Bulloch Herald
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Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 10-23-1947 Bulloch Herald Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Herald" (1947). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 3806. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/3806 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. �I Kids And Nuth Hollemall Is 'Parents Have New Stall lard Gil ·,.a1'O IlAij'I'1 "rs TO OA"L to attend the cull meet- Official Fun At Company Agcnt Here PASTOR IS NO/\V. OCI' 20 Organ Ileresleding. Party l\JJ .• 1. l{, or Community of t Jo:vnns, doer-on Tuosduy hi" week l\l1' Clt Nih - -- --- for of l to Monday evening this week child!' loflemun b cumo the Ior Bnptlst Church, unnounrcd Official nand par ugcnl Farm ill Organ nts of this week that rho income Ceorgln in ',17 Southwestern Statesboro in the the' St nndurd il Company in lito church 1 Bulloch gathered will 10 County Bulloch call u pastor on promises cum pare Iavornhly ·THE for Classified School county, Sunday, High gymnasium for two hours of having plII'chnRt'll nearly tobcr 19. He nil with Incomes cnch �Jrt�: .. fun and the agency Irorn 1\1 I', t urges members ycm' since the BULLOCH �+�t��Xt��� t��Jf;)l�1:�t�m+�, ':�X:¢�� ,CI'OY Ty- IMDICATIlD TO THE fellowship. of the church and nil oc.1 01' Bulloch County The son. Buptists in- uul bl'Cuit of WtJl1d \\lm' n, PROGRESS' HERALD wus the 1\1'lILI�'I'ER IrOO'!' GEIIM Soe IIIC Burke Turbine Inr SIIIII- community pnl'!y VOLuME VII STATESBORO A.ND St MI'. BULLOCH first in It series of a cit reet f'rom North MUIIl; Prce ITollemnn hns boon in busi COUNTY 1I0'\' '1'0 IUI.. L 1'1'. ·Inw or y-wldo Deep Wells. Only aile \ Statesboro, torlus ness In Stutesboro Georgia, October IN ONto) noun program ror Stutesboro in which Street: woodrow Avenue: for over ten Th�day, 1947 moving pnrt. The best cun 2_8, money SI years in the Number 49 lF NOT children and purcnts 01'0 Shm-pc reel; 11111 street: r�llst gusollno service, tlre --------� PLEASF:D. YOIII' �5c huy! Rocker Appliance Co" W pnrticl Maln St roet : North Mulberry rocnpplng, und taxi service. back. Ask any dl'l'Ikgisl for IIlIs Main St, St atesboro. puting. Hean St : M,·. Rotary rcet Onk North Hoflcmun states thn t Nevils STRONG fungicide. 'I'E-OL. Mndc The progrum wug worked nut SII"cl; :?:,t Mr. Wins First torowcr Jesse I onuldsun nnd with 90 nlcohol, it PEN- WANTED: Man Ior Rnwleigh recently with Ihe clty, churches, Avenue, Crescent Circle; J. R, Smith evils percent · Defeat GOt'd01\ will Dr. BI�e. hIISIn('SS in Street: Turner St root, cntinue with the DeLoach Metter E'I'I1ATE Rench s II lid kllls Frnnnuol County. schools, civic clubs nnd lndivid worklng und Lee Street, agency. Bulldogs M RE gC'I'IHS fnslct· Today at �.500 Iurnlllcs. Products sold 20 uuls cocporattng us Pal" of an In In neldit ion to Fair the the Ex I 1"RANI(LiN'S DnUG CO. vcnrs, Permanent if you H1'e a over-ull recreation program Ior agency, hibiIts On On B t rnnsnct ion involves the Livestock suucsboro, Gil. hust ler. For pnrttculars wrtte the young people of St atcsboro. NonCE TO OEII'I'OHS ANI) purchase Nevils Iidog Gridiron of all located on was awarded Dr. R. J. Score I OItEI)I'I'OHS equipment Rail community first H. DeLouch told 19-0 Rawlcigh's, opt. GA.l-l041-103A. Monday night more than 60 for + by (lO-23-'ltel prize road Street. the finest exhibit at the Statesboro And the Blue Momphls, Tenn., 01' sec Mrs. G childron from six ('"0 All Bulloch now Rotarians Monday that Devils defeat the ycurs high persons hnvlng' claims County Fair, . Mett�r IT _ (,OS'I-'-N-()-M-o-n--I,--B-u)-'-:11-'0 � 15 in at the the people In Bulloch 19 to O. Bulldogs+·-------- Willillms. S Moin. Slates school age and n number of pur ugulnst the estntc of Fnrlcy S. tlomont with progress Statesboro Air Base. The county arc host No need tn Hcc'rpl off brands the Undorslgncd. award Gil. ents at 1 was living in the farm ern Counlly In ...I boro, (10-23-3t) were he school Cone. arc 10 $75:00 in cash. greatest their Stnndnrd 111'0 high gym deceased, requested GEO. M. winning fourth a nlly longer. Brunds JOHNSTON. In farm straight game N Iiona1 Gaam WCI'C 10 the file the same 01' lose and The htstory, He praised tho in Friday \J:1d� lignin ut DO 'ALDSON Songs sling open priority, Executor of the '"VIII of \Vest Side won night Metter the Let tiS givc you lin estimllie on community Boys in Blue of fUn with all cntributions mado by the tightened their ::;MITII. Slfllesbol'o's Oldest Mens evening Ml's. Zuch persons indebt cd 10 said cs- F. S. Conc, Deceased. second place, U cash award of county Cia on lIutolllul ic heal for t' Begin grip first in the youI' home, agen s 0 fflce, Uie place East nnd Bovs Slorc. Hc Henderson und Mr. Loomis, of tate Bl'e to muke IInmedlale sel- (1l-6-6tc.) $60; and the Leefield voca t'rona 1 ag- Georgia Football GetS 55 Recrm·Is ror ell her oil or I Comrpunlty The to Association. gus-your pl'er� t he Community grlcutturo Ihe contract build the club Party teachers. 1 -1-1 '\ college, leudlng. Gum.es, under ----------------------- Won thlrd, II cash award of $50. A decided VI·:TEnANS: LCfll'11 10 fly erence Rockel' Appliance Co., W. lhe house for the tmprovcrnent was at the Fifty nve Statesboro and the direction of Futher Edwurd Clubs. FFA Club. the FHA Fo�t Heights right side of'lhe line. l-iun. Bul 1"11F:F: undel' I he G. I. Bill. Have Mllin disployed in SI.. Siaiesbom. Ga. At .. Clubs. the Home Country 'Club has been lei th� I<iciting depm·t- nlcutt loch county men have enlisted wc,'e S H. and makos 1 to Smith. played by children S. Demonslration ment yards the loft for 10 students. Don't Gym CO�C;;:I���t�!� of Ihe Blue In opening ";,�nl������:. t��hr� the constructlon Is to Devils' game fm' fh'st the local National Guard us und clubs, Farm BUl'euu, lind ull expeCted a down. ned .Inco Let �how you the fcn tures for parents ulll<o. The evening Th e nock. Portal. begin hils wait Enroll now. Bosheurs commun It y t',es 0r t)1e neglster. and Mid� Friday night as Buck .l�arrlsh Fly pa,' the �vilhin ten days. Colte T, AkinS gOI center lind the unit here began an Intensive closed when community ngcncies In the � Somers makes 25 the J{rcRky Oil Burncr, which ,'efl'eshmcnts werc dleground, with a $25 cash off some yards to IIIg Scrvlcc, Airport Phone 503�J. city-wide recreation program are award of good bools On Ihe kick- to tremendous growth of Ihls coun- Company Vidalia owarded Mettcr's 32 yard line. Ben recruiting campaign. is equipped wilh forced draft. sel'ved. each }vas offs. The Roberl proving highly successful. accord- community. the lI11empt fo,' eXlra to 10-16-10tp. The ty. contract for $221&11. poinls Nesmith hltll. enter 5 According Lieutenant-Colo This bUl'ner will you more recreation committee in afler for yards givc ing to reports from the first two touchdowns is slili nel In the negro exhibits As field M,'. Somers state weak. and the skids on Henry J. Ellis. battalion com WANTED: 100 new Laundry cus heut with less fuel churge of the community purtles the WiI- rCI>Tesentative of the that. under The the wet lIeld consumption. parllOs held to date. low bHclifield Iuds were HIli was Soulhern Liveslock favorable conditions he would helping 4 ,yards cash awards were made tOl1l£'l'S Model Loundry on the Rockel' Co., W. Main is Mr�. George Johnston, chair Community award- Joul'l1al. D,'. ench Parrish makes It a mand,r, AppliAnce The other out like n to commul1Ity party on. Mon- cd first and DeLoach has like to deliver the bunch or first down as Dan Howard. Howard Courlhouse square. SI.. Ga man; Mrs Olliff Mr .Jack pluce $50.00; Bl'ook- u complete picture clUh. ready for the quarter ends. Jerry Siaiesbol'o. Boyd. Boy Scouts. und the day evening. serving the north- let won second of lhe lI"estock occupancy, within 901 to 120 line of and Warren G. as re ------ Mrs place and induslry 01 this dllYs. play Harper lop Avcrllt, Grady Attawuy, $40.00; the drudge SECOND QUARTER FOR SALE Blue Lupine Sced. 1"On SALE: Double French eastern section of tht city and New county. John C. Lebey. of boys made the backs cruiters. They arc M iss Betty McLemore, Mrs Bus Sandridge Community won Savannah. Is look participating held at good.