The Aspinwall and Aspinall Families of Lancashire. A.D. 1189-1923

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The Aspinwall and Aspinall Families of Lancashire. A.D. 1189-1923 THE ·-ASPINWALL AND ASPIN.A.LL FAMILIES OF LANCASHIRE. A.D. 1189-1923. A COLLECTION OF FAMILY RECORDS BROUGHT TOGETHER BY HENRY OSWALD ASPINALL, M.I.E.E. EXETER: \YILLJAl\1 POLLARD & Co. LTD., BAMPFYLDE STREET- 1923. .1 A (}II .A l>tt\.1,·ci.h~.,...._ .- .... J '"-' ... 1-\~h.<'\..O½ ('J µ.'1'"" 1-\1""-H 1 •"-'"~ ... ~1.,m-- of {.\,~ C,·t:{t k £1;(\~ Afh,-ot~ # ~"-''\ ..,r>,.)o'° <1-i'(('t,,...,\(\, 67 1·~..,.,.,..._ ,,~ h.\.~ 1,,·,.\-l,. n, ~ '~':> of 1~\,).fa,\A , .... ~(,- Cc~--7 of s~g:oul,A1-o.\ H..t 1-~,,A<t:nCR. oj- k,~ "'...,wf)-o~ \-~<~ . '"r"J¢~h· '\41;:- """' .,,,,iij"'~hO'" 0J I" ""'1"-~ct ;,.,. ~ ~!-{< oJBo""'1'· ¼> U C\'-~'l\.et.Q,'-4., ;..._ t•~ OJ J..,, ~O~\' • 0 -:O'\\.-el 1J .)ll-.._g- o."1"2.~~ c~w. t.~r- \.-660. ARMORIAL BEARINGS OF ELIAS ASHMOLE, WINDSOR HERALD. PREFACE. This volume contains a collection of records, both ancient and modern, relating to various Aspinwall and Aspinall families, now brought together from many different sources for the first time. It is the outcome of an interest in the history of my own people which dates back to a holiday spent in Blackburn in 1893, during which I was introduced to the two old family Bibles described in Parts XX and XXIII, and compiled a crude pedigree from the records v:ritten in them. The interest remained a passive one until April 1910, ,,·hell a visit to t.he reading-room of the British l\luseum translated it into an active hobby, and my collection of Aspinwall and Aspinall records commenced. The hobby proved to be a fascinating one, and during the ensuing five years a large quantity of historical and genealogical information was accumulated. It was perhaps only natural that a desire to save the collection from subsequent dissipation should arise, and in January 1916 "The Aspinwall and Aspinall Families of Lan­ cashire "commenced to appear in The Genealogi"st. The first twenty­ four parts or chapters of this volume are reprinted from the articles contributed to that magazine ; the final chapter has not previously appeared in print. The records and documents introduced into this volume have been kept as nearly as possible to the style and wording of their originals, but it has been necessary to abbreviate or abstract many of them, and the originals should be referred to if fuller information is desired. The preparation of the articles as quarterly contributions to The Genealogist has been spread over a period of from six to seven years, and as the collection of further material has been continued during the same period, additional information has become available since the earlier ones were written. The pedigree at the end of Part II, for instance, though still quite accurate so far as it goes-except in the one detail corrected in Part XXV-has been considerably extended since it ap­ peared in print in 1916. But even after twelve years of research many genealogical problems still remain unsolved, and the end of the collection is not yet in sight. vi. I have to thank H. W. Forsyth Harwood, Esq., the Editor of The Genealogist, for permis.,ion to include the "Armorial Bearings of Elias Ashmole, ·wind,or lhrillcl," as the frontispiece to this volume. I further desire to thank :i\fr. Harwood for the very kindly interest he has taken in the various Parts of" The Aspinwall and Aspinall Families" during the time they were appearing in his magazine, and for many valuable hints and suggestions made in correcting the proofs. The frequent references made in the footnotes to the works of The Lancashire and Che,hire Record Society, The Historical Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, The Chctham Society, The Lancashire Parish Register Society, and other kindred Societies, will prove con­ clusively how very useful and helpful the publications of those Societies have. been. Many kindly letters conYeying item~ of useful information have reached me during the progrcs:; of 1,1y work. Some of them have already becn acknowledged in footnote~, but I should like once again to convey to the writers how much I haH appreciated their letters. Finally, I must thank l\Iiss Lucy Drucker and the ReY. W. M. Noble, of Wisto", for their assistance in transcribing a number of MSS. which are included in the volume. H. 0. ASPINALL. 18, CY!'llt;S _.\ VE~UE, CnuRc-11 E::-o, F1~n,L1:Y, Lo::-oo:s-, N". 3. vii. CONTENTS. Part. Page. I Aspinwalls of Apinwall, near Ormskirk I II Aspinwalls of Toxteth Park and Hale, near LiYerpool.. 9 III Aspinwalls of Aughton, near Ormskirk 23 Ashmalls of Amerston, co. Durham 24 Elias Ashmole, antiquary and herald 2i Aspinwalls of Skelmersdale, near Ormskirk 2tl Aspi.nwalls of Toxteth Park (conti.nned) .. 31 Aspi.nwalls of the United States of America 33 IV Aspinalls of Standen, near Clitheroe 33 V Aspinalls of Standen (continued) •Li VI Aspinalls of Standm (concluded) GI VII Aspinalls of Liverpool Es] YIII Aspinalls of Liverpool (continu<>cl) !(1(/ IX Aspinalls of LiYcrpool (continued) I J.~ X Aspino.lls of Liverpool (continued) 12· Aspinalls of Birkenhead 13:i XI Aspina!ls of Liverpool (continued) 14;, XII Aspinalls of Liverpool (continued) Ji).) Tobin Family of Lfrerpool l:i.i Aspinalls of Birkenhead (continued) ](i.C XIII Aspi.nalls of Lh·erpool and Birkenhc:,d (concluded) !(;!: XIV Aspinalls of Blackburn and N"etLer D,,rw0n 1;0 XY Aspinalls of Kethcr Darn·en IP! XYI Aspinalls of Royshaw, within Blac-klmm .. 2H• XYII A,pinalls of Roysbaw, within Blac-klrnrn (continued) 233 x,·rn Aspi.nqlJ Baptisms. Buri:tl, and l\Iarriag(•s, from Blackburn Pari&h Recisters XIX Aspin:i.lls of P.ishton. nc-cr Blackl ;,rn .. DPsrendants of l\Iile., Aspina II of the Holt, in Rish ton XX Descendants of l\Iiles Aspinall of Samksbury Descendants of ,Tohn Aspinall of Rish ton Descendants of James Aspinall of Cowell Fold, in Rishton XXI Descendants of James Aspinall (continueu) XXII Descendants of J,1mPs Aspinall (continued) XXIII Descendants of James Aspinall (continued) xxn· Descendants of James Aspinall (concluded) XX\' Aspinall, of \\"halley Aspinalli of Halifax, in YorJ.-shire Aspinall, of Reddish and Gorton, near Manchester Aspinalls of Asbt.on-under-Linc and Oldham Aspinalls of Ainsworth and Harwood, near Bury Aspinwalls of Toxteth Park and Halliwell .. Aspi.nwalls of the l'nited States of Americn Aspinwall, of Aughton and Lydiate, near Ormslcirk Some Puritan Aspinwalli Conclusion APPEKDIX.-Grant of Arms of Green and Aspinwall as Quarterings to John Blackburne, Esquire, 11th l\Iay, 1803 389 h°DEX 391 viii. PEDIGREES. Page. Aspinwall of Aspinwall. Gregson's pedigree 16 • Aspinwall of Aspinwall, Toxteth Park and Hale 20 Asbmall of Amerston, co, Durham 25 Elias Asbmole, showing his ancestors .. 28 Aspinall of Standen Hall. Whitaker's pedigree 63 Aspinall of Standen 77 Descendants of Patrick Tobin of Kirkbradden, Isle of Man, and of Liverpool 159 Descendants of James Aspinall of Liverpool 170 Descendants of Lawrence Aspinall of the Hill in Nether Darwen 346 Descendants of John Aspinall of Nether Darwen 348 Descendants of Gyles Aspinall of Nether Darwen 349 Aspinall of Royshaw, within Blackburn 350 Descendants of Miles Aspinall of the Holt, in Rish ton 353 Desrendants of the three brothers, !\files Aspinall of Samlesbury, John Aspinall of Rish ton, and James Aepinall of Cowell Fold in Rish ton 354 COATS OF ARMS. Elias Ashmole Frontispiece Aspinwall of Aspinwall. Gregson's exemplification 16 Aspinall of Standen 64 Aspinall, impaling Jee quartering Audley 121 THE ASPI:i\\YALL AKD ASPIX.ALL FAMILIES OF LAKC.ASHIRE. PART I. The abon name, are amongst the earliest of Lancashire surnames, and can be traced cnntinuousl:· from shortl:· after the Korman Conquest to the present da:·· Ko connected account of the families who haYe borne them ha, hitherto appeared in print, but the present writer hag collected a r1uantit:· of interesting: information relating to them. from which the following notes han been selected. To bring this information tor·<·' 1 .- it has heen nec~ssan- to consult some two thousand different -volm{1r . !'ecords and docume1~ts. The name A0 i i:1wall had its origin in an Anglo-Saxon place name, which ,,·hen first '!i,·en was 2.pparenth· intended to describe some natural feature. It sig1:ifies the " aspen well "-the well, or sp,ing. or source of some stream which gu~hed forth amongst the aspen trees. The locality to whi1. h the name became attached lies near or upon the boundaries of t lte ancient manors of Hurleton, Dplitherland, and Hal­ sall. and within a short distanC'e of the auiet old market town of Orms­ kirk. \Yhen the Burscoud1 Prion· wa\ founded by RolJert the son of Henry of Lathom in 11E9. the churc-h at Ormskirk wa, giYen to the Canons of St. Kir:holas as a portion of its endo,Yment ; and from the Chartular:, of the Prior~· we learn that land in .Aspinwall had been gi,·en to the clmrch at Mme earlier date still, pos~ibl~· at the time it was built. The exact date of its buildi11,Q is unknown, but a reliable authority considers it to haw been prior to the taking of the Domesda:;­ Survey. The loc-alit:· remains to-da~· as for centuries past, quiet agri­ cultural countn-. with a few houses dotted about here and there. The name A~pinall was one of several variants of Aspinwall-there is abundant evidence to corroborate this fact. It ma,· be well to note here that "Asmall" was another of these varianti. \\'hen imrnames bep:an to come into general use in Lancashire, the owners or tenant~ of quite a number of places around Ormskirk adopted the names of the lands they occ;upied as their distinctin second names, and amongst them was the tenant of Aspinwall.
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