They strive to Celebrating Saint Alphonsus Liguori serve the needs of the poorest of the poor and the Mass at 10.00am marginalised of society, especially refugees and Offered for Canon John Gaine migrants and people from ethnic minorities, while Weekday Missal Page 693 also witnessing Christ to the rich and comfortable.

They carry out their missionary mandate through a SATURDAY 3RD AUGUST 2019 broad spectrum of parish-based apostolates, Mass at 11.00am schools, and chaplaincies. Offered for Tom McGuire Weekday Missal Page 697 There are currently thirty three priests of the Confessions at 11.30am Missionary Society of Saint Paul engaged in parish- based, school and hospital apostolates in the United SUNDAY 4TH AUGUST 2019 Kingdom. In some places (for example in many of the Eighteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year C) parishes of North Wales) it would not be possible to Mass at 10.30am provide Mass or the sacraments or any pastoral care Offered for Frank Halliwell without the ministry of MSP priests.

On this occasion, an MSP priest will NOT be coming THANKS TO RED BOX HOLDERS to Holy Family to personally make the appeal, since the cost of travelling by rail and taxi from London to Thank you to those who support the work of Missio our church to appeal for fifteen minutes at just one and the Mill Hill Fathers on the Overseas Missions by Mass would wipe out any financial benefit the having a little Red Mission Box in your homes. missionaries would gain from the appeal collection. Instead, a written Appeal Talk is being sent to us Holy Family parishioners continue to be most which will be read out at Mass next Sunday on their generous: In 2018 you donated £1,367 which was a behalf, and there will be a Retiring Collection after slight increase on your donations of £1,263 during Mass next Sunday for the work of the Missionary 2017. May God bless your thoughtfulness. Society of Saint Paul. WELCOME TO THE FAMILY SYNOD 2020 UPDATE

Being baptised today is Ralphie John Boulton, born The period of Synod “Listening” is on the 16th of February 2019, the son of Lee and now complete and the response Catherine Boulton from Porlock Close, Platt Bridge. from parishes, Pastoral Areas, schools, groups, movements, and organisations within the diocese has SAINT JOHN RIGBY COLLEGE ALUMNI been incredible.

St John Rigby College is working with the education There’s an article in the August Edition of The charity Future First to try to reconnect with former Catholic Pictorial giving an overview of how far- students and to create an alumni network which can reaching the listening was and the next steps in our go on to support the College in various ways, such Synod 2020 Journey. The numbers are striking: On as career role models, mentors, fundraisers, in- June 30th the on-line Synod Survey closed. Up to curriculum volunteers, governors and more. that date 1,300 people had filled in the Synod questions online. As well as this the specific youth The College will be promoting the network via social survey has added another 570 responses. On July media and a new tab for “Alumni” now appears on 16th the parish listening sheets were to be sent to the College website. the Synod Office: A cautious estimate is that over 20,000 people have taken part.

WEEKLY DRAW NUMBERS AVAILABLE The Listening Period may be over but the listening and discerning will continue throughout our Synod Some numbers have very recently become available. 2020 journey. If you would like to join the weekly Draw, please see Margaret Lundy at the back of church before or after Sunday Mass. For a stake of just £1 (payable weekly THE BRICK BOX or for a few weeks in advance) you have the chance of winning a prize of £30 each week. And the more The blue box in the piety shop at the back of church numbers you have, the bigger chance you have of is there to receive any contributions you may wish winning! to make towards the food bank which is run by The Brick to support those who are homeless or down on their luck in the Wigan area. LOOSE CHANGE / WHITE COIN TINS Donations are welcome of any non-perishable food Please continue to take a White Collecting Tin from items – tinned and packet food and dried goods such the back of church to put your loose change in and as rice and pasta, as well as baby food and nappies, then, when it’s full, return it to church and take ladies sanitary products, and basic toiletries such as another one to fill. soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes.

Many thanks for your generous support of this loose change collection. It all adds up and, over time, JESUS LANDED ON THE MOON! makes a big difference to church funds. Since we began this initiative two years ago, a total of £1,500 With the recent celebrations of the 50th Anniversary has been raised for church funds. of man walking on the Moon, a little known fact is that the first food and drink consumed on the moon And very special thanks to those who use the White were Communion elements. Buzz Aldrin, who was an Coin Tins, not to collect just their loose change, but elder in the Presbyterian Church, had taken with him to collect £1 and £2 coins. aboard Apollo 11, a morsel of consecrated bread and a phial of consecrated wine, which he used to celebrate a simple Communion Service in the lunar THANK YOU FOR LAST WEEK landing craft. This was not broadcast or publicised by NASA for fear of complaints from secularists and atheists that this was a violation of the separation Offertory Collection £420.41 between Church and State. HOLY FAMILY CHURCH ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL PLATT BRIDGE WIGAN PASTORAL AREA

Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”



Today we have our Annual Mission Appeal here at Holy Family Church. This year the appeal is being made by, and to support the work of, the Missionary Society of Saint Paul of Nigeria (MSP). The MSP is a SUNDAY 4TH AUGUST 2019 little different from normal overseas missionary Eighteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year C) societies - in that its priests come from Africa to be missionaries to us! Mass at 10.30am

Offered for Frank Haliwell The MSP mission is to create and sustain in people of different cultures and ethnic and racial TUESDAY 6TH AUGUST 2019 backgrounds, a sense of unity and oneness that is Celebrating the Transfiguration of the Lord Christ-centred and all-embracing. They strive to Mass at 10.00am serve the needs of the poorest of the poor and the marginalised of society, especially refugees and Offered for Canon John Gaine migrants and people from ethnic minorities, while Weekday Missal Page 1850 also witnessing Christ to the rich and comfortable. They carry out their missionary mandate through a THURSDAY 8TH AUGUST 2019 broad spectrum of parish-based apostolates, Celebrating Saint Dominic schools, and chaplaincies. Mass at 10.00am Offered for LISCF Intentions There are currently thirty three priests of the Missionary Society of Saint Paul engaged in parish- Weekday Missal Page 708 based, school and hospital apostolates in the United Kingdom. In some places (for example in much of SATURDAY 10TH AUGUST 2019 North Wales) it would not be possible to provide Celebrating Saint Lawrence Mass or the sacraments or any pastoral care without Mass at 11.00am the ministry of MSP priests from Africa. Offered in Petition to Saint Martha Weekday Missal Page 712 On this occasion, an MSP priest will NOT be joining us to personally make the appeal since the expense Confessions at 11.30am of travelling by rail and taxi from London to our church to appeal at just one Mass today would wipe SUNDAY 11TH AUGUST 2019 out any financial benefit the missionaries would gain Nineteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year C) from the appeal collection. Instead, a written Appeal Mass at 10.30am Talk is being read out at Mass today on their behalf, Offered for Jimmy Farrell and there will be a Retiring Collection after the Mass to support the work of the Missionary Society of Celebration of Baptism at 11.45am Saint Paul. FORTHCOMING EVENTS AT IRENAEUS FORTHCOMING CHURCH CLOSURES

COME AND SEE CONFERENCE Just as there have been a number of Catholic Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th October Churches closed in recent years in the Wigan Keynote speaker: Peter McVerry SJ at Christ the King Deanery (both Saint William’s Church in Ince and Saint Edward’s Church in Wigan were closed as High School, Stamford Road, Southport, PR8 4EX recently as 2017) so some churches are to be closed

in the Leigh Deanery over the coming weeks. SCRIPTURE MORNINGS Thursdays the 17th and 24th and 31st of October As from September, Our Lady of the Rosary Church “A story of the people: Journeying through the on Plank Lane, and Twelve Apostles Church on Nel Exodus” at Irenaeus 32 Great Georges Road, Pan Lane, will both be taken out of sacred use and Liverpool, L22 1RD. those churches closed.

SCRIPTURE WEEKEND The remaining churches in the Leigh Deanery will in many cases see changes in the times when Mass is Friday 1st to Sunday 3rd of November celebrated and, in some cases, a reduction in the “The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few: number of Masses celebrated, depending on the Discovering Matthew’s Gospel” at Irenaeus 32 Great numbers of those attending. Georges Road, Liverpool, L22 1RD. Anyone who has associations with either of those WOMEN’S WEEKEND churches may wish to go along to the final Closing Friday 29th to Sunday 1st December Masses celebrated at each church: At Our Lady of Led by Sr.Moira Meeghan at Irenaeus 32 Great the Rosary, Plank Lane, on Thursday the 29th of Georges Road, Liverpool, L22 1RD. August at 7.00pm; and at Twelve Apostles, Nel Pan Lane, on Friday the 30th of August at 7.00pm.

For more information about any of the above please It’s always a sad situation when a church is closed. contact Jenny by email at [email protected] or But it isn’t always due just to the shortage of priests. phone 0151 949 1199 or call into The Irenaeus Other deciding factors are a dramatic fall in the Project, 32 Great Georges Road, Liverpool, L22 1RD number of Catholics coming to Mass, and the or visit the website at www.irenaeus.co.uk inability of those few remaining Mass-goers to

financially support and maintain their church.


WIGAN & LEIGH HOSPICE Leaving on Sunday the 8th until Tuesday the 17th of September 2019. Sailing from Plymouth to ENVELOPE COLLECTION Santander and then overland to Lourdes. Staying in four star accommodation for seven nights. Last year the Hospice raised over £10,000 from this Accompanied by a priest of the Archdiocese as to support its work in providing care for patients and chaplain. their families. The House-to-House Envelope Collection this year will take place from the 2nd to Cost is £650 sharing a room. the 27th of September.

To book or for more information contact Jean Long If you would like to help with this collection this year on 07707 988649 or Cathy on 07932 389408. please email [email protected] or telephone 01942 525566 for more details.

UPDATE ON FATHER PHILIP BARRETT THANK YOU We’ve been informed that Father Barrett has been FOR LAST SUNDAY discharged from hospital and has now returned home to convalesce. Please continue to hold hm in Offertory Collection £336.55 your hearts and prayers before the Lord. HOLY FAMILY CHURCH ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL PLATT BRIDGE WIGAN PASTORAL AREA

Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”



Nineteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year C) Thursday of this week is the Solemnity of the Mass at 10.30am Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is a Offered for Jimmy Farrell Holyday of Obligation, kept by Catholics as a sort of Celebration of Baptism at 11.45am “mid-week Sunday” by joining together for the celebration of the Eucharist. TUESDAY 13TH AUGUST 2019 Mass at 10.00am Mass at Holy Family Church on Thursday will be celebrated at the usual weekday time of 10.00am. Offered for Father Gerald Hurst

Weekday Missal Page 716 For anyone who may be working during the day, or who cannot make a morning Mass on Thursday, a THURSDAY 15TH AUGUST 2019 Vigil Mass for the Holyday will be celebrated at Saint CELEBRATING THE ASSUMPTION OF OUR LADY Benedict’s Church, Hindley on Wednesday Evening (HOLYDAY OF OBLIGATION) at 7.00pm and also at Saint Patrick’s Church, Wigan Mass at 10.00am at 7.30pm. Offered for the People of the Parish On the Thursday Evening there will be Mass

celebrated at 7.30pm at Saint Oswald’s Church, SATURDAY 17TH AUGUST 2019 Ashton and also at 7.30pm at Saint Mary’s Church, Mass at 11.00am Standishgate, Wigan. Offered for Bill Mangnall Weekday Missal Page 725 Confessions at 11.30am VOLUNTEER NEEDED FOR SOME LIGHT SACRISTY WORK SUNDAY 18TH AUGUST 2019 Twentieth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year C) Due to the person who formerly did this suffering an Mass at 10.30am accident (hopefully she’s soon feeling much better) we have an immediate need for someone to wash Offered for Vincent Kelly the small linens that we use at Mass (purificators, towels, etc – about a dozen or so items a week).

WELCOME TO THE FAMILY They can be collected from the sacristy after Mass, either weekly or fortnightly, taken home with you, Being baptised today is Mason Michael Francis washed and ironed at home, and then returned to Calter, born on the 21st of March 2019, the son of church the following week. Shaun Calter and Amy McCarthy from Warrington Road, Abram. If you can oblige please see Mary Marsh. DIVORCED OR SEPARATED? STRICTLY NUGENT

The Family Life Department of the Archdiocese of You can be part of Strictly Nugent Charity Dance Liverpool offers a series of informal meetings twice Event 2019 taking place at Anfield Stadium! Nugent a year, in February and September, to support Care’s Fourth Annual Dance Competition and Gala anyone Divorced or Separated, and finding it hard Fundraiser, Strictly Nugent 2019, this year takes going through a relationship breakdown, either place at Anfield Stadium in Liverpool, on Saturday recently or in the past. the 2nd of November. They’re looking for new dancers to take part and help make Strictly Nugent The meetings are in small groups and are free, 2019 THE glamorous ballroom fundraising event of confidential, informative and affirming. Topics the year. covered are: Facing the effects of what’s happened; Communication and conflict resolution; Letting go; For more information on how you can get involved Managing other relationships; Legal matters; an and support Nugent Care, visit their website at being single and moving forward. wearenugent.org/news/be-part-of-strictly-2019/ or call Nugent’s Fundraising Team on 0151 261 2000. For details of times and venues please contact Maureen O’Brien on 07967 753 371 or Jacqui Selleck on 07793 825 815. NEW VOCATIONS DIRECTOR

For the past several years Father James Preston has LIVERPOOL ROMERO LECTURE served as the Archdiocesan Director of Vocations to the Priesthood. He has now been appointed as Taking place on Wednesday the 25th of September Spiritual Director at Oscott College, the seminary in at 6.30pm for 6.45pm in the 001 Theatre in the Birmingham. He is being replaced as Vocations Cornerstone Hope University (Everton Campus) Director by Father Ron Johnson, who was previously Liverpool L3 8DR. The title is “Prophetic Trajectories our Dean and Parish Priest of Golborne and Croft. In of Hope from San Salvador to Liverpool: A addition, Father Ron will be Parish Priest at St celebration of the ministries of Oscar Romero, Austin Charles Borromeo in Aigburth which is also a house Smith, Kevin Kelly and Tom Cullinan.” The lecture will of discernment for young men trying to discern their be given by David McLoughlin from Newman vocation. University, Birmingham. All preceded by a Memorial Mass in nearby SFX Church at 5.45pm celebrated by Bishop John Rawsthorne. BONUS BALL WINNERS FOR JULY

For more details call Debbie Reynolds on 0151 298 Wednesday July 3rd Winner Number 57 1911 or email [email protected] Wednesday July 10th Winner Number 06

Wednesday July 17th Winner Number 23

IMMEDIATE CHANGE TO SUNDAY MASS AT Wednesday July 24th Winner Number 22 SACRED HEART CHURCH, HINDLEY GREEN Wednesday July 31st Winner Number 30

To join, please see Margaret Lundy at the back of In addition to the forthcoming closure of the two church on Sundays. (£30 prize for £1 stake). Leigh churches of The Twelve Apostles, Nel Pan Lane and Our Lady of the Rosary, Plank Lane, there will also be a reduction in the number, and some change THANK YOU FOR LAST WEEK to the times, of Masses celebrated at the other churches in the Leigh Deanery. Offertory Collection £363.31 As part of this change, the celebration of Mass on Missionaries of Saint Paul £103.89 Sunday mornings at Sacred Heart, Hindley Green, has now ceased. As from this weekend, Mass will be Our sincere thanks for a donation of £100 to Holy celebrated at Sacred Heart Church, Hindley Green, Family Church in memory of the late Frank Halliwell only on Saturday evening at 5.30pm. from his family and friends. HOLY FAMILY CHURCH ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL PLATT BRIDGE WIGAN PASTORAL AREA

Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”



Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Rosamund Rothwell from Vicarage Road, Abram, who died last Tuesday, the 13th of August, aged 79 years. SUNDAY 18TH AUGUST 2019 TWENTIETH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (C) Her funeral rites will be celebrated here at Holy Family Church next Friday the 23rd of August at Mass at 10.30am 11.30am prior to committal at Wigan Crematorium. Offered for Vincent Kelly

May the Lord welcome her home. TUESDAY 20TH AUGUST 2019 CELEBRATING SAINT BERNARD Mass at 10.00am (No Intention Requested) NEW MASS SHEET DESIGN Weekday Missal Page 729 You’ll have noticed that the Sunday Mass Sheet has undergone a makeover as from this week, from an THURSDAY 22ND AUGUST 2019 A5 folded leaflet to an A4 portrait style. The reason CELEBRATING THE QUEENSHIP OF OUR LADY for this is both pastoral (the layout is more attractive Mass at 10.00am (No Intention Requested) to the eye and so should be easier for you to read) Weekday Missal Page 1893 and practical (the folding machine has been temperamental lately and we can’t afford to buy a FRIDAY 23RD AUGUST 2019 new one if it breaks down). For ease of recognition, Funeral Mass at 11.30am for Rosamund Rothwell the Sunday Mass Sheet will continue to be printed on coloured paper, while the weekly Newsletter will

be printed on white. SATURDAY 24TH AUGUST 2019 CELEBRATING SAINT BARTHOLOMEW Incidentally, for any who may need it, the Proper of Mass at 11.00am (No Intention Requested) the Mass (the words and responses that stay the Weekday Missal Page 1898 same every week) is printed at the beginning of the Confessions at 11.30am hymnbook on Page 4 and following.

Your Weekly Newsletter and Mass Sheet are your SUNDAY 25TH AUGUST 2019 personal copies. We print a sufficient number of TWENTY FIRST SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (C) each for you to take them home with you, to keep Mass at 10.30am the Newsletter for reference and maybe to use the Offered for the People of the Parish Sunday Mass Readings as the basis for further Celebration of Baptism at 11.45am prayer and reflection during the week.

BLESSED DOMINIC ANNUAL MASS HAVE YOU GOT WHAT IT TAKES TO PREPARE COUPLES FOR MARRIAGE The Pilgrimage Annual Mass to Honour Blessed IN TH CATHOLIC CHURCH? Dominic Barberi will take place on Bank Holiday Monday the 26th of August at 12 noon at Saint Anne The Marriage and Family Life Department of the and Blessed Dominic Church, Monastery Road, Pastoral Formation Team based at LACE in Liverpool Sutton, St. Helens WA9 3ZD. The Celebrant and are looking to recruit some additional marriage Preacher will be Archbishop Bernard Longley of preparation facilitators who will offer support and Birmingham. All are welcome. preparation for couples who wish to be married in the Catholic Church. Blessed Dominic Barberi was a Passionist Priest, born in Italy, who came to work in England as a Would you be interested in this ministry? Do you missionary to work for its conversion back to the think you have what it takes to help those about to Catholic faith. He preached especially in the north of be married to understand what marriage entails? England (Manchester, Liverpool and Birmingham) The commitment is only for a few days every year and died in 1792. His body is buried in the Church of and full training will be given. Saint Anne and Blessed Dominic at St. Helens. If you’re interested or would like to know more Significantly he received Blessed John Henry please contact Maureen O’Brien as soon as possible Cardinal Newman, previously an Anglican priest, as the next training course is at the end of this into the Catholic Faith, who is to be canonised by month. She can be contacted by email on Pope Francis in October. m.o’[email protected] or by phone on 0151 522 1044.

“HOLY HAND MASS” NEXT SUNDAY THANK YOU FOR LAST WEEK The Annual Pilgrimage Mass in Honour of Saint Edmund Arrowsmith will be celebrated at Saint Offertory Collection £458.68 Oswald’s Church, Ashton-in-Makerfield next Sunday the 25th of August at 3.00pm. A Blessing with the Our sincere thanks to The Trammers Line Dancing relic of the Holy Hand of Saint Edmund Arrowsmith Group for yet another very generous donation of will be available for anyone who may wish to receive £500 to Holy Family Church funds. (They meet every it after the Mass. Monday from 1.00pm until 3.00pm in Holy Family Parish Hall. New faces are always very welcome.)

WIGAN & LEIGH HOSPICE And, following their recent Mission Appeal, we have ENVELOPE COLLECTION received the following words of thanks from the Missionary Society of Saint Paul: Last year the Hospice raised over £10,000 from this to support its work in providing care for patients and “Thank you so much for your recent donations their families. The House-to-House Envelope totalling £103.81 being the 2019 Mission Appeal of Collection this year will take place from the 2nd to the Missionary Society of Saint Paul. And thank you the 27th of September. If you would like to help with to Father Anthony for accepting to stand in for me this collection this year then please email and make the appeal on my behalf. My sincere [email protected] or telephone the hospice on gratitude to all for your prayers, donations and 01942 525566 for more details. encouragement. Hopefully, our Mission Appeals make people aware of their own missionary vocation which they are freely gifted with in Baptism and Confirmation. We are in this together: As Mother HOLY FAMILY PARISH HALL Teresa said, “Together we can do something

beautiful for God. May the Lord continue to shower The Parish Hall is available for hire by groups or his blessings on you and the parish community.” individuals, either for a one-off event or for regular use. Contact Geoff or Cecilia Hughes on 01942 861084 for more details and bookings. Father Francis Arinze Ayogu MSP HOLY FAMILY CHURCH ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL PLATT BRIDGE WIGAN PASTORAL AREA

Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”



SUNDAY 25TH AUGUST 2019 Being baptised today are

TWENTY FIRST SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (C) Malachy DavId George Roberts, born on the 26th of Mass at 10.30am (Offered for all Parishioners) October 2015, the son of David and Alexandra Celebration of Baptism at 11.45am Roberts from Kingsdown Road, Abram;

Luke Thomas Archer, born on the 12th of September TUESDAY 27TH AUGUST 2019 2018, and Olivia-Rey Ellen Archer, born on the 4th of CELEBRATING SAINT MONICA May, 2017, the children of David and Alexandra Mass at 10.00am (Offered for a Sick Person) Roberts from Simpkin Street, Abram; Weekday Missal Page 743 1.00PM FUNERAL SERVICE FOR PAUL CAVANAGH Bobby James Cardwell, born on the 17th of March 2019, the son of Stuart Cardwell and Rachel Abbott

from Warrington Road, Abram. THURSDAY 29TH AUGUST 2019 CELEBRATING THE PASSION OF JOHN THE BAPTIST Mass at 10.00am (Offered for Bill Mangnall) UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN Weekday Missal Page 1913 Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife, Carol, SATURDAY 31ST AUGUST 2019 and the family and friends of Paul Cavanagh of Mass at 11.00am (Offered for Rosamund Rothwell) Woodhouse Lane, Wigan, who died at Wigan & Leigh Hospice on the 9th of August aged 67 years. Weekday Missal Page 751 His funeral rites will be celebrated here at Holy Confessions at 11.30am Family Church next Tuesday at 1.00pm prior to committal at Wigan Crematorium. SUNDAY 1ST SEPTEMBER 2019 TWENTY SECOND SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (C) May the Lord welcome him home. Mass at 10.30am (Offered for Trevor Roberts)


Edmund Arrowsmith, and during which the relic of Mass Intention Request envelopes are available his Holy Hand can be venerated, will be celebrated from the back of church for you to take and at Saint Oswald’s Church, Ashton, today (Sunday the complete should you wish to have Mass offered for 25th of August) at 3.00pm. Father Aidan Kelly, Dean a sick or deceased relation or friend, for an of Wigan, will be the Celebrant and Preacher. anniversary, or for any other intention. If you are a Refreshments will be available after the Mass in The tax payer please also complete the Gift Aid section Canons’ Hall. on the envelope to cover your offering. BLESSED DOMINIC ANNUAL MASS SYNOD UPDATE

The Annual Pilgrimage Mass to honour Blessed The Synod Working Party met Dominic Barberi will be celebrated tomorrow (Bank at Sandymount House of Prayer Holiday Monday the 26th of August) at 12 noon at last week to discern the Synod Saint Anne and Blessed Dominic Church, Monastery Themes. The discernment Road, Sutton, St. Helens WA9 3ZD. The Celebrant process has been a great and Preacher will be Archbishop Bernard Longley of success with clear themes Birmingham. All are welcome. emerging from the listening gatherings held throughout the Blessed Dominic Barberi was a Passionist Priest, Archdiocese. born in Italy, who came to work in England as a missionary to work for its conversion back to the They now have a busy few weeks ahead as resources Catholic faith. He preached especially in the north of are developed in preparation for a gathering of England (Manchester, Liverpool and Birmingham) Synod Representatives in Wigan at the end of and died in 1792. His body is buried in the Church of September when the Synod 2020 Themes will be Saint Anne and Blessed Dominic at St. Helens. formally announced.

Significantly he received Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman, previously an Anglican priest, DEANERY RETREAT DAY into the Catholic Faith, who is to be canonised by Pope Francis in October. There is a Deanery Retreat Day, hosted by Saint Mary’s, Standishgate, Wigan and entitled ‘Called to Serve’ on Saturday the 14th of September from FINAL CHURCH CLOSURE MASSES 10.30am to 4.00pm. Sr. Moira from Irenaeus will lead this day of talks, prayer and reflection on The Final Closure Masses will be celebrated at Ministry in the Church. This promises to be a very Twelve Apostles Church, Nel Pan Lane, and at Our enjoyable day. Held in Saint Mary’s Centre with Lady of the Rosary Church, Plank Lane, this week: quiet prayer time in church. Bring a packed lunch - tea, coffee, drinks and biscuits will be served at the Our Lady of the Rosary, Plank Lane, Leigh, breaks during the day. Everyone welcome but the next Thursday the 29th of August at 7.00pm; day will be especially relevant to those already involved in some form of lay ministry. For more Twelve Apostles, Nel Pan Lane, Leigh, details please contact Father Johnson at Saint next Friday the 30th of August at 7.00pm. Mary’s, Wigan on 01942 242066.

Bishop Tom Williams will be the Celebrant of each Mass and everyone, but especially any who have A BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR OUR LADY associations with either of these churches, is very welcome to go along. The Feast of Our Lady’s Birthday is kept on the 8th of September (which this year falls on a Sunday) but the Legion of Mary invite you to join them for a ENRICH YOUR MARRIAGE Birthday Party for Our Lady being held at Sacred Heart Club, behind the church on Swan Lane, The Marriage & Family Life Office of the Archdiocese Hindley Green, on Saturday the 7th of September of Liverpool’s Pastoral Formation Department have from 1.00pm to 3.00pm. All the family welcome and asked us to bring to the attention of married couples there’ll be games for the children. To assist with REFOCCUS, which is an online inventory designed to catering please phone Susan Mines on 07952 help a couple understand, appreciate and enrich 822440 if you intend to go along. their marriage through rediscovery of the depth of a couple’s love and desire to continue to grow together. Why not give it a try if you think it could THANK YOU FOR LAST SUNDAY be of help to you. Offertory Collection £391.41 Visit www.foccusinc.com/refoccus-inventory.aspx HOLY FAMILY CHURCH ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL PLATT BRIDGE WIGAN PASTORAL AREA

Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”



SUNDAY 1ST SEPTEMBER 2019 No doubt to the great delight of their parents, the TWENTY SECOND SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (C) summer break ends and our children and students Mass at 10.30am return to school during this week. Offered for Trevor Roberts We pray for all who learn or work in our schools, a TUESDAY 3RD SEPTEMBER 2019 very successful and blessed new academic year. CELEBRATING SAINT GREGORY THE GREAT Mass at 10.00am Offered for Ruby Scotson & her Bone Marrow Donor FIRST ANNIVERSARIES Weekday Missal Page 755 We continue to hold before the Lord in prayer those THURSDAY 5TH SEPTEMBER 2019 whose First Anniversary of Death will occur during Mass at 10.00am this month, and especially Brian Worthington from Offered for Sak (sick person) Bickershaw Lane, Abram, who died on the 2nd of Weekday Missal Page 759 September 2018 aged 81 years.

SATURDAY 7TH SEPTEMBER 2019 Mass at 11.00am A BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR OUR LADY Offered for the People of the Parish Weekday Missal Page 763 The Feast of Our Lady’s Birthday is kept on the 8th Confessions at 11.30am of September (which this year falls on a Sunday) but the Legion of Mary invite you to join them for a SUNDAY 8TH SEPTEMBER 2019 Birthday Party for Our Lady being held at Sacred TWENTY THIRD SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (C) Heart Club, behind the church on Swan Lane, Mass at 10.30am Hindley Green, next Saturday the 7th of September Offered for Ann Louise & Maurice McCarthy from 1.00pm to 3.00pm. All the family welcome and there’ll be games for the children. To assist with catering please phone Susan Mines on 07952 COMMUNION SERVICE IN BELONG 822440 if you intend to go along.

A Service of the Word with Holy Communion is celebrated every Wednesday afternoon at 3.00pm in The Venue at Belong Retirement Village, Millers RETIRING COLLECTION Lane, Platt Bridge. NEXT SUNDAY FOR THE All Catholic residents in Belong, as well as parishioners and any Catholic visitors, are very CATHOLIC EDUCATION SERVICE welcome to go along. OPPORTUNITIES FOR DEANERY RETREAT DAY NEW LAY GOVERNANCE ROLES There is a Deanery Retreat Day, hosted by Saint FOR THE ARCHDIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL Mary’s, Standishgate, Wigan and entitled ‘Called to Serve’ on Saturday the 14th of September from Liverpool Roman Catholic Archdiocesan Trust is a 10.30am to 4.00pm. Sr. Moira from Irenaeus will registered charity and its charitable affairs are lead this day of talks, prayer and reflection on governed by a group of Trustees appointed by the Ministry in the Church. This promises to be a very Archbishop from the senior clergy and suitably enjoyable day. Held in Saint Mary’s Centre with qualified and experienced lay faithful of the quiet prayer time in church. Bring a packed lunch - Archdiocese. tea, coffee, drinks and biscuits will be served at the breaks during the day. The Trustees have recently decided to change the governance structure of the Archdiocese by Everyone welcome but the day will be especially extending the number of lay trustees and creating relevant to those already involved in some form of some new policy structures. Applications to become lay ministry. For more details please contact Father a trustee or a member of the policy structures are Johnson at Saint Mary’s, Wigan on 01942 242066. invited from suitably experienced or qualified lay Catholics.


The Most Reverend Malcom McMahon OP, the Rosary Sunday this year falls on Sunday the 6th of , wishes to appoint four October and the Annual Rosary Sunday Walk and additional lay trustees. We are especially seeking Devotions will take place at 2.00pm at Saint Patrick’s people who have experience in the following fields: Church, Wigan. Bishop Tom Williams will preside. Finance, Legal, Property, HR, Communications, More details nearer the time. Education.


The Archdiocese is establishing four committees to The monthly “Time Out” days continue on Tuesday carry out detailed policy work on behalf of the the 10th of September from 10.00am to 4.00pm at Trustees and Archbishop’s Council: Mission The Cenacle, Tithebarn Grove, Lance Lane, Liverpool Planning, Pastoral Formation, Education and L15 6TW. An opportunity for quiet time, away from Finance. There are a number of lay positions on the daily rush of life. Offering is £10 per person these bodies and we would like to hear from you if (bring your own lunch). For further details contact you are interested in serving on one of these. Sister Winifred by telephoning 0151 722 2271 or email her at [email protected] For an informal discussion about either of the above roles, please contact Martin Miller (Chief Operating Officer) or Candice McDonald (Head of HR & OD) Tel: MIKE ANDERSON MUSIC WORKSHOP 0151 522 1000 or Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Taking place on Sunday the 15th of September from

2.00pm followed by Mass at 5.30pm at Saint William An information pack which outlines how to apply is of York Church, Edge Lane, Thornton, L23 4TG. An available on request or can be downloaded from afternoon of liturgical music led by Mike Anderson. www.liverpoolcatholic.org.uk. Musicians and singers of all abilities welcome.

Admission by ticket only at £3 each – phone 07939 Applications for the trustee positions should be sent 738163 to register and pay on the day. to the Chief Operating Officer by Friday 20th

September 2019.

Expressions of interest in the policy roles should be THANK YOU FOR LAST WEEK sent to the Chief Operating Officer by Monday 30th September 2019. Offertory Collection £410.04 HOLY FAMILY CHURCH ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL PLATT BRIDGE WIGAN PASTORAL AREA

Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”



Mass at 10.30am The Catholic Education Service acts on behalf of the Offered for Ann Louise & Maurice McCarthy Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales

to support Catholic education and, as such, has a TUESDAY 10TH SEPTEMBER 2019 strong and positive working relationship with the Mass at 10.00am British and Welsh Governments. Catholic schools Offered for Ruby Scotson & her Bone Marrow Donor make up 10% of the national total of maintained Weekday Missal Page 766 schools. There are more than 2,200 Catholic schools,

academies and colleges in England and Wales THURSDAY 12TH SEPTEMBER 2019 educating over 850,000 pupils. The Catholic Church Mass at 10.00am and the Church of England together provide one- Offered for Margaret Murray (sick) third of all of the schools in the country and account Weekday Missal Page 770 for 98% of all schools with a religious character. Funeral Service at 2.30pm for Jack Taylor

SATURDAY 14TH SEPTEMBER 2019 CELEBRATING THE EXALTATION OF THE CROSS PARISH SOCIAL SECRETARY Mass at 11.00am Offered for the People of the Parish Just a thought, but would anyone be interested in Weekday Missal Page 1934 taking on the role of Parish Social Secretary? The job Confessions at 11.30am would simply involve arranging Days Out throughout the year (maybe the first could be a trip to one of SUNDAY 15TH SEPTEMBER 2019 the Christmas Markets) deciding where we’re going, TWENTY FOURTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (C) booking transport, putting out “Sign Up” sheets for Mass at 10.30am people to book seats, setting the cost and collecting Offered for Rosamund Rothwell the money. Parish Pilgrimages could also be on the agenda with days to Pantasaph or Ladyewell or a few days to Walsingham or Lourdes – or even a

coach holiday to the English Riviera or to Ireland! UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN

If you’d be interested in taking on this role (or maybe Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and a few people working together) see Father Tony. friends of John Bernard (Jack) Taylor from Manley Street, Ince (and originally from Sydney Street, Platt Bridge) who died on the 31st of August aged 80 years. His funeral rites will be celebrated here at RETIRING COLLECTION Holy Family Church next Thursday the 12th of NEXT SUNDAY FOR September at 2.30pm prior to committal at Wigan Crematorium. May the Lord welcome him home. HOME MISSION SUNDAY APPLICATIONS TO RECEIVE RECOVERY FROM DIVORCE & SEPARATION FIRST HOLY COMMUNION IN 2020 The Restored Lives course is a series of six meetings With the beginning of a new School Year, we invite starting on Thursday the 19th of September to the parents of baptised Catholic children who are Thursday the 24th of October, for any person who entering Year Four to begin to prepare their children has been impacted by the end of a serious to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation and to relationship whether separated, currently going receive First Holy Communion. through a divorce or already divorced. Meetings are free, confidential, informative and affirming. For An Introductory Meeting will be held in Holy Family further details please contact Maureen O’Brien on Primary School Hall at 5.45pm on Wednesday the 07967 753371 or Jacqui Sellek on 07793 825815 18th of September for any parent or guardian who wishes their child to do this. The meeting will explain the commitment expected of those who wish their THE ARCHDIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL child to receive these Sacraments, as well as give the HAS ITS OWN RESIDENT CARDINAL! dates for the meetings of the Preparation Course we will follow together throughout the year. The catechists will be present to explain the content of Among the latest new members of the College of the Preparation Course. Parents will be given an Cardinals announced last weekend, Pope Francis has Application Form to complete and return if they named Archbishop Michael Fitzgerald. Originally wish to enrol their child as a candidate for these from Birmingham, Cardinal Fitzgerald is a member sacraments during the coming School Year. of the White Fathers missionary congregation. An expert in inter-faith relations between Islam and Parents of children in Years Five and Six who, for Christianity, and a fluent Arabic speaker, he served whatever reason, may not have received these as Apostolic Nuncio to Egypt. sacraments in an earlier year, as well as parents of baptised Catholic children attending other schools, Following his retirement from the Vatican are also very welcome to come along. Diplomatic Service, he has chosen to live here in the Archdiocese of Liverpool, serving as a priest in the White Fathers' community based at Saint Vincent's

Parish in Liverpool City Centre. DEANERY RETREAT DAY

There is a Deanery Retreat Day, hosted by Saint Mary’s, Standishgate, Wigan and entitled ‘Called to CHANGE TO SUNDAY MASS TIME Serve’ next Saturday the 14th of September from AT SAINT OSWALD’S CHURCH, ASHTON 10.30am to 4.00pm. Sr. Moira from Irenaeus will lead this day of talks, prayer and reflection on Previously there were two Masses celebrated each Ministry in the Church. This promises to be a very Sunday at Saint Oswald’s Church, Ashton-in- enjoyable day. Makerfield, at 8.30am and at 10.30am. Please note that as from today (Sunday the 8th of September) Held in Saint Mary’s Centre with quiet prayer time in there will be just one single Mass celebrated there church. Bring a packed lunch - tea, coffee, drinks and each Sunday at 11.00am. biscuits will be served at the breaks during the day.

Everyone welcome but the day will be especially BONUS BALL WINNERS FOR AUGUST relevant to those already involved in some form of lay ministry. For more details please contact Father Wednesday August 7th Winner Number 31 Johnson at Saint Mary’s, Wigan on 01942 242066. Wednesday August 14th Winner Number 23

Wednesday August 21st Winner Number 30

THANK YOU Wednesday August 28th Winner Number 43

FOR LAST WEEK To join, please see Margaret Lundy at the back of church on Sundays. (For a stake of just £1 there is a Offertory Collection £351.90 Prize of £30 each week). HOLY FAMILY CHURCH ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL PLATT BRIDGE WIGAN PASTORAL AREA

Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”


THE LITURGY THIS WEEK PEARSE McDONAGH TO BE ADMITTED AS A CANDIDATE FOR ORDINATION SUNDAY 15TH SEPTEMBER 2019 TWENTY FOURTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (C) Pearse McDonagh has completed Mass at 10.30am the preliminary year of discernment Offered for Rosamund Rothwell and has now begun the three year course of intense study and TUESDAY 17TH SEPTEMBER 2019 formation which, please God, will Mass at 10.00am bring him to ordination to serve as a Offered for Emily Hewitt Deacon. During those years Pearse Weekday Missal Page 777 will receive the ministries of Lector and Acolyte, but first he will be formally recognised and accepted by THURSDAY 19TH SEPTEMBER 2019 the Church as a Candidate for Ordination. Mass at 10.00am Offered for the intentions of L.I.S.C.F. Pearse is to be admitted as a Candidate for Holy Weekday Missal Page 781 Orders by Archbishop Malcolm next Tuesday the 17th of September during a Mass celebrated at SATURDAY 21ST SEPTEMBER 2019 7.30pm at Saint James Church, Chestnut Grove, CELEBRATING SAINT MATTHEW, APOSTLE Bootle, Liverpool L20 4LX. Mass at 11.00am Offered for the People of the Parish It would be good if as many of his fellow parishioners Weekday Missal Page 1951 as possible were there to show our support for Confessions at 11.30am Pearse and his family as he is admitted as a Candidate for Ordination. And so we have arranged SUNDAY 22ND SEPTEMBER 2019 free transport to the Mass. TWENTY FIFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (C) Mass at 10.30am The coach will leave from outside Holy Family Offered for Stan, Barbara & Sandra King Church at 6.00pm next Tuesday evening and return you to church for around 9.45pm. Twenty five people have so far “signed-up” to go. If you would RETIRING COLLECTION TODAY like to reserve a place on the free coach please give your name to Pearse or to Deacon Mike or Liz Swift FOR THE CATHOLIC FAITH CENTRE before you leave Mass today – and then don’t forget to turn up on Tuesday night. Many seek to know about the Lord and his Church on-line. Today’s Home Mission Sunday collection ensures that the Catholic Faith Centre is resourced and able to respond to those who have questions and wish to make enquiries about the Catholic Faith. For more information about the work it does visit www.homemission.org.uk FIRST COMMUNION APPLICATIONS CLERGY APPOINTMENTS

With the beginning of a new School Year, we invite Archbishop Malcolm has announced the following the parents of baptised Catholic children who are clergy retirements and appointments taking place entering Year Four to begin to prepare their children around now: to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation and to receive First Holy Communion. Bishop , who retired as Auxiliary Bishop in 2006, has resigned as Vicar General after An Introductory Meeting will be held in Holy Family serving for thirty years in that capacity. He has also Primary School Hall next Wednesday the 18th of resigned as a trustee of the Archdiocese after nearly September at 5.45pm for any parent or guardian forty years. Monsignor John Devine has succeeded who wishes their child to do this. The meeting will Fr. Sean Kirwin as Episcopal Vicar for Finance. This is explain the commitment expected of those who in addition to being Parish Priest of Saint Mary’s, wish their child to receive these Sacraments, as well Douglas, Isle of Man. Fr. Bernard Jackson has as give the dates for the meetings of the Preparation tendered his resignation as parish priest of St Course we will follow together throughout the year. Mary’s, Birchley, and will retire after fifty-four years The catechists will be present to explain the content of dedicated service to the Church in the of the Preparation Course. Parents will be given an Archdiocese. Fr. Paul Harris SDS, currently parish Application Form to complete and return if they priest of Corpus Christi, Rainford, will also take on wish to enrol their child as a candidate for these responsibility for St Mary’s, Birchley. sacraments during the coming School Year. The four Permanent Deacons ordained at the Parents of children in Years Five and Six who, for beginning of July have been given the following whatever reason, may not have received these appointments: Gergely Juhász: Parishes of Bishop sacraments in an earlier year, as well as parents of Eton and St. Mary, Woolton; Woolton & Halewood baptised Catholic children attending other schools, Pastoral Area and Liverpool Hope University. Peter are also very welcome to come along. Mawtus: Parish of St. Anne, Ormskirk, and Ormskirk and Maghull Pastoral Area. Michael Moffatt: Parish of St. Edward, Wigan, and Wigan Pastoral Area. Paul DE-RUSTING AND RE-PAINTING Rooney: Parishes of St. Bartholomew & St. Theresa, OF THE CHURCH RAILINGS Rainhill & St. Helens; St. Helens Pastoral Area and Liverpool Hope University.

The iron railings around the church and car park are badly in need of de-rusting and re-painting. Would FATHER BRIAN NEWNS ALSO TO RETIRE anyone take on the role of organising a group of volunteer parishioners to do the job? it could be After fifty six years of active ministry, twenty nine of done in sections over a few weeks. Please see Father them as Parish Priest of Saint Oswald’s, Ashton-in- Tony if you can oblige. Makerfield, Father Brian Newns has chosen to retire

due to reasons of ill health. He will continue to live

in the presbytery at Saint Oswald’s. We pray for him REGULAR SUPPORT FOR DISASTER RELIEF a long and happy well-earned retirement.

When a disaster occurs, we’re often asked if we’re Father John Gorman will succeed him as Parish having a special collection to aid the relief efforts. If Priest of Saint Oswald’s, in addition to being Parish we did then, due to the frequency of such events, Priest of Our Lady’s, Bryn and Saint Wilfrid’s, we would be having a collection almost every week! Stubshaw Cross. The best way to support disaster relief is to give regular financial support to those aid agencies who provide that relief, maybe through a regular weekly or monthly standing order payment. Details of how THANK YOU to set this up can be found on the websites of the FOR LAST WEEK various aid relief charities (Cafod, Caritas, Aid to the Church in Need, Red Cross, Water Aid, Christian Aid, Offertory Collection £343.94 to name just a few). Catholic Education Service £76.00 HOLY FAMILY CHURCH ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL PLATT BRIDGE WIGAN PASTORAL AREA

Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”




Offered for the People of the Parish Weekday Missal Page 789 Wednesday 16th October 2019 Holy Family School Hall at 5.45pm THURSDAY 26TH SEPTEMBER 2019 “Called by Name - Saints” Mass at 10.00am Offered for Sister Catherine Vose (sick) Wednesday 13th November 2019 Weekday Missal Page 793 Holy Family School Hall at 5.45pm “Come Back to Me – Choices” SATURDAY 28TH SEPTEMBER 2019 Mass at 11.00am Wednesday 15th January 2020 Offered for Father John Barry. Holy Family School Hall at 5.45pm First Parish Priest of Holy Family from 1893 to 1895. Died 27th September 1944. “Following Jesus - A New Way of Living” Weekday Missal Page 797 Confessions at 11.30am Wednesday 12th February 2020 Holy Family School Hall at 5.45pm SUNDAY 29TH SEPTEMBER 2019 “Teach us to Pray – The Lord’s Prayer” TWENTY SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (C) Mass at 10.30am Wednesday 18th March 2020 Offered for Martha Heyes & James Carlon Holy Family School Hall at 5.45pm “Jesus Brings us Together – Community”

Why not come along to Mass during the week, not Wednesday 22nd April 2020 just on Sunday? You’ll find it has a more relaxed and Holy Family School Hall at 5.45pm quiet, and maybe even more prayerful, atmosphere. “Eucharist - Jesus Calls us to Follow Him”

Weekday Missals are provided at the back of church In addition to attending these seven meetings with for the use of those who come to daily Mass. The the catechists, parents and children will be page number for the Mass Readings for each day are expected to attend Sunday Mass every week as a printed on the newsletter each week and also on the necessary part of their preparation for First poster on the notice board. Confession and First Holy Communion. CELEBRATING CARDINAL NEWMAN WIGAN & LEIGH CARERS CENTRE

On Sunday the 13th of October, Pope Francis will Wigan and Leigh Carers Centre is based at Hindley canonise Blessed John Henry Newman in Rome. and offers support for those who are carers for their Cardinal Newman will be the first English person family or friends. The support offered includes since the 17th Century to be officially recognised as therapies, benefits advice, social activities, helping a saint by the Catholic Church. carers get support or just to have someone to talk to. If you are caring for someone, you can contact John Henry Newman is held in high regard by both the Carers Centre and find out more about the Catholics and Anglicans (he was an Anglican priest services available. They also provide ‘Volunteer before becoming a Catholic) and his canonisation is Buddies’ to provide companionship to the cared-for a day long-awaited and rejoiced over by many in person so that the carer can attend to their own both communions. But how much do you know health appointments or to help reduce loneliness. about his life and his writings? This could be in their home or at the Carers Centre, maybe chatting over a brew, or sharing stories. Father Laurence Sambella, a priest of the Salford Diocese, will be giving a talk about Cardinal Newman They are also looking for new volunteers. So if you on Friday the 4th of October at 7.30pm at Saint are looking to keep busy, to help others in your local John’s Presbytery, Powell Street, Wigan – beside area, to meet new people or get involved in Saint John’s Church. All are welcome something new, then volunteering with the Carers Centre could be for you. You can offer as much or little time as you have and all you need is a friendly CELEBRATING OSCAR ROMERO and understanding nature. To find out more visit www.wlcccarers.com or phone 01942 705959. AND THE MERSEYSIDE PROPHETS

The Annual Romero Lecture will be given by David HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGES IN 2020 McLoughlin from Newman University, Birmingham, next Wednesday the 25th of September at the 001 Theatre, the Cornerstone, Hope University, Everton From the 9th to the 18th of June 2020 with Ireneaus. Campus, Liverpool L3 8DR. Starts at 6.30 for 6.45pm. Cost will be in the region of £1,800 and with an extra The lecture will be preceded by a Memorial Mass in £629 for a single room. Email [email protected] nearby SFX Church at 5.45pm celebrated by Bishop or phone 0151 949 1199 for more information or to John Rawsthorne. request a booking form.

The lecture is on the 'Prophetic Trajectories of Hope From the 8th to the 15th of October 2020 with The from San Salvador to Liverpool', celebrating the Catholic Pictorial. Cost is £1295 sharing or £1545 for ministries of Oscar Romero, Austin Smith, Kevin a single room. Call 0151 733 5492 for a brochure and booking form. Kelly & Tom Cullinan - the latter three 'Merseyside

Prophets' were priests who served in the Archdiocese of Liverpool and who died in recent years. After the lecture there will be drinks to toast PARISH SOCIAL SECRETARY the Merseyside Prophets. All are very welcome! Many thanks to Margaret Bolger and Liz Swift who have agreed to take on this role and to arrange some FORWARD TO ORDINATION days out for the parish. We look forward to some fun-filled and interesting outings.

Congratulations to Pearse McDonagh who was admitted as a Candidate for Ordination last Tuesday. THANK YOU Over thirty parishioners and friends went along to FOR LAST WEEK support Pearse at the Mass in Saint James’ Church in Bootle, which was presided over by Bishop Tom Offertory Collection £339.25 Williams, taking the place of Archbishop Malcolm Home Mission Sunday £73.25 who was in Rome at that time. HOLY FAMILY CHURCH ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL PLATT BRIDGE WIGAN PASTORAL AREA

Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”



SUNDAY 29TH SEPTEMBER 2019 Our deepest sympathy and prayer are with the TWENTY SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (C) family and friends of Joseph (Joe) Siney from Belong Mass at 10.30am Village, Millers Lane, Platt Bridge, who died on the Offered for Martha Heyes & James Carlon 20th of September aged 95 years. His funeral rites will be celebrated here at Holy Family Church the TUESDAY 1ST OCTOBER 2019 week after next on Monday the 7th of October at 12 CELEBRATING SAINT THERESE OF LISIEUX noon followed by burial in Our Lady’s Churchyard, Mass at 10.00am Bryn. Offered for Mgr. Patrick McCoy May the Lord welcome him home. Weekday Missal Page 801

THURSDAY 3RD OCTOBER 2019 PRAY THE ROSARY IN OCTOBER Mass at 10.00am Offered for Irenee Pelletier The Rosary is prayed every Tuesday morning in the Weekday Missal Page 804 Lady Chapel after Mass. Why not come along to Mass on Tuesdays and stay behind afterwards to SATURDAY 5TH OCTOBER 2019 join in the prayer during this month? Mass at 11.00am Offered for Edna Craven Weekday Missal Page 809 CHRISTMAS RAFFLE Confessions at 11.30am It’s time to organise this year’s Holy Family SUNDAY 6TH OCTOBER 2019 Christmas Raffle. In addition to Cash Prizes there’ll TWENTY SEVENTH OF ORDINARY TIME (C) be prizes of luxury hampers (food and drink Mass at 10.30am hampers, toiletries hampers, gift hampers, etc). Can Offered for Ronald Penn you donate items to make up these hampers? Or any other appropriate prizes? Please bring them to Mass with you and pass them to Muriel McGuire, Mary NEXT SUNDAY IS ROSARY SUNDAY Marsh or into the sacristy.

Next Sunday the 6th of October is Rosary Sunday and the traditional Annual Rosary Sunday Walk and RETIRING COLLECTION Devotions will take place at Saint Patrick’s Church, Wigan. Assemble at 2.00pm at Saint Patrick’s NEXT WEEKEND FOR CAFOD Primary School and process to the church for Rosary, Sermon and Benediction. Bishop Tom Williams will preside. Refreshments will be served for all in Saint Next Friday the 4th of October Patrick’s Primary School afterwards. Everyone very welcome – men and women, adults and children. is CAFOD’s Harvest Fast Day FORTHCOMING EVENTS AT IRENAEUS SYNOD 2020 TALKS

Scripture Mornings As we enter the next phase of “The Story of the People Journeying through Exodus” our Synod Journey, we are on Thursdays the 17th and 24th and 31st of October invited to take part in a series of and the 7th of November. talks to help us better understand some of the pressing Scripture Weekend concerns of the Church and “The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few: society as we continue to discern Discovering Matthew’s Gospel” from Friday the 1st the Church God calls us to be. to Sunday the 3rd of November. Monday the 7th of October 2019 Follow The Star: A Women’s Weekend The Quiet Revolution of Pope Francis: Led by Sr.Moira Meeghan from Friday the 29th of A Synodal Catholic Church November to Sunday the 1st of December. by Fr Gerry O'Hanlon SJ

All taking place at Irenaeus, 32 Great Georges Road, Monday the 11th of November 2019 Liverpool L22 1RD. For more information contact Faith & Theology in Later Life Jenny by telephone on 0151 949 1199 or email by Dr Ros Stuart-Buttle [email protected] Monday the 9th of December 2019 Complex Catholicism: Discovering the Reality SAINT JOHN RIGBY COLLEGE OPEN EVENINGS of Young Catholics in England & Wales by Stephen Davies Saint John Rigby College in Orrell are holding a series of Open Evenings for students who may be Monday the 13th of January 2020 considering joining the College in Autumn 2020. The Faith in the Family evenings will run from 5.00pm until 7.30pm on: by Dr Dominika Kurek-Chomycz & Prof John Sullivan

Wednesday the 16th of October Monday the 17th of February 2020 Thursday the 31st of October The Church in an Individualistic Society: Thursday the 14th of November. Today's Economic Inequality - Where is the Church? by Rt Rev Dr Philip Egan, Bishop of Portsmouth For more information visit www.sjr.ac.uk

Monday the 9th of March 2020 The Church as a Fragmented Mirror CANONISATION OF CARDINAL NEWMAN by David McLoughlin

In two weeks’ time, on Sunday the 13th of October, Monday the 20th of April 2020 Pope Francis will canonise Blessed John Henry Participating in Christ's Ministry in the 2020s Newman in Rome. Cardinal Newman will be the first by Kate Wilkinson and Rev Dr Peter McGrail English person since the 17th Century to be officially recognised as a saint by the Catholic Church. Each of the above Synod Talks will take place in Liverpool Hope University Chapel. The evenings will John Henry Newman is held in high regard by both begin at 7.30pm (with tea and coffee available from Catholics and Anglicans (he was an Anglican priest 7pm) and conclude at 8.45pm. An optional Night before becoming a Catholic) and his canonisation is Prayer will follow at 9.00pm. Each talk will includes a day long-awaited and rejoiced over by many in a time for questions. Everyone very welcome. both communions. But how much do you know about his life and his writings? Father Laurence Sambella, a priest of the Salford Diocese, will be THANK YOU giving a talk about Cardinal Newman next Friday the FOR LAST WEEK 4th of October at 7.00pm at Saint John’s Presbytery,

Powell Street, Wigan – beside Saint John’s Church. All are welcome. Offertory Collection £320.76 HOLY FAMILY CHURCH ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL PLATT BRIDGE WIGAN PASTORAL AREA

Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”


THE LITURGY THIS WEEK RETIRING COLLECTION TODAY FOR CAFOD’S HARVEST FAST DAY SUNDAY 6TH OCTOBER 2019 TWENTY SEVENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (C) Mass at 10.30am At this time of year when many are giving thanks for Offered for Ronald Penn the fruits of the Earth and celebrating the food we are blessed with through Harvest Festivals, we have the opportunity – through donating to CAFOD’s MONDAY 7TH OCTOBER 2019 Harvest Fast Day Collection today - to remember FUNERAL MASS AT 12 NOON FOR JOE SINEY and share with those who have little cause to rejoice

and be thankful for any harvest. TUESDAY 8TH OCTOBER 2019

Mass at 10.00am

Offered for Trevor John Cording Weekday Missal Page 813 TODAY IS ROSARY SUNDAY

THURSDAY 10TH OCTOBER 2019 Today the 6th of October is Rosary Sunday and the Annual Rosary Sunday Walk and Devotions will take Mass at 10.00am place this afternoon at Saint Patrick’s Church, Offered for John Sweeney Wigan. Assemble at 2.00pm at Saint Patrick’s Weekday Missal Page 817 Primary School and process to the church for Rosary,

Sermon and Benediction. Bishop Tom Williams will SATURDAY 11TH OCTOBER 2019 preside. Refreshments will be served for all in Saint Mass at 11.00am Patrick’s Primary School afterwards. Everyone very Offered for Rosamund Rothwell welcome – men and women, adults and children. Weekday Missal Page 821

Confessions at 11.30am


TWENTY EIGHTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (C) Congratulations to those whose First Anniversary of Mass at 10.30am Baptism occurs during this month, and especially Offered for the People of the Parish Dolly Agnes Smith from Culcheth Avenue, Abram,

who was baptised at Holy Family on the 14th of

October 2018. UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN And we continue to hold in prayer before the Lord The Funeral Mass for Joe Siney from Belong Village, those whose First Anniversary of Death happens who died on the 20th of September aged 95 years, during this month, especially: Francis Traynor of will be celebrated here on Monday at 12 noon prior Rosebridge Court Nursing Home, Hindley, who died to burial at Our Lady’s Churchyard, Bryn. on the 13th of October 2018 aged 83 years; and Mary Ratcliffe of Bedford Care Home, Leigh who May the Lord welcome him home. died on the 16th of October 2018 aged 77 years OUR JOURNEY TO SYNOD 2020 HOLY FAMILY CHRISTMAS RAFFLE

Next Sunday we will be holding our It’s time to organise this year’s Holy Family second “Synod Sunday” and there Christmas Raffle. In addition to Cash Prizes there’ll will be a Pastoral Letter from be prizes of luxury hampers (food and drink Archbishop Malcolm for us to hear. hampers, toiletries hampers, gift hampers, etc). Can Prayer cards, and leaflets presenting you donate items to make up these hampers? Please the Synod themes, will be available bring them to Mass with you and pass them to for you to take as you come into Muriel McGuire, Mary Marsh or into the sacristy. church next Sunday. And Pearse McDonagh, our parish delegate, will report back from the recent OCTOBER IS THE MONTH OF THE ROSARY meeting of Synod delegates which took place in Wigan. The Rosary is prayed every Tuesday morning in the Lady Chapel after the 10.00am Mass. Why not come Also next Sunday, in Rome, Pope Francis will along to Mass on Tuesdays and stay on afterwards canonise John Henry Cardinal Newman. The new to join in the prayer during this month? saint will then become one of our patrons as we prepare for Synod 2020. PERPETUAL SUCCOUR NOVENA And the First Synod Talk take place this Monday the 7th of October at 7.30pm. (Tea and Coffee from A Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour is taking 7pm) at Liverpool Hope University Chapel, Hope place each Wednesday evening at Saint Mary’s Park, L16 9JD. There will be an opportunity for Church, Standishgate, Wigan beginning next questions and answers with optional Night Prayer at Wednesday the 9th of October until Wednesday the 9pm. This first talk is entitled The Quiet Revolution 4th of December. The Rosary will be prayed at of Pope Francis: A Synodal Catholic Church and is 7.10pm with the Novena Prayers following at being given by former Irish Provincial Gerry 7.30pm. Everyone welcome. O’Hanlon SJ who will examine Pope’s Francis’ focus on a renewed Church with a missionary focus and how this can translated on the ground in parishes. LOURDES YOUTH 2020 He will review the opportunities, barriers and fruits of being a more synodal church and how this Online applications are now open for any young demands a change of role for bishops, the ordained person aged between 15 (or in Year 10) and 22 years and all the baptised in the world today. The first talk to be part of the Liverpool Youth Lourdes Pilgrimage is a key to the whole synodal process that the next year. The dates are Thursday the 23rd of July to Archdiocese has embarked upon in Synod 2020. Saturday the 1st of August 2020 and the cost is £530

with a deposit on booking of £50. More information and bookings at www.animateyouth.org or email BONUS BALL WINNERS FOR SEPTEMBER [email protected] or telephone 01744 740461. Wednesday September 4th Winner Number 39 Wednesday September 11th Winner Number 30 Wednesday September 18th Winner Number 50 LOOSE CHANGE COLLECTION Wednesday September 25th Winner Number 47 White Collecting Tins are available from the back of To join, please see Margaret Lundy at the back of church for people to take and put your loose change church on Sundays. (For a stake of just £1 there is a in at home. Then, when it’s full, return it to church Prize of £30 each week). to be emptied - and take another one to fill.

Many thanks to those who already support this. THANK YOU FOR LAST WEEK Over £1,500 has been raised so far for church funds. If you don’t yet have a collecting tin, then why not Offertory Collection £423.18 take one home with you today? HOLY FAMILY CHURCH ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL PLATT BRIDGE WIGAN PASTORAL AREA

Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”



PREPARATION MEETING SUNDAY 13TH OCTOBER 2019 TWENTY EIGHTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (C) NEXT WEDNESDAY 16TH OCTOBER Mass at 10.30am AT 5.45PM IN HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL HALL Offered for the People of the Parish In addition to attending these meetings, parents and TUESDAY 15TH OCTOBER 2019 children will be expected to attend Sunday Mass CELEBRATING SAINT TERESA OF AVILA every week as a necessary part of their preparation Mass at 10.00am for First Confession and First Holy Communion. Offered for Recovery from Illness Weekday Missal Page 825 Funeral Service at 1.30pm for John Berry TODAY IS SYNOD SUNDAY

THURSDAY 17TH OCTOBER 2019 Today is a “Synod Sunday” and we will hear a CELEBRATING SAINT IGNATIUS OF ANTIOCH Pastoral Letter from Archbishop Malcolm. Prayer Mass at 10.00am cards, and leaflets presenting the Synod themes, are Offered for the Intentions of L.I.S.C.F. available from the back of church for you to take. Weekday Missal Page 829 Pearse McDonagh, our parish delegate, will also report back from the recent meeting of Synod SATURDAY 19TH OCTOBER 2019 delegates which took place in Wigan. Mass at 11.00am Offered in Petition to Saint Martin de Porres Weekday Missal Page 833 UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN Confessions at 11.30am Our deepest sympathy and prayers are with the SUNDAY 20TH OCTOBER 2019 family and friends of John Francis Berry from TWENTY NINTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (C) Parkfields, Abram who died on the 28th of Mass at 10.30am September aged 62 years. His funeral rites will be Offered for Ken Smith celebrated here at Holy Family next Tuesday at 1.30pm prior to burial at Gidlow Cemetery.

THE PROPER OF THE MASS May the Lord welcome him home.

For reasons of space, only parts of the Proper of the Mass (the words and responses that stay the same every week) are printed on our Sunday Mass Sheet. RETIRING COLLECTION

For any who may need it, you can find it printed in NEXT WEEKEND FOR full at the beginning of the hymnbook on Page 4 and THE FOREIGN MISSIONS following. NOVEMBER DEAD LISTS Archdiocese of Liverpool Synod 2020

Mass will be offered during the month of November OPPORTUNITIES FOR PRAYER & REFLECTION for those named on our November Dead List. To ON THE SYNOD THEMES have members of your families and friends included, place a list of their names into an envelope (with a donation if you wish) write “November List” on the A number of Synod Members front, and pop it into the collection plate at Mass have mentioned the need to have before the end of October opportunities along the Synod 2020 road to pause, to take stock, to pray, and to reflect. Working

with the Irenaeus Project, the HOLY FAMILY CHRISTMAS RAFFLE Synod Office has arranged a

series of evenings of prayer and It’s time to organise this year’s Holy Family reflection on each of the Synod Christmas Raffle. In addition to Cash Prizes there’ll Themes. Each of the sessions will be prizes of luxury hampers (food and drink start at 7.30pm and conclude at hampers, toiletries hampers, gift hampers, etc). Can 9.00pm you donate items to make up these hampers? Please bring them to Mass with you and pass them to All called and gifted by God Muriel McGuire, Mary Marsh or into the sacristy. Tuesday the 29th of October at Saint Joseph's,

Wrightington, Wigan WN6 9PA or Wednesday the 6th of November at Saint Philomena's, Sparrow Hall HEALING SERVICE Road, Liverpool L9 6BU

There will be an Afternoon of Healing at the Sharing the mission of Jesus Metropolitan Cathedral in Liverpool next Saturday Thursday the 21st of November at Saint Joseph's, the 19th of October from 3.00pm until 7.00pm. Wrightington, Wigan WN6 9PA or Wednesday the 27th of November at Saint Philomena's, Sparrow Mass will be celebrated by Father Peter Morgan, Hall Road, Liverpool L9 6BU then a talk from Eddie Stones, a healer from Ireland. In addition to Eddie there will be a number of How we pray together Healing teams ready to pray over people and a Tuesday the 21st of January at Saint Joseph's, number of priests to hear confession. All welcome. Wrightington, Wigan WN6 9PA or Wednesday the 29th of January at Saint Philomena's, Sparrow Hall Road, Liverpool L9 6BU LOURDES YOUTH 2020 Building community, nurturing belonging Online applications are now open for any young Thursday the 27th of February at Saint Joseph's, person aged between 15 (or in Year 10) and 22 years Wrightington, Wigan WN6 9PA or Wednesday the to be part of the Liverpool Youth Lourdes Pilgrimage 4th of March at Saint Philomena's, Sparrow Hall next year. The dates are Thursday the 23rd of July to Road, Liverpool L9 6BU Saturday the 1st of August 2020 and the cost is £530 with a deposit on booking of £50. More information Everyone welcome to any or all of the sessions and bookings at www.animateyouth.org or email [email protected] or telephone 01744 740461. CARE HOME STAFF VACANCIES

There are staff vacancies at Cardinal Heenan House, THANK YOU FOR LAST WEEK Roby Mill, Upholland, WN8 0QR, a residential care home for people living with dementia, run by the Offertory £342.43 CAFOD £192.17 Sons of Divine Providence. Vacancies are for head cook, day/night care staff, activities co-ordinator, Sincere thanks to The Trammers Line Dancers relief team leader, day and night bank workers. for a further donation of £500 to church funds. Apply by email to [email protected] HOLY FAMILY CHURCH ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL PLATT BRIDGE WIGAN PASTORAL AREA

Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”


THE LITURGY THIS WEEK RETIRING COLLECTION TODAY FOR THE OVERSEAS MISSIONS SUNDAY 20TH OCTOBER 2019 TWENTY NINTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (C) Today is World Mission Sunday and an invitation to Mass at 10.30am remember and pray for those who work on the Offered for Ken Smith foreign missions, bringing the practical hope of the Gospel where there is turmoil and poverty in the TUESDAY 22ND OCTOBER 2019 world, and where the Church is new, young or poor. Mass at 10.00am They empower local people to form and sustain Offered for Bill Mangnall communities of faith, and train and nurture future Weekday Missal Page 836 leaders so that the vital work of the Church in the world can take place. Today’s Collection is to THURSDAY 24TH OCTOBER 2019 support that work and the communities they serve. Mass at 10.00am Offered for Sr. de Luce Cashman FMDM Weekday Missal Page 840 Archdiocese of Liverpool Synod 2020

SATURDAY 26TH OCTOBER 2019 THE FIRST SYNOD THEME: Mass at 11.00am “ALL CALLED & GIFTED BY GOD” Offered for Fr. Ray Legge Weekday Missal Page 844 Following on from “Synod Sunday” Confessions at 11.30am last week, there are leaflets available from the back of church SUNDAY 27TH OCTOBER 2019 this weekend inviting us to reflect THIRTIETH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (C) and ponder the first Synod theme Mass at 10.30am “All Called and Gifted by God” as Offered for Norman & Marjorie Turner we seek to arrive at proposals on Celebration of Baptism at 11.45am this theme. Please do take a copy of the leaflet home with you, and read it, and use it, and then give THANK YOU FOR LAST WEEK your feedback.

Pearse McDonagh, our synod delegate, will host a Offertory Collection £341.45 gathering, open to all parishioners, to discuss and

reflect on this first Synod theme in the Parish Hall in Sincere thanks to the family of the late John Berry Tram Street immediately after Mass on Sunday the for a donation of £50 to Holy Family Church funds 3rd of November. Please do come along. in his memory.

CHRISTMAS RAFFLE TICKETS NOW ON SALE Drawn Sunday 8th December - Tickets are £1 for a Book of Five - Available from the back of church REMEMBERING DECEASED PARISHIONERS TRIP TO YORK CHRISTMAS MARKET

During the 11.00am Mass on All Souls Day (Saturday Our first Parish Outing will be to York Christmas the 2nd of November) we will remember and pray Market on Thursday the 5th of December. To by name for those who have died since All Souls Day reserve a seat on the coach sign the list at the back last year and whose funeral rites we have celebrated of church or contact Mike or Liz Swift or Margaret here at Holy Family. Their relatives and friends are Bolger. The cost is just £15 per person and everyone most welcome to come along and join us. Please is welcome - so invite your friends along too! pass on the invitation if you know or live near them.


Many individuals who suffer from coeliac disease or These will commence again at the Metropolitan are allergic to gluten products are under the Cathedral in Liverpool on Tuesday the 12th of impression that they are no longer able to receive November and will run for six weeks from 1.00pm to Holy Communion, since the normal altar breads 4.00pm in the Gibberd Room. The six week course contain gluten. However, it is still possible. You may will use crafts and fresh flowers to make your own choose to receive just from the chalice (Father Tony unique designs for Christmas for your own home or does not put a particle of the host into the chalice, for thoughtful gifts for others. You can pay £60 for as is traditional, for that very reason). It is also the complete course or dip in and out and pay £15 possible for us to obtain low-gluten altar breads for each session you attend. which are kept and consecrated separately from the other altar breads so that you are able to receive it. To book your place or for more details contact Claire Please let Father Tony know if you would like us to Hanlon on 0151 709 9222 or you can email her at do this for you. [email protected]


As Catholics we prepare for many events in our life, As is customary, Mass will be offered frequently Baptism, First Communions, Weddings to name a throughout the month of November for those few. But how prepared are we for our death? It is whose names are included on our November Dead often a subject which we often don’t want to talk List. To have members of your families and friends about, but around which we do have questions. included, place a list of their names into an envelope Saint Teresa’s in Upholland are holding a drop-in (with a donation if you wish) write “November List” event and information open day “Planning your Last on the front, and pop it into the collection plate at Goodbye” on Saturday the 2nd of November from Mass before the end of October 10.00am to 3.00pm in St. Teresa’s Club (next to the church on College Road, Upholland). You can ask questions about types of funerals, hymns, prayers, costs, to name a few. Father Philip Kehoe and THE BRICK BOX members of the Parish Bereavement Team will be present. Funeral directors will also be there to talk The blue box in the piety shop at the back of church about funeral plans and solicitors to talk about is there to receive any contributions you may wish power of attorney, wills and probate etc. Anyone of to make towards the food bank which is run by The any age or religion is very welcome to go along. Brick to support those who are homeless or down on their luck in the Wigan area.

CLOCKS GO BACK NEXT WEEKEND Donations are welcome of any non-perishable food items – tinned goods (soups, tuna, vegetables, etc) British Summer Time ends next weekend at 2.00am and packet food and dried goods (rice, pasta, etc) as on the morning of Sunday the 27th of October and well as baby food and nappies, ladies sanitary clocks and watches should go back by one hour from products, and basic toiletries such as soap, that time - so you get an extra hour in bed! toothpaste and toothbrushes. HOLY FAMILY CHURCH ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL PLATT BRIDGE WIGAN PASTORAL AREA

Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”


THE LITURGY THIS WEEK NEXT FRIDAY IS ALL SAINTS DAY AND A HOLYDAY OF OBLIGATION SUNDAY 27TH OCTOBER 2019 THIRTIETH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (C) All Saints Day is a Holyday of Obligation and Mass Mass at 10.30am at Holy Family Church on Friday will be an Evening Offered for Norman and Marjorie Turner Mass celebrated at 7.00pm. For the convenience of Celebration of Baptism at 11.45am any who wish to attend Mass at an earlier time on Friday there will be Mass celebrated at 10.00am at TUESDAY 29TH OCTOBER 2019 Saint John’s Church, Wigan and at 12 noon at both Mass at 10.00am Saint Benedict’s, Hindley and Saint Mary’s, Wigan. Offered for Sr. Catherine Purves FMDM There will also be Vigil Mass for All Saints celebrated Weekday Missal Page 847 on the Thursday evening at Saint Benedict’s, Hindley at 7.00pm and at Saint Patrick’s, Wigan at 7.30pm. THURSDAY 31ST OCTOBER 2019 Mass at 10.00am Offered for Fr. Edward Murphy NEXT SATURDAY IS ALL SOULS DAY Weekday Missal Page 851 REMEMBERING OUR BELOVED DEAD FRIDAY 1ST NOVEMBER 2019 CELEBRATING ALL THE SAINTS During Mass at 11.00am next Saturday morning (All (HOLYDAY OF OBLIGATION) Souls Day when we commemorate all the Faithful EVENING MASS AT 7.00PM Departed) we will especially remember, and pray by Offered for the People of the Parish name for, those who have died since All Souls Day last year and whose funeral rites we have celebrated SATURDAY 2ND NOVEMBER 2019 here at Holy Family Church. Their relatives and COMMEMORATING ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED friends are most welcome to come along and join Mass at 11.00am with us. Please pass on the invitation if you know Offered for deceased relatives, friends & parishioners. them or live near them. And why not come along to Confessions at 11.30am the Mass on Saturday yourself and hold your own deceased relations and friends in thought and SUNDAY 3RD NOVEMBER 2019 prayer before the Lord? THIRTY FIRST SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (C) Mass at 10.30am Offered for the November List Names UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN Celebration of Baptism at 11.45am Our deepest sympathy and prayers are with the family and friends of Rita WIlkie from Tram Street, SYNOD 2020 MEETING NEXT SUNDAY Platt Bridge who died on the 23rd of October aged 89 years. Her funeral rites will be celebrated here at

Open Parish Meeting in Holy Family Parish Hall next Holy Family on Tuesday the 5th of November at 12 noon prior to burial at Hindley Cemetery. Sunday after Mass to discuss the first Synod theme: “All Gifted and Called by God”. May the Lord welcome her home. WELCOME TO THE FAMILY CELEBRATE A CHRISTIAN HALLOWE’EN

Being baptised today is Finley James Shackleton, Saint Teresa’s, Upholland also invite you to join born on the 30th of April 2019, the son of David and them to celebrate Hallowe’en in a truly Christian Nicola Shackleton from Ashwood Avenue, Abram. way with a Service of Light next Thursday the 31st of October at 6.00pm at St. Teresa’s Cemetery, Roby Mill. The Service will last about 20 or 30 minutes and TRIP TO YORK CHRISTMAS MARKET everyone is welcome, especially those who have relatives or friends buried in the cemetery. There Our first Parish Outing will be to York Christmas will be a lovely warming bonfire and sweets will be Market on Thursday the 5th of December. To given out to the children (and adults!) Please take a reserve a seat on the coach sign-up at the back of torch along with you if you can. church or contact Mike or Liz Swift or Margaret Bolger. Cost is just £15 per person – and everyone is welcome so you can bring your friends along too! NEW PRO-LIFE GROUP FOR WIGAN

The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children PLANNING YOUR LAST GOODBYE (SPUC) are hoping to form a local branch for the Wigan area. An initial meeting for anyone who may As Catholics we prepare for many events in our life, be interesting in becoming involved is taking place Baptism, First Communions, Weddings to name a tomorrow evening (Monday the 28th of October) at few. But how prepared are we for our death? It is 7.00pm in Saint Mary’s Parish Centre, Standishgate, often a subject which we often don’t want to talk Wigan. Everyone welcome. about, but around which we do have questions. Saint Teresa’s in Upholland are holding a drop-in event and information open day “Planning your Last “LIVING HOLY COMMUNION” Goodbye” next Saturday the 2nd of November from 10.00am to 3.00pm in St. Teresa’s Club (next to the A Day of Recollection with Archbishop Malcolm church on College Road, Upholland). You can ask taking place on Saturday the 9th of November from questions about types of funerals, hymns, prayers, 10.00am to 3.30pm at Saint Joseph’s Prayer Centre, costs, to name a few. Father Philip Kehoe and Blundell Avenue, Formby, Liverpool L37 1PH. The members of the Parish Bereavement Team will be cost is £15 including lunch and booking is essential. present. Funeral directors will also be there to talk Email [email protected] or see the about funeral plans and solicitors to talk about website at www.stjosephprayercentre.com Power of attorney, wills and probate etc. Anyone of any age or religion is very welcome to go along. SYNOD REFLECTION EVENING

DON ORIONE EARLY BONFIRE NIGHT Everyone is invited to an Evening of Prayer and Reflection on the first Synod Theme: Next Tuesday A Firework Display will be held at Don Orione, Roby (29th of October) from 7.30pm to 9pm at Saint Mill, Upholland, WN8 0QT from 6.00pm next Joseph’s, Crow Orchard Road, Wrightington WN6 Saturday the 2nd of November. A Family Evening 9PA or on Wednesday the 6th of November from with hot food available. All welcome. 7.30pm to 9pm at Saint Philomena’s, Sparrow Hall Road, Liverpool L9 6BU. Come along to either evening to ponder how we hear the call of God in THANK YOU FOR LAST WEEK our lives today.

Offertory Collection £364.15 World Mission Sunday £141.72 Don’t forget to hand in your November Dead Lists before the end of October so that Our thanks for a donation to Holy Family Church of Holy Mass can be offered throughout £10 in loving memory of Mary Appleton from November for your deceased family and Rebecca and James. friends who are named on them. HOLY FAMILY CHURCH ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL PLATT BRIDGE WIGAN PASTORAL AREA

Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”


THE LITURGY THIS WEEK SYNOD 2020 PARISH MEETING TODAY SUNDAY 3RD NOVEMBER 2019 THIRTY FIRST SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (C) Mass at 10.30am Come along to the Open Meeting for all Offered for the November Lists Parishioners to discuss the First Synod Theme. Celebration of Baptism at 11.45am Taking place in the Parish Hall immediately

TUESDAY 5TH NOVEMBER 2019 after Mass today. Everyone is welcome. FUNERAL MASS AT 12 NOON FOR RITA WILKIE

THURSDAY 7TH NOVEMBER 2019 WELCOME TO THE FAMILY Mass at 10.00am Offered for Vera Howarth Being baptised today is Emily Katie Osmond, born on Weekday Missal Page 861 the 25th of May 2019, the daughter of Philip and Rebecca Osmond from Pinewood Close, Abram. SATURDAY 9TH NOVEMBER 2019 DEDICATION FEAST OF THE LATERAN BASILICA Mass at 11.00am Offered for Kath Sweeney FIRST ANNIVERSARIES Weekday Missal Page 2048 Confessions at 11.30am Congratulations to those who will celebrate their First Anniversary of Baptism during this month; SUNDAY 10TH NOVEMBER 2019 especially Cain Hunter Holcroft, the son of Damian THIRTY SECOND SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (C) and Sheryl Holcroft from Simpkin Street, Abram, Mass at 10.30am who was baptised at Holy Family Church on the 4th Offered for Winifred Atherton of November 2018.

And we continue to hold in prayer before the Lord UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN those whose First Anniversary of Death occurs during this month; especially Vera Howarth from The Funeral Rites of Rita WIlkie from Tram Street, Simpkin Street, Abram, who died on the 5th of who died on the 23rd of October aged 89 years, will November 2018 aged 68 years; and Win Atherton be celebrated next Tuesday the 5th of November at from Abingdon Drive, Platt Bridge, who died on the 12 noon prior to burial at Hindley Cemetery. 10th of November 2018 aged 88 years; and Vince Thomas from Ince Green Lane, Ince, who died on the May the Lord welcome her home. 16th of November 2018 aged 85 years.


Do you think the Lord could be calling you to serve Trammers Line Dancing Group for men and women as a Deacon? Archbishop Malcolm will be hosting an of all ages meets each Monday from 1.00pm to evening for men, married or single, who may be 3.00pm in Holy Family Parish Hall. Contact Sylvia wondering if they are being called to serve as Delargy on 01942 521482. deacons, and what the formation will involve. Wives are welcome to come along too. To help open the treasure of the scriptures, a Bible Study Group meets each Monday at 7.00pm in Saint It’s taking place on Tuesday the 19th of November Wilfrid’s Church, Bolton Road, Ashton-in- in the Community Room at Our Lady Queen of Makerfield. Contact Deacon Mike Swift on 01942 Martyrs, Stonebridge Lane, Croxteth, Liverpool L11 715177. 9AZ on Tuesday the 19th of November from 7.30pm to 9.00pm with refreshments being available from Coming to Jesus through Mary, members of the 7.00pm. Legion of Mary meet to pray the Rosary each Tuesday at 10.30am in the Lady Chapel at Holy For more information contact Father Chris Fallon on Family Church. Contact Mary Marsh on 01942 0151 522 1042 or email [email protected] or 701091. have a chat with our very own Deacon Mike or with Pearse McDonagh who is himself now in the second With activities and friendship for girls, Brownies and of his four year course of preparation for ordination. Guides meet each Wednesday in Holy Family Parish Hall, Brownies at 6.30pm (for girls aged 7 to 10 years) and Guides at 8.00pm (for girls aged 10 years

and above). Contact Sheila Marcroft on 01942 CELEBRATING SAINT JOHN HENRY NEWMAN 861981.

The Catholic and Anglican Cathedrals in Liverpool Mothers and grandmothers meet to pray for their are hosting an Evening of Celebration to mark the children at Mother’s Prayers each Thursday at Canonisation of Cardinal Newman next Thursday the 2.00pm in Holy Family Parish Hall. Contact Mary 7th of November at 6.00pm in the Catholic Marsh on 01942 701091. Metropolitan Cathedral. The evening will begin with a joint Choral Evening Prayer sung by both Cathedral For any who find it difficult to cope with the loss of choirs. This will be followed by a guest lecture with a loved one, a Bereavement Support Group meets Newman scholars the Revd Canon Dr Rod Garner on the last Saturday of each month at 12.15pm in and Monsignor Roderick Strange, who will share Holy Family Parish Hall. Contact Mary Marsh on their insights on the influence of John Henry 01942 701091. Newman on both the Anglican and Roman Catholic Church. The invitation is extended to all across the Archdiocese. THANK YOU FOR LAST WEEK

Offertory Collection £469.68 TRIP TO YORK CHRISTMAS MARKET Sincere thanks for a donation of £50 to Holy Family Our first Parish Outing will be to York Christmas Church in Remembrance of the First Anniversary Market on Thursday the 5th of December. To and Birthday of Winifred Atherton from her family reserve a seat on the coach sign-up at the back of church (it’s on the newspaper shelf beside the notice Three numbers have become available in the board) or contact Mike or Liz Swift or Margaret weekly Bonus Ball Draw – 4 and 11 and 22. See Bolger. Cost is just £15 per person – and everyone is Margaret Lundy at the back of church after welcome so you can bring your friends along too! Mass today if you’d like to have one of them.


Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”



PREPARATION MEETING SUNDAY 10TH NOVEMBER 2019 THIRTY SECOND SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (C) NEXT WEDNESDAY 13TH NOVEMBER Mass at 10.30am AT 5.45PM IN HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL HALL Offered for Winifred Atherton In addition to attending these meetings, parents and TUESDAY 12TH NOVEMBER 2019 children will be expected to attend Sunday Mass CELEBRATING SAINT JOSAPHAT every week as a necessary part of their preparation Mass at 10.00am for First Confession and First Holy Communion. Offered for the November List Names Weekday Missal Page 869 TRIP TO YORK CHRISTMAS MARKET THURSDAY 14TH NOVEMBER 2019 Mass at 10.00am Our first Parish Outing will be to York Christmas Offered for the November List Names Market on Thursday the 5th of December. To Weekday Missal Page 873 reserve a seat on the coach sign-up at the back of church (it’s on the newspaper shelf beside the notice SATURDAY 16TH NOVEMBER 2019 board) or contact Mike or Liz Swift or Margaret Mass at 11.00am Bolger. Cost is just £15 per person – and everyone is Offered for the November List Names welcome so you can bring your friends along too! Weekday Missal Page 877 Confessions at 11.30am

SUNDAY 17TH NOVEMBER 2019 “PREPARE YE A WAY FOR THE LORD” THIRTY THIRD SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (C) ADVENT MORNINGS OF REFLECTION Mass at 10.30am Offered for Maurice McCarthy Two Advent Mornings of Reflection are being led by Sister Moira Meegan on Thursdays the 5th and 12th of December between 10.30am and 12 noon. Taking TO ARRANGE A BAPTISM AT HOLY FAMILY place at The Irenaeus House of Prayer at 32 Great Georges Road, Waterloo, Liverpool L22 1RD. Parents should see Father Tony at Church after Mass any Sunday to pick up an Information Leaflet and To book a place or for more details please phone Baptism Application Form. 0151 949 1199 or email [email protected]

A SELECTION OF RELIGIOUS CHRISTMAS CARDS, CALENDARS AND CATHOLIC DIARIES IS NOW ON SALE FROM THE PIETY SHOP AT THE BACK OF CHURCH. HAVE A BROWSE. BONUS BALL WINNERS FOR OCTOBER SECOND SYNOD TALK “FAITH & THEOLOGY IN LATER LIFE” Wednesday October 2nd Winner Number 49 Wednesday October 9th Winner Number 12 The Speaker is Dr. Ros Stuart-Buttle and it takes Wednesday October 16th Winner Number 57 place on Monday of this week the 11th of November Wednesday October 23rd Winner Number 19 at 7.30pm in Hope Chapel at Hope University, Wednesday October 30th Winner Number 23 Liverpool L16 9JD with coffee being served from 7.00pm. The listening process surfaced many To join, please see Margaret Lundy at the back of different voices of those in later life. Ros will help church on Sundays. (For a stake of just £1 there is a people to see how we can look at the past, live in the Prize of £30 each week). present and gaze into the future. To be hopeful in changing times and how we can try and navigate faith issues with children and grandchildren. There COULD THE LORD BE CALLING YOU will be an opportunity for questions and answers and optional Night Prayer at 9.00pm. All, of TO SERVE OUR PARISH AS A DEACON? whatever age, are very welcome!

Do you think the Lord could be calling you to serve as a Deacon? Archbishop Malcolm will be hosting an CATHOLIC SINGLES evening for men, married or single, who may be wondering if they are being called to serve as Catholic Singles is a group which helps single deacons, and what the formation will involve. Wives Catholics of all ages (over 18 years) to meet other are welcome to come along too. It’s taking place on single Catholics, either one to one or through social Tuesday the 19th of November in the Community events. For further information visit the website at Room at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs, Stonebridge www.catholicsingles.org.uk or phone 0161 941 3498 Lane, Croxteth, Liverpool L11 9AZ on Tuesday the

19th of November from 7.30pm to 9.00pm (refreshments available from 7.00pm). For more information contact Father Chris Fallon on 0151 522 GOING INTO HOSPITAL? 1042 or email [email protected] or have a chat with our own Deacon Mike or with Pearse If you or a family member are going into Wigan McDonagh who is himself now in the second of his Infirmary as an in-patient and wish to be visited by a four year course of preparation for ordination. member of the Catholic chaplaincy team (and/or to receive Holy Communion while you are in hospital) please phone them on 01942 822324. If there is no WIGAN WOMEN'S FRIENDSHIP CLUB reply, please leave a message for the Catholic chaplain. If admitted to any hospital as an Wigan Women's Friendship Club offer friendship emergency patient, the family should ask the ward and support and invite any ladies to join them. They staff to bleep the on-call Catholic Priest. meet every Thursday afternoon at the Penson Street Community Centre, Penson Street, off Wigan Lane, Wigan, from 1.30pm to 3.30pm. A programme of THANK YOU activities up until Christmas is already under way FOR LAST WEEK and they would love you to be part of it! For further information please ring Margaret Rowe on 01942 Offertory Collection £405.74 247403 or Nancy Rose 01942 497108. Our heartfelt thanks to the members of Trammers Line Dancing Group who meet in the Parish Hall NOVEMBER MASS FOR DECEASED CLERGY every Monday afternoon, for yet another wonderful donation of £500 to Holy Family Church, making a Archbishop Malcolm will be in the Wigan area next total sum of £14K donated to the Church since their Friday the 15th of November at Saint Joseph’s formation. Church, Wrightington to offer November Mass at 2.00pm for the Deceased Clergy of the Archdiocese Our sincere thanks also to Rita Farrell for a donation of Liverpool. All are welcome to join him. of £40 to Holy Family Church. HOLY FAMILY CHURCH ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL PLATT BRIDGE WIGAN PASTORAL AREA

Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”



Mass at 10.30am Having spent time, over previous weeks, reflecting Offered for Maurice McCarthy on the First Synod Theme, we now move on to TUESDAY 19TH NOVEMBER 2019 consider the Second Theme: Sharing the Mission of Mass at 10.00am Jesus. As for the First Theme, our Synod Delegate Offered for the November Lists Pearse McDonagh will host a gathering in the Weekday Missal Page 881 coming weeks where we can meet together to consider this theme and arrive at our proposals for WEDNESDAY 20TH NOVEMBER 2019 the Synod. But for now ….. Please take a copy of the Funeral Mass at 2.00pm for John Bolger Reflection Leaflet for the Second Theme which is available from the back of church today, so that we THURSDAY 21ST NOVEMBER 2019 can each use this time between now and the CELEBRATING THE PRESENTATION OF MARY gathering to consider and pray about “Sharing the Mass at 10.00am Mission of Jesus” Offered for the November Lists Weekday Missal Page 2075 SYNOD REFLECTION EVENING SATURDAY 23RD NOVEMBER 2019

Mass at 11.00am Everyone is invited to an Evening of Prayer and Offered for the November Lists Reflection on the second Synod Theme: “Sharing the Weekday Missal Page 890 Mission of Jesus”. Next Thursday (21st of November) Confessions at 11.30am from 7.30pm to 9pm at Saint Joseph’s, Crow

SUNDAY 24TH NOVEMBER 2019 Orchard Road, Wrightington WN6 9PA or on CELEBRATING CHRIST THE KING Wednesday the 27th of November from 7.30pm to Mass at 10.30am 9pm at Saint Philomena’s, Sparrow Hall Road, Offered for Wilfred Pugh Liverpool L9 6BU. Come along to either evening.

UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN Please hold in prayer John Bolger from Prestbury Avenue, Marus Bridge, and once from Ashton-in-Makerfield, who died last Sunday aged 70 years. His funeral rites will be celebrated here at Holy Family next Wednesday at 2.00pm prior to committal at Wigan Crematorium. Our deepest sympathy to his wife Margaret and to all his family and friends.

Please also hold in prayer two of our priests of the Archdiocese of Liverpool who died recently: Father Leo Lynch, once Parish Priest of Saint Joseph’s, Bundellsands, and Monsignor Peter Cookson, once President of Ushaw College, Durham, then Parish Priest of Saint Mary’s, Chorley, then Administrator of the Metropolitan Cathedral.

May the Lord welcome them home.


The blue box in the piety shop at the back of church Two Advent Mornings of Reflection are being led by is there to receive any contributions you may wish Sister Moira Meegan on Thursdays the 5th and 12th to make towards the food bank which is run by The of December between 10.30am and 12 noon. Taking Brick to support those who are homeless or down on place at The Irenaeus House of Prayer at 32 Great their luck in the Wigan area. Donations are welcome Georges Road, Waterloo, Liverpool L22 1RD. To of any non-perishable food items, tinned and packet book a place or for more details please phone 0151 food, and dried goods such as rice and pasta, as well 949 1199 or email [email protected] as baby food and nappies, ladies sanitary products, and basic toiletries such as soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes. CHOCOLATE TOMBOLA

With Christmas approaching, it would perhaps be a good act of kindness if every Mass-goer at Holy There will be a Christmas Chocolate Tombola after Family Church could bring just one item to church the Mass on Sunday the 15th of December. Any each week for the Brick Box, to help to share the donations of chocolate confectionary for the prizes love and goodwill of the season. would be very gratefully received. Please bring them to church with you or give them to Mary Marsh.


Get ready for Christmas with an Advent Quiet Day We are aware of a problem with the poor quality of taking place on Saturday, the 7th of December at the paper used in the current Offertory Envelopes – The Farmhouse at Upholland from 10.30am to they burst open when coins are put into them. (One 3.00pm. Organised by Rev. Rachel Hope, Methodist immediate solution would be only to put notes in Minister, and open to everyone. Time to relax and them!) Elizabeth Fairhurst has passed on our be with the Lord and each other. Suitable for people complaint to Lockie Envelopes who assure us that who like prayer or quiet time. Tea, coffee and the next issue, currently being printed and due to biscuits provided. Please bring own lunch. Contact come into use from April 2020, will be of a much Rev. Rachel on 01695 550903 or [email protected] better quality.


Organised by the Faithful Companions of Jesus (FCJ This family-friendly magazine contains articles, Sisters) and open to women in their 20s and 30s. reflections and activities for the Season of Advent. Taking place at their convent in Liverpool from On sale from the back of church – just £1.95 a copy. Friday the 29th of November to Sunday the 1st of

December. If you are wondering if God is calling you to religious life and would like to find out more why not go along? You’re welcome to stay for the YORK OUTING FULLY BOOKED weekend or just go along on Saturday for the day. The Coach Outing to York Christmas Market on There will be opportunity for prayer, reflection and Thursday the 5th of December is now fully booked input, chance to ask questions and to meet others and we’ll let you know the departure time very who are also wondering where God is calling them. shortly. (See Liz Swift if you’d like to be notified of a For more information contact Sister Lynne at place becoming vacant due to cancellation). The [email protected] or visit the FCJ website at next Day Out in 2020 is already being planned and www.fcjsisters.org we’ll let you know the date and venue in the New

Year when arrangements are finalised.


Parish Priest - Father Anthony Mangnall Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL Tel. 01942 866102 Email [email protected] Mobile 07899 958478 Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177

Website: www.hindleycatholic.org.uk. On Facebook at “Hindley Catholic”



CELEBRATING CHRIST THE KING The Sacrament of Reconciliation (individual Mass at 10.30am confessions) is celebrated each Saturday at Offered for Wilfred Pugh 11.30am. During Advent the children who are

preparing for First Holy Communion will be TUESDAY 26TH NOVEMBER 2019 celebrating their First Confessions on those Mass at 10.00am mornings. We will celebrate a communal Advent Offered for the November Lists Service of Reconciliation at Holy Family on Tuesday Weekday Missal Page 895 the 17th of December at 7.00pm.


Mass at 10.00am ADVENT AT THE METROPOLITAN CATHEDRAL (Offered for the November Lists Weekday Missal Page 899 Sunday 1st December at 5pm Advent Sequence SATURDAY 30TH NOVEMBER 2019 Seasonal music sung by the Metropolitan Cathedral CELEBRATING SAINT ANDREW, APOSTLE Choir, followed by mulled wine and mince pies. Mass at 11.00am Offered for the November Lists Sunday 8th December at 3pm Weekday Missal Page 2087 Bach’s Cantata 140 Confessions at 11.30am One of Bach’s most loved Cantatas performed by the Metropolitan Cathedral Choir.

SUNDAY 1ST DECEMBER 2019 Sunday 15th December at 3pm FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT (YEAR A) Benjamin Britten’s Ceremony of Carols Mass at 10.30am The Boy Choristers of Liverpool Metropolitan (Offered for Rita Wilkie Cathedral perform Benjamin Britten’s famous carol sequence as part of Evening Prayer, accompanied by Elizabeth McNulty, Principal Harpist of The Royal RETIRING COLLECTION TODAY Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra.

FOR ANIMATE YOUTH MINISTRY Sunday 22nd December at 5pm Festival Carol Service Today’s collection is to support the work of the A mix of seasonal music and readings as well as Animate Youth Ministry team with young people in congregational carols, followed by mulled wine and the schools and parishes of the Archdiocese. mince pies.

A leaflet giving information about the work which All welcome - No tickets are required for any of the Animate does in the Archdiocese is available at the above. A wonderful opportunity to prepare for back of church today Christmas and to be part of some great music.


This family-friendly magazine contains articles, reflections and activities for the Season of Advent. On sale from the back of church – just £1.95 a copy. THURSDAY 5TH DECEMBER 2019 Coach Trip to York Christmas Market CHOCOLATE TOMBOLA SUNDAY 8TH DECEMBER 2019 There will be a Christmas Chocolate Tombola after Christmas Raffle drawn after Mass the Mass on Sunday the 15th of December. Any donations of chocolate confectionary for the prizes would be very gratefully received. Please bring them TUESDAY 10TH DECEMBER 2019 to church with you or give them to Mary Marsh. Local Primary Schools’ Carol Service in Holy Family Church at 6.00pm


Chocolate Tombola after Mass Copies of the Archdiocese of Liverpool Yearbook for 2020 are on sale at the back of church, giving details of clergy, parishes and schools, and Mass times in ALSO SUNDAY 8TH DECEMBER 2019 the churches of the Archdiocese. Price £3.50p Synod 2020 Parish Meeting in the Parish Hall after Mass


Service of Reconciliation at 7.00pm Two Advent Mornings of Reflection are being led by Sister Moira Meegan on Thursdays the 5th and 12th of December between 10.30am and 12 noon. Taking SUNDAY 22ND DECEMBER 2019 place at The Irenaeus House of Prayer at 32 Great Children’s Nativity Play after Mass Georges Road, Waterloo, Liverpool L22 1RD. To book a place or for more details please phone 0151 CHRISTMAS DAY 2019 949 1199 or email [email protected] Mass at 6.00pm on Christmas Eve Mass at 10.30am on Christmas Day UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN

Please hold in prayer Edward (Eddie) Fox from UPDATE ON FATHER PHILIP BARRETT “Belong” in Platt Bridge who died last Thursday morning. Funeral arrangements have not yet been Father Barrett remains mentally very alert, but is made. Our deep sympathy and prayers are with his physically very weak and frail, relying 24/7 on the wife Margaret. Please also hold in prayer Father assistance of carers. He is no longer able to celebrate Kevin Ashton, once Parish Priest of Saint Mary’s at Mass alone, so Father Tony goes to his home each Billinge until his retirement in 1995, who died on the Saturday afternoon to concelebrate Mass with him. 14th of November, aged 98 years and in his 74th Please continue to hold him in your prayers. year of priesthood. Also Deacon Phil McDermott of Saint Anne’s Parish, Ormskirk, who collapsed and died as he had just completed a committal at a THANK YOU FOR LAST WEEK graveside also on the 14th of November.

May the Lord welcome them home. Offertory Collection £429.37


Sunday 1st December 2019

PLEASE SUPPORT THE BRICK BOX THE LITURGY THIS WEEK The blue box in the piety shop at the back of church

is there to receive any contributions you may wish SUNDAY 1ST DECEMBER 2019 to make towards the food bank which is run by The FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT (YEAR A) Brick to support those who are homeless or down on Mass at 10.30am their luck in the Wigan area. Donations are welcome of any non-perishable food items, tinned and packet Offered for Rita Wilkie food, and dried goods such as rice and pasta, as well as baby food and nappies, ladies sanitary products, TUESDAY 3RD DECEMBER 2019 and basic toiletries such as soap, toothpaste and Mass at 10.00am toothbrushes.

Offered for the Intentions of L.I.S.C.F. With Christmas approaching, it would perhaps be a Weekday Missal Page 7 good act of kindness if every Mass-goer at Holy

Family Church could bring just one item to church THURSDAY 5TH DECEMBER 2019 with you each week for the Brick Box, to help to share the love and goodwill of the season. ► PLEASE NOTE: NO MASS TODAY ◄

ADVENT RECONCILIATION SATURDAY 7TH DECEMBER 2019 Mass at 11.00am The Sacrament of Reconciliation (individual Offered for Bill Roberts confessions) is celebrated each Saturday at 11.30am. During Advent the children who are Weekday Missal Page 18 preparing for First Holy Communion will be Confessions at 11.30am celebrating their First Confessions on those

mornings. We will celebrate a communal Advent SUNDAY 8TH DECEMBER 2019 Service of Reconciliation at Holy Family on Tuesday SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT (YEAR A) the 17th of December at 7.00pm.

Mass at 10.30am Offered for John Bolger CHOCOLATE TOMBOLA

There will be a Christmas Chocolate Tombola after TAKE A FREE ADVENT BOOKLET the Mass on Sunday the 15th of December. Any HOME WITH YOU TODAY donations of chocolate confectionary for the prizes would be very gratefully received. Please take (free of charge) a copy of the Advent Walk With Me booklet of daily reflections which is available from the back of church today. Use it as DAY OUTING NEXT THURSDAY part of your daily prayer life during the Season of Advent. TO YORK CHRISTMAS MARKET

The children of Holy Family Catholic Primary School The Coach will leave from outside church at have been given a Walk With Me Advent Calendar 9.30am next Thursday morning with a containing a short activity for each day. returning departure time from York of 4.30pm

THE CHRISTMAS RAFFLE WILL BE DRAWN NEXT SUNDAY AFTER MASS PLEASE RETURN MONIES AND TICKET COUNTERFOILS TO CHURCH TODAY ADVENT MORNINGS OF REFLECTION CELEBRATING ADVENT SUNDAYS AT THE METROPOLITAN CATHEDRAL Two Advent Mornings of Reflection are being led by Sunday 1st December at 5pm Sister Moira Meegan on Thursdays the 5th and 12th Advent Sequence of December between 10.30am and 12 noon. Taking Seasonal music sung by the Metropolitan Cathedral place at The Irenaeus House of Prayer at 32 Great Choir, followed by mulled wine and mince pies. Georges Road, Waterloo, Liverpool L22 1RD. To book a place or for more details please phone 0151 Sunday 8th December at 3pm 949 1199 or email [email protected] Bach’s Cantata 140 One of Bach’s most loved Cantatas performed by the Metropolitan Cathedral Choir.

DEMENTIA-FRIENDLY CAROL SERVICE Sunday 15th December at 3pm Benjamin Britten’s Ceremony of Carols Archbishop Malcolm invites you (especially if you The Boy Choristers of Liverpool Metropolitan yourself suffer or care for someone who does) for a Cathedral perform Benjamin Britten’s famous carol dementia-friendly Christmas Carol Service at the sequence as part of Evening Prayer, accompanied by Metropolitan Cathedral in Liverpool on Thursday the Elizabeth McNulty, Principal Harpist of The Royal 19th of December at 2.00pm. The service will Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra. feature singers from various schools plus from the “Songs We Remember” Choir. Assistance with Sunday 22nd December at 5pm wheelchairs will be provided by students from Festival Carol Service Bellerive Catholic College and refreshments will be A mix of seasonal music and readings as well as served afterwards in the Gibberd Room. No tickets congregational carols, followed by mulled wine and required – just turn up. For further information mince pies. please contact the Pastoral Formation Department All welcome - No tickets are required for any of the on 0151 522 1046 or email Maureen Knight at above. A wonderful opportunity to prepare for [email protected] Christmas and to be part of some great music.


This family-friendly magazine contains articles, “You too must stand ready because the Son of Man reflections and activities for the Season of Advent. is coming at an hour toy do not expect” On sale from the back of church – just £1.95 a copy. Matthew 24:44

Eternal God, you will come at an hour we do not SYNOD 2020 PARISH MEETING expect you. Help us to welcome you now in one another, to reach out to our brothers and sisters in Our Parish Meeting to discuss and share proposals need of care and support. And in this way may we on the Second Synod Theme “Sharing the Mission of be found ready when you come again in glory. Amen Jesus” will take place in Holy Family Parish Hall after Mass on Sunday the 15th of December. More Advent prayers and reflections at cafod.org.uk/prayers


There is an Advent Service of Seasonal Music and THANK YOU FOR LAST WEEK Readings taking place next Sunday the 8th of December at 6.00pm at Saint John’s Church, Offertory Collection £368.82 Standishgate, Wigan. Everyone welcome. Animate Youth Ministry £76.43

Parish Priest: Father Anthony Mangnall WEBSITE Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL www.hindleycatholic.org.uk Tel. 01942 866102. Mobile 07899 958478. Email [email protected] ON FACEBOOK Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177 “Hindley Catholic” HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC CHURCH, PLATT BRIDGE Part of the Wigan Deanery in the Archdiocese of Liverpool

Sunday 8th December 2019


This General Election is profoundly important to the United Kingdom. Catholics cannot simply “watch from the balcony.” Conscious of the common good of every person and our society as a whole, we ask everyone to engage with the election and vote. Honest political activity depends upon integrity. We urge all in public life to recognise that telling the truth, and not making vindictive and abusive comments or unattainable promises, is essential.

The question of the United Kingdom’s place in Europe continues to dominate political discourse. In whatever way our future relationship with our closest neighbours develops, Britain must be committed to a positive engagement as a key international partner in promoting peace, security and responsible stewardship of the planet. As Pope Francis reminds us, “good politics is at the service of peace.”

Citizens have a duty to emphasise and help shape a politics rooted in the service of human rights and peace. The test of any policy should be its impact upon human dignity, particularly for the most disadvantaged in our society. In making judgments about how to vote, please consider carefully the following and ask your candidates how they would uphold: • The innate dignity of every human person; defending both the child in the womb, the good of the mother, and an understanding of the immeasurable good of a child not yet born. • The dignified care for those who are terminally ill and dying while resisting the false compassion of assisted suicide or euthanasia. • The needs of those who are frequently neglected or discarded by society such as people with disabilities, Travellers, older people, those who are homeless, those in prison and those trapped in modern slavery. • The process of integration of migrants and refugees who have made their homes here, challenging the global rise of xenophobia and racism that is so radically incompatible with Christian faith. • The rights of those in our own communities and overseas who can see no end to the tunnel of extreme poverty, providing them with assistance and confronting the structural injustices that compound their suffering. • Care for our common home and tackle the climate emergency which threatens the future of our entire human family and is already having a profound impact upon the world’s poorest people. • Freedom of religion and belief, ensuring that everyone has the right to exercise their conscience and practise their creed freely without fear. • The cherishing of marriage, recognising the essential place of the family in the service of life and of society. • The right of parents to educate their children in accordance with their faith and support the work of Catholic schools in their contribution to society and their promotion of the common good.

Informed by the work going on in our parishes, schools and charities, we should all approach this election as an opportunity to promote life, dignity and human flourishing for all. We call on all Catholics to pray for the wellbeing of our society. May the Holy Spirit guide our choice.

SUNDAY 8TH DECEMBER 2019 – Second Sunday of Advent (Year A) Celebration of Mass at 10.30am ( Offered for John Bolger ) TUESDAY 10TH DECEMBER 2019 (Weekday Missal Page 25) Celebration of Mass at 10.00am ( Offered In Thanksgiving (JB) ) Schools’ Carol Service at 6.00pm THURSDAY 12TH DECEMBER 2019 (Weekday Missal Page 30) Celebration of Mass at 10.00am ( Offered fo Father Frank Toole ) SATURDAY 14TH DECEMBER 2019 (Weekday Missal Page 36) Celebration of Mass at 11.00am ( Offered for Maurice McCarthy ) Confessions at 11.30am SUNDAY 15TH DECEMBER 2019 – Third Sunday of Advent (Year A) Celebration of Mass at 10.30am ( Offered for Peggy Mason )

HOLY FAMILY CHRISTMAS RAFFLE WILL BE DRAWN AFTER MASS TODAY A list of the winners will be printed in the newsletter next Sunday ADVENT RECONCILIATION Throughout the season of Advent, for any who may have need of it, the Sacrament of Reconciliation (individual confessions) will continue to be celebrated each Saturday at 11.30am. The children preparing for First Communion will make their First Confessions on those mornings. We will also celebrate a Communal Service of Reconciliation at Holy Family on Tuesday the 17th of December at 7.00pm.

CHOCOLATE TOMBOLA There will be a Christmas Chocolate Tombola after the Mass next Sunday the 15th of December. Any donations of chocolate confectionary for the prizes would be very gratefully received.

SYNOD 2020 PARISH MEETING Our next Parish Meeting to discuss and share proposals on the Second Synod Theme “Sharing the Mission of Jesus” will take place in Holy Family Parish Hall after Mass next Sunday the 15th of December. Everyone welcome.

THIRD SYNOD TALK The Third Synod Talk on “Complex Catholicism: Discovering the reality of young Catholics in England and Wales” by Stephen Davies takes place at Liverpool Hope University Chapel, L16 9JD tomorrow (Monday the 9th of December) at 7.30pm with tea and coffee available from 7pm. Using up to date research Stephen will explore who the younger members of our Church are today. He will look at how we can reach out to young Catholics. We will hear the voice of young people speaking into the Church today. There will be an opportunity for questions and answers with optional Night Prayer at 9pm. Hope University L16 9JD. Video recordings of the previous Synod talks can be viewed at www.synod2020.co.uk/lectures

CHRISTMAS POINSETTIAS FOR CHURCH We would welcome gifts of Poinsettia plants, perhaps given in memory of a loved one, to decorate the church over the Christmas period. Please bring them to church with you over the weekend before Christmas and leave them in the sacristy.

ST. EDMUND ARROWSMITH SCHOOL PENSIONERS’ CHRISTMAS PARTY For those who have booked a place on it, the Pensioners’ Christmas Party at Saint Edmund Arrowsmith High School in Ashton takes place next Friday the 13th of December. The coach will leave Sacred Heart, Hindley Green at 1.00pm on the day, picking up from Saint Benedict’s, Hindley and Holy Family, Platt Bridge shortly after.

WIGAN DEANERY ADVENT SERVICE There is an Advent Service of Seasonal Music and Readings taking place tonight (Sunday the 8th of December) at 6.00pm at Saint John’s Church, Standishgate, Wigan. Everyone welcome.

LOCAL SCHOOLS’ CAROL SERVICE The children of several local Primary Schools will be holding their Annual Carol Service here in Holy Family Church this coming Tuesday the 10th of December at 6.00pm. Everyone is very welcome to come along and join with them.

CAFOD CHRISTMAS FUN RUN Takes place on Friday the 27th of December at Wavertree Athletics Centre, Liverpool L15 4LE starting at 1.00pm with registration at 12 noon. Run 5K or 2.5K or walk 2K either solo or with family and friends. Entrance fee is £5 for children or £10 for adults or £20 for a family. For further information and for sponsorship forms contact [email protected]

BONUS BALL WINNERS FOR NOVEMBER November 6th – No. 05; November 13th – No, 39; November 20th – No. 12; November 27th - No.50

THANK YOU FOR LAST WEEK Offertory Collection £405.10


“John the Baptist appeared; proclaiming “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is close at hand.” (Matthew 3:1-2)

Merciful God, you sent John the Baptist to preach repentance. Forgive us for the times when we have done wrong, when we have hurt other people, and damaged our earth. Lead us to make a change to live differently, preparing a way and making your path straight. Amen.

More Advent prayers and reflections at cafod.org.uk/prayers

Parish Priest: Father Anthony Mangnall WEBSITE Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL www.hindleycatholic.org.uk Tel. 01942 866102. Mobile 07899 958478. Email [email protected] ON FACEBOOK Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177 “Hindley Catholic” HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC CHURCH, PLATT BRIDGE Part of the Wigan Deanery in the Archdiocese of Liverpool

Sunday 15th December 2019

SERVICE OF RECONCILIATION NEXT TUESDAY AT 7.00PM All Sinners Welcome CHRISTMAS MASSES AT HOLY FAMILY CHURCH Christmas Eve at 6.00pm & Christmas Day at 10.30am


Come along to the Open Meeting for all Parishioners to discuss and draw up our Our deep sympathy and prayers are with the proposals on the Second Synod Theme. family and friends of Arthur Lesley (Les) Bond Taking place in the Parish Hall immediately from Marlborough Avenue, Spring View who after Mass today. Everyone welcome. died on the 11th of December aged 77 years. His funeral rites will be celebrated here at Holy

Family Church next Thursday at 12.30pm prior to THE LITURGY THIS WEEK committal at Wigan Crematorium.

SUNDAY 15TH DECEMBER 2019 May the Lord welcome him home.


Mass at 10.30am (Offered for Peggy Mason) NATIVITY PLAY NEXT SUNDAY

TUESDAY 17TH DECEMBER 2019 The Little Church children will present their

Mass at 10.00am Nativity Play for your enjoyment after Mass next (Offered for Fr. Leo Lynch) Sunday the 22nd of December. Please stay on Weekday Missal Page 53 after the Mass to support them. Service of Reconciliation at 7.00pm

THURSDAY 19TH DECEMBER 2019 SAINT EDMUND ARROWSMITH SCHOOL Mass at 10.00am (Offered for Robert O’Connor’s Intentions) CHRISTMAS CAROL SERVICE Weekday Missal Page 59 Funeral Service at 12.30pm for Les Bond Being held at Saint Oswald’s Church, Ashton-in- Makerfield next Wednesday the 18th of SATURDAY 21ST DECEMBER 2019 December from 7.30pm until 8.00pm with Mass at 11.00am refreshments served afterwards. All welcome. (Offered for L.I.S.C.F. Intentions) Weekday Missal Page 65 Confessions at 11.30am CHRISTMAS POINSETTIAS FOR CHURCH

SUNDAY 22ND DECEMBER 2019 We would welcome donations of Poinsettia FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT (YEAR A) plants to decorate the church over the Christmas Mass at 10.30am period. Please bring them along to Mass with you (Offered for all Parishioners) next weekend and leave them in the sacristy.



Drawn last Sunday the 8th of December Offertory Collection £395.64

Our thanks to all who organised the raffle, donated prizes, The Christmas Raffle £380.00 and to everyone who sold or bought tickets. Prizes can be Sincere thanks for the following claimed from Muriel McGuire or Mary Marsh at church. recent donations: In memory of

John Bolger (£200); In memory of £100 Cash 1207 Harrington Ann Louise & Maurice and Maurice £50 Cash 1801 C. Hurley Jnr. McCarthy from June Cleworth £25 Cash 1474 K. Robinson (£50); In memory of Bob and Cecilia Hamper 0670 Josh Pilkington (School) Burgess from John, Celia, Mark, Vodka 2271 Mary Julie, Charlotte & Isabelle (£20); In Vodka 0961 Dorothy memory of Bill Mangnall and Vera Prosecco 1503 Mary Howarth from Vicky Redford (£20); and from the Christmas Raffle First Diva Berry Fusion 2021 Sandra M Mullen Prize Winner (£20). Vodka 1927 Bev (Golf Club)

Vodka 2138 Harold Cumberbirch CAFOD’S ANNUAL CHRISTMAS Vodka 1366 Kieran Meadows FUN RUN takes place on Friday the Whisky 1894 D. Glover (Pugh) 27th of December at Wavertree Baileys 1433 M. Cottons Athletics Centre, Liverpool L15 4LE Echo Falls 0506 L. Fleming starting at 1.00pm with registration at 12 noon. Run 5K or 2.5K or walk Vodka 0842 V. Redford 2K either solo or with family and Basket & Blanket 0439 Hutchinson friends. Entrance fee is £5 for Pottery 1994 Rose children or £10 for adults or £20 for Bag & Umbrella 2010 K. Glover a family. For more details and for Dove 1245 Carol Cummings sponsorship forms please email Candle & Cream 2477 C. Valentine [email protected] or phone them on 0151 228 4028. Breakfast Hamper 2247 D. Gregory Body Lotions 2231 D. Greenhalgh (Asda) There will be COMMUNITY CAROL Glass Storage 1156 C. Mills SINGING with Wigan Youth Brass China Mug 0460 R. Smith Band outside the entrance to The Candle & Cream 1099 L. Smith Grand Arcade in Wigan next Purse & Candle 1267 Otis Ramsey Saturday the 21st of December Biscuits & Throw 1879 Cecilia from 11.00am until 12 noon. Go Candle & Beads 1735 Cecilia along and share in the festive fun!


“The blind see again, and the lame walk … and the good news is proclaimed to the poor.” (Matt. 11:5)

God of all, you sent your Son to be with us, and bring good news to those who are poor. Work through us now, and bring us to reach out to those who are in need, so that together we may proclaim the Good News in all that we do. Amen. More Advent prayers & reflections at cafod.org.uk/prayers

Parish Priest: Father Anthony Mangnall WEBSITE Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL www.hindleycatholic.org.uk Tel. 01942 866102. Mobile 07899 958478. Email [email protected] ON FACEBOOK Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177 “Hindley Catholic” HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC CHURCH, PLATT BRIDGE Part of the Wigan Deanery in the Archdiocese of Liverpool


THE LITURGY & MASS INTENTIONS CHILDREN’S NATIVITY PLAY TODAY SUNDAY 22ND DECEMBER 2019 FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT (YEAR A) The Little Church children will present their annual Nativity Play immediately following Mass today, Mass at 10.30am (People of the Parish) Sunday the 22nd of December. Please do stay on for TUESDAY 24TH DECEMBER 2019 a little while after Mass to support the children and No Morning Mass on this day to enjoy their efforts. CHRISTMAS – THE BIRTH OF THE LORD Christmas Eve Mass at 6.00pm (Albert & Alice Whittle) Christmas Day Mass at 10.30am (Harry Robinson) WEEKDAY MASS TIMES

THURSDAY 26TH DECEMBER 2019 Please note that there will be some changes to the FEAST OF SAINT STEPHEN, THE FIRST MARTYR usual times of the Celebration of Mass on Weekdays Mass at 12 noon (Father Philip Barrett) over Christmas and the New Year period:

Weekday Missal Page 2117 On Tuesday 24th December (Christmas Eve) there SATURDAY 28TH DECEMBER 2019 will be no Morning Mass. Instead, Mass will be FEAST OF THE HOLY INNOCENTS celebrated at 6.00pm and will be the First Mass of Mass at 11.00am (Mgr. Peter Cookson) Christmas.

Weekday Missal Page 2122 On Wednesday 25th December, Christmas Day Confessions at 11.30am itself, Mass will be celebrated at 10.30am.

SUNDAY 29TH DECEMBER 2019 On Thursday 26th December Mass will be celebrated FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY (YEAR A) at the slightly later time of 12 noon. Mass at 10.30am (People of the Parish) On Wednesday 1st January 2020 (New Year’s Day) TUESDAY 31ST DECEMBER 2019 Mass will be celebrated at 12 noon. Mass at 10.00am (Rita Wilkie) Weekday Missal Page 101 On Friday 3rd January 2020 the Funeral Mass of Father Philip Barrett will be celebrated at 12 noon WEDNESDAY 1ST JANUARY 2020

SOLEMNITY OF MARY THE MOTHER OF GOD (NEW YEAR’S DAY) CHRISTMAS MIDNIGHT MASS Mass at 12 noon (People of the Parish) For those who wish it, traditional Christmas Mass at THURSDAY 2ND JANUARY 2020 Midnight will be celebrated at the Metropolitan Mass at 10.00am (Bill Mangnall) Cathedral in Liverpool by Archbishop Malcolm, and Weekday Missal Page 120 more locally at Saint Benedict’s, Hindley, at Our Lady FRIDAY 3RD JANUARY 2020 Immaculate, Bryn, and at Saint Teresa’s, Upholland. FUNERAL MASS AT 12 NOON FOR FATHER PHILIP BARRETT SATURDAY 4TH JANUARY 2020 DOUBLE ISSUE NEWSLETTER

Mass at 11.00am (Fr. Kevin Ashton) Please note that this newsletter covers the Weekday Missal Page 124 two-week period over Christmas and the New Confessions at 11.30am Year. The next newsletter will be published for SUNDAY 5TH JANUARY 2020 the weekend of Sunday the 5th of January SOLEMNITY OF THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD 2020. Mass at 10.30am (Father Philip Barrett)


The Annual Cafod Christmas Fun Run takes place Please pray for Father Philip Barrett, Parish Priest next Friday the 27th of December at Wavertree of Holy Family from 1981 until 2003, who died last Athletics Centre, Liverpool L15 4LE starting at Tuesday morning. His funeral rites will be 1.00pm with registration at 12 noon. Run 5K or celebrated here at Holy Family Church on Friday 2.5K or walk 2K either solo or with family and the 3rd of January at 12 noon prior to the friends. Entrance fee is £5 for children or £10 for transportation of his body to his native Ireland for adults or £20 for a family. For further burial at Donoughmore, County Cork. information and for sponsorship forms contact [email protected] Philip Charles Barrett was born on the 26th of May 1925 in Donoughmore, County Cork, Ireland, the son of Philip Charles and Margaret (Twomey) THERE WILL BE A RETIRING COLLECTION Barrett. His mother died while he was still a child. ON SUNDAY THE 5TH JANUARY 2020 He studied for the priesthood at Saint Kieran’s FOR OUR ANNUAL CRIB OFFERINGS College, Kilkenny, where he was awarded a This is in lieu of us having a collecting box placed Diploma in Humanities and Philosophy and a in our Crib scene throughout the Christmas Diploma in Theology and Canon Law and where he Season, as happens in most other Catholic was ordained to the priesthood on the 4th of June churches. The donations from this collection will 1950. Following ordination, he came to England, as go to support poor and needy families in was common practice at that time, to become a Bethlehem and the Holy Land. priest of the Archdiocese of Liverpool.

He served as Assistant Priest in the parishes of

CAFOD PRAYER FOR Saint Oswald, Ashton-in-Makerfield (1950 - 1958), Saint Benet, Netherton, Bootle (1958 - 1959), Saint ADVENT SUNDAY FOUR Ambrose, Speke (1959 - 1969), and Saint Jude,

PEACE Wigan (1969 - 1976). In 1977 he was appointed Parish Priest of Saint Winefride’s in Bootle before “Joseph woke up and did what the angel of the returning to Wigan in 1981 to be Parish Priest of Lord had told him to do; he took his wife to his The Holy Family, Platt Bridge.

home.” (Matt. 1:24) In addition to his priestly responsibilities he found

God-With-Us, you came and made your home time to study for and gain the degrees of Master

among us, nurtured and protected by Joseph of Philosophy (M.Phil.) from Liverpool Polytechnic and Mary. As we prepare to celebrate your birth, University in 1980 and of Bachelor of Arts with be with us now, especially with those who are Honours (B.A.Hons.) from the Open University in seeking refuge, who long for a place to call 1993. home. Comfort and protect them, O Lord. Amen. He retired from active ministry in 2003 but

- More Advent and Christmas reflections at continued to live locally in his bungalow at Spring View, where he died peacefully, after a period of ill cafod.org.uk/prayers health, on the 17th of December 2019. He was 94 years of age and in his 69th year of priesthood.

May the Lord welcome him home.


Offertory Collection £376.95

Chocolate Tombola £121.00

Parish Priest: Father Anthony Mangnall WEBSITE Holy Family Presbytery, Lily Lane, Platt Bridge, Wigan, WN2 5LL www.hindleycatholic.org.uk Tel. 01942 866102. Mobile 07899 958478. Email [email protected] ON FACEBOOK Deacon: Rev. Mike Swift. Tel. 01942 715177 “Hindley Catholic”