PARISH STAFF MASS SCHEDULE Mary Mother of God Church Pastor Reverend Jeffrey J. Kegley Saturday Vigil: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 a.m., [email protected] 10:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.

Parochial Vicar Please note that the 10:00 a.m. Mass will be livestreamed on our Reverend Richard Osborn YouTube Channel (Saint Mary, Mother of God Church) and the [email protected] 12:00 p.m. “in car” parking lot Mass will continue until further Parochial Vicar notice.

Reverend Jordan McConway O.P. The Daily Mass schedule remains: 8:15 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. in

Deacons Mary, Mother of God Church. The Church will remain open daily Carlo Squicciarini from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. for private prayer and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Martin K. McMahon

Business Manager In the Bishop’s directives, the Sacraments of Confession, Baptism, Marriage along with Funeral/Memorial Masses resumed on Hank Pekarsky ext. 232 th June 8 . Confessions must be held outside and with proper social Sacristan/Altar Server Coordinator distancing. Confessions will be heard in the courtyard in front of Mrs. Laney Wilkens the church. The Confession times will continue to be Thursday at 3:30 p.m. and Saturday at 1:00 p.m. or by appointment. Parish Trustees Baptisms will be celebrated one baby at a time. Only Wedding Mr. Kenneth Ginsky ceremonies will be celebrated. John (Jack) Kurkemelis RECONCILIATION/CONFESSIONS Faith Formation: Saturday 1:00 to 2:00 pm & Thursday 3:30 to 4:30 pm

Mrs. Peggy Dunne SACRAMENT of BAPTISM ext. 240 [email protected] The First & Third Sundays 1:30 pm (MMGC)

Suzanne Pfirrman BAPTISM PREP CLASS 2nd Thur.7:00 pm in the Bulman Center - to register call est. 221 ext. 241 [email protected] SACRAMENT of MARRIAGE ext. 222 St. Vincent DePaul Society Assistance 732-671-4062 Week ending November 19, 2020 Director of Music Malena Towers ext. 239 Weekly drop offs and envelopes $14,861.00 [email protected] Parish Giving $7,343.15 All Souls Day $35.00 Youth & Young Adult Ministry Children $47.63 Cassandra Abbud [email protected] Youth $75.79 Ave Maria 1521.88 Pastoral Associate Diocese Assessment $346.69 Chris Carlo Forever $9.75 HR/Finance Administrator All Saints $15.00 Mrs. Sharon Crossnohere ext. 228 Mortgage $512.00 [email protected] Assumption $5.00 Bulletin Editor Jessica Parks [email protected]


RCIA - [email protected] PRINCIPAL 19 Cherry Tree Farm Road Mr. Craig Palmer Middletown, NJ 07748

Usher Coordinators [email protected] 732-671-0071 Fax 732-671-6125

George Rahey - [email protected] ST. MARY SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS Brian Dolan - [email protected] 538 Church Street, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Middletown, NJ 07748 Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration ext. 241 732-671-0129 Jesus is Lord!

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Today, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of Christ the King, which marks the end of our Liturgy year. Next week we begin the Season of Advent. Of course, this Thursday is Thanksgiving Day. I want to invite you to join us in “giving thanks” at Holy Mass that will be celebrated at 9:00am in Mary, Mother of God Church.

Like so many families, Saint Mary, Mother of God Church is facing a serious financial setback because of the Coronavirus pandemic. With no public Masses for such a long time, there were no collections, which meant no significant income for months. We depend on the sacrificial offerings of weekly collections for: the operation of Saint Mary School, parish programs and ministries, employee salaries and benefits, Church mortgage, utilities, and insurance.

In spite of all the financial challenges we face, there is so much to give thanks to the Lord, especially in this season of Thanksgiving. Masses are being celebrated again, even with a parking lot Mass, our school has successfully opened, and a lot of ministry is happening to advance the Kingdom of God here at Saint Mary’s. As I keep saying: “We are Blessed!”

To respond to the financial setback from the pandemic, I need your financial support. I want to invite you to be part of the “Forever, St. Mary’s Club,” where members assist Saint Mary’s with a special thanksgiving donation of $1,000.00. Your membership in this club will enable us to continue our mission and ministries. I pray you can be part of the “Forever, St. Mary’s Club.”

This has been a very difficult time for everyone. Please be assured that I am praying for you every day in the intentions of daily Mass and Holy Hour. If you need to talk to me or pray with me over the phone, please call me on my cell phone at 609-954-3356.

Until then, let us continue to pray for the end of the Coronavirus and the healing of the sick. As Saint Paul reminds us: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:6

Happy Thanksgiving.

In Jesus and Mary,

Father Jeff Kegley Pastor

Ps. On the Thursdays of Advent, I will present a virtual Advent Retreat on Zoom. The retreat entitles “Rejoice!” and will present Advent through the experience of the three people most closely associated with it: the Prophet Isaiah, John the Baptist, and Mary, the Mother of God. “Rejoice!” will raise our hearts and minds to experience the joy of a supernatural encounter with our Savior. To register, please visit our parish webpage at : Solemnity of Christ the King

Vatican City- On the Feast of Christ the King, during the Mass of six new saints, Pope Francis said that Jesus Christ’s kingdom comes through his works of mercy--works that Christians must imitate with tenderness.

“In the twilight of life we will be judged on our love for, closeness to and tenderness towards our brothers and sisters,” the Pope said Sunday to myriad people in St. Peter’s Square. “If we truly love them, we will be willing to share with them what is most precious to us, Jesus himself and his Gospel.”

“Jesus is not a King according to earthly ways,” the Holy Father said. Rather, “his reign is not to command, but to obey the Father, to give himself over to the Father, so that his plan of love and salvation may be brought to fulfillment.”

Salvation does not begin with confessing Christ’s sovereignty, the Pope said, but with “the imitation of Jesus’ works of mercy through which he brought about his kingdom.” In so doing one opens “his heart to God’s charity.”

Tens of thousands of people attended the Nov. 23 Mass in Saint Peter’s Square, which featured the of six men and women. Four of the new saints were from : Giovanni Antonio Farina, Ludovico da Casoria, Nicola da Longobardi and Amato Ronconi. The other two were from India: Kuriakose Elias Chavara and Eufrasia Eluvathingal

Pope Francis’ homily discussed the Mass readings. The first reading from Ezekiel presents God as Shepherd and his people as his sheep. The Pope said the reading reveals the shepherd’s “care and love” for his flock: “to search, to look over, to gather the dispersed, to lead into pasture, to bring to rest, to seek the lost sheep, to lead back the confused, to bandage the wounded, to heal the sick, to take care of, to pasture.” The Pope said Jesus “brought about his kingdom... through his closeness and tenderness towards us.”

Pope Francis then turned his reflection to the day’s Gospel reading from Matthew 25, where Jesus Christ commends those who have inherited the Kingdom: “for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.”This reading “reminds us that closeness and tenderness are the rule of life for us also, and that on this basis we will be judged,” the Pope explained.

Pope Francis spoke of the new saints canonized at the beginning of the Mass. He said each of them “served the kingdom of God, of which they became heirs, precisely through works of generous devotion to God and their brothers and sisters.” These men and women, he said, “sought and discovered love in a strong and personal relationship with God,” which in turn led to their love of neighbor, especially the poor.

“May our new saints, through their witness and intercession, increase within us the joy of walking in the way of the Gospel and our resolve to embrace the Gospel as the compass of our lives.” Pope Francis then called on the faithful to imitate these new saints in “faith and love, so that our hope too may be clothed in immortality.” “May we not allow ourselves to be distracted by other earthly and fleeting interests,” he said, concluding his homily: “And may Mary, our Mother and Queen of all Saints, guide us on the way to the kingdom of heaven.” Before bestowing the final blessing at the conclusion of Mass, Pope Francis briefly welcomed the delegations from India and Italy who had come to for the canonizations. The four new Italian saints, he said, caring as they did for the people and working toward the common good, “trusted in the nearness of God who never abandons (us), even in difficult moments.”

Speaking of the two new saints from India, the Pope said through their intercession, “the Lord will grant a new missionary drive to the Church” in the country. He said India’s Christians can be “inspired by their example of harmony and reconciliation” and “continue along the path toward solidarity and fraternal coexistence.”

Pope Francis then led the recitation of the Angelus in Latin, after which he wished everyone a good Sunday, and asked them to remember him in their prayers. Events at St. Mary, Mother of God As we march closer and closer to Christmas, we strive to be the "light of the world" to others! On Saturday, December 12th, we will have our annual Christmas tree lighting, but this time, we are going big! We will be lighting the huge pine tree at the Church Street entrance to the school. So, we are looking for donations of large, multi-colored, outdoor, 25 ft. lengths of Christmas lights to light up that tree. It's a big job and will need to have the lights ASAP. If you or anyone you know would like to donate lights, you can drop them off at the school or rectory. We can all use a little Christmas at this time!

St. Mary's Women's Discipleship is live every Wednesday night from 7:30-9 PM on Zoom. ALL women are welcome! Join us as we gather remotely and safely for an evening of praise, prayer, scripture, and fellowship.

During November, Darlene Line will present the wonderful 3-part series "HERE COMES THE BRIDE!" Using the Hebraic lens, we will examine the biblical concept of marriage as a covenant between God and His people. revealing the depth of God’s love and His calling to His bride. “Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” (Revelation 19:9).

Come, be a part of our faith journey! To sign up for the ZOOM link or for any questions, please email Pat Moller at [email protected] or call 732-671-0671. There is no charge. Come, Holy Spirit!

DECK YOUR HALLS WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS Sponsored by the Saint Mary, Mother of God Life Teen Ministry All decorations will be sold in front of Saint Mary, Mother of God Church Saturday November 21st at 5:00 pm Mass or Sunday November 22nd Masses: 8:00am, 10:00am, 5:00pm or in the Parking Lot at the 12:00 noon “In Car” Mass (while supplies last)

2 gallon potted Dwarf Decorated Door Swag: $15 Alberta Spruce Tree: $30 (alternative to a door Wreath)

3ft. Decorated Grave Covers: $30 22” Decorated Wreath: $20 or 30” Decorated Wreath: $25

Thank you for your Support of this Amazing Youth Ministry of “Leading Teens Closer to Christ”

St. Mary Church Christmas Care 2019

Dearest Lord Thank You for the poor You have placed in my midst. Their presence is a blessing to my soul. I am honoring to help them in small ways. I desire to do more. Their fragile lives, coupled with their great faith, are an inspiration and mystery to me. Their prayers inspire compassion. Bless all that have less than I do and instill within me the spirit of sharing. Let gratitude and giving be my banners, and may all the glory be Yours. May justice and mercy have places of honor within my being and may my hands work to relieve suffering wherever I find it. And may all I do, be in Your Holy Name. Amen

Dear Fellow Parishioners:

Can you help??? Once again, we are asking for help to lighten the burden many people face this Christmas season. There are a couple of opportunities for you to consider. Gift cards to Shop Rite ($10 denominations) to be shared among the people we serve. Donate personal care products. These products will be distributed to the needy individuals the Sisters serve in Asbury Park and those living in local motels & boarding houses. PLEASE ONLY NEW, UNOPENED items. No pharmaceutical items, please.

Please keep the Shop Rite food certificates separate from the personal items. Items can be brought in a GIFT BAG or Staples box and will be collected after all the Masses OUTSIDE THE CHURCH due to Covid 19 the weekend of Dec 12/13 in the Narthex.

Please have in each Gift bag or box:

•Toothpaste/Toothbrush •Disposable razors, •soap •Deodorant (men and/or ladies) •body lotion •Tube Socks (men and/or ladies) •Shampoo •Hats •conditioner •Gloves

•Shaving cream •Scarves

We are only accepting the above items and Shop Rite Cards for Christmas due to limited space on the trucks.

God Bless Your Generous Hearts. Blessed, Holy Christmas !

Kathy Plath [email protected] RITE TO LIFE

Life is always good...In what way is life good?...Life, which is handed on to us by God...stands out amidst the world as a revelation of God, a sign of His presence, a trace of His glory… The Gospel of Life, 34

Abortion advocates say that the embryo or fetus is “just a collection of cells”. But this is no argument at all. The same can be said of you and me. If someone does not see the dignity of the human person, their view of people is just reduced to cells.

Prayer: Fill us with wonder, Lord, at Your glory shining through every human life.

Court Fulgens Corona #1684 ~ Catholic Daughters of the Americas

Unity and Wednesday Please Charity 7 pm call 2020 CDA Janet Bilotta Meetings Nov 11 732-671-6446 Lower Hall Dec 9 for CDA St. Mary membership Chapel Jan 13 information

CDA needs you to help our mission of helping others through our Circle of Love Program. Visit a meeting, bring a friend and be sure to wear a mask! Open to all Catholic women.


St. Mary Elementary School needs substitute teachers for grades Pre-K to 8th grade. Candidates should have 60 college credits completed and be willing to attend Virtus training (Protecting God’s Children) and be fingerprinted. St. Mary’s is fully open all day and is five days a week. We are flexible as to grade preference and pay a competitive daily rate. If you are interested in being a part of this exciting learning environment, please give the school office a call at 732-671-0129  MASS INTENTIONS  OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT KING OF THE UNIVERSE

Saturday - November 21, 2020 Saturday - November 28, 2020 5:00 Dorothea & George Callahan r/o Dorrie Ruane & 5:00 Frank Kakol r/o His Wife Rose Marie Kakol 5:00 Helen Bacmeister r/o Family Family 5:00 Eileen & Patrick Ruane r/o Dorrie Ruane & Family Sunday - November 29, 2020 7:30 Matthew Eckert r/o Family Sunday - November 22, 2020 9:00 Matthew Eckert r/o Sue & Todd Gawel-Gasior 10:30 People of the Parish 7:30 John Malgieri r/o Kaitlin & Tricia Elliott 12:00 Michael DeMartino 10th Anniversary r/o 9:00 People of the Parish RaeAnn, Gina, & Nico 10:30 James Hansen r/o His Loving Wife 5:00 Edward Golding r/o Mr. & Mrs. Neil Gallagher & Family 12:00 Chet Zyskowski r/o The Zyskowski Presti Family

5:00 Angela Dooley r/o Mr. & Mrs. Neil Gallagher & CANDLES SUNDAY TO SATURDAY Family NOV. 22 TO NOV. 28 Monday - November 23, 2020 St. Mary Chapel Candle 8:15 Vincent Gerace r/o The DeCicco Family For the Healing of our Nation 8:15 James Hansen r/o His Loving Wife 12:00 Grace Alexis r/o Bill & Grace Montanus Adoration Chapel Candles Mary Jean Connolly r/o The Murray Family 12:00 Andrea Aronson Coleman r/o Bill & Grace For an End to this Virus Montanus Mary, Mother of God Church Candle Tuesday - November 24, 2020 Joseph Zullo 1st Anniversary r/o His Sister Anne Davis 8:15 Christopher Brennan r/o Molly & Bob Young 8:15 Antonio Russo r/o Michael & Kathleen Russo 12:00 Daniel Kane r/o Mr. & Mrs. James Maltese 12:00 Nancy M. Russo r/o Family

Wednesday - November 25, 2020 8:15 Mary O’Connor r/o Kathleen O’Connor 8:15 James Kelly r/o Steve & Debbie McCarthy Frederick Emery Ryan 12:00 Special Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. Ivar Betten Serafina Grace Denaro 12:00 Victoria Lamberta r/o Mom Olivia Paige Burke Thursday - November 26, 2020 Rocco William Alicakos 9:00 Living & Deceased Members of the Parish River Rylie Mairs

Friday - November 27, 2020 Briella James Caruso 8:30 Mr. & Mrs. Dick McCurnin r/o The Ruane & Finn Philip Botti McCurnin Families Thomas Edward Startek 8:30 John A. LaRocca r/o Loving Family & Wife 12:00 Patrick McGee r/o Family BORN TO ETERNAL LIFE 12:00 Deceased Members of the Socrates Family r/o Manuel B. Cardosa Deacon Charlie Grace Veronica Berberich Saturday - November 28, 2020 Edith T. Parker 8:15 William Daniels r/o Family William T. Etzkorn Jr. 8:15 Ann Greany Askin r/o Megan & Cathy Daniels Michael P. Corbett Sr.

Catholics United For Life

Please join the Rosary Vigil for Life every Saturday, 9:00 - 10:00 am at the Planned Parenthood abortion facility, 69 East Newman Springs Road, Shrewsbury


Margaret “Rita” Golinski Tara LaBarca Cynthia Alvarez Anna Lauricella Lord, hold our troops, home and Maria Ammarratta Lorraine Lauricella abroad, in Your loving hands. Protect Jack Andrews Nicole Lucchini Tom Ashe Fanny Marulanda and bless them and their families, as Sr. Gloria Barone Jason Massey they protect us. Amen. Bill Bellini Corrine Mayor

Fred Binn Megan Mazza Susan Blanchard Carol Natoli Gene Brennan Frank Nolan, Sr. Pat Brennan Sr. Mercedes O’Boyle Diane Brown Mary O’Brien Joan Buck Jimmy Ocampo Bob Burke Grace Orlando Jane Cella Adelina Pelle Sgt. Tim Hayes, Special Ops. John Chiarini John Petersen LCpl. Robbie McCann, U.S. Marines, Mary Colasurdo Sunny Reid Pamela Collins Arlene Ryan Louis Adamo Army Reserve, U.S. Navy Ryan Cook Peter Saggalewich Sgt. James A. Conklin John Day Balmes Sanchez Staff Sgt. Michael J. Mangan, Marines June & Emil DeMarco Linda Scaglione Dino DeSantis Becky Scharen James Chinnici, Mary DeVuono Estela Sharp Staff Sergeant Craig Kubolka II, Army Ranger, Sophia DiPietro Joanne Silver 7th Deployment to Middle East Marie Duffy Darleen Striker Greg Charpek, U.S. Coast Guard, Mary Ehret Michele Sullivan Fernan- Denise Ely dez H.M Ashley Thompson, Debbie Faaland Jim Sullivan U.S. Navy, Col. Kevin Meisler, Ricky Fary Lisa Torrez Army Reserve, Captain Iraq; Laura French Joni Urgo Lt Christopher Baum US Navy, Janet Haley Chris Vaughn Richie Harrison Mark Vern Jonathan Bagnato, Margaret Heap Barbara Woezer Andrew Leroy, Angie Herrera Ryan Trachman Marines, Barbara Herring FOR OUR CHILDREN Donna Horel Brianna Orlando Josh Pershing, U.S. Air Force, 3rd tour Iraq, Debbie Johnson Arden McPhee Master Gunnery Sgt. C.T. Gregoire, Marines, SFC Amanda Jung Alexandria Iscaro Wesley Briggs, U.S. Army 2 tours Eugenina Kelly Addison Noelle Feirstein in Iraq, stationed in Egypt; Manny Konstantinidis Liam Joseph Kelly U.S. Marine Jonathan Alfano Carol Kryczko John James Schultz, Jr Addo Kuhlmann Jake Wilson Tanay Mahadik, AirForce, Deployed over seas Mary Kwiakowski Master Chief Ryan Gerdon U.S. Navy

To include someone on the Prayer List call the Parish Office 732-671-0071 x221. or email: [email protected]