
Initial Archaeological Appraisal

Mill Lane,


1. This initial archaeological appraisal has been prepared by Karl Hulka AIFA of Heritage Collective on the basis of the information provided by CBRE and by data held on the Buckinghamshire and Berkshire Historic Environment Records. The assessment has reference to an earlier Archaeological Impact Assessment (CgMs, 2009) and the principles for development of the subject site as set out in the document ‘Mill Lane Taplow – Supplemental Planning Document’ (South Bucks DC, 2013) which forms part of the South Bucks Local Plan. A plan showing the ownership boundary was supplied by CBRE and this has been taken to form the extent of The Site assessed by this archaeological appraisal, hereafter referred to as the ‘The Site’. In order to provide an adequate background to the archaeological potential of the study site, a search radius of 1km from The Site centre has been used, hereafter referred to as the study area and the entries from the two HERs have been plotted to produce an A3 archaeological constraints map supplied as Appendix 1 of this appraisal. A list of the entries is included as Appendix 2 of this appraisal. The advice is not given with reference to any specific development plans but gives a general background to the archaeological potential of The Site.

2. The Site lies to the east of in the floodplain of the Thames and currently forms an island with the Thames to the west and the Flood Relief Channel now separating it from the land to the west. The Site is centred at SU 90409 81865 and the ground level varies between c. 23 and 25m AOD. A site visit has not been carried out at this stage.


3. The Site overlies a complex geological sequence deriving from the effects of the changing course of the river which has periodically deposited and eroded material, along different channels. In essence the underlying solid geology is the chalk of

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the Seaford and Newhaven Formations. Broadly speaking this is overlain by terrace gravels of the Shepperton and Lynch Hill Gravel Members transported and laid down by the river. However, in the central part of The Site these are overlain by clays and silts which are collectively interpreted as alluvium. A significant proportion of The Site has also been built up through the deposition of made ground which in places extends up to 4.3m deep1

Archaeological/ Historic Background

4. The Site lies within an area known to have a high archaeological potential reflected in the local designation of two archaeological notification areas within The Site and illustrated on the maps at Appendix 1. Although most periods are represented on the historic environment records, the principal potential appears to relate to the prehistoric, medieval and post-medieval periods.

5. In addition, there are a number of locally and nationally designated structures and areas on The Site, illustrated on the map at Appendix 1.2 and relating to:

a. listed buildings – the grade II listed Glen Island House (1392491) lies in the northern part of The Site.

b. conservation areas – the Taplow Riverside Conservation Area runs along the western side of The Site. The area and character of this is set out in detail in the Taplow Riverside Conservation Area Character Appraisal (South Bucks District Council, 2007).

c. archaeological notification areas – Area 0548000000 in the north of The Site is designated due to the quantity of Iron Age finds recovered from the vicinity and Area 0009500000 in the southern part of The Site is designated due to a quantity of Bronze Age finds along with evidence of Iron Age industrial activity.

Prehistoric (Pre 43AD)

6. Immediately to the east of The Site is a further archaeological notification area relating to the site of a Late Bronze/ Iron Age hill fort and Saxon burial mound and it likely that the coincidence of the river and the hill fort would have

1 Smith, M. Archaeological Impact Assessment (CgMs, 2009)

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concentrated domestic and industrial activities into the area between the two, namely The Site.

7. However, prehistoric potential in the wider area is not restricted to the later prehistoric period with finds deriving from the early prehistoric periods (Palaeolithic, Mesolitic and Neolithic) also well represented in the archaeological record. A significant proportion of the early prehistoric material is likely to derive from the terrace gravels (Shepperton and Lynch Hill Members) in the area which were deposited after the last ice age. Stone tools from this period are washed from the gravel and alluvial deposits by the river and its tributaries and it is as a result of the repeated dredging of the river channel that many of these finds have been recovered. As well as providing a source of water and food, the river also formed a ritual function and the recovery from the channel of high status finds such as bronze swords, axe, spear and arrow heads may well represent the ritualised offerings of valuable objects by people throughout the prehistoric period and possibly later.

8. This however does not diminish the certainty of prehistoric occupation along the river bank at this time. Finds of Neolithic, Bronze Age and Iron Age date have been recovered both on The Site and on the higher ground to the east indicating widespread and long lasting occupation of the immediate area.

Roman (43AD – 410)

9. Roman activity comprises a number of stray finds but few identified sites. Roman pottery was recovered from Taplow Court and this probably represents the continued occupation of this site through into the post conquest period but probably by the same people who occupied it prior to the conquest. There is no evidence to suggest that this area formed a focus for Roman occupation or settlement to any great extent and it is likely that evidence of this period will more closely resemble Iron Age activity than the higher status Roman remains seen elsewhere.

Saxon/ Early Medieval (410 – 1066)

10. Saxon remains in the study area are largely concentrated on the higher ground to the west of The Site although metalwork of this period was recovered from Boulters Island to the northwest and from within the Thames itself. It would appear that the area around Taplow Court continued in occupation during this

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period and a burial mound in the grounds of the court produced a number of grave goods including metalwork, drinking horns and cups, fragments of a lyre and gaming pieces. Although there are no records relating to Saxon remains within The Site, like the earlier periods, the use of lower lying ground adjacent to the river cannot be discounted, particularly so close to a known Saxon settlement site.

Medieval (1066 – 1485)

11. The medieval period in this area saw a significant increase in the population and consequently evidence is more widespread, including within The Site. As with other periods, medieval finds have been dredged from the Thames and it is known that a timber bridge was established across the Thames at this time. The area around Taplow Court continued in occupation with the establishment of St Nicholas’ Church and the village of Taplow is recorded in Domesday. Within The Site, documentary evidence suggests the presence of watermills, including a fulling mill to the south of the extant papermill and 11th century records indicate the existence of a fishery in the vicinity of Taplow Millpond.

Post-medieval (1485 – present)

12. Post-medieval activity is widespread and many of the entries on the historic environment records relate to 19th and 20th century buildings (not labelled on the HER map) attesting to the expansion of settlement during that time. This includes the rebuilding of the bridge over the Thames in the late 18th century and the associated toll road which now forms the A4 along with the construction of the railway and Taplow Station in the early 19th century. Quarrying of the gravels along the eastern bank of the Thames is recorded along with a continuation of the industrial activity on The Site in the form of watermills and the more recent Regis Papermill. In addition, The Site contains a number of post medieval, principally 19th century buildings including Glen Island House, built in 1869 and extended in an identical style in 1884 and now grade II listed.


13. In summary, the principal constraints on The Site derive from the presence of the designated heritage assets in the form of the Taplow Riverside Conservation Area and the listed Glen Island House. These areas will need careful consideration with regard to the design of buildings within their setting. Furthermore, the

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setting of the grade I Maidstone Bridge immediately beyond the south western corner of The Site and the grade II buildings which overlook The Site from the higher ground around Taplow Court will also need to be considered when preparing development proposals. The designation of the archaeological notification areas means that special consideration for the potential archaeology is to be given by the local planning authority when determining any application for development within those areas. Consequently such applications will need to be supported by a desk-based archaeological assessment and may require archaeological fieldwork to be carried out before the application can be determined.

14. The archaeological potential of The Site relates to all periods and is considered to be medium to high with high potential being attributed to the prehistoric, medieval and post medieval periods. Due to the riverside location there is a high potential that organic remains such as wood and leather from any period may survive in a waterlogged condition. Existing impacts on below ground deposits will tend to be concentrated on areas of earlier development, particularly the areas around structures such as the Regis Papermill and the Jubilee River Flood Relief Channel. Because of the depth of made ground in certain areas, identified in the archaeological impact assessment, lightweight structures, areas of hardstanding and undeveloped areas are more likely to contain well preserved archaeological remains and buried landscapes.


15. It is likely, given the high potential identified in this and previous documents, including the SPD for The Site, that further archaeological investigation will be required. Initially this will involve a detailed desk-based assessment of each proposed area of development and this may need to be supported by intrusive investigations as the widespread made ground across much of The Site will make geophysical survey or other non-intrusive methods of investigation ineffective. Such intrusive investigation should target areas of direct impact proposed by any development so as to characterise the archaeological resource and better understand the potential effect development proposals would have on the significance of that resource.

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16. These investigations should be sufficient to allow the LPA to determine an application and what further archaeological work may be necessary in order to mitigate the effects of that development.

17. In addition, applications for development within the setting of the designated heritage assets (see Section 6.5 of the SPD) within and immediately surrounding the site will need to be supported by a heritage statement in which the effect on the significance of those assets is assessed.


18. This appraisal is confidential to the Client and Heritage Collective LLP shall not be responsible for any use of the document or its contents for any purpose other than that for which it was prepared and provided. Should the Client require to pass copies of the appraisal to other parties for information, the whole of the document should be so copied, but no professional liability or warranty shall be extended to other parties by Heritage Collective in this connection without explicit written agreement thereto by Heritage Collective. The appraisal may be assigned by the Client by way of absolute legal assignment to a purchaser (or purchasers) of all or part of The Site to which the report refers (‘The Site’) without the consent of Heritage Collective being required and as such assignment shall be effective upon written notice thereof being given by the Client to Heritage Collective. No further assignments shall be permitted unless expressly agreed by Heritage Collective. In the event of the Client entering into a legal joint venture to develop The Site, the appraisal can be regarded as having been issued by Heritage Collective jointly in favour of the Client and the joint venture partner(s), and in respect of the appraisal, Heritage Collective would owe the joint venture partner(s) the same duty of care that Heritage Collective owed to the Client when Heritage Collective were instructed to prepare the appraisal to all the matters contained or referred to in the appraisal.

Karl Hulka, 30 October 2013

Initial Mill Lane, Taplow On behalf of BDO October 2013 © 6 Archaeological Appraisal

Legend MBC24254 Prehistoric MRW8013 Prehistoric settlement MBC4630 Saxon ERW142 Medieval Roman MRW15735 MRW15660 MBC20436 MBC4631 Post-medieval MRW12413 MBC23005 Post-medieval gardens and park MBC4632 - 48 MBC25055 MBC4216 MBC13764 MBC20436 Modern MBC11398 MBC25060 MBC4623 MBC4613 - 18 MBC25056 MBC23006 Undated MBC22999 MBC4622 MRW15752 MBC23001 Archaeological investigations MBC25053 MBC24598 Ownership boundary MBC23004 MBC23000 MBC4621 MRW7990 1km study area MBC25057 MBC25054 MBC4620 MBC3141 MBC23002 MBC4613 - 19 MBC3140 MRW12432 MBC23003 MBC18255 MRW12406 MBC24704 MBC4622 MBC24703 MBC4613 - 18 ERM611 MBC14551 - 53 MBC4552 - 54 MBC3150 MRW12408 - 12 MBC4549 - 52 MBC33014 MBC33239 MRW12405 MBC13981 - 83 MBC33240 MBC33595 MBC33045 MBC14421 MBC4531 - 48 MBC24671 MBC33015 MBC33355 MBC4555 MBC11692 MRW7967 MBC13764 MBC4557 MBC33015 MBC4563 MBC24705 MRW7703 MBC11680 MBC7895 - 901 MBC11679 MBC25061 MRW7938

MBC7886 MBC4558 MBC4624 - 29 MBC7885 MBC13764 MBC11683

MBC331 MBC25374 MRW8005 MBC337 MBC14988






MBC14983 MBC11999 MRM16423 MBC11999 MBC14984 MRW8033 MRW15581 MRW8001 Site Name: MRW8034 MBC5660 - 61 MBC25151 Mill Lane, MBC5654 - 58 MRW6007 MBC23225 Taplow, MBC20345 South Bucks MRW14301 MBC22995 MBC25152 - 53 MBC6660 MRW7931 Scale: MBC20345 1:7,500 @ A3 MBC6659 MBC12152 MBC6661 MRW7945 On Behalf of: ERM475 MBC33589 BDO



MBC24749 MBC18260 HeritageCollective MBC14991 [email protected] MBC24622 www.heritagecollective.co.uk MRW6034

MBC4566 Appendix 1.1: MBC4567 Entries on the Buckinghamshire MBC12680 - 82 MBC22077 and Berkshire HERs within 1km MBC24271

Kilometers Date: Revision: 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright [2008] All rights reserved. Licence Number LIG1153 29/10/2013 v.3 Legend Grade I listed buildings Grade II listed buildings Grade II listed buildings Scheduled monuments Registered parks & gardens 1000607 Conservation areas Archaeological notification areas Ownership boundary 0632100000 1km study area 0103402000 1125056 1136174 1309102 1332735 1332403 1165286 0156100000 1165314 1166030 1166034 1165300 1124364 1125060 0548000000 1125019 1125020 1124362 Taplow 1014781 1309135 1125017 1124997 1392491 1125059 1125018 1317366 1125016 1124363 1124365 1165335


0009500000 0598100000

0191000000 0191201000

Maidenhead Riverside 0455100000


1000135 Site Name: Mill Lane, 1319348 1117619 Taplow, South Bucks 1136061 Scale: 0080360000 1:7,500 @ A3

1117620 Taplow Riverside On Behalf of:

0934900000 1136088 BDO 1410953 1319352 1117625 HeritageCollective [email protected] www.heritagecollective.co.uk 1125021

Appendix 1.2: 0154800000 Local and national designations within 1km

Kilometers Date: Revision: Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright [2008] All rights reserved. Licence Number LIG1153 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 29/10/2013 v.2 HeritageCollective


Appendix 2: Catalogue of Designated and Undesignated Heritage Assets.


Monument ID Name Period Monument Type Prehistoric MBC331 Collection of artefact finds, including an ingot and crucible, suggest a bronze-working site Late Neolithic to 5th BRONZE WORKING of unknown date at Ley Chequers Century Roman SITE? MBC4532 Three Mesolithic flint blades found at Taplow Barrow Mesolithic FINDSPOT MBC4533 Iron Age and Roman pottery found at Taplow Barrow Mesolithic FINDSPOT MBC4557 Possible Iron Age hillfort earthworks identified within old churchyard and in Bapsey Early Iron Age to Late HILLFORT? Field. Iron Age MBC4558 Iron Age to medieval banks seen in Bapsey Field Early Iron Age to FIELD SYSTEM?, BANK Medieval (EARTHWORK) MBC4615 A Palaeolithic flint blade and twp Neolithic to Bronze Age flint flakes found in test-pits in Palaeolithic FINDSPOT Ten Acre Field MBC4615 A Palaeolithic flint blade and twp Neolithic to Bronze Age flint flakes found in test-pits in Palaeolithic FINDSPOT Ten Acre Field MBC4615 A Palaeolithic flint blade and twp Neolithic to Bronze Age flint flakes found in test-pits in Palaeolithic FINDSPOT Ten Acre Field MBC4623 Neolithic scraper found in Ten Acre Field Neolithic FINDSPOT MBC4624 Neolithic to bronze Age artefacts from the at Taplow Mills Early Neolithic to Late ARTEFACT SCATTER Bronze Age

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MBC4625 Neolithic polished stone axe from River Thames at Taplow Mills. Neolithic FINDSPOT MBC4626 Two Neolithic flint axes found in River Thames at Taplow Mills. Neolithic FINDSPOT MBC4627 Two Neolithic polished flint axes found in River Thames at Taplow Mills. Neolithic FINDSPOT MBC4628 Bronze Age metalwork from the River Thames at Taplow Mills Bronze Age FINDSPOT MBC4629 Fragment of Late Bronze Age metalwork from the River Thames at Taplow Mills Bronze Age FINDSPOT MBC4632 Lower to Middle Palaeolithic handaxe found in the River Thames at Taplow Palaeolithic FINDSPOT MBC4633 Lower to Middle Palaeolithic flint flake found in the River Thames at Taplow Palaeolithic FINDSPOT MBC4634 Nine Mesolithic to Early Bronze Age flint axeheads found in the River Thames at Taplow Mesolithic FINDSPOT MBC4635 Mesolithic pick found in the River Thames at Taplow Mesolithic FINDSPOT MBC4636 Six Mesolithic tranchet axeheads found in the River Thames at Taplow Mesolithic FINDSPOT MBC4637 Two Mesolithic flint cores found in the River Thames at Taplow Mesolithic FINDSPOT MBC4638 Five Mesolithic to Early Bronze Age antler tools found in the River Thames at Taplow Mesolithic FINDSPOT MBC4639 Fragment of Neolithic polished flint axe found in Thames at Taplow. Neolithic FINDSPOT MBC4640 3 Neolithic polished flint axes found in River Thames at Taplow. Neolithic FINDSPOT MBC4641 Bronze Age artefacts found in the River Thames at Taplow Bronze Age ARTEFACT SCATTER MBC4642 Bronze Age metalwork found in River Thames at Taplow. Bronze Age FINDSPOT MBC4643 Bronze Age metalwork found in River Thames at Taplow. Bronze Age FINDSPOT MBC4644 Bronze Age metalwork found in River Thames at Taplow or Bray. Bronze Age FINDSPOT MBC4645 Bronze Age metalwork found in the River Thames at Taplow or Bray. Bronze Age FINDSPOT MBC5654 Early Iron Age pit found in Station Pit, Taplow Iron Age PIT MBC5655 Early Iron Age saddle quern found in Station Pit, Taplow Iron Age FINDSPOT MBC5656 Early Iron Age pottery found in Station Pit, Taplow Iron Age FINDSPOT MBC5657 Late Iron Age to Early Roman pottery found in Station Pit, Taplow Undated FINDSPOT MBC6659 Quantity of Neolithic and finds from later periods, found in River Thames near Neolithic FINDSPOT Maidenhead Bridge. MBC7895 Artefacts found in Roque's Piece Late Prehistoric ARTEFACT SCATTER

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MBC7896 Mesolithic or Neolithic flint axe found on surface of field at Roque's Piece Mesolithic FINDSPOT MBC7897 Mesolithic to early Bronze Age flint core found in Roque's Piece Mesolithic FINDSPOT MBC7898 Mesolithic flint blade or flake found in Roque's Piece Mesolithic FINDSPOT MBC7899 Neolithic arrowhead found in Roque's Piece Neolithic FINDSPOT MBC7900 Neolithic flint scraper found in Roque's Piece Neolithic FINDSPOT MBC7901 Early to Middle Iron Age pottery sherd found in Roque's Piece Iron Age FINDSPOT MBC11692 Neolithic flint flake found at Taplow Rectory Neolithic FINDSPOT MBC11999 Late prehistoric to Romano-British farmstead and associated field system visible as Late Bronze Age to 5th DITCHED ENCLOSURE, cropmarks on aerial photos, confirmed by geophysical surveys and excavation. Century Roman TRACKWAY?, FARMSTEAD?, FIELD SYSTEM, BOUNDARY DITCH, BOUNDARY DITCH, TRACKWAY, WELL, PIT, PIT, POST HOLE, HEARTH?, IRON WORKING SITE, DEWPOND MBC12680 Lower to Middle Palaeolithic handaxes found in the River Thames at Maidenhead Bridge Palaeolithic FINDSPOT MBC12681 Bronze Age metalwork found in the River Thames at Maidenhead Bridge Bronze Age FINDSPOT MBC12682 Bronze Age metalwork found in the River Thames at Maidenhead Bridge Bronze Age FINDSPOT MBC13981 Middle to Late Iron Age pit found digging a cess pool on Glen Island Middle Iron Age to Late RUBBISH PIT Iron Age MBC13982 53 sherds of Middle to Late Iron Age pottery found digging a cess pool on Glen Island Iron Age FINDSPOT MBC13983 16 pieces of Middle to Late iron Age animal bone found digging a cess pool on Glen Iron Age FINDSPOT Island MBC14551 Iron Age and Roman pottery found during excavations at Taplow barrow. Iron Age to Roman FINDSPOT MBC14552 Two possible Iron Age, Roman or Saxon spindle whorls found during excavations at Undated FINDSPOT Taplow barrow.

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MBC14553 A possible Iron Age, Roman or Saxon bead found during excavations at Taplow barrow. Iron Age FINDSPOT MBC14983 Six pits, finds of flint arrowhead, Peterborough ware, and an inhumation indicating Neolithic SETTLEMENT? Neolithic acitivity at Taplow Mill MBC14984 Probable Neolithic burial found during excavations at Taplow Mill Neolithic BURIAL, CROUCHED INHUMATION, GRAVE MBC14985 Area excavation revealed seven pits (or tree throws) and produced five sherds of Late Neolithic PIT Neolthic/Early Bronze Age pottery at Taplow Mill MBC14988 Trial trenching revealed charcoal patches with burnt flint and a possible stakehole at Late Prehistoric STAKE HOLE Taplow Mill MBC14990 A pit uncovered during trial trenching at Taplow Mill was found to contain burnt flint Late Prehistoric PIT MBC14991 Possible Bronze Age midden containing burnt and struck flint and pottery, found during Bronze Age MIDDEN evaluation trial trenching at Amerden Lane West MBC22999 Remains of Bronze Age to Iron Age hillfort found during excavations at Taplow Court. Late Bronze Age to Early HILLFORT, Iron Age MULTIVALLATE HILLFORT MBC23000 Iron Age hillfort ditches found during excavation at Taplow Court Early Iron Age to Late DITCH Iron Age MBC23001 Late Bronze Age hillfort ditches found during excavation and trial trenching at Taplow Late Bronze Age DITCH, RAMPART, Court POST HOLE MBC23002 Remains of burnt timber-laced Iron Age rampart found during excavation at Taplow Early Iron Age to Late RAMPART Court Iron Age MBC23003 Late Bronze Age palisade found during excavation at Taplow Court Late Bronze Age PALISADE, POST HOLE MBC23004 Parallel lines of Late Bronze Age postholes found during excavation at Taplow Court Late Bronze Age FENCE, POST HOLE MBC23025 A tree hollow contained sherds of Neolithic Fengate Ware and Late Bronze Age pottery Late Neolithic to Late GULLY, HOLLOW at Amerden Lane West. Three gullies were also noted. Bronze Age MBC24704 Prehistoric pottery and flint, Romano-British, Saxon, medieval and post-medieval pottery Undated FINDSPOT found during trial trenching west of Taplow Court MBC24705 Prehistoric pottery and flint, Romano-British, medieval and post-medieval pottery found Undated FINDSPOT during trial trenching at Taplow Court

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MBC24749 Neolithic or early Bronze Age flints and antler found during evaluation trial trenching at Neolithic/ Bronze Age FINDSPOT The Nutshell MBC25053 Late Bronze Age hillfort excavated at Taplow Court Late Bronze Age HILLFORT, MULTIVALLATE HILLFORT MBC25054 Iron Age hillfort excavated at Taplow Court Early Iron Age to Middle HILLFORT, Iron Age MULTIVALLATE HILLFORT MBC25056 Mesolithic to Middle Bronze Age activity found in excavation at Taplow Court Early Mesolithic to DITCH, HOLLOW, Middle Bronze Age NATURAL FEATURE MBC25057 Two possible Late Bronze Age round-houses excavated at Taplow Court Late Bronze Age to ROUND HOUSE Middle Iron Age (DOMESTIC)?, MIDDEN? MBC25060 Entrance features such as a fence line and hornwork were excavated at Taplow hillfort Early Iron Age to Late PIT, POST HOLE, Iron Age CONSTRUCTION TRENCH?, DITCH, GULLY, GATE?, HORNWORK? MBC25061 Prehistoric to post-medieval artefacts found in trenches south of Taplow barrow Early Bronze Age to FINDSPOT, POST Modern HOLE?, PIT, FLOWER BED?, GULLY? MBC25151 Middle - Late Neolithic pit excavated along the route of the Taplow to Dorney pipeline Middle Neolithic PIT MBC25152 Late Bronze Age features found in excavation along the Taplow-Dorney pipeline Late Bronze Age to Early DITCH, PIT, POST HOLE Iron Age MBC25374 Palaeolithic tools found in 1970 Palaeolithic FINDSPOT MBC3150 Five probable Neolithic flints found at Taplow Court Neolithic FINDSPOT

MRW359 Prehistoric artefacts - Ray Park Estate, Maidenhead, Berkshire Prehistoric ARTEFACT SCATTER, FINDSPOT

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MRW7703 Antler pick from Thames near Maidenhead, Berkshire Prehistoric FINDSPOT MRW7931 Neolithic axes from River Thames at Maidenhead Bridge, Maidenhead, Berkshire Neolithic FINDSPOT MRW7938 Finds from the River Thames at Maidenhead, Berkshire Prehistoric FINDSPOT, FINDSPOT, FINDSPOT, FINDSPOT, FINDSPOT, FINDSPOT MRW7945 Prehistoric finds from River Thames at Maidenhead Bridge, Berkshire Prehistoric FINDSPOT, FINDSPOT MRW7967 Neolithic and Bronze Age finds - River Thames opposite Taplow Mill, , Berkshire Neolithic FINDSPOT, FINDSPOT MRW7990 Mesolithic findspot - River Thames at Boulters Lock, Maidenhead, Berkshire Mesolithic FINDSPOT MRW8001 Prehistoric finds from River Thames at Maidenhead, Berkshire Prehistoric FINDSPOT, FINDSPOT MRW8003 Sword and axe dredged from Thames below Maidenhead Bridge, Berkshire Prehistoric FINDSPOT, FINDSPOT MRW8005 Neolithic axe from River Thames at Maidenhead, Berkshire Neolithic FINDSPOT MRW8013 Findspot at Ray Mill, Maidenhead, Berkshire Prehistoric FINDSPOT, FINDSPOT MRW12405 Late Bronze Age spear from River Thames, Maidenhead, Berkshire Bronze Age FINDSPOT MRW12406 Bronze Age spearhead - River Thames, Maidenhead, Berkshire Bronze Age FINDSPOT MRW12408 Late Bronze Age spear from River Thames, Maidenhead, Berkshire Bronze Age FINDSPOT MRW12409 Bronze Age spear from River Thames, Maidenhead, Berkshire Bronze Age FINDSPOT MRW12410 Late Bronze Age spear from River Thames, Maidenhead, Berkshire Bronze Age FINDSPOT MRW12411 Late Bronze Age ferrule from River Thames, Maidenhead, Berkshire Bronze Age FINDSPOT MRW12412 A Bronze Age ferrule from the River Thames, Maidenhead, Berkshire Bronze Age FINDSPOT MRW12413 Prehistoric and other finds from the River Thames at Taplow, Buckinghamshire Prehistoric FINDSPOT MRW12432 Prehistoric finds from River Thames at Taplow Prehistoric FINDSPOT MRW15581 Neolithic pits and other undated features -Taplow Mill Site 1 Neolithic PIT, CROUCHED INHUMATION, PIT MRW15660 Prehistoric pit or ditch - 13 Lower Cookham Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire Prehistoric PIT?, DITCH? Prehistoric Settlement MBC11999 Late prehistoric to Romano-British farmstead and associated field system visible as Late Bronze Age to 5th DITCHED ENCLOSURE, cropmarks on aerial photos, confirmed by geophysical surveys and excavation. Century Roman TRACKWAY?,

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FARMSTEAD?, FIELD SYSTEM, BOUNDARY DITCH, BOUNDARY DITCH, TRACKWAY, WELL, PIT, PIT, POST HOLE, HEARTH?, IRON WORKING SITE, DEWPOND Roman MBC337 Bed of mortar interpreted as a floor possibly from a grange found laying a gas pipeline at 1st Century Roman to FLOOR? Ley Chequers Medieval MBC4563 Roman pottery found near Taplow Court Undated FINDSPOT MBC4613 Possible Roman settlement indicated by finds of Roman artefacts in Ten Acre Field Roman SETTLEMENT? MBC4613 Possible Roman settlement indicated by finds of Roman artefacts in Ten Acre Field Roman SETTLEMENT? MBC4613 Possible Roman settlement indicated by finds of Roman artefacts in Ten Acre Field Roman SETTLEMENT? MBC4614 Roman artefacts found in test-pits in Ten Acre Field Roman ARTEFACT SCATTER MBC4614 Roman artefacts found in test-pits in Ten Acre Field Roman ARTEFACT SCATTER MBC4614 Roman artefacts found in test-pits in Ten Acre Field Roman ARTEFACT SCATTER MBC4616 Early Roman pottery found in test-pits in Ten Acre Field Roman FINDSPOT MBC4616 Early Roman pottery found in test-pits in Ten Acre Field Roman FINDSPOT MBC4616 Early Roman pottery found in test-pits in Ten Acre Field Roman FINDSPOT MBC4617 Roman daub fragments, probably from a wall, found in test-pits in Ten Acre Field Roman FINDSPOT MBC4617 Roman daub fragments, probably from a wall, found in test-pits in Ten Acre Field Roman FINDSPOT MBC4617 Roman daub fragments, probably from a wall, found in test-pits in Ten Acre Field Roman FINDSPOT MBC4618 Roman animal bones found in test-pits in Ten Acre Field Roman FINDSPOT MBC4618 Roman animal bones found in test-pits in Ten Acre Field Roman FINDSPOT MBC4618 Roman animal bones found in test-pits in Ten Acre Field Roman FINDSPOT

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MBC4619 Roman metalwork found in test-pits in Ten Acre Field Roman FINDSPOT MBC4620 Roman ditch found in excavation in Ten Acre Field Roman DITCH MBC4621 Early Roman pottery found in excavation in Ten Acre Field Roman FINDSPOT MBC4622 Possible Roman floor found in excavation in Ten Acre Field Roman FLOOR? MBC4622 Possible Roman floor found in excavation in Ten Acre Field Roman FLOOR? MBC4622 Possible Roman floor found in excavation in Ten Acre Field Roman FLOOR? MBC5658 Early Roman pottery found in Station Pit, Taplow Roman FINDSPOT MBC5660 Roman Samian pottery sherd found in Station Pit, Taplow Roman FINDSPOT MBC5661 Roman metalwork found in Station Pit, Taplow Roman FINDSPOT MBC12152 Roman and medieval pottery sherds found at The Walnuts Roman FINDSPOT MBC25153 Roman features found in excavation along the Taplow-Dorney pipeline Roman POST HOLE, TRACKWAY, DITCH Saxon MBC4531 Barrow excavated in 1883, revealing a rich seventh century Saxon burial. 7th Century ROUND BARROW MBC4534 Saxon chambered tomb under Taplow barrow, excavated in the nineteenth century 7th Century CHAMBERED TOMB MBC4535 Saxon metalwork found under Taplow barrow, excavated in the nineteenth century Saxon FINDSPOT MBC4536 Saxon metalwork found under Taplow barrow, excavated in the nineteenth century Saxon FINDSPOT MBC4537 Saxon metalwork found under Taplow barrow, excavated in the nineteenth century Saxon FINDSPOT MBC4538 Saxon metalwork found under Taplow barrow, excavated in the nineteenth century Saxon FINDSPOT MBC4539 Saxon metalwork found under Taplow barrow, excavated in the nineteenth century Saxon FINDSPOT MBC4540 Five Saxon drinking horns found under Taplow barrow, excavated in the nineteenth Saxon FINDSPOT century MBC4541 Four Saxon cups found under Taplow barrow, excavated in the nineteenth century Saxon FINDSPOT MBC4542 Saxon lyre fragments found under Taplow barrow, excavated in the nineteenth century Saxon FINDSPOT MBC4543 30 Saxon antler gaming pieces found under Taplow barrow, excavated in the nineteenth Saxon FINDSPOT century MBC4544 Saxon Coptic bowl found under Taplow barrow, excavated in the nineteenth century Saxon FINDSPOT

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MBC4545 Saxon cauldron found under Taplow barrow, excavated in the nineteenth century Saxon FINDSPOT MBC4546 Saxon wood and iron tub found under Taplow barrow, excavated in the nineteenth Saxon FINDSPOT century MBC4547 Two Saxon buckets found under Taplow barrow, excavated in the nineteenth century Saxon FINDSPOT MBC4548 Four Saxon glass claw beakers found under Taplow barrow, excavated in the nineteenth Saxon FINDSPOT century MBC4550 Site of medieval church of St Nicholas, with possible traces of eighth or ninth century 8th Century to Post- PARISH CHURCH, predecessor indicated by parchmarks and geophysical survey. Medieval CHURCH? MBC4630 Saxon metalwork found on Boulter's Island Saxon FINDSPOT MBC7885 Possible Saxon inhumation found at Bapsey Field Early Medieval/Dark Age INHUMATION? MBC7886 Bapsey Pond, said to have been used for baptising since Saxon times 5th Century Saxon to POND Modern MBC23006 Probable Saxon burial found in hillfort entrance during excavation at Taplow Court Early Medieval/Dark Age BURIAL, EXTENDED INHUMATION, HUMAN REMAINS MBC23005 Foundation trench of a probable Saxon building found during excavation at Taplow Court Early Medieval/Dark Age POST BUILT STRUCTURE MBC24598 Saxon rubbish deposit found during excavation and trial trenching at Taplow Court 5th Century Saxon to 9th MIDDEN Century MBC25055 Evidence for Saxon reoccupation of Taplow Hillfort found in excavation at Taplow Court Early Medieval/Dark Age OCCUPATION SITE

MRW7938 Finds from the River Thames at Maidenhead, Berkshire Saxon FINDSPOT, FINDSPOT, FINDSPOT, FINDSPOT, FINDSPOT, FINDSPOT Medieval MBC3140 Documentary history of medieval and post-medieval manor of Taplow. Medieval to 18th Century MANOR MBC3141 Medieval? and early post-medieval manor house at Taplow Court, burnt down in 1616 Medieval to 17th Century MANOR HOUSE, and apparently rebuilt by 1635. MANOR HOUSE? MBC4216 Medieval metalwork found at Ray Mill Medieval FINDSPOT

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MBC4549 Documentary history of old medieval church of St Nicholas, demolished in 1828 and Medieval to 19th Century PARISH CHURCH 1852. MBC4551 Twelfth century font at St Nicholas' moved to new church 12th Century FONT MBC4552 Eleven brasses, from fourteenth to seventeenth century in date, moved from old St Medieval to 17th Century FINDSPOT Nicholas' to new church MBC4555 Medieval and post-medieval churchyard of St Nicholas, now disused. Medieval to Modern CHURCHYARD MBC4646 Medieval metalwork found in River Thames at Taplow. Medieval FINDSPOT MBC4647 Possible medieval metalwork found in River Thames at Taplow. Medieval FINDSPOT MBC4648 Possible medieval metalwork found in River Thames at Taplow. Medieval FINDSPOT MRW8034 Medieval find - River Thames, Maidenhead Medieval FINDSPOT MBC11679 Documentary references to medieval and post-medieval watermills at Taplow. Medieval to Modern CORN MILL, WATERMILL MBC11680 Medieval and post-medieval documentary references to a fulling mill at Taplow. 13th Century to 16th FULLING MILL, Century WATERMILL MBC13764 Eleventh to seventeenth century records of fishery at Taplow millpond 11th Century to 17th FISHERY Century MBC13764 Eleventh to seventeenth century records of fishery at Taplow millpond 11th Century to 17th FISHERY Century MBC13764 Eleventh to seventeenth century records of fishery at Taplow millpond 11th Century to 17th FISHERY Century MBC23225 Possible site of earlier bridge over River Thames at Maidenhead 13th Century to 18th BRIDGE Century MBC24671 Medieval and post-medieval settlement of Taplow, recorded in Domesday Book 11th Century to Modern VILL, SETTLEMENT MRW14301 Post-medieval pottery at Bridge Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire FINDSPOT MRW15735 Ray Mill, Maidenhead, Berkshire Medieval to Modern MILL MRW15752 Possible site of Old Maidenhead Bridge - Maidenhead, Berkshire Medieval BRIDGE MRW6007 A4 Bath Road at River Thames, Maidenhead, Berkshire ROAD Post-medieval

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MBC3142 Eighteenth century country house of Taplow Court, enlarged and remodelled in Tudor 18th Century to Modern COUNTRY HOUSE, style in nineteenth century, used as a school for evacuee children during Second World TELECOMMUNICATION War, then as a telecommunications research centre. Now in use as a Buddhist centre. BUILDING, SCHOOL MBC3143 Seventeenth century garden walls and gates of former kitchen garden at Taplow Court. 17th Century GARDEN WALL, GATE PIER, GATE, WALLED GARDEN, KITCHEN GARDEN MBC3144 Early nineteenth century statue dated 1804 at Taplow Court, on early eighteenth century 18th Century to 19th STATUE base. Century MBC3145 Four early eighteenth century garden urns in grounds of Taplow Court. 18th Century to 19th URN, URN Century MBC3146 Early twentieth century commemorative monument, dated 1920, in Taplow old 20th Century to Modern COMMEMORATIVE churchyard MONUMENT MBC3147 Nineteenth century gate piers at entrance to Taplow Court. 19th Century GATE PIER MBC3148 Nineteenth century dairy to Taplow Court. 19th Century DAIRY MBC3149 Late nineteenth century estate office to Taplow Court, built about 1890, now split into 19th Century to Modern ESTATE OFFICE, HOUSE two houses MBC4552 Eleven brasses, from fourteenth to seventeenth century in date, moved from old St Undated FINDSPOT Nicholas' to new church MBC4553 Chapel added to St Nicholas' church in the seventeenth century and demolished in the 17th Century to 19th CHAPEL nineteenth Century MBC4554 Seventeenth century burial vault under old St Nicholas' 17th Century VAULT MBC4556 Late eighteenth century gate piers, dated 1799, at entrance to former churchyard. 18th Century GATE PIER MBC11398 Site of Amerden Ray watermill, first mentioned in sixteenth century and shown on 16th Century to 19th WATERMILL, eighteenth and nineteenth century maps. Century WINDMILL?, CORN MILL MBC11681 18th century watermill, in use as a cotton mill, then as a papermill, and still in operation. 18th Century to Modern COTTON MILL, WATERMILL, PAPER MILL

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MBC11683 Post-medieval icehouse at edge of chalk quarry Post-Medieval ICEHOUSE MBC11693 Eighteenth and nineteenth century rectory. 18th Century to 19th VICARAGE Century MBC11694 Nineteenth century stables to Taplow Rectory. 19th Century STABLE MBC11695 Eighteenth and nineteenth century garden wall and entrance gates to Taplow Rectory. 18th Century to 19th GARDEN WALL, GATE, Century GATE PIER MBC11696 Eighteenth and nineteenth century garden walls and gates to Taplow Rectory. 18th Century to Modern GATE, GARDEN WALL, GATE PIER MBC18233 Eighteenth century country house, built 1751 and altered and extended in nineteenth 18th Century to Modern COUNTRY HOUSE, century, now in use as an hotel. HOTEL MBC18247 Twentieth century church of St Nicholas, Taplow, built 1911 in Gothic style. 20th Century PARISH CHURCH MBC18248 Seventeenth century timber-framed house called The Porches 17th Century HOUSE MBC18249 Seventeenth century timber-framed house now Wee and Rose Cott 17th Century HOUSE MBC18250 Seventeenth century timber-framed house called Old Cottage 17th Century HOUSE MBC18254 Eighteenth to nineteenth century house called Hill House 18th Century to 19th HOUSE Century MBC18255 Eighteenth century house called Elibank House 18th Century HOUSE MBC18256 Eighteenth century garden wall and entrance gates to Elibank House. 18th Century GARDEN WALL, GATE PIER MBC18257 Twentieth century telephone box on Rectory Road, designed 1935. 20th Century TELEPHONE BOX MBC18258 Early nineteenth century farmhouse called Rectory Farm 19th Century FARMHOUSE MBC18259 Pair of eighteenth century cottages called The Cottage and Farm View 18th Century HOUSE MBC18260 Railway bridge built in 1838 by . 19th Century BRIDGE MBC20345 Pleasure ground laid out around a now demolished house called Berry Hill between 19th Century GARDEN 1856-60 MBC20345 Pleasure ground laid out around a now demolished house called Berry Hill between 19th Century GARDEN 1856-60 MBC20345 Pleasure ground laid out around a now demolished house called Berry Hill between 19th Century GARDEN

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1856-60 MBC20345 Pleasure ground laid out around a now demolished house called Berry Hill between 19th Century GARDEN 1856-60 MBC20436 Early eighteenth century gardens and park at Taplow Court, with nineteenth century 17th Century to 19th FORMAL GARDEN, formal gardens Century LANDSCAPE PARK, WALLED GARDEN, PLEASANCE MBC22073 Small nineteenth and twentieth century gardens at Taplow Rectory 19th Century to 21st GARDEN, TREE Century AVENUE MBC22075 Eighteenth century landscaped garden by Repton at Taplow House Hotel, altered about 18th Century to 19th FORMAL GARDEN, 1800 Century WOODLAND GARDEN, WALLED GARDEN MBC22077 Nineteenth century landscaped gardens at Amerden Grove 19th Century to 21st WOODLAND GARDEN, Century ORNAMENTAL LAKE, ORNAMENTAL POND MBC22995 Icehouse at Taplow Court, probably built between 1875-82, but thought to have been 19th Century ICEHOUSE demolished for the Windsor-Eton flood alleviation scheme MBC24254 Site of former quarry shown on nineteenth to twentieth century maps near Glen Island 19th Century to Modern QUARRY MBC24271 Site of former pit shown on nineteenth century maps west of Amerden Ponds 19th Century EXTRACTIVE PIT MBC24622 Great Western Railway designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel and built in stages 19th Century RAILWAY between 1835 and 1841. MBC24703 Foundations of probable early nineteenth century laboratory found during trial 19th Century LABORATORY trenching. MBC24853 Undated cropmark seen on vertical aerial photos south of Taplow Paper Mills and 19th Century HENGE?, WATER identified as a possible henge or former watercourse. CHANNEL? MBC25794 18th to 19th C Milestone on A4 in Taplow west of railway bridge 18th Century to 19th MILESTONE Century MBC25807 Nineteenth century villa now used as offices for Taplow Mill. 19th Century VILLA MBC25808 Nineteenth century villa built 1896, originally known as Millstream, now associated with 19th Century VILLA

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the Taplow Mill complex. MBC25809 Site of Orkney Arms Hotel, also known as Skindles Hotel 18th Century to 19th HOTEL Century MBC26542 Grade II C17, red brick walls around the site of the Old Parish Church. 17th Century WALL MBC33009 Cottage ornée (probably a former lodge). 18th Century to COTTAGE HOME Unknown MBC33010 a detached regency style cottage 19th Century to COTTAGE HOME Unknown MBC33011 former lodge to taplow house. Painted white and modernised but with fishscale 18th Century to LODGE rooftiles. Unknown MBC33012 a former lodge to taplow house 18th Century to LODGE Unknown MBC33016 a lodge with red brick, clay tiled roof with several half-timbereed gables. 19th Century to LODGE Unknown MBC33017 Recent Lutyens style house - brown brick and clay tiled roof. 19th Century to HOUSE Unknown MBC33035 used to be known as the knowle, it is a large red brick, half timbered house on an 19th Century to HOUSE elevated position. Unknown MBC33036 positioned next to the church, made of red brick and a clay tiled roof with a date stone 19th Century to HOUSE 1868 Unknown MBC33037 late 19th centuary house. 19th Century HOUSE MBC33038 former shop, adds historical value by retraining it's shop window. 19th Century SHOP MBC33040 half timbered, the southern elevation can be seen form the street 19th Century to LODGE Unknown MBC33041 white painted cottage which completes the group at the northern end of the highstreet 19th Century COTTAGE HOME MBC33044 white painted cottage in pominent position at village entrance 19th Century to COTTAGE HOME Unknown MBC33046 a landmark building dated 1883, ornate with red brick and clay tiles 19th Century to HOUSE Unknown

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MBC33581 20th Century HOUSE MBC33582 One of two survivors built around 1890. 19th Century to 21st HOUSE, HOTEL, Century TRAINING CENTRE MBC33583 One of two survivors built around 1890. 20th Century HOUSE MBC33584 Large and ornate landmark building on corner of Bath Road and Ellington Road built in 20th Century HOUSE about 1900. MBC33585 A group of 3 houses of a simular style, built around 1900. 20th Century HOUSE MBC33585 A group of 3 houses of a simular style, built around 1900. 20th Century HOUSE MBC33585 A group of 3 houses of a simular style, built around 1900. 20th Century HOUSE MBC33586 2 semi-detached houses of a simular style, built around 1900. 20th Century HOUSE MBC33586 2 semi-detached houses of a simular style, built around 1900. 20th Century HOUSE MBC33587 Single house of a simular style, built around 1900. 20th Century HOUSE MBC33588 pair of semi-detached houses, plain, built around 1900. 20th Century HOUSE MBC33588 pair of semi-detached houses, plain, built around 1900. 20th Century HOUSE MBC33588 pair of semi-detached houses, plain, built around 1900. 20th Century HOUSE MBC33588 pair of semi-detached houses, plain, built around 1900. 20th Century HOUSE MBC33590 Symmetrical house built probably 1890s. 19th Century HOUSE MBC33591 Single house built around 1900. 20th Century HOUSE MBC33592 Pair semi-detached houses and two single houses, built around 1900. 20th Century HOUSE MBC33592 Pair semi-detached houses and two single houses, built around 1900. 20th Century HOUSE MBC33592 Pair semi-detached houses and two single houses, built around 1900. 20th Century HOUSE MBC33592 Pair semi-detached houses and two single houses, built around 1900. 20th Century HOUSE MBC33592 Pair semi-detached houses and two single houses, built around 1900. 20th Century HOUSE MBC33593 Two single houses, simular style, built in the 1890s. 19th Century HOUSE MBC33593 Two single houses, simular style, built in the 1890s. 19th Century HOUSE MBC33594 Stable built in 1880, converted to garage. 19th Century STABLE, GARAGE MBC33596 House built in early 19th century and extended in 1869. 19th Century BUILDING

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MBC33597 Boathouse built in the 19th Century, converted to office. 19th Century to Modern BUILDING, OFFICE MBC33599 Landmark building, built, probably late 19th Century. 19th Century BUILDING MBC33601 3 single houses built in 1893. 19th Century BUILDING MBC33601 3 single houses built in 1893. 19th Century BUILDING MBC33601 3 single houses built in 1893. 19th Century BUILDING MBC33602 Hotel, built probably in the mid 19th Century, with later extensions and alterations. 19th Century HOTEL MBC33603 12 Asymmetrical houses built during the 20th Century. 20th Century BUILDING MBC33603 12 Asymmetrical houses built during the 20th Century. 20th Century BUILDING MBC33603 12 Asymmetrical houses built during the 20th Century. 20th Century BUILDING MBC33603 12 Asymmetrical houses built during the 20th Century. 20th Century BUILDING MBC33603 12 Asymmetrical houses built during the 20th Century. 20th Century BUILDING MBC33603 12 Asymmetrical houses built during the 20th Century. 20th Century BUILDING MBC33603 12 Asymmetrical houses built during the 20th Century. 20th Century BUILDING MBC33603 12 Asymmetrical houses built during the 20th Century. 20th Century BUILDING MBC33603 12 Asymmetrical houses built during the 20th Century. 20th Century BUILDING MBC33603 12 Asymmetrical houses built during the 20th Century. 20th Century BUILDING MBC33603 12 Asymmetrical houses built during the 20th Century. 20th Century BUILDING MBC33603 12 Asymmetrical houses built during the 20th Century. 20th Century BUILDING MBC33603 12 Asymmetrical houses built during the 20th Century. 20th Century BUILDING MBC33604 Single house later divided into 3, built in the 19th Century. 19th Century BUILDING MBC33605 Single house built in the 19th Century. 19th Century BUILDING MBC33610 group of 4 houses built in 1900. 20th Century BUILDING MBC33610 group of 4 houses built in 1900. 20th Century BUILDING MBC33610 group of 4 houses built in 1900. 20th Century BUILDING MBC33610 group of 4 houses built in 1900. 20th Century BUILDING MBC33611 Entrance lodge to Millstream probably built in late 19th Century and now in use as 19th Century HOUSE, GATE LODGE

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house. MBC33612 Formally the lodge to Mill Island House, now is a cottage. 19th Century to Modern HOUSE?, GATE LODGE

MRW6008 Milestone - London 25 miles, Bath Road, Taplow Undated MILESTONE MRW6034 Taplow Station to Maidenhead Station, Maidenhead, Berkshire 19th Century RAILWAY Post-medieval Parks and Gardens MBC20436 Early eighteenth century gardens and park at Taplow Court, with nineteenth century 17th Century to 19th FORMAL GARDEN, formal gardens Century LANDSCAPE PARK, WALLED GARDEN, PLEASANCE Modern MBC33015 award winning span develoment of 24 houses Modern to Unknown HOUSE MBC33015 award winning span develoment of 24 houses Modern to Unknown HOUSE MBC33015 award winning span develoment of 24 houses Modern to Unknown HOUSE MBC33015 award winning span develoment of 24 houses Modern to Unknown HOUSE MBC33015 award winning span develoment of 24 houses Modern to Unknown HOUSE MBC33015 award winning span develoment of 24 houses Modern to Unknown HOUSE MBC33239 Stained glass window in St.Nicholas church, Taplow to commemorate death of Maj. Modern WAR MEMORIAL H.C.Johnson MBC33240 Sculpture commemoration the death of brothers J.H.F. Grenfell and G.W.Grenfell in Modern WAR MEMORIAL 1915 MBC33355 A memorial screen with image of Christ and attached plaque. Modern WAR MEMORIAL, PLAQUE MBC33589 Asemetric house built in the 1920s. Modern HOUSE MBC33595 Former Power House, built in the 1930s. Modern BUILDING Undated MBC4566 Human remains and deer bones of unknown date found in peat near Orkney Cottage Undated INHUMATION?

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MBC4567 Human remains and deer bones of unknown date found near Orkney Cottage Undated FINDSPOT MBC4631 Artefacts found in the River Thames at Taplow Undated FINDSPOT MBC6660 Undated FINDSPOT MBC6661 Quantity - 2 Undated FINDSPOT MBC14421 Quantity - 1 Undated FINDSPOT MBC33013 the former queens's head public house. Undated PUBLIC HOUSE MBC33014 formaly one house however it has been altered. Undated HOUSE MBC33045 black weatherboarded outbuilding presumably a relic from the former taplow priory. Undated OUTBUILDING

MRW8033 Loomweight from River Thames at Maidenhead, Berkshire FINDSPOT MRM16423 Town Moor, Maidenhead, Berkshire MARSH Archaeological investigations ERW142 13 Lower Cookham Road, Maidenhead Event - Intervention ERM475 Bridge Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire Event - Interpretation ERM611 10 Longworth Drive, Maidenhead, Berkshire Event - Intervention

Designated Heritage Assets

List Entry Name Grade NGR Listed Buildings 1117586 RAY LODGE II SU 89839 81446 1117619 MAIDENHEAD BRIDGE I SU 90145 81356 1117620 OLDFIELD LODGE II* SU 89946 81291 1117625 FOOTBRIDGE 50 METRES SOUTH OF OLDFIELD TO GUARDS CLUB ISLAND II SU 90125 81134 1124362 WALLS OF THE OLD PARISH CHURCH OF ST NICHOLAS II SU 90587 82184 1124363 GRENFELL MEMORIAL SOUTH OF OLD CHURCHYARD, TAPLOW COURT II SU 90627 82138

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1319352 LODGE ADJOINING AND SOUTH OF OLDFIELD II SU 90068 81180 1332403 THE PORCHES II SU 91166 82317 1332734 TAPLOW HOUSE HOTEL II SU 90909 81918 1332735 STATUE IN FORECOURT OF TAPLOW COURT II SU 90662 82223 1392491 GLEN ISLAND HOUSE II SU 90350 82154 1410953 Dumb Bell Bridge (MLN12263) II SU9101781208 Scheduled Monuments 1014781 Saxon barrow, church and cemeteries in the old churchyard at Taplow Court SU 90628 82169 Registered Parks and Gardens 1000135 BERRY HILL II SU 90718 81599 1000607 TAPLOW COURT Conservation Areas Maidenhead Riverside Taplow Riverside Taplow Archaeological Notification Areas SMR No. Description 0080360000 Old Maidenhead road bridge medieval/ post-medieval bridge 0009500000 Bronze Age finds/ Iron Age bloomery? 0154800000 human burial undated 0156100000 Palaeolithic and Roman finds 0191000000 Palaeolithic Deposits 0191201000 0191000000 Palaeolithic Deposits 0191201000 0598100000 Berry Hill 0548000000 Iron Age finds

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0632100000 Hillfort & Saxon Burial Mound etc 0103402000 0934900000 Great Western Railway

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