BUXHALL PARISH COUNCIL Clerk: Tina Newell 25 Shakespeare Road, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 1TU 8 [email protected] ( 01449 672825
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BUXHALL PARISH COUNCIL Clerk: Tina Newell 25 Shakespeare Road, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 1TU 8 [email protected] ( 01449 672825 Application Summary Application Number: DC/19/05761 Planning Application - Erection of off-grid sustainable dwellinghouse with associated parking, landscaping, sewage treatment plant and improved access to highway. Detached garage and annexe Land South Of Mill Road Buxhall Suffolk Consultee Details Name: Tina Newell Address: 25 Shakespeare Road, Stowmarket, SuffolK IP14 1TU Email: [email protected] On behalf of: Buxhall Parish Council Date: 13th January 2020 Comments: Cllrs considered the application at this evening meeting and resolved to offer a comment of OBJECTION. The site is currently undeveloped and sits within a historic part of the village with many listed buildings, reinforcing the rural nature in which they stand. Such a modern dwelling would detract from these buildings causing significant harm to the area and to these historic buildings. The character of this part of the village would be lost forever. Ms Sian Bunbury Direct Dial: 01223 582718 Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils Endeavour House Our ref: W: P01142793 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX 16 December 2019 Dear Ms Bunbury T&CP (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 & Planning (Listed Buildings & Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990 LAND SOUTH OF MILL ROAD, BUXHALL, SUFFOLK, IP14 3DW Application No. DC/19/05761 Thank you for your letter of 12 December 2019 regarding the above application for planning permission. On the basis of the information available to date, we do not wish to offer any comments. We suggest that you seek the views of your specialist conservation and archaeological advisers, as relevant. It is not necessary for us to be consulted on this application again, unless there are material changes to the proposals. However, if you would like detailed advice from us, please contact us to explain your request. Yours sincerely Andrew Northfield Business Officer E-mail: [email protected] 24 BROOKLANDS AVENUE, CAMBRIDGE, CB2 8BU Telephone 01223 582749 HistoricEngland.org.uk Historic England is subject to both the Freedom of Information Act (2000) and Environmental Information Regulations (2004). Any Information held by the organisation can be requested for release under this legislation. From: SM-NE-Consultations (NE) <[email protected]> Sent: 17 December 2019 09:35 To: BMSDC Planning Area Team Yellow <[email protected]> Subject: DC/19/05761 Consultation Response Dear Sir/Madam Application ref: DC/19/05761 Our ref: 303556 Natural England has no comments to make on this application. Natural England has not assessed this application for impacts on protected species. Natural England has published Standing Advice which you can use to assess impacts on protected species or you may wish to consult your own ecology services for advice. Natural England and the Forestry Commission have also published standing advice on ancient woodland and veteran trees which you can use to assess any impacts on ancient woodland. The lack of comment from Natural England does not imply that there are no impacts on the natural environment, but only that the application is not likely to result in significant impacts on statutory designated nature conservation sites or landscapes. It is for the local planning authority to determine whether or not this application is consistent with national and local policies on the natural environment. Other bodies and individuals may be able to provide information and advice on the environmental value of this site and the impacts of the proposal to assist the decision making process. We advise LPAs to obtain specialist ecological or other environmental advice when determining the environmental impacts of development. We recommend referring to our SSSI Impact Risk Zones (available on Magic and as a downloadable dataset) prior to consultation with Natural England. Further guidance on when to consult Natural England on planning and development proposals is available on gov.uk at https://www.gov.uk/guidance/local-planning-authorities-get-environmental-advice Yours faithfully Dominic Rogers Consultations Team Natural England Hornbeam House, Electra Way Crewe, Cheshire, CW1 6GJ Enquiries line: 0300 060 3900 Email: [email protected] www.gov.uk/natural-england We are here to secure a healthy natural environment for people to enjoy, where wildlife is protected and England’s traditional landscapes are safeguarded for future generations. In an effort to reduce Natural England's carbon footprint, I will, wherever possible, avoid travelling to meetings and attend via audio, video or web conferencing. Your Ref:DC/19/05761 Our Ref: SCC/CON/5231/19 Date: 17 December 2019 All planning enquiries should be sent to the Local Planning Authority. Email: [email protected] The Planning Department MidSuffolk District Council Planning Section 1st Floor, Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich Suffolk IP1 2BX For the attention of: Sian Bunbury Dear Sian, TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 CONSULTATION RETURN: DC/19/05761 PROPOSAL: Erection of off-grid sustainable dwellinghouse with associated parking, landscaping, sewage treatment plant and improved access to highway. Detached garage and annexe. LOCATION: Land South Of Mill Road, Buxhall, Suffolk Notice is hereby given that the County Council as Highway Authority recommends that any permission which that Planning Authority may give should include the conditions shown below: Condition: The new vehicular access shall be laid out and completed in all respects in accordance with Drawing No. DM01 and with an entrance width of 3m and made available for use prior to occupation. Thereafter the access shall be retained in the specified form. Reason: To ensure that the access is designed and constructed to an appropriate specification and made available for use at an appropriate time in the interests of highway safety. Condition: Before the access is first used visibility splays shall be provided as shown on Drawing No. 13 Rev. K with an X dimension of 2.4m and a Y dimension of 59m and thereafter retained in the specified form. Notwithstanding the provisions of Part 2 Class A of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification) no obstruction over 0.6 metres high shall be erected, constructed, planted or permitted to grow within the areas of the visibility splays. Condition: Before the development is occupied details of the areas to be provided for storage and presentation of Refuse/Recycling bins shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich, Suffolk. IP 1 2BX www,suffolk.gov.uk The approved scheme shall be carried out in its entirety before the development is brought into use and shall be retained thereafter for no other purpose. Reason: To ensure that refuse recycling bins are not stored on the highway causing obstruction and dangers for other users. Yours sincerely, Kyle Porter Development Management Technician Growth, Highways and Infrastructure OFFICIAL Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service Fire Business Support Team Floor 3, Block 2 Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich, Suffolk Mid Suffolk District Council IP1 2BX Planning Department Endeavour House Your Ref: Our Ref: FS/F221461 Russell Road Enquiries to: Water Officer Ipswich Direct Line: 01473 260588 IP1 2BX E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: http://www.suffolk.gov.uk Date: 31/12/2019 Dear Sirs Land south of Mill Road, Buxhall IP14 3DW Planning Application No: DC/19/05761 I refer to the above application. The plans have been inspected by the Water Officer who has the following comments to make. Access and Fire Fighting Facilities Access to buildings for fire appliances and firefighters must meet with the requirements specified in Building Regulations Approved Document B, (Fire Safety), 2006 Edition, incorporating 2010 and 2013 amendments Volume 1 - Part B5, Section 11 dwelling houses, and, similarly, Volume 2, Part B5, Sections 16 and 17 in the case of buildings other than dwelling houses. These requirements may be satisfied with other equivalent standards relating to access for fire fighting, in which case those standards should be quoted in correspondence. Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service also requires a minimum carrying capacity for hard standing for pumping/high reach appliances of 15/26 tonnes, not 12.5 tonnes as detailed in the Building Regulations 2000 Approved Document B, 2006 Edition, incorporating 2010 and 2013 amendments. Water Supplies No additional water supply for fire fighting purposes is required in respect of this planning application. /continued We are working towards making Suffolk the Greenest County. This paper is 100% recycled and made using a chlorine free process. OFFICIAL OFFICIAL Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service recommends that proper consideration be given to the potential life safety, economic, environmental and social benefits derived from the provision of an automatic fire sprinkler system. (Please see sprinkler information enclosed with this letter). Consultation should be made with the Water Authorities to determine flow rates in all cases. Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service currently has a fire hydrant located in this area. Please ensure that this is identified and protected while work is being carried out and is easily accessible for inspection and work after the build is complete. Failure to protect the fire hydrant could incur repair or replacement costs. Should you need any further advice or information on access and fire fighting facilities, you are advised to contact your local Building Control in the first instance. For further advice and information regarding water supplies, please contact the Water Officer at the above headquarters. Yours faithfully Water Officer Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service Copy: [email protected] Enc: Sprinkler information We are working towards making Suffolk the Greenest County. This paper is 100% recycled and made using a chlorine free process.