Santa Rosa County Environmental Department

6051 Old Bagdad Highway Suite 301

Milton, Florida 32583 Date: A/4,v. 8, 2018

Dear Sir:

The undersigned agrees to furnish the item as requested by you for Santa Rosa County in your Request for Proposal and certifies that the equipment meets or exceeds the specifications called for, except as set out in "Exceptions and Conditions" and attached to this form.

Make and Model of Equipment ~''/la,- 730C ~ .£,..-vc/4 Name & Address of Company -z.i~A?f2S"(JA '7ii.cfr2L~- :z:;,,e. 2~7£2 [ef. /J,:,eHtf Rel ,?,,,,tko~ EZ ..i3SSV

48 month/6000hr lease: Articulated $ 1, 87J. •!J, month

.z I 4-.( &,,. &1dd

Company Representativ~=tS!gnature 8£()- a,s-. atJ~6 Telephone

EXCEPTIONS AND CONDITIONS: coMMENTs: Wz,1ew1i; ~✓'/,,~eds 5Peci f'tt:zlM$ .,,. ~tlt/~/.J f()UJt/t'/.et~J 6jdl,ut~s I &:.clu,~~JL ~l!)n,p<:>Aea.fs

(ho~e~G-, ~eh, "' ptPtRh Ile-ti .S~/01<:



2. I understand that a "public entity crime" as defined in Paragraph 287 .133(l)(g). Florida Statutes means a violation of any state or federal law by a person with respect to and directly related to the transaction of business with any public entity or with an agency or political subdivision of any other state or with the United States, including, but not limited to, any bid or contract for goods of services to be provided to any public entity or an agency or political subdivision of any other state or of the United States and involving antitn1st, fraud, theft, bribery, collusion, racketeering, conspiracy, or material misrepresentation.

3. I understand that "convicted" or "conviction" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1 )(b), Florida Statutes means a finding of guilt or a conviction of a public entity crime, with or without an adjudication of guil~ in any federal or state trial court of record relating to charges brought by indictment or information after July 1, 1989, as a result of a jury verdic~ non jury trial, or entry of a plea of guilty or nolo contrendrc.

4. I understand that an "affiliate" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1 )(a), Florida Statutes, means: I. A predecessor or successor of a person convicted of a public entity crime; or 2, An entity under tl1e control of any natural person who is active in the management of tl1e entity and who· has been convicted of a public entity crime. The term "affiliate" includes tl1ose officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in the management of an affiliate. The ownership by one person of shares constituting a controlling interest in another person, or a poolirrn of equipment or income among persons when not for fair market value under an arm's length agreement, shall be a prima faca case that one person controls another person. A person who knowingly enters into a joint venture with a person who has been convicted of public entity crime.

5. [ understand that a "person" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(e), Florida Statutes, means any natural person or entity organized under the laws of any state or of the United States with legal power to enter into a binding contract and which bids or appeals to bid on contracts for the provision of goods and services let by a public entity, or which otl1erwise transacts or applies to transact business with a public entity. The term "person" includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in mana,!lement of an entity.

6. Based on information and belief, the statement which I have marked below is true in relation to the entity submitting this sworn statement. (Indicate which s~ment applies.) --'~"'--·Neither the entity submitting this sworn statement, nor one or more of the officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in tnanagement of the entity, nor any affiliate of the entity have been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July I, 1989. ____ The entity submitting this sworn statement, or one or more of the officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in management of the entity, or an affiliate of the entity has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989. ____ The entity submitting tl1is sworn statement, or one or more of the officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who'lli'e active in management of the entity, or an affiliate oftl1e entity has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July I, 1989. However, tl1ere has been a subsequent proceeding before a Hearing Officer of the State of Florida, Division of Administrative Hearings and the Final Order entered by tl1e Hearing Officers determined that it was not in the public interest to place the entity submitting this sworn statement on the convicted vendor list. (ATTACH A COPY OF THE FINAL ORDER.)

Personally known ______or Pr~duced identification, P:l M~f \) t~ Notary Public- State of f-L:,(' ~ Jo., &{\\N' J l) \.\<:,tu\~ My commission expires /l)-6~ ,'90J.\ (Type of identification)

______(Printed, typed, or stamped commissioned name 0/110/ary public.) BID FORM ARTICULATED DUMP TRUCK LEASE

Santa Rosa County Environmental Department

6051 Old Bagdad Highway Suite 301

Milton, Florida 32583

Dear Sir:

The undersigned agrees to furnish the item as requested by you for Santa Rosa County in your Request for Proposal and certifies that the equipment meets or exceeds the specifications called for, except as set out in "Exceptions and Conditions" and attached to this form.

Make and Model of Equipment JOltAJ Va2G 3/0e f/1>, Name & Address of Company~ OJw'iJ~ tJz!'/Plf' 3BS WJWJJf; /11,41?J., '&11e/v,1 El- 3'J..S3f

48 month/6000hr Lease: Articulated DUMP TRUCK $ 6, 6,%. I,!.. month ~w,'th pay,,,wl- /)/ /lR,(M.e.s $ 5/o01. If! JlfiNHl.-w1~/llwl tip h1JNl- o~ Must Be Specified tk0-20 d°:!15 lkm ~ of DrduL ~~ ~Company Representative ·s· 1gnature $?5o-41{,· 02.11




and (if applicable) its Federal Employer If the entity has no FEIN, include the Social

2. I undcrs1,111d th,11 a "public entity crime" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1 )(g), Florida Statutes. means a violation of any state or federal law by a person with respect to and directly relmed to the transaction of business with any public entity or with an agency or polit1cal subdivision of any other state or with the U1111ed States, including, but not limited to. any bid or contract for goods of services to be provided to any public entity or an agency or political subdivision of any other state or of the Unit eel States and involving antitrust, fraud. theft. bribery, collusion, racketeering. conspiracy. or material misrepresentation

3 I unclers1,111d that "convicted" or "conv1ct1on" as defined in Paragraph 287 133(1 )(b). Florida Statutes. means a Iinding of guilt or a conviction of a pubhc entity crime. with or without ,111 adJud1cation or guilt. 111 any federal or state trial coun of record relating to charges brought by indictment or information ai'ter July I. 1989. as a result or a jury verdict. nonjury trial. or entry of a plea of guilty or nolo cont rend re.

4. I underst:ind that an ··,11'1iliate'' as defin ed in Paragraph 287. 133( 1)( a). Floricla Statutes, means: I. A predecessor or successor of ,1 person convicted of a public entity cnme: or 2. An entity under the control of any natural person who is active in the management of the entity and who has been convicted or a public entity crime. The tenn ..aniliate .. includes those orticers. directors. executives. panners. shareholders. employees. members, and agents who arc active in the management or an arliliate. The ownership by one person of shares constituting a controlling interest in another person, or a pooling of equipment or income among persons when not for fair market value under an arm 's length agreement. shall be a prima faca case that one person controls another person. A person who knowingly enters into a joint venture with a person who has been convicted of public entity cnme.

5. I understand that ,1.. person" as de lined in Paragraph 287.133( I )(el. Florida Statutes. means any natural person or entity orga 111 zed under the laws of any state or of the United Swtes with legal power to enter into a b111d ing contract and which bids or appeals to bid on contr..icts for the provision of goods and services let by a public entity, or wluch otherwise transacts or applies to transact business with a public entity. The tenn "person" includes those oflicers. directors. executives. par1ners. shareholders. employees. members. and agents who are active in management of an entity.

6. Bas · 011 inform,111on tind belief. the statement which I have m,1rked below 1s true in relation to the entity submitting this sworn statement. (Indicate whi atcment applies.) -~~ - Neither the entity submitting this sworn statement. nor one or more of the oflicers. directors, executi ves. panners. shareholders. c111ployecs. 111embers. or agents who are active in 111anagemen1 of the entity. nor any afliliate of the entity have been charged with and convicted of a public entity cri111e subsequent to July I. 1989. ____ The entity submitting this sworn st.itc111ent. or one or 111ore of the oflicers. directors. executives. pa11ners. shareholders, employees. 111embers. or agents who ,ire active in management of the entity. or an affiliate of the entity has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July I, 1989. ____ The entity sub111itting this sworn statement. or one or more of the oflicers. directors, executi ves. panncrs, shareholders. employees, memlrnrs. or agents who arc active in management of the entity, or an affil iate of the entity has been charged with and convicted ofa pubhc entity crime subsequent to .July I. 1989 However, there has been a subsequent proceecl111g before a Hearing Oflicer of the State of Florida. Division of Administrative Hearings and the Final Order entered by the Hearing Oflicers determined that it· was not 111 the public interest to pl,1ce the entity submitting thi s sworn state111ent on the convicted vendor list. (ATTACI I A COPY OF THE FINAL ORDER.)


,11ure) Sworn to and subscribed before 111C this _7-T-_,J.-J,___ day of Novt>tbt.,, .2_o_fd_ Person.illy known ---~✓...... ______:~~~~•·•~':'--,._ JOSHUA R SHEFFIELD :•: :•: -MY COMMISSION# GGH2288 ~ . or Produced idcn1ilication ______Notary Public - State of FL ~ , , • EXPIReS July 07 2021

My commission expires (Type ol'idc11tification) J14,& 7, 202. }'------.,

$JS htJtv R, ~htl&t.1 d (I'ri111ed, typed, or stamped commissioned rwme of1101a1J• p11blic.) SANTA ROSA COUNTY James Walters Procurement Officer PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT [email protected] 6495 Caroline Street, Suite LI Milton, Florida 32570

TO: Plan-holders

FROM: James Walters Procurement Officer

DATE: November 2, 2018

REF: ADDENDUM #1 to 1TB #19-004 Lease of Equipment Articulated Hauler PROJECT ADDENDUM # 1

This addendum is issued for the purpose of modifying and/or clarifying the original plans and specifications and is to be construed as being therein.

1. In the first paragraph of the advertisement it states the following: "The successful provider shall enter into an agreement with Santa Rosa County which will detail the equipment to be provided, lease rate, maintenance agreement and length of lease; duration of the lease is contingent on annual budgetary funding". The question is, what does the county want to see in the maintenance agreement?

Answer A specific maintenance agreement will not be required in the bid documents as long the requirements for the services at all hour intervals are stated somewhere within the lease documents or owners manuals, and the company maintains a maintenance facility and has access to parts inventory within 75 miles of Milton, FL.

This Addendum is furnished to all known prospective Proposers. Please sign and include one copy of this Addendum, with original signature, with your proposal as an acknowledgement of your having received same. You may photocopy for your records.

Sincerely, SIGNED: ~{~ COMPANY: ~r;,",ia,..,,t"' I C" . James Walters I Procurement Officer End of ADDENDUM #1

Page 1 of 1

Office: 850.983.1870 I Fax: 850.983.1860 I C,JoHNDEERE UPTIME MAINTENANCE PLANNER

Service Intervals

□ Inspect tires and check pressure □ Check cab air filters

□ Check wheel bolt torque □ Check rear camera (if equipped)

□ Check service brake disc wear □ Check windshield washer fluid level

□ Check engine air cleaner elements □ Service exhaust filter

□ Inspect serpentine belt □ Inspect cylinder seals

□ Clean cooler cores □ Drain primary fuel filter with water separator □ Drain auxiliary fuel filter with water separator (if equipped)

□ Check hydraulic system oil level

□ Check transmission oil level

□ Lubricate articulation joint, oscillation joint, and through drive bearing

□ Take engine oil sample

□ Check battery electrolyte level and terminals □ Check air intake hoses and charge air cooler tube couplings

□ Take axle oil sample o Drain and refill engine oil and replace filter □ Take transmission oil sample □ Replace fuel tank breather (if equipped with fast fill)

□ Take coolant sample □ Replace primary fuel filter with water separator

□ Take hydraulic oil sample □ Replace auxiliary fuel filter with water separator (if equipped)

□ Take diesel fuel sample □ Replace final fuel filter

□ Check park brake pad wear and lubricate linkage

□ Drain and refill axle oil □ Replace fuel tank breather

□ Clean and inspect axle breathers □ Replace diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) dosing unit filter

□ Clean axle pump suction screen (if equipped) □ Check and adjust engine valve lash

□ Drain and refill transmission oil □ Run transmission clutch calibration □ Replace transmission oil filters

□ Clean hydraulic pump case drain in-line screen □ Replace hydraulic reservoir breather □ Clean hydraulic fan drive case drain in-line screen □ Replace diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) baffle

□ Clean hydraulic system fill strainer □ Replace diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) header suction filter

□ Replace hydraulic system return filter □ Replace diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) tank breather filter

□ Drain and refill hydraulic system oil

KR46761,00016C6 -19-08SEP17-1/1

T329816X19(27JUN 18)(ENGLISH) Worldwide Construction And Forestry Division PRINTED IN U.S.A. Required Parts

Axle Oil Filter AT333901 3 3 3 3 3 Engine Oil Filter DZ101884 Primary Fuel Filter Element RE539465 Auxiliary Fuel Filter Element (if equipped) AT365869 Final Fuel Filter Element RE533910 Fast Fill Fuel Tank Breather (if equipped) T225008 Transmission Oil Filter AT468647 2 2 2 Engine Rocker Arm Cover Gasket R527884 Fuel Tank Breather H216169

Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Dosing Unit RE554498 Filter

Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Header AT484544 Suction Filter and Baffle

Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Tank Breather H216169 Filter Hydraulic System Return Filter Element AT335977 Hydraulic Reservoir Breather AM39653 Engine Air Cleaner Element-Primary T340571 As Required Engine Air Cleaner Element-Secondary T340572 As Required Cab Recirculation Air Filter AT307501 As Required Cab Fresh Air Filter AT191102 As Required

Diesel Particulate Filter RE561836 As Required (component of exhaust filter) Serpentine Belt R500090 As Required PLUS-50'"' II Engine Oil2 34.0 L 34.0 L 34.0 L 34.0 L 34.0 L TY26674 (9.0 gal) (9.0 gal) (9.0 gal) (9.0 gal) (9.0 gal) 60.0 L 60.0 L 60.0 L John Deere SYNTRAN™ Transmission TY26391 Oil2 (15.9 gal) (15.9 gal) (15.9 gal) John Deere Hydrau™ Hydraulic Oil2 113.5 L TY27367 (30.0 gal) John Deere Hy-Gard™ Oil: 2 4 Front Axle · 37.0 L 37 .0 L 37.0 L 37.0 L TY6354 (9.8 gal) (9.8 gal) (9.8 gal) (9.8 gal) 2 4 37.0 L 37.0 L 37.0 L 37.0 L Middle Axle • TY6354 (9.8 gal) (9.8 gal) (9.8 gal) (9.8 gal) 2 4 37.0 L 37.0 L 37.0 L 37.0 L Rear Axle · TY6354 (9.8 gal) (9.8 gal) (9.8 gal) (9.8 gal) John DeereCool-Gard™ II Pre-Mix 48.0 L TY26575 (12.7 gal) ,., .- • , ' •• i-.., ;;; • '"I' ., - "": -

Engine Oil AT346594 1 1 1 1 1 1 Transmission Oil AT346594 1 1 1 1 1 Hydraulic Oil AT346594 1 1 1 1 1 Axle Oil AT346594 3 3 3 3 3 Diesel Fuel AT180344 1 1 1 1 1 Engine Coolant TY26873 1 1 1 1 1 1Perform initial service once after the first 500 hours of operation. 2See operator's manual for recommended oil type and oil viscosities based on operating temperatures. 3Based on fluid analysis results, intervals may need to be adjusted for operating conditions. Consult an authorized John Deere dealer. 4 /f equipped with axle cooling, see Drain and Refill Capacities (Section 4-6) for axle oil capacity. PLUS-50 is a trademark of Deere & Company SYNTRAN is a trademarl< of Deere & Company Continued on noxt page KR46761,00016C7 -19-0BSEP17-1/2

Original Instructions. All information, illustrations and specifications COPYRIGHT © 2018 in this manual are based on the latest information available at the DEERE & COMPANY time of publication. The right is reserved to make changes at any All rights are reserved time without notice. A John Deere ILLUSTRUCTION ® Manual STANDARD WARRANTY FCR NEW JOHN OEERE CONSTRUCTION, UTILITY, AND FORESTRY PRODUCTS - US & Canada

• Construction, Forestry & Commercial Worksite Products: 12 months Full Machine Standard Warranty • Pull-Type Scrapers: 6 months Full Machine Standard Warranty • Scraper : 24 Months or 2000 Hours (whichever occurs first) Full Machine Standard Warranty • Forestry Attachments: 12 Months or 2000 Hours (which ever occurs first) Full Machine Standard Warranty I 1 • Frontier Equipment: 6 months Full Machine Standard Warranty (90 days in rental applications)! 1

The "Standard Warranty" is part of the warranty protection package available from John Deere Construction & Forestry Company (John Deere L1m1te•.I in Canada) ("John Deere") to purchasers of new John Deere products ("product"):

STANDARD Warranty is John Deere's standard new product warranty, described in this document, provided at no additional cl1arge 1,, 0 11. purchaser.

EXTENDED Warranty is a separate repair contract made available by John Deere for purchasers who wish to complement their Standard W:111;111 I ,, coverage. Complete Extended Warranty details, including coverage options and limitations, are set forth in the Application for Extended Wnrr :11111 which ts available from authorized John Deere dealers.

STRUCTURALL Warranty applies to certain structural components as listed below and as described in this document.

FACTORY-INSTALLED UNDERCARRIAGE Warranty applies to certain undercarriage components as listed below and as described 11 1 t111r document.

A. STANDARD WARRANTY - GENERAL PROVISIONS John Deere will repair or replace, at its option, any parts (except those specified below) of a new John Deere product that, as delivered tu t11, original retail purchaser(s), are defective in material or workmanship. Performance of this warranty will be free of charge for parts nM labor/labour, except as otherwise stated below. Standard Warranty applies only to purchases from John Deere and authorized John ['leerl' dealers and, except as otherwise provided in the next sentence and section L below, is extended only to the original retail purchaser of 11,e product. Remaining Standard Warranty applicable to a used John Deere product is transferred to a subsequent purchaser of the product onlv 11 the subsequent purchaser requests a transfer from an authorized John Deere dealer before the product's Standard Warranty expi res Covcr;ig,;; begins on the date of delivery of the product to the original retail purchaser. For purposes of this warranty, a product that has been rented. used for demonstration purposes for 150 or more hours, or otherwise used prior to its original retail purchase has been "used' for the total duration 01 such use. Warranty statements required by law covering engine emissions-related parts and components are found on a separate wrItt?n warranty certificate provided to the purchaser at the time of the original retail purchase.

B. WHAT IS COVERED BY STANDARD WARRANTY - All parts of a new John Deere product (except those noted in Sections D and E below) are covered during the Standard Warranty perrod s• 1 ov above.

C. EXCLUSIVE REMEDY - The repair or replacement of covered parts or components that are defective, as provided in Sections A, 8, D.2 and D.3 herein, sl,all 1, ... tll.: purchaser's exclusive remedy for any defect in the product. However, if after repeated attempts such repair or replacement fails to correct tile performance problem caused by the defect, the purchaser's sole remedy shall be a refund of the amount paid for the product (in exchange for :1 return of the product), excluding any transportation charges, license fees, taxes and insurance premiums, and less a reasonable allowance for use of the product prior to its return. In no event will the dealer, John Deere or any company affiliated with John Deere be liable for any incIdcnt:il or consequential damages, including but not limited to loss of profits, rental of substitute equipment or other commercial loss. Correction ot defects in the manner provided above shall constitute fulfillment of all liabilities of the Dealer, John Deere, or any company affiliated with John Deere to the purchaser or any other person, whether based upon contract, tort, strict liability, or otherwise. This limitation does not apply to claims for personal injury.


1. Standard Warranty does not apply to batteries, radios, tires, cameras, or to Cummins, MTU or Detroit Diesel Engines installed 111 .John Deere products, which are covered by separate written warranties. 2. Factory-Installed Undercarriage Warranty covers all non-rubberized factory-installed undercarriage wear components for 3 years or .J 000 hours after the product's original retail purchase or first rental or demonstration use prior to the fi rst retail purchase, whichever occurs frrs t (unless terminated earlier under Section F, below). In addition to the items listed in section E below, Factory-Installed Underca rr I:ig<= Warranty does not cover: failures due to wear, machine application, maintenance practices, or improper machine configuration, removal and installation labor/labour; transportation or hauling costs; unapproved parts; non-wear items; and rubberized undercarm1ge components such as rubber tracks. Warranty claims will be pro-rated based upon wear of the failed component and whether track ~hoe width is approved by John Deere. Factory-Installed Undercarriage Warranty does not apply to Scraper Tractors.

US/CAN DEERE Wa rranty Statement Ver. 3.0 Effective 19JAN2011 Page I of 3 A. EXTENDED WARRANTY • GENERAL PROVISIONS. During the selecled coveragep

Under oach coverage option, the Extended Warranty period begins when the product's corresponding Standard Warranty ends, and continues (unless lorminalod undor Secbon E below) un!JI the exp1rntJon seloctod tho face of this docum , fhu c,,~. ,,,.,. ,., 00 111 1 1 onds aft or tho specified number of months or when the machine's hour motar reaches the specified hour limitation, whichever occurs firsl

Extended Warranty Is available only through authorized John Deere dealers for John Deere products, end may bo purchased ot any time before the product's Standard warranty, ot Extondod Wommty exµ ,os, Exlondod Wu,ranty not offoctivu tmlus!i , , , ( 1 15 111 1 11 proporly comploled appticalion fo, coverage Is submitted to John Deere, (2) tho coverage charge is paid, and (J) tho applicant necaives written confirmation or Extonded Warranly from John Deere Once Exiondod Wnrranly uecomes ollocuve "'' , ,, ,. OOtigaoons hereundor e11.tand onty to lhe app6cant identified on lhe flfst page of this documonl. unless remaining coverage fs transf8fT9d to a subsequent purchasor of this product in accordance with Soction H bolow.

B. FLUID ANALYSIS REQUIREMENT AND MAINTENANCE. Fluld Analy1l1: As a condition of coverage, lhe following Extended Warranty contracts (sold on or aNer 9 June 2008) will require fluid analyS1s; E1ttonded Warranty Contracts on excava!Ol's with 100 hOl'sepower and above,

• All othOf Construction & Forestry products (including excavators under 100 horsepower) with Extendod Warranty Contracts above 5000 coverage hours. Compact Excavators, Compact Track LOJdOfs, Skid Stoo,,, Con1pact LoadOfs, Sc1,1pc, lrat:11 11 ,, •111-11 Type Scrapers are exctuded lrom this requirement

fOf .. Customor is rn$p00sible for completing hydrauNclhydrostDtic oil analysis et 500 hour intorvals for specific models and hours of coverage. lf sample froquency is not maintamed, and repairs occur, customOf will be respons1bto 20% of tho ro,i,111 co::.t r,,, 1•. •11 1 using John Doore spocifications must be submittod on Of before tho effective date of the Extonded Warranty contract ~ Malntonance: The ownor (lessee, for teased products), at his orher own expense, must maintain the product in accordance with the product's Operator's manual and. upon requost, provide adoquate reco,ds vonlyuig mamtonnnco ~ WHAT IS COVERED BY EXTENDED WARRANTY: Not ov8f'( producl component is covered by Extondod Warranty. Those components that ere covered are ~sled below. If a partiCtJlar component is not ~sled below, it is not covered by Extendod Warranty 1. Engine Only Coverage (excludes Cummins, Detroit Diesel and Hino Engines): If you purchased Engine Only Extended Waminty the following items are covered: Engine: engine ond au compononts w11tm, cyhndor head and gaskol, Et:U. ut1'(;tJ t1,i1t t-·nou•• speed-cootrol system, engine block, engine oil cooler and aftercooler. nywheol housing and gasket, front and rear engine seals, front dempor, hydraulic actuator, injection nozzles, injection pump and gasket. marnlolds and gaskot!;, 011pan ,md 11,,,·.~•. • p,ossuro/lomporaturo sonscn ond sending units, prossureflomperaturo sensors end sending uni1,-EGR system manifold, ring gear and flywheel, rockor arm covor and gasket, thormostots, ~ming goar cover, turbocharger and gaskets. wlltor pump ,md q,1 ~-t1t:.

G)owortraln Cover.ago: If you purchasod Powortrain Extondod Warranty tho engine itoms above are covered along with the following items: Engine: engine speed controls & linkagos - excavators Transm1ssioo/Axles/Hydrost..1tics uxlo(s) ;1r1d c11111,1,,11 tJ;ii• l!ii clutch housing {Bltcopt dry clutch disk), driveshatt with universal j()(nts, electronic and/or hydraulic control valves, e1tcavalor rotary manifold, Tracked Feller-Bunchor rotary manifold, final drivo, lront whool-dnve sonsors (not winng hnmoss). hydro!;1,1~, ~.,.- • ..n compooents mcludrng: propel motor, hydrostatic/hydraulic pump and related control valves powering propel and/or swing function (not dig function). hydraulic-front-wheel-drive axle and whool assembly (including dnve pump and molOI', olocl/1c conirn1 :.ol~n°' , control valvo, and divider valve), mechanical-front-wheel-drive differentiaVaxle assembly (with Its driveshafl. universal joint end control), power take off clutch housing (scraper only), pump and valve controller. rovorsor with control valve. sphttot t1m•• :.,\,ti!

motor and brake, swing goart>ox and boarings, torque converter, transfor drive, transmission. Brakes: wot park brake pinion shaft, boaring, and bearing quill (motor gmdors only), wot service brakes, wot stooong brakos and clulchos EloclncAI svri :·., 11 , rot u, stmter (scraper tractor only),

J. Powortraln plus Hydraulics Coverage: If you purchasod Powertmln plus Hydraulics Extondod Warranty, the engine end power train items above are covered along with the following hydraulic 1toms· Trnnsn11ss1on/Axles/Hydrosk1t1cs occumulatut .m,t rul.t!t'\!

rohel valves (transmission), hydraulic difforential lock valve & associated parts. Hydrau~cs: control & load holding valves, cylinder packing kits, hydraulic cyMndors, hydrauAc oil cooler, hydraulic pumps & motors & rolntod control valves. hyd1aultc rosei\, .11 1uc, 111 pm cylinder, pilot conlrols. Brakes: brake BCQJmulator (Articulated Dump Truck Only). $leering: crossover relief valve, priority valve, steering pump, stooring valves and cylinders.

4. Full Machine Covorage: If you purchased Full Machine Extended Warranty the engine, powertraln, and powertraln plus hydrauffc items above ere covorod along with the following non •powortram ,toms: (Ploaso note· Uiore ,s a S200 daducllble on ,1111w.Ji.ll,

ood non-powertrain ropa1rs when Full Coverage is purchased). Engine; engine mounts and support. engine oil lines, engine speed controls & ,nkages, filter mount fuol linos, fuel tank Dnd associatod parts. fuol translor pump & gasket 0tl t11tur tuh•• µulll•, radiator end hoses, water piping. Transmission/Axles/Hydrostatics: control rods, differential lock valve & associated parts, external oil lines, filler tubes (transmission), filtor scroons, oil coolor, sh1lt-conlrol ltnkago, sondmg units ond sonsors B,.i~, -:. i,, ....

occumulator {Non ADT), brake pump, brake valvo, pressure reducing valve, unloading valve. Electrical: alternator, gauges, indicators, instruments, S8050(S, starter, startor drive, startor solonoid, swilches, voltago rogul.ator, wiper mo101s, wumq lt.r 111:.. ,

Factory Installed /J.Jr Conditioning: accumulator, clutch, compressor, condensor, dryer, evaporator, expansion valve, heator hose, pulley, seals & gaskets, temperature control programmer. Othor: buckot ~nkages, ctrclo dnve gea,box, dump body (AO J r·!~) r,1.. i Ian dnve, motOI' grador drclo, scarifior & ripper linkages, factory installed winch (skiddors only). Steering: axles, secondary steering system components, spindles & supports, steering lmkage, tie rod & tie rod ends Structuros· mm. arucu~ilK.lll 1011111 , l :,in ., bushings), bin lrame, boom, car body, C-frame, circle frame, dipperstick, draft fremo, engine frame, equipment frame, forlllift mast & frame, grapple arch and grapple boom, loador ann, loador framo. mainframe, moldbomd fitt arm. rotlovu, piol1.,-ct1,111 tnK'"''' (ROPS), side frame, swing frame, trade. frame, X-frame, 2-bar, Pneumatic Components (ADT onty): airline hoses & lines & fil1ings, air components of brake systems, four way protection valvo. unloading valvo

D. ITEMS NOT COVERED. John Deere is not responsible for the following: 1 P.airts/Kits nol ordomd on machine and fnstalled aftermarket are not covered by the machine's Standard Warranty Of Extended Warranty. These parts will be covered by any applicablo parts warro,11y 2, Attachments installod mo excluded from any Extonded Warranty purchasod for the machine • i.e. Winch not installed at factory. J. Factory installed forestry attachmenlS such as foiling heads, saw heads, harvesters. deUmbers and aU Waratah attachmeota do not qualify for Exlended Wananly. 4. Batteries, hoses, radios, tires, Cummins or Detroit Diesel engines, JDlink/Z.Xlink components. 5 Prom,ums charged fOf ovortimo labor requested by the customer. 6. Costs for 1ronsporting the product to and horn the ploce where se,vice is performed. or service calls made by the repairing dealer. 7. Oop!'eciat.100 and normal woar.

a. Damage caused by any of the following: a) Misuse or abuse of the machine; b) the application tho machine is working In; c) lack of propor/required maintonance: d) failure to follow oporating instructions; e) lock ot protection during !;lOfagu, f} vmid.ih ,111 yt •t .. oloments; or h) collision or other accldonts. 9. Normal mam1ooanco and replacoment of maintenance and wear items such es: filtors, oils, coolants and conditionors, blades and cutting edge parts, pins and bushings (except in articulation Jomts), hoses, linos and littmgs, undol'cam,,go, bolts, ilr, t, r, 1► t1!lo and dry clulch Lnings, bulbs, rubber traci

The ropmr or roplacoment of covored components that are defective, es providod In Section A above, shell be the owner's (or lessee's) exclusive remedy for any defect in the product Howevor, if after ropoated attempts such 1opa1r or replacen'll,111! l<1il:. to 11~r,..,;t ,11t" performance problem caused by the dofoct. the owner's (or lessee's) so'8 remedy shall be a refund of the amount paid for the product (In exchange for a return of the product), excluding any transportation charges. Nconse fees, taxes, and 1nsuranco pron1i1:m~ ,ind

less a reasonable allowance for use of the product prior to its return, John Deere's liability for ony ropalr event shall not exceed the actual cash value of tho product if repaired, and John Doore's cumulative tiab1bty over the coverage ponod shill! 001t h r ,_.. fd 11 ,. amount plltd by tho owner (or losseo) for the product. e1tcluding any transportation charges, license roes, taxes, and insurance premiums. In no event will John Deere be liable for any incidental or consoquontial damages {including without hm,wr,011, los:. ,, 1p wt.1 rental ol sub5titute equ1pmonl Of other commercial loss) that may bo sustained due to a defect in the product or the breech or perf0ml8nce of John Deere's obligation under Extended Warranty. CorroctJons of dofocts 111 Iha mannor prov,dod hu,o111 $h,1tt . ,,1 .11,11,, lulfillmonl of all llabllltlos or John Deere to the owner (or lossoo) or any other person, whether based upon eontr•ct, tort, ltrlct llablllty, or othorwlso. Thfs l1mitation doos not opply 10 claims for porsonal miuiy


.,. Extonded Wamlflty repairs can be made In tho field If the purchaser ond sorvlcing dealer so desire. However, John Deare will not be responsible for eny chargos (such as dealer travel limo, milooge, or extra labor plus any appbcabte IIlxos} tJiat would 1101 h, .. ,. 1,1 11 mcunod had the p,oduci boon repaired at the doalor's place of business. H. TRANSFER OF UNUSED COVERAGE UPON RESALE. Remaining Exlended Warranty applicable lo a used John Deere producl is ~ansferred lo a subsequent purchaser of the product ,t· 1. The subsequent purchase Is made before tho product's Exlended Warranty expires; and 2. Tho product Is dotOfmined by John Doore to be fn &etisfactory condition following en inspection porformed by an authorized John Deere dealer, in accOl'dance with John Oooro's instructions. al tho subsoquent purchasor's expense, and J. John Dooro's writton confirmation of tho transfer is receivod by the subsequent purchaser. and

4. E1thOJ (a) the u:.o made of the product by the subsequent purchaser falls within tho same appNcation group designated on the producl's original Application for Extonded Warranty, or (b) the subsoquont purchaser pays the amount specified by John .,.,.10 1,,. converSK>n of the remaining coverage to a diffMent application group. NO STATUTORY OR IMPLIED WARRANTY.Where permitted by law. JOHN DEERE PRODUCTS CARRY NO STATUTORY OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS

J. DEALER CANNOT VARY TERMS OF COVERAGE. All lorms of John Dooro's Extend&d Warranty ore sol forth on this document John Ooere doalors have no authority to make •ny reprosontaUon or promlte on bohalf of John Doore, or to modify tho lorms or llml~lions of Extondod wm ,an1v 1n .my W3Y,

JO-E 17-08 Effoctlvo (09 JUN 08) PAGr 2 ol ~ 3. StructurALL Warranty for new John Deere Products (except Compact Excavators & Loaders, Skid-Steer Loaders, Compact Trac

Loaders, Scraper Tractors, Pull-Type Scrapers, and Forestry Attachment~. which Are not eligible> for Struetur/\LL W orro 11 ty) b1::y,, ,::i d i 111, end of the product's Standard Warranty and ends (unless terminated earlier under Section F, below) three (3) years, or 10,000 hour (whichever occurs first) after the product's original retail purchase or first rental or demonstration use prior to the first reta il purchase StructurALL Warranty applies only to the following structural components listed below as installed on the product at the time 0 original manufacture. If a particular component is not listed below it is not covered by StructurALL Warranty.

Arm; Articulation Joint (incl. pins & bushings); Bin Frame; Boom; Carbody; C-Frame•; Circle Frame; Coupler (John Deere burlt ONLy, Dipperstick; Draft Frame; Engine Frame; Equipment Frame; Grapple Arch and Grapple Boom; Arm; Loader Frame, Mainframe Moldboard Lift Arm; NeverGrease ™ Pin Joints [Includes steering pin and bushing joints (standard equipment}, roller elements (rolle1 bearings) in bucket to boom joints and sliding elements (bushing) for boom and linkage joints (optional equipment)]; Rollover Protect,ori Structure (ROPS); Side Frame; Swing Frame; Track Frame; Undercarriage Frame; X-Frame; Z-bar loader linkage (including bell cran~ and bucket driver link); Specialty booms and arms marketed as "heavy duty" by John Deere.

Items Covered by StructurALL for Cut-to-Length Forestry Machines: Front frame (welded assembly); Rear frame (welded asscmblv1 Crane king post with basement; Middle joint; Cab turntable; Main Boom

StructurALL Warranty does not apply to: 1. Any product used primarily in extreme duty or severe duty applications such as but not limited to: demolition and w1e,k111a chemical plant (including fertilizer plants), salt mines, steel mill, land fill and transfer stations, scrap handling, scarifying and otlit::r applications that are similarly destructive or similarly heavy duty except specialty booms and arms as stated in Section D 3 above

2. C-Frames on H-Series & J-Series Crawlers equipped with root rakes or used in forestry applications unless equipped w1Ih an "extreme duty" reinforcement package. 3. Cut-to-Length Forestry Heads and Slash Bundler Units. 4. Crawlers equipped with optional side booms. 5. Excavator and Log Loader swing bearings. 6. Motor Graders equipped with front- or rear-mounted snow wings.

E. ITEMS NOT COVERED - 1. Freight 2. Adjustments to compensate for wear, for periodic maintenance or adjustments that result from normal wear and tear 3. Damage caused by unapproved adjustments (electronic or mechanical) to machine or machine components outside of published specifications including but not limited to engine, hydraulic components and relief valves. 4. Program updates, calibrations, and pressure adjustments. 5. Diagnostic Time 6. Additional Labor/Labour Time - Above SPG/Labor/Labour Rate 7. Additional Cleaning - Above SPG/Labor/Labour Rate 8. Rental Fees 9. Depreciation or damage caused by normal wear or application, lack of reasonable and proper maintenance, failure to follow ope, :1t1119 instructions, misuse, negligence, collision or other accidents. 1O . Premiums charged for Overtime Labor/Labour 11 . Transportation to and from the dealership. 12. Travel time, mileage or service calls by the dealer. 13. Non-John Deere components or modifications, Rotobec grapples, and attachments installed aftermarket. 14. Shop supplies and maintenance items such as, but not limited to: filters, fuels, oil, hydraulic fluid, lubricants, coolants, cond1t1oners ~hop towels, cleaners and degreasers. Note: Reimbursement for refills of oils/coolants lost due to a warrantable failure is covered when i1 system failure occurs outside the boundaries of a normal oil change (within 25% of specified change interval as provided in the Operntor's Manual }. 15. Torn, cut, or worn hoses. 16. Wear items, such as, but not limited to: body liner, belts, blades, bulbs, lubricated joints (including pins and bushings), dry brakes, brake linings, dry clutch linings, saw blades, chains, skidder grapple shocks, color marking nozzles, and articulation bumpers.

17. Items such as cutting edge parts, delimbing knives, bucket teeth and rubber track are not warranted for depreciation or damage caused by normal wear, lack of proper maintenance, misuse, failure to follow operating instructions, the elements or accident.

18. Any defect in a non-covered component, or damage to or failure of a covered component caused by a defect in a non-covered component. 19. Secondary damage which occurs from continued operation of a product after recognition of the occurrence of a failure. 20. Parts supplied or modifications done by third party suppliers. 21. Topping off fluids when fluid levels fall in the range between low and full 22. Parts/Kits not ordered on machine and installed aftermarket. These parts will be covered by any applicable parts warranty. 23. Attachments installed aftermarket - i.e. Winch not installed at factory. 24. Custom options installed outside the factory - i.e. G.R. Manufacturing option packages. 25. Used Products (except as otherwise provided in section L below).

US/CAN DEERE Wa rranly Statement Ver. 3.0 Effective 19JAN2 011 Page L of 3,..\\ C~\J~C'r\j~

Engine Component M;iinfr;im,• Onl Cornrrehcnsivc +H (Mining Only! ENGINE C&F and CWP 'ONIL Engine and All Components wilhi~ X X I Cylinder ileod ;:ind 9asket X X X X DOC/DPF X [CU X X X X I 1--leclronic c119111e-specd -conlrol system X X X X [ng1nc block X X X Enqme mounts ;ind supporl r X I Engine oil cooler and Jflercooler X X X X Engine 011 lines X Enqine speed controls & linkages X En91ne speed controls & linkages ~ Excavators X- X X Filler mounl I X Flywl1eel l1ous111q nnc.J ansket X X X X rro11I and reor engine seals X X X X I rronl dompcr X X X X ' ruel lines X Fuel lonk and <1ssocialed parts X Fuel transfer pump & gasket X Hydraulic actu ator X X X X lnicction nozzles X X X X lnwction pumn 011d gasket X X X X Manifolds <1nd g:isl

ENGINE - For Selected Products with Hitachi Engines- EX120 , EX1900, EX3600 ONLY C,rn1 sl1nll Connecting rods Cr::mkslwfl Cylinder block Cylinder he:=td nnd cover - X Fly wl1eel housing X X Fly wheel, vibr.:ition damper X X 011 pnn (sumr,) X Oil pan odapter X 0 11 p11111p X I,o<-ke1 ,111 11 X T1n11nq ge~irs 011d l1m1ng genr case / X X Component Engine I Power·/ Power Train j C , M:ii11'r:i111,, Only Train + Hydraulics o rnprchcnsivc l, I (Mi11i11q 011 1\

EXCAVATORS - Hitachi Mining ONUY ./" M,1111 control v._1fve X Z j M,1111/sw1ng /1ydrnulic puInps (excludes~:i.c(__ / ' fulmc;1f1011 oil pumps) ~ _I 1/X , XX I Propel 1r:1nsmIssIons (Clxcludes sprockets) ~✓-Vx :~,:~ ~~~::;;ss;oo, - I/:__r-{__ _ ~- ii Swinn conlrol v.1/vc (brc;ikoge onl/7,excludes o-rin ---.____ ~ and se:ils) X X ~ I r- --._ Swing 1110101 :, X X Sw1nq lrans1111ss1un s X X Twvel motors X v I TRANSMISSION/AXLES /HYDROSTATICS. C&F and CWP O-NLY-- ) /\ccu11111/;ilor and rclolcd relief valves (transmission) /\ I X X ' Axl!•(s) and dirfcrenl1als(s) - - X X Cl111c/1 llous,ng (except dry clutch disk) X - X X Control rods .. X Hydrciulic Differential lock valve & ~ _ssociated parts - X X D1flercnli,1I lock valve & associated parts X Dnveslwfl wil/1 universal joints ... X X X ' r lcctron1c ::ind/or llydrmilic control valves X x X Lxcavato, rotary manifold X X X Exlcrn:il 01 / lines .. X . . I ,iller tubes (tronsmission) -- - X ,illcr ~;crccns X I Fi11;1I dnvc X X X I I Fron! wl1ccl-cfnve sensors (not wiring h arness) X X X Hydroslalic system components 1ncludinrr Propel I molor, llyclrostc:ilic/11ydro1il1c pump and reloted control X X X I valves powering propel ;ind/or swing function (not dig I I t f11n cl1011) I I I Hyd, rn il1 c-fronl-wl1eel-d11vc ;:ix/e and wheel assembly I ' I I (111clud1nu drive pump 0 11<.J 111otor. electric control, X X I X J I solt~noul control valve, und divider valve) I Mr-icl 1:1r1 ic;il-1 ron l-wl1eel-drive differe n lial/ax le I I I ;1ssc~1n/)/y w1l1111 s clnvcslwll, universal joint ,md X X X I control l I mnsmIssIon Oil cooler X1 X ,~ower tnke olf clutc/1 housing (Scraper Tr::ictor _Only) X - X I I 'urnp and valve controller X X X l I \Cve1scr will1 control volve X X 1 I . - - - X Scndino units ;ind sensors X I I Sl11fl-co11lrol linlw~1c - - X I Sp/1ller d11ve X X , X I I Sw111g n,otor nnc1 tm1ke X X I X I Sw111q gcrirbox ;ind beonngs X X X I IOI q1H! (,011VCI f('I X X ' X x i l I r:1ckcd FP.llcr- /Ju11clic1 rotary m:rnifold X X ) I I I rnnsfe1 d11ve X X X I r; 111 sm1~; sIon X X I X Compo n e n t Engine IPow e r / Po w e r T r a in I ·/ Ma111f1,111 ,,. Only Tra in + H ydra ulics Gornp rc lwnsivC' (Mi11i11 u o,,1v i a,,.- ---- I HYDRAULICS ( ----C&F and CWP ONLy ) Control & loocJ lIoldrn9 vc1lves )< X Cyl111clcr packllHJ krls X X I Hych n11lic cyl1nclci 1s X X Hy ~ X I Tr.111srn1ss,on orl cooler ---~~ I I iydraul,c tank ~ ,/' ~x BRAKES C&F and CWP ONLY ) ll1t1ke .iccurnul::itor (Articulated Dump Truck Only) X X iI llr.ike .1ccum1rlnlor (Non ADT) X X I I flrakc jllllllP X X I - I' I lr;1ke v.ilvn X I X I I 'rcssurn recJuc,nu valve X I X I I UnloricJ1119 v<1lvc X: X I Hrcike pressure sensors - X X I Wet p.Jrk I.Jrakc pinion sI1.Jfl, bec1ring, c1nd bearing I X X I ' qu,11 {motor gmdcrs only) I X I ' I Wet service brnkes X X I X Wet stee11ng brakes .Jnd clutches X ~ , X ELECTRO-HYDRAULICS (C:&F and CWP q>NLY ) I Actuutors (D11vc runction) . . .. X X X Controllers (Drive Function) X X I I . I X I Sensors (Drive runctio11) ... X X X I I Ar.tun /ors (Hydraulic Funcl,on) . - X X ' Con/rollers (Hydraulic Function) X X ,,.. I Sensors (Hydrouhc Function) ---- X X ELECTRICAL ..(.C&F and CWP ONLY ~ I /\ltcrrintor I X I c,,urws I I X l11d1c.1l01s X I I l11stru11wnt s X I s c~nsors -- X I ~;cnsors- I ~ot;:iry X X X i' I Starter X ~; t;irter (Scr.111c 1 1 r,,clor Only) X I I S t.irt(➔ I cl, ,ve X !->1; 11 if'I solf'll(HU X Sw,tclwi, X I Vollo9e re(JLll:itor X W iper rnotnrs - X Engine Power Component M;iinfr;,rn, • Power Train. j Com p rchPns ivc· / Only Train + H y d rau I1cs (Mi11i1"J 0111 \ J Wiring h:irncsscs X

L FACTOR'( INSTALLED AIR {_C&F and,CWP ONLY ) Accurnukilor X Clirlc/1 I X Co,nprossor X I Conclcnscr X Dryer X l:: v:1por:ilor X Cxpa 11 sion vnlvc X Hoill(!r l10Sf! I X I Pulley X Se:1/s & r,;1skels X ru,npcralurc control programmer - X OTHER - t&F and CWP ONLY J ~l:l;-:u::'.c7k<~1t:-;l:in:i:"k~og;:::e::-;s;-. ------,""",s:::::=_=:i===p-..:::..--- ,-----:;------;------1 X ' C11 clc d11 vc goarlJox i X 1 1=iln 8, /;111 dr iv0 _ i X / F~111 Pumps & Motors (Hydraulic) X X Molar qrader ci,·cle _ X I Sc;iril, er & ripper linkages X W;isle-H,1ncller Pacl<3ge l1ydraulic valves, pumps, & X motors (Loaders only) X Wincl1 ractory installed only X i STEERING -~&F aM CWP ONLY j) Axles X Crossover reli ef valve X X Pnorily valve X X Secondary steering sys tem com ponents I X Spindles & s1q 1porls X I' I Steerin g linl«:i~JC _ . I X , Steering p11ntp X · X , ; Sleering vcJ/vcs ond cylinders X X I Tie rod & lie rod ends _...,,/\.,----.,.,---·-....., r! STRUCTURES (Must be submitted -as a StructurAII Special Allowance) i C&F ancf CWP ONL / 1------,---r---,------...:..+--Arr11 I =--~ J\.. -~,.;;..;....:;.:::.___ Arlrcul::1 11 011 101111 (incl. pins & bushings) X fl111 Ir ilrllC! X Lloo r11 X C0r I 1ocly X C- lr:irn(• X Circle lr:i11w X D,ppersl ,cl< X Droll fr:irn ee X r=11gi11 e 1r·o 11 w X [qu,prnenl lmrne X I orl


TO: Company Addressed

FROM: Santa Rosa County Procurement Department

SUBJECT: RFP -19-004 Lease of Equipment, Articulated Hauler

Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Santa Rosa County, Florida is soliciting proposals for the lease of an ARTICULATED HAULER. The successful provider shall enter into an agreement with Santa Rosa County which will detail the equipment to be provided, lease rate, maintenance agreement and length of lease; duration of the lease is contingent on annual budgetary funding.

All bids must be in writing and delivered by hand, overnight courier service, or U.S. Mail to the Santa Rosa County Procurement Department, 6495 Caroline Street, Suite L, Milton, Florida 32570, and must be received by 1:00 p.m. CST, November 8th, 2018 at which time will be publicly opened. Secondary delivery location shall be to Suite M at the above address. Only bids received by the afore stated time and date will be considered. E-mailed proposal responses will be rejected. All bids shall be sealed and clearly labeled, "RFP 19-004 Lease of Equipment, Articulated Hauler". Please provide the original proposal, labeled "ORIGINAL", and three (3) copies labeled "COPY" (4 total complete packages) along with one (1) electronic file in OCR (readable) PDF format.

Specifications may be secured by download from the Santa Rosa County Website: (keyword BIDS).

Questions concerning this request should be directed to the Santa Rosa County Procurement office in writing at [email protected] prior to 4:30 p.m. CST November 2, 2018.

The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to waive irregularities in bids, to reject any or all bids with or without cause, and to award the bid that it determines to be in the best interest of Santa Rosa County.

Santa Rosa County Board of County Commissioners encourages all segments of the business community to participate in its procurement opportunities, including small businesses, minority/women owned businesses, and disadvantaged business enterprises. The Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, disability, sex, or age in the administration of contracts. By order of the Board of County Commissioners of Santa Rosa, Florida.

By order of the Board of County Commissioners of Santa Rosa, Florida GENERAL INFORMATION

1. The county is interested in a 48 month/6000hr lease option. Factory/Extended Powertrain Warranty for the life of the lease must be included in the lease pricing.

2. The successful company shall maintain a heavy equipment maintenance facility and have access to parts inventory within 75 miles of Milton, Florida.

3. Each company shall provide any/all insurance requirements associated with their lease program. Additionally, they shall provide a quote to purchase required insurance through their company (if available), and all information required for Santa Rosa County to obtain its own insurance.



It is the intent of these specifications to describe an articulated off-road dump truck hauler in sufficient detail to secure proposals for comparable equipment. All integral parts not specifically mentioned in the scope of these specifications which are necessary to provide a complete and operational articulated hauler, shall be furnished. The truck shall include all standard manufacturers' equipment and shall conform in strength and quality of material and workmanship to what is usually provided to the trade in general. The Truck shall be the latest model, new currently advertised, heavy-duty standard production unit with all standard equipment.

Any units not conforming to the intent of these specifications may be rejected, and it will be the responsibility of the manufacturer to conform to the requirements unless any/ all exceptions to these specifications have been specifically cited by the company and acceptance made on the basis of the exception. The Manufacturer is required to meet or exceed each and every item listed below.


• Electronically controlled, direct injected, turbo charged and intercooled diesel engine, with grouped oil filters for ease of service.

• Minimum 354 hp

• Cooling system shall include two hydraulically driven, variable-speed cooling fans.


• Transmission shall be fully automatic, computer controlled, planetary gear design. Torque converter with automatic lock-up is required. The transmission control must include an operator­ controlled shift inhibitor switch to control upshifting. Axles and Differentials:

• All axles shall have heavy duty, purpose built designed fully floating drive shafts with planetary gear hub reduction.

• Machine must have flexible drive combinations and be able to shift between 6x4 and 6x6 drive mode.

• Should be equipped with an Automatic Traction Control System (ATC), which should be 100% lockable.


• Fully Hydraulic, disc brakes on all six wheels.

• Emergency/parking break shall be sprig-applied or equivalent, air release disc brake on prop shaft independent of service brakes. Automatic application when machine is turned off.

• An engine retarder system consisting of a compression brake combined with an exhaust brake that can be automatically engaged when the throttle pedal is released.

• A load and dump brake, independent of the parking brake and operator selectable, with an automatic application of the service brakes and shifting the transmission to neutral. Selecting a gear deactivates the function, releasing the brakes.

Hydraulic System:

• A closed center, load sensing hydraulic system is required and shall consist of engine driven, variable displacement piston pumps, with a ground-dependent hydraulic pump for supplementary steering. Steering: two double-acting cylinders. Body Dump System: two single-stage, double-acting cylinders.

• Shall be equipped with a body lowering function and an in cab adjustable tipping angle function, to limit machine height.

Electrical System:

• A 24-volt electrical system shall be provided.


• A pressurized, heated, electronic climate control system including air conditioning, and filtered air cab.

• Cab shall have a reverse camera with an in cab color monitor

• Operators seat should be air suspended, with a wide range of adjustments to suit any individual. • Instrumentation shall include gauges for fuel level, brake pressure, engine temperature, transmission oil temperature, speedometer, and malfunctions indicator.


• Tires must be tubeless radial articulated hauler type. Size: 23.5R25, 750/65R25 or equivalent.


• Body volume, heaped SAE 2:1, shall be a minimum of 23 cubic yards

• Payload capacity must be a minimum of 32.0 tons

• Body dumping angle shall be a minimum of 70 degrees

• Loaded tipping and lowering time, combined, shall be capable of 25 seconds.

• Unit must be equipped with an overhung tailgate and front spill guard.


• All grease points and remote mounted drains must be accessible from ground level of non-slip platforms.

• Machine must be equipped with a 90 degree tilting hood and a swing down front grill with integrated steps, acts as a service platform.


Manufacturer's standard warranty/extended powertrain warranty for the life of the lease shall be clearly stated. Items included in warranty should be clearly identified.

Repair Parts & Service:

Since the continuous operation of the truck is of the utmost importance and sometimes of an emergency nature, it is necessary that the successful company be in position to render prompt parts and service. The successful company shall maintain a heavy equipment maintenance facility and have access to parts inventory within 75 miles of Milton, Florida. Said parts inventory shall be of sufficient size and variety to offer a level of parts availability of 95% within 48 hours from time of order by customer. Availability of normal maintenance items such as filters, vee belts, hydraulic lines and hoses shall not exceed 24 hours. Review of the company's ability to provide prompt parts and service will be used in determining the successful company.


Successful company shall provide two copies of Operator's Manual and two copies of current parts and repair manuals, in either hard copy or disc, or both. BID FORM ARTICULATED DUMP TRUCK LEASE

Santa Rosa County Environmental Department

6051 Old Bagdad Highway Suite 301

Milton, Florida 32583 Date: 11/6/2018

Dear Sir:

The undersigned agrees to furnish the item as requested by you for Santa Rosa County in your Request for Proposal and certifies that the equipment meets or exceeds the specifications called for, except as set out in "Exceptions and Conditions" and attached to this form.

Make and Model of Equipment __v_o_lv_o_A_3_0_G _ A_rt_ic_u_l_at_e_d_H_a_u_l_e_r______

Name & Address of Company __c_o_w_i_n_E_q_u_ip_m_e_nt_C_o _m_p_a_ny_ln_c_.______

7950 Pittman Avenue, Pensacola Florida 32534

48 month/6000hr Lease: *This lease is facilitated through Bancorp South and Articulated DUMP TRUCK $ 5,783.31 per month has with it a letter of lease return/buyback between *Please see attached lease quote Cowin Equipment and Santa Rosa County.

Delivery Date Must Be Specified December 15, 2018 We have a unit available at this time, subject to prior sale. ~£?~ Company Representative Signature 850-685-7055



COMMENTS: No exceptions taken to the specifications

*Santa Rosa County is required to provide its own insurance during the term of the lease. The insurance value of the unit will be stated on the lease documents from Bancorp South.Bancorp South does not offer insurance coverage. SWORN STATEMENT UNDER SECTION 287.133 (3) {A), FLORIDA STA 1UTES , ON PUBLIC ENTlTY CRIMES


I. This sworn statement is submitted to Santa Rosa County Board of County Commissioners

_J_o_h_n_E_d_w_ar_ds_,_G_o_v_e_mm_ e_n_taJ_ S_a_le_s_M_an_a_g_e_r______by (print individual's name and title)

_ _ J_o_h_n_Ed_ wa_ r_ds______-,---,-- ---c--,-----,---,--,------,------for (print name of entity submitting sworn statement)

- - -,--C~o~w,~·n= Eq~ui_p_m_e_n_t _c_o_m_pa-=ny=ln~c~--,---~ c---c-=-==-c------whose business address is 7950 Pittman Avenue, 7950 Piuman Avenue, Penacola Fl 32534 and (if applicable) its Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) is ___,6""3'--0"-l'-'4'-'1-<-94-"2=------· lfthe entity bas no FEIN, include the Social Security Number of the individual signing this Sworn Statement:

2. I understand that a "public entity crime" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1 )(g), Florida Statutes means a violation of any state or federal law by a person with respect to and directly related to the transaction of business with any public entity or with an agency or political subdivision of any other state or with the United States, including, but not limited to, any bid or contract for goods of services to be provided to any public entity or an agency or political subdivision of any other state or of the United States and involving antitrust, fraud, theft, bribery, collusion, racketeering, conspiracy, or material misrepresentation.

3. I understand that "convicted" or "conviction" as defined in Paragraph 287. 133( I ){b), Florida Statutes, means a finding of guilt or a conviction of a public entity crime, with or without an adjudication ofg uilt, in any federal or state trial coun of record relating to charges brought by indictment or information after July I, I 989, as a result of a jury verdict, nonjury trial, or entry of a plea of guilty or nolo contrendre.

4. I understand that an "affiliate" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1Xa), Florida Statutes means: I. A predecessor or successor of a person convicted of a public entity crime; or 2. An entity under the control of any natural person who is active in the management of the entity and who has been convicted of a public entity crime. The term "affiliate" includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in the management of an affiliate. The ownership by one person of shares constituting a controlling interest in another person, or a pooling of equipment or income among persons when not for fair market value under an arm's length agreement, shall be a prima faca case that one person controls another person. A person who knowingly enters into a joint venture with a person who has been convicted of public entity crime.

5. I understand that a "person" as defined in Paragraph 287. 133(1 Xe), Florida Statutes means any natural person or entity organized under the laws of any state or of the United States with legal power to enter into a binding contract and which bids or appeals to bid on contracts for the provision of goods and services let by a public entity, or which otherwise transacts or applies to transact business with a public entity. The term "person" includes those officers, directors, executives, panners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in management of an entity.

6. ~ormation and belief, the statement which l have marked below is true in relation to the entity submitting this sworn statement. (Indicate ment applies.) Neither the entity submitting this sworn statement, nor one or more of the officers, directors, executives, panners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in management of the entity, nor any affiliate of the entity have been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July I, 1989. _ ___ The entity submitting this sworn statement, or one or more of the officers, directors, executives, panners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in management of the entity, oran affiliate of the entity has been charged with and convicted ofa public entity crime subsequent to July I, 1989. ____ The entity submitting this sworn statement, or one or more of the officers, directors, executives, panners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in management of the entity, or an affiliate of the entity has been charged with and convicted ofa public entity crime subsequent to July I, 1989. However, there bas been a subsequent proceeding before a Hearing Officer of the State of Florida, Division of Administrative Hearings and the Final Order entered by the Hearing Officers determined that it was not in the public interest to place the entity submitting this sworn statement on the convicted vendor list. (ATI ACH A COPY OF THE FINAL ORDER.)


--..;;:;i-c....LC..-11,,,,- _%,,,,Ja::::_:=.:PA,,tllF;;;;...... ::;..__ (Signature) Sworn to and subscribed before me this ,S- t1t\. day of JJC,Jv' ~W . ~ Personally known ------~----- ­ &!sut~~.~ or Produced identification _'9-__lc,- v_\~"'-~-~~fv~ _L~ Notary Public - State of £-f,g..- l ~ Dv- ~ ✓~ v- L--1 C.&-'.'A,1-Q • My commission expires 1 f ~ ;z.~ ~ 2 0 :z._ / (Type of identification)

______(Primed, Jyped, or stamped commissioned name ofnotary public.} DJ Bancor11_South· Equipment Finance


Sent via: [email protected]

Santa Rosa County, FL

It is a pleasure to submit for your consideration the following proposal to provide lease­ purchase financing based on the terms and conditions set forth below:

1. Lessor: BancorpSouth Equipment Finance, a division of BancorpSouth Bank

2. Lessee: Santa Rosa County, FL

3. Equipment Description VolvoA30G

4. Equipment Cost: $401,910.00

5. Lease Term: 4 Years

6. Lease Payments: (These are approximate payment amounts. The actual payment will be determined at funding date.)

48 Monthly payments of $5,783.31 w/ balloon $160,000.00 due 1 month after final payment arrears

7. Lease Rate: 48 - 3.086% Fixed at closing Indexed to 5.50% Prime Rate *If prime increases rate could increase at closing.

8. Funding Date: This proposal is contingent upon the equipment being delivered and the lease funded prior to *12/15/2018. If the equipment is not delivered and the lease funded prior to 2/15/2019, this proposal is null and void. Any extension of the funding date must be in writing.

9. Purchase Option: Title is passed to Lessee at lease expiration for no further consideration. • Page2 November 5, 2018

10. Non-appropriationffermination: The lease provides that Lessee is to make reasonable efforts to obtain funds to satisfy the obligation in each fiscal year. However, the lease may be terminated without penalty in the event of non-appropriation. In such event, the Lessee agrees to provide an attorney's opinion confirming the events of non-appropriation and Lessee's exercise of diligence to obtain funds.

11. Bank Qualification: This lease-purchase financing shall be designated as a bank qualified tax-exempt transaction as per the 1986 Federal Tax Bill. This means that the Lessee's governing body will pass a resolution stating that it does not anticipate issuing more than $10 million in General Obligation debt or other debt falling under the Tax Bill's definition of qualifying debt during the calendar year that the lease is funded.

12. Tax Status: This proposal is subject to the Lessee being qualified as a governmental entity or "political subdivision" within the meaning of Section 103{a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 as amended, within the meaning of said Section. Lessee agrees to cooperate with Lessor in providing evidence as deemed necessary or desirable by Lessor to substantiate such tax status.

13. Net Lease: This will be a net lease transaction whereby maintenance, insurance (Listed as loss payee on physical damage), taxes (if applicable), compliance with laws and similar expenses shall be borne by Lessee.

14. Financial Statements: Complete and current financial statements must be submitted to Lessor for review and approval of Lessee creditworthiness.

15. Lease Documentation: This equipment lease-purchase package is subject to the mutual acceptance of lease-purchase documentation within a reasonable time period, otherwise payments will be subject to market change.

If the foregoing is acceptable, please so indicate by signing this letter in the space provided below and returning it to BancorpSouth Equipment Finance. The proposal is subject to approval by BancorpSouth Equipment Finance's Credit Committee and to mutually acceptable terms, conditions and documentation.

This proposal expires as of the close of business on 12/15/2018. Extensions must be approved by the undersigned.

Any concerns or questions should be directed to Bob Lee at 1-800-222-1610.

,B,.d'o&,, Bob Lee Municipal Finance Manager


By: ______Title

Date: ______Mr. Bob Cole November 5, 2018 Santa Rosa County Florida Commission Chairman 6065 Old Bagdad Highway Milton, Florida 32583

Re: Buyback offer for Volvo A30G Articulated Hauler S/N

Dear Mr. Cole,

I want to thank you for allowing us to offer Volvo A30G Articulated Hauler for your consideration. The following conditions will apply to the buyback of the unit we are offering.

1. The unit shall be in good working order and will be inspected by Cowin Equipment. Any repairs deemed necessary will be at the sole discretion of Cowin Equipment. 2. All glass shall be intact and shall have no cracks. 3. The sheet metal shall be in good condition and should only reflect normal wear and tear. 4. The tires shall have at least 60% tread life remaining. 5. All maintenance shall be performed in accordance with Volvo recommendations and Volvo filters shall be used. Preventive maintenance checklist will be provided for your use. Documentation of maintenance records will be required. 6. The unit shall have less than 1500 hours per year of operation. For a four year buyback this will be 6,000 hours. 7. The unit shall be enrolled in 4 year/6000 hour Extended Warranty program. 8. Cowin Equipment will perform regular inspections at no cost to Santa Rosa County. It will be the responsibility of Santa Rosa County to notify Cowin Equipment 90 days prior to the 48 month delivery anniversary. 9. In the event one of the conditions is not met, the cost to remedy will be deducted from the buyback amount. 10. Unit is to be leased through Bancorp South. If Santa Rosa elects not to pay the residual of $160,000.00, Cowin Equipment will pay the residual on behalf of Santa Rosa County providing the terms of this agreement are met and will take ownership of the unit. Four Year residual/buyback $160,000.00

Mr. Cole, thank you for allowing us to continue to serve your needs. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call.

Sincerely, '}I-~~ John Edwards Governmental Sales Manager Cowin Equipment Company 850-685-7055 Santa Rosa County Florida BIRMINGHAM MOBILE HUNTSVILLE MONTGOMERY OXFORD PENSACOLA ATLANTA

Mr. Bob Cole November 5, 2018 Santa Rosa County 6495 Caroline Street Milton Fl 32570

Re: A30G Support

Mr. Cole,

I want to thank you for the opportunity to be able to serve you and Santa Rosa County. It is a responsibility that we do not take lightly. It is hard to believe that is has been almost 4 years since you leased your first Volvo Articulated hauler. Your folks have really enjoyed operating the unit and we have considered it an honor to be able to make sure it stays up and productive for you.

We understand how important quality customer support is and we take it very serious. First, as you know, we have a full service facility in Pensacola with factory trained shop technicians. In addition, we also have 5 field service trucks which are basically our shop on wheels. We spend a lot of time and resources to send our technicians to schools to keep them up to date on all the products we sell. As a 5 Star Volvo Dealer, we take great pride in keeping our technicians on the cutting edge. We also have a preventive maintenance vehicle that is set up for performing services in the field in a safe and environmentally friendly manner.

Knowing that parts support is important, we are currently averaging 95% parts availability within 24 hours and can have parts ordered in the afternoon as an emergency order and receive them the next day if need be. To make sure those regular needed items don't get you down, we will continue to work with your maintenance folks to determine which items they would like to have in our protected stock and we will ensure that we have those items on the shelf when and if you need them.

From time to time we understand that you may have a situation where that one random part breaks and you need to be running. In those cases, we have the flexibility to draw a unit from our massive rental fleet to allow you to make use of it when available so that you can continue operation.

Cowin has been in business over 77 years and Jamie Cowin has tasked each of us to put forth the extra effort to help you stay running and productive. I appreciate your willingness to consider our proposal and look forward to serving you. If you have any other questions, please let us know.

Thanks ~ John

Jolin P,tfwanfs, qovemmenta[Safes :Manager, 850-685-7055, [email protected] aaa~•~•~"""uaa&,.i-auaa a a a a a a a & & af ~~L~~ ai f Volvo Construction Equipment North America ; a Warranty - Disclaimers - Limitations .,,"' a Limited warranty for Governmental / Municipalities I

!w Volvo Construction Equipment North America ("Volvo CE'') hereby extends to its authorized dealers ("Dealer") !w f and the Dealer's Governmental / Municipalities customers ("Customer", and both Dealer and Customer are f & referred to herein as a "Buyer"), who purchase a new Volvo construction equipment machine ("Machine") or a new Volvo part ("Part", both of which are referred to herein as a "Product") from Volvo, the following limited I a warranty: a ! Subject to the exceptions and limitations set forth below, Volvo CE or Dealer will repair or replace any part of a f ~ new Machine or new Part which proves to be defective in material or workmanship during the following periods ;: ""' (the "Warranty Period"): .... f Volvo wheel loaders: 12 months/2500 hours, whichever first occurs I & Volvo articulated haulers: 12 months/2500 hours, whichever first occurs & & Volvo hydraulic excavators: 12 months/2500 hours, whichever first occurs & & Volvo motor graders: 12 months/2500 hours, whichever first occurs & A Volvo compactors: 12 months/ 1500 hours, whichever first occurs & & 24 months unlimited hours on DD90 and larger compactors 4 f Volvo pavers: 12 rnonths/ 1500 hours, whichever first occurs f & 24 months unlimited hours on 6000 / 7000 series pavers & & Volvo milling: 12 months/ 1500 hours, whichever first occurs & f Volvo compact wheel loaders (up to 100 net hp.): 12 months/unlimited hours & .,,,~ Volvo skid steer loaders: 12 months/unlimited hours; Lifetime ann for one-sided & & Volvo compact hydraulic excavators (less than 11 metric tons): 12 months/unlimited hours & & Volvo backhoe loaders: 12 months/unlimited hours & f Volvo engines: 12 months/2500 hours, whichever first occurs f & Volvo parts: 6 months/1500 hours, whichever first occurs & & Volvo remanufactured components: 12 months/2500 hours, whichever first occurs & I Volvo Attachments: 12 months f & The Warranty Period commences immediately following the delivery of said Product to the Buyer who first puts & & said Product into use. The foregoing limited warranty shall include the labor cost to accomplish the repair or & & replacement of the defective part provided that the repair or replacement was perfonned by a Dealer. & f The foregoing warranty does not cover: (i) any Product found to have been damaged by abuse, accident, other I & casualty or a failure to maintain or use the warranted Product in accordance with the applicable manuals or & & instructions (Buyer is required to use only original equipment manufacturer filters during the Warranty Period); & & (ii) the labor costs to repair or replace defective Parts after the expiration of the Warranty Period of the Machine & l,t in which such Part is located; (iii) overtime labor premiums; (iv) costs and expenses associated with the & & transportation of Dealer's service personnel to and from the location of the warranted Product; (v) any parts, & & components, attachments or accessories for which Buyer receives a separate warranty by the manufacturer or & I producer thereof (in specified cases said warranty may be administered by Volvo CE); (vi) maintenance items f & or ground engaging parts that have achieved their nonnal service life. & a DISCLAIMER OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND LIMITATION OF REMEDIES a i THE FOREGOING WARRANTY TO BUYER rs EXCLUSrVE AND rs TN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, ! a EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AND THERE IS NO IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS : & FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. & f REMEDIES AVAJLABLE TO BUYER ARE LIMJTED TO MAKING A CLAIM UNDER THE FOREGOING & A WARRANTY AND ARE EXCLUSIVE AND EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO OBTAINING THE PARTS AND LABOR TN i a ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF SAID WARRANTY. a &a 21DI00l547-NA REV. 03/2013 &a a a a a a a aaaaaaaa~aaa~a~&&,,,aaaaaaaa~~a~aaa&aaaaaq.i-aa a aH~dU~&&8~~&8~aa"aaaffa,,~aa""&"~~a~a8d'A~aaa&a~"1.~a,,~ & & a & a a a a a a f Warranty - Disclaimers - Limitations f a a t LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY AND DAMAGES t t Regardless of whether a claim against Volvo CE or Dealer is based on the foregoing warranty or is f a, an action in contract, tort (negligence or strict liability) or otherwise, their respective liability for & & losses, damages or expenses of any kind arising from the design, manufacture, repair or sale of the & & Products is limited, unless otherwise prohibited by law, to an amount not exceeding the cost & & performing the obligations contained in the foregoing warranty, and in no event shall their respective & f or joint liability exceed the value of the Product or part thereof giving rise to such liability. f &a a& a CONSEQUENTIAL AND SIMILAR DAMAGES NOT RECOVERABLE a & & & Except for performing the obligations of the foregoing warranty in accordance with its terms, Volvo & & CE and Dealer shall have no liability for loss, damage, or expense, directly or indirectly, attributable & A to a loss of use of a Product, loss or damage to property other than the Product, loss or damage to the A f Product or any part thereof or any other economic or commercial loss, including, without limitation, f a lost profits or special or consequential damages (except liability for any type of consequential & & damages which by law may not be disclaimed). The parties intend that this prohibition against & A consequential and similar damages will survive and be effective even if the limitation of remedies in & & the foregoing sections is found to fail of its essential purpose under section 2-719 of the Uniform & & Commercial Code. & & & a& a& a& ALLOCATION OF RISK a& & The foregoing warranty disclaimers, limitations of liability and limitation of remedies are bargained & & allocations of risks among (i) the Customer who purchased the Product; (ii) the Dealer who sold the & I Product, and (iii) Volvo CE, which is a third party beneficiary of the contract of sale between the f $ Customer and the Dealer. The Buyer of the Product accepts the foregoing wananty and the other & & bargained for allocations of risk as part of the agreed price for the purchase of the Product to which & g the foregoing warranty applies. Volvo CE is prepared to offer different warranties and other & & allocations of risk for other prices. However, any such change in the warranty or the allocation of A 4 risks must be confirmed in writing by Volvo CE. -A a a & a& STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS & a3 Any action by a Buyer of a Product for breach of contract, for breach of wananty arising under, or a& & for a cause of action arising out of the sale of a Product, whether based on contract, tort ( negligence & A or strict liability) or otherwise, shall be commenced within one (1) year after the cause of action has & A accrued. Any such cause of action shall be deemed to have accrued at the earlier of (i) the discovery & f of the defect or breach, or (ii) the expiration of the applicable Warranty Period. f a a a& aA a a a a a a a a & 21Dl001547-NA REV. 03/2013 & a a a aA & a a a aaaaaa~a&aa-8~~aaaa-aaaa-,,.~aaaaa,,~aaaaa~".caaaaa,,~~aaa"aa&,,~a&a a ,,,------a-c" HEAVY EQUIPMENT SERVICE CONTRACT i.! FULL MACHINE COVERAGE Glynn General Corporation TERMS AND CONDITONS 01/01/2012

Volvo A30G Articulated Hauler, 48 months or 6000 hours, whichever occurs first

This CONTRACT is subject to the following terms, provisions, conditions, limitations, extensions, exceptions and definitions. No person has the authority to change or to waive any of its provisions. This CONTRACT is for the sole benefit of the CONTRACT HOLDER named herein and applies only to the EQUIPMENT described in the CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE. A. KEY TERMS AND DEFINITIONS

• WE, US, OUR, DEALER, MANUFACTURER means the INSURER issuing this CONTRACT. • YOU , YOUR, CONTRACT HOLDER means the owner of the EQUIPMENT listed in the CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE. • ADMINISTRATOR means the company appointed by US to administer this CONTRACT. The ADMINISTRATOR has no liability to YOU. The ADMINISTRATOR of this contract is Glynn General Corporation ("GGC"). • CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE means the enrollment certificate issued by GGC when YOU enroll an EQUIPMENT/MACHINE. The CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE lists the EQUIPMENT/MACHINE serial #, MANUFACTURER, model, type of coverage, years of coverage, hours of coverage, DEDUCTIBLE, MANUFACTURER warranty dates, and extended warranty dates. • CONTRACT means this EQUIPMENT SERVICE CONTRACT. It is a CONTRACT between YOU and US. • DEDUCTIBLE means the portion of the repair that is covered by this CONTRACT which YOU must first pay for each unrelated FAILURE. The DEDUCTIBLE amount is outlined in the CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE. • EQUIPMENT/MACHINE means the EQUIPMENT described in the CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE. • MECHANICAL BREAKDOWN or FAILURE means the actual breaking or electronic failure of any covered part of the covered MACHINE while in ordinary use arising from faults attributable to manufacturing defects in workmanship or materials in such MACHINE causing sudden stoppage of the functions thereof and necessitating repair before it can resume work. B. COMPONENTS COVERED Full Machine covers all parts except those specifically identified as not being covered under section C. WHAT IS NOT COVERED. C. WHAT IS NOT COVERED 1. • Alarm (back up) • Batteries • Bed liner • Cables, control (external) • Doors, door latches, handles, or hinges • Horn • Lights (operating or warning), bulbs • Maintenance items, tune up supply items • Mirrors, mirror brackets • Muffler • Multiple fuel injector FAILURES occurring at the same time • Paint • Radio • Seat assembly & controls, seat belts • Tires • Tools- all ground engaging tools Page 1 of7 • Undercarriage components that fail as a result of normal wear • Wearffear • Wear Items such as dry clutch and brake discs, including brake bands (Internal wet brakes are covered) • Weather stripping • Windows, wiper blades • Loss of time, inconvenience, bodily injury, property damage, or other incidental or consequential damage that results from MECHANICAL BREAKDOWN or FAILURE, including: loss of use of any EQUIPMENT or consequential loss of any nature whatsoever, penalties for delay or detention, or in connection with guarantees of performance or efficiency. • Storage, freight charges, shop supplies, EPA charges, waste disposal charges and taxes. • Repairs to any non-covered parts. • The cost of establishing preventative procedures or the cost of recall by the Manufacturer of the covered EQUIPMENT or any part thereof nor the cost of alterations, additions, improvements or overhauls. • Additional loss or damage which is occasioned by the CONTRACT HOLDER or operator's failure to use all reasonable precautions to protect the EQUIPMENT from any further loss or damage after a MECHANICAL BREAKDOWN or FAILURE has occurred. • Minor adjustments

This contract does not consider a machine's downtime with relation to parts availability or job completion deadlines. 2. MECHANICAL BREAKDOWN OR FAILURE caused by: • Collision, negligence, misuse, abuse, or lack of maintenance • Any external cause including but not limited to the following: 0 aircraft and other aerial devices or articles dropped there from 0 collapse of buildings 0 earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption, or other convulsion of nature 0 explosion 0 fire including fire extinguishing 0 flood, inundation, escaping water from water containing apparatus, 0 lightening, hurricane, tornado, typhoon, cyclone or other atmospheric disturbances 0 subsidence, landslide, rock fall, avalanche 0 theft or any attempt of theft 0 or clearance of debris, demolition or dismantling arising from the above causes • Any legal liability of whatsoever nature • Any wastage of material, wearing away or wearing out of any part of the EQUIPMENT caused by or resulting from: o boiler scale o cavitation o corrosion o deterioration due to chemical or atmospheric conditions o erosion o ordinary usage o other environmental conditions o other scratching of painted or polished surfaces o rust

Page 2 of 7 • Arising out of the FAl LURE of an otherwise covered part that does not meet manufacturer's specifications, including modification and/or alterations to the EQUIPMENT not approved by the manufacturer's authorized representative or the ADMINISTRATOR • Caused by the application of any tool or process during the course of maintenance, inspection, modification or overhaul • Caused by the imposition of abnormal conditions, directly or indirectly resulting from testing, intentional overloading or experiments • Covered by warranty, repairer's guarantee, other service contract, or insurance policy • Damage to a covered component that is caused by the failure of a non-covered component • Directly occasioned by pressure waves caused by aircraft or other aerial devices traveling at sonic or supersonic speeds • Due to continued operation and failure to protect the EQUIPMENT from further damage caused by lack of necessary coolants or lubricants, of a covered part which is damaged by fuel or lubricant contamination or rust • Slowly developing, deformation, distortion, cracks, fractures, blisters, laminations, flaws or grooving or the making good of defective tube joints or other defective joints or seams unless such defects in damage otherwise covered under this CONTRACT • That is a direct result of a mechanical or structural defect when the manufacturer has announced a public recall or a product support program for the purpose of correcting such defect • That occurs prior to this CONTRACT'S issue date/effective date, whichever is earlier, or after this CONTRACT'S expiration • Transportation to and from repair facility • Where it is determined that for more than one (1) month or two hundred (200) hours that the service meter has been inaccurate, inoperative, or altered so that the EQUIPMENT'S true usage cannot be verified

D. CONTRACT RESPONSIBILITIES, LIMITATIONS AND EXTENSIONS OUR RESPONSIBILITIES WE agree to pay to repair or replace any of the parts covered, if required due to a MECHANICAL BREAKDOWN or FAILURE when the MECHANICAL BREAKDOWN or FAILURE is deemed to be covered under this warranty. YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES To keep this CONTRACT valid, YOU must have YOUR EQUIPMENT serviced as recommended by the EQUIPMENT manufacturer. If requested, proof of required service showing date and service meter hours of the EQUIPMENT at the time of service must be presented to the ADMINISTRATOR during the time period in which a claim is being considered for payment. Failure to provide proof of service may terminate the service contract and result in the denial of the claim.

Upon customary and reasonable notice of the occurrence of a MECHANICAL BREAKDOWN or FAILURE, YOU shall protect the EQUIPMENT from further damage, whether or not such MECHANICAL BREAKDOWN or FAILURE is covered by this CONTRACT. Any operation of the EQUIPMENT that results in further damage, related to the original MECHANICAL BREAKDOWN or FAILURE, shall be considered YOUR failure to protect the EQUIPMENT and shall not be covered under this CONTRACT.

Upon submission of a claim the repairing DEALER or YOU must provide all of the required information requested by GGC. In addition the repairing DEALER or YOU must provide a detailed and valid failure analysis related to the failure of the covered component related to the claim.

Page 3 of7 The ADMINISTRATOR must be notified of any proposed alterations or additions to the EQUIPMENT and of any proposed departure from ordinary working conditions and if any such modifications be made/or the maximum current or pressure at which the EQUIPMENT is designed to operate, or any lower maximum stipulated by the ADMINISTRATOR in writing be exceeded without the written consent of the ADMINISTRATOR, then in the event of BREAKDOWN, no coverage shall exist. If the ADMINISTRATOR cannot approve the proposed modification, the coverage may be terminated. E. CONTRACT PERIOD/TERRITORY

The contract period is outlined in the CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE.

EQUIPMENT is not considered new if it has less than 60 days of base warranty remaining or if the base warranty has expired based upon its current meter reading in relation to the base warranty hourly limitation.

If the EQUIPMENT is new, the time and hour limits of the term selected start the day the EQUIPMENT Manufacturer's Warranty starts and at zero (0) hours. Coverage expires when the length of time or accumulated hours (whichever occurs first) of the extended warranty term selected is reached. If the EQUIPMENT is used, the time and hour limits of the term selected start on the date issued/EQUIPMENT delivery date and from the hours on the service meter on that date. Coverage expires when the length of time of the term is reached or total hours on the EQUIPMENT is equal to the sum of the selected term hours plus stated hours on the EQUIPMENT at delivery date, whichever comes first.

This CONTRACT applies only to a MECHANICAL BREAKDOWN or FAILURE occurring within the United States and Canada. F. LIMITS OF LIABILITY

Limit shall be limited to the reasonable price for repair or replacement of any covered part; not to exceed the equipment manufacturers suggested retail price. The "Reasonable Price" for repair or replacement is based upon nationally recognized flat rate and/or factory manuals. Labor reimbursement will be based on the DEALER'S suggested list price for shop labor. The contract will only allow for a $3.00 dollar differentiation between different labor classifications as they are related to the DEALER'S suggested list price for shop labor. The necessary replacement and/or repairs must be made with parts of like kind and quality, when available. If any parts are found to be unprocurable, the maximum liability shall be limited to the retail price for the costs associated with the necessary repairs to return the unit to an efficient operating condition as if the repair parts were available to the repairing service facility. In no event shall the limit of liability for each occurrence of MECHANICAL BREAKDOWN or FAILURE under this CONTRACT exceed the lesser of US $75,000 or fifty percent (50%) of the purchase price of YOUR EQUIPMENT. The aggregate total of all benefits payable to YOU under this CONTRACT shall not exceed 50% of the purchase price of YOUR EQUIPMENT.

The intent of this extended warranty is not to restore the product to a like-new condition, but rather to restore the product to its operating condition just prior to the extended warranty covered failure.

All repairs must be performed by a manufacturer authorized repair facility. The repair facility that performs the repairs must warrant its work to be free of defects in material or poor workmanship for a period no less than six (6) months or one thousand (1000) hours, starting from the date that the machine is put back into service, GGC reserves the right to consider component coverage based on a component's function when it is determined by GGC that a terminology deficiency exists in the contract wording. G. SUBROGATION Page 4 of7 YOU agree that WE, after honoring a claim on YOUR CONTRACT, have all rights of subrogation against those who may be responsible for YOUR MECHANICAL BREAKDOWN. YOU shall do whatever is necessary to secure such rights. YOU shall do nothing to prejudice such rights and YOU shall execute and deliver to US instruments and papers required either securing or maintaining such rights. All amounts recovered by YOU for which YOU were previously reimbursed under this CONTRACT shall become OUR property or the property of OUR designee and shall be forwarded to same by YOU, up to the total amount paid by US under this CONTRACT.


In the event of any dispute concerning the interpretation of the CONTRACT by US and/or the ADMINISTRATOR, it shall be resolved by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association. YOU must first request arbitration from US or the ADMINISTRATOR in writing within sixty (60) days after YOU receive written notice that the dispute cannot be resolved. For claims arbitration, written demand must be made to either the ADMINISTRATOR or US within sixty (60) days of the claim denial. All arbitration proceedings must be held in Brunswick, GA. I. TRANSFER OF THIS CONTRACT Contact US and submit the following: • This CONTRACT - Written evidence verifying all maintenance requirements have been met. • A copy of documentation evidencing change of ownership and service hours at date of sale. • Photocopies of documents sent to the manufacturer verifying transference of factory warranty, if applicable. Conditions: • This CONTRACT cannot be transferred to other EQUIPMENT. It can only be transferred to a different owner. • The EQUIPMENT is subject to inspection. • Transfer must take place within fifteen (15) days of change of ownership. • All remaining underlying warranties must be transferred to the new owner. • Failure to notify the ADMINISTRATOR of the transfer will void the remaining contract period. J. CANCELLATION The ADMINISTRATOR or INSURER may cancel if the covered EQUIPMENT does not meet the established underwriting guidelines. If the ADMINISTRATOR or INSURER cancels a full return of the premium charged for the covered EQUIPMENT will be processed, If the CONTRACT HOLDER requests cancellation, the cancellation will be subject to a one hundred dollar ($100) processing fee. The return premium will be processed on a pro-rata basis minus the one hundred dollar ($100) processing fee. No return premium will be allowed on cancellations for covered EQUIPMENT on which a claim has previously been filed. K. IN CASE OF MECHANICAL BREAKDOWN OR FAILURE Within ninety (90) days of the date of FAILURE, the repairing DEALER/MANUFACTURER must provide the ADMINISTRATOR with a Repair Order detailing the FAILURE and the repairs, along with such other explanations or evidence as may be reasonably required by the ADMINISTRATOR, including a statutory declaration verifying the contents of the Repair Order, other explanations or evidence. If WE ask YOU, YOU must allow the ADMINISTRATOR to inspect YOUR EQUIPMENT to gather necessary information regarding any claim. YOU may be required to supply the ADMINISTRATOR with all maintenance records for service performed on the EQUIPMENT. If the cost of repair is greater than one thousand ($1000) dollars, the DEALER/MANUFACTURER and or YOU must, if requested, provide the ADMINISTRATOR with adequate photographic evidence of the Page 5 of 7 affected parts, or preserve the parts affected, and make them available for inspection by the ADMINISTRATOR, or its representative.


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