Prof. Jelle Jolles

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Prof. Jelle Jolles Curriculum Vitae Prof. Jelle Jolles Department of Educational Neuroscience and LEARN! Research Institute Faculty of Psychology & Education VU University Amsterdam Van der Boechorststraat 1 1081 BT Amsterdam, the Netherlands [email protected],, Last update: 11-3-2013 Index 1. Summary, samenvatting 2. General information 2.1. Affiliation and address 4 2.2. CV: general information 4 3. Present positions and activities 2009 – 2012 3.1. Present positions 5 3.2. Present academic activities 5 3.3. Present societal activities 5 3.4. Award 5 3.5. Grants obtained 5 3.6 Memberships international societies 6 3.7. Membership national societies 6 3.8. Teaching, VU University Amsterdam 6 4. Past positions and activities 1975 – 2008 4.1. Past positions 7 4.2. Past science management in NWO and related organisations 7 4.3. Past scientific steering committees: other activities 8 4.4. Past management activities and board memberships Maastricht Univ. 8 4.5. Past committees, Maastricht University, Utrecht University 9 4.6. Past management and board memberships healtcare Maastricht 9 4.7. Past committees, health care 10 4.8. Past board membership of scientific societies 10 4.9. Past board membership of scientific journals 10 4.10. Past membership of international societies 10 4.11. Past membership of national societies 10 5. Past teaching and education and congress organization 1986 – 2008 5.1. Teaching 2005 – 2007 12 5.2. Teaching 1986 – 2004: medical students 12 5.3. Teaching 1995 – 2004: psychology students 12 5.4. Postdoctoral courses: 1986 – 2004 12 5.5. Past organization of congresses and symposia 12 Appendices 14 1. Dissertations in preparation 15 2. Dissertations finished 2009 – 2012 16 3. Disserations finished 1980 – 2008 3.1. Dissertations 2006 – 2008 17 3.2. Dissertations 2003 – 2005 17 2 3.3. Dissertations 2000 – 2002 18 3.4. Dissertations 1996 – 1999 18 3.5. Dissertations 1991 – 1994 19 3.6. Dissertations 1986 – 1990 20 3.7. Dissertation Jelle Jolles 1980 20 4. Grants obtained 1992 – 2008 4.1. Grants obtained Science Council Netherlands/NWO 2008 – 2012 21 4.2. Grants obtained from Government or third parties: 2008 – 2012 21 4.3. Grants obtained Science Council Netherlands/NWO/EU 1992 – 2008 22 4.4. Grants obtained from third parties 1995 – 2008 22 4.5. Grants obtained societal partners/industry 1992 – 2008 23 5. Scientific publications (SCI/SSCI) and books/chapters 2009 – 2012 25 6. Other publications 2009 – 2012 31 7. Contributions to journals for practitioners 2009 – 2012 (interviews and book reviews) 32 8. Contributions to popular press: newspapers and opinion journals 2009 – 2012 (interviews) 33 9. Contributions to radio and television programs 2009 – 2012 35 10. Webcomments and new media 2009 – 2012 36 11. Selected keynote lectures, seminars and workshops 2008 – 2012 38 12. Scientific publications (SCI/SSCI) and books/chapters 1976 – 2008 44 13. Other publications 1985 – 2008 71 14. Ten characteristic publications 88 15. Postdocs supervised by Jelle Jolles 90 16. Closing Remark 91 3 2. General Information 2.1. Affiliation and address Department of Educational Neuroscience Director, Centre for Brain & Learning Amsterdam LEARN! research institute VU University Faculty of Psychology & Education VU University Amsterdam Post address: Van der Boechorststraat 1, 1081 BT Amsterdam Visitors: prof. E.M. Meijerslaan 2, 1183AV, Amstelveen, Room 2B-35 T +31205983939/8859 [email protected],, 2.2. CV: general Information 1949 Born, The Hague, the Netherlands (10 April). 1968 Gymnasium, The Hague. 1972 Candidate in Chemistry. 1974 Candidate in Psychology (Utrecht). 1974 Candidate in Philosophy (‘Verkort kandidaatsexamen’, Utrecht) 1975 Doctorandus/master in Chemistry (Utrecht, Cum Laude; majors Biochemistry and Neurochemistry). 1976 Married, two children (May 1982, Feb. 1985). 1977 Doctorandus/master in Psychology (Utrecht; majors Experimental and Cognitive Psychology; Clinical/Neuropsychology; Philosophy). 1980 Ph.-D. thesis “Neuropeptides, Brain Membrane Phosphorylation and Grooming Behaviour” (Prof. W.H. Gispen and Prof. D. de Wied, promotores). 1983 Registration as Clinical Psychologist, (NIP, Neth. Inst. of Psychologists). 1985 Full Professor in Neuropsychology & Biological Psychology (Faculty of Medicine, Maastricht University, Maastricht). 1995 Professor of Biological Psychology & Neuropsychology (Faculty of Psychology, Maastricht University, Maastricht). 1999 Registration as Health Care Psychologist (NIP, Netherlands Institute of Psychologists, and BIG, Law for Professions in Individual Healthcare/Wet Beroepen Individuele Gezondheidszorg). 2005 Registration as Clinical Psychologist-BIG (NIP, Netherlands Institute of Psychologists), followed by registration as Clinical Neuropsychologist-BIG with the opening of the BIG register in 2008. 2009 Full professor of Educational Neuropsychology (Faculty of Psychology and Education, VU University Amsterdam) 4 2013 Universityprofessor Neuropsychology (VU University, Amsterdam) 2.3. CV overview scientific publications (Feb 20th, 2013) Number of refereed scientific articles (Web of Science): 501 Number of citations (Web of Science): 13646 Number of citations (Google Scolar): 13646 Hirsch Index (Web of Knowledge): 61 Hirsch Index (Google Scolar): 72 Hirsch Index divided by number of years in research: 1.9 (Web of Knowledge) of 2.3 (Google Scolar). 5 3. Present positions and activities 2009 – 2013 3.1. Present positions (2009 – 2013) 2013 Universityprofessor Neuropsychology, VU University Amsterdam 2009 – 2012. Head, department of Educational Neuroscience, Faculty of Psychology & Education, VU University Amsterdam and director, Centre for Brain & Learning Amsterdam 2009 – Present. Full professor in Brain, Behavior & Education (Educational Neuropsychology), VU University Amsterdam (faculty of Psychology & Education) 2009 – Present. Director, Brain & Learning Centre, LEARN! institute-VU, Amsterdam 3.2. Present academic activities (2009 – 2013) 2012 – Present. Member of the editorial board of the journal Trends in Neuroscience and Education (TiNE, Elsevier, prof Manfred Spitzer, chairman) 2011 Organizer of National symposium on LEARNING from a brain perspective. NWO and National Academy of Arts and Sciences KNAW, Trippenhuis Amsterdam, 18 february 2011 2011 – Present. Director of the Talentenkracht Centre (‘Curious Minds Centre) of VU University Amsterdam which is member of the Dutch consortium of Curious Minds Centres. 2010 –Secretary of the Structure committee Educational Neuropsychology of Faculty of Psychology & Education, VU University Amsterdam 2008 – Present. Member of the committee of the Interfacultary Research Institutions of VU University Amsterdam 2008 – Present. Director of the Learning Programme which is part of the National Initiative Brain & Cognition (NIHC), and Member of the National NIHC-NWO steering committee ‘Brain & Cognition in a societal perspective’ (HCMI) 3.3. Present societal activities (2009 – 2013) 2012 – Present. Member of Advisory Board of K!M foundation (Kids Interactive Museum), Amsterdam 2012 – Present. Member of Advisory Board of Atelier van licht, Amsterdam 2010 – Present. Chairman of the board of Combo Foundation, the governing board for LAKS (Landelijk Actiecommittee Scholieren) and JOB (Jongeren Bestuur MBO) 2010 – Present. Editor of Neuropsych Publishers, Amsterdam - Maastricht 2009 – Present. Organizer and presenter of numerous workshops, keynote lectures and seminars for schools, for educational professionals, for parents and for the general public on topics around ‘neuropsychological development, learning and education, brain development, excellence, learning problems in school and home settings’ 3.4. Award 2011 Societal Impact Award, VU University Amsterdam 3.5. Grants obtained from Science Council of the Netherlands (NWO) or government: 2008 – 2013) 2013 Jolles, J. Saxion University of higher vocational training. Determinants of study performance and learning motivation in first year students in higher education. Saxion University Deventer, €130.000 6 2012 Tiesinga P., (coordinatie), van Schaik, R., Kersten, M., Niessen, W., Leeuw, H. de, Vrenken, H., Jolles, J. & Kenemans, L. (participatie door J. Jolles, M. van Boxtel en S. Burgmans met de Maastricht Aging Study, MAAS). Project ‘Bioboost, E-science’, total budget 500k€ 2011 Schoot, M. van der, Vries, M. de, & Jolles J. Recipient of NWO grant from Programmaraad Onderwijs Onderzoek (PROO) ‘Leren lezen met verbeeldingskracht’ 400k€ 2011 Jolles, J. Recipient of Talentenkracht (‘Curious Minds’) grant from Ministry of Education and Platform Betatechiek ‘Talent development in science: prerequisites for learning and teaching’ 400k€ 2010 Jolles, J. Recipient of NWO program grant for ‘LEARNING’ in the course of the National Initiative Brain & Cognition, and the FES program (Fonds Economische Structuurversterking, FES) 2.4M€, (11 projects see appendix 4.1. for details) 2008 Jolles, J. Recipient of NWO grant for ‘Brain & Cognition in societal perspective’ 1.5M€, (5 projects, see appendix 4.1. for details) 3.6. Membership of International Societies (present) Federation of European Neuroscience Associations (FENS) American Psychological Association (APA) International Brain Research Organisation (IBRO) International Neuropsychological Society (INS) International Mind Brain Education Society (IMBES) European Association for the Research in Learning & Instruction
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