Vol 7 Issue 38 2014

Reviews, Reviews, Reviews!

What will be, might be and could in genre TV?

Fans speak about fandom!

You want your geek cake and eat it too!

Star Trek on the WEB!

A meme for you!

Website www.genews-ezine.com GE News 7th year in publication

Star Trek Continues is a web series that brings Star Trek: TOS back to life. Kirk, Spock and McCoy and all the other old favourites once again are on a “five year mission” into a new (old) frontier! True to the original with fantastic production values, good story lines and a “Kirk” who can “Out Kirk” the original “Kirk”! We really recommend that you follow this production and enjoy the original world of Roddenberry in this new show!

For those of you that remember Star Trek of Gods and Men from Renegade Studios their latest foray into the world of Star Trek is the new movie, Star Trek Renegades. Many of the franchises alumni are taking part including, of course Tim Russ, Walter Koenig, Robert Picardo, Gary Graham, Richard Herd, Manu Intiraymi and Stargate’s Corin Nemec and many more! While the movie is still in post‐production we think that you should keep your eye on the site for its release in 2014.

Star Trek New Voyages, now known as Star Trek Phase II, has been around since 2004 and is an award winning series! They have even been nominated for a Hugo award alongside shows such as Doctor Who, , and Battlestar Galactica (BTW Doctor Who, Blink won). The quality of this one is of a high standard and you will even get to see more of the Star Trek Alumni in some of the episodes.

Star Trek: Aurora, if you have been reading GE at all over the last few years you would know that this is a favourite of ours! Fully animated, written, directed, originally scored and animated by visionary Tim Vinning, Aurora is a well crafted animated film, which explore not the world of Starfleet, but the people who have been impacted by the organisation. Tim and now many others, have brought to life the universe of Star Trek and not going by the old route of men are the Captains and women are the communication officers , we follow the journey of a two women crew trying to survive in the 24th Century. STOP PRESS Episode 1 & 2 of new series “Mudd in your I”, now available!

Click on the pictures to go to the sites and download episodes

Website www.genews-ezine.com GE News 7th year in publication

I have always enjoyed fantasy novels and been fascinated with magical worlds, where anything is possible, somewhere to be free and safe to explore within the mind, a world so far apart from our own and a way to escape real life drama and stress. In 2008 the BBC brought out the TV series “The Adventures of Merlin”, a story of young Merlin, the famous Sorcerer from the Arthurian legends. The show follows the main characters of the Arthurian legend and gives the legends a new life of their own. I was determined to watch this series as it seemed something I would like, with adventure and magic, without too much blood and violence. I wasn’t wrong and soon fell in love with the show.

The thing that drew me to the show was more than the magical world it provided, the characters were fun and diverse and the special friendships between them were fun to watch develop. Merlin and Arthur’s relationship was a defining aspect of the show, Merlin is Prince Arthur’s manservant and it is his destiny to protect him whilst they build a better future for those with and without magic. Merlin never treats Arthur in a respectful bootlicking manner normally expected of a servant and they slowly grow from an unlikely friendship into a brotherly love. Both of the actors portraying the characters worked well together and captures your eye as you watch the two interact. The underlining secret that Merlin has magic keeps you on the edge of the seat waiting for the day when it is revealed and for him to take his place beside Arthur. As the show progressed you waited in anticipated excitement for the show to catch up to the well‐known Arthurian Legends and you never know what to expect or how these would occur, always twisting them in an unusual ways. The waiting for Arthur to become king, with Guinevere by his side, Lancelot as he betrays his king and falls in love with Guinevere, the rise of Camelot (Albion) and all the Knights of the Round Table stand for, the spiral downwards of Morgana as she loses her way consumed by hate. The show provides a great escape for of all ages, with the character relationships, the bonding of friends with the noble quality of sacrifice for one another, the adventure and action all with a good dose of humour. The actors that were chosen are not only engaging, but they provide some of the best eye candy there is from muscly Knights with large arms to sweet and seductive ladies. These are only some of the reasons why I enjoy the BBC's Merlin. Through my passion and love of the show, I have been involved in activities I never thought possible, by becoming engaged in the stories has opened to me a world of creativity and friendship.

I have joined other enthusiasts with a love for the show through online sites that are dedicated to the love of Merlin. One website called the Heart of Camelot (http://theheartofcamelot.com/) has been a great source of friendships and support. I have become involved in making computer graphics in tribute for the characters on the show, I didn’t even know what I was doing in the beginning and hadn’t even considered attempting something like that (below, is an example of one such piece).

It may seem silly, but a big motivation for me to lose weight now is so that I can feel confident enough to dress up as a character for a convention. I have already learnt to sew, something I had no knowledge of how to do, and have made a cloak based on Morgana’s costume in the show. This has provided me with a skill I can use in normal day life as well as a fun hobby. I fell in love with creative writing through fan‐fiction stories and I enjoy writing and exploring aspects of the characters or events that might have been or were not shown in the show, this has given me a motivation to improve my skills and perhaps one day write my own story. (check out a short story below, about what could have been). I know that many of you would say that it’s just a TV show, and that it means little. For those who share a passion for a particular fandom understand that it never is just a TV show or movie, and it will continue to live on in our hearts long after it has aired.

Website www.genews-ezine.com GE News 7th year in publication What Could Have Been

A short story that might have happened in the show if things had gone differently!

Merlin observed as Arthur searched his room. The prince was looking for any evidence of sorcery to explain the deadly plague affecting the kingdom. Merlin noticed his magic book on the floor and with a quick whispered spell, hid the contraband with a dirty shirt. Merlin watched in numb disbelief as Arthur looked under the bed and removed the clothing, revealing the incriminating book. With an expressionless glance at Merlin, Arthur flipped through the pages. “What the HELL is this?” he growled at the young man, once finished. Merlin shrugged his shoulders trying to look innocent, “Just a book Sire “. Merlin flinched as Arthur yelled “GUARDS”. Merlin just stood frozen in shock as the guards rushed in and grabbed him around the arms. “Merlin you are under arrest for crimes of sorcery” Arthur calmly stated. “No!” Merlin finally found his voice chocking out the word. “Arthur please, I didn’t do anything. I was only trying to help”, he pleaded finally realizing that he was in a lot of trouble and the fear engulfed him. Tears rushing down the young man’s face. With a small grimace and sad eyes of his own, Arthur then swept from the room, while the guards carted Merlin towards the dungeons.

Website www.genews-ezine.com GE News 7th year in publication

Website www.genews-ezine.com GE News 7th year in publication

If you have never been to a convention before, one thing I must tell you about to help build the mental picture is the absolute plethora of lines! First, you need to line up to get in. And you need to do this early! Those news reports where the camera pans along the seemingly never‐ending line up of people (very often in costume) are very accurate. One thing about lining up for a long time and early in the day, is the possibility of sheer boredom ruining your day from the outset, before you even GET IN to the convention. But let’s not forget the absolute entertainment value of being in the line! Not only generally do you get to stand around and hang out with your friends (which can by itself be awesome) but you get to see the parade of passers‐by, often they are in costume, so you get to admire their handiwork and play guessing games with your mates as to what the character is meant to be (which then spawns a whole new conversation if it’s not something you recognise) but you also get to talk to other people in line. Wow, that can open up a whole other can of worms! But back to lines. Once you actually get in to the auditorium there is the often mad dash to the autograph and photos booth, almost without fail, situated at the opposite end of where you come in. (No running please! Oh puleez – as if...) The hazard I find with this set up is the inevitability of seeing someone you haven’t seen since the previous convention, and they want to chat – then you never end up finding them again for the next two days, or seeing something awesome at one of the stalls, convincing yourself you will remember where it was, and – inevitably – never end up finding it again for the next two days. The autograph and photo token line is a “winding” line. This year (due, I am sure to the excellent service some of the team members provided – shout out here ladies) the line moved remarkably quickly, which was fantastic. There are pros and cons to the winding line. I am sure it is a figment of my imagination but I do feel like you move faster in a winding line. You pass people constantly so you can continue a conversation (albeit from one end of the line and back). On the downside, if you though you got away from the person you didn’t want to talk to, you will invariably pass them several more times before you reach your final destination. This situation recurs with the person in line who did not count personal hygiene high on their list of things to take care of for the day. Another issue, large costumes (think a fur suit wolf or dog) and props (a trident or batleth anyone) can make a squishy, winding line a minefield to negotiate. The photo and autograph lines (usually of the winding variety) have the same pros and cons except they move far slower and have the added problems of people trying to check their hair, makeup, costume, before they get to their destination. Also if you sit on the ground while you wait you have the additional problem of what you are eye level with if the person either side of you is standing! (This can be made a far worse situation in the cases of some costumes; Wonder Woman, Red Power Ranger or a giant dog tail anyone?) Also, I have found that I am often alone in these lines because my friends don’t necessarily want their photo with, or a signature from, the same guests I do. When I was waiting for Nana Visitor, I spent 20 minutes texting a friend back and forth because I was bored to death! On the positive side though, usually the people you are lined up with are just as excited to see the guest as you are so you can have some very interesting conversations. Food stalls and exhibitor/collectable stalls are usually pretty busy, but are the sort of thing that I come across far more in my day to day life (think Adelaide Central Markets on a Saturday or a bank – well at any time really) so there isn’t any other commentary I want to make on those. So that leads me to my last big line... the panel. The panel. These lines, again, are pretty unique. As you may be able to tell from my attached photos (particularly the one with Nana Visitor), I got sunburnt this year. Now, not all panels have some under‐cover, climate controlled space, in which you can form a line. And, these lines are generally long lines! So in the instance of the Panel (of which there was one each day and included and Robin Dunne) imagine the amount of people that wanted to attend! (Bear in mind Amanda had not been to Adelaide before and also had 10 years of Stargate and one or two years of history). This panel was pretty popular. For this panel I lined up for an hour, in full sun, basically single file, along the side of the auditorium, with all of us hoping for some tiny scrap of shade or whiff of air‐conditioning. Again it was good fun as we got to swap stories and spend some time having a laugh. On the downside I could have done without the sunburn at about 10am on a Sunday morning – and I have the photos to prove it.

Website www.genews-ezine.com GE News 7th year in publication So the upshot of my article – be aware, all you happy, happy convention goers. Be it the Comic‐Con’s, the AVCon’s, the Supanova’s or the Armageddon’s, there is a fabulous time to be had by all and lines are just part and parcel of life anywhere. Comfy shoes, a

water bottle, sunscreen, friends and a snack, will help alleviate some of the pains. If all else fails, make sure you have Candy Crush loaded on your phone, I think it saved my sanity more than once!

The photo and autograph lines (usually of the winding variety) have the same pros and cons except they move far slower and have the added problems of people trying to check their hair, makeup, costume, before they get to their destination. Also if you sit on the ground while you wait you have the additional problem of what you are eye level with if the person either side of you is standing! (This can be made a far worse situation in the cases of some costumes; Wonder Woman, Red Power Ranger or a giant dog tail anyone?) Also, I have found that I am often alone in these lines because my friends don’t necessarily want their photo with, or a signature from, the same guests I do.

When I was waiting for Nana Visitor, I spent 20 minutes texting a friend back and forth because I was bored to death! On the positive side though, usually the people you are lined up with are just as excited to see the guest as you are so you can have some very interesting conversations.

Food stalls and exhibitor/collectable stalls are usually pretty busy, but are the sort of thing that I come across far more in my day to day life (think Adelaide Central Markets on a Saturday or a bank – well at any time really) so there isn’t any other commentary I want to make on those. So that leads me to my last big line... the panel. The panel. These lines, again, are pretty unique. As you may be able to tell from my attached photos (particularly the one with Nana Visitor), I got sunburnt this year.

Now, not all panels have some under‐cover, climate controlled space, in which you can form a line. And, these lines are generally long lines! So in the instance of the Sanctuary Panel (of which there was one each day and included Amanda Tapping and Robin Dunne) imagine the amount of people that wanted to attend! (Bear in mind Amanda had not been to Adelaide before and also had 10 years of Stargate and one or two years of Stargate Atlantis history). This panel was pretty popular. For this panel I lined up for an hour, in full sun, basically single file, along the side of the auditorium, with all of us hoping for some tiny scrap of shade or whiff of air‐conditioning. Again it was good fun as we got to swap stories and spend some time having a laugh. On the downside I could have done without the sunburn at about 10am on a Sunday morning – and I have the photos to prove it. So the upshot of my article – be aware, all you happy, happy convention goers. Be it the Comic‐Con’s, the AVCon’s, the Supanova’s or the Armageddon’s, there is a fabulous time to be had by all and lines are just part and parcel of life anywhere. Comfy shoes, a water bottle, sunscreen, friends and a snack, will help alleviate some of the pains. If all else fails, make sure you have Candy Crush loaded on your phone, I think it saved my sanity more than once!

Website www.genews-ezine.com GE News 7th year in publication

Original article appears on Epic Stream website

http://www.epicstream.com/list.asp? articleid=1015&id=124&name=20+Gloriously+Geeky+Wedding+Ca kes +Cakes To see more cakes click on the link!

Website www.genews-ezine.com GE News 7th year in publication NewNew AdventuresAdventures withwith thethe TenthTenth DoctorDoctor Comics!Comics! AA ReviewReview

Titan Comics have a new series of Doctor Who comics featuring the Tenth Doctor with a five‐issue arc written by Nick Abadzis, drawn by Elena Casagrande and colourist Arianna Florean.

Issue #1 ‘Evolutions of Terror’

Set in present day New York on the eve of the Mexican, Day of the Dead celebrations that also coincides with Halloween. You meet Gabriella Gonzalez, who works in her family’s Laundromat, who is also taking night classes so she can enter college. Strange things start to happen to her family, her Grandmother sees the ghost of her husband and her soon to be brother‐in law loses Í Click to his mind when he encounters what he believes is the check them devil! out!

So, where is the Doctor in all this? He is nearby with his gadget (the one that doesn’t go ‘ding’ much to his disgust) following some sort of emissions. Gabriella’s life is about to change as a train stops and a demon appears, but as always the Doctor also appears when ‘weird’ happens.

The beginning premise of the story is interesting with the aliens being more supernatural, such as the 3rd Doctor story ‘The Daemons’ than from another planet. Within the first few pages you have a very good understanding of Gabriella’s family life and the relationships within her family. This issue is a ‘Doctor light’ but I am sure that is about to change!

IssueIssue #2#2 outout soon!soon! ÄÄ

Website www.genews-ezine.com GE News 7th year in publication NewNew AdventuresAdventures withwith thethe

EleventhEleventh DoctorDoctor !! AA ReviewReview

Issue #1 of the Eleventh Doctor Adventures written by Al Ewing, Rob Williams, Artist Simon Fraser and Colourist Gary Caldwell is a whirlwind of a read! I’m not that keen on the artwork (it seems a little primitive to me) but the storyline is quick witted, face paced and an explosion of colour!

Alice Obiefune, has just lost her mother and her life seems grey and miserable. (Spoilers!!) Just like the Wizard of Oz movie the first few pages are in monotone reflecting the feelings of Alice but as soon as she meets the Doctor vivid colours hit the pages!!

Al Ewing and Rob Williams have cleverly crafted a story that just blares Matt Smith.

Í Click to check them out!

Doctor Eleven is there in front of you, spilling out many gems of his famous one‐liners.

Can you tell, I really liked this self‐contained story? I didn’t think I would, as it is a little corny, but it leaves you with such a good feeling that it’s hard not to recommend this to anyone who likes Doctor Who.

There is also a bonus story called ‘Pond Life’ that is a ‘tongue in cheek’ look at the Doctor hopping in and out of Amy and Rory’s life.

Make sure you get your copy.

NewNew AdventuresAdventures withwith thethe TwelfthTwelfth DoctorDoctor Comics!Comics! Coming SoonSoon

Website www.genews-ezine.com GE News 7th year in publication

Helen Magnus Princess Leia (Amanda Tapping – Sanctuary 2008) (Carrie Fisher ‐ Star Wars 1977) Dedicating her life to protecting the world of She was a strong individual woman who adnormals she had to face many gruelling and repeatedly thwarted Darth Vader and challenging paths. It’s a toughness of was ready to sacrifice her own life to save generosity that's unique in Doctor Helen the people of Hoth. She also paid Han Magnus. She faced countless monsters and, Solo back by rescuing him before they for the most part, befriended them. defeated the entire Empire.

Kaywinnet Lee ‘Kaylee’ Frye

(Jewel Staite – Firefly 2002)

A mechanical engineer extraordinaire she could fix just about anything. She also had a sunny disposition that made her well loved and respected by the others members of Serenity.

Sarah Connor Zoe Herriot (Lisa Hamilton ‐ Terminator 1984) (Wendy Padbury – Doctor Who 1966) Her whole life became dedicated to her son A mathematical genius from the 21st and the eventual fate that he would meet. century who was often compared to a With John Connor leading the humans after living computer she could do complex the apocalypse, the human race stood a calculations very rapidly and sent chance. Without Sarah Connor teaching him primitive computers into such a tizzy the self‐reliance, the war craft, and the with insoluble equations that they blew mental discipline required, humanity would themselves up! She could kickass when be lost. To sacrifice yourself for the future of needed and once claimed that the humanity ‐ that is tough Doctor was almost as clever as she was.as she was. Website www.genews-ezine.com GE News 7th year in publication Monster Pictures releasing UK film “BEFORE DAWN”, on 21st May 2014. If you are into zombie movies then Before Dawn will float your boat! The movie about a husband and wife off for the weekend to try and bring their relationship back on track and off they pop to a remote farmhouse in the British countryside! There is no indication of trouble as they take a long drive that for me takes a little too long! However, we get to the house and we see that the relationship is just a little far off track for them to even sleep in the same bed and there is no phone reception, of course! The wife a fitness fanatic decides to take off for a run leaving her husband behind! Out on the hills, there is someone running towards her and she stops to look at her phone because she now has reception! Suddenly she notices the runner who makes a sound I have never heard a zombie make before and hell, can he run fast! So, the chase commences and of course you know where this goes from there! Without giving more of the plot away, which, as it is a zombie movie is a bit hard! I would say that this movie has lots of contrived scenes straight from the director's handbook it does have some surprises! It all comes down to “What, would we do for the ones that we love? How far would we go?” If you like a bit of gore with a bit of philosophical thought then this movie may be for you! For me, it was interesting to see zombies represented in a different way and killing without guns as per US flicks. This movie is about an “everyman” faced with the impossible and he does not understand why!


1 GE Insomnia Aide. 2 GEs Face palm moment of “why am I subjecting myself to this?” 3 GEs OK to watch whilst doing the dishes but full attention does not make a difference. 4 GEs Not bad at all, could even watch this one again!

Monster Pictures released XAN CASSAVETES debut feature film KISS OF THE DAMNED .

Whilst this movie does not have sparkly sun loving vampires! It does have chic European vampires style of the 70s movie who are into esoteric and philosophic conversation! The movie stars are Milo Ventimiglia, (Heroes, Chosen) and French actor, Josephine de La Baume (Titanic, Mr Selfridge) as Paolo and Djuna, and my favourite character Irene, the maid, played by Ching Valdes‐Aran.

Paolo is a scriptwriter squirreled away to write a screenplay who falls for Djuna, a vampire. With immediate attraction with Djuna firstly pushing him away the attraction wins and Paolo is transformed! Along comes Mimi, Djuna’s sister! Mimi causes havoc and not only threatens the world of Djuna but vampire society! If you are into mild erotica with a bit of gore then this gritty movie deserves a place in your collection!

Website www.genews-ezine.com GE News 7th year in publication

Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997‐2001)

A series inspired by the movie Buffy the Vampire Slayer starring , Kirsty Swanson and Luke Perry (1992). It followed the exploits of a young girl (played by Sarah Michelle Gellar) who was destined to slay vampires, demons and other creatures with the help of her Jane Espenson, an American friends the “Scooby Gang” . television writer and producer has been involved with and continues to bring to the screen many iconic Sci Fi Tru Calling (2003‐2005) shows. While studying

Starred Eliza Dushku as Tru Davies, a Computer Science and university graduate who was working in the Linguistics she submitted city morgue. Corpses start talking to her several spec scripts for Star asking for help and she discovers she has Trek: The Next Generation as the ability to relive the same day again and part of a script submission prevent murders or disasters that killed program open to amateur them. (Co‐executive producer) writer as she had a passion for writing

Battlestar Galactica (2004‐2009) In 1992 she became part of the Disney Writing Fellowship Re‐imagined series of the original with a similar which led to her to work on a storyline. Cylons obliterating the 12 colonies and number of sitcoms, including what is left of humanity journeys to the fabled Dinosaurs and in 1997 she th 13 colony of Earth. However it is more dramatic joined the staff of Ellen as a and gutsy. (Co‐executive producer – wrote 5 writer and producer. episodes including the web series Battlestar Galactica: The Face of the Enemy) She decided to switch from comedy to drama and applied Dollhouse (2009‐2010) for a position at Buffy the Vampire Slayer in 1998. Jane joined Joss Whedon to be consulting Espenson took on the role of producer on Dollhouse, and wrote two of the Executive Story Editor, finally episodes. Eliza Dushku plays Echo whose life promoted to the position of and memory is wiped and becomes part of an Co‐Producer and so Jane’s organisation that assigns different tasks to its influence on the world of Sci Fi “dolls”, who then have their new memories began. erased when they complete their assignments..

Website www.genews-ezine.com GE News 7th year in publication Caprica( 2009‐2010)

A prequel spin‐off to Battlestar Galactica. Caprica tells the story of how the Cylons came into existence as well as the two families, the Graystones and Adamas whose history and circumstances leads to the breakthrough in artificial intelligence that leads to the premise of Battlestar Gallactica (Producer, wrote 2 episodes)

Jane has also written episodes for Warehouse 13 (2009‐2014) Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Angel, Firefly, Eureka, Warehouse Jane co‐creator of this show with D. Brent 13, and Game of Thrones plus she Mote has U.S. Secret Service Agents, Myka was Co‐Executive producer for 22 Bering and Pete Lattimer assigned to episodes of the Gilmore Girls!! “Warehouse 13”. This warehouse houses Jane Espenson truly a ‘Woman of strange artefacts and technology. Their Sci Fi’! job is to retrieve missing artefacts and investigate reports of new ones. The missions rarely go to plan.

Torchwood – Miracle Day (2011)

Production of the show changed from the BBC to a British‐ American co‐production and with Espenson not only the co‐ executive producer but also writer of 5 of the episodes. The story involves Captain Jack trying to find out why no one on Earth Once Upon a Time (2011‐present) can die. 2011) Currently Jane is the consulting producer and writer on Once Upon a Time, a show where the people of Once Upon a Wonderland (2013‐2014) Storybrooke are characters from fairy tales! A people cursed to live A spin‐off Once Upon a Time, this in the human world until that curse, series co‐created by Jane first put upon them by Espenson, follows stories of a Rumplestilskin , is lifted. strange land that exists on the other side of a rabbit hole told by a young girl named Alice who is from Victorian England.

Website www.genews-ezine.com GE News 7th year in publication

Could be a good year???? Check out the net for new shows

New Genre Shows 2014! Possibly, maybe, could be for 2014?

Star-Crossed (it came it went) Marvel’s Agent Carter Gotham Supernatural: Tribes? Helix Scorpion? The Last Man on Earth The Visitors? IZombie? The Flash Last Man on Earth? Scorpion Heroes: Reborn? Constantine The Strain The Odyssey The Last Ship From Dusk to Dawn The 100 Extant Wayward Pines? The Leftovers Outlander Penny Dreadful

Cancelled/Ended Sci Fi Shows in Returning Genre Shows 2014

Once Upon a Time Haven Star-Crossed Grimm Warehouse 13 Teen Wolf The Walking Dead In the Flesh Almost Human Falling Skies Continuum The Tomorrow People Supernatural Da Vinci’s Demons Revolution The Vampire Defiance Diaries Beauty and the Being Human Doctor Who Beast Once Upon a Time in Wonderland Bones Sleepy Hollow Believe True Blood Witches of East American Horror The Neighbors End Story M.A.R.V.E.L.S. Dracula Lost Girl Agents of Shield Revolution Game of Thrones Under the Dome The Tomorrow People Bates Motel Helix Arrow Salem The Originals

Website www.genews-ezine.com GE News 7th year in publication

Keep your eye out for Flaming Star Collectables for rare autographs Keep checking eBay to see what you may be missing in your collection!

Click here for eBay store

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Interviews with actors from Star Trek, Eureka, I Dream of Jeannie , Stargate SG1 and Goofy and many more Click on the link above.

Website www.genews-ezine.com GE News 7th year in publication GE News and Women Talk Sci Fi ~ Podcast Proudly Supported during publication By www.madman.com.au

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Website www.genews-ezine.com GE News 7th year in publication