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U02606-180618-909000000000-11-14.Pdf or(o'l (r.)ceJc o G6(og (r)'lo)aol)e oJO)locrrc(mco o!cmgmo (I)68r@ot',lom01scr6|(D 0-ojcr3lo mo.2606 18.06.20I8 nf aeorsldo, coJC B.\o pOlOOo (&1. o-n. 06, oo@1 @1 e.l o!(t)caooA (o"tcgoocogqo os,lGfiUdcooo ore.4. o@1) Plc .rDddocd "O) @ractt6,c(oolo,1('3 oO) @c .tuddirc{i cD([email protected] oJ.rrao]mcco.s]o odcq$6oo qDlcecorla ol(moraro ccrodglo oo_Jcpoora.6ro)" o6llqo s'lc@c o)l@@ oiea(,oto.ioo d'"t9t('3 os@,-($anqJo Odlca)co t4" (rndDac6m %lcqfa63o oucecoJlo ooXeo, @.Jorot6ui cDs(ooileo cocoe6(/i etc())c osa,ooqladiarlo g"rc@col4f d4ootflco; c:ocxqos goqo (r,leroroigo .Dlcdoac6rD eJ'trrdrD)6ud .rJJd6)ocdlococ; msorola) c.)9cu6iqos "Ooaoam" oion6coob6m0d G)aao6rxmlo I @O!ol G.rd.Ordioldl6trno. oDoloo.ir?ntrdi ^,.rJ jltaoo o!lcrscol1.6, ooleo, s c@c osdbow($o1Jo ed lo()oar'l4P mld@ldoam oocud,oi &Sao@:d @cs'(|)llo3do.m(d)c6rD: 6ull) po|6,)@o coco!- .rtd@cfiDo daa.r(ooc6m, 6nn) .dco$@ao oulcccolls, oolQo, Eg]caoc "Oo]t .ruddocd ol ol cqoa(l)aDd'p t.d os66oqB.aao\o .!Jdr0)ocotlo6tB@,.1loi golca)crr4f .D.ldoD,t@6roD p(drD)oo addqog6rD coc(u6,od &$(!)d dnel.raoo)cmD-. @o.td@rro6sljqgdo" qoioemrn {Bro@(')t(DCld3 rn6d6616y" porooo ojolo6rrndococ? @cxdoo,l,auidlo- qciu)6rD.n anoid,mo6|13: aul) ec arud€ocd 6rnot6coeogo).loo ***o *) @!) orddocd cD(]J.ldcocogotaro cnc8leaxo.o oolcpoocooto- c!@! ccro"slo rDcglpoloo ooJcgo.oco(oo" .Dldoacdnololcejdo.ls oo6rudco]JogtoE otdC otdr2oCoDololceldo.ls oo6,r)l.lCfiU6gl(dd dJd.6lo16o14oy' oJdolold(oioocoogpor dJd6ro1.6o'l4oledsqlo, doatTfl 66BO.D (o)Oo Ofl@l4f .uJ@roli2Cdl6)ccoc; "Jd.drol6cjtdocoo gPonqcsqQo oJloo6cosi)6olua (sDaoo]l(ruro II crgco] c.id(ootoldl6loto. on!e,s.i3 6Jtonlctrrd Go..o rrwo t ".u - lloa r ,- lrtructcd usiDrr i'IRMB Division : Thiruvananthapuram qF t4 .l Kilimannor - Iiadakkal via - Adayamon RoaJ 0/000 to 3/000 l 2 Navaikulam - Pallickal Road 2 3 7th Mile TQ Road to join 3rd Miie Vcnjaramoodu - A11inga1 5 { Kattuputlrussery - Nettayam ltoad L35 5 Sarkara - Manchadimnodu Bye Pass Road 0.78 b IDrprovemer,ts to Ayithiyoor - Balaramapuram road Km. 0/000 to 0.5 1 Providing BM and BC to Kovalam Vellar road Km. 0/000 to 0.65 8 Upgradation ofPerumkadavila - Kuunathukal road by providing 7 9 Nettirachira-Vellanad-Poovaclnl road 1l 10 Charumoodu-Awappankuzhi road 4 ll Irumba-Kachani road 1.5 Nedumangad-Kdripoor rord 3 13 Vamanapuram-Chinar roed 5.5 l4 Strengtheneirg, wideDing ard ;nrprovemenls to Kaniyapuram Puthenthoppe Road by proliding BM and BC Ch 0/000 to l/500 1.5 l5 Inprovenent to Vetturoad St.Andrc\ts Road Ch 0/000 to 0/500 BM & BC and widening the caniage way and improvements to Alathara 16 Kuzhivila Road Ch 0/000 to 3/000 3.0 Bw- lDprovenentsto Oottukuzhi Cherukode Kattaicode Road l7 5.0 18 lmorovements to Vattivoorkavu - Vettamukku road 7 19 lmprovements to Manakad Perunelli road 1..4 Division :Kollam 1 &dgetworks 2016-17. Complete renewaland BM & BCto 3.678 Nellimukku - Kureepuzha road from 0/000 to 1/800 & Thirumullavaram road - ch.0/000 to 1/878. 2 Budget works 2016-17. lmprovements to tharanicavu Road ch 0/000 3.700 to 3/700. 3 Budget works 2016 17. lmprovements to Chathannoor - 2.500 Kurungalvayal - Chenamath temple - Water tank road ch. 0/000 to 21s00. 4 2. Budget works 2016 17. lmprovements to Velichikkah T.B. Hospital 1.800 Road.{VILLAGE ROAD) 5 Budget work 2016-17. lmprovements to Chakkuvally-Sasthamnada 4.000 road from Ch. 0/000 to 4/000km. 6 1. Budget work 2016 17. lrnprovements to NedLrvathoor puthoor Road 6.450 ch.0/00 to 6/450 I Budget work 2016 17. lmprovements to Moorthikavrr-Manakkaracavu 5.200 road. Ch.0/000 to 5/200. 8 2.Budget work 2016-17. lmprovements to Vayakkal -Umlllannoor road 4"460 Ch. 0/000 to 4/460. 9 Budget work 2016-17. Improvements to Odanavattom-Valakom ro.d. 5.000 10 Budget work 2016 lT.Providing improvements to Chengamanad 12.J20 Kadakkal Road (Anchal Kurisinmoodu to Kadakkal .Ch.16/690 to 29/410 by Providing BM & BC. 11 Budget works 2016-17. Providing BM & BC to Kuruvikonam - 4.O23 Bharatheepuram road ch.5/000 to 9/023. 72 Budget wofk 2016-17. lmprovements to Kulathupuzha-samnagar- 5.000 Anakuzhymukku-Chandakavu road . 13 Budget works 2016 17. lmprovements by providing BC io 8.050 Avaneeswaram - Pathanapuram Road ch.0/000 to 8/050. 14 NABARD RIDF-XXll. 2016,17.lmprovernents to Vetrutha.a - Dalavapuram, 5.600 Pulimoottilkadavu road (from Ch 0/000 to 111600 in Chavara Constituencv.) NABARD RlDt-XX ll. 2016-17.lm provements to Eda kkid am-Kadakkode road s.000 Ch.0/000 to 5/000 in Kottarakkara Constituencv. Division : Pathanamthitta lmprovements and providiDg BM&BC with longtemr maintenance to 1 Sabarin1ala IdeDtifi ed road Plappally-Angamozhy-Chittar- 4.500 Vadasserikkara ch. 0/000 to 4/500. Imprcvenents and prcvidiDg BM&BC with longterm maintenance to 2 Sabarimala Identifi ed road Plappally-Angamozhy-Chittar- 4.400 l{ Vadasserikkara t{ ch. 4/500 to 8/900. Improvements and providing BM&BC \rith longtern naintenance to 3 Sabarimala ldentifi ed road Plappally-Angamozhy-Chittar- 4.800 Vadasserikkara ch. 8/900 tol3/700. Improvements and providing BM&tsC with longterm maintenance to Sabarimala ldentifi ed road Plappally-Angamozhy-Chitrar- 4.400 Vadasserikkam ch. l3/700 to 18/100. Improvements and prcviding BM&BC with longterm maintenance to Sabarimala Identifi ed road Plappally-ADgarrozhy-Chitiar- 5 4.000 V adasserikkara ch. I 8/ I 00 to 1 8/900 of Vadasserikkara-Ch ittar Road & ch.0/000 to 3/200 ofChittar-Angamoozhy roAd. l[, lmpfovements and providiDg BM&BC with longtenn mailltenaDce to o Sabarirnnla Identifi ed road Plappally-Angamozhy-Chittar- 4.400 Vadasserikkara ch. 3/200 to 7/600. Lnprovements and prov;dhg BM&BC with lonBterm maintenance to 7 Saba{imala Identifi ed road Plappally-Angamozhy-Ch;ttar- ,1.900 Vadasserikkara ch. 7/600 to 12l500. 1! 'i ?) I(ozhe0cherry ltrad kln I91925 Providi0g BC overlay to Mavelikkarr B.8 t l 8 lo 28/776 & htproving drairlage lacililies except Arannula Junction' 3.000 t mDrovements to M.C roud A!9944q4ql49q Dcparfileni ol Toufislr -De\'elopmerlt ol Palhtrranrthitta - Cavi - (;if'ule irr lclukki and VagamL - l hcl*od] as x lco loLrtisl 1.5 l0 Prihanrnr{hitta Dislricl in kclrr!a uir(lcf S$adesh l)a$han Schertre (Moozhi)ar tlallr ) _ Dep.rftmcnl ol lourism -Dcvel{)plIcnt ot l)athandlrdhilta Cari 'l'hekl(.rdv Vaganxrir ' - ls a L:co lotrrisl Circrriu in ldukki and t.9 ll l)athallamthit13 Dislrict in kcrala urrdcr Swadcsh D&rchan Schcnre (Pen' stock ) . Depanmer)t olTourism-Dclciopment of Pathanamdlitta Ca!i- Vaganron Thekk3d,\'ns a Ilco'fourin Ciroirrc in ldukki and Ljj 12 Parhanarnthillr Dislficl in lierala Lrn(icr Swnrilcsh Dershilll qcherlle ( qralrirlrLdl) . )cparturent ol'Toulism -DevebPment ol Pelhanatlllhilta_ Ca!i - V.gauron - l hekkad) - as a Eco fourisi Circrrrc in Idukki and 2.6i 13 ( I'athananrthii1n Disiricl iI ketala ulrder Sw,desh Dafshan Scheme Irekkiug erca KochuPrnlbsl. Depanrrent olToIrisnrl)cvelq)ficnl of PrtlMnrr thitta Ct\i - in ldLrkki and Vaganon - TheLliaLl) - is a Eco linrfisl Cifcrrle ,i. I 14 ( Palharranlhitta District irr ke|ala under S$aclcsh Darshan Scher c Kochupanba lB) . Dcparrncnt oflourisl1r -Dc!elopo\ent ofPllthll111rmthitta - Cavi - Vaganron - Thckkrdy - ns 3lco Toufist Circute in ldukki and 3.I lf, Pathana'r1hilta District in kerala trrrdc| Srladesh DaNhalr Scheme (CeYi Ilco lilufisff Ccntrc ) Pathanamthitta- Sidg"t *",k 20tO-17 lnprovements to 4.00 tb Thazhoorkadavu road 0/b00 ro 4/600 t, B"G;"tfi0Gfr-ltpt"""-"nts to Pandalam-Aranmula t1 Road 5/700 to 11/240. Division : Kottavam Work 2016-17 Providing BM and BC work to I Plan 2.0t2 Pulinchuvadu - Cherinchuvadu road providing to Fii wi* iote-tl BM and BC work 3.4 MoorhedaLlvkaw foad ,i.i.luFto pr,thuveli Tiiiafre eM und ec Anekkate 6.',l 3 Thamarakkadu Road pl,t 9.6 "I- i* '"a Rc sorl lo K RNararanan Rocd 'l 5 7/000 0.5 7 6 l(oao cl'r Kollappally Antyalam Thamarakkadu Chakkamprizha 6.9 1 0/000 ro 6/900 8 Giillav'r \c.toor r'ra clr 0 oCQlQ.ll!! ?.1 1.,i 9 L. v"ohoor road ch 41950 to 6/150 Road to 2/450 2.15 10 Buclget 2016-17 Nss t'ady Cherumakkal 0/000 lmprovements to Medical College- Maniyaparambu road cn:5/5uu- l1 5 Budgetwork 2016 17 ProvidinB BM & ECto Etiumanoor lown 11 0.6 D,,.crrh.r R^2.1 .h n/OnO to 0/600 km. BC to Adichira Mannanam Hoa0 Bu;get work 2016-17 Providing BM & 1.9 13 ch:2/000 to 3/900 km. M c Road road B|',dc"il-k ro16J Ptoviding BM & Bc to old 3.1 14 ch:2/700 to 5/800 km. to Thavalakuzhy NABARD RIDF XXll 2016 17 lmprovements 2.1 l5 r,...,-rzrl''hd,, road chr 0/00'21100 km Azheekal ilttdtrgEffidEa work to Ponkunnam 12 l6 r.,-,-,"-^^'hv l?^qd nirrici^Yi : Alanr|uzha Aroor trom cn u/uuu ro mpro\,e.Yrents to to Delinked portion of NH at 1.620 Km 1 1/620 in Aroor LAc ch 0/oo0 to 1/420 in lmprovements to to nliiii lrootluity from 1..420 Km Aroor LAC rt:IEIno zOra-rZ -rtnprovements- to Muttathipparambu Road in 4.380 Km 3 Cherthala LA Co".tllr""a"ftot ch ponior) bel!!een B";;;;t[ 2016-l" -improvemenr' to old NH !ra] 4.647 Km 4 qr/ror ^u^:1.T t^ tqt/i,10 in cherthalaLAC I own rcaos Butlget work 2016-1? Reconstruclion work ofCherthala 8.680 Km 5 KtFBll-Budget work 2016-2017 hnprovements io Uherthala- 5.950 Km 6 -, ---^*..',',^'- o^-;r" - .L n/oo0-5/950 in chefthala LAC 0.580 Km 1 Jubilee Road 0.914 Km 8 Vattappallv Road - AnavathilRoad 0.308 Km 9 Exchange Road _ 0.600 Km 10 1.900 Km 1L 12 20.560 Km 12 Ambalapuzha - Thiruvalla State Highway 1.600 Km R( lunction - KarthikappallY Rodg - .
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