Taylor Boulware a Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of The
Fascination/Frustration: Slash Fandom, Genre, and Queer Uptake Taylor Boulware A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 2017 Reading Committee: Thomas Foster, Chair Anis Bawarshi Katherine Cummings Program Authorized to Offer Degree: Department of English Fascination/Frustration: Slash Fandom, Genre, and Queer Uptake by Taylor Boulware The University of Washington, 2017 Under the Supervision of Professor Dr. Thomas Foster ABSTRACT This dissertation examines contemporary television slash fandom, in which fans write and circulate creative texts that dramatize non-canonical queer relationships between canonically heterosexual male characters. These texts contribute to the creation of global networks of affective and social relations, critique the specific corporate media texts from which they emerge, and undermine homophobic ideologies that prevent authentic queer representation in mainstream media. Intervening in dominant scholarly and popular arguments about slash fans, I maintain a rigorous distinction between the act of reading homoerotic subtexts in TV shows and writing fiction that makes that homoeroticism explicit, in every sense of the word.This emphasis on writing and the circulation of responsive, recursive texts can best be understood, I argue, through the framework of Rhetorical Genre Studies, which theorizes genres and the ways in which they are deployed, modified, and circulated as ideological and social action. I nuance the RGS concept of uptake, which names the generic dimensions of utterance and response, and define my concept of queer uptake, in which writers respond to a text in ways that refuse its generic boundaries and status, motivated by an ideological resistance to both genre and sexual normativity.
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