Patriot Press March-April 2017
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Patriot Press Page Guide News..........................................1 @LibertyPublicat Features......................................2 Entertainment..........................3-5 Center Spread............................6-7 Sports.....................................8-10 Viewpoint...................................11 Back Page..................................12 March/April 2017 Volume 23: Issue 5 6300 Independence Avenue, Bealeton, Virginia 22712 Safe Dating Experts Stress “Love Should Be Respectful.” by Savannah Johnson This year Liberty High School ~Staff Reporter ly learn from others and share positive decided to try something new by offer- pieces of those experiences with others,” ing a safe dating workshop. From Jan- Abuse said social worker Rochelle Ferguson. uary 25 until April 5 in the Eagle Room, Acts of violence, threats of violence, Students in this workshop do var- there are sessions held to teach students victim-blaming, intimidation ious activities to help us spot abusive be- about positive and non-positive relation- havior. They read scenarios and with ev- ships. Professional social workers Ro- erything that happens, and they decide if chelle Ferguson and Lauren Dracoules they would leave or stay in that situation. are the ones who are teaching this class. Tension Building Reconciliation The class gets handouts with examples Safe Dates’ primary purpose is to Tensions increase, breakdown of Excuses, apologies, denial of abuse, they can look back on. Also papers that equip individuals at the school who are en- communication survivor is fearful victim-blaming they fill out remind them what they want tering the dating arena and/or advise those and need out of a relationship. Students do who are currently in a relationship. The not just learn how they should be treated, tools students gain from this class will help they also learn how to treat their partners. them distinguish between positive and non- Calm There are little things that are considered positive relationships now and in the future. Incident is forgotten no abuse abusive that usually are not seen as wrong. “I wanted to study social work be- present, the “honeymoon” phase “I feel comfortable because ev- cause I wanted to make a difference in my erything is private and the people are sweet. community by helping oppressed individ- Plus everyone talks freely, so I do not feel uals. Social work is a dynamic profession judged,” said junior Courtny Cayton. and involves understanding the basics of a Abusive behavior typically presents in a cycle that looks like the one above. Over time, the The Safe Date Class also offers lot of interestings fields, depending on what cycle occurs more often and more frequently. Identifying this pattern can help survivors plan advice outside of the class. They have a for safety, according to Fauquier County Domestic Violence and Sexual Assualt Advocacy population you work with. Our job here is Program (FCDVSAAP), who created this graphic. 24 hour hotline that is available to anyone to help students to understand the impor- all hours of the day. They will offer advice tance of safe and healthy relationships,” or being manipulated by your partner. ever need help or just friendly advice. to anyone on the matter that is brought up, said social worker Lauren Dracoules. Abusive partners are of- They are professionals and they can of- even if you are not being abused but need Some people know the signs of ten controlling over your interaction fer appropriate advice because they have guidance on how to handle a situation. an abusive relationship such as the ob- with others, are inappropriately jeal- done this before and understand how to “One piece of advice I would vious punching, scratching, or shoving. ous, and are insulted, and/or threaten handle situations with more efficiency. give to a student not taking this class is Abuse goes deeper than just physical to leave if you do not listen to them. “I am an activist and advo- to be okay with who you are. Do not al- pain; there is also emotional abuse. The This class is here to help prevent abu- cate at heart, especially when the is- low another individual’s actions dic- difference between the two is physical sive relationships in high school and for sues center on self-empowerment and tate and/or control you,” said Fergu- abuse is being hurt externally, while emo- the rest of your adult life. The class of- self-improvement. Being a social work- son. If you need advice on safe dating, tional abuse is being hurt on the inside fers people you can confide in if you er places my in a position to consistent- see a guidance counselor at Liberty. Students Support Feminine Product Drive for Local Shelter by Michael Carrick, Cassandra Keaton, Cedia Lewis, Alexus Wade In March, the Women In History ~Contributing Writers from Women in History Class ilies have the added worry of not being class here at Liberty embarked on a mission ucts as a necessity, with about ten million tion like this,wouldn’t you want to help? able to afford feminine products and our to assist the local homeless shelter. The dollars in tax revenue being generated in To combat this problem, the Wom- class decided that this drive would be a Fauquier Family Shelter serves anywhere just the state of New York in a single year. en in History class set up a friendly compe- good way to help with that,” said Wom- from 200 to 250 people a year, over half of Most shelters need these products tition between departments in the school to en’s History teacher Mrs. Majerowicz. which are single mothers and their children. because these items are necessary for the see who could bring in the most feminine “This drive spreads aware- These women encounter the ob- women, but they are so expensive, and products to donate for the local shelter. ness because women are forgotten stacle of their monthly menstrual cycle, thus not often donated. Often people think “I think this is a good cause be- about, as well as their needs for femi- which costs a minimum of $10 dollars a about food and other basic supplies, but cause I never thought about how peo- nine products,” said senior Sara Casto. month in supplies. That is $10 dollars that forget about feminine products. It has been ple in the shelter may need feminine “I think that it is a good idea to have the drive she may need for food! Periods are cost- reported that when women cannot obtain products,” said senior Brianna Munley. because not all women have the necessi- ly, with about $260 spent in one year on fresh products, they will use inexpensive “I wanted to implement a ser- ties like we do,” said senior Alyshia Poole. basic feminine products. In the big pic- substitutions. This can cause serious inter- vice project into Women in History to If you would like to participate in ture, women will have to buy these prod- nal infections. These issues can easily be provide students with opportunities to this unique community service opportunity, ucts for approximately 450 periods in her avoided and solved by a donation of femi- take what they are learning about and just see a teacher to donate feminine prod- lifetime, so it is obviously costly. Yet, the nine products. Just think about your moth- create real world solutions. Women who ucts, or take your donation to room 211. government does not see feminine prod- er, sister, aunt, or grandmother in a posi- are struggling to provide for their fam- 2 Features March/April 2017 Awaiting a Well-Deserved Break Nike or Under Armour: by Samantha Wiener ~Staff Reporter Which Brand Rules? Spring break is a well “I plan to be go- a babysitting business, or getting a by Sarah Pender deserved time off to give the ing to Lake Anna, I usual- summer job to get some extra cash. ~Staff Reporter students a little break. After we ly go all the time over sum- Also volunteering is When you look through and lets me be flexible in it,” get back from spring break we mer and I am excited to make a great and rewarding thing to hallways of the school, you can said freshman Bailey Simpson. really have to push to finish the even more memories there,” do. If you have nothing to do, see a majority of people wearing “As a figure skater, I year off strong. So let's see what said freshman Julia Crofford. you could go volunteer your Under Armour and Nike apparel. prefer Under Armour. I just like some of our hard workers at Lib- “I plan to work on time to people who could use Nike shoes are the most worn in the way it attaches onto my skin,” erty plan to do for spring break. archery. I have some tourna- it. Ideas include helping run a the building and Under Armour said freshman Autumn Boaz. “I plan to hang out ments planned over spring break food drive or maybe helping sweatshirts are also a big hit. The Both brands can endure with some friends and make and I am excited to get bet- walk dogs at animal shelters. stocks show that Nike has always in intense training. Everyone has a some fun memories, like going ter and have more time to fo- Pool parties are always been up in the sales and beating pro and con against the two major shopping, going to the mov- cus on my sport and get better’ a ton of fun to have with close Under Armour. Both brands have brands. Nike and Under Armour ies, and going to the beach,” said freshman Jenni Leonard. friends. But switching it up you to keep up with the changing sea- have always been competitors said freshman Skylar Barrett.