ODUMUNC 2021 Issue Brief UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)

Enhancing in Global Education

by Anna Glass, Matthias Lugand and Petra Szonyegi ODU Society


2020 marked the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Education is widely regarded as essential for Fourth Conference on Women and adoption of improving women’s rights and their contribution the Beijing Declaration for action. 2021 is the to society (United Nations Economic and Social seventy-fifth anniversary year of the Commission for Asia and the Pacific, 2015). Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). Significant progress toward gender quality in education ha been made in recent years, but The CSW is the UN’s premier body for setting these accomplishments are fragile. For example, goals and policies to achieve fully gender the coronavirus epidemic threatens to undermine equality and address special problems of women much that has been accomplished, by everywhere. The CSW is not an operational endangering funding, and reinforcing stay-at- body—it does not manage programs and it home roles.5 cannot tell its Member States what to do—rather its sets goals and principles to guide all 193 UN Member States.1

Education is a central element of the UN’s highest priorities, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment is integral to each of the 17 goals.2 The goal is specifically emphasized in SDG no. 4, Inclusive and 3 equitable quality education. Despite progress toward gender quality in recent years, as many Meeting of the UN Commission on the Status of Women as 48 per cent of girls remain out of school in (CSW) at the UN General Assembly Hall, New York. some regions. Gender gaps in primary and secondary enrolment rates have nearly closed, The education of women leads to a plethora of on average. Yet 15 million girls are not in positive outcomes for women and their primary school right now, compared to 10 communities. Women who have received a basic million boys.4 education are more likely to get married and have children later in life, which results in healthier pregnancies and reduces the risk of

1 ‘Commission on the Status of Women’, UN opportunities for all. New York, UN Women, 2020, Women, n.d., https://www.unwomen.org/en/csw https://www.unwomen.org/en/news/in-focus/women- 2 UN Women. Women and the Sustainable and-the-sdgs/sdg-4-quality-education Development Goals (SDGs). New York, UN Women, 4 Ibid. 2020, https://www.unwomen.org/en/news/in- 5 UN News. ‘Generations of progress for women and focus/women-and-the-sdgs girls could be lost to COVID pandemic, UN chief 3 UN Women. SDG 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable warns’, UN News Centre, 31 August 2020 quality education and promote lifelong learning https://news.un.org/en/story/2020/08/1071372

Enhancing Gender Equality in Global Education

(Verveer, 2011). Educated funding, and the unwillingness of many Member women have better nutrition and are more likely States to accept international intrusion into their to be aware of their and healthcare domestic affairs. For the CSW, the biggest opportunities. Educating girls results in high question is how to advance education of women, rates of return economically as well as socially. without antagonizing skeptical interests and views? The CSW traditional avoids such But in international institutions, the issue can be issues.6But this approach may be obsolete and in controversial. It runs in traditional views of need of change.7 women’s subordination, prominent in many Member States. It also raises difficult issues of

(Ortiz-Ospina, & Roser, 2018)

6 For example, see the CSW’s 2020 resolution, 7 Dulcie Leimbach, ‘Battle lines are drawn on Political declaration on the occasion of the twenty- women’s rights before #CSW64 even begins’, fifth anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on PassBlue, 27 February 2020, Women, E/CN.6/2020/L.1. New York: Commission https://www.passblue.com/2020/02/27/as-the-un- on the Status of Women, 20 March 2020, womens-forum-looms-the-us-and-friends-hack-away- https://undocs.org/en/E/CN.6/2020/L.1 at-certain-rights/


ODUMUNC 2021 Issue Brief UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)

Enhancing Gender Equality in Global Education

by Anna Glass, Matthias Lugand and Petra Szonyegi ODU United Nations Society

Data obtained by the UN Commission on the Status of Women reports that “an extra year of When aid money is involved, the key question primary school increases girls’ future wages by usually is control. Donor governments want all an estimated 10 to 20 percent, and an extra year assistance to conform to their standards, of secondary school increases future wages by eliminate corruption and misuse, and be 15 to 25 percent.”(Verveer, 2011). Quality distributed fairly. But recipient governments education for women reduces gender inequality often need to maximize their own sovereign in every respect by increasing the representation control and serve their own political purposes, of women in the political and economic spheres such as rewarding their supporters. The result and teaching values of equality to young can be a stalemate, with donors hesitant to give, children. and sometimes recipients resistant to accepting. Even aid channeled through independent For UN Member States, education issues pose organizations like the or tricky issues of standards and sovereignty, and none-governmental organizations (NGOs) is when aid is involved, a difficult gap between vulnerable to these quarrels. Such practical donor and recipient counties. All countries seek problems always must be navigated, even by the to improve their educational systems, but many best-intended plans. want to maximize their sovereign freedom to make decisions and protect local decision- making. To advocates of international normative principles, however, such national sovereignty Background often is thin veneer to protect established interests and block change. This is clearly seen The education of women and girls is a major among some Non-Aligned Member states point of discussion amongst social activists and especially in parts of the Middle East, Southeast policy-makers. The Member States of the United Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, but increasingly in Nations have reached a consensus that women’s government sin Europe and North America education is a vital aspect for promoting under the rule of strong-men governments. economic development and enhancing human Many accept or even support reform, but rights. In 2000, The Dakar Framework for demand it be under their personal control and Action, Education for All established six service their political interests, including aiding development goals to be completed by a 2015 favored groups of political supporters. deadline (UNESCO, 2017).

ODUMUNC 2021 Issue Brief UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)

Enhancing Gender Equality in Global Education

by Anna Glass, Matthias Lugand and Petra Szonyegi ODU United Nations Society

Source: World Bank Indicators in Haarthi Sadasivam, Kelly Payne & Mildred Koch, Data of Women: education and literacy around the world, 8 May 2018

These goals aimed at creating accessible world school was 11% higher than boys (UNESCO, education and improving literacy with an 2015). Access to resources such as new school emphasis on extending these improvements to buildings and reduced cost of education were education for women as well as men. Although less likely to positively affect women because of these goals were not achieved by the 2015 cultural hostility towards women (UNESCO, deadline, UNESCO succeeded in increasing 2015). According to estimates from UNESCO, enrollment in primary education by two and a 130 million girls were out of school in 2017 half times in South and West Asia and sub- (The World Bank, 2017). In response to this, Saharan Africa. Despite improvements in The United Nations Girls’ Education Initiative accessibility to primary education, in 2015, the (UNGEI), overseen by UNICEF, and the Global majority of out of school children were girls. Partnership for Education published the “Guidance for Developing Gender-Responsive In addition to this, the percentage of out-of- Education Sector Plans,” in January 2017 in school girls who were likely to never enroll in order to inform national governments of the

Enhancing Gender Equality in Global Education

gender disparity issues within education and the school and reaching their full potential means by which they and the development of learning. Gender-based violence in community could work to analyze these factors schools is most prominent in regions and instigate plans for development (World with male dominated societies and Bank, 2017). cultural stigmas against educated and financially independent women. Current Situation Environments that are demoralizing towards women and girls distract

female students from learning and Major actors in the fight for the enhancement of achieving their academic goals women’s education, namely the Education For because they are struggling with the All (EFA) Steering Committee, UNESCO, additional burden of combatting UNICEF, UNGEI, and individual state hostile students and teachers that favor governments have reached a consensus that male students (UNESCO, 2016). education for women and girls is key for achieving current Sustainable Development • Obtaining funding for and reducing Goals, enforcing human rights, and reducing the cost of women’s education in violence (UNESCO, 2016). The major issues in developing countries: achieving the goal of universal education for women are: • Many women in developing and conflict-afflicted countries are unable • Providing access to education in to receive an education because of a areas afflicted with conflict, poverty, lack of financial resources within their and clashing cultural values: Armed families or home countries. Plans for conflict remains a primary barrier for action such as the Millennium the enhancement of education in Development Goals and Education for developing countries, as conflict All initiatives have encouraged and creates a lack of mobility to and from influenced both government and school as well as a hostile and private donors to invest in education, therefore ineffective learning but the need for increased and environment. In conflict-affected sustainable funding remains. The areas, the proportion of out-of-school United Nations has emphasized the children rose from 30% to 36% from importance of government spending 1999 to 2012 and from 63% to 87% in on education because education Arab States (UNESCO, 2015). Studies encourages innovation in the fields of from the Global Partnership for science and technology, and can Education show that women are ultimately be financially sustainable disproportionately affected by the by all developing countries (UNESCO, consequences of conflict because they 2016). The completion of education are at a much higher risk for sexual unlocks the type of human capital that violence, abduction, and forced developing countries desperately need, marriage (Kimotho, 2017). and extending the same educational

opportunities to women fosters even • Counteracting gender-based more potential for human violence and discrimination in development. schools:

• Ensuring that educational programs • Gender-based violence in schools have both quality facilities and staff: discourages women from attending


Enhancing Gender Equality in Global Education

• Education becomes meaningful when United Nations Girls’ Education Initiative it is entirely obtainable and of quality. (UNGEI) is a leading partner of Education for In order to create programs that All (EFA). UNGEI conducts its operations based effectively grant women economic on four main tenets that declare that their efforts independence, the programs must have contribute to: access to facilities and staff that will prepare them with the necessary skills 1. An enhanced focus on marginalized and to enter the labor force. Quality excluded groups; education and actively involved teachers help develop an environment 2. The reduction/elimination of school-related that facilitates critical thinking and gender-based violence; relevant hard and soft skills. The goal of an education is to significantly 3. Improved learning outcomes for girls; and apply it to the adult world, and a quality education comes in 4. An increased number of girls transitioning to conjunction with quality facilities and secondary education and accessing post-primary staff (United Nations Economic and opportunities.” (UNGEI, 2008). Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, 2015). UNGEI encourages the formation of partnerships between developed and developing countries in the United Nations to foster a United Nations Actions and collective effort towards the enhancement of women’s education (UNGEI, 2008). Resolution The Muscat Agreement, a result of the 2014 The Incheon Declaration and Framework for Global Education for All meeting in Muscat, Action for the implementation of Sustainable Oman acknowledged the unlikeliness of the Development Goal 4 was introduced and completion of the EFA and MDG goals by the adopted by 184 of the UNESCO Member states 2015 deadline and assured that educational in November, 2015. It calls for global support of development priorities would be reevaluated to the development of education for women in the reflect the current economic climate. The form of financial and political support. The Muscat Agreement placed an emphasis on Incheon Declaration suggests that Member utilizing women’s education as a tool for States allocate “efficiently at least 4 – 6% of reducing poverty and discrimination by Gross Domestic Product and/or at least 15 – generating opportunities to create economically 20% of total public expenditure to education.” inclusive societies. It successfully defined post- (UNESCO, 2016). In addition to the financial 2015 development goals for education and support of women’s education, the declaration promoted further resolution by influencing the shows support for the collaboration of UN path of the 2015 Incheon Declaration. The partners in order to efficiently and sustainably Muscat Agreement outlined a total of 7 targets implement educational programs that each to be met by a 2030 deadline that would Member State can implement within the ultimately “Ensure equitable and inclusive framework of current strategies and regional quality education and lifelong learning for all by entities (UNESCO, 2016). 2030” (UNGEI, 2008).


Enhancing Gender Equality in Global Education

(Ortiz-Ospina, & Roser, 2018).

The United Nations can encourage partnerships between Member States and promote the goals Special issues for the Commission on the Status of published resolutions as well as recommend of Women involve the tricky relationship proposals for action. Only the Security Council between setting global principles and demanding can make statements that Member States are global action. Traditionally, the CSW only obligated to follow. Resolutions from the United focuses on shaping international norms and Nations cannot directly infringe on cultural principles.8 It des not call for specific action by values within Member States, which presents the specific countries. But this approach is widely problem of combatting discriminatory policies critics and may be in need of revision, if its against women without creating social or Member States agree. political outrage.

Country and Bloc Positions

Asia/ Pacific Islands - Asia and the Pacific Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) Islands recognize and support the data published the Beijing Declaration and Platform suggesting a strong correlation between gender for Action in partnership with the UN Women equality and social and economic development Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. The (United Nations Economic and Social Beijing Declaration outlined plans to ensure Commission for Asia and the Pacific, 2015). In equal access to educational opportunities within 2015, the United Nations Economic and Social the region by enforcing legislation on gender

8 ‘Outcomes’, New York: Commission on the Status of Women, 2020, https://www.unwomen.org/en/csw/outcomes


Enhancing Gender Equality in Global Education

equality and the enhancement of women's work to eradicate poverty and combat violence education in order to ameliorate their economic against women in educational settings and at status. The Asia and the Pacific region agrees home (United Nations Economic and Social that in order to implement successful programs Commission for Asia and the Pacific, 2015). for women’s education, UN Member States must

Source: (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, 2015).

China - China has stated that enhancing programs has eliminated the gender gap in women’s education is the foundation for primary education and greatly narrowed the achieving the Sustainable Development Goals gender gap in all higher levels of education (The and achieving world goals of justice and State Council Information Office of the People's equality. In 1990, the State Council created the Republic of China, 2015). In the CSW China is National Working Committee on Children and increasingly assertive, especially to challenge Women in efforts to enhance the development of action that would weaken the authority of the women and children through education, Chinese Communist Party over the society. Any alleviation of poverty, and prevention of precedent that might weaken national violence. China’s compulsory education sovereignty is likely to be viewed septically.9

9 China. 2015. The State Council Information Office and women's development in China. China Legal of the People's Republic of China, Gender equality Information Center, 2015,


Enhancing Gender Equality in Global Education

the World Bank Group to create the Arab European Union - The European Union is Regional Agenda for Improving Education strongly in favor of the prioritization of Quality (ARAIEQ). In the CSW MENA enhancing women’s education and hopes to put countries, like much of Africa, is skeptical, wary an emphasis on removing obstacles preventing of being targeted unfairly. They support action, gender equality in education such as legislation, so long as it remains fully under their sovereign social bias, and gender stereotyping. The national control. European Union firmly states that gender equality is an essential step towards inclusive Russia - Russia has made successful efforts to and sustainable development.10 The EU is highly close the gender gap in education. As of 2017 supportive, and often willing to finance action.11 the Russian Federation achieved equal enrollment in primary education for both males Latin America/ Caribbean - In Latin America, and females and is continuing to narrow the initiatives to enhance women’s education have gender gap in secondary and post-secondary been made with the primary goal of expanding education. Currently, there are a higher and improving the workforce by equipping percentage of women in Russia enrolled in women with the education needed to compete in tertiary education than men. The Russian the global labor force. The region is working to Federation has created policies to enhance create flexible job options for educated women women’s education within the Russian with existing obligations of childcare and other Federation (Russian Federation, 2000). In the household responsibilities (Azevedo, & Cord, CSW, Russia is outspoken, often trying to lead 2012). Additionally, Latin American and the action in a way that supports its larger foreign Caribbean have made progress by utilizing policy and national security goals, such as technology in order to enhance education and reducing the influence of the European Union economic participation. However, the region still and United States. faces challenges in increasing the quality of their educational programs and preventing violence Sub-Saharan Africa - Sub-Saharan Africa has against women (Mora, 2015). Latin American faced difficulties in extending educational and Caribbean countries are a major force in the opportunities to women and girls mainly due to CSW, encouraging advancement of women’s hostility shown towards women in school rights. But some—especially those where the environments, poor conditions in schools, and Catholic or Pentecostal churches are powerful fiscal crises within the region (The World Bank forces—are skeptical about changing traditional Group, 1996). The Africa Technical Department gender roles. they can be skeptical published a report analyzing and providing possible solutions to these issues. The primary North Africa/ Middle East - North Africa and the concerns of the Sub-Saharan African region are Middle East (MENA) region has received lowering the cost of school enrollment and support from the World Bank Group in order to supplies and creating a more favorable facilitate education in the region. The 22 environment to promote the learning and Ministers of Education in the region endorsed development of women (The World Bank the Doha Declaration on Education Quality in Group, 1996). In the CSW, Sub-Saharan African 2010 and as a response the region partnered with http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/m/chinalic/2015- 11 Amy Lieberman, ‘Can advocates maintain 11/30/content_22596236.htm momentum without UN’s largest women’s rights 10 European Commission, 2018. Human rights and gathering?’ Devex, 5 March 2020, democratic governance: gender equality. https://www.devex.com/news/can-advocates- International Cooperation and development. maintain-momentum-without-un-s-largest-women-s- https://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/sectors/human-rights- rights-gathering-96696 and-governance/gender_en


Enhancing Gender Equality in Global Education

states usually are very supportive, but funding contraception. Under President Trump, any issue issue are a serious problem for them. of gender—including education—would be related to US priorities on abortion. Sexual United States will see dramatic policy shows in Reproductive and Health Rights, or SRHR, was the CSW. Under president Trump, the US a problem to be contained. That is likely to emphasis was on discouraging abortion around change under President Biden.12 the world, and reducing attention to issues of

Proposals for Action including aiding favored groups of political supporters. For many Member States, any debate in the CSW turns on Sexual Reproductive and Health When aid money is involved, the key question Rights, or SRHR. For conservative governments usually is control. Donor governments want all or countries where conservative religious leaders assistance to conform to their standards, have large sway, SRHR connotes abortion. eliminate corruption and misuse, and be Progress on any issue in the CSW is likely to distributed fairly. But recipient governments tried to agreement to stop abortion and avoid often need to maximize their own sovereign promoting contraception. For abortion rights and control and serve their own political purposes, contraception proponents, it covers a sweeping such as rewarding their supporters. The result category of rights that allow women to control can be a stalemate, with donors hesitant to give, their own bodies.13 and sometimes recipients resistant to accepting. Even aid channeled through independent For UN Member States, education issues pose organizations like the World Bank Group or tricky problems of standards and sovereignty, none-governmental organizations (NGOs) is and when aid is involved, a difficult gap vulnerable to these quarrels. Such practical between donor and recipient counties. All problems always must be navigated, even by the countries seek to improve their educational best-intended plans. systems, but many want to maximize their sovereign freedom to make decisions and protect Among major options under consideration: local decision-making. To advocates of international normative principles, however, Implement information and communication such national sovereignty often is thin veneer to technologies to promote more accessible global protect established interests and block change. education: An increasing demand in the global This is clearly seen among some Non-Aligned economy for technology-based professions and Member states especially in parts of the Middle research calls for the implementation of East, Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, technology into basic education. Aside from the but incr4aisngly in government sin Europe and necessity to include technology in school North America under the rule of strong-men curriculum to teach desired skills to young governments. Many accept or even support children, information and communication reform, but demand it be under their personal technologies provide increased access to quality control and service their political interests, education in areas where transportation and violence in schools remain an issue.

12 Dulcie Leimbach, Battle Lines Are Drawn on womens-forum-looms-the-us-and-friends-hack-away- Women’s Rights Before #CSW64 Even Begins’, at-certain-rights/ PassBlue, 27 February 2020, 13 Ibid. https://www.passblue.com/2020/02/27/as-the-un-


Enhancing Gender Equality in Global Education

structures, often patriarchal. Conservative Sustain funding for women’s education societies will make gender-specific educational programs: Although women’s education has initiatives contingent on other measures to proven to yield the highest rate of return of any assure they do not threaten social stability. This investment in the developing world, may include demands that foreign funding, from sustainability of educational programs creates donor governments, be channeled exclusively the most effective development. In order for through host country institutions, with educational programs to reach peak value, the supervision by parliament, the national United Nations Member States must acquire and education ministry, or religious authorities. maintain a collective system of funding for education. UN declarations have proposed a Preventing the limited progress to be reverted multifaceted method of funding that involves by the COVID-19 pandemic: With lockdowns both government and private investors (Verveer, in place throughout the world due to COVID-19 2011). safety procedures, many women and girls are struggling to continue their paths to education Reduce and counteract and development. The advancements already the social barriers that currently prevent made from multilateral organizations are women’s education: in areas with established slowing down but can be resolved by stressing schools, the barriers for women’s education lie the importance of current resolutions that are in discrimination and gender-based violence. aimed to protect women and girls in education, Women’s education in developing countries is economic, and cultural fields to ensure their plagued with violence and discrimination that safety and rights. Hence, it is necessary to reduces the quality of education that women enforce and reiterate all actions and resolutions receive as well as prevents their completion of presented and enacted by the members of this education. Women are more likely to be victims body to continue to the goal of achieving the of violent and gender-based crimes, especially in standard of living for women. regions affected by conflict (Kimotho, 2017). Furthermore, within families with limited Encourage further study of these issues. When financial resources in areas where education is an UN body is unable to make progress, costly, sons are often prioritized over daughters ordering a study of is a favorite way to show in the attainment of education. Tragically, the action, without committing to anything. Studies few girls who are fortunate enough to go to also are a favorite of Member States opposed to school may face discrimination and hostility action, trying to delay. There still are problems from peers and teachers due to their gender. to overcome. Sensitive issue include it mandate (which issues it is to cover and what kind of Reject gender-specific initiatives. Especially for findings and conclusions it should stress), how conservative societies, gender-specific policy is to choose officials or experts for the body, when sensitive, threatening not just foreign influence, it reports, and how it is funded. but unwanted interference in local authority


Enhancing Gender Equality in Global Education


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Enhancing Gender Equality in Global Education

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