211 L.A. Erickson, Atlas of Endocrine Pathology, Atlas of Anatomic
Index A tumor size and weight , 174 ACC. See Adrenal cortical carcinoma (ACC) unilateral tumors , 165 ACTH. See Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) Adrenal cortical hyperplasia Acute thyroiditis , 14 autosomal dominant disorder , 159 Adenomatoid tumor description , 159 asymptomatic and identifi ed , 204 diffuse cortical cells and focal lipomatous ectopic ACTH production , 160 metaplasia , 205 enlargement , 161 spaces, small glandular , 205 pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor , 160 Adrenal cortical carcinoma (ACC) secondary hyperplasia , 160 aldosteronism , 168 zona fasciculata , 160 alveolar pattern , 169 nodular cellular and nuclear pleomorphism , 167 defi nition , 161 cystic degeneration , 171 endocrine atypia , 162 cytotoxic chemotherapy , 173 macro- and micronodules , 161, 162 description , 173 PPNAD ( see Primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical eosinophilic cells , 167, 168 disease (PPNAD)) eosinophilic cytoplasm , 170, 172, 179, 180 PRKAR1A gene , 159 feminizing/virilizing tumors , 165 Adrenal cysts histologic features , 173 CD31-immunostained sample , 156 insulin-like growth factor 2 , 173 endothelial-lined adrenal cysts , 156 keratin , 181 fi brous-walled adrenal pseudocyst , 156 lipid-rich adrenal cortical adenoma cells , 168 pheochromocytomas , 155 lipofuscin , 171 pseudocysts , 155, 156 lipomatous/myelolipomatous , 167 vague symptoms , 155 lymphoma , 177 Adrenal gland mitotic fi gures , 175 abnormalities and pathogenic processes , 147 multivariate analysis , 165 adipocytes and lymphocytes , 151 myxoid change central adrenal vein ,
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