Ons of the Realty
Is Too Hoover News, Comment and Re corded REAL ESTATE «REAL ESTATE ^ Transact!ons of the ISLAS» Autocratic, Realty Market LONG LOSO ISLAND American to High Rentals Recorded Transfers Recorded Mortgages Surety Spend Keep Downtown Downtown Pinchot WEST Says ST, 143, 25.5x83.9x84x73.», correc¬ CEDAR ST, n a c Greenwich Great Demand tion deed. Elborac Realty et at, 84.2x123* Up trus. to Alex Corpn at, Irre«; p m; April 15; Mary N MaeDonald in Joske. 241 av. to ' FOR Pershing Jones St SALE Annex Lafayette-Great Corpn, 170 $2,500,000 San, Antonio, and Texas, ano, Building 12: O tru»; April Bww; 3 yrs. 6 d c; pr njtga $129.490; Called Not atty, K Relief Activity For Whitman, 130 Bway.. 1109 attys, Lachrr.an & G, 25 Xassao at Dwellings WILLIAM ST. 11s. sea, 89.6 n John at, Kind of Work to 101.1x25.3x irreg; Chas F $32.500 the Fit Addition Noyes to Den- GREENWICH ST. v t, !' i Jay at. 25x58; Modern Twenty-one Story Sale iHon Realty Corpn, 93 William at mtg-e April 14: Fireproof Ut- & Hess« to Factory Feb Armstrong Fidelity Him for the Task To of$4,850,000 Houses on East West »90,000; 3?; attya, Stoddard & M, Trust Co, 1 Hudson st; due Gigantic Be Erected Around and 13* Bway .aiOO 1933; April 14, ¡PEARL n w »pe, attya, Raba & K. 258 on Confronting President Present Site in of Sides Share in the ST, 250, s, 52 a w Fulton st, Bway .:.$20,000 With R. R. Siding Jackson Avenue, Long IsUnd Place RealtyAuthorized Buy¬ ti.5iiluG.li; Restan Realty C«» to Car- MUTT ST.
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