Secrecy Laws and Open Government in Australia REPORT REPORT 112 December 2009 This Report reflects the law as at 11 November 2009 © Commonwealth of Australia 2009 This work is copyright. You may download, display, print and reproduce this material in whole or part, subject to acknowledgement of the source, for your personal, non- commercial use or use within your organisation. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), all other rights are reserved. Requests for further authorisation should be directed by letter to the Commonwealth Copyright Administration, Copyright Law Branch, Attorney-General’s Department, Robert Garran Offices, National Circuit, Barton ACT 2600 or electronically via ISBN- 978-0-9807194-0-6 Commission Reference: ALRC Report 112 The Australian Law Reform Commission was established on 1 January 1975 by the Law Reform Commission Act 1973 (Cth) and reconstituted by the Australian Law Reform Commission Act 1996 (Cth). The office of the ALRC is at Level 25, 135 King Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000, Australia. All ALRC publications can be made available in a range of accessible formats for people with disabilities. If you require assistance, please contact the ALRC. Telephone: within Australia (02) 8238 6333 International +61 2 8238 6333 TTY: (02) 8238 6379 Facsimile: within Australia (02) 8238 6363 International +61 2 8238 6363 E-mail:
[email protected] Homepage: Printed by Ligare The Hon Robert McClelland MP Attorney-General of Australia Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 11 December 2009 Dear Attorney-General Review of Secrecy Laws On 5 August 2008, you issued terms of reference for the ALRC to undertake a comprehensive review of secrecy laws and related issues.